. , ' , Tuesday and Wednesday ? HI? I ^ A XX "^z7" TT\TrAX7X3 L/1 ]\TX^T71\Tr I ^ I MARITIME forecast \ X llJZj 1/iilLI lllJJlliX iLilJUIllll I Sandy Hook to Hatteras: Moderate east Z "l0>t COMBINED WITH THE INDEPENDENT, A WEEKLY ESTABLISHED BY W. O. SAUNDERS IN 1908 1936 proTably"cSionalStrata Say ll!LJ "" ELIZABETH CITY, N. C., TUESDAY. .IANUARY 19 .937 ...... .. ======! ^ olIVliLb COPY 5 C^NTfe* \ Gradual Lowering Of Relief 1 imitated by Presi (KrJ' Request for Appropriation L;-. This Year (!\iiij?!?v<> Miist Co-oper-| j > Kt ? ;? Krlicf ifh i ::?a Forecast Vl. T :n. 11. ?(U.R)? ! today sharp employers fori atk-week 20 per .sth of NRA and a>lced v S790.000.000 to j fir. :: a>>t of relief dur- ! :ns die year which i to S2.215.000.000 a ilf of what it ' ??e previous 12 m volt has asked . :: 1 853.000.000 for :: 19J8 to care for the ' is..'. ;:e and idle. V j-upi'raiiuii w;. r this amount will be! jU;;to meet all needs. the j -tu-.. mphasized again to ?nd ipon the cooper- j ? < v"tt nd to the gov . ;n reducing the size of - Mr. Roosevelt reiter- I ri tr. .. letter to Chairman B" nan. D.. Tex., of the utiat.cns committee, cia " *::o government would : men. women and chil- i cirer. of America who "are desti It. no fault of their I OTO." T'.t " r. ncy toward a longer week :?;> had ah extremely im portan: effect on reemployment." h Mr. Roosevelt wrote. "Hours of I, work tr. manufacturing industries, ( as shown by the bureau of labor! | statistics index, averaged 33.3 ( i'.oui - week 'n September. 1934. The : reased by 20 , per cent, to more than 40 hours j< per week in October 1936. h AVi... ant nz n. -t industries , 'Continued on Page Eight) Police Find! ^cgro \\ oman ? Badl\ Scalded 1 ? Nearer |)a?h('(l a i Pan of iioiiin^ \\ atcr < >n Her a V\ eek Vi?o T' discovery in a house on ? ? street yesterday of a i lored ?.voman terribly scalded > < - tin face ana upper part of j V. led "o the arrest of Ber ni Spr '.man Bel!, Poplar street Is charged with hav- ? i a pan of boiling water trired woman's face. /ible came to light when " Police Chief Meads, in >f an investigation of ? ? i"h had come into cir 1 ;r.d Maronica Harri r home, swathed and ilid in great pain from ? received last Tues-1 day. nearly a week before. It is I re likely that the woman lose the sight of one eye. to her story Bernice . called her to her home : after first offering her a of v i us key. which she re- , ] T. tioned her about her 'tons with John Spellman . j. of Bernice Boll. Maronica < she told her that her : was old enough to look out , va affairs and charges ( she was about to leave i >'?m. Bernice took up a pan water, as if to use it Continued on Page Eight) W eathcr Statistics ?January 11, 1937 I f MI'I KATI KE v. go for January ?44.40 Hi.'host today 72.00 | .owost today 43.00 , Average today 57.50 ? K-tress today plus 11.10 Average for the year 60.60 30.43 Cil'iTXTION (In inches) : A- eraue for January 3.60 Amount today 0.03 ?1 amt. this month 1.44 o amt. since Jan. 1st 1.44 ue for the year 47.50 1 ? u ection-?North East ' r of Day?Cloudy W. H. & ANDERS i' Hertford's New Amusement Palace HERE is the first photo of the new State Theatre in Hertford, made for this newspaper by Frisby's Studio, on the occasion cf the formal opening last Friday. Claim Heavy ?/ Losses At Madrid ; ?j Say Week-long Drive to the Northwest (lost 4,000 Dead Madrid. Tuesday. Jan. 12.?(U P1 Mcarly 1.000 Germans were killed a-hen Gen. Francisco Franco's reb ?1 legions were repulsed at subur oan Aravaca. loyalist officials :laimed today. 7 The week-long siege cf*tne rut ted northwest sector, where in surgents swept down the Escorial highway in great waves, was said to have cost Franco more than 1.000 casualties. During the height of the fight ing around Aravaca. about six j niles to the northwest, the rebels illegedly used tear-gas bombs and ! lung squadrons of new airplanes ; nto the decisive battle. A loyalist communique tcday ! said loyalist troops, advancing un 3er cover of a low-hanging mist, had opened a new offensive rgainst Las Rozas. Mahadahonda md Villa Neuva del Pardillo. Several strategic points and large quantities of war materials | 'Continued on page eight? (lorn mil tees Birthday Bail A n n o u n e Vt. (? Morse, Jr., General (.hairninn, Names (!om mittees to Help Him A complete list ox tne commit- | tecs for Elizabeth City's 1937 | President's Birthday Bail was an nounced yesterday afternoon by W. C. Morse, Jr., general chair- i man. The general committee is com posed of Mr. Morse, chairman, N. j Elton Aydlett, W. C. Dawson, A. H. Outlaw. Robert Page, Howard j Graul, Buxton White. Keith i Saunders, Jesse Mercer. Frank W. j Selig, Jerome B. Flora. Mrs. J. W. ? Cox. Mrs. W. W. Stinemates. Miss Margaret Fearing and G. C. 1 Meads, secretary-treasurer. The committee on decorations ! and arrangements is composed of j Mrs. G. C. Meads, chairman, and , Mrs. N. E. Aydlett, Mrs. J. T. j Coppersmith, Mrs. Ray Jones. 'Continued on Page Eight) Industrial Bank's Directors for 1937 Are Elected Here Directors for the Industrial Bank of Elizabeth City for the year 1937 were elected last night at a stockholders meeting at the bank. The following men were elected I as directors for the coming year: I Miles Clark. M. G. Morrisette. I Frank W. Selig. S. W. Twiford. C. E. Thompson. C. B Morrisette and U. VV. Ward. i r ? -n Some Aspects of the Spanish War V. / By UNITED PRESS Chancellor Adolf Hitler eased j the tension of Europe's war | fears Monday when he assured j the French Ambassador in Ber- j lin that Germany has no designs on Spanish Morocco. More grave complications ap peared in other continental cap itals however: London?Soviet Russia asked j England to support drastic in ternational naval action against the Spanish insurgents on the J high seas. Geneva?Diplomats heard [ that .3.000 Japanese volunteers were en route to Spain, mobiliz ed as part of an anti-Bolshevik J crusade. London ? Suspicions spread j that Hitler might be seeking a I foothold in Morocco as a means j of enlarging the German Em-' I pirc. Gibraltar?Ten German sub marines were reported in the I Rebels port of t'euta, Spanish Morocco. Another report said 10 German military experts arrived j from Naples and were taken in to Spain by insurgent officials. Madrid?Loyalists claimed to | have smashed the Rebels' "Big j i Push'' on the capital and to have forced the enemy to re treat into the Guadarrama mountains. Paris?Officials said neither France nor Germany would con sides ceding any territories to German. School at Sunbury Is Declared Unsafe ' Sunbury, Jan. 11.? State au- ' thorities have condemned the Sunbury school building as un safe for further occupancy, so there will be no school during the present week. The school furni ture will be moved to adjacent buildings and rooms. The teach erage wiil be vacated by the facul ty members and used as class rooms. A delegation of school of ficials left Monday for Raleigh to confer with state authorities about the building. It is not known at this time whether the building will be repaired or rebuilt. Landis Leaves SEC to Head Harvard School Boston. Jan. 11.?(U.R)?The board of overseers of Harvard University late today officially confirmed the appointment of James M. Landis. 37-year-old di rector of the Securities and Ex change Commission and member of President Roosevelt's original "brain trust", as dean of Harvard Law school, effective Sept. 1. Landis will succeed Dean Emeritus Roscoe Pound, who re- \ signed last September, Fix Time For Shad F i s li i n g Divide Sounds Into North and South Zones | Different Seasons Gill ?Vets Fob. 5 and Pound Nets Fob. 15 to May 1 for North Zone Raleigh, Jan. 11.?