!?! Vtoto RoleijRh N C 00 ". / | . Bll^l The Daily Independent ' f==? ?1{)08 COMBINED WITH THP Ivni?nnxTr?E Have %i,ar and j|, *>> IViz Saving ,... V" April 23.- OJ.P-? ! "> vn to: tpl t 5 drive to cu down , v.-rltead end pr.yroi| ?pice? meal" i . thai cio -vpe of work. :ri'""'.v.:nced tlwt he will in : ? ? .0 con "ft-o - :e V.orae owners loan : t'-> ? end the feleral hous l" "hi. ?? .? ten for a $24300 2 : and said 20 or r-o agencies could be ???;; c- profttab'y. *3-- said the discussion of j J"~r "moves following Presi- j "I' "r . ? ? - budge: message but warn - mriv economize and 11..'.- . write tinnecetvary ' Lending The Tight senator is ^ :er.ate reorgsniza.i-ni rmrrtee and ;< leading a light ...;::p;ny>cuttn; reorgan reor ciaticn program that would ? ? i:.. empowermc the president " v^av: and eliminate j--; 5 . - found necessary. \ - idem's m sage indicat j i cross treasury deficit of md 53 OCC 000.000 for the cur r fr-cal year and of more than C ntinucd on Page Three > | 'Uawk Man' Is Killed Vs His "Guile Fails American \\ ho >uarnl y% itli Caina* Dit> In French Fxhihiliim B RALPH L HEINZEN C. - :<} Am : " ???..o c.a lined ... of the ? from ^ 11..1 a : 50.000 as he grace Soar., who , on iris - ' r.e ir. Lan rr.:r. , . 600 feet to ite failed xiabition of years he Had barn *? United States r** i- :. ir..; from air p Vi3(i ?'??ci-ns through the; !!.'? - - .nus strap and a v-snapc j .tivtched be imitate his T-l. ''-one today' v.7'"'"r' ur?i'P:a from an air ?p.." * 1 of 0 800 feet. A >7 *7 He soared.; s. ; the -trange bird. " e sracc oi a-mg a white pow C"-'-r.r. s or. Page Three) Fetchit Hurt Ba% In Auto Crash Step! YJk April 25. ? (U.??I ^ con-r ?Eliza Neste!. 80. last of the mid gets who 50 year ago played with the American Liliipu.ian opera company, died today. Only eight days ago her broth er. Charles. 88. known on the stage as "Commander Foote", died, and grief at his passing was believed to have hastened the death of the tiny "Queenie". Blind and unable to walk. Eliza was carried tocher brother's cas ket la : Monday. She ran her fin gers gently over his face end then was taken back to bed to die six days later. Brother and sister began their | theatrical career in 1861 in "The Little Ptopie". produced by the lute Co!. Eliinger. With them were such famous midgets as Mary Doyle. Col. Dotte and Jennie Quig ley. After Jennie Quigley's death in Chicago a year ago, it was learned that . he and Commander Foce had been sweethearts. In 1881 and 1382 the tiny pair appeared four times before Queen Victoria in London, and lunched with her. Commander Foote adopted his staee name because of his frus j trated desire for a soldier's life. He wore a uniform at every per 1 formance. Both parents ?the father was i a black mith ?a sister, and a brother, were of normal size. British Mobilize A Host To Guard The Coronation Soldiers and Police Will Pmleel Line of March On May 12th London. April 25. ?(U.R>?British authorities tonight began the mo bilization of 52,000 policemen, de tectives and soldiers who will handle the coronation crowds and protect scores of visiting digni tarie... Britain's royal guests and offi cial envoys from foreign lands will be surrounded by guards from the moment they set foot on British soil until they sail away. In addition to the personal bodyguards, numbering into the hundred... 30,000 troops will line the route of the coronation pro cession on May 12 and 20,000 uni brought from the provinces?will be on duty. Nearly 2.000 Scotland Yard de tectives in plain clothes will work "under cover'' among the crowds. The 30,00 soldiers, flanking the route on either side and standing almost shoulder to shoulder, are part of the ceremonials. But if any trouble should break out they will come instantly under the com ! mand of Scotland Yard. The police vigilance will be most strict along Constitution Hill and the Mall?leading from Buck ingham Palace to Whitehall?be cause history ha# shown this spot to be the favorite of would-be as sa sins. It was there that George An I (Continued on Page Three) Two Wanchese Girls Heard On Radio i.?iun