mm fU "I! Kill LE IN KKKKl'T APEIL30, 1S88.) Mull and Express, daily sxeepl Sunday, South bound leaves KHz .i.-lu City at l.::sO p- m., .rtlii'iuinlt luaven at -..u, p. ru. Kitoatoa koounttaodattoa dully (exoept Sun 1 nyi it 'liiK Hiuitli, lenv KUzabetb Olty 1U:15 r. .1. n das aorta, tears K. city at 7, a. h. rbe above trains, exceit Fish train, wblch riiSoB.1, i, :t an-1 4, arrive and dep irt from nedepolot tba Norfolk, & Weateru railroad, t , rf -1 k . " Uloee BOBarettOM at Norfolk wltb n,.i steiwasr s t all mil kt Elisabeth city With steamboats for all poiats ..ii l'KH.u..tank, Alligator, Pamlico Bil l Nome rivers. Al Kdi-uton With steainars for all polnta on Chowan, blcapperuoiur, Little Claahle and Roanoke rlv.-rn, mid JameKvllle At Washlutf i ii, and Alboiuarle ,t Haltdgh railroads. ThnAaui rl'lyinuuih, lylii between Eden t .ti and wuiiHiiiHii, ii, win t-o to Hamilton on 1 uesday and Friday of each week, leaving Ibai dae ati clock A.M. on Wednesday ami Saturday. Norfolk l'liKnenger and Freight Station at Suffolk Western Railroad depot. Freight reoelrad dally, except Sundays. Through tickets on sain and baggage check-.-. between tha Principal stations and Baltl m .re, Philadelphia and New York by Bay l.lm and Did Dominion steamers and . Y p. and N. It It. from Norfolk, and between Nor folk and Newborn, Washington, Plymouth, WUUaiaaniP, Windsor and Jaineaville. M. K. KINO, General Manager. EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH Fast Freight Line- Kegular Hue of steaaaara k Kortll Car diua It. It , Net between A Ian tie In rue. Washing ton an. I Elisabeth Cliy. I'. .11, llll II between KUzabetb CHy and New find Norfolk Philadelphia., Baltimore Th rough ears, as low rates and quicker time tb.-iii by any other ronto. Hired all goods to be shipped via Eastern Carolina litnpaicb aa follows; vis Norfolk Southern It. It.. Is 111 more by r. w v ii. it. K. Prealdant st. station; Phlla i I. I. by Pennsylvania It. K., Dock street Html. N. Y..rk by Pennsylvania It. K p ..r : N . th River; T. SEI.I1Y HARNEY, Agent. Elisabeth City, N. C. lOf .' .' I H K SO I.MCI TEH S. V Tumi Siiinils, Brai Sim :o'i- lilliliti i & ( '.I , Mnnutacturt'rs Uhepks, Etc., Norf ut', 103 Water street. certain lad in town threatened to J leave 1 1 " -r liiii-liaml lull lie promised t liililullv to A WiImmi's Imy all lii groceries at Davis ii she wus content, ( II LI) REN'S 1 wool .Jerseys worth sed out at 2 cents ut I ;tre being r te Co s. 1) an 1 buy boots and shoes until you have carefully inspected the stock of Ii I Reliable Hoot and Skoe Co. 1) EMOCRATH and Republican all ml; thitt. is that Davis ft Wilson are nioKfessivi - the iho-i enterprising and i . 1 1 1 g in lit Isytown, niing exieiisiveiy in a lew articles; 'buying from manufacturers for cash and ntieiidini! Mi irtly to business, enables li t Ueliabli Hoot ami Shoe Company to una. i ell all rivals. T a. lies will titul all the new styles of j uillinery at the Relialtle Moot - Shoe ( .. -lore on Water street IMh- l.iiu.'ii Liuslers worth $1.25 at ;nti Si . vrorth fl.voaf. $1 at Fowler ml by mail for one and if you A ( pleased, money refunded m laeoli Spellmun drew the Soli" Watch Club watch last Saturday. M :s a. s. NEAL keeps the most stvlli an. I atliiiclive .Milimerv store in town. All lials trimmed in the style. Ml enods sold at lowest cash prices. On Watet streel si the Pendleton House. P do it ase the bablr. Fowler & Co's va at ten to fifty cuts each, lace will I A1.ITY up; Prices down, Kummin an. I t us. Robinson &i Co. S' UP your supples, soruare your sails, i yotii rum pass, and steer for Robin miii A ( ., tin luiven that is alwas open Is tiargniliti seekcra, it is it friendly port ami tlieii-are no harbor charires. Tl I HE A. T.F.'F. (Anything foi Fun) l lull hiiNedi i nletl I lull all tin nrovis- ir ! heir 'plctilcs Ibis summer shall be in 1 ill icei Itobinson & Co's the 1 ow ii rphe 1 oil a liable Root anil Shoe Company Valei street sell reliiible goods at prices that w ill give reliable wear. 1 it no I'ret r ab Ii Bi nit it , I):ivis& Wd it rock bottom keef riHE froti JL 1 1 ut k bi Is Would have killed all the fact that the seed .V Wilson. il lor the M as w .lo 1,1 of Uavis Ml II lii m'Ih A lady teacher lor 12 or liiis. .Musi be able to teach r - 1 1 P. Miller, Avon, Dare instc. Add dinty, N. t XA.MlNKlhe cellant and unxcelled m i ci its and confectioneries at Hut ir. ,v ilson'i wler A Cos. Frencb Nuns ml for atvmples. Veil- NTfcl) 1 .1 111 HHltl.tMil) feet of pine m ii rs, Iliglijest caau pnei irwiMMl's mill. iElia. Ciiy. ut I 11- Misrepresented in the adage e pudding, not the string," chewing ike "sure on Allen (.III. Il I ii . i ! us us, iiowever, can rt ss brick. Allen has a line kiln of pro brick at soil mud brick price. Larger, less porous, bi tter defined corners, smoother than any brick in tin-disi rii t. Remember they are r essed. Hot soft mud easels drawing six feet water, can load at Allen's pier with brick. No porous hand made or soft mud machine brick M Im-e "rim j "' ingredient is water, but pressed solid and Arm. mi Sale e cow f . -Om r beet milk cow and calf$2S i20. E.F.LAaTB. Uobingon .V Co received a cargo of nit a nil a cargo of lime this week. Si lie ililS iK( ini another loi of elc innl wati Ins for his clubs. Th be g Watch Chip tildeinic. Dr. lever is getting 0. Phogy savs Il ill ue Knows ui no cure, ami tnai every man Woman and child will have a case (gold Watch case with finest quality of intes tines). John Sawyer's hai'dwarf store is too araali, I hough of large sic. His goods -Spread all over the side walk and even out in the middle the stieet. &11 the latest styles ol boi-se collars at Sawyers. Standing, turn down, etc All the dude borsea buy their collars as well ns Other harness at Sawvers. Strictly pare Par Green for sale at Dr. N . W. Qrigg's Drug .'tore. biiiiie Saw vet eh. up. ; don't you forget that John L. keeps furhiiure, aud sell's it .W0,000 bricks .for sale. Good hard oarm-d brick at Thompsons' brick yard, scemible-to vessels drawing seven feet Water. My bricks were awarded the first prize at the last county Fair, their repu tation is furthei established by a liberal patroi age for the last hfteen years, aud I "iiln siini inelv refer to my old customers M sustain their iuality as being the best "rick nude ia this country. GkahtB. Thomtson. Jeln ihe i.oufa Bettat w tcii club. Kvi ry It,.,,,r Bbaald Have It. 11 ta not ;,!ivays convenient to call h WX i,Rn ' V( r iale tibnent. Having Ked Flax Oil ui tbt house you have a K p Burns, Bmises, and all A. hi and Pair,,. lux..K) . ' we&c"11! ,r ..' ;""' ,l" tw lone of them v '" -;' onsuinption 1 no eqtui for Coughs, Cokk and umpiion. ivice 25 Cents Cure Con- At Ur. V. W. G rlggB Drug Slore Join Hw i.ouls Melts; Watcaciub' eft! 13 mi mm C. D. Rutter. fermorir r.r am 1 ., I City, has accented a J ,i , S Clothing House: the ! house in Norfolk. V'U""U8 A rneetirjK of the Senatorial Commit tee of this district is called at the Albe marle House on, Monday June 11th. Alemliers of the committee will accept this as an official notice. C. G. Luke, Chm'n. The Democratic Executive Commit te of the First Congressional District are hereby notified to meet at Elizalx-th City, N. C, on Monday, June 11th. 18-8 ai 8 o elock: p. m. at the Albemarle House, lor the purpose of fixing "the time and place of holding tfie next Congressional Convention, and for such other business as may come before it. District papers please c py. l. II Rrowo, Jr. Chm'n FALCON FEATHERS. Henderson has electric lights. :Sliarter & White's store is assuming an imposing appearance. Improvements on Rurgess street in the way of house building. The !liOO insurence parsonage has leen paid on the Baptist ,R. R. Winborne Esq., has been elec ted Mayor of Murfreesboro. Capt. Conklimr made a flying trip home to Long Island this week. Mrs. J. R. Etheridge of Raltimore is visiting her sister Mrs. F. M. Once. Col. L. D. Starke of Norfolk is buil ding a cottage at Virginia Reach. Baron Munchausen sits in the editor ial chair of the Washington (N. C.) Pro gress. Spring chickens are selling trom 20 to 85 cents. Poor Ed's, cant eat spring chick's. Seven years ago to-morrow the N". S. R. R. was opened. There was a "Syn dicate excursion" on that day. Mrs. H. O. Hill is visiting in Norfolk. Mrs. Spruill of Columbia is vieiting her daughter Mrs. M. R. Culpepper. Miss May Whitehurst is in the city, the guest of Mrs. F. M. Grice. Oh! that we could recall a few years of our life. " The young ladies of Plymouth gave a leap year excursion. Our young ladies are not improving their opportunities. Are there no white Republicans in Chowan ? There were none at the Con-, venti n last week; the blacks held the fort. lathe case of State vs. potts, of Beau fort county, for the murder of Linene, the Supreme court decided there was no error. It looks very much as if there will be a railroad from Portsmouth, Va . to South Mills, which will eventually stretchout to Goldsboro. H. W. West and wife of Cornland, V. , bavins been on a visit to their mother Mrs. G. W. Brooks, returned home Monday. Isaac Leigh bought the building for merly occupied by Mr. Love, on Road St. near Church, and has moved it to his lot at canal bridge, Lost between the Depot and Water St. a pair of gold spectacles. The tinder will be properly rewarded by returniug them to P. W. Melick. The Virginia Agricultural, Mechani cal and Tobacco Exposition will be held at Rlcbmand, Oct. !5rd. and will close not later than Nov. 21st. Several Sunday schools in Tyrrell will have a union pic-nic at Sprnili's fishery on Scuppernong river, the first Thursday in June Dr. Wm. J.Moore, one of the most widely know and resoected physicians in Virginia, and the oldest physician in Norfolk, died last Saturday. The postmaster at Mur'reesboro has made improvements in bis office. The Index says it is the nicest and best arran ged in Eastern Carolina. Tiie Secretary of the Treasury has sent to the House a recommenoation for an appropriation of $47,000 for a saw mill at Norfolk navy yard. Dr. P. John of the Carolinian is at tending the Republican Convention in Raleigh. M. B. Culpepper is at the edi torial helm in his absence. The New Albemarle bus the most polie. entertaining, and handsomest clerk in the State, if you don't believe what we say why come and see for yourself. Mrs. W. W. Archibald of Buffalo. N. Y. and Miss May Gibson ofBicbinond.Va. arrived here on the mail train Satnriay, and married by the Rev. Mr. Skinner. Nash countv is two thirds for Alex ander, one third for Fowle. Haxifax in structed for Hill for Supreme Court. Warren county delegates are for Alexan der. Peas quoted on WednesHav in N. Y. 1.7" to $?.5(H per bbl. Oabbaflre $2 to $2,25. Berries 7 to JScts. Prices have ruled favorably for truckers this season. Gov. Scnlee t in fitteniV"fe "non the General Awni4r of the- Pi ( sbvteri-m church n. RtlUmorp. D" will afterwards nttend the Prestiyterian cen'nni:il in Philadelphia and preside one night. Mu. A R Jacobs hns been traveling about the district recently TTe is a .an didnte. but not for office. For p:itron:iro at Nafff onlv. and he is leaving nothing mi done that ought tobe done. Mr.-Chas. Belz. of Phila. who bfsin tins town for some time entraged in tbe lumber trade, was called home verv s d- i denlv on Monday, to attend tbe fnnerel ot Ins sister, winch intelligence was a se vere shock to him. a Election in Norfolk Thursday, to late to report in this issue There is two Democratic tickets in tbe field The Re publicans waited unlil late Wednesday night ere they made thetr nomination lil-.e a thief in the night Ac, - A fight ocenred t the R. R. depot Wednesday morning, lietween a white man and a negro, names of parties we could not learn, onlv one was a feather bed man from Washington N. C, the white, man gained the battle. - Did vou ever know such a cold MV? has licen frequently asked of late. Tn 1870 there was frost the night rf the 35fh Tn 182 there was frost the night of the 18th. Frosts in May are not rare. May 1880 was hot, the niercur' reaching 02 on the 20th. - At the meeting of the Orange Pres bvtery in Greenboro the agent of Home Mission was authonved lo draw upon the funds to secure permanent supplies for Elizabeth City. An appropriation was made to aid in the erection of a church" building here. We waited until late Thursday even iner honing to -et some definite news of the Republican State Convention but failed. We only learned of the nomina tion of O H. Dock cry for Governor and T. C. Prit chard for Lieut Governor. Full proceedings In next issue. The ball at the Tnew Albemarle on Wednesday night, was a brilliant one, the music was charming, Ihe ladies were as nrettv as pretty can he. and tbe young gentlemen gallant and handsome, want of space renders it impossible to enumerate the guest present, and costumes &c. Mr J B. B racket t. commissioner elect for the ensuing year,, gave a supper to his many friends (which means legions) on Wednesday evening at Creecy Park. Everything to tempt the appetite of the most fast ideous-and all present expressed themselves as having a delightful time. Arrivals at the New Albemarle House on Thursday Mnv 24lb: R. E. Simmons, Phila.: W. W. Portiock. Norfolk ; Ed. Chewing, Richmond; A. S. Brown, Nor folk; Somers Etheridge, Bal't.: A M. Hedam. al't.; W E Land, Norfolk; Jos. Bascio, Norfolk; Ralph Buscio, Norfolk; Nicholas Bascio, Norfolk: D. Preston Parr, Washington, N C . M F. Whalev N. Y., Mattie E, Staylor. Noif lk: Tabb'ie Kellam, Richmond; Mrs. J. S. Etheridge, Bai t.; May Whitenurst, Backwoods, Va. -Renn.enta.lve, at the M last ni,. Zt TwS, ZTli ortolk. : M-ss wh?lSTrfc nd was gradu ted from RaiulolplMacon I w"nW lfln1 "'"" ""r 8 of y,,r acni.uiit Richmnn.l: Miry A hiteburst of B.cK- C(,n wllt.r; hc waS also tutor, giving I f,,ue yhowoaM :are to "l ,,!1,,"ts 5 woods, a. I , ,.,.,,.: f i:tl:lw.,.:i,. i 0.. f ! t"f newspaiiers in connection with such of Woodville, the property owed us an old handbill of Mr. John Bundy, which we give aa a relic of "ye olden time r Notice is hereby given to the free voter of the county of Pasquotank, that Polea will l.e open on Tuesday the 7th day of November next, at the Court Houae ISixonlon Ne vlandand Bridgcfield, for the purpose of receiving votes for Eleven Electors in the State of North Carolina to meet at Raltigh to vote for President and ice President of the United Statea for the next four years from the 4th day of March. lpj When and where you will please attend and cast your votea This 20th dav oftiepteamber, 184. JoaaTtrs A. Pool, Sheriff. N. B. 1 he same Inspectors will pleass hold the above election that held the election in August last. J. A P. 8. A Mon. i. r Sanark. Cat. Lorenzo Wfttta with two boats crews killed a large shark, a few days ago, in the Ocean off Wreck Point near Beau fort. The monster was killed alter a des perate fight lasting two hours. When he was first struck with the harpoon he jumped his full length out of the water. After being killed he was towed ashore, measureo and dissected. He was 1H feet long, H feet across his breast, und weighed two tons. L'pon cutting him open, his stomach was found to contain fi sharks, the smallest measuring 0 leet in length! This ugly fellow must have been ravenous indeed, in fact he was a regular cannibal. His mouth was large enough to mil a kerosene bin rel into with room to spare H. bad three rows of teeth, one inch wide ami two inches long. Our oldest fisher men pronounced him to lie the largest ever killed on our coast. Beaufort Re cord Mi l. k..l bv two Negro Men. Yesterday morning a gentleman named Jackson, from Gates county, N. C, was telling some persons in the market about bow l.e was attacked on the road, just this side of Suffolk, by two negro men while enroute to this city with produce! The reporter of this paper hearing him, leit inclined to know all particulars, and asked to lie told. Said he: I was driving along slowly, away behind the other members of the party. Presently I seed two negroes coming from out the woods, with sticks in their hands. One of them walked up UJ me and says hello. John, going to market? Let a fellow ride Bays 1, neighbor, I am loaded and can't. I reseotly be jumped upon my shaft and grabbed for mv throat. I struck him over the eye with the but end of my whip; he fell.and I thought there wasja dead neg ro in me roail. 1 he other fellow ran. I Cid not ston lo see what dumber Tx hu.l don He then chuckled. They haitit got to fool with me. V rginian. By authority of the Denucratic Exe- cutive committed ol Perquimans county a convention was called by the chairman, Mr. J. M Wbedbee, May 19th. The chairmaa stated in very approp riate language that the main object of the meeting was to appoint delegates to the State convention to be held in Raleigh M iv :) .th 1888. All the townships were represented. It was moved and carried that at this meeting delegates lie also chosen to at tend the District convention to be held in Kaleigh on the same occasion. The following delegates and alternates were chosen for the State convention with the instruction that the alternates to the State convention be delegates to the District convention, and the delegates to the State be alternates to the District: Delegates: W. B. Perry. Joshua Skin ner. T. G. Skinner, J. D. Parker, M. II. White. Alternates: . I. H. Blount, E. D. Win slow, Robert Pratt, R. L. Blount, J. H. Parker. On motion a Central executive commit tee was appointed as follows: Hertford, L M. McMullan. cb airman- Parkville, Joshua Skinner; Belvidere J M. Wheedbee; Bethel, Theof. White; New Hope, B. F. Gregory. At the close several flue speeches, show ing the earnestness of our peonle for the prosperity of our tate, and the surpre maty of Democratic principles in her borders, were made by Hon. T. G. Skinner, L M. Mi Mullen, Theo. White and other gentlemen. I lie convention by a lanrc majority favored the nomination of Dan iel G. Fowle tor our next Governor. J. M. Wbedbee, Chm'n. A M. Simmons, Sect'y Pro Tea. Prof. Frank C. Woodward, a few years asro pastor of the M E. church in this town has been elected to the chair of English in the University of South Caro lina. The Charleston News and Courier says of him : Prof F. C. Woodward is too well known in this State to icquire extended notice. I As a professor in Wofford College, first of ! Latin aud afterwards of English, he has ! efrtahltBhed a rertiUntaiin ,i aolwilar nn.l i teacher which justified his call to the I University of the State without applies j lion on his pari and will cause his accep- n: ... n-.a i ii i i iii tl u t- ;n ii oniiru v iinei- unve neeii i most conspicuous, especially in the chair of English, Prof. Woodward has acquired a reputation second to none in tbe South. His scholarship is thorough aud fully abreast with the latest results His views ot language and ot language teaching lie long to the most advanced and philoso phical school of thought, and. as s t forth in his recently-published eeaay on "Eng lish in the school," have met with an ap priciative recognition in tbe highest quarters. His methods of instruction are thorough, inspiring and effective; indeed, few teachers in the South have ever awakened more enthusiasm. His acces sion to the faculty of the University will greatly strengthen its teaching po-er in one of its departments of widest iuterest and importance. Prof. Woodward is in the prime of life. His persona! qualities are most solid and attractive. He is a member of the Metho dist Church and one of tbe leading lay men ol this State. Sliiloh Item. Several horses in the neighborhood have died recently. Nath. Stevens has invented a new scare crow, to which he at taches his dog.a crow won't come in a mile of the howling purp. Joseph S. Morrisett Esq., attended the Baptist Association in Chowan this week. Mumps are still on the rampage. John W. Halstead was down to old Trap last week, he is getting his ducks in a row to secure tbe Republi can nomination lor the legislature. John is well known down here and we will fix him, we'll put Dauiel on him, Daniel the would be magistrate who John did nol ap poiut. A Warning. of death's 1 lie modes ot ovatu s approach are various, and statistics shew conclusively that more persons die from diseases of the Throat and Lungs than any other. It is probable that everyone, without ex ception, receives vast numbers of Tubercle Germs into the system and where these germs fall upon suitable soil they start into life and dev. lop, at first slowly and is shown by a slight tickling sensation in the throat aud if allowed to continue their ravages they extend to tbe lungs pro ducing t onsumption and to tbe bea , o..ctn.r ('..tjirrli .nv all tlitfi i.l-inirr- ons ami if allowed to proceed will in time cause death. At the onset you must act with promptness; allowing a cold to go without attention is dangeious and may lose you your life. As soon as you feel that something is wrong with your Throat Lungs tr Nostrils, obtain a bottle of lioschees German Syrup. It will give you immediate relief. Elisabeth Vttf Kuterprue. The well known and popular druggist Dr. W. W. Griggs has taken the Agency for Dr. Lee's Liver Regulator which he recommends lor the quick cure of Dis pepsia. Billiousness, Liver Complaint, and all BlooJ Tumbles. Trial Bottles Iree. It is a well known fact that Puritan Cough and Consumption Cure has cured Consumption and Chronic Coughs and Colds, when all else failed. Price 35 cts. Mr W " Thompson, TRYING EXPERIMENTS. The pubhc can scarcely be blamed for try bag MatraM thmwa in ita a., ButtlkM you know, the public is easily huiabucgcd, and is willing to try anvthinr" H R B rommida. Itself, does not fight other reanedies. and aland oa it. can naerit Wit neaa the follow inr aUMOatTKD TO ILL M.BMiA, Btaai..,Jaty It, 1W. For a Dumber nfaeai I Have nSmd aauaal a uy tar eaVta ut ii p teua. I had - aae iremtca tw, evcral aroaaiam ri . .tut inuc, ii ut rrnrr I ltM w KTcai paicat meatdae aui.rt-ptuf mamrj, aat yet axa "" anrartcal Uj the .-arm nM t by B. B. t. aaU I eaaaaea- Oot mm faitk la the reaulu. tu m, attar 3 -Hl and Wrt, prrJlTjrZT. tax tu the aaaaafjaaal onalltte- of h B K i . doc .-ofDiuea! It too aajaly to taoae misTaraaf truaa 1 rm, j . o. i,injV Tralaaaaa LIU. t K Send for our Book of Wonders, free. Address. BLOt I 1 ; A I . M I 0 Hemlth aad Kuhloa Important to la diss. When you find the leading modistes aad fashionable dressmakers of a city like New York uniting with New York's prominent phy sicians .in the recommendation of an article of female apparel, you may put it down that you have discovered some thing worthy of more than passing no tice. I've hit upon that baka avis ami my wife says it is my duty to make it known. The trouble with moat applian ces lor the arrangement of woman's dress according to the rules of health, is that they interfere more more or leas with the lines of beauty and grace, and every one knows that the average woman t God bless her) would sacrifice health to style every day in the week. Here, however, is a case in which no sacrifice is required. Let an old married man, old enough to be your grandfather, talk plainly to you. dear Miss Gotham. You wear corsets v Of course you do; well then you are aware that in the ordinary corset the greatest, discomfort arises from the fact that most ladies break the clasp or front Steels of their Corset or that it holds them in such vice like grip that it is impossible for the body to assume any ether than an erect position. Now suppose you found a corset made of excellent material which would fit you like a glove and obviate all this? The article of which I speak is Ur. Nichols new and Improved Spinal Sup porting Corset, introducing in its con struction his celebrated Patent Spiral Spring Clasp; pronounced by the leading modistes, the fashionable dressmakers and the most eminent physicians the greatest invention since the introduction of corsets, rendering it impossible to break the steels or clasps and making the corset adjustable to anyfoim, vielding readily to every movement of body, and relieving the most delicate and vital or gans from all injurious pressure. The sole manufacturers and owners of this valuable patent are the well known firm of G. I). Nichols A Co., 884 and 3-6 Broad way. New York who want agents in ac parts of the country to sell Corsets Elec trie Hair Pins &c. No experience re quired, four orders per day give the agent J150 monthly. Our agents report from four to twenty sales daily. $3.00 sample corset tree, send 10 cents postage for Sample and Terms. Ladies who do not desire to act as agents can obtain Illus trated circulars descriptive of this great invention on receipt of 2cts stsmp. Not only is it the best fitting and most con venient Corset in the World, but il is the only one which has received the unani mous endorsement of the medical sion. Editor in New York Paper. lappliie iji.lj-. Face. Unfortunntely the masher is not rta only male nuisance in Brooklyn. A dis tant and much more offensive relative of his is the unknown ruffian, who, a few months ago, made his practices, although not his personality, notorious by mali ciously soiling expensive gowns with to bacco juice in the neigh borhood of Dr. Talniage's church. A few nights ago an equally offensive and ruffianly, but much more practical and dangerous, individual made bis appearance on Fulton' street. His victim was a young lady who resides within easy walkiug distance of the IwMgar She had crossed from New York in a bridge car between 7 and 8 o'clock in the evening and was walking up Fulton street alone, .not dreaming of insult and still less of violence on that thoroughfare at so early an hour. Iss than halt a ' block above Sands street she received a I sharp, stinging slap on the face. She I turned, surprised and frightened, and'saw i that her assailant was a well dressed. gentlemanly looking fellow. "I leg your paid. hi, miss," he said, '"it was a mis take," and he darted off without another word. A dozen men witnessed the assrnlt, but the only one who took apparent notice of it conllned his attention to the young lady and not to her assailant. "Oh, that was a terrible blow, miss; did it hurt you?" he said. "Yes," replied the still fright ened and confused girl, and wishing to avoid further notice she hurried aa ay, wondering, when she began to collect her senses, if the man who slapped her face really mistook her for an acquaintance. nU " &- wh' ne cnose to Kr1 t'- Quaintance in so startling a fashion. She learned all about it when she reached home, for she then discovered that the fellow had stolen from her ear a valuable earring. "Did I report the occurrence to the police?" she said to the Kau.ibler, after ail occurrence. I am ulail enough that notoriety hasn't lieen added to my fright and my loss, but I don't think I shall ever feel safe again when I am out alone after dark." "Rambler" in Brooklyu Kaglc. The Iliatance of tha star. The distance of the star Alpha Centaur i may be stated in round numbers to tie 20,(XK),000,000,000 of miles. Now, a M lion means a million of millions, so that the distance of Alpha Centanri may lie Mated to lie twenty millions of millions of miles. Iet us now try to form some con ception, however imperfect, of the amazing distance. I-et us suppose a railway train to leave the earth traveling day and night at the rate of fifty mUes an hour without stoppages. In six months it would reach the moon, in 200 years it would reach the sun and in 0,000 years u would reach tbe planet Neptune, the orbit of which forms the extreme known limit of the planetary system. The same train, however, would not reach the star Alpha Centauri in less than 42,000,000 years. One more illustration may be useful Comets, in general, revolve in very eccen tric orbits. When a comet is in the peri helion of its orbit it is comparatively near to the earth; on the other hand, when it is nt the aphelion it is remote in many instances very remote from the earth For instance, the celebrated comet of 18.V. known as Donati's comet, one of the greatest comets of modern time, at the time of its passage of the perihelion was distant from the sun 50.000,000 miles; bnt when it has attained the aphelion of its orbit (which will occur in about 1,000 years hereafter! its distance from the earth will not be less than miles. Now our typical railway train starting from the earth would not reach the aphelion of tbo orbit of Donati's comet in less than 60. 000 years, and yet the aphelion distanca of Donati's comet b oidy one seven-hundredth part of the distance from the earth to Alpha Centanri, the nearest of the fixer) stars. Good Words, After Four ,alf laeeteaee ia tha aeaparaliaa af aiit (haa Oaa Uaadrad aaaad applleaUoaa for ia Uaitad Stale, aad Koraign eoaa. triaa. tba pnb!i.h.r or tha iM.rinaa aaatiaaa la ut aa aulirtaaa far paleaU, aiait, irilt ait., taw ruhu. au.. for tha United &Uta. mmt to obtain pateota ia Canada. Kaglaad. rraaoa. Oarmaaj. and all other coaatriae .inaei nea ia aaeqallod aad facilitiaa are aaaar paaaad. Draviaaa aad anlllialiiaa ptaparad aad Had la tha Patent OSea on abort none. Term, twj raaaoa.bla. We charge foe aaiaaliaa ad adaaa ar draviaca. Ad tic by aaail fraa P.taaU obtaiaad through Man. ACa. araaotioad lath. aCIKWTIFIC AMKRICA,-hioh haa tha largaat eiroulation aad ia tba aoti laaaaatial p.wvpapar of ita kind pablialkad ia tha world. Tba adeaatacaa of aash a aotioa ararj patanlaa Thia large aad aalaadidl in. wpabliihed WEEKLY admitted u, hatha beat pap at CSJiaraar. ar deeeiad to kwm. enaiaeariag work., aad ta af ladaatrial utoanaa. pah- I la .n. aoaater. It aoataiaa th. mt all arataea aad title af aeaty la.aatiaa palaatad week. Trr It fear aaeatb far aaa dollar. be all nawadaalera. raa bare aa laeaatiaa to .! Mi u: afel-Sfi Sir AITIK laiMl l'..K HtLTiaoar. pr aa. laar. Pacrteaay yean I hare hem rrMMH tth al.Trated buweJa aasl WeWiaa I kea ml grew re y weak aasl thia fii r 'aal r ml M "l I have ael ft ar a4Uea .f K. K. It . mm ' galaVl is a wetgat. a4 (eel better la -era! health than I hate f lea yeara. I re -ita aeady-jar B. R. R. a the het aaoMrlaa I hate errr aaeo. aal uae rt i la.trmti i , the u- of U4aas bvmI r Titan, r.i ..rxii . sarra M Kaeter street. ATI. tNTA.G Ola t l. I.ouIh He-1 Ik Watrh Hub araka'i .iimri vi. The best Salve in the world for Cuts. Bruises. Sores. I'lcvrs. Salt. Rheum. Pev r Sore. Tetter. I h ippl Htiida. Chilblains Coras, ami -.;i Skin Kruptioua. and p,,k.. lively cjr- P:'-e. or no M rcuird. It is Kiiaranlcvd l.. ghftj MM aatisht. li.n. or money refunded Price 2 cents per box. For sale bv W.aal Jk Wad ..rib. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Ti Rierer rarlt. arcapA i4 .'.-v. .. fhaa tAf r4ai a lii.ti ut -. peltfiom iriH tkr awlfiixf of mtum f i t'tp' al- i- '. SO TA I. H I A". PO WbM Yutk. 1 ''"' P-''t Ire. . ...el..!.., 1 "'Ti. j 2! 1. 1 LOWRY JR., 1ST. , . I I'HKSKNT T 1ST OFPIC1 1I DRESS, Huryeiis l.-riiitiiatift Co., 0 M. C. Geiser Wlanf g Waynesboro, - Co. Penn. Dealers in Saw Mills, Si-peralors. Trac tion, Portable and Stationary Kr ginin of all, and all kinds ol machinery. IW All machinery sold will lie guaran teed and put down in od order. I.i I n tli. I.ouIh He!lK Witlcli Huh. rjATAREH WenJ ea I S 1 v ' ! FREE WB. s- l.-U -l'KKB v. 11 .t f.... D a i at. . LMalf Haw. too Coach, nrmu-hlt! h. Rronrhltl. Arihma. InillMLMl 1 raasB R'S CINQER TONIC -ill .!. . Ii bait cureJ muTu in.- aeaal ow .aad m tha be rwmmij - Z . m .. , H 1 and dinrUara ot Muaaacti and UiaeU. avo. at i I mi iaa MEMORY -MAKES- SUCCESS Wholly unlike urttnciiai ti .tenia. Any liiidk It iirrid in I rvurttiiic. Ohm f 10S7 M BnMhaaea, inodm IMn it l.'Oii at rhiUUehllilj. In-fr 1 1. e ..I l hail I. 4 Lan Muileuts at tale. W.-ll.- i i. IWiiillla. I'll verity, haulanqea. Ac, -. l.y I'lrii ikii I'kihtok. the x-WniUt. li u. Astok. J 1 ti a 11 I. Hicm dun, Jn.igv I.O.-.IN. Iir. Baows, K. .CMC, lMn. iiai N. Y. Male ..rl inal l .Item, T. e i -tt-ii I- 1 e. I. . Ily 1 Iit rorre p a 1. n. e. '"r-i tua eneT i f.rtc in.a rwr. LUtsaTi ie, liim m.- . n. EXHAUSTED VITALITY THE SCIENCE OF LITE, the great Me.ll. al Work of tba age on Hanh. ud. NVrT .ua aad I Fhralcal Debility. Prematura Decline, Error, of Touth, aad the untold mlM.rte.coneAjuent thereon, 3W paces leo, OB uraacrlpUona for all dlna.aa Cloth, full gilt, only $i.oq, by' mall, aealed. Illu.trtte .ample tree t-.allyonng aad mlddla-aged men. Bend now. The Gold and Jewelled Medal awarded to the author by tha na tional Medical Aaaoclaiioa. Addraas P. O. boa ISttV, Boaam. ktia, or Dr W. B. PAKE EM, grad uateof Harrard Medical College, S y ran' pracUe. In Boston, who may be cou Milled coaBdeatlaUy. Spaclalt v, DUeaw. of Man. onto. So. I Uuinm b M. MASON & HAMLIN IffiBilS ''v- aha d II n hi -.1 Ui ira. I. .t- M l lu 111 thr ii. Hu nt , hal tbe Ma-. u A llainliu I aya r thii. nffMaaef a- tb' till- W...I.I. Ma-. n A HainHn nler. a l.'ni.iu-lr.:;..ii . I the nacqaalledev rlleu -! their ..teal:-. Ibe Im I that at all the meat t .ill - Fxtili-lii n . -iu-e thituf FatU, MST. In naaneMtoa Habl a Keraof all . ..until,--. their have intailalilr t ik. n Hie tilKhe! hmr r-. Illu-liai. I . alalnane. itt1 1 1 tlaai. . Cr.iid anil t'prfK. V; - II A llatulia .I i n i he ilale lo M the extraordinary . lalm ! thi ll I ..III.-, that llii-t ale anm r v lien- e t.i all -tiler... 1 lit i rv rnl" Hit- ik' i a. hteved l,r nthet li-a.linir maker, lb Ibe ail .f putn.1 tHitlilina. Imt -till . latin .uie 1 .tly. Tkla the.T attilliute m U Iv t Ibe letnai k.i.,.- in..r.Te luetlt llaln.lm-eil l.l lllriii In l!ir ii-ji I--. and BMW kn .an a- the" "Maa.n A ' Hamlin liana Strlngrr," l.y Ihe u-e of ahl. h l I. the gtealeat puiltt ami leiinemnit ..I tar. t Itetbi . a illi gleam 111' : a III f' 1 ,1 lie, ali.l ihet in -. i tai.i aiila- ara. A rfieu! ir, . main. utr t. -.tun.. liial- I: ii.lliiae huti.lred iiii.-tia-er.. mii-i. Ian-and t i.. r. -eul l-'Keiher with deacili tivr . ..I-l gu "... ani a pti.ani. Puuh and (irirana culd for .ah or ram jmj menu; a - . leuted. MASON AND HAMLIN ORGAN AND PIANO CO BOSTON IW YORK CHICAOO Ellaahwth OatV Marheta. Reporwd ery week by T7. C. tUnrrr. dealer n Hidea, Fura, Junk and Country PTuda-e. Faui tr. Mat ti law. Cora.. Oat. . Fcaa, blvkeye Peaa, Mark. Hay, per cwt Irish potatoea Old fowat Igwa Hogs, lire V m oca, ariaai j v a. . Hides dulL Dry flint to as aaltod s to ra. Oreen.J to S),. aeeawax Is. Wuul 1 to JONES mmm ni haa to to o. iaj atofcahv r aaila itait f iaataTii, B1U11AA1TUM. N. T RPTAl, nJ u. k. anin: ir it m aiii.n I L.m. anm- " ' ' " iotb.rraT.. MTpaaaiv r.. nr,r.r health h? Ihe Inileil T. ,"""T,r" i n.'iii.iaa- a ... , , irroni. T.k. It In n.,i. It .... . . . . . ... . i lir- III the Mid $11. . . i .i to 9 la : J.I 3 LKUAL K0 TCMA CHAR A L I TH i U..MM a t e J r ist I s:; 4 the t .ahr . t" aa. la lawa laav a lat. Thai the d IW .mWs Sad. Thai the atat at a Para. TV-altrJ fmtt T I a'-th isi, aa r. r. h . n T. w m. J. u V. II. WfeHe. mm hu. . r. Rail Jr i c K. It. N. M. T. hj A. U Afe.1 I .h. .I n rlea .f ! av .r-has I" Ui mi letter aasfcer perl. .urt nt ana .i..i '"mi. wilanaa ui. p. r "an V. hr aa I they are .at.r. Ihe laraar - . . , . ii ii -.. ineunifeti mm ... .mi. . . i . m . . a IL- I V... tee the Mine U i HSi h Tm 1 . M mw HI i. a U. Mi Ule Int.- JhaVJ L j. r. iHeraiaa, tTrrh .4 he ut.. f l'ailal oaali. hate ,r,r" au.1 n. SIr. i thr aaal al the airl tt-mmr la tOlaa- .k in.. . s.i. the 4ai J. I. leth Waparht i uatt. NOTICE. Uaia Hualitlt-il aa ailailaHtratrU om the ra Ute ..f Saiuael t artartrhl. .M-eaxil. all arraha ltvli Me.1 , the eatale ale heTet. reaalrr. lo . aa.1 -etlle. AH per- aa . i. rlaliaa aala-i the avtatj am preheat iheai B baeiiit-m althln tarlae niMilh lr a the .hale aere-.! . tah. aSM-e a III i aled ia ir ut iheti fee" eel y. Thbi Mai 1-th. "a. MaaT t 14aTan1.n1. aim a. 1 MOT) 1 K Th.. 1. Mr. aa. I N.4l.a j 1 t I .. '.; ii aan. Hi-irllah Nral n. II. n .Nralein. P.-II.r N ll.l ink iP.I J r, t II. naiur 1 .1.1. arr hr re ai 11. I ae aar I ale ( a 1 1 ha hi h 4e tut the I t the ur, .. r f .i..iaiir W4 ol .r.nlt. an-l I the tia. I f Un.l In . unli. . 1 the Ut. John Sr. ta-ia hrUI II nan-e a a iwitit- n aw th. H1..1.. Lie ll.f.lil .klrluUiil. l-..- irmai. ia - lai .a. llli.lllLb.1 ........ la uVleaJaiiu air tarrt.a unlrre4 l af- I ear Be al my e la Canllu h naiatjr J UiiiI I I. .1 . a.ll lael. V.t t MB, t .lemur I 1 the mwm aa II. U. aW c h aaaa. 1 haa - r " haa lhl aa) lieea ti.rme.1 al a parlurrai. M.rra Nral . 1 1111 i... ami th. ii. 1 u.lrm ..1 .in. I., ia. 11..111. of N. I ndera...l aad a . t . .atlinue ibe u.luew heretitlare e -adurted t.y Seal m I a.ler- t May Ut 1-wv if A7. 1. A .Vfc'O ( , n r DRYCOODS Wholesale and Retail. mm s:n, sot. , :s tn r Btinmr nm, Ik-tween Light and Char lea Streets BALTIMORE Importers. Jobbers and Retail ers of Dry Goods. Are pn pared lo offer a Cinder. Kllrn site and Select Mia k. not rt-rllrd in and Price bv anv bouse ia Slate. Th. ir experience of uaineas. and Ibe advan. ' ... - that Ibey poaeeae of aendina; a bayer to Kurniie I wire a vear. enable tbi-ni lo offer all Kon-ifrn GiMalsat ImnTierm Varv. w hiNl their fai ilitirs and the extent of heir purt haM- enable tbrui In purrbaar l'.hnU of ..ori..i, ,.i .,(.,. trr, direct Iriun tbt- mills. Tbev offer al all time a first t-la Stork of DRESS UOUDS. II.K. VKLVKTS. LINEN t;iMIS, WOOLEN (iNiisr..r Mm' and Hoy's wear. IIOl'SKK KKI ING i;ois. BLANKETS, ol ll.TS CURTAINS. MATTIN; LADIES' and MISSES' WRAPS, MOI RMINti i;immis. HOSIERY. GLOVES. L. 1 -GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS ALL WOOL aad MERINO UNDERWEAR I MBit LL LAS, I'ARASOI.s IMI.MES TIC COTI o.N QOODS, A. They bate I hi I one price for nil rt-tail pin. l.u.-i i. ami tin pi 1. 1 i. marked on each uriH-le in plain ttgare. Sample ul by mail when we rrceie umtl m pUfit i!irfrti-Huf mrhmt i u-:..' SHORT-HAND. ril .tt-llaa-l th .r.-iifhli t.uehi i.r oar II.. Ill -I -II I. UM. Ml.letu lo Ir.-aa f-ar I . Ilr tn nth. be i-..mrauadra.-r. faarr rrilrn I -M.leula la aeftliia g -.1 .aill .ik. Hai-ra au.i aulre. la.o g,. i , h .it-haa.1 -h-.4 al .- rene ahea ae ran lea. h aa aril h, mall ai a n..rinal HA Inir laalra.-thaai U laMt m MlLfa. .t i. aa all hrretoa. aad aiMahea are rtiirei-led ale I refurue-l, aad new lara,lt Kltin. lheiet. MMhl II )a-l aa Ik mgm aa pat -Miual ia4t:a,lWdL We a 111 rfuaraofee to earrr a -i . i. ut t , .. .i i- ia tour aaaiia. if ta-tr. tl n. a-e rarafwn t-n .-.! ah ..i .air .tu.tri.t. . .a. e, tn -ltl .u- I u n (r...iall nil n. time nnlimlled f 1 (attaiie ua, a-i-m I au.l f.". ui..n .'.iui4ri.n i.f nane. Te.i- It.-- a d ..'iiiblele inMBt, mmt urnkt Mt. Vtnir If gum arl-h lutthrr BOOK-KEEPING. It .th -Ingle and laaii.le laalrr. f. 4 Met. il, . Manilla, tin ing. In el.-., t ..-. tli.-r alth all I ru.. .. . n.mrt. iaJ l"ai r al.iilall-.aa, ef. .. la ugh I praetl- ally ..a atetk l I . .m-...mleBi-e. Net. are worked aad irkl r i-rTe.;..a We a UI guarantee to teah iia- - tl. al t" i k.-. , ing la Ihree to Ire m nth. II ibtni.ihHi are f.Jbeared ..r will refua.1 lmia. I hattaaV lime uallialie.1 !,: av. paraide la an.-e aad l.w upon r..m,.letl i of nane. H -a.. niaiia eie . . . n.idele i. mall m "a. .Mrea mii'THEiiN !iuitT-!iAXii. hi at: tl . no IT AMES NAMED To whom does This apply? PERSONAL To Mr Mra and Mia mm .nbunenae.1 t atear i rir i-:viim:m i an.1 W agnail-. Ihe KtCW Ina-n.ii. h a. ti n . nr v VHK ii 1 miMIe r.duutai i. mm ?. ,.ai ii -ii 1...1 re. ene ilia-rai .-atueaalt-ia V loai TROI'Hl.K Van are.1 a I i naaiaalili with them, however, ualeea la aearea of a piaal .pp-.ttunlly to -rrure a ilealral.le awl nmfttaldr l.ia-ln. - .gen- t. mat ia.. .f .nar allaM. I N I Vim IL who at mm wbnaa raw w.ial.l like to befrtre. They are m-m a 1 1 1 nhwag aa fidhiwa : la oar luralttj aad la adbwaawa nmntlea. alao la eiery Male aad Terra. a-j la thr I nW.n. we want relial4e. raerge - aad aaldthaa. men and a.m to help uptr the drataad for ur publi. atinaa. The Hetd a rVh -mm. aad wane tae trade, waira t. .kolng ma iain t ceer li. ti to so rea.lilt lie made by raBTaaa aa .paurtaaity for proatator em l .i aent a.a bi be aahwrd. If roa air KIMAM. CI A 1.1. V riKl HKD, dealre ha ha i teaee tur laoaae aar war. If yai ar pre pared to yoar ab -Ie time u Ibe wwrfc ma aa to male the m at moor,, bow ta t ar lime Write lo a aiow-e. hdilrii. with waae par ttratora, Aea j DrpartmtaL. FUNK k W AGN ALLS 18 5c 20 amttar FUot, Thai la eaartly what they advartba, saw tba y BUI d.. all they at . Thai t.a witte to them al "i.i- waat aaoaey. aad emieae- b. aware for t-arartrea aa agea r tor U the adtrb-e uf A FRIEND. HINDERCORN3. ""X-artT t' i'iTT"- TT ame C .,v. uke .ahranaal '' " ' '! hXAMj'Sa'i"1" " "" L " ha art not m.m : - oTtTn Ahu.uxa, feaa taah aan. t . . . rarh tweba irne I rr aaaw Dav "ei. 'rmU.m I Ml tmr i.eaa; - .yy j area have hi Ml a I: W, i'tt"t! rr".' T. ii. aaiaawa. W. N,l. . . . TTIwTiaiaar' rtlf thai I haie jr. iw aiaiai u he ! rer.a-4al ' ' hw mtrm,mim haar haal aad ibe aeal .4 is. . mmmkwm. PARKER'S jMjM HAIW BALSAM LOCAL AP VMM TtBMMMMT Edw. G. Schirxxiaii nTii P-rf-ct nttuvf Chhmttt Uxi T Order. FINE ASSORTMENT aa 4i at a ila- Hill, THE TINNER Fearing St. Dock, Eltzabetk City mtwtm " -t i r talMB. at a "fc a - wrft racia'a t tlaaa eaiiwa) la th. IK "4DK TlfeW.n, -x a.taaUr he,4 h4 t r aal ' ysaajJ ai In an I m aVa FCWLER&CO atlMaavta . Vmmmr laaet at) i -I 1 aaa featleaaae ..... J. 1. BROCK ETT, Ill II I M I Liquors, Tobacco AND CIGARS. in Mrtr.l una I liu .1 alat h It. Eastern Crclira. IT UK .ihii. IMCIi m Mjl Alt! UKAI.IMi. WU Ir lr tlx- UM0rl m Fearinn St . Near Water. Harrison & Nash, tse-Nlc-ra In N4tl- anal l aari GROGERIEH -AND- PROVISIONS, CROCKERv HARDWARE. Prices as low as the Lowest, Hlahral lrlc-a alrl for t oualn Cor. Water aad Fconac Strettt, KI.I7.ARKT II CITY ICE & COAL, Hate a large i ar4 at-lrl a ah aa.1 Ihe I--I ualil. All nm Ike i ai-L r - mt an a,ia,a. Lowest Prices Mrmd. mmW "1 f f tbe an M a lua . I- t mmmtu 1 1 . FISHERMEN A a. I famine, al I-a rale, l.e aa-t -! 4re)i to ad pan 4 Ibe en,. KAWUN. U II IT Ell I I. - A i ft.. FEED. DAVIS, Arcat. T. s. WHITE, yaw - -mm Livery, Sale & Exchange S tables Ma Wrref. tahxa'a lb d . N . M - k i. .agbl aad -4.1 Kibe lara-.M. 1. 1 , . mm mm s to. i ft. 1 1 .1 ittar, pklraa-l. RICHMOND, VA. al- uf North Caroliiu Sallnl ll tunir, a --i tail! r.OXSIVJmlEXTH HOLH ITKB. I.Ha-ral aJvano mailt- Quick 8aiM fttnl turim Komlttod Pi romi puy in CChdhxa. M UBEM&RLE HOUSE, Elizabeth City N. C. FRANK M. URICC, cro? r. TE Tier altmlinn tf law iraTeliac taiMir K invitral lu Ibis lar- al rlrxanl IIiaH. Il baa Ivan n fiibrd and ma. I. awas 1 Ir ia mil rally karaU-l. w ilhin a bbark U tbe trl 2rs.h aril -i nfrkr-s and o.otinirs Ui In tbr rail ft tad aad alcaniUaals TUe truprit-lar will m.rr to rfloft la Bjwkrtbr Al HKMaaLa tm uitae aw tor bis jminni- Ti e ri arr 'arc-, well furaisbrd and rafwittlU Lrj4. aotl tl.c laUe puflbe best. 8ITBSCRIBE rm Thv falcon aW "'to. V act ia. raaat miim igainiim aaaiia.l. aaal all falt.W dit.MAAna at l.ndral to t Ui'i.fU ITr' I tor urn it at m.mttr ito I' a I .1-.l ia anl we ua m- mm . i ..a -ateaa. ia Ie. tow ttoai ltoe a wad. ha. T' ' m i ; m. ftaX. ' .-n-i !. Itm!: ('aid J t IHU't .Jt 11 i. -- He t . l-i mwd alaoi, tin. . J .twe ami m- male ' t M lt.K pmy i i, wkai ad. hm. wbb ami fadJaysmev I They Get i- rra.a aal a THE BEST THE MA2T "4k fcW 'arrt'' If fawa taara aoa GOOD OLD CROW aa ata4 mm Umf aafatw pftm aaBal fra!. hn aaav a4 taa C' avr ahaaaj Ufea mmy. s: P SPEITD AND SMILE WITH nosi:s vi:iski Car atoia aat Water St . CataaM Crtf MORE BOOTS & SHOES AT FOWLER & CO. Than ever aud they must be sold They were bought right and you can BUY THEM RIGHT. Odd lots and old stock will be sold Regardless of Cj. KRAfritri successors to D S. Kramer & Sons, PROPRIETORS OF ELIZ. CITY SAW and PLANING MILL MANUFACTURERS OF mn w, m, mm. FISH AND PRODUCE BOXES. III! JACOB SALOMONSKY. Iml I.U-. -I .Iterk f Jr.x Cloths, Dress Goods, In i ml . Boots, Shoes, Hats, and Oil Clothing The like uf Vhfaft a r,,rr .fmr M , mMt,m I'll j. J. Saloiuonskyt on Water Street, Groceries and Provisions, COOKINB & HSATHtS SOVIS, HARDWARE. CROCKERY, d.C. THEY ARE INDEED TEE FINEST." LI ti THE LOWEST PRICES, Wr frrl lltal "e Itjtt mi. M. TAKK A 1 1 VAN There is Something in it For You. ROBINSON & COMPANY, WATER ST.. ELIZABETH CITY. H a ii. IHH.MKS.WH hiUKI.!.. mm t unfa 187RCA0E STREET. NEW YORK. tblpiarnl. I.f.rh Tlak . frmmmlm. tl. . . r jmj m mmm xjtuui ajt rtmi SHIPPING NUMBER 159. i . t tot . I I aa a man Aaa Fa. aa a r.aakaa v a Fra t a. a ii a WT. U. Flaiiha. fc . Aaa. m. t-.m m. aVe to Va. k.i aN'thad, Il Im ejarr Tin til - SBWTllV. l-b. wnl .. r -.tor wsu wet It iv trirv hrlsna N.aa-IL aawl EMr rartb IwT, Irafiw and am, img .- nil.w Lswvrw Nixwdb rvrrry Maa-bty an-1 Ttoarw iav at a ra . ami arri mt I3tb I tl, at tt irilaiawabj ktirt m Iwdjt ilr ka Nrw4k r-serj Tweday ami PraUv alp n. taaee j.rato-lb I tty ur Si ihmb e.trjr T amd Frbtay ad W a. rrtarwiBdl as irnmr to rwCWtor atai'ti'. U-t S rltdb Frrigbl rem ted at 4 I ahaif llAaam- K K X KWBH.I I rent Ur. N I "-- aWamsaTaVASaTAaVaaVmaVfAaWaaVaMV mmt raat i n . a haw A Taste! a. a ihjra.aaek'aaB tawT UmTwmgnT QUALITY ! IS FULL! BROTHERS. M i - i , bik 1 ).t fmrln . l i mkm i..' i tuc hi and Flannels rra, and Ilta it toft lmla ii. r l . :,. w .., 1 1, . i i lar .'i.-ns ti t r I AOK Or Tills IBE I IMaD, 1-1 III al tllftin ... a..ial aad i Jm a et eaaaato a a m mj mw. m WW mm mm mt w ml aj a aw W w W mt 7 dkteiw Olt at t . 1CI faV. tt AIX HT ME IT. EI IZMIKTII C ITY, C aaavjHlmwasBe SB aw at. att. ae St.. aa darA Vtol toarata. im -Be ssasM aS law r aairl ar . V-a. toB B we ewwsswa a ia I W e a ei.M at I to WaBfL W see B al list AWaa dtosa a.Aiia mt dap m at ha toadsadaaeWa abate aatd SeitoSl am mmm aae mt bilht, at to .at a, - t ..4 .jm tmt naSKW afetl a aaV . k a r to paTssaai ta fesaam aal. fwt GASZXJK SPZIaKaaU?. toaTB tl smoaw

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