i , J CEO. M. SCOTT, FIRE Insurance Agent, ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. Tropcrty insured against Loss by Fire for Responsible Parties, anywhere in Eastern Carolina. THE BEST COMPANIES ONLY REPRESENTED. R. B. SWINDELL, D. D. &., Cor. Main and Water sts. i i r. aiu tii city, n. c. Treth extracted without pain. Every facility for making Artificial Teeth. All work warranted. J- n; WHITE, D. D. s. ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. Offers his prof s- lonnl services to the public ia al th) branches ot Dkniistry. 'an lie found at office at all tin.es. lrOffl in Kran;r Block , on Maiu Street, lietween Poindext;r and Water. I AM3 & KIDDLE. li ATT()JNEYS-AT-LAW, Practice in C urts of 1st Judicial iMiict, a d in the Federal and Supremo courts of .Virth Ca: o ina. T H0MA3 O. SKINNER. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Hertford, N. C. -yy B. SHAW, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Shauhoro, Currituck Co., N. C. Practices iu all the Courts of North Car. liria. Collections faithfully made o. M. FEREBEE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Camden C. II., N. C. Practices in the Superior Courts of the First Judicial District. Special atten tion given to the collection of claims. inl'J-ly JIWANK VAUGHAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. Collections faithfully made. Iff O. UNDERWOOD, SURVEYOR & CIVIL ENGINEER, ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. Prompt and careful attention chen to all kinds of work. R. L. BLO CM T. ATTORNEY AT LAW, HERTFORD, N. C.( Piactices in the State and Federal Courts of North Carolina. J. H. BLOUNT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, IIERTFORD, rr. c. Practices in the State and Federal Courts of North Carolina. F. LAMB, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, ELIZABETH CITY, M. C. r. o. box 74. W. D. MUDEX. C. S. VAXN PRC DEN & VANN, A T T O R N E Y S A X L A W, EDENTON, N. C. Practice in Tasquotank, Perquimans, (howan, Gates, Hertford, Washington an! Tyrrell counties, and in Supremo Court of the State c. C. TOOL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ELIZABETH CITY. N. t'. 'X. C. collections oromntlv madn Special attention given to real estate. KOMO.ND ALEXANDER. MARK MAJETTE ILEXANDER & MAJETTE, COLtMIBIA, N. C. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS. t-yCollections promptly made. H. T. UREENLEAF, C. E. E'gineer of the boundary line between North Carolina and Virginia UND SURVEYOR. ELIZABETH CITY. I C- t-r Railroad, Canal and Draining of land. Juies examined PI'. B x 25. Prompt attention to work. MARKETS. as? A''T1R-r'lour-City MilU, extra,S5.) s. h). Wheat Southern Fultz,1.00al 07 Corn -Southern White, 41a42cte, YelioW ?, V, te-; Oats Southern nnd Pennsylvania . ' ; "y-Maryland and Pennsylvania r"'.3-5. 2?' Middling, 5af'7.0b Good 'me red,a10; Fancy, 10a$13. fafrEextrTm7S"ruthern ,Dlm'"' to si ll ua'41'75: Wheat-No. 1 White, 09 rta L4-: 0-White State, 31aS3 Uativ. 00 . '"-umoi u ieuow,4Ua41 ctn OK. i Butter-State. SuaJti 'JsT, vneese N. V factory, llaia cts. Eggs Dlte. I3al4 cts. CATTLE. -Beef, 2afX; u Baltimore Sheep 8a55f; Sheep 4a5Jf; ijtkTY Beef 4VS.1- Kh,. 15k.si;-;r tf. ,V, a aua Pennsylvania )0all. 00 ;Straw-Wheat, 7. 00a 8. 00; Butter lin? eamerylaSJcts., near-by receipts' "Wets; Cheese-Eastern Fancy Cream, V U 1 Y18" Uestarn- Hal2cts; Eggs-iba- VOL. X. NO. 50. THE NEWS. The Whitney Glass Works at Point Ferry, near Camden, N. J Keighn's were de- stroyed by fire. Loss $5,000. fullv insure The Boston bark Albert Hussell, from New York for;Australia, was wrecked and mlytwo lives saved. Mis, Alice Kirby was awarded $5,000 damag.s i her breach of promise suit against John Watson, of Toronto, Ont. Professor O. H. Mitchell, a noted mathematician an 1 astronomer of Marrietta Ohio, is dead. John A. Fleck a tailor of Minneapolis, Minn., committed suicide with a pair of shears John Har ris a thirteen-year-old boy, was frightfully burned by falling into a coke oven at Union town, Pa The mutilated body of an old Iiedler was found in a pond in Gloucester county, M. J., and Joseph Hillman has been arrested on suspicion. George H. Hennev an insurance broker of Boston, has gone into insolvency. Liabilities tl('.:i,i)U0; assets S0,- The hat factory of A. 1). & p. M. Hussicker, near N'orristown, Pa., was de stroyed by fire; loss u.o:xi. The high license bill was reported favorably by the committee in the Delawaro legislature. Benjamin Kellis was shot fatally during a row in a Colorado Methodist conference, at Par s, Ky Riotous scenes iu a church' at Rockford, IU.. between the followers of one George Scheslinfurch, who represent ed himself as Christ, and the unbelievers. The American Waltham Watch Com pany has increased its capital stock to three millions and dec lared a cash dividend of lit ty percent. William R. Kemmler.of Buffalo, N. Y , attempted to murder his wife, inflict ing twenty-six gashes o:i her head and face. Trial of the suit to break the will of tho late millionaire, Christopher Meyer, was besun in the court at New Brunswick, N. J- Mr- Murat Halstead is suffering with erysipelas. There were business fail ures last week to the United States and Canada. A fight between Mexican and American prospectors in Lower California is appre hended Marv short k., round dead in her bedroom in rh.v, t ..hilv. n uumu, w us Her V 1 1 1 V. 1 i , , ... . uUauul,U) Jonn uort) ,s charged with murdering her. The opening ot Oklahoma as nailed with j jy by the paople of Kansas. People are flocking to the new territory, and settlers are fighting for claims. A police man shot a burglar whom he caught in a store in Napervillo, IU. Lieutenant Har vey F. Bateman, of the Tenth United State lufautry, was found cut to piecss on a mil road track near Muncie, Ind. Foul play is luspeetod. Ha Green?, aged fourten, was burned to death in Springfield, Mass. The Burlington Hotel, at Gloversville, N. J. was destroyed by fire. George Powell,' alias G.Barnett Young, the priestly swindl e arrested in Toronto, has been S3nt to prison tor five years, Henry ElJy, a youth coi.- victed of murder in tho socon I degree, was ent to prison for five yeirs by Judge Bond of Philadelphia. Samual E. McEwen was arrested in New York oa tha charge of at tempting to have cashed sto:en checks. The President has been requested to issue a proclamation calling on clergym?n to hold special services on tho morning of the day of the centennial celebration. An unsuc cessful attempt was made to wreck a train on the Chicago, Santa Fo and California Railroad near Cnillicothe, 111. Thomas Keegan, of Juniata Township, Pa., died at the aivaneed age of IDS years. L S. Brown, a counterfeiter, was arrested in Min neapolis in the act of casting coins. B. M. Huay, Jr., agent for the Southern Express', killed a burglar who attempted to rob the' company. During a melee ina Chicago court, Detective Pinkerton knocked a man down and was subsequently arrested. The Old Dominion steamer AVyoacke collided with the schooner Ruth Darling. Captain E lward Lowell and Seiman Charles Harr,;. son, of the schooner, were lost. -H. Sulli van Moore, Jr., was convicted in Atlanta. txa., or the murder of James Hunt, and Irecommended by tha jury to imprisonment -Trior life. John Rosenberger, a Nebraska farmer, shot dead Andrew Casteline, then burned his own housa to the groun J, and committed suicide. Pooling is still being practiced by the railroads between Chicago and Oma ha, covering all the freight traffic between these points A noted swindler, who reg istered in Toronto as G. Barnett, was arrest ed. Ho is wanted in Europe an I in this country. The weavers' strike in Fall River has ended an 1 the operatives will return to work. The directors of the Union Pacific have decided that it is inexpedient at present lo resume the payment of divi dends. The extensive machine shops and foundry of Mcintosh & Hemphill, of Pitts burg, were destroyed by fire; loss $100,000. A woman named Thuring was arrested ia Pittsburg, charged with conspiring to kiR her husbaud. Calvin H. Dellinger, convicted in Lancaster, Pa., of murder in the second degree, in killing his wife, was sentenced to ten years' imprisonment. A man answering the description'of Joseph SalizmanJ the alleged murderer of Juliana Matter, was arrested at Wilkesbarre, Pa. . A family in Plymouth, Pa., was poisoned by eating grated wild turnips. Two will un doubtedly die. The Italian government does not demand the extradition of Guiseppe Rufoni, and he has been released. Mrs. Helen G. Bishop has been eranted an absolute divorce from Washington Irving Bishop, the mind reader. The Chatta nooga and Grant Memorial Universities are to be united under the name of the Grant Memorial University. The Pittsburg grand jury returned four indictments, against ex-cashier H. E. Voight, at the de funct South Side Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank. R. -A. Sentman & Sons, paper dealers in Philadelphia, have failed. At Lebanon, Tenn., Jim Turnee and Mack Fran cis, colo?ed, were hanged for the murder of Lew Martin last August. A stranger ac companied by a woman, registered as S. M. Waite and wife, of Florida, in a St. Louis hotel was found dead in bed. The woman had disappeared. MURDEROUS FATHEK-IN-LAW no Cuts tho Throat of a Man U'hn Eloped With and Married His I'augli'cr, Clara, tho nineteen-year-old daughter of J. S. Hagins, a well :c-Jo farmer of Clinton B. O, eloped with and was married to Ed ward Matbis. a young farnfer of the same town. After the ceremony the couple went to the house of the groom. When Mr Hagins, who is a deaf mute, was apprised of the affa.r, he becamad en raged. Procuring a shoemaker's knife, he hastened to his son-in-law's house, rushed upon the unsuspectiuz young man and made a desperate lunge at Lis throat. The blow was somewhat parriod, but it struck Mathis just below tho left ear and cut a deep gash lu his neck and throat about four inches in length. The biide interfered and was se verely cut o 1 the right ban 1. " Mathis will die. Hagins is in jail and there is strong talk of lynching. A FAMILY EXTERMINATED. Victims of Typhoid-pncnmonia Caused by Decayed Vegetables. The entire Calkins family of East Pem broke, Genesee County, N. Y., have been ex terminated by malignant typboid-pneumo" nia. caused by decayed vegetation in the cellar. Chester and bis sisters, Amanda and Susan, Rev. Samuel and Bradley Calkins, brothers, died in great agony, Within an hour their wives also expired. Several in the village are ill of the disease. THE 0EAH0IA.ISJ3PENED. President Harrison Issues His Proclamation He Fixea April 22 J , the Date for Settlement -II omeeteado for all Good Settler j. Tho President is rail tii follow'.n; procla mation opening thj Oilahou i land. The proc;a:nitioi rocitji ia it the Crek Indiam cel.-1 th , 0:1a JO n lanii to tin United States under an ajrsjmsat eonelui ed on January la lait and approved by the Creek Council oi January 31; that the Simi noles also gave a reUrms of a ly claim to the lands on March 10, and that ths lan Is shall be disposed of to actus.1 sHttorj unior ths homestead laws. The act of Currvn whic'i provide for the sattlemiit of th; lauis oatsias the following: "Aiy pyrsm w'jj having at tempted to, but fill! to secure a title in to3 to a homestead uu.1t existing laws or who made entry under what is known as ths com mutsd provision of the bomesteal 1 vs shall be qualified to make a horn wSOsd entry upon said lan J The rights of honorably dis charged Luion soluiers and sailors in the late civil war as define 1 an 1 described in sections 23 ii and 2 JJ5 of the R9vi.,ad Statute shall not beabrig,3d: And provided further That each entry shall be in square form as nearly as practic ible, aal no pjrsoa be per mute 1 to enter inorj thin oae qmrtr a c tion thereof." 4 The act further says: "The Secretary of tho Interior may. after prociainition and not before, permit entry ?LSa!di1.anlf0r town sit3S- but 'o en on land. em rao'3 morj tQan o x !'h U( section "All the forjgoing provision? with reter enca to lan Is to b3 acqu rei from th3 S,mi nole Indians, mclu liu ; th3 provisions p r taininz to forfeitum hili . late tho dispDsal of the laa U acquirjd from the Muscogee or Crjek Indians. ' i t?" P,Iahon3 la Is tnai open m1 are with in the following des3ri3ed bouadaries- Beginning at a point where thj decree of longitude ninety-eiht West from Green wich intersects tha Cmadian river; theace north along the said degree to a point whare the same inters-cts the Cimarron river -thence up said river alon? t!ie rint hnt tA a P0!"' wbar t'Je sime is iatersectid by the south lino of tha "Cneroioe outle;: thnc east along said Una to a point where tua sama intersects tha west line of the lauds sH apart as a reservation for the Pawnee Iniians thence south on said line to a poi.it where the sama mtersacts the middle of the main channel of th) Cimarron river; theno up said mam channel to the western boundary of tue reservations sat apart for tha Iowa and Kickapoo Indians; the south alon-' said lii e to a point where l he sun i intersects the right bank of th north fork of the C ina lian rive; thence up sail riv r, aloug tha r.-ht bank thereof, to a point where tho sam is intersected by the west Uai ot tbans)rva tiou occupied by the cit;z3!n band of Potta watomies and th : Absentee Shawnee In lians thence sou.h along t ie said west Una to a point where tha same inters cts the middle of the mam channel of tl:e dnadian river thence up the said river, alon.; the middle ot the main channel thereof, to a point opposite to tlie place of baginniug, and Ihoood north to the place of beginning (?avinj aalexeapt ing two acres o: Liu! rosarvai for govern ment use.) TJ9 !ands will ba opened at n Ka oa April -, but no other parts of tlia Indian Terri tory are to be considered as open to settle ment. H arning U also given tha'. any per son entering the lands before tha tima tixei will never be permitted to acq lire an v rights thereto nor to continu) in paosesi.ou t nrajf FACED DEATH TO SAVE LIVES. An Engineer and n Fireman Oo Vswwa With Their Engine -T'ie 'oriv.r Killed. A terrible accident o.-i-urn l on Hi. 0'ig;a Midland and (Jnlf Railroad at Nwtmlw. Le twocn Shilo and Warm Springs, (is. Truin No 51, consisting of unln... hajrjag" rnr, smoker and two passenger cars, left Columbus, .a , at tlvt- minutes ma on p. M. for Atlanta. In rounding n curve m-nr a trestle at two o'clock, the engine ami fenudor, through some CdUsn a yet unknown, plunged down a forty foot embankment, turning i-omjneuny over, lamiiy injuring the eugi- iieer, 1. 1:. lledtielit, mid not fatally lujnrin;; the seriously though 0 reman. Walter aiaiioue. lue rest of t the track. train roualil v. The cniiiie-r nn.l B reman wet- aft 1V1 to hy Dr. J. C. Ikirm-s, of Cmcord. tta, who was on board the train, and lr. K M. Jameson, of Shiloh. wh arrivail slierfly afterward in answer to a summons lliat had teon wireii immediately after the accident Although all was done that medical aid could do the engineer died an hour later without recovering consciousness. A wrecking train arrived with a gang of laborers, 1 1 remove tho debris. On hoard were the brother of the dead engineer and Dr. Seth Jordan, of Columbus They took the wounded fireman nnd the deceased back to Columbus. Too much praise cannot he bestowed Upon these two men. srlm faced death to savo tho passengers, for by he roically remaining at their jioxt the remain der oi tho train was saved from des' ruction. BARN U ITS SEALS EATEN. The Polar Bear Gms Into the Seal Tank and Makes Havoc At the opening perform moe of Barnum's show In Madison Square Garden, N. Tf , the performing seals which attractad so muU attention last year, did not appear and every body wondered why. The fact Is that their lumber was suddenly reduced from six to two while the audience was gathering, by a lamentable accident caused by the Po'ar bear. The bear cage ani the seal cage, which both have doors in the r. ar, were backed up against each other, and' Schaam, who is popularly known in the cir cus business as "'Seals," because he makes seals his special care, was in tha bear cage cleaning it. The habitual occupant of the cage resented nis intrusion and made a dash at him. Schaam backed up ugainst the unlocked door, which yielded, an 1 he stumbled back through, carrying him also through the seal cage door iuto the cage of his special pets. The bear followed him and bit Schaam's leg savagely, taking a piece of the flesh out. But the brute's attention was easily diverted by the saals, which form his staple food in the Arctic home. He killed four of the poor animals in quick succession and proceeded to eat them. Schaam called for help an 1 the bear was driven back "to his cage. The in jured man's leg was dressed and he was taken to his horni-. The seals camo from Norway. They were very highly trained and very valuable. RIVERS OF HOT TEA. , Over a Million Dollars Worth Ruined by Fire and Water in Chicago. The Central warehouse, at the corner of Rush and North Water streets, Chicago took I fire and with its valuable store of teas and ) coffees, was burned to the ground, entailing j an estimated loss of between $1,250,000 and I $1,500,000. As the water from dozens of engine nozzles i soaked down the contents of the building the ! basement was soon filled with water, and when the 4J.000 cases of tea began to brew I streams of tea gushed from the windows and ' doors. The dock for a distance of 100 feet : was flooded with the amber-colored liquid I that poured like a small citaract into the i river. The steam arising from this perfumed the air blocks away. The buiiding was a six-story hrick struc ture, which cost, when built in 1872, $50,000. Alfred Manniere, the manager, is satisfied 1 that the fire was of incendiary origin. This I is the third fire in the structure within a j year which can be accounted for in no other way. STREAMS OF WHISKEY. Illicit whiskey and K-er making has Win, flourishing m Alabama because the erron eous idea prevails that the government has exhausted the funds appropriated for the prosecution of nioonsbtners. K"iva deputy collectors of internal revenue arrested three uo'orior.s outlaws in the mountain fastness at Marion county, s iwjd eight large copper stills ami destroyed $2,500 worth of distilling kpparatus, besides letting 2Mi gallons of corn whiskey and 10,000 gallons of beer run to waste. One moonshiner escaped with a eouple of pistol balls in his body. Mora than thirty ot tbesv outlaws are ulr.-dy la jail. . r THE CREATE8T GOOD TO THE GREATEST NUMBER." SOUTHERN ITEMS. IXTEftESTINO NKWS COMPILED MKHf m ax y sotucm Danville dru.isU are organuinz to es tablish a wholesale dru nous . Serenty-flve colored men left Charlottae ville a., to work on railroid construction in Kentucky. The new Catholic church in Char Uptown, y. V a., has been completed, and will be de dicated next month. Samuel W. Reed, a Birmingham (Ala.) real est at dealer was v o im:zd by rreeu goodx men in New York. Burns Hargett, 12 years old, was fatally injured at Frederick, Md., by being cau -ht in the machinery of a corn-crusher. -The poai.ut factory of Whitley & Dowln atani station. Vs., was t urned tozettier with 4O,000 pounds of shelled peanuts. -By a pr. mature explosion of dynamite ia a sixty-five foot well near Farmville. Vs. , two of the workmen were seriously injured and the third slightly. H. W. Jonas, of Lisbon, Bedford county a . committed suicide last week byli . -lug himself. No cause can be assigned o the act exivpt despondency. The Black water Boom and Lumber Com pany, at Davis. W. Va., will make improve menu the coming season, neceruitaune tha expenditure of at least $10,000. -William Stevenson, a well-known citisen i of Ix.u ion county residing near Aldie, com- 1 imiieu suicile by hangir12. He had teen iu poor Health for saveral years. I rhe well-known brwder of thorough breds, M'cl ael Bernard Grotze died at hU home, Canewood, near Spring Station, Woodford county, Ky . of acute uremia. ov. Lee, of Va., pardoned Geo. LawN whose assttSSM does not expire until 1PJ7' M the reco uuiendatioa of til physicians that Lewis would not live if kept confine 1. The tobacco trade of Lynchburg is maro prosperous than it has been for years tha output having certainly Itiit iQJOll. ant many idle factories are preparing to resuma. A forty -root shaft has twx-n sunk at (orman. Tucker county. W. Va., end a tine vein of coal dw -overed. Mining opratior)' on an extensive -.al will b) comme.icod at The Richmond (Va.) Chemical Works with a capital sto-k of lo,o, haa boon' incorporated. Some of Mrs leasttsa business men of Richm n.l are ., 1. . , ta. ims.r porators. The dwelling house ,,f Michael GkNnt 011 Sand Pork. W. Va. an I nearlr nil its .1 v . I . . , . I I .1 .... . , T Ilr inre was iusumiic. and tn, total lo oss Is about i.-KBJ. Kotert lionriett. of Glennville, W Va was a candidate Tor a (mission to a secret order. He got rattloj during the Initiation and jumped out of a window in his efforts to escape. "rTjTbere u to e a growing eentiinmt at Huntingdon. H. Va, in favor of U.ndinz frit' fHlllMtt' Its faen. g il. . ul i . nutitiiigton and "u.vumeriie raiuoau. 1 ne will he $50,000. prop we, I i9lia -Great excitement was cause I in Warren m est V irgiiua. by tan discovery of an a parentlv prolific oil H-ld. about four nriln 110111 me town, ah mo uud in the vi is being leased. inity Within sixty days two thousa J rnsn will begin the work of gra i.ng for the extension of tho Norfolk and Western Il.ilroaJ from blkhorn McDowell county, to the Oaio 1 .' bnrougn l.igan an 1 counties. W Va. yue Ihe farmers in the Neighborhood of Martins Ferry W. V ... Oro selling the r apples to Mr. Spank, of Wellsville 0 110 who packs them into half barrels and shins - - ..v:. 11 wnr-1 t ormging good pr;c -s. !'cy are coitrac-t for the er ction or n hotel to cost $2 ,UW, at Baeaa Vista, Roe'cbridze county. Va has been awar le 1 to J f Pet tyjohn, of Lynchburg The hotel is to bj completed by Ju.y. Two barns on tho borders of Virginia and North Carolina were destroyed by an incendiary last week, the perpetrator steal ing a team from one of the places in order to get away speedily. The Danville Electric Car Company has petitioned the council to pass m ordinance authorizing them to put in electric mot irs to drive light machinerv, supplied fr m the same dynamos used to propel street cars. . ... ujni uair leasevl inous j of acres of land in Harrison county, W ' and will sink a test well on everv 2 i at . utsDurg oil men have leased thousand! Va, IIPP.MI iuey nave iease-1. 1 ney claim there are splendid indications for oil in this territory and that it will be given a thorough test. The north bound passenger train on th Ohio river road ran into n two-ton rock w tich had rolled on the track one mile and a-half south of Moundsville, W. Va I he shock wrecked the pilot and frout of engine and threw the front truck from tho track' The passengers were thrown from their seats but none were hurt beyond bruises. The necessiry funds have been raised for th9 establishment of a second national I ank in Hsgerstown, Md., and the bank will be opened as soon as the details can be ar ranged. The three Medlln broth -rs, and Lifay- ette Pilfrey were convicted at Greenville. S. C, of conspiracy to commit burglary and larceny. They wert an organized band of robbers in Pickens conntv, known as the Medlin gang, and were captured last falL Wm Hodoway slipp; l an t fell over board and was drowue 1 from the steamer I-ucy on the Roanose river, Letween Hamil t n and Coke's Ferry He was from Ply mouth, N. C . and bad been taken on at that place to assist iu loading. Some vandal entered the wrawinz-room of the Graniteviile Manufacturing Company at Graniteviile, S. C, and cut the warja in all but ti teen looms. Ti e factory was forced to shut down, and H will take a week or two to replace tho warps in the looms. - James Callahan, of Martinsburg. W a, wasstruch by an east-bound passenger train on the B. &. O. Bailroad at Shenandoah Junction and instantly kided. He was en route for Roanoke, a., where he bad se cured work. His entire skull was crushed An engine attache 1 to a passenger train on the Georgia Midland Road jumped the ,Vi ij iio:--s irom volutin u Ui En- gin-er r. C. Ke.1 field MSS instantlv Lili...l and Fireman W. K. Mabone nainiuhV svtaia. ed. None of the passengers were injured, and little damage was done to the train. D. N. Cress was shot and instantly killed by Dr. J. H. Watson, near Eulogy, Miss. Cress had openly threalene 1 to kill Dr Watson oa sight. They met in a road, when Dr. U atson fired the fatal slio Cress was a desperate man, who was reported to have killed three men. He was armed. -The colored people held a mass-meeting at R ileigh. N. C. and organised the North Carolina Emigration Association, th ( pro posed object of which is to colonise all col ored people of that State in Arkansas. A call was issued for a State convention to be held at Raleigh ou April to fully srgauise the State. A largo an 1 enthusiastic public meeting was held at Salisbury, N. C , under tho auspices of Salisbury Cu imber of Commerce. The object is to boom Salisb ary. At least twenty free sites will be offered manufac turers and all other encouragement ex- tenaeu. A large cash fund was raised to advertise the town and its merits. In accordance with the provisions of an act of the late general assembly a petition is being circulated in Raleigh, N C, for sig natures asking the board ot county commis sioners to order an election in June next on tho local op ion question. It is being numer ously signed and there is every indication that the election will be held. Thou.as Comfort, colored, was fatally injured by a blow on the bead, inrl.cted by Jesse H. Stubbs, his employer, la Freder icksburg, Va Stubbs says that the man, when told to do certain work, became abusive, and In a moment of anger, Stubbs struck him on the head with a cane. Com fort soon went to his home, two miles away, complained ot a pain in tho head, and died in an hour. William Albright, a fireman oh engir.e No. 472, on the second division of the B. & O. Railroad, was killed near Little Capon bridge, about fifty miles west of Mart.ns burg, W. Va It is stated thit fire was fall ing trom ths grate bars, and in leaning over the side of his engine his head was caught in the side of the bridge and be was instantly killtd. The deceased has been employed on the B. & O. for some years, and leaves a wife and several small children. Governor Fowle of North Carolina has issued a requisition on the governor of Florida for the rendition of a man named John C. Hart, who, in January last passed a torged check in Durham for forty dollars, purporting to have been drawn by James Gordon Bennett, proprietor of the New York Herald. Hart represented himself to bo a correspondent of the Herald, and so gained the confidence of a prominent busi ness firm as to have the cneck eisKed by them. He soon alter left for Florida, wuers ne was arrested at the instsnoe of Mr. A om it reported from Wilftmiactqp, FALCON ELIZABETH CITY, N. C, FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 1889. S. C, of Mag pelted to death by soars, a young eoiored osaaamialMr of baiL man, but j before the lam Or- kail !j irn fall much better and had gooe to a nei.hboriaa tor- In return in ha eras caught in Um storm and was pelted by the pittlass ball until be fell aaaaso. Hbortiy after the be was discover ad by some storm had cmrrtmi aosae. it was ascertain. d and his condition was eo alarming that a tion of the lungs aad brain, and that rtwas no doubt brought about by exposure in taa storm. ' ABOUT NOTED PEOPLE. Dr. Oliver Wenlsll U lmes adviaas asasaa men not to smoke. fwmm Idy Churchill and Mrs. Chamberlain are tacit uru and dumb when they pass by. Alexander, the young King of Hcrvia. Is a clever, quickwitted, lively and unusually intelligent lad. ' . SMaStS!? f Brooklyn, ia said by his friends to be the coming aft. r-dinuar M-ator of the Kuipire State. H "srnson has sent to the Art L'i-i o&uiuiiion at n asnmgton two plates of her own painting. p-rcrlain They say in Belgrade that Ex King Milan acts like a prisoner who has len released from a long term behind the iron bars. Postmaster General W ana maker earrire life insurance to the amount ..r the annual premm upon which aggregate f'JU.UUU. Minister Mclne gives It as his opinion that Ex-Preoident Cleveland diSg.sl hia a itu al grave with bis tariff m -stag ot last Mrs. Wards big book gu another boost rom a leading linen manufacturer, who is turning out -Robert KUoKnT collars br tan thousands Fanny Davenport has lately become so tout that she has been forced to buy a row ing machine, on which she exercises an Lour or two each day. The Crown Princess of Sweden has re ceived the title of Daughter of lbs Reg, ment from the regiment of the Guard of the King of Sweden. Mrs, Alice C. Fletcher, the author or an admirable work on American urrhaSogy is now engaged on n monograph of tbs souks of the Omaha Indiana! Dr. M. A. Kaskinn, a Russian lady doctor, has recently mads an important contribu tion to medical science with reference to the bacteriology of scarlet fever. Mr- SbeeU of Virginia, ssbo has been a notable figure in Washington sines tbs inau guration, is a cousin of five PrssMisnu of the United States Thomas Nast. the artist, has become tho regular cir nis: on Senator Hearst's Sao r rancisco Krnmittrr. Rumor places bis salary at fi ooj per year. Au Wrseon I'm. j- tt is now the sroinr clergyman of the Ci.urch ot England. Hs was born in 171) I. lie m fatber-in-law to tbs D.-an of Westminster, Dr. Bradley. The Wi o Callahan, of Texas, owns V..sj sbe-p, and Mrs. Rogers, of toe earns State is l he possessor of n similar number. Both women ride on horebaci iu the free-and-easy stylo of a cowboy. Baron llruter, the famous telegram mag nate, has surrendered bis concession tor Wm construction of Psrslaa railways, and has obtained lusteada concession for an imperial bauk of Persia, and for tbs uiiapproprialed Persian mines. William H. Buckler, of Baltimore, half brother ot Secretary White, of tho Ameri can legation in loodon. was awarded the sevond prin lor Kngl.su orations at Cam bridge University, lii saoject was ins American Constitution." Mrs Humphrey Ward writes a small and ", uut suiiiieuiiy strung tuil vigorous hand, with no Hourisbee, Sometimes in ear nee: haste running several words tos;eUe-r She sign herself "Smcerely Yours, Mary A. 'ard." with a -ingle straight dash bn-atu the name. Krastus Wiman, although one of the busi est men in New York, is a model of method ical habits To rise early and retire not later than 11 o'clock, if it bv possible, t ba rule; be is tbs plainest of diners, carsful as to his health dowu to the smallest detail., an enemy to any form ot dissipation and thoroughly d nuustic in bis tendencies and Iwbita. Sir Kdwiu Chad wick, who lias Just btn knighted by Qtiestt Victoria, is tun ul M( man ever admitted into the ranks of chiv alry, beiug iu his ninety-first year, lis wrots an article for tbs ItVstm nrr Hrruw sixtv years ago. and his whole life assms to hn been passed on committee, councils, ctm- nrrss , commiss;ons and confereuoni in necuon silo me r.nglisb Social Association. DAMAGES FOR A MURDER. A Widow Sacs for $10,000 Ihn Man Who Killed Her Husband. A very remarkable court case baa just terminste.1 in i ii- a r - , ZZ " tmm . sun. ior eio.isw aamages brought by cm iv iinamss against Richard II Jacobs for the killing ot John Ilogbss, h r husband. Jacobs a wealthy farmsr 80 years killed Hugh-., one of bis tenants, on Christmas Diy, IKS I, an t was last yew found guilty of mandsuffater and ssntenc -d to the penit-nUsry for five years. He is now serving his sentence. This is the first esse ever tried in this State under the statu o. 1SY) aUowing dams -e to bo recovers I by the wife and children or olher beneficiaries of a man who has b'-en uuliwfully killed. The trial begin last Saturday The plaintiff pro locsl witansaaf to prove the manner of the killing to have been of such n store as th it had dest i emu I from the assiull dam ig a could havj beet recovered, and to show that Hughes si. able bod ed man and the only suooort of a large '. i ..il v. rr us a The line of the defense was that the ktlliu was in self-Jefenso. therefore no danisms could have been recovers 1 had death n H ensued, and that Mrs. Silly Uo;h a was not 'he legal wife of John Hughes, who ha I another wifs living when bs married her After staying out twelve boor a new trial was orders!, eleven of the Jury stan Una for toe plaiutiff and one for the dsf en toot. DEATH KEEPS HIS SECRET. T . rti.ro Could Not Make Miser Mam br-rt DisctoM! His II. . aril. iamil IliimU-rt. who was one of tbo vic Gm of the Kn" who raavsi tbo men of ten.-, died at MoO ll or. vn. Pa. Ho was eiKhty y. ars old, has Iwoei a miswr and l sup l" n u nav. had a largo sum h" sr.vi and store.1 away . me .here. One iiifCht last summer th. r..'. -r -psn lmrne.1 his f.wt with candles ami bald him over a fire, using every device conceivable to force nun 10 .iisri.se nbeie his woultb as hi H n but In vaiiu '1 he old man 1 he old man never fully recovered fnra vnosn.ics he r.-o.-i, m l i,-,rt .li ii .as ..... rouse oi nis l.sm. Itather than I,,... I. nis mini he sllo.wl his h..u. at Klrci.aj.c. to be add by the SberilT months sriy knew death was star ins; him in tbs face for tbs past weak and Several limes was on th. Iint ..f dm-keunx ita hldin ; place SSKSS I ' far as to say It arse put awsy , a bos, I. ut becaoiw chocked up and Could Lot spenk further When hs was itasptns- In the throes of ""n no irie.1 to tell his i TT nslnn only Rasped "Bob. lbs Ims bf was seised with a choking fit an I dil His relslives ars now hunting for tbo II ibomlsil Ir saani ss A BREAK FOR LIBERTY. Boys Attack Gaar.U at the House of Refuge With Base Ball Bala Thirty-five out of 161 boys at the Homo of Refuge, at Cincinnati, Ohio, made a for liberty. The' ware trom IU to 13 year, oia ana warn anoer lour ot wuom wis a colored boy. Thom boys, when it came time for them to retire to their room pr.-p irstory for disuses-, Instead of doing so marc he I in n body armed with ham Dan nata to toe iroac eai found four guards state ed free paasag , but ware driven they usei bate mat rocks and broke ssrvaral winJuwi The noise sttraemd polioe, and fifteen offk piacj. Th fo;ir rinn fosjr amden made s si ' ' 1 MORE NOMINATIONS. I I P. Places Being Filled the President. Mnrat nil, real Appdntod in Oee uiany. Rice) lo Itus.la. Patrick i:an to Chill and Thorn ts Hyan lo Meiico aWswronth Day Ths Pre! I stl lowing . n ri.-i Franc F. Warren, ot Wroaiar Trri lorv. te bj U v evsr of Wr vain, Tseriloey Bj:ijmm F Wslf. of DJioa. Moatasss. to be G vraor of llv,iv .-s somaoun, of Ursm, to M rT. r lis laditasof tbs I Bill Orsiaa Acacy in Rosrt V. B 4t. of XwTlsnvt, to bo V ommisai .rw of lu I .an affura oar M M.w.lnain. of Arfcasms. to ssrsnai o( in l nisi Mt itss for the E vi tic; oi Arkuitas tTT? C f Arkanss. to be r-i.tad St, Attorney for lb. E s-.a D tri -t of Aroniii Postmiaws. -Carles B Prss-ott. at kir. X ; E lward B Vrtsslsnd. at MUa mmm Y : J.,,, ji. cum. E Vf : Caas. W Jones, at M.rtinsvlil. a. n ihsm L Pisres, at Gsiswsvabs Tesas. nillUaB U odg.. SSSSSa, III ; Hsrp-r Bmsins. at Aliiasmn. O.; F.se . ursrso. at rrci. rk j r. i sv4 si UirJsaslls. Ark ; W iur ....'" riusssllvii. Ark.; I in. at nossmsn. wont J.m . u u - Ss-i I. souasnt Wiiiian A- atercsr. i.n i ,:nlf. tubs F.rst "at Psysasstsr Harry R. Halllvas in Esec ttivs n ' i run i i. Zteisriai T Wslron; to to I'aitel M atst AU.-n-y fo- th . uiian Terr.tws; TaasTe B. Nsii tu. r.i. -i h-.--. .'JLTTr" h 'O be J j o i -rr.... e j i ii a . '- . I Of -i s: ,t, 1 r.r, ,J i' inlisa L" Hnmissio vsn t b 3 C tod Wash! J n Tuw In k. P.nt. J n-a.as KtlU r " Cnim tor Voataas m a tones so - : iimn'r of .lri? . w .-;-ans. JsnsM V Wik n -Id to ba . ,r f Csstoni at B ti. H, . H-i.e-nw. Il-oa to u, .u-c.. Itscal agsnte of lb . N .T D trt aintst Lixloa: Gjorgv W. M II kI . to bs I K 1 sir Is to bsC4tse-.tr ef Tuvm. for Mo.n-s.ts. ' isrW. at ttos bw to Ka OsV Cassava at Pigs Sjaoi, W. T.. sn I tb foil isring poitnsstm: Jo n R C -aae, J ua loan, Oalo; lerloi I. M-rnsm. Hndburn Fall. Maes ; J tvi K. Jabnstoa. Coshocton . U d .- Jassaa Ml Catrii. N-srossl. Pa . Jiav & HlsleTi: .7, W iHiam D .itsr. Kteon-lstrw. PaTtaso. I. B wfum. Huff.slk. Va ; Jobn . U .teblsr ft n I sis. Tos ssj U tf a D Bs'l Coiit Wuv; John M. Hibbu-J. ttonntoi. W,' r o I re B ir. Lvscsstw. Wav ; Wins o W. Avory. Piymmth. Mess; J un- D .ville B..sxn.urta. Ill ; W H. C'siLsb a. . V,lr?-,,m- Ui A,," '. Arms,r '"ia F' i"" J Mtuo, Ktn. Casris, L Wonsjr, T8bv Iwa; Jgjii E U . Adam i, Mae. ' Tar Ifkh Day a Xosa Ina t ktis Tbs Presstoot essr. to tbs Tiosl lb, tal- losing nominations: R oart T. tone do, of Illinois, to bs Kirov F.ttrsorlinarranl Min .tr i'i-n,Do--otlI; sf tbs l j-.t H ate t K i ;l m I Murat ilii'l -f ... i. b, K iv-it RtlMnr lo.r . , I i . . ft. . ' J ' '. i o A t'l I lite I N ale. Lo i; rms-i Aden faor ilik . R.c. of N v.. rk tob m Pai- Eivoy Bstr sordia ry and Mints'. -.: , i . ..r ii. i t.te s.lt , , I r - i. : i o S . . t , i i.- Ktlrsor linsry a-vl M nister llonu iisnim ' af to- Unite I Hastes to Chilt 7 T.ioinis Ryn. of K.n.sa. to bo Essay Ettrsosinry arl Mnustrr PlssHnosaellsi of th Cute 1 Sts Hbi X ncl ' J-hn Ilicas. of Kmc visla. ti bs R ,rti Ettrsorlinary ani ILnutw Plsnte Ibani I n i of ih Cnits-l Stttos lo Pea. w? lfrMI- f J-'MAoss:ts. to bs Minister K-ssJ-o an I C aaj:-Uavaral of tbs Lai ted Stat to Porta red. Marsoe Erwia. oT 11 nrgiv to b Dnttol K: use Attorney for t m 8 u.brn D.strt of wnghi Tyrs Gl-nn. of N wth Csfsdina, to bo hum .-nates Msis'nlf i v W.- ir.rl or .1 Tth I ir m. Junss O. CnorchiU. of Mtaswsri. to ba Kurvsyar of Casta as for taw Pjrt of S: uoaat Pa.tnasten -W.nivn It sllis bsm. . II ; Abram W . 'ir N. Y. : Itotort A Paul at Ps. ; John a Patrick, si Clarion, p., - Ds!d M J oes. st S rantoa. Pa; Andrew D. wkn. at Htitesvills. ?f. C ; William E W.hster. at Crsao, I wt. (-aur A Wii eo. ot Ou.ncv. Ill; F. WsngniU. at Rice Like. Wta.; Join It WaU.. at Winne bago Citv. Minn ; Jersentab P East si Warren City. Minn ; Ososoln K. Hsa-ries, at rw inui .lj'. Mi . JjS, 3n. K. ilo;-, ari. Tns Senate oaurra-sl lbs following i nations: I Albert A Rurlsutfa. ot A roost. Me . Froasls K Warren. Ooe rrnor of Wyoming Territory : Benjamin F Mm Governor of Montana. Charles f. SSSBSSVS, initesl .Hinlrst Aura-v for eastern District of Arks ass: Waiter P. oriaHl. I mlel Slate Mir.la! lor niltern District of Georgia: Ms tort V. Bell. Assistant Comni.as.oier of Lima Aiivrv Postmasters -Harper Bros us. AHisr.cn. Ohio; Cbarle. W. Jones. Martlne-.IW s.sTT R .r-ct- lfll. Mom ; tort r Milner. Newman. Qox; Csrtoj O. Wilson. iiil-.tosille. Va. Horb U T.mo,Gran vilK S. .; J,nss E Bowea.Ceatr.1 Fslrs. . I ... .r - V. mnon. Ash-ville. r, . Walu-r W. Hr.haar. Ransllvllle. Ar.; Jsra-s F O-orge. DardsneRe. Ars . W.d am ! U Pieree. Usunesville. Texas; Wi I ism R '"lz' Jr ' Marsball. Hi . J,,, p Yoss, North Bend. JC-b. ; Edward B. Vr slsna, Salafnanca, N. Y.. Cmismcn M. Resd. Dun , kirk. tt. Y. Thine,,. Day . Nominal ioaa The PrsHitent s-st lbs toltew.ag nosal nations to lbs Senste: Cesniui M Hire of Arkansas to b. Re- f-ieerof Public Territory. m meys at Guthrie. John I D.lle. of Indiana to bs R sister of tbs Land Offlcj at Uutbns. lod.ss Te--i Cmrl-s E M .nieith ,.f Itobo. o be Acsnt I 1 .tl. . P. a mastsrs-Jo'in HamiairsSv " rbor. Me.. Asctatai J. flosil. . uyusm f .il iW.er. .1 w I '' V: V OW-d. al H.eersi. a-. 5' : R dlisnsa. at I. ti; Bra-b Is. J ; BurtC. Drake, st Ustnes i. Fin,; OrlsndaB. lUppy. at May field, ay.; Wtt Uam Jenny, al Mount Osama . Msrb. IDS cse,-utive sesm.si al between two and three boars this no- was confined lareeK to a d of Mr IUUt-a.1 t.-. ba II.-... ser so uersaany. Before tt a: . no.nl r-aU on of John C. Mew lo uaneral Governor of Ariioaa. ebrb were sssmV '" "rr. conbrmi t. The Committee r "'e.n r.eian.v.. -t .--b: . r.-.t .1 all a- I of yesterday LIKE HYDROPHOBIA. A Strange Eadslemic Now Prevalent yatnohimm hm Sal. m. in lUrrtson W. Va About a month go Ida as m .. At limes durin - bar mast ra it spssle tt requires the strength of o. sgs.1 IX hi malady Us one to two hoars apart. to I iu all wt IIS are in a Ths bey wm g-rl lo ant FROSTED W H EAT. 'S' TjFT S?J PT J CABLE SPARKS "7 . ' A-, if 4- i "iS mto, bas. to J f S iij 2 - f li s fitf :- A. C i il stetsw iss mmmo ',-UJ " "wsaan bas I ss ntoawd t,. tsrs s.ssrsf t -aw Jr wasssss ZT msnoanmsn at Altowa for Msotf mmZmZm w awF-w 2 llK l wo ssa of b IngsatrrbtsSa Els - . : a ISSSsSir W SHIPS WRECKED. ANDREWS HATCHERS! MsVS"""' o hm tnmM sotoidj of . -md ZZZZ'KZTZT'ZitL American and German Men BEST ON EARTH. -llL'-T?ir J esassimm. Or-War Lost i board lbs vess l 111,1 1 Mss P.uwasol XewrS, a Mmm- B AiLtr0rW, V- rw. is, t tm Cls.mnn. tow 11 wWapaiyrnrtaw.,,?! m lTtosXwaZ -o4 hmte oiomw fVtaa AWsaader at muaassbsog t ia. " 1 1 I J- sTsss, femr r r, TtSiSL aweasrmtoaTwy ZrtST omi sf i w i O m Z. zkZSi PRICB8 EDUCFD 2!a3S 7ZSBl f c,,ICULA"t- m ih. Itau.r, i asussb-rof Isanti , tvmi. 7 ssssama ween drswwsA I """VtjJ r.ls" t-smsaiasmm' Tbs J41' T' lsVssrsl, ! mm! ulwm ASUUMWM C 'flto SILK CULTURE GROWING mSmmlgSsSstF 7M' no s-Tvewmto C. K. CANUisC 4 CO. J--- " " a tjyr- n.i kitoi tomb i i imrn auwaoi m srnsmrer of ito- A-sssc-mibmi - lasst Ume bad to-ss tsssmoa Ttorsynrtof too r amt itvssmses JTT t??tJJmZ mm I ELMlR A. M.V l;.M " g r?11 mmj DISASTERS AND CASUALTIES. rJz SEtz1IZ ' mmo Uj-wwa i., , jmrtrttmm ttmtTS p mTu rfT Kif.j m "tTi I tS niSrZl TSlTJ! iygJ.1?? ptCaSSSaW 7" lmm- ij -m 4tala!smma " ' logsaiial M lr-r-s rjj MmmM u-vsT tVi' - - ,,n o W0t Sswssss Mrs. Taybw. er asssriy tssasbt -4 i-swsjte. issmy. Ustt. Meat V.a Sca, rioia and l ml ir.aaa 1 ssi.it...; ..i. fnWmasta, Ita. Uirsw.. li . . Y.wk. ort CsddHss. Jsm. tlrssj..' 1-.. " .? . lr.ls s. i MICHIGAN CORPORATIONS All CUanrrrd Cannrto-a. A eartusi slits of aff. rs wdl taa a a . a i oijss alter lb. etertsoa d o i iiniiosml assssssdmesst msss as oasumuon of issi moi mil lb sa. ail ess STORY OF ale-.. a ot be created for a loaseer term taaa lasrty y.rs Tho ftofsremo Coart bas baU tbat mwmCwaS J"prmssss fcmw OOCpflfmS tOsmW WAtTw 9tfSS$B t?77f. y ssismsl by a vers af is. lst1hmTiinimb,i !n msay mmasmmmii klgJStl4 otamsms itTesi. , -s.rn.cy in i. - . . Dolltr Per Annum jsT i SW S 38 ! t2XZ sT? -Tua, in,!! i -JJSiZLiT A TOWER OF RARPf I zIoTf '' II. n.l ( se she t , 99M H am. a.d i OOe a bBl.e ba I Is llsiersssy st Mi n oassm, Mmm . sam m b.el tssssstT a"iV !Z'J "11 11 JJijJ olmas ns-av aw awssssaas. ssav an t ttp .sirs Jh absass, sjbs sssOms yiLj" " """" T" I TU" hmmmr.Teat TTaT S laOiS toasi" ssamm"ls saasl THE OFFICIAL PIPES COUNTIES OP PKROUIMANS. ELIZABETH CITY. aee e-s Mi ksoSSSal II . tm sapar-s ssS axl Ibawmg sessmma faV AteSkssssVsr otsco bat ore. I.,, . . ....

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