CEO. M. SCOTT, IF1 1 1R, IU Insurance Agent, ELIZABETH CITY, N- C ::::)!(:::: Property insured against Loss by Fire for Responsible Parties, anywhere in Eastern Carolina. THE BEST COMPANIES ONLY REPRKSEXTED. THE FALCON TBI OFFICIAL PiPH OOUNTIEB OF "THE GREATEST GOOD TO THE GREATEST NUMBER. ELIZABETH CITY, N. C, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1889. VOL. XL NO. 21. ELIZABETH CITY. PCROUIMANSb ppYAi SsOtUTtl,V jgjB POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies, a marvel of Viirity strength und irfaoleaotmBeM. More Domical than the ordinary kind and cannot l-1 id in com pet Hon with the mul titinle of low test, short w igbtalum or phos paate powder. Sold only In ci Royai Hakim; Powdkk Co., 1o; Walt St., N. Y ' j 15. SWINDELL, I). I). 5., i i i.mii iik in. . i mlSisei Tcctn extracted without pain. Every facility for making Artificial Teeth. All work warranted. J- HI W1IITK, I). l. S. ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. Offers his profa innal services to the public in a'l t'i! branehej f DffitfistSf. 'an Is? found at office at nil timts. - I-Ofli -e jn Krani r Block, o-i Main St reet, betwiwn Poindext T and Water. IJUIOMAS O. SKINNER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Hertford, N. 0. w B. SHAW, ATT(J1NEY-AT-LAW, Kltawboro, Currituck Co., N. C. Practices in nil tbe Courts of North Car. lina. Collections faithfully made M. PEHEUEE, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, Camden C. II., N. C. Practices in the Superior Courts ol the Firht Judicial District. Special atten tion given to the collection of claims. ml'J-ly IRANK V AUG II AN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. Collections faithfully made. w. G. UNDERWOOD SURVEYOR & CIVIL ENGINEER, ELIZABETH CITY, C. Prompt and careful attention given to all kinds of work. L. BLOUNT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, KERTFORD, X. C.J PiBCticcs in tlie State and Fcrleral Courts of North Carolina. J. H. BLOUNT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, riKKTFoiu), a, c rracticcs in the State Courts of North Carolina. and Federal 1 EF. LAM R, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND RE AL ESTATE AGENT, ELIZABETH CITY, M. C P. o. box 74. W. I. PRUDBX. piU DEN & C. S. VANS YANN, ATTORN E Y S A TLA W, EDENTON) N. C. Practice in Pasijuotanlc, Perquimans, Chowan, Gates, Hertford, Washington and Tjrrell coui tics, and in Su prime Court of the State. C. POOL, A T T O R N E Y - A T - L A W, ELIZABETH CITY. N. t J-:fN. C. collections, promptly made. Special attention given to real estate. KDMOND AI.KXANDEK. MARK MAJKTTE ALEXANDER vt MAJLTTK, t'OI-r.HUIA, n. c. ATTORNEYS AT T AW, AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS. fSTCollections promptly made. H T. GREENLEAF, C. K. Erginecr of the boundary line between Korth Carolina and Yir''ini LAND SURVEYOR. ELIZABETH CITY. C- Z Railroad, Canal and Draining of land. Titles examined. Prompt attention to work. p. o b x art, THE NEWS, A twelve-year-old son of John A. SM-k'rr-j of Purgittsv.lle, W. Va., wj occidental! killed while handling a pietuL Dr. David Tilton Browu.n retired farmer, banged him- selt In hiR barn, near Batavia, I 1. The roof of the casting-hou at the Stewart Iron Companj's work", Sharon, Pa., f-ll in, fa tolly injur. n Austin More-ford, seriously in juring several other. V train on the Pennsylvania Railroad, near Eliz ibct.itown N. J. , struck and killed two boy. who were driving across the track in a wagon In a wreck on the New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad at Youngstown, Ohio, several passongTS were injure 1. '..ijit "frost in Missouri and Kansas Wednesday night Washington Dilliard, a farmer near Be-thle-liein, Pa., was shot and killed by an unknown chicken thief. In a fight between tramps and railroad brakemen, 0.1 tho Pennsylvania railroad near Pittsburg, Foster Cox, a brakt man was fatally injured, and Jessie Nichols another brakemsn, badly hurt. Three colored convicts wore killed by a dynamite explosion near Atlanta, Oa. Fourteen col ored men were brutally whipped by white men, near Atlanta, Ga., and the governor has offered a reward for t . capture of the ruffians. All the South American nations, excepting San Domingo, have accptedlhe invitation to participate in the congress next month. The Republicans of the State of Washing ton held the'r first convention, and after adopting a platform, nominated K. P. Ferry for Governor, nn 1 John L, Wilson for Cm- cress. . rich stri fe has been ma le in the Eastern View odnn in i A n Staler, of South Bend. Ind was noisoned ! i.,. i ... , "j luHirix UK-rpnine in mistake for oninine, Merry Fountain accider.tly shot and kill ed hi friend, Horace H. .Stratton, while deer anating in the wilds of Suilivan county. N Manuel Congdon killed Thomas Slo- cmn in Vest Exetor, R. I , during a q iarr 1 over some chickens. In P.ttsbur.', Wm Nmith, a co'ored eq k, killed his wife nnd then attempted Euicide. Jealousy was the cause. U. p. Ferry, a lineman, was killed in Buffalo by an electric light wire while a work. In a (it of jealousy, Sherman Cass- well, living in ontpell r, Vt., s'.mtaway the jaw of George Gojld, who had marrio 1 the woman Cass well loved. Mrs. Blanche T-oy, vifo of a Chinese laundryman, in Chicago, has applied for n divorce. Hoary Wein- lerger, of Atlantic City, was drowned while bathing. Ex -President Legitime, of Hay- ti, and his fani ly, havearrive 1 in Naw York. ! United States Minister to Mexico Ryan has notili;d tho Stata Department that tho Mexican government puriose to put a tariff an dressed animals nnd all animal products, in retaliation for the duties imposed by the United States government on oxen. Tho postmaster at Spokane Falls has notified the Department that tho emp'oyes in that office will strike unless their pay is raised. r-Sec-retary Tracy has designated Lieut. Adam War 1, naval attache to the United States legation at Paris,;to repr-smt the Navy DeJ pnrtiiient at the International Meteoroligical L'oniress to be heel in Paris- The Pneu matic ;un a-d Power Coinpmy, of AVash ron, has proposed to bnild a pneu nntic car riage for 44,0)0. It has been dee ded to elect ex-Senator Piatt to lill the vacancy caused by ttio death of ex-Governor Brown as pres-ident of the Tennessee Coal, Iron arid Railroad Company. More troublo is ex pected at Se wall, W. Ya. There is a great demand for coke, nn 1 thj price is gradually advancing. J.ihii Johnson, a Swedish car penter, living in Chicago, hacked his wife to leath. His min i is unhinged. Tho raco troubles at Green wood Miss., have terminat.'d. Four colored men were killed in the shooting on Sunday. L. S. Brooks' banking office, at Creston, Iowa, closed, anil Brooks and his cashier have been arrested. ij. L. Clauson, a real estate broker, was found murdered at Wichita, Kansis. Max Jscobsen, a clever European sharp, was arrested in Chicago charged with extensivo emberzleotent on tho Fidelity and Casualty Company, of that city. Tho money was lost in betting on hors-j races. Two children of D ividGray, while playing with mafches iu a barn at Blue Springs, Nob., sot fir j to it, and were burned to death. The postofliee at Moline, III., was robbed of $2,10) worth of postage stamps. -The towns of Sudbury and Wayland. Mass., celebrated the two hun dred and fi tieth anniversary of the incorpo ration of O.d Sudbury, one of tho most -an cieat of Massachusetts towns, having tern settled in 1G:W, receiving its name in lOoti. Sudb'jry was the nineteenth tjwn in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, and tho s.cond situated beyond the fl w of the tide. The millionaire packers, Armour and Swift, ig nored the sub; rje ia to app.'ar before the Sen atorial Comtuitt 9 investiga'ing the dressed b?of trade iu Chicago. William Kemble B-iite, a prominont railroad and real estate man, coiumittel suicide at Seville, Florida The Carousel .-it Ocean Beucb, N. J., was (fc Btroyed by lire, an I theOcoan Beach Hotel also damage 1. Mrs. Henrietta Cook, of Ouborne county, Kansas, who had served t lirteen years of a li'e sentence for the mur der of her husband, w .s pardoned, her iuuo cence having been established. THE ABANDONED SEAMEN. The Prosecution of iliTti-r. c. , . ' - .... . T , , I , ' ' 1 Who Killed a Comrade. Captain Kellogg, commanding the Unit.d States steamer Ossipe?, now at Newport News, has been ordered to release the two 'eaman whom herescu-d from Arenas Ky, Yucatan, same weeks ago. These men to gather with a third man, were abandoned on that island by the schooner Anna. When the Ossipee arrived one of the men was d ad. and the surrounding circumstances pointed to a homicide. Upon the return of tho vessel to New Tork n report was s?nt to the department and the men were held in custody pending action bv the authorities here. Tha captain of the s -hooner, an American, was exonerated from all tdame and thj qu stion then arose was there sufficient grounds for a prosecution of the survivors for homicide. The report was referred to the Department nf Justice for an opinion by the Attorney Gjecral who decided that no prosecution could follow. I ths tirst place there was evidence that the man had beu killed insdf lefense; a id then, again, whether or not a murder had been committed the United Mates would have no jurisdiction over the ease, as the crime occurred in foreign boun- MARKETS. Baltimore Floor r-;rf,-n , a4 4.S5. Wheat-Southerii Fuitz orn Southern iatli cts. Oats-Southern and Pennsylvania ', ctts :Jiye-xy& Pennsylvania j-JaoJcts. ; Hay Maryland and Pennsylvania 18 rr0a14 00;SU-aw-V lnt,a.Utaf. "5 ;BuTtor Lasteni C reamery I6j fazJe near-by receipts loal7ctB; Cheese juisteru Fancy Cream UV a$ cbs., intern, SaH' cm; K --irs iu aA); Tobacco Leaf Inferior, la 00 Good Common, : 00a 4 00, Middling, oa0 00 Goo.1 to tine roi,7a0; Fancy, luajl-j. New Tuwr Flour Southern Common to fair xtra,$3.5.i4) .aU heat-Nol White sr K.vST' Corn-Southern cliOW,4-,Ji i43: i. Oats-VVinte,Sta teZWa-JOi-' cts. ; BuMer-State. 1 lal -ts. : Cheese-state tijsocto.; Eggs lSalU,' cts. PlilbAnELcniA Ploui Pennsylvania fancy, 4.:i"irt4. Ta; Wheat Pennsylvania and Southern ltcd, Sl;i.S4; Rye Pennsvlvania V.'aoVts :C rn Sou then; Yellow, 4 1 a4' i'c. Oate-'3Sa38X ct. : iiutterStnte, lial'j cts.; Cheese Y. Factory, -ya'.Hj cts. Kggs Stutt. ISalU cts. CATTLE Baltimore Beef. 4 I2a4 Si; Sheep $2 00 a4 00. Hogs .j I 21.4 40. fagW York Beef 14 r.oa5 25;Sheep-3 75 a5 io; Hogs 4 U0 4 7".. Eart IdBKRTy beef f4 40a4 90; Sheep $3 .ua4 7.o; Hogs $-1 25a4 40 THREE HUNDRED KILLED. - TorpIkU n.. 'i r i lernble Dynamite Explosion in Antwerp. A Tlton-utad Persons Injuml Hun tired of Cask, of Oil in Flam a Tho nbipping Kitlangered by t he Conflagration. Two hundred p.-rous went killed and five hundred more or leas injure 1 by an explo sion of dynamite In a cartridge factory in the vicinity of the Bourse, in Antwerp. That bu lding was aet on fire by bi is ng timbers hurled against it by the explosion, and a panic prevailel in tint sretioa of the city. Hundreds of men ami women were sjssn el in a lone, low building br aking up old cartridges when an e- -lo-ion o iirred among a pile of cartridge, which in turn ex-' plo lel a lot of dyntmi e Thou uids of dead ly m ssiles fl.w in every direction. The t uildings were demolish I, and people hurled hundreds of f. et away fro.n t ha spot. Por tions of a girl's body were found two hun dre I yards away from the ruins of tho cart ridge factory. Tne tire canted by tho exp osioa destroyed what remain-si of the factory and burned the bodi. s o' many of th - vi -tlms. Th mili tary were ord-red out to check tue panic and prevent pillaging. After s-veral Urge build ings had been destroyed, the flames caught the great Russian oil tan a, and In a faw mo ments eighty thousand barrels of oil were abiiiz -. More exploaions occurred, and the 11 linos continu d to s rect to th docks, and soon s-veral large ve-rajls were burnin 1 he loss will le miny millions of francs' The cartridge fnctory was situated In the rear of the docks, upon which mi l.o.nof cartridges in ixes wrnj ueing io lueu at the tlm As lDe tlre exP 0-1 "1. u?es0 cartridges the fire men wen compillo pi'ioil to run for their lives and many of t li -m wore wounded. The latest estimate is that there are 300 d -ad and l,(rJU inj irel. Th i explosions con tinue. At the American docks all tbe ships have been saved, owinz to tbe favorable di rection of the wind. The stained windows of the Calh dr'il are smashed, and it is feared that the steeple will collaps-. Toe whold v.cinity is strewn with debris. The dock sheds a id hydraulic cranc are urate y dimaget. soldiers of the garrison a id a large num ber of citizens areaKsis'ing tho tirmen. Many are dropping from sntTjca lm. The sc-jnes at the hospitals are h -a-treu ling. King Ln l old has sent a telegram ex;ressing sympa thy and asking for particulars. The people are incensed at the Deputation P.-rm lto for a lowing work to continue In tho caru-idge factory which had been condemneJ. ABOUT NOTED PEOPLE Trincss Eoniso's favorite diversion just ' now is glass-pai:iting. George Bancroft is one o fie fow living Americans who knew both Goethe and Lord Byron. General John C. Fremont is now 78 years I old. and his friends say he looks good for 10 or 15 years more. It is reported in London that John A. Kas son, one of the Sumoin commissioners, it to i have the Russian mission. Mr. Gladstone allows all the people in the neighborhood of Hawarden to freely use his splendid library of 20,OJ volums. John J. Blair, tbe New Jersay railway mag nate, marie his first dollar in 1S0U by trap ping rabbits and selling the skins. Mr. Moody will I. oi l a conventi an of evan gelical ministers and laymen at C'aic igo for 1 days, beginning on September '. Mrs. Emily Crawford, the Paris corr s pondent, is about to reseivj a testimonial from English and French worn ;n journalists. Jay Gou!d has age 1 cons derably in ap pe irance since last year. His beard, which , was formerly black and gloisy, is now quite gray. Dr. Amelia B. Edwards has made arrange i meats for 0J 1 ctures in America during the coming season, S-decting from among :$ox) ap plicants. Anton Memci, Gariboldi's old compitriot, 1 is still living at the old hou9 at Clinton, S. L, in which Garibaldi manufacture 1 can ; dies when in this country. (1 neral Grenfell, the British commander in the war against tho slave-traders on the ' Nile, is 47 years old, a man of han presence and literary tastes. Jean Ingelow has written some recollec tions of her childhood, which she thinks of publishing in th s country. She has also lately written a novelette. ! Three Polish sisters, th3 Miles. Welt, of Czernovic,!, havo recently graiuated from the Vienna Medical University, and two of them will practice in this country. Elward Burgiss, the yacht d -signer, looks more like a professor of mathematics than a practical boat bo Oder. He is 41 years old, : member of an arisrocra'.ie Bostou family, ! and a gradu ite of Harvard. Justice Lamar, of the Supreme Court or the United States, has recently made a tour I through Alab una, Mis-issippi, louisiana and ; Texas, and has found, he says, notable indua ! trial progress almost every where. Mr. Wilkio C dlins is short and delicate- looking, with very s nail han Is an 1 feet and a cheerful face. H.s luxuriant hair and board are sn wy w jite, and he habitually wears spectacles. He Is an inveterate smaker. Mr. Samuel Jones, the "revivalist." was rccntly offered $6,0j'J a year and a fine church to preach iu at Minneapolis. He re plied: "Do you take me for a foolf I'm get ting $25,000 a year no t The many who have enjoyed the writings of Mrs. Ross Terry Caoke will regret to learn that in these later days of her life she is an almost confined Invalid. She is confined to her home at Pittsfield, Mass. , and suiters much pain from rheumatic troubles. Edgar Saltus, whose novels of an erotic rot character have gained a certain notoriety among on uncertain class of readers, has gone to Italy for the purpose of further in flaming his already warm imagination. His price for a short story is ?ioO. Stanford, Cro-jker, Colton and Hopkins, the projectors of the Pacific railroad, had n t among them all money enough to buy a sup per when they started, but by the success of their ffAigniricent enterprise they become railroad kings, with a fortune of 2J,000,OUO epiec?. "BLACK BARl'S" CRIMES. Thr; Fetl ral Authorities Want to Try Him lor R ibbing th - Mails. The coroner held an inq l -st on the body of Mr. Fleishb in, of Bj.leville, III., who was killed by Holzhay, the stage robber. Th jury recommended that Holz'iay he held to the next term of court. This will be in Octcbr, but a co.nplic.uion has arisen since the inquest. United States Agent Pulsifer arrived here and claimed the prisoner on behalf of the United States. His demand wis made on the supposition, based on the pri n rs confe -sion, that Holzhay robbed the United Scat- s mail on the Wisconsin Central Road. Tho authorities here will not listm to this claim. The prosecuting attorney claims that h; has n certain case against the murder .r and that he can s -nd him down for life. On the other hand it is siid that the killing is man slaughter at the least and the possible pun ishment is limited to fourteen years. Superintendent Donohue, of tbe Lake Shore Railroad, believes b recogniz s in xaoiiaay tue murderer ot a laborer wno was i autea live years ago after belns roaid ?4 D. I . isnllkely. Holz my is only 21 years old and would have boeri but at the time referred to by Donohue. END OF THE MINERS' STRIKE. Operator Mnk Satisfactory Conors Rions and Work Will p 5 llesumed. Th i conference of the coal miners and coa operators hel l at Joliet, DL. resulted in r seUlement of the wage troubles throu ;hont the Northern Illinois coal fields and an early resumption of work, excopt in tho mines of W. L Scott The operators gave their ulti matum aft-r a two hours' executive session Their terms were a reduction of seven and a half cents a ton, no di-count 011 conionnv store ord 'rs, a reduction of fiftv -er ce'nt in tool sharpening in all the fields except Streator, and the sale of coal to tbe miners at the cost of putting it on the cars. The miners considered the proposition and Anally resolved to accept it. Tbe workmen deeired in addition tbe item of rent free dur ing the strike and no victimizing On i-iiinfr to work. The operators refused th se points in the agreement, but state! privately to the miners that tho result would be as desired. ! ntc a ctudc Awn riciurTirc mrrn rt a r nn ana w I in .- ,- .xtri -. " - - DISASTERS AND CASUALTIES. A severe drought, of several weeks dura- sion, is report 1 in the Belvider cUua of uimoia McC are & Ryan's planing mill in Iuis vil e, Kentucky, was burned Loss, It J.u si; insured. Owing to a washout on t he Ea stern Minne sota Railroad, near Du!uh. a freight engine and thirty car were ditched and several trainmen were badly injure L Two boys aged from 1.' to 16 rears, who took refuge in a stack of cornataUa during a thunder storm near D,lv?is, Mexico, were struck and killed by lightning. Otto Gr j ff,13 years old, was fatally stmt by a plavraate named W aldington. In Kt Dubuoue, Iowa. They were firing at a mark when Waddington, thinking bis gun unload ed, snapped it at Graff. A carriage containing Mr. Dibaui. of I Wauwataa, aged 65 years, and Mrs. Dennett of West Granville, agd 7 J years, was struck I br a train in M iVaaa.iir-., and ir .,t,.w, ' w , e ixri ipti. l ney were eiat -rs. Mrs. Duquette, a young married woman, and Eugene Dion were drowned at Ottawa, Ontario, by the ui s -t; mgof their skiff, which was struck by barge. Three oths in the party narrowly sicpd A storm struck tho tent of John Ilobinaon's circus, at Toledo. Oaio, throwing it over and crushing down the seats. Over a hundred people receiv d bru tea and contusions, but no person was fatally hurt. Tbe captain of the schooner Ben Hur. at Gloucester, Massachusetts, from tb (irand Banksreports that Th mas Thompson, of 1 Sable River, N. S , and John Fagio, of 8t , Mary's Bay, N. F., were lost by the oapU has; of a dory while attending trawls. There are 67 cases of diphtheria at Moscow Ohio,. The village has UQ inhabitants, and , the sanitary conditions of the place an rery bad. Death frequently results from blood j poisoning when the patient is appar -r.t'.y 1 convalescing, sometimes en hour after tbe Ml 1 is up walking around. Tbe smoke hou and th reolerinr, hous ? of Swift & Co., In Kn-aaCity, Ma, weredc itroyedby lire. The loss ises itn-t -i at l" J0i; insurance, ItHOOJL Master Mechinic Tate was killed during the fire by from the roof of tbe smoke bonne. The sail boat Case tea was found bottom upward in the lake at Waukegsn, Illinois. The occupants were probably drowned Two coats and a lady's paras 1 were fouud in the boat. A letter in the pocket of one f tbe coats w.s addresaol to G. B. Peterson, Fax take, Illinois. A boiler in tbe nail factory of Godrharlcs & Co., at Towando, Pa., explodrd, killing five men and injuring sixotheis, two of them perhaps fatally. The killed are: KicherJ Ackerly, Sanford B Smith, John Boentwick, Isaac Band ford nnd Guy Herman. J. Ryder and George Z-'bick will probably die. A construction train on tbe Northwestern extension of th) Burlington and Mis-ouri Railroad was wrecked near tbe Pine Kg' tunnel. In Northwestern Nebraskv Eleve l men MN injured, two of whom, George Morris, the engineer, and Junes Mcrnan, a laborer, ure no. expected to t sjJlXf. Lydia Wil Iman keeps a colored boarding house in Chattanooga, Tenn , and has ten young men boarders. An hour after dinner, at which tainted meat ha 1 been served all tbe boarders, Mrs. Wilduian and her youag daughter were taken violently ill, and at last reports were unconscious. The girl and two of the boar tors, it is thought, will die. Two accidents occurre 1 on the ctble rjsil iu Kansas City, Mo. Miss Binlew, a music teacher, was run over and killed. R. T. Hindle, Recorder of Deeds, fell while alight ing from oue car directly in front of another approaching from tbe opposit direction, and was so badly injured that his life was 1 -s;aired of. About :; feet of the Like Shore Uas Co-U Company's tippl-, at Ciera Station, on the Pittsburg, an 1 Y. aighlogli -ny Railroad, tumbled iiown while two men and fourteen load-sl cars wero upon it. Tho Sj perintendent, Weaser, and bis brother, wera fatally injured 1'he tipple was about fifty feet high, and was built three years ago. While an 1 1-year-old daughter of Byron j Welsh, of A-bany, New York, was ca ry iug in her arms her infant sister, 11 months . ojd, the little on cried for a drink of wat-r. The girl picked up a bowl c antaining em balming fluid, which stood b -side the corp-w of another child of tbe ramily, an I allowed the baby to drink of the poisonous mixture. A physician was summoned, but tho child died soon afterward. An excursion train and a stock train on the Central Railroad of Yeriuont collided near Brooksvllle Station. i- passenger car and ten stock curs were smashed up, and another passenger car was partially demol ished. Three persons were killed Hiram Biodgett. passenger train conductor: Will iam Emery, passenger engiueor, and W. W Allen, fireman. Five naeu were injured, none fatally. It is believed that th; disaster was caused by th running of the freight train on the special's timj. The ship Mi illiam Mo! lilvery, of Sears port, Maine, is reported as having boen burned at sea on tbe voyage frtm Pisagua for New York with 1700 tons of nitrate of sola for Hemeuway & Brown of Bouon. Tha Mc Giivery was a first-class ship of I'.'TO tor-, owned by J. C. Nichols and others, of Saaiav port, and was valu! at IJO.OOi). Ther was ac insurance of t.",.o00on the vess.d and f I v 000 on tbe cargo. KILLED AN UMPIRE A Hut lira. I. , Ball Player in Jail for Ma n -.launder. South Carolina, which was about the !a-t itate to take up professional besi ball, has ihe unenviable notoriety of having killed the first umpire. Tho killing pecurre I at Dar- ington, a small c u-ity seat about l.'KJ miles j from Charleston. On that day a lse ball i team from Vadeslroro, N. C., went to Dar i lington to pi ly a gam , all ama'eur. The ; North Carolina team carried with them a ! .-. .... i. ... ...i ismii . i i.ii.ii i iiin.ii m irsliall, a son of ; prominent c tizen of Wadesboro. Youn; Marshall was a callog ly ani was. therefore, suppostl ba bo up in th points of the gam-. He was choseo for ura- , ..v.u m io, .hut ii - ine-eta. X ik. game progressed tbe umpire made a decision that did not giv satisfaction to tho Darling. frin til ' Til IIrtd a-.,r.lj . a . ion i-.i.-o. taov words were ; I ... 4 . d n y young Loon Dargan. s n of Congress" ...... . ' .'iiun, rushed up V . . 3 nu " 'nd, and struck umpire aiarsoui a lenrtul blow across the nead, RnocKing nim insensible. Tbe urn in rn was tiken to Wadesboro on thft Ar i "urmp me inp uia not recover bis rea son. He is a very popular young man at his ome, and held the po.ition of teller in tbe bank at Wadesboro. Young Dargan was arrested but was subsequently released on bail on information rec-ivel from W ades boro that tbe umpire wool I probably re- fZTsJPTZ Wt?S reco;Te' th the umpire had died and Dargan has again boeu ar- rested. THE HATFIELD-M'COY FEUD Two of the Gang Sent to Prison for Life for Three Mvrdrrs Th ? trial of Wall Hatfield has been con cluded, at Pineville. Ky. The jory found him guilty of being accessory to tb act of manlering the three McCoys Tolbert, age 1 thirty eight years, Randall, nineteen, and Farmer, fourteen. Alexander Mas er con fessed to the murder of Farmer, the youngest and both were sentenced to the P. nitentiarv lor life. The-e trials are a result of the Hat-lield-McCoy leud, which has caused so much tvrror oa th? line of Keutucky and es: irginia during the past two or thrte years! It would be difficult to ascertain just how many liyre h.ive been sacrificed in tins fam. ous vendeita. Indeed, it is doubtful if any body knows. The bloody doings of tire two tribes lirst began to be made public the lat ter p .rt of 18S7, and since tben scarcely month has pissed without news concerning the feud. 1 here have been several trials bnt few convictions. Now that most of the mur derous gangs on both sides are dead or 111 irison, there is likely to bo a cmetioti of hisnlitiesunt 1 another generation comes on. BUP.NED HERSELF TO DEATH j A Woman at Fort Mi linn, Drinks Coal Oil and Seta Mcraeir on Klre. Mrs Kate B. Fetter, wife of Ordioanci I S-Tgeant Fetter, United States Army, romj; j mitt-d suicide at Fort McHenry, Baltimom ! She drank a pint of coal oil, tben saturated . her clothing with the fluid and set herself on 1 fire with a mttch. Her 4-year-old daughter j gave the alarm, but too late to ear her life. THE OLD LOG COLLEGE. Its Founding: Fitly Commeno rated. T W b by PrcmKlrsit Harriann anil Piatmssirr Gaaersl WaMssskrr-Som- No4be Addnwa and Papers If each Kajlhssa a -ssa Tbe Old Log College c -trtM-attoa. un lev lb ausptees of Ike Prsasryssry of rh.hvWlpbt.. North, was batd on tbe aid Tronant farm, near Hartavdle, Bseka cusanty, I "a . wWre tike roliage was or ig. nally toeatsit Tbe farm s tweaty mine from Phlatelphta. Th rs errsses of the day are really r ia lasssmali 1 1 of tbe fosjadiac o tbe I rsabytansaa Cbwrrb tbe C in tad Kta'ea The Lag Cotkaga was bsbbIM m ma by. . . iMsa Trnasasat. aad fioarisbaal until Kri, sabsa Priskoatea Cot- i hrga was foansVd. aad it may be saM tbat , the Prtncetoa aaaiHalwm sprang ap from tat primiUve coTeta ettabl nl t v TennaiiL President Itsrrmn atWiftsd, rtVconspan i-U t.v iVatma.ter ;-ural Wanamaker. Mrs HarrKon. R v J W. Srnti aad PnvUWr retary Haliord. Tbe Preaidawt and party ' spent the nhthtat Mr Wanamikrr'. ronotr v borne at J nkmtown. Tbe preidenUal piny o rove eight ciiiea to the c tsbratlo-i over tbe 0 d York roa.1. Tx route was prof aaary fr e orated with fl ajsj ami bant lag ca tbe farm h uara, f ooi a and troaa. O iv itjaeer with tba party, and a rontiDUl ovation was t n lered all along th- ruato, and errn ap to law stand in tba retrbratrou parti km Taota ha I bean rt eclat oa tbe Taanant farm, and an immense crowd from Use ear- 1 rounding country an I l bi.nd-lpha. and in cludlne prominent I'rraby lerian dirlnr fr.r. ail over tbe country, was print. At 11.30 1 he raw ices of lbs day were npn as I liy ibl r i ling of a rerse of Pmprure by Rv. J . B gg, D. D., of tl.e K.H. .f .Vburlbdl.Pbila e phta. Th-n followed a prayer by Rev. L 1 W. Eckard. of At in ton. Pa. to whom I be uccrw of the crl-tra'ioa was doe. At II.'.' tbe Preaatent. leaning on tba arm of Mr. Wanomaker. entered tbe larg Usnt and was given a mol rntbainat c we.rotne Tbe party took front seats on I be raasnl put form. Tbe ladies of the party war drewwd handsomely and carried bouquet. Tbe first paper was road by Iter. D. K. Turner, of HarUvilW. Pa., descriptive of lb founding of th I Iog C-dtege and tbe oVes ul career of IU foundera. Rev. R. M. Pattonoo, D D. LI. D., of PtiiU.ilpcra, editor of tbe PreWy'rrian, delivered an address on "Losf College Kvangtilata" Freavlant Harr son was tben Introduc-d. Tue assemblage, numbering 'St.ujO. rrm i en masse and repeatedly c bo red as tbe Prral : dent cam to the front of th platform. At the close of th Prrsidr at address tber wss a scene of wild excitement for five min utes, M and women rbsrnag an I waving handkercblrf s anil in o ber way Umooatrat log their approval of tba Chief Ktemiivi s -oilmen t After tbe sinr'nr. of tb byaan. Nearer, My ti l. toTi-. tb in irulages- rci s closed at 1.3l o'clock. Tbe President and party war rcorted to a special Vnt prriared and decorated for them, where an informal luocb waa rrval. I At iia conclusion t h President. Mrs. Harri son and R-v. Mr. KcoU entered their carriage and star ed back to Mr. VTanamaker's at Jenkintown. at 110 o'clock, tb vast term blage cheering the Preaidont as be drove off. ArntMous sKaatuK. Tb attendaac at tb after none seas ion was larger than in the m- rmni Rv. I -nrsr Krskic. D. D.t of Ne ville. Pa., deliv ered an addresa on " Preetiyterlans of tb unit -r and Valley." (i.avernor Beaver i-l h has at last a Kran.l i sjf ibelh Coi lege. for he siunii I f YYasbi gio.t au I Jff rson Univ-rtiiy. Mext John Wanamakrr was Intrudoersl. and he, too, cam In for an outtair.t of ap pauae. Mr. Wananiakrr cka.-l bis atdreaa by suggesting tbe rebuilding of tbe ol I I g Co lege in a form sn nearly r sesnhling tb original as prsdble as a memorial of Tennanl, Whitfield and tb early Prral yir,n brue. President Knox, of lafayette Oalhr-ge. nxt delivered an addrraw, and after severrl othr short a Idr.-e. tb celel ration ended at ix o'clock by the proounriation of tbe b-ned ve il ora by Rev. J. W. Scott, th vcnerablo father of Mrs. Harrison. CABLE SPARKS. Four of tbe largest mills In Blaclburn, Lngland, bav shot dow, owing to tbe dull ness of trad. A severe shock of earthquake was felt throughout Greece, and serious damage woa done in several town. Baron Schimmelpinninck Van Dor Ore, president of the First Cbnrnhorof tbetttat--General, died at the Hsgn. Tbe council of tbe French Legion of Honor has erased the name of General Bou la tiger and Count Dillon from to roll of tbj order. Regent G rules, in an interview, d elar-d that tbe 8ervian government earnestly de sirad to maiota.n friendly relations witb Bulgaria. A b rt Nieolet, an engraver, baa confessed to toe authorship of tb anarchist manifesto recently circulated tbroutbout SwiiiM-land. He will 1 tried for the off ana at Bern. Tn remains of Pascal Di Paoii.tbe furniai Coraican patrint, who died in exile near Loo don in 1907, bav been exhutnad from . Pancras Church burying-gruund and shipped to Corsica. Tbe United States corveUe Enterp-is baa arrivsd at Plymouth, Faland, wrier she will await tb arrival of tb Uatt d HUtJ steamer Dolphin from Gibraltar, when both will proceed to Ireland. Tne miss on sent by the King of Sh . an indep -ndent Slat of Ahyetinia, to the Iiaiian government, was received in tb throne-room at Rome by King Hurab -rt with treat pomp and ceremony. A royal order which baa jus" been issued at Berlin sanctions the creation in Jerusalem of an evangelical establishment with corpo ral rights to preserve existing evangelical ins. Italians, and to add to their number. Th jury of tbe Peris Exposition has recan-menc-t that a gold medal be awarded to toe University of Virginia, Cornell Cm rally and tbe city of Bos on for educuiooal exki bi a It court circle at St Petersburg it i said that the Human governm, t has discharged th debts oaed by lh-i Prince of Montenegro to rariua Austrian tmnking linn, amounting to over 1 ,000.000 rou' lea. William O.Brien was sentenesd to two . months and James G I booty to six worki j imprisonment, without hard labor, la Cork (Irrland) jail for holding a national meeting which had been proclaimed by tbe Knjlisn , government. Dispatches have leen receive 1 at Paris to 1 1. .. I 1. . . - . . k M . .. I J , , X, T 1 C- , r " . tonam IvlAn.isa m ra.1 f, .rt v. t ta . . hit ik r. . h . r ",V " V TTT-. - r ' " . i . mjv ii jiii nui ot ..w iaiioonia to annex th islands. Two engineer bav been soot from Cooatantinoplo to Crete to Inspect tba va rious fori ideations tber. With view of strengthening them against attack in caa-s of ,utu inWMTlioo- The German govt veminent I rrreonrin a liill for submis.ion to tb coming aaat-i aof th iieicnsug tor credits to suxment and reor ganize tbe army in view of tb continual la crosse of tb French and Kaoiiaa arma ments. Tbe Sultan of Z tnribar has signed a con cession giving to the Britiab East Africa Company tbe lama Island and tb Benagtr coast-line from Kipini northward, including Kismaya, Brawa, kferka, Magadisb and Uruti. Tbe collapse of tbe Magdeburg su jar syn dicate has seriously affected the sugar refln erios at Stettin. Praaaia, aad th Hamburg authorities hare ordered an inve-rtagaUoa 10 discover why tbe proper ofli id bad not controll-d tba brokers' iradiag. Mrs. Florence Elisabeth Mayhrick. nodrr a li. sentence at Woking prison for piibsua ing ner ru-oinu. James aay brick, a L4 pool broaor, ia permitted b th tboritirs to take exeiclss In tba nr Her health is improving, and she sull tains her cool demeanor aad aorsns to b set tling into the routine of - rtsoo haa. vie 1 Herb era. Are von disturbed at night and your rest by a tuck child auffrring aad crying witb pain of cutting bathf If o. send at one and get a bottle of M RS WINSIiXVS booth i 4r. - - - - w BYKUl. milCHtUlBxs Turn 1XO, It- V In- is met ',.! lab Ir w..i e. ' lievo th - 1 Uttss suffr-rer immediately Jepen l upon it, mothers, there fat no mt.tak ai.ut 11 curing d va-ntary and di irrb-evo-g-u la lea tbe r-tomach"and Imwena, cures wmd colic, softens tb gums, reduces infl iiuatasa. an l; Rives tone and energy to th who oyabian. Mas. WtMsuma .soothioo BTatrr tor Chiijirix Tut-hito fat rlnamiil to tb "f."wl is tbe prescription of na of tb oldest and beat femals nurse and paynrcaaan in thaUr ited State aad fat for sale bv all druggist throng bout tba world. 1 rice 25 oaiit, a bottb). or- prssoa au 1 . . 1 arr.. w . SOUTHERN ITEMS.,jmi xkws oompiijco FnoM maw ovnctc. it a bass of P Jordan, of Wd by sosa. uf wwotan raxtary I of . nrr, ot Pstsrabarg. V. A oa yeored obdd of Mr C m. r.- foU of oobv farr at Vi OOOl bo to ooarotsa-i Ibiri. "Grsandy- 1 -I of K.a- . oniy my Tboybjldof '-.'' wo vrry aln'srort. veragiog nearly forty s bo tb Tb lUcbeaoodaod 'e linning of tkn :roeta for tnieliag 1.1 Jo care, aM of -ill be turned over to la eDsawaaov At C-barieaton. W. Vn , .nd a lorga wa of oaacbaoevy. o-a by A (wverToa atOa.. QJlWfcwoj; LosaUsoo, i iir nr is aapojoon to na U Jlary otiflo. Jaroea KhipVy. brsakeoaan rf engine Ms, toss silting on too cm Of rack by tbe ton of tno bridge at I a , win. e his train aa lard two boaaiea'ter wards r.-r tbe thml y-aln-brlottev.Ue(Va " furnrahing the fall and winter i be Pbllaoelpbla VHIer rsrren-'tti WD and a An oil rolar bet ssgieg tn A. .'n of Mar pet ' Krvry. . Va.. M ishlldted ia Cborbotoao. W.ili d tfettyoborg. Pa. It la tbe Men tool m .i Joan rtrowo ranked n di r ag I . Mar y land and ra YlrgtaUv Aout right hundred I -bildren ar- cir.4 y-d al lb L Mr a array A negro boy fitter a y. ar. o." aar. Joyoer. I. nog avaar Ceutr v. IV. Ml walking a rail frnc carrying a wdd gaa. n Iran lie irnev, arvi m (un s, not tba boys arm jsT completely. It r a m n at month fur Jossa C l1-rd i :r at r'Wtrea M -mo-, Va. It i. tv rwi t'rai,a . Tbe atrortar . have .'4uroooa. aad U will I e ready lur orvnpaawT A ay nd mala of Northern earatabaU bav parrneeeo ssayo orvige in rtir tbe Maraball atrovt railway, an 1 atabltan a plant m Yirgtnii cttara to moke water gaa not Ik company will invest a otooey In irgioia r.a Daring a heavy trrn . of tb -an al R chm od. Va.. trrirrn dwatded by aevwsi riM- wiw hisuibj. soo ssj n Whl Bee j tram An ' . Tf-ttrksn ia n lb- M e ai i n aUr ltos-1 ng a switch to allow a tr aba lo ran oa a irack. hi. foot ca-igbt to th frurg. and l fore be enoU extra al It. waa to we by :bs train and bad y crods! Tb Lynch bo rg aad Dorbaoa nod tb Itlrbnvmd and Isaovilkt t'anpioi bav Miiereal into a nmirici lor nd for lb- iranafrr of 'rvigbla an I reraattbepdotof Jooi tor nenr Lyarnborg. Tb I ertha 7. ne slirr larg pur. bi Wylb ca,r.ty. Va. woporty. tor -..ifsj to property a, anown as lb Falling Cliff Farm, owned b, Dr. BramWtt and otbrra. owl i atd to be rery ru-b witb both iron and Sane or. Tbe Canton Brtdgo ( oropaay tin ant si puttiogup. lor tb W heeling nd llarrtabarg .'oropany. tb bridge Wodinx 'ro-a lb soat rn in. .ii h of lb anas, tn tunnel eervoa it reek to the pvoinaa a Nearly a I la n a 'erlal and tb neceaoary rigging is on tb (T uod. Ac on V-borat ia lb Valley of Lot trvok. sear Clay kdiorg. W. Va . did an m ti. amramt of dartaa.r. TraftV on tb Wanbrrn sad Carkabarg Itadroad as suarreraVd. to th- iDirena- am oat of d-tr-. washed on lb track, and tb iaraa rs have tuff redlernbly. Tba Baltimore and Ob to ar baol og water ftom Fair mo rot to tanteroa, W Va . lo r-upfdy Ibeir erg. a- a. oaing larg ml tastk rar-. A brakeman lonvrvd bat taaierra la a to so if tb valve al tne bnttoau waa r hat when a b-rni re ga egpbadon took naara, tb report being beard for a sab, and ibr I wraa illuminating the sorronn ling country Toa brakemaa was badly burned a boot bat lac and rn Judge Coat on. of Alexandria, Va. ba km .i.i n trier ot is U orgta Manganese an I Mm Mining Cosnpran. a-!, ctaya. f - aatla. 1 be direct are lo r le, an-1 to saanufa e r. i be principal office la to b. m AWxan ' h cap tal u, i. to b not than f oOO.OlxX Tbe gang of robbers that boa bona oner atlngao estenaivHy la Grn'o coqety. Pa. ao.1 W. a-i, VT. Va . a. oca Is73 bj at mii to a fair way to I brok an, Charles (rorby. a Mispected (renc. unty man. arrTOtod. bo a laajiai as. oovrj ng . ,,f. i on .r tbe gag. sx arre s bav made, nub many others to follow. to lb swrnlyrar ended AogowtSI. pbia, i nn.. ba to make gate a cradrtsald a owing regar .ing ber cumrnerciai progreaa 1 h eienrina t.T '.rw r ...r.i Mm . an iracraoa over lost vanr of f l raM. an lecrooa over last voar ta Ki-ipta roll. hi were rVl.l lalea, tba Urgeat in ber bastory.aal l.7i balm In ag ue of last yaar. Plr compiately daatroyed th large tbre arm tofraero naanufsctory of VasarAkaa 4k ' iv-ete. i.yncblatrg. Va. ss-red with a larg quanuty of manuraftured '-be coo, an aval. In atork is Is sarin for aboui ff. ui i wilt nearly cover tb kaav It ta .tat -1 that tbe budding waa I Reared far bo.O sj. a ,d ia aioui fft-,UUJ. P. W. I, n-r. ,.f LcksviOa, Md.. I ells a a Strang c.rrnmetanc enra e i d witb tb rec.-nt death 4 bat wife. H say thai tbre er. DM or ber dea1 h .'v dr. 1 Woudd. and tlK.nesl.tav cnid In . . " ,M ot Dr irveo.1. d t.M. i Lamed t b day and tbe go. The night lad-ax .h- - aal kealtb, bnt r-m.ra-d that Ibe end near, o wl five and a half boors later sb a corpc Mrs. Wm. Prioc.. of Martin. Ferry. W Trey enterol the a cod au-ry of dence by a lodsV r, caJorosarn and lo nil IU aw. kr, wbea on of th m by tie ibroat. rabe know ber by h -r aid 1 an 1 coll-at to bint, bat aa In U "t-t .n a ru ;g a mi b-atea into I os aivdity. Ur tbjof and Mr. rumpson. baUder of tb f - i rnmrast nry n. cts si .a.a-.oia. ta, M Navy Depart man I that tb- k r-a 11 nee for voasea oa th 1 k Of n.oaih- Machinery of aw aad paw d- .n I oi been aapplwd at tbss doc, ana f tne pumps basing a capacity sj 4: uou ge l m jer miaute, tbe two pomp totnraaat of empty irg the d-ck in aa boar anl twenty minutes. An attempt to destroy a barktlog and it occupants by fir was sand ta Frr-Urrcka burg, ta Ik- SB sitaotd 00 Ub- ertv I oc njpw by her tw . rh.idr-:i. Toe boo to at two frot tr. m tb ground, aad lb d ory bad . unrai-l the rafter with coal oil and Bn-1 the n. Th of tb Ham a a wofca Mra Hart, aroosru to rreignaora. ana tn nr waa rt tinfisbsd before any sr.--u dam: was down. Kiwaru ntrenc T. 51 year 0 rt- aaiy at Van Bibber. M 1 iiw S.-ott Mta .dir.acd. toll bim t . do about tb bnasi. aa I sbie be as eoragrrd at aaaao enitt a revolv r. fa ha tired two b-;. one aa.a tmm eiTect ia Speac-r'. back. J-st a'-ov ibe ab- swsnen. rm -ac r t a brother of tb man nbo was root near bar a fow ago. Staadiford. It to two 1 they dad no haras. PorgBTY needs much, while ava a ill take e era thing ail bin rraclv. I"' aora ran arnwaod . Mra Cbartaa Ikt. of Martaabaarg. Groajod woa traksq for a karoo onbo yooog K ftraU H.o WINJET OF FI N. lll'llOMVt VJUUKw rltl.Xrt I asd KrwdVranrn I veil rgnwien of peanjjlt." F -gg va fcv. I I the a. .r kaow -B la axdden T. reenr.y st roar. was; Wife- Yms msrarral tbe lrr -t all nhrb- ore were at llvlaand- -V for a onilr. till I past a ot wbeellaarr.-a km law beat. SO to play aa arrraxUoa ia ibr Jafrrdr rill r I n tab ynsj nunM twdp anl tbjr tramp. thing for two daya." H'm'" rrtnrnol old f; opraed l giving oa ibr .tre-r:. bat if vow tab tkb and ti it roanrd ton tigbil j oa woa t Mi I crrww - Ted ''Are yon brim thi. evrning' Xrd "5o; ant with eoUr Te.1 "Wlsot diffrrrare nuker Ner-- -Wby. aay boy. ! tan I lo be aarrsed at. a rat ru. mat.. Mtslrvaa (a very 'Did yoa dmwa reel r-1. Marar f Mtriw -Oui Did yoa warm the water V Noa. ma-laror What: Da yoa sswoa to Ml ear that VOW drtrwocl those praar llltrr sco-cnIJ watn-r Yoa rrwH prir rot: nr rvwrrvtsrgas. Polite renting Its lady ia fmat tbe rajracerti 1 1 voa he kind that flonrr top of TOoT rant, jaw: aUttWr Ijsdj 'HJrTtaialy. TVw. Will that dor Ye, thank yna. Now I 1 aa are th lady a latnga very arcrlt I wbal -Vn IVr HVriy ran' ratx. .Ptaaaw aasaaav I aba's Caa yoa girt- r M , for board are f7 a wee- Trstsaa 1 Urai-btrnrog aap ia; frr trouMia ar. I dfarla t kfoow n rnstsl Ks an asraassa vmma Tosardnal Tmm - stoW - f ' "Tajn mj"!- fAW T r J r MM Trsnw "Xo. oaor-a. I tfrno! mm 'rm I . ' . . ; . rTr rrwiple it k tbCI. nrt lrbj JoT j trtMsi ag4 ML Us i j, I fi kjllslfcL , W M ot aasf ' fl saaa WfUf. . I ba ka Wt. ' onwo Itsr-t V Ins r oj b o oftj m'nTS bMfar I mj ssaaw mm taw gi ml Z ' m9m MmW f TssW SBbaavfij j jMjj yr mp mm fa wry ; kowoL oM owyr f it M-mUm. r I ily r . i ll OS par a an a reswear - Tkn aw a ..da I . . .T . J ' . A . a- - s. n- tbiog was Polite Ocnlb-man il lade ia front at ba Thy bav rataldwhed a 1 mil all ta n 11 r r --o tup) nf TOW aat. koat sgo wy ssbsbvt rss yea wrt a ra-w i w tborosi U anert or waaw! wa ' Tmmmm7mm 1 1 -a- . . . 7 tth aw .V. rri "a- 7 on7 saaol st aa sabo a snaM bnwaa. Tbere aui i. the dWk a bag. band, tr.fmL denary to sl ga-d tataaat av I totwl U " '' jUL -f"" tW - k a kaa- reah uAL tmtmtm w if rift lilBi? TO ttssssa I a ar - aa at May I have the bliaaar nf atawawa ' '.'v !" ! V Z naMsraaksT rsnk om Tiara. T! , jmtj nad, thw aaaTsarjsWaly Thwy .at wajftnrawaT by thw twa Ti tlgji wetv raag to do H WefJ afW, afj llmM'mlmU!J!l llotak anrV vttaaassoow JoTVsjBjJa assstwnnta, laat'a)fBk ib-u ha. They haeg sosnahoawawl la I . H r- rrk f tb- swa. ssgtst 5 asm a a soar. oea mm mmmw aaarb wksa wtaaprd nrih aew rwbng ff- !lo i war I mmm mmA tmmrni fa' ni 'awvarwaw sa.fooa roubda t Wii at all . - a . - - - aaal OSOrb rasiasii I I I be Miafatf as litile ya orrda l ufl mm." saa r. ttmm f m - b m a a . m mmmmm . . .isra nraa-vj ami iw '.reaW. oaaajfM. ! m "f " -waJ-J Vnea tkat th" " IZmJTl iTZuujT mmm data aa ... - - kod hearted mse,- Ta lewaawdw UsiWraa lajrrt ? f tPhm f I . asallnw tsaat hL mmmmml Hd It -wood wsnnrw .am ta U nJmT Ze7 tr Iff'tljT m, PawbsM . wmtfe rtEClOl v .11 NK. J-J sWnSawrws iarag boB I !' ""I"" " w""l" I gr T? T?" baj mZ -TWv' mTmm) fawssr. ssf A rsaaayaawaf aasf fVstaal faaaaa) tanW asasoMsn'sk thsof lkstw was ltIMI toe 171 man artssertawi ' hC lf -dpCaa74 sonwW Hit at tt r r ja . jajj) fjj) 'mm snnnnnnnnnns