E c nnfnist -Falc n. , COUNTESS CASTELLAN?. PtELlSD F D EVERY FRIDAY. Owners- 3. Creecv... friday; march is, iso THE PUB. POP. AND COOM LECIS. L&TUhC. Wbrn the present Pub. Pop. ami Coon Legislature of North Carolina adjourns ami passes into the infam oua niches of history we propose to writeup its depart ure.Until then we only give its epitaph "Reqaie Scat." We have no doubt that many of them will not only deyy that they voted for the bouorof Fred Douglas, tbeir brother in black, but will swear they were never in that Le gislaturo : at all. But they have little capit il of tiuth, and the re cord stands and is against them and tbeir denial of The fact only adds to their infamy. Any man in the lower honso of thn Lifrrislature who voted for that Fred Douglas , resolution i!s unworthy of decent as sociation with decent white men or white women in North Carolina. Any man in that body who voted for it and denies it is a perjured liar and should be in striped breeches working behind a.lash ou the Peni tentiary farms of North Carolina. Pool, the unworthy Representative from Pasquotank county; Darden, the unworthy representative ot Per qaimans county and Squires ioe onwonuy frepresencaiiTe ui Camden county ,voted for it and dis graced their white constitfieats,aud if they deny it we shall pillory them as best we can, and shall advise . the white men in these counties to scout them from white companions . ship of men and women. Tbey are lit companions for the lowest negroes and shall bo made to- know their places and if they are not driven out from decent white men, we hhall not be to blame for it. If tbey can come home and lace thoir consti- tnonto than Hint? tira ilAvmil nf v Shame, which is said to be the last Evidence of virtue, and are equal to anv crime in the calendar of in famy. MASSACHUSETTS ALARMED. There is a spontaneous movement of.'hfi Nfiw K'iLrlniul4ottoii maimfcc. -'"u"",," Nnrtli anil UiOVti their manufacturing plants to- the South. Some have already moved C - ... i iuituy are preparing 10 uo so. iney have grown enormously rich by the manufacture of cotton, goods.Cotton manufacturiug has been making slow The Southern manufactures have Northern aud undersell tuein ia the markets. The Northern cotton factories were surprised, and alarm has followed surprise, until they have turned their attention south nuiu, uu uiiuu iaiuiuLuiuu uave concluded that the home of the cot ton product is the home ol'the cot iuu laucory, ana upou iurtner cons sideration they have concluded that the cheaper labor, cheaper fuel, cheaper coal and iron, longer days tm m ... oi iaoor and the more congenial climate ol the South give the South an advantage m. the cotton, and - indeed all other manufactures, that the North is unable to compete with, anu as me msiincc oi sett love is strongei thau the Instinct of home and section, northern cotton manu-. facturers are turning their faces 8onth, The Legislature of Massachusetts now m session, seeing this tendens cy of their wealthy population, aud recognizing its damage to the pros penry oitueir stnte, nave appoint- ea a committee to investigate the . matter, from the standpoint of facts . -and.figures, and if possible, provide a remedy for it. lu their Investigations the Corns mitteo examined Mr. Lovering, president of the Arkwnght Club, who made some startling declara tiona. He said there were natural causes for the exodas of manufac tures from Massachusetts, and there "were legislative causes. Mauufac taring! will seek the base of sup plies, aud they always fear lest some legislation will be enacted that will impair or threaten the exs istence of manufacturers. Jefferson Coolidge ot Dostou,stat ed that one advantage of the South for manufacturing, was the lower price ot coal. On the item of coal alone the mill he represented would save $60,000 a year at Southern prices. Taxation north was enoV moos, ana tne cost or living was 30 percent lower in the South than in New England. wnac uoes the South see in ail this manufacturing movement-' at the Borth.Nofc only a tide of Norths, em immigration but alsp the op portauity ot profitable iuvestmen ot money Dy Southern people. Our people have some money. A Xortb Carolina yankee is said to be the shrewdest yankee on the continent, and if a'l this cry of money in man nfactares be true, oar people should see to it that they reap ome oi the benefits of it. For pipes call on J. u. Morrlsotte A Co me'it I we ever offered t the public in tola City. notice loMshermeni Ltcen TwinesJ hare declined. Write to Geo. & fowler A Co. for right prices. nra or te Last week the world of gossip wa. afl unc with rnmora relating lo the marriage of Miss Anna Gould and the French Count Castellane. i Some inuiors alleged that it was f ' marriage of busnies", so much nr.' ; liiitv for so much money, and some govips stated that the considera- 1 .on i ti the eonlract on the part of the r'.ch daughter of the late J&J (iuiild was two million of dollar i-t-cured to the Count for the lustre of I. is name and title. This may be so or it, may not. Doubtless the money and the title bad something to do with it, for love is found in a ducal palace, as well as a cottage but we do not believe that it was a part of the bridal certmony for two million to change hands, by cold ilocded bargain and sale. So we take it for granted that the real consideration was love and af fection between two hearts Uat were young and that bounded to the impulses of our. sanguine nature. Titles glitter as well as gold; and to the stranger and- the wayfarer Uhey are valued for their, absence. was all the dearer for the reason that her father wa3 a parvenne and to Couni Castellane the gold was dearer because his estates were incumberred. . THEMERRIMAC FICHT. Our neighbors of Norfolk Va celebrated the celebrated fight be tween the Iron Clad Steamer Merri mac and the Federal Gun boats in Hampton iioaus on the anuuaJ an niversary of the naval engagement on Friday. Ihe fight took place March Stb. 1802. It introduced a new era in warfare and revolution izt:u the system ot naval warfare m the world In connection with the celebra tion ex-Major Tucker of Norfolk who witnessed tbj tight, publishes in the Norfolk Virginian a graphic and interesting leminisceuce of the terrific engagement. Many o his statements are new to us, bu we do not doubt their entire accur acy. We wih we had enouh pace to reproduce the whole ar- tide. We wish so. because some o our menus were in tnat .fight anu we kuow that the narrative of Capt 1 ucker would be oi great interest to thousand we invite tbem to cal and sec the a2Count of Mayor Tuck er, which we hay placed on file xua f.aht- wiLh the Monitor tIaco on 'Sunday. took v orden, the commander of the Monitor, and Buchanan the Com manuer ot the Mernmac were both (.seriously wounded 'in the engage mafia. b'uelianan waYshot by sharp shooters when exposed, a flag o truce uciug on its way to receive the surrender of the Congress and Worden was wounded in the eve by a sbeil from the Merrimac. On that eventful March 8th the late of nations was in the balance, ana the stars and bars were in the ascendant. How often do accidents rise into mountains in the ordering of the God of Battles. Iiad not the piow ot the Merrimac been broken off when she sunk the Cumberland, to human calculation, the flag of Independence would now float over the C ipital of theConfederac y.Had Stonewall Jackson ' not been wounded in the night by mistake of his own troops,Gettysburg would nave ueeu the closing Manasses of the war, and'the Confederal flag would have waved in triumph over Us battlements. But the Allwise ruler orders all things well and iu his calendar a thousand years are as a day, but before that time has elapsed we pass through periods, like that we are now - passing through in N Carolina, when the powers of evil are rampant and the gloom of barbarism overshadows us. Iu which we can find nothing to comfort us but faith in God's mercy aud goodness, God save the State which bad men are trying to dess troy. ' TWO MAD MEN. Bro Jp Daniels is mad, and Jo- sepbus is not given to inadn Wo sometimes think that the cor- reut of electricity which embraces passion is hardly rapid enough in his physical organism, in these shameless ouasi rproi lit innnrv times. .Buc Josephus is mad now, madder than he was when he istiu-ik at Plato Durham's brother rue acrfirressive. Kpv.Y! T He is now after one John B. IIus- sey, whom he handles not only with but gloves, but with b:ass knuckles pn. According to Joseph us.Hussey pugat now to be in the prison at Sing Sing, and but for the kind of. pees of Senator Ransom and a fi meur ci sickness would doubtless have been iu the shoe business in that penal reformatorr intfoo the little less pleasant business of canning the revolt ing phiz of that missing link in the animal creation the puissant Senator Marion Batler of North Caroliup, as his confident tial secretarv . Accepting the statement as en tirely true, which we do not doubt, wo ramer cuinK brothpr Flaniolo did not look at the selection of Hus- :v w PnfU. ;n -11 t I;' "ul,c,i lu " US pnaases Or woo.d have excepted Senator Hn , er frnm -i.s censure The We don't want, our friends to think us pedantic, we certainly are not running a Kindergarten, but the name of the month interests us. We've just found out that it is derived from the latin word (FebruoV to rmrifv bv sno. rifice. That applies so aptly to our before our departure for market, we great sacruiue uu iu jjuu. u ijui w get youi- armre oi me oargains. nivery tmng sola exactly as advertised. $4L Fair IBIanket all wool and one-half wool! at cost. 5 dDveiPCoat at ps iinr cot. (SS ILadies loak at prime cost. The ballance of our winter tock of Our entire STOCK of FALL and WINTER DRESS GOODS Flannels are making this sacrifice in order to turn theiballance of our winter stock The above offer only holds good for three weeks. Please bear in mind that we are headauarters for evervtliint? in the Shoe, Clothing and Dry Goods line. 1 y 8 tial secretary is a very delicate ; operation. Like liKes to look at J like, ergo Hussey would love to look into the face of Butler and vice versa. We have looked upou many men and many faces in our j somewhat lengthened pilgrimage, but we never looked, upon two more ' hideous than these. Both of them ' have spoken in this town and we heard both of them One was a picture of insincerity end the other a picture of a hjeua. Butler is the missing link in the human and ani mal creation that Darwin so long looked for, and Hussey would es tablish'the doctrine of evolution by his apparent descent from a possum ancestry. Two fitter lellows never met. So gocd a dog, so good a master. Hussey's self love will not be offended when he looks confi dentially in the face of Butler aud vice versa, as to Butler. ; The Fred Douglas Legislature could not baye sent a more suiN able representative than Butler, and Butler, true to bis instincts? could not have selected a more suits able confidential scribe than Hus sey. A wit remarks: wnen yon trr to be Kood. try 10 be grXMl tor something. That la precisely wnat w eisei aona lie s ooa lor Darxauas. All the spices of life are to be round at Bo bin son & (jo's. Best they ver had taken in what they ay of Zoeller s rintoraphF Mr. Ira f. welt, ore, a promi ent rea estate agent ot Sat Angelo, Texas, has used Ch tmberlain t Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Heine Jy ia his family for several years as occasion required, and al ways with periect success. He says. "J find it a terfect cure for our baby whei troubled with colic or dysentery, l cow feel that mv outfit is noi complete with out a bottle of this Remedy at home or on a trip away f.om home. For sale t.y urugguts. Wo ia an cln can marry witnout a dowry i? or Kheumatism I have found nthinc "uni v.uaoiutriain b raiu isaim. itr lieves the pain as soon as aoplied: J, W. l oun, West Liberty W. Va The prompt relief it affords is alone worth mauj nines me coei, ou cents. Its cons tinutd use Will effect a nprmf.rpnt rnrp For sale by Druggists. Dmgist, recommends Johnson's Mag netic Oil, the great family pain-killer, in ternal and external. $1.00 size 60 cts; 50 cts. size 25 cts. "ft V. Griggs & Son. Mexican iris seem f be becoming Americanized. Cured with One Btttle. Mr. Jordon Baker, Tifton, Qa., had muscular rheumatism for ten years. After using a bottle of Dmmmond's Lightning Remedy for Rheumatism, he wrote to the manufacturers that he was satisfied he would be cured bv the time h huti. would be used up. j If you want satisfaction, insist rn h.w. ine Drummond'a Liirlitnincr pm Nothing can take its place. Bend to to the Drummond Medicine Co., 48 Maiden Lane. New York, and two ia.. fwt. theremedj 'will be sent to jour express address. Agents Wanted fl oJ )( ti V nJ $ ; N. A J -" ! " -; . -,McGA.iB'E & .- i . This is a cut of the latest atria scrf It is a Naturally Tied Fourinhand kcot. We also have the most popular fourin nana or the season. It is 2J inches wide at both ends, and 42 iDches long. it mases a pretty ana neat knot when tied. Uur stock comprises ihe latest styles in Tcck s, fourinhands and Bows in .black, VVhue and color. We call your attention to Mens and Boy? cloth ing, not the sort you have been in the nabit of purchasing at the average cloth ing fchip, but the kinds you see on those well dress men who have thir c!othing mada at the swell tailors. The difference between theirs and our ! is the cost, about onehalf 10 two tbiids less-here und the same style to prefecs lion, in making, materials and trim uaings. Oars are ready to put on, no waiting for weeks after youhivo decid ed! Stop in we will gladly show them, yours to buy oryours to look at, a par ticularly strong assortment at $7, $10. $12 $15 $18. ' Remarkable bargains in the Under wear department. Mens wool shirts and drawers actual value $1.60 special price $1. Mens gray shirts and drawers about 75 per cent, wool, actual price $1 special bargain price 50 cents each. (This number wont last lODg.) 8 wits Conde Arabtau Fleece Underwear, pure Australian "Wool. It is the best grade of wool underwear for men, Sbirte only regular $4.50 our price $3.00 the set of 2 shirts. Mens Scarlet wool shirts and Drawers actual value $1.25 our price 75 cts. each. Mens Fast Black Hermsdorf dye socks special price while they last 15 cents p r pair, jjiens u ast Ulack bocks ttsruifl dorf imported 40ct quality at 25 cent. Fifty dozen white and co!ord H. R Handkerchiefs at 5 c.s. , lhir.y dozen mens 50ct workincsLirin at 40cts, We have received another lot of t hnaa f z.ou and $a.50 umbrellas. Big Bargains inOvercoats.Lieht Over. cuau. uara. Ovi-rcoats. Ileavr Ov.r.-o .t. S;orm Overcoats etc. R. SALOMONSKY, Clothing. DrIGoida. Boots. Rhn rrao idu vaps, - - - ' "-.a ELIZABETH CITY, I'C. Among the meohvl means or arresim Jisease. llostetter'a Stomach mtt ,.T pre-emii.en It checks the further progress K all disorder nf Iho . bowels, renves the vital tn.in. T, medies chills and fever, increases the activity or the kidneys, counteracts a tendency to rhen mfLfT'. laf Kenuin y and solace U Briu, inllrm and nervous persons. - w kuc oj au urngsfists and Dealers Cener; aux. stock and our intentions that we can't propose to clean up ' T -o-o-o- We have some WINTER GOOuc we wuuia ratner not carry over, and v let them go wuhout regard to vali.e ill I'S AD wi mi Heavy WonI Stock at I - $1, $1.25 $1.50 &$2 .00 Usual Prices aredonble the e Figures, On Wifit er Clcihing, Hats, Caps, we have had so large a sale that there is not much left, except a lew OVER-COATS AND SUITS that we will let slide at at about half the cost of manufacture. We bought most of ihese goods at Bank-rupt Sales lor SPOT CASH and wa get the benefit of the urchase. We don't advertise to sell at co. t. We have.tolive and-pay the clerks. Some goods are dear at half cost and others cheap at a lair profit. It depends on how you buy them. What doeo it matter wnemer we sell at cost or not, if the goods suit vu ana you are s .tisned with the price r ; I WATER STREET, ELIZABETH C!TY,N.C. Persssal A tteatioa to Weights and Counts J. G. MEEK1NS JR. & GO,. General Cjeissi Me:an. ii oc id lomme ce bine, N..rf..lk, Va. ioT?on, Lorn, i eanu - and a!I kinds ot uoumrj rroauce, liefi ret.ee. Mar. i,e b nk HAY AT LOWEST SET TRIO I 8. I). E herulgp. B. F. Wriglr. ItNtnbliKbed 1867. D. ETHERIDGE & CO., SUQCESSOBS TO Etlieridge, Fnlgbam & C-. Cottoa Factors and Cosmissioa Hsrchnt?. Nos. 19 and 21 Commerce Street. NORFOLK. VA. Specialties: Cottoa imkv mmk :andcosit i ! out the odds1 and ends- even if we rln !- ! Solid' Gold. Watches. 15 and 20 Year Gold Cases. Spectacles. Engagement Rings. Fine Watch Chains. Solid Gold Necklaces. If you want a Watch or Clock put in oraer, car- j t py it to Hathaway & CJommander. W. C. CliOVER, Commission and Forwarding l AND DEALER IN i ' J - - r COUNTRY PRODUCE OF ALL KINDS- Mno od Chemlcali coni'tanHj o uu, ugu . .. m, Grain aM Mi Feed - !-. 1 . and everything nsuaily kept in a FIRST CLASS FEED SrORF. Laige Stock 00 Hand 1 and Transit. JAMES BOND. i . : 9 COMMISSION DEALEIN AM. KINDS OF FRESH FISH, Game and Terrapin. NO, 704 SECOND STREET, BALTIMORE ' i JJO AGENT S EMPL OED, keep mentioning Cloakings &c. at in money and cjami. L. Storer. Geo. II. CL as 1 ! 'i KILBUItN POWKI18. established 1865. S. U. ST0RER & CO., WHOLESALE ' uommidsion uealers and Shippers or all Kinds of i FRESH FISH, LOBSTERS, TURTLES &C. iuiiiujji iJi MARKET, N. Y. particular, attention paid sliad. Mam- luom ireezers, jfront street: S. B. MILLER, WHOLESALE issioc Dealer, NO. 7 FULTON MARKET, . NEW YORK. Special Attention riven t.r Th h.u M o, iiuim vuyiiuaoiiau. Stencils and Stationary "on application. .no Aeents. j A. W. I1AFF, Successor to Lamphear A Hafl, Wholesale Commission Dealer in FRESH FISH. Lobsters, e'c. NO. 12 FULTON FISH MARKET. New York City, North Carolina HhjuJ a Specialtj. oN Agentn. Horaee E.Stillman Wholesale Co&aissioa Merchant For the sale of FESH FISH, Lobsters, Terrapin, Green Turtle, frogs, jrr" . j Clams, and Game. NO.-.4 FTJLTON PISH MARKET NEW YORK. Consignments Solicited. No agents. Stencils and Stationary farnjshed upon application- owlonAtJ 8. B. Downw, J. O. Bownei S. B. Downes&Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. SPECIALTIES: j VrT k r-kn .",rww. i - NEW YORK, i ,mmm it. baire fn -innlra and below cost. We make rcom for our L n n nn uu u UUUQIDIII ti. fl. 1 . SCHEDULE IN EFFECT OCT. 1st 18(14 Norfolk and Southern Hail Tttiltl rail I n nt i-iueui uy at ll:a.a. uu p. ia. ..Northbound. iluily. w-ouauajs, itiive Kllzul-eth z:3o p. iu. aud V 11. m. City at Jioth tral from Norfolk c Wt r TxorS eonnoct at Norfolk with ,.n rtu I.. , " . er lines, and at Ldenton-with Ktm,r. f,. Koanoke, Casbie, Chowan and s,.,,,,,,,,. norjfc rivers: tranxfpr ct.,... m .....'. , Perry, thence hy Norfolk k Southern It R. to lioner, ran teen' nn iti'i... . eonrectinsr with te-imer lr.4vn n. iu. tl Makeleyville. Aurora. 'Avhin.n .i Intermediate landing. Eastern Carolina Dispatch Fast Freight & Passenger Route. The Steamers TsnrifaT .j vum. t iJKJleave EHzalieth City daily ex cept 1 nday and Sunday at 0 p. in. for JNew Heme, connnrtmir w';ti. ti. a ' m . K. 11. tor nnlHal. Tl,... Morehead City, and with the W. N. tfc N. K. K. for Jacksonville, Wilmington, N. C-tC. Returninu' Um vr. i. dai y exc;pt Tuesday and Saturday stop fufninif TDoke l8l"id coing and re- Tickels on sale at RMti.iii. r-u. ,'i.. "' fin I,t,'a.noke I"Iand. Berne, K.n ston, Uoldsooro. Morehead 1. w n,i mihgton.K. C. . J riil. i'v"11 "erviee between Elizal-.tb citv and New lork. Piui-,ni,,uu. u,.u,. more and Norfolk. .. Through CarK. and ..', ...a quleker time than ' y any other route. Uirect all gooda to be shipped via Eat-i-m V1fL,ntTD,,,Patch 88 follow: from 3 xwhuik at, o.iuinern Kailroad, , Baltimore, bv ip vv A& it u n i... : dent Street .Station; .Philadelphia, by Pennsylvania II U n,.,.ir u.. . ixew Icork. bv Pi-nnttivoni. i w .... 27, North River. . . If Orfurther inform CJ j 7 iFtij lu ,x. Ml onoden, Airent Llizahetn l itv nr t. ti.. General office of the orfolk and Southern jw wiiuuu o., XNoriolk, Va. M. K. KINO. H.t' nimriiMs j L Gen'l Manager. Gen'l YlMv' Ax PETIT'S NOBTfl CAROLINA LINES. U. L. PETIT, Manager. Steamer THOMas wi-totav a.T4 n r Tuesday and Friday 1o. XT ,. XV. Will a Elibeth "f at :80 a. m rnli?Je 'btb City for Norfolk ever? . """-j iuuisaay at 2:30d. m touch- ,n!.!ach j .an litemtediite vZ f.ik I? nr i wi" 'eare Nor- n m TWe?8day and Saturday at 4 p. m. for Elizabeth City and PcrquimaEi river, arriving at Elizabeth City next rS?Jng'a. Riet,arning will leave Elizabeth Slyrf?lk VeTY Tesday and FVn tmXSC111 CaCh WaY at a" 'fl iJt'X had,e? dispatch and 1 er ; S? if' SPW rates to large ship. odaUoni c' mfortftble Passenger accom- W. W, MORRISETT, Agent, Elizabeth City, N. C. 'SCHEDULEOPTHE STAIR. LIZZIE' BURRUS, T. M. GUARD. Master. t Leaves Elizabeth CUy. for Fairfield, N 1., every Monday and Thursday at 2 a m., touching at intermediate lan-lings I V lyme night at 12oc?ock. First-class je gta and passenger accommodations, linnnn a