ii:nd i ALL SORTS. A beet feu par plant has bo en es talished at Shebovgan, Wisconsin, with a capital of 200 barrells a day The South can beat the AVesi in gowin beets, and ought to beat it in making beet sugar. Tennessee is North Carolina's daughter, and will celebrate its cen tennial birth on the Ut of May, with a big exposition, to which she invites her old mother and. all her bister and aunt and cousin Gar. 1 Carr, in his lat message to the Legislation of North Caro lina recommeud!i that the work ing: day be limited to eleven ho:ir. and that, no child under twelve years of age be uoik in anv building'. Olli ! to Ir.cvard (Transylvania" roauty) .Smtinel: Within H miles of Hrevard there are 20 persons. m- than hO vears old. There are ten U -twee u the ages of 80 and 00, 7 between 'M and 100, 2 are 100 years of ng ? each. p.nd 1108 and another 117. Colonel John D. Whitford pre Hiittd to Governor Carr a c ap and saucer owened by Governor Caswell, the ilrt Goverur" of North Carolina ' after the" independanee of the States, and which Governor Cavvtll 1 usrd in-fcis" inanguration 120 years ago. ifivernor Carr usrd it for hi tea on the .morning he went out of oCIce. . Senator Jones, of Ark., and othr 'promient Democrats are now eoiiti ilent that the Senate in th- next Congress viUccntaiii u majority of silver men, notwithstanding the ex traordinary efforts of Mark Hanna to get a gold majority by the lavi-h u.Mt motoy and of promt s of patSrktStondcf the McKinhy rul ministration. '3PJ . V?3v: - There was considerable eriticism ' ffrhrTHJtgl)irrg State otliilaU and the Ciy fbor staff for not attend- "inVthe reception of Judge Kusell and the new officer at the Capital Club Tuesday evening. This criti cisiu, however, is entirely unjust I I asked Geuend Cameron about the matter yesterday, and he said the , reason none of the staff attended was that they bad no invitaions. and -only those holding invitations were allowed to attend. Kx. The bill in the Senate of North Carolina to raise a committee lo in vetigate charges of bribery in the Senatorial contest was unanimously adopted It was a timely resolution and is a "bull's eye" nhot at one Mirk Hanna. who, if rumors that are rife . Jm? true, has inaugurated a new departure in politics, which re minda us of the Roman Km pi re when ' the highest offices in imperial Koine Yver put tip at public auction and knodced i ff. to the highest bidder .'villi the largest purse. It marks a decadence, not only of. public vir tue, but a decadence of the country that is subject to such, a vutm .A bill wan introduced in the lowe r Ho.ise of the Legislature of North Caroliua last week to re duee .' iri; s to comfonn to the prices fann products. This perhaps is u gol motion, perhaps not. The salary oi a public officer generally del. I'mint-s the character and quality of tfie offi cial, for men love money as tiu sparks fly upward.' Him bill mr.iM cul elor.u the sal iries 'of public own ers utmost one half. Under It the Got .r.mrrf N'nrlh Carolina would be , - - paid about 1500,Vliich would han?- lv put a thicken m his pot on bun f day. If-it could look backward and apply to the incumbent it w uld re duce his obesity. Corn sells in Western Kansas for 8 J-cent bushel, the lowest price in the, history of the State. Now, . we do not state this item of news because we want to ilrive our A 1 he rn arlA friends out of this section "where corn is 30 cents a bushel. and put them all on the road to "bleed ing Kansas' where hoecake and hoininy e-au.be had ftr the cooking o' iL' - Cheapness is . not the only . gootl thing in the. economy of na ture. We. would not go to Kansas. or any other State, where great men are so scarce that they canonize horse thief like old Ossawatomie Krown, and his spirit" ran find uu rest in the grave, but keeps "march iti;r around. The personnel of pirtie U :u, imlex of the eharacter of tartu. When the LeirUlature now in m- sion in Ilaleigh, organized for bu-i ne the fusiouists put in nomiua-s tion for speaker cf tbe IJouse Mr. ; Hileman, anil tbe 40 Democrats put ; in iiominatiim CoL Jehn S." Cun : ninLrbam. We know nothing per bonally or by reputation of tbe e-iiar-atter ami history of speaker Hile mau. but well bet that Col. Cun niuvbam is a better man ami would have given eliguity to the efib e f Speaker of tbe Houe. By bi- grt at AAimll f.m TJa 1 1 V- wlln it was lanrelv Kepublican. lie was; never r candidate, for public office before, but is well infnrmeil in pub lic affairs, and comes of a lineage disiim?uihcd in public service. He. is a man of large wealth, an earnest free silver Democrat, and probably tbe largest tobacco planter in tbe world. . Why will you buy bitter-nauseating tonics when l-rote's Takfe-Ieis Chill Tonic is a plagiit ax linon Syrup. YourdroKt Is authriz d to ; refund the money In every ea--sj where it fails to eure. Price 00 cents . t . . . ... A SONG' OF GOLDEN CURLS. Ctr m llttlei pjden cnrlm. TwlnULog tjtm of BUy and the Tioleta, for they ro kla to I yon. Linger vbfre the frolic winds around the gar- i dem rao. . CbcfciJ like lorclj mirrors, where the rod roaa j aeea 1U fac. ' . t . "StJ 8h1!" AU the bird are Ringing. Swwt! Swc-etl" ; The bloMonx UUi are lingtng. ELwe from the red rot And ki from the white ' KUx'ng yon good morning j And klaalng you good night. Etay a little, golden curL. Brightening eye ofUue.: ) The loI,U are lUtculng for tho lorely Upe f you. ; ' The wihte rw bids you wcloorae, the red roae rail you iwt, Axd the da.J:t tprvad a carpet for the falling cf yocr ft. . .'. ' "Switt! Bvrt!" All tho bird are kinging. MSwt!" Sweet" The Uosotii l.il ore ringing. Ei- from tha rrA ree : And ki' lvru tho white Eisrinr you rd tncming And iiIns yon poKl night. I rrari I- feUnt-.n la Chicao Tlmea Uerald. i - ' ., 0 , Taught Him m Lftn. I Ilowas iii Stato Ftreet cable car conductor :of mott txirly and elisa grcetihlo temir r. When a woman carrying altogether too largo a bun dle for her strength lvianletl the car, Le gTumblul a running live minutes straight about tho perversity or. Hu man nat2:rx in general and of the feminine, in particular. A few moments lefore he had viciously kick:d at' a newsljoy who elared stand on tho platform while selling a newspaper. At Adams street a Iortly military .looking gentleman and his vifogot on tho car. "Tli-t is the smallest I have,' said tho military gentleman as he tendered a 5 bill for fare. The conductor growtt-d again and grumbled inaudibly, but finally dug into his ioekeU for tho change. First he gave two silver dollars, then CO cents all in elimes and then t ho balance . in q uarters. lie seemed in an exceedingly great hur ry as ho lxanded tlio quarters to his passenger Tho other passengers no tice! it toV. Now' it' f-o hapiK-ned that in the change xiiade a very bad quarter was givei- The railitarj gentleman tin-Txiint of callinir tlie enr- lv conduclor back when he eliscov creel tlie latter had handed him nine instead of e ight quart ei-s. That de cided him to hold hi '-peaces. He wasn't uk in anv event. They had riiM(.Titpiite a elistanco when the conductor came bacfc again. 'DMn't I trivo you . too much change l"! he inqniretl frowningly and in. n tone that. plainly insinu- ateil. "Well, you're a nice fellow to try to U at a oor conducted. "You did." the man said. "You gavo me ;i very bail' quarter which vou werc verv anxious to shove on me, but a.i I could not possibly uo it I'll give it back to you. Hero jt is." 1 Tho other passengers who had witnes-ed tins whole-performance lauzlud outright, their tantalizing sneers following the surly conductor to the door, which ho opened and then slar.imedw ith n bang. Chica go Chronicle. ' IlMt!irre on Motor Vro. I li:iver.fpr-ri;d fc lincf like or dis- use towani a nor.-c fennmcuis to ward him i.re thoe I eutfrtain toward a pip, er a t nkey, or any ether useful auhual. Ne.r have I evcr understood why auy eaie Fhuuld be elecmrd the bet ter mau tccause his affertiens are cen tered Tcpcil a hcrse. The object of a car riage is to my mind the best that at least cot adequately fulfills this object. If mt,tc,ri. I r all means let ns have mo tor. Last Saturday I letook myself to ' Wrptmiustrr bridge tofee the precession j cf these vehicles on the war to Erich- tou. I was disappointed. No cue yet n cms to have grasped the fact that 11k re mut be a new departure m tbeir j form. Judiriuc froai these in thenroces- a siou, tbrir makers have simply sought to make them u like carriages drawn by horses as possible. Apart from form, the lighter cues seemed to vibrate great ly. By my side stood a talkative lady whose acquaintance I had not previous ly enjoyed, "If tho people inside of ixrv- 4iaih rftn s?'i 1 rl ft av wxmld be tbutter before they cot half way to Brighton." I suggested to her : that tho Dftrolenin ears smelt nunleas- . .tl. inl- etna niirl "ia ttin kt-A ' for them." And it certainly was. Lon don Truth. . X Hjpot helical CaJwC Vlii'.t elil the exlitor say about your story asked tho young man's friend.- . . I ele.u't believe lio liktxl it very well." - 'V11. thero are elifferences in tho ' arpreeiative faculty an well as in tbe ability- to ; create. The same 8 mo w u varj-accoraing 10 circuuisi.uiiT.'s. 'I suuiteel that, and bo agree! a with me. He T 4 1 o i f o Trt f i T found himself on a- elesert island x- elesert island with nothing to nd n luck number city-di1 he'iuight read my story.! j Lteirv ani 1 We Offer Yoa a Remedy WUca Insures SAFETY to LIFE Ol COUl ; Hotter and tThild. MOTHERS'FRIEND" E0BS COXratXEXT OF ITS T1IX, 1I0BB0U X5D DlXGTJr, Makes CHILD-BIRTH Easy. Endorl and rftommfiidH by phyl tn, mldnrire and Ibotewbohare ued 1U Uewr of substitutes and Imitation. Ktit by ipr rr bsII. on rrJrt of prlc, nikUJ (ic. cauuualns volanUrr vUiuonl.. BILlDnELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Os. iu r iu decccuts. , YOUWG An ' interesting scientific point has been raised by A. Farrar, Jr. A test for the pitch of a musical note Has neen proTided in tne snape ox a pmc wj. powder eprinkled oyer a sheet of glass. When tne glass is atruta vj uio inn. rf musical ecunds. the particles of the powder on its surface assume all manner or Dcauuiai Geaigns, luau them resembling branches of trees, flow- rs cr ' ciras, rocotuujk giyen. It has also recently been found possible to give a graphic . presentation of the human voice Dy pnoiogrHp" on a highly magnlfled scale tho indenta tion made by the stylus of the phono graph on the waien recording cylinder. The difference invoice production as thus shown is astounding, and any (de parture from perfect smoothness of tone is at once seen in the increasing rog gedness cf the indentations.. It has been proposed to utilize this system of "see ing the voice" in vocal schools by a reg ular method of comparison of the rec ords of pupils with those cf eminent art ists. . , The question of the practical applica tion cf such visual reproductions in the oral education of the deaf has also teen frequently mooted, but in neither case has any useful result so far accrued. As is well known, the speech cf orally edu cated deaf -routes is not usually so nat ural, and hence not so easily under stood, as that of those who hear. This is chiefly due to the absence of the con trolling action cf tbe hearing. If. this could be, supplied by visual means, much might be accomplished. 3Ir. Farrar suggests that physicists should take up this question with a view to devising a simple and efficient apparatus by which an orally taught deaf mute could test his speech to ascertain how far it corre sponded in inflection, etc., with that of his teacher or other hearing person and could regulate it accordingly. Tbe in vention of such a device would confer, a great practical boon on Loth the deaf and their teachers. ' . , III FaVorltea. Spats It's delightful . to listen to Count Makaronni, the Italian nobleman, on account of tho way ho use bis vow Hs. Socartoots Yes, he does scatter them around promiscuously, but he discrimi nates. Spats Why, what do you mean? Socartoots He seems to favor I. O. U. Pittsburg News. ' Profit In Fraction. The government always withholds the fractions of a penny in its periodical distribution of dividends on account cf the national debt. "From this source the state has aecumuluated iu the last 100 years tbe sum of $750,000. A letter posted in Constantinople will bo delivered in .New Yor two .vocks -later. ! Th mi nf the surgeon's knife is be V-nrri in cr m rrAnral. resiiltinir fatallv ry r o , in such a large number of cases, as to occasion general alarm. Mr. William Walpole,of Walshtown South Dakota, writes: "Aboul three vears a cr o. there came under mv left eve a little blotch about the size of a small tea Itgrewrapidly.and shooting pains ran in every direction. I became alarmed and consulted rood doctor, who s y. jvcer, and said that it - A. V. a . . 4 This I would not consent to, having little laitn in tne indiscriminate use of the knife. Read i tt rr rf manv rnrs made bv S. S S., I determined to give that medicine a trial, and after I had taken it a few days, the cancer became irritated and beg-an to discharge. This after awhile ' ceased, leaving a small scab, which nnaiiy aroppea on, ana omy a ncdnujr 1 T A 1 . little scar remained to mark the olace wnere ine acsiroy cr aau aeiu mn swetjr. . .a . a. at -J ..1f . A Real Blood Remedy C:arer i In the blood and it is folly toexpect an operation to cure it. S.S.3. guaranteed purely vegetable) is a real remedy lor every disease of the blood. Books mailed free; address Swift Spe- cine vo.f viixii.a., (3u r YvwILa tolnk ycMtcaa r th beat tinea tniaii and MOST POPULAR SiKWlkin yiruiui foe vers nw. Bar frtam wlhM. m i !! floallrw. Tbera to mm la tba world that rn rmud . la awrbaalcml eonMractloo. durability of worfin porta, Outmi f flnicft, beaaty lo tmutm or bm aaaajUaproTanaouaa (ha NEWHOMI. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. Tie Kew Eomfi Sewliig Uachlne Co. ZZ&? ftiJiIaKnoOfCau Atlanta, (iT FOR SALC BY N. R. PARKER, Ullzubetli City, X. Cv Huiidreds of sice qna'lty Surnt'er c ats and Vests at les than ha'f price at Fowler &, Co'h Dr. Wa-ner' Corsets in five d fTe ent styles to fit any form, at The F. ir. TOO Inch Me t J . v A r. mJ 1 XIVN. tt If JrTU NJ.! . Fl II -v l ii m . B t i mi :-m i m, Ti'ri 0. W. STEVENS & CO, J v WHOLESALE TOBACCONISTS, J L ; Snuff; Cigars, Cigarettes Pipes, Etc. PricQg Guaranteed. JotLoN a Specialty The only Exclusive. Tobacco Hous in. jthp tity.j WATER ST ELZABTH CTY. N; C. 'Agents foy thoISOFEBIKEB FAMOUS A'atBppiUip.Ciffar. Phaetors' Cfe Bupgies-, j RoadjCarts, fD Waggons; arid j Harness, Etc. Q It"9 1 Vehic,es- WHOLESALE ' ' 1 aROCEES A2TD ; -AND DEALERS IX- Hay, Lime, Cement, Hair & j ettiest and Best Ready ' bend (oi New Qolor Caid. Terp-en ine, .Etc ., TS FOR A: (RENN & SON'S AG EN ELIZABETH e)ften means the 'difference between profit and lost; All truckers, whether experenced or not, know this to be true If it is truer and if we can 2rove that our Noiirjarail is not. onlr : a pure, hand some, prolifice extra early pea, but that it isj also the earliest by several clays, shouldn't you concider whether yjou do' right in planting any ot her Kind. . j r j ? r ; Here is some proff - we have more;-j I 1 'r Oi fifty brands of extra early ptas"selected by tbe North .Carolina Exieriinent Station for competitive tests, ous arelthe eprliest and the only ones given special praise, j ! ! v( Tn cimilnr tnsfs nl Virrrinia Fxnrimpnt Statidn. oitrs were the X ..1 4- .1 l-iv m-1t Anfl'a rrircr All our ieas are pefectly pure til 1 It . Kl UUU tlAV- JlllV UUtQ LULI time. It will be sold this reason at take the risk of beins: too late so , per bushel. It isn,t sensible. ! " -1 Xe will ship your order the. GEO. TAIT & SONS, SEED HEBCUA1TTS. Oust Goods'- aae rrr Best OUP PA ICES " Tf LOWEST rQ (ioJanapo(hm9 j PEED DAVIS; . ' ... TVca'ctow reeejvn ur fiply COAli, and whl fill )Ide prom; tly. All co il is screened Ivtorc leaviuc the rard. None but the bepf , bandied; Lowest pbtcks ganrant. ed. OSoe on Watfr Street.. Elizabeth Citisf N. O. FALCON " -": ". y- " . -L JOB .DEPARlTPEt Is presided OYtr-by si esjerfcrted this line up lo tl eu: ";t! ( . n and propose to compete IT lg , ! 1 . TOBACOTITS Plaster. - Mixt d Pamt in thelcity.1- j Lead, Oil, Varnishes, .: BUGGIES. A full ipe kept in stock CITY N. C. 1 1 cnorMrtl lir'iltfrt I I . bu the Nonpareil is (be ; earliset ow.V.A(tx I $350 -per bushel, for cAsh. Don't for the sake of saving filty cents .or day it is received 78 Gn merciiil fl pV IJdrfolk, Va TRADE MARKS. i rrmit copYRicriTs &c. Anyone send ing a sketch ind description may quickly ascertain, free, whether an invention id probably patentable. ConnAunieatioiis strictly confidential, pidest affency jorsecuiins patents in Ardenca. We have a Washington office. Patents taken through Munn & Ou. receive . special notice iu the .1 . ; SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. beautifully illustrated, larttest 'circulation of any scientific journal, weekly! terms S3.C0 a year; fLoOsix months. ibpecinteS copies and LLand Boon OS PATESts sent free. Address . i MUNN & CO., 361 Broadwny, N bw York. I .e'ii:e Ilia ea ennuaii rt? frl ii ro ct . to. s"0t" f d y, nt d if n r n'. i ,'o : hedv at f.I. es "Wf'pf 1 1 i " ... r '-- eTeil 'i;g In v .ite dui yr! with the wrrld tu pricis. Cat ill i I KAA4j4- , SO YEARS' ! EXPERIENCE. . "' '-J . i I 3 tm . lif.T.nt ir ; unninorn u u 1 h n hh htt llltrill lA Irv II II Illlll II II. 11. UU 1 UU1U1 x iujj ilUXWilia --- ---4 - SCIIEDULEINFFECTNOVih 1896 w- i J a cntbom T?aliwrrfmal I and express traiis, outhbouud. daily (except SSSTrtleffi Elizabeth Ctty ; 11:40 and : 4dp.. . XorthbouDd. daily, except Sunday, leave lllzaeth City at 2-45 p. to. aid 10: 00 a, m. .a,. Boih trains . arrive at dl"! from Norfolk & Western depot, Connect at Norfolk with allrrall and steani erlrnesUnd at Kdentonwitb Roanoke, Cksbie. Chovran and WrJ oog riverK transfer .ttner to Ferrv thence by Norfoll toutbern h. conrcUnp with -tenner Virginia Dare for Make.ejvtifc. AuroraWaibm-ton and intermediate landins:. f r . Eastern Caroliha Dispatch Old Dominicn Line. Neuse will make iri-wtekly Steamer trips, h avipp Citv luesJas, lDure- das abu s.ar.,rut and isew lierne Monday, iVedoesdar Fni Pt Dine at K6antKe lsisna uu y:.v Kew Berni wiih-thV A, & - O. R 1 fr Goldrl ro, Kirston ml MorhatI aud Vhh t ie u -N ! N..lij fbr Jack, sonville, W ilm ngtpa; N- V. cj. . Tickets cn "rale ai Elizabeth Citf tion to Ronnoke Maod, OciacrHe,.ew Brne, Kit itoD. Goldsboro, Morebevid Uity. and Wifmi iptoc, i. , Dil ail rait t-ryi-f neiween :few oik, rhlladelphla, Haiti- Citv and X more and X brfolk . - Through ..;-L-- iiJo thin ' v anv ue rouie v n;r. Jill nnnd to he stopped vsa ivast- ern Carolida U-spaich as I. liowa . -From Norfolk bji Nortolk A S'uibern Hailioad Baltim.e, hv, P W. &B. It. U., iT- bV dent btre Station; I'liuaucjuio . Ill 'LillnLlA Pennlvalia R. lck street Stat.oj by Priineylvania R. R-, Pter River, and Old Dominion New Y rk 27, North Line. ' Forfurth or infnrm.ltiGIl apply tO M. H Showden.fAgent Elizabeth Citv, or totbe, General ofllce of the "Norfolk and outberr: tiaifroad e; b.,.Xorfolk, va. i.a ; M. K. KIN ien'l 3 inager, uen i i. a " r" ' -aK.C-.,n 4 .'it ' PETIT'S NORTH CAROLINA LINES C; L. PETIT, Manager. ' Stenmei NEWTOJN wilUeave XorlOffe ior j Xiiizaueiu eo." , v"J landings 6ri ' Wednesdays and Saturdays at 4 p. m.j Elizabeth City for CesN ell on lVmrbidays and .MohdoyK at 9:3- a v m. Rturhinec, will leave urefeweii ior Norfolk, of Tue-days and Fridays at 4 i. ra , and E izabeth City same day ai 2 : 30 p. ml. arriving in Noifulk rext day. for Elizaipth Ciiv. Hertford and .ivay . 1 m 1 J I ; .1 . , A in, will leave lien ora - ior rsonoiK . . . . 1 f i ll. til U " w tt Mondays, h nd 1 bur d ys at ? a. m. and ullizaLeiu -viiv f-ame uav i;ou p uj., arriving in Norfolk next day. . j W..W MORRISET'I, agent,. . Elizabeth City.N. C. ; ths - ccuiir , uuwi mm Largest Stock of finished BKAUT ;FOK i M M E D I A T K S 1 U I'M K N T 11S and 11 o B?.nk Stitet, norfol.; va.; NEW EST DISCOVERY PAXNL!S in-TisTin M DEKTAL ROOKS OJ L7: , 182. Main Street. , JSrORrOLK, y VA.. i '.i - .... J 3D. E 1ST IS) Cv t'Hbtirv's Shoe Store. -Jf Cnly,tC"e maSa can be Review, np Prist t?urr lapCings, f n ruet-aayt anu r i iun$ at y. aliVEHzabkh City lor Hertford We Ines- Jo,-o .i-nA Sotinflftvo at O-SI) ft m HHilim- ua) a 0111 yTHE .7 Z. covering more ground than ' 1 yl"Ti of Library Commissioners of New Hampshire, 1896. . t , . ' .- . .ffililS magazli! Is, In its contributed 1n7' departmental W .feaijrw, what Jt3 readers, who Include the most noted ' ,nameS f 1116 EnSfishPkIng world, are pleased to call absolutely up to date." "thoroughly abreast !of" me times," invaluable' and -indispensable." It is profusely Illustrated : with' timely, portrait views, and cartoons, its original articles are of immediate Interest, by the best autorities'on their respect- ! iye subjects.- The Editor's "Progress of the World" gives a clear, rightly proportioned view of the history 0f the human race during tfiecurrent month. The " Leading Articles pf the Month present thetaportant parts of the best magazine articles that have been written, every: part of the world. .The newest 111 I .at unpurxam .dooks are vw. naa. ouier departments complete certainty that the reader of the Review . , of Renews will miss nothing of significance that is said or written or inrougnout the world. iTHE REVIEW of REVIEWS CO. Single Copy? 25c. : TriiHfi-ve mi: OKl 1U1 Vnri iiprii malls close dailv at 9 40 a. m and 2 10 u'cK ct p.m; Arrive at 1 1 :40 a m and G 40 o'clock p. m. f r , 4 . Southern mails close at 11:10 a. m. and G:20Vcl ck pi ni ' I ; , . . ' No mail an Ives at atd el r an from this office i o l- tcrmedia.e jx int between Norfolk and Edenton on iUe arIy and late trains except o. llertjr.U und jriowden. ' ' . NewBerneand' R ani kc JsiaDd mails . (triweefclvr arive at 8 o e'eck . on Tuesdays'. Thursdays and atuf.lvf. nd clo-e Ht5S0o'cltck p inon san e days. - Vee-ktille ami Nixonton arrive at 11 -a. tu. '1 utlav s, ThdrtMlav iiid . urda) an , close- at 1 .-ofrJoCk Jin. t n same i s... .". -U ''. . ; ' " R ed le rtn ive Jail at Ui j in ati' el ve at 1 p. m. ' Stite. .letter boxes have W n heated at coicer.RurgesJS str et and Pei n ivania in.init Mhih Mint Waie'r ttet s. INin-. ' aVxter nndhe'pard struts, Ro:-d ainlLnw. rence strer-rV, Jlhin and llo.nl ftterfs. The , mail r m ox ! Cated at ctiner- vl water and asn streets wiM be c: llecte'.' t J.M : uk ati-i h;;0 . tn: At all the otlwr htreet letter boxes, a- tf:X (."clock . ; m. -nd 1 o c oeK p. m. ' Postoftlce opens af 8 a ro.' and c ses at T.Of ocUck p. m. . ri , Persons calling for adv rtind cf ert. will ask lor th ni as such. Lock Uixes can be oln.siue d by apply -iiig for t e iarae. ' ;- ' ..'".-; ... ' Cnliers at the general eli ery wiri'o will enter i. the rij.ht and dei ;-r' t n , ivtX. This rule will be rigidly vi forc ed and tV'-on- will. te served oi.t ol their , . regular turn. ; " . . .' Tl e pa r.'ns f the fflri .htv ieijdt d. to te'port any -mise;ondu.ct "oi ,ruiiitenti i on th p rt of the clerks t b.'X hotders are it-qucsttii lo turiuah jthe P st Masters with c mp fty 1'ft id nxmes ot numbers of Itusiness jtirms, i.r, virR-ion or Fninilies ihat are etilitltd fo e placed J their tesj flivtv le-iler' lioses. 4 F. LAM15. hli.M H it.. ' . CHAS. W. PHT11T, Tioprij. r E0 to 235 WATER STRSIT$ Serf?!!:, K' MAM FACTUUKKS pK . ' Engines, Boilers, : F0R(3INGSand CA.Ti.NG?. ; -Machn i?! amlMill Siipp ;.t b;lwt tt- , tes. -" ' ' '') "' '! '.f V"ork!rnen poii t'Ut n iij''l' ui ion ft.t rapair-. I , ' . ' . ' frpeci 1 H 1 i ! 1 erabbit nutall ' ' ' ' e,stai;i.7siiki 1S70. era TASTELESS is Just as coco pen adultc WARRANTED. PRECE 50 cto. ' ' ' i CAI.ATIA.il L8., ISyv. 1G, 1CI'3. Paris Jlcdlclno Co., M: Ixiiits.aio. ' '' ;cntlcmcn: We wild lar.t year. rof)-lxtlrn ot CItOVE'H TASTULKMS CM ILL. TONIC laid linv DouRht three (jroBS ulready thlu yeaf. In HI nv.r perience jcf 14 yenrs, in the firm-briMim-ns. h.-ivo never sold an hrtllo t!ia.t glivo su b iriiivcrhal batof lactioa a your Tonic. Yours tnil, . . For Bale :'ineJ cmrinl-e 1 ( - GRlGClS SON, KliZabtith CitjT N. C and all Drugistf. ' ' j , .... v DlflJ ' , . , ; . . -- --- .h.,.-.. THE ELIZABETH 101 VGRKS, 131 1 fr f -J- hJ llM4 . " . . K a cat- .Oi-H. Ji&&J ? -. ; tf3 rir n n f Edited bALBEFTTSHAW taken, we would sust the . . :' 1-'-' carefully reviewed. Indexes, the great done Send ia Cent In Stamps for Specimen Copy 13 Astor Place. vt. months tt nn. v7T777 I.'-: .'( iT'. f

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