.frliQSiMI:':li fie twtM'telfcTCT3&i 11 - AMDEN. St 1? nr'!'"''A'iIO Easter nals UMialiy have fine print. If your t3M iHtli r Vdii, a good uair of ;Klat will help you join In the Katvr ftTvice. U hen jour eves if ire cincrniL the !'t i n,w, ,reiiHl.M optical rood tliat .made ami our 'price an reason jam. clmrg '....Villi...... .-.ill.. . . it u.iy anv uy. Hathaway imn; . r t - ". i f L 3 "MisEmmklEfarrteXlreturned last AU-vuuaj uvui t visit IU lli. liy. . i Miss Ella Kramer,' of E?t3Uv, Vas the guest of Miss . Lei i Sanderlin last Sunday afternoon. Mr. E. Y. Nash and family, of E. City, former resident of Camden, I have returned to make Camden their I future home. liEPOlTER. ! Coubt House: Mr. Abb Morri-i aujoola DRYi P ' Bicycles from $25.00 Up at HATHAWAY BROS'. -THE- SCOlTOMIoT Is pi'-Ii-hl ever? wck.ncd circu Utt i:ir ly in tl.irtccn couDtiet of Ctiirivs:u! Instntt. It affords m - fiurn for wilrert sing for our bK.l mcrch ir.N au4 to ;..rl 1h buinew men. J5. '..h LAMB, I MatiQcor. 7. D.Jnior. .the.benafii.of .the labor-1 e 1 J -til . ;i ! 1 . . .4 '-. ( I ing classk .! iixjf.!dti". .rriu -.Tx H Imuch as inniA Tto,, n w 1 fi 1 iiiri ni rir narrr itninnv wuiuicuu 111 ttt i I'pnsnrp. nnn wi f i 1 1 " - a j mm w r. 1 . . 1 i I X iy vS. f "T . i.v. m v.wmujwi a ,: wu n i-i i-uujuiouu ; wnere comujenuation is i 1 -f niniiiju.juj ej'jiuij'jLi r ' :;: i.tT'Mw school t Washington, D. due. bnt w rV s. ?r. reisTme, to visit heriS Laa aTsltia; commissioner or sneu nan last ee, We extend to the citizens" of i conv of th art nf thA Tnffl T.rria. Portsmouth. our sincere con- lature, entitled "An act to provide dolence upon, the great injury sus- , . . . , . tained in the terrible and destruc f' d promote the oyster industry the conflagration there on Saturday of oth Carolina," which is evident of last vreek. drawn by a careful hand and is 3Iw.A."S.Xeal is north laying in l uemoP m usiry her new fetock of millinery. : Mrs. Llch ha9 ilen dormant and unde Xeal's acknowledged taste in the veloped x from time immemorial, a selection of beautiful styles is an mine of 1 wealth to certain counties assurance that her friends have a Eastern Carolina, which, if prop treat in store. , . . , , , x erJy cared lor. is more valuable than We acknowledge a polite invitation the richest gold mine in her rock 8 tte , -Y0 a ' 13 now m thls Although the oyeter health. t l .... . . jeDA DriwKnn ami Mr T "R 4UC"U a compacauon anA a . - Come in f JAlh!! "pa Dawson ana Jir d. it. . , .. . I Miss Lousia TpanlinnRP. nf Bauks WL,ch we regret we were not ? B!lf puzaea tne mtt oi Tork cu js nQW Qn 'nded auie lu uccrpi. .. iuv wisest men in a&u out oi xiortn yjg relAtives in this county, turen of Trinity CoUege, at Mam State and to our citizens. But we f f,;a hiref'L iMethndist rnnrrli in Durham InaoA m - I : Ttr i I i i .- v n u TiTmi. , " vvrvwouuu. tc uceu eu- weeics, returnea to ner nomo in XC. March 30th and 31st and April lightenment We need co-operation New York City last Saturday. 1st by Bishop W. W. Duncan 1). D. J7f, iui.it ei. ii i. ; ,v t tl - mth the head of our. SheU Flsh Miss Beaulah Trafton, a very have recently had recommend- commission We know Off White, charming young lasse of this county, cd to us as a promoter of digestion, the chief of the commission, well, spent last Sunday with her esteemed a preparation, called "Gladstone s w - tt friend Misq TSprthn. TYarriq Celery and pepsin Compound." e bave own Lim for ea He i , which we did not specially need, but comes of the very best old . Quaker Mr. T. C. McKimmey, a very used it as one who "would be bet- stock of Perquimaos county, and he much esteemed young man of this ten" j was once a stalwart Democrat, and locality spent last Sunday visiting The Government steamer "Jesa- we Relieve that these two germ seeds mine," Capt. John Wyatt command- are the salt of his moral constitution The Irish potato crop is greatly ing, was inour harbor last week, and 'that will preserve his conscientious damaged, by the excessive rains a w as u ere some ua vs. lie was nleased i il i. n il. j iew weea.s ao. ... . t ., - ; i uiaiucier mruugu uu me au verse with our harbor for its depth and I . , safety. He left on Friday for Balti- environmen of hl8 Uter political more.! associations. I South Mills: The work on the canal is rrnitirr . on nrnoTPSRivl-c i i . , i vyuiiiimssivuer liiiu buouiu issue I x e colored man somewhat "how . . , . A A, . , A There are. between 20 and 30 hands come you so, made a slip and took 7 10 lue FeoPie 10 to work at this place taking up the n dip, on the bridge at the head of enlighten them upon the oyster bus- h0cks. A boatload of materal.was 1 uuuu;aut i-uum OQ luui-suay nigut. mess, its operation, prospects and towed to this place yesterday ' for nd the people should building the derricks to hoist the DECIDED! ilGiN4Pi4ail 11 1111 (OrSvi;ia bil.ta,Ww;lituI rgf odt yB0tMRTf.lEnT FILLED TO OVER. :j .uus -craoaini.-, v- FLOWING. , i : i -f YOUR. ATTENTION IS NOW INVITED TO OUR 0 .,! : I MAfJITIPICElTT. NEW STOCK OF G000S, H0ES, CLOTHING BOOTS, HATS, CAPS, S. B: r.HLLER & CO. WTIOLESALE ' "! Gonissloi m Dealer. no. 7 FULTON market. . NEW YORE- 8jol AttmtloBgifen to Th Salt of North CirolinaSbad. " StenciU and 8utionarT on rplicatlpii. ' No ArenU .-' S.L. STORER & C0. : WHOLESALE 1 Deler and Shiprt'of all kind. o FRESH FISH, is fulto Fisn. market; -X. Y. A THE BEST AND MOST DESIRABLE ASSORT- v WENT OF if- w Particular attention Shal Department. We employ no acent andrtar no WUJ1UOUU0 . If your stencil li let us know. i v (n gcxxl ordrJ NEW ITCW AWAITS YOUE IUSPECTI01T. OS () 1) WE LEAD THE TRADE. VE CHALLENGE THE COUNTRY FOR BARGAINS. 0 WILLIS H. ROGERS, Wholesale Commission y FISH DEALER, 100 FULTON MARKET,! . , . : ' NEW YORK. . Carolina Shad furnished at a a 8ieclaitv. moment'! GUARANTEE SATISFACTION EVERY TIME Pat. North Stencils notic. ' References (Juirkln & Co , bankers, Elizabeth City. N. C.and other lluan. oial , houses when desired. . : . MOSES WEISEL, ! ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. P L O C j! JL JV 27 WS. Xcw 4uiMiugri are going up jnirtH of tin it v.- in all uur I.unuti.l.i Utter is unavoid ably cmwdrd out this week. .Airs. Knight is visiting Mrs. II. I Ivc in.ari it Oil lioad street. His niarket supply was on his arm process " - Dl ,n)Provca b- 5tanJ . hilii anJ boM h.s tan(j9 stone, .The contractors have a large II in tno trreat work of dfivplontnnr TiaI. ... II Graham Harris, the member of the .wU. ep one experienced blacksmitn and r.A.,;GT..M xr...7 i r-'" "U1"J- one neiper empioyea. . 1 rstl nn M,nRn fn;,loCf t I'oC as to the ac of the Legisla- Mr. Green, the. sub-contractor to ture, .that they were insane and ture hich.' we wiU refer to from buUd the locks, was in this villiage f should have, been put in the Insane time, to time, hereafter: It is for P r f XT -r, . S "C 8U5SeSted Peni" 'nefit of the bona fide residents (orThe ownsTtanVis f' f orth Carolina. It applies to ping at this place . The four horse scraper dnd roller the counties of Dare, Hyde, Carteret, On the 16th of March at night was out Monday, .doing good Craven, Onslow and Pamlico. All the young ladies and gentlemen of work on Main street and it attracted resident whn fnl-A 'mrlr in V Trinity M. E. Church had . an enter- as much attention from our citizens . . t .. tainment, in Jacobs Hall, and it was t of all classes as a first class do fight. V ttl-?ra muiii ei oul ucense' OC00P8 attended by a large crowd and all f TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR It was a novelty. It ought to have areuSes ana rates cannot -be used that came there inioyed themselves been out long ago,, while the sun save from the 1st day of December very well. The program consisted was refusing to help our Dads. to the 1st day of May. Applicants of tableaux and comic and witty dia- Our bid friend, Mr. J 31 Clayton fr license o the clerk of the Super- !ueGs wJiCA ld for three hours; , 11 1 it 1 1 wajl , ' - r l l 1 xt , 1 The South Mills band was present ofLuglehard, Hyde county, made ior Court must take oath prescribed. and furnished nice music. The foP us a friendly call on Monday. He Boats and vessels engaged in the lowing is a list of the young rladies is now temparanly, for business, oyster business must pay tax pre- and gentlemen who tc ok part -'in the f.Ui bJlartTT,U,:' ?; ' C" V,r scribed.. Employes must rret license, entertainment: Misses Lizzie Pool, "I""" "1 Clerks to make-renort m Staf. ?atie Spence, Maggie Spence, Jessie v uw Aa.iv uiiu ivi djua3 cais 1 ; , x - ...w Mr Hnottor rf tl, r n. j.i I tui lime is kindly anu gentle toward I urer montniy. iNotmng but hand I . ui v uivi li ! I I Is tin- cigarette law enforced on under agfs . Echo answers Xo. Mrs. Martin is improving her It uftd proptrtv uii lower Church Mayor 1m1 is getting to be one of the patriarchs of the town on Tuodav. He was I V IIooor is building a new resi dence qn Dry Point. urn. Pool, Bessie Davis, Lena Jacobs, Pattie Perry ; Messrs. J. A. Spen- cer, Jr., S.E. Spence, N. L. Halstead, Y. J. Halstead, Geo. Bevendge. I 1 I UIMUOI I i r m ITI I 1 i I ITI IK Hi m'-. r I r GOLD -WE will Give-- SUAL BARGAINS i JAMES BOND COMMISSION DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF :. FRESH FISH, . Game and Terrapin. NO. 704 SECOND 8TREET, BALTIMORE in all our Heavy Goods. MENS' SUITS; any size, BOYS' SUITS, anysize, from $2.25 up. from .80 up. GUM BOOTS TO GO REGARDLESS . OP COST. OILED GLOTHIfe'G AT SPECIAL PRICES TO ALL. NO AGENTS EMPLOYE T. A. W. HAFF, Successor to Lmpber A IUfl, Wholesale CommlMioi. iWJerln I FRESH FISH. LOBSTERS. ETC. NO. 12 FULTON FISH MARKET. . , J t New York City, ' Mr (h ules (Jrice Frank ( Jiire 1 Intel thtr next season and brother,. will run the Xa;s Head i.aiirvsioa Ktuii iricini ior t.re serveil fruit and tomato catsup of I Ionu tir ina nu Tact u 1 e. Xlr. C!- Ik. f 'tin-, fl l.tiilinrr mercuam 01 Moymk. uurntuck Co., was in town on Saturday. tongs to be used in water under ten Wo had an interesting call on Ieet tIeeP- p ersons violating ' the Monday from Mr. F. A. Olds, of Ioav guilty of a misdemeanor, pun- Fif teen dollars was made clear of ex- ICaleigU. He is en route for Roan- ishable . by fine and imprisonment. Phases ior ine oenent 01 inmiy oke Island to writ nn tli hUlnrrL , . . ... church. They will have another nnd traditions of that cypress JP? l ' ? . -y return8' entertainment on the 13thofApiil, wreathed historic Island. We I urcuasers ior cauuing to pay two at this place. j know onr friends in Dare will ive ccnts tax on ue hushel. The chief I Miss Adelaide Williams, of Shiloh him a hearty reception when they commissioners salary is $75 a month, is isiting Iias Maggie Bartlett, of kuow who he is and what is his-mis- LlmifJoa .?;n o .rfi. pflnHP r this place. 1 . .'. . J. On Thursday last the house of non-resments violating tne law, for- Abner Roach col x toether with his .ur. jesse i-artnuire entertained ieuure 01 tue vessel m case expenses fnrnifiirA nnH mv r rma was p. North Carolina Shad a Specialtj. 1N0 & HOOPER. SALE OF LAND. & JONES are now prepared to show, as complete a line of. . . . . Xlr. M. Hill A: Cos. opening no tice of new millinery appears in another place in this issue. Miss Va . is Maria b'elden. of Danville, the family of 3Irs. visit III -Wiley IJaxfer on Iliverside. A railing across the ends of Tiber and Poindexter creek bridges would be a protection to pedestrians. his fellow boarders of Mrs. Mollie Fearing's boarding house, at an oys ter roast at the Iron Foundry on Friday night last. It was a homo party, and every thing about it was as home like as Mrs. Fearing's cosy and comfortable home on Road street. are unpaid.. We will refer to its j stroyed by fire. f0- I tnown. provisions Cause of fire un- H. Some people are careless and take anything their crocer amond- to give them, and acain there are others that insist on having: the best. If you are one of the later kind, try a pound of We hope we will not be thought unkind in calling- the attention of the Town Commissioners to the con dition of Tiber creek bridge. A as wep ever exhibited in this market, consisting of ' ! DEESS 'GOOlis, SHOES, CLOTHlM Hats, ' Umbrellas, Uotions Don't fail to find the. place. You can enter either on Main or t i Water Streets. . Culpepper, Griffin & Old enter tained their lady friends at an oyster roast and supper, at their insurance Any ouug man of limited means ! ofiice on lower Main street one night desiring an education should write jlast week, and it was a very enjoy nt once to J. M. Ithodcs. Littleton, able occasion. CaryIodlinfunished -X. C. the feast' and did the honors. The -. Lampbell. of Cooner-1 -r:,. e.. ta : :t. t iu. t.. 1 in iu vii en rouie ior take any other. 1 We pride our selves on the quality of our craokers. An Omission. Mant co. and yesterday. made'us a friendly call Miss Sallie Scott with Mr. o ' Loxran Mis .Alary Applebaum left for home on Tuesday. She has been visiting lur cousin. 3Iiss Isertie Applebaum. 3Ir. Keddeu Hanks and 3Iiss Hena Dawson were married at the Baptist church oh Tuesday night, Dr. Black- i well cmu'iating Mr. Harville Labovtcaux, of Xewli York, was here "on Tuesday visiting his aunts. 3Irs. Seott and Miss Labovtcaux. He left Wednesday. The new residence of Mr. Georje Bright on Mathews street, near the residence of Mr. K. F. Lamb, pres ents a handsome and attractive ap pearance. In our article last week -on the "Necrology of the Albemarle Bar," we omitted to mention the names of Old ; Miss Emily Hollowell with Mr. I James P. Whedbeo and Walter F. Z. I- earing ; Miss Ethel Scott Dr. E. F. Martin, Miss Tyer with brf j. . , , . has Dr. I. X. Fearing; Miss 3Iaggie TS f tnat nave at any BeU with Mr. J. B. Pendleton. 1 Cramps, T A Colic, U Croup, Coughs, Tooth ache, MrTT. B. Wilson will be at Gates court next week, in the interest of the Economic, j Any kind help given him by our friends will be duly ap-i predated. ; How would n.Joad of oyster shells da to till up the bull-frog holes be hind the street scraper. It would ue uaa on tue irogs but good on the" drav horses. ' 1 " i We are in receipt of the Tarboro 'Dispatch, a new weekly of Tarboro, X. C. It is a newsy and clean paper and we wish it" a long and prosperous life. We place it on our exchange list with pleasure. Diarrhoea, A 1 Dysentery, : M Bowel Complaints. Y J A Sure, Safe, Quiok Cure for A these troubles Is v t i i gave him. - He was fond of sporting when here, and we advised him to "kill his dosr and sell his crun," if he wanted to succeed in business. He Roll of Honor, It is the trusted friend of the ; Mechanic, Farmer, Planter, ' Sailor, and in fact all classes, y .Used Internally or externally. ? , Beware of imitations. Take J none but the genuine " Psrjiy A ' Davis.' Sold everywhere. ? - . rye- Krt- Vn1oa 0mSKS tfctlkt sw. uj w wavw. - If other dealers paid as much for the! white Shirts and sold I Uem as "close" as we do they jafgUt have as good" Sh'n for 50 cis. as curs hut they mostly doin' Moses Welts I. FOY'S Crackers and you will never bicycle ran off the bridge on Tues- ii -xi 1 nr. . i I- .-. 0 . day night and came near plunging over tne rider. Tne commissioners may have a suit for damage on their hands if they allow the nuisance to continue. Our old friend, A. Dughi, of Hal eigh sent us by deputy sheriff James Wilcox on Wednesday two bottles of wine manufactured by the "Juna luska Wine Co." Duerhi was once with IPonl-nf Flizabpth r!ifv. twn'nf Via la popular citizen of this town, ard never iorgotton tne . advice we time illumined the history of the Albemarle bar. , Each one of them burned the candle of life at both ends with .extravafrant recklessness, left here, went to Raleigh, got rid; and both fell early in the battle. of doS' sold his gun, and we are They were intimate friends, dissimi-1 naa -v , - - Iifl 7 I cess ana nroua of thA arivicp. wp rrave 1 - ti 1 LI.. o iar iu pounds, out loierani 01 eacnun Thanks. others convictions, and both died in the early 80's, at a few years over 30. One was 'the soul of convivi- oil! r i nn1 V a t 4 A. .. . .Of E. City PubUc School for efervescent with vitahty. Whedbee month ending March 20th, 1897 : . would have lived always if he could, Abraham Salomonsky, Mary Hin and Pool welcomed death as the ton, Jas E. Sheperd, Linda Spence, r. T. ' ir 111 T T-v rl greatest boon to humanity. 1 arKnam, auise xavis, juii the bar memorial m memory of Rowp.rfi Smd' n,' jyAn WholllOO Tr-1 tt a a iViA tool 1anrni. I i . . 0 vw iiw.iftnjci, leJ3 who was present, to speak. His I speech was a synopsis of the vanity of human life. " We presided at the bar meeting and from a favorable position observed every movement. After all had spoken Pool rose slow ly, with evident : emotion, and said, with deliberation, these words : "Mr. Chairman, James Whedbee was my I friend. In all the misfortunes of (life there is always some ray of com fort. In tne death of our friend I can find but one he died early." If you want a suit made to order, try Fowler & Co. guarantee a fit. i ' A well selected stock of carpets, at Fowler & Co, they have special arange ments for cutting fend making. Tuft ct or- V v. V I A rpecullar Ula. The f I Ji riht remedy for I VV J (babiea' ill especially j V)wonn and stomach disorders is 1 1 has cored f for lllus. book I MtntdT. Om "Frey's Vermifuge children for 50 years. Bena about tbe Ills and tna 1 toMla mM kw S Mats. FEET, BaitiaMre, XX. s Cure M Liver Ills. Perfect Health. Keep the system in der bv the octasional I use of Tutts Liver Pills.' They; reg ulate the bowels and produce A Vigorous Body. ! For sick headache, malaria, bil iousness, constipation and kin dred diseases, an absolute cure TUTT'S Liver PILLS WANTED! dustrious. i sober man and an; experienced farmer who would be willing to take hold him self and push the ! men under him. Most be of good; moral character and well recommended apply by letter statfng age. and reference and .when ready to take tne place to '4-HOS. K. UALLESTIUE, i l l Norfolk, Va. Caleb Kaley & Co. Wholesale Commission Dealers and Shippers, of FRESH PISH, H FULTON FISH MARKET, By virtue1 of a decree of the Surwrlor Court of Pasquotank county.' made at apnng term ioyt in the case or J. y. A. Wood va Isaac . Harris and Margaret Harris, I shall sell for cash at the Court House door in Elizaleth City. Pasquotank county, on.Tuesday, Afprlt 27th, 1897 at 12 in. the following de scribed piece or parcel of. land, lying' and being In Mt. Hermon township in said county and known aa the Henrv H. I'erry home tract consisting of the Israel Perry and Jas. D. Perry tracts which was conveyed to said J. Q, A. -Wood admi'r. D. B. N. C. T. A.t of said Henry H. Perry -containing 275 acres more or Jess, bounded ' on the North by thn .Jackson road, on tli. East by the Cherry Grade road and the main road leading from Okiko to ' Parkville and the lands of Kdmond Jennings, onjthe South and Wwt by Little Riverrun, Including the Dow er of the said Margaret Perry, but the estate in reversim' in the hometad of Kate D. and Marj H. Perry Is not 1 , sold. JFor futher description of. said land see Deed of Trust dated July 25th 1894. . Book No, 15 page 2r6. O. W. Ward, , Cora'T of the Court. Tls March 25th 1807. ! "Right you art" as the other Glove said to its -mate when Moses Weiael open his stock-come here for Gloves. 5 -r' Notice of Administration. NEv7 YORK. f Having qualified aa Ad minis tatbr of the late James W. Small 1 hereby give notice to aJl persons indebted - to his estate to come forward and make Im- Write for Stencils and Stationary, mediate settlement and those holding them for payment within twelve months from the date of this notice. or it will be pleaded in bar of their re- coyery ,' 'f. . Mary F. SmalL, Administratrix. February 20th, 1897. ; j Katablislied I884. E. M. DIXON & CO. :" , ' wh:, esalev '-"':'.'! COMMISSI :f . DEALERS FISH OYSTMS ana LJLAMS msnm j, 36 Peck Slip, : NE W YORK YOUR PROPERTY IN THE . Account sales rendered imirediatelv I on 'sale of goods. Notice of Administration. SOUTHERN STOCK MUTUAL Insurance Go. Talk about a woman's will : If she b willing her will U all riht especially if she is willing to trade at Hoses Weisel's Go ods bonghti of Reliable give the best satisfactior; Jewelers Having qualified as Administrator of I by the late Mrs. Mary E; Gatline I here give notice to all persons indebted to her estate to, come forward and make im mediate settlement and those holding Claims against tne same to present mem ior payment within twelve months from the date of this notice, or it will bej pleaded f in bar of their recovery. : J C. W. HolLoweli Administrator. February 17th, 1897. It refunds 20. per tent of pre-; mium if no loss is sustained. ' LOSSES PAID PROMPTLY. T. B. WILSON, AGENT, ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. V 1