1 C. C. l'.uL uai absent week iu Caltirnore for Medical advice. We regret to Lear that he is suffering from bronchial trouble. A, Large Lot . of-- ; NEW and SEC3KD-HAK0E0 BICYCLES FROM $ 7 MI33 NAN. NIX AtXE. Why are my eyin so dim sir,. Aud why are inv cheeks bo pale. Yoa eay ther are traces of beauty. It's a sad. sad story. Mister, But If you'll bide a while. The election for town commission era takes place on Monday. The Democrats are out. All we ask is to ive in competent men wno can i n tell you the tale if you 11 listen. look above party and pie. It bean when I vas a cnua , t , - Down where the blue waves glisten i;eau me snort tophi 01 ourjouug Anil .mi, at the tisg 0f the sun. friend. Miss rsanme Allen, in this Robert and I used to play, sir, 15.00 up. I . ., Yrite o- - rail for) description. HATHAWAY BROS., THE RE IABLE ' JEWELERS. t : Li uu ni irv, N. . - 1.1 CO IT Q HI o T I pi l'. "i'-! i vi rv w rs . ntI irci-Ur- inr Jv i i liir: . rmsoti f u "!. :r : 1 l'i'.Mf'.. It ntf.rus -CN i:i-.iu for .-! rt ;ni for our l.im! -.i-r.-!i aal t X rt 1 l imd'9.- Ii. . L. V; . I 13, issue and if. vou don t pronounce her a born poet then vou may pro- nounce us a oorn noouie. Ik-n Guim, our popular and gen ial pedal :underpinner, and a food ft 4 one. was on a visit last wetK 10 Xewbern. The town wears a funeral aspect when Den Gunn is away. s 1 Dr. Illarkwcll left on Tuesday to atttnd tbe Southern Baptist Con vention which meets in Wilmington on Wednesday, May otb, and con- unues it ii sessions unm Jiav 1410. vr,.. n:u -. Affrrmnnf iWnrratia ccmrressmen on Currituck Banks-, secreted them- fa the fcloakropm! were discWsaiiig the selves in the Great Swamp of Cur- attitude of the; senate with, fespect to. ntucJT, ana nnany maue uiexr escape f m cf ogTwing to the fcepUe pro across the Chowan river into the gramme and adjourning; without doing Thouch my form is wasted and fraiL I Confederate lines, being aided in business in order that attention might their escape from Yankee raiders by that wonId hurryjup the senate in Capt. Walker and other, citizens of the final disposition of the bill Currituck county. Mrs. Walker did "It won't do anything cf the kind," . . ... . .. , tV said Congressman; fTerry of Arkansas. her part in this patriotic and noble .Tho wnBate wU1 gb head in ita own work, and her reminiscences of J the way and pass the taHff bill in its own event are exceedingly interesting. a u w wi,; . ... i public opim on. It reminds me of a man We hope to reproduce this exciting ith a WOoden legjwhoksed to be a episode of the terrible civil struggle neighbor of mine; 5As be went down; in our next issue. . tcx erery mijhe haA J deg would run tol jthe fence and hark Ta a Rest. " i j aD fiDari P111?1 tn.-man nnauy grew tireu 01 tpe aunoyance. une: mornmg. I as ha went bv thft cardpn. he ciwjip! Onitir ZIIIG POLE. 'Til each was as. brown as a bun. Bob was a fisherman's lad, sir. And I was his play-mate, you see. I Jowd him wiih lasting devotion. No lad was so bonnie as be. 11.1,1 RrlWi ithe fifihermen called him; ! y No. ir. he'd no lack o: backbone, Why. uiitr, oue nilt I remember. He wnt to a wrecK all alone. We once knew an old fisherman the gate and stticlcf his wooden leg in l-c fonlr a nmfnrf hU refit ine ao8 DeY, at " ana-cnewea n Fur. fir, you th-re was not anotner to his heart's content 'Now' said the Who dareil fa- so angry a sea, 1 oi ldieness aiier xne x lsuing seasou man, 4I hope you feel better, i You have But I kb dared. Hy etrengiu super- h hntl rstpd snf J had lots cf fun. and vou didn't hurt me liuiuan. .1 . . . ...... i ' a nttXa Kif . ;! He brought em Jtsnore saie cuuiu ncentiy, ue nieu up ms uibiuujj puics, But. sir, that isn't my story, I've a knack when 1 ra taming him Mr. B. V. White has purchased the lot on est Main street formerly known as Joues Livery Stables," Of relating tales of his nerve, sir. and will erect a handsome residence Hs push and his valor and vim. on it. The work of improvement goes Tcen ru -ni t crew older: on. EVn now I flush through the pale As I think of the night he told me MI T.itlinKtnrLn. fl Auditor of nur The same sweet ever new taie. "Th tin blip J" said Mr. Tpttv: "will hooks and lines, got,ms worm Laijchew on the senate's wooden leg. " and for several days he caught speckle Washington Post He am m . mm 1 w g w t m c stec ined old friend Col. L. D. Starke, The sea-gull screamed on the beach, sir. work perch in a mill pond near by. was then ready to go into his crop and do his dav's work. It was a good and satisfactory programme. He had earned a rest. The fishing business is hard and exhausting JL O C A. L IV JF7 IV S. App!- art- 1I.lVMi" 1 out. Tin- liyirs win' thick as goose b rri s at D irt- rourt this week. cul- Thrn-'s !a IHVV ill ICUilinMHU ttiif IrvMag:ite an tp it. Mi--' Kunyon and Birklrv, of 1 nn-vlvani 1, art visit, in; Mis Ada yuiwL ' j ' Th D.-m r.iiir -.!v iitiin of the 2m Wurd will b In 1! at the Court -Iumim- t ::jht. I J Tht cdt' ti f icbrv h n-jw in full blast mid abinit 7" liquids am t lu- ptoyrd in Ute uurk. - Mi -r-. .Adl tt and Meads hac Is piti iit d .1 nt w r.iilro i I -fng. it of th' b dlfr.v variety ? Mr ;, .:-:; illi.uiis is vi ry sick (.:, i; n l trt I. A worthy man and Lr Ik- our sai"t ii rii;ipathy. S" Uive pr as :uid t tlu manner gr)vn. and -inrvln rrii s are now in p! y and ;ii nr.'us gives place. O iT town ot:nrni?iiiu rs have or b n l th -ins 0:1 tlio sido walks i .'A rvattd at hast tight feet. I . .-Then was a three inat schooner rrk d on the beach lopposite Man tisi on Frid.iv iu rnii. Slin was in KdU-t. Mr. Ciut.vill and : Irs. Bl.uk well h ue n turned from a ji-tt to Norfolk and Virginia lh:uh. visiting relatives and fri td" ? Mr. .!. A- HHp r of the jinn of t;.)!d .V H-Mper. has re turnij-l from a visit to Rire county to vUit rela tives and friends. of Norfolk, a., has been on a visit to Miss Helen Martin on Church street, aud "returned homo on Tues- dav The heavens with stardamps aglow. The smiling blue sea at our feet, sir, So calm in its tranquil now. To the day of my death I II remember How Jovincly Be It-is night and day work. to life and health. It is a 1 MILL Ml ATTENTION. A PLAINING MILL PLANT. ' ' IX . Elizabeth City, North Carolina. IN THOROUGH ORDEE, Tlio Viofif tnn?rnH n nil mrsf nrr x-ii n life of great exposure and risk, and iently arrangedmill inX. C. Eighteen Million feet of lumber has Vc re-'Tet to hear that Dr. J. B. Griggs met with a painful and some what serious accident on Monday by Ah. they were such days, sir, ob looked at me As he whispered. I lve you, Jennie, My own little wife will youv be ? damage often a Six weeks of good It is the , explosion of some chemicals which he was handling in his drutr store. j Polk Miller, who has acquired surli hirL distinction as a eleline- ator.of the old plantation negro, will deliver one of his entcrtainin"; lectures in the Court House in this place on Friday 14th inst. at 8 p. in. I was oroud as a queen on her throne fnTTri wnrir lo think that lie was my lover. That he wanted m for his own. Well. Bob and I were married In the village church one day. It wasn't any fancy knot, sir, 'Tjvas tied in plain Usher lolK way. He bought a fibbing smack, sir, As happi were we as could be, For Bob had good luck at fishing, We got along first-rate, you see. t . 1 .ii.. .1 : i 1. . . . 1 .x very profitable business. Tfai three ga 3 1 d gu fishing will pile ply from are conveniently located. ,1 .i -ln-'U I r ur saie ai a once su moueraie as up more money than a whole year p wU1 8Uppri8e you. and upon terms that makes the investment" possible and 11 i Prac cticable to the man of ordinary win lose ni ,mn Ann;ii E. x. Lamb, Atty. at Law & Real Estate Agt. Persons who are entitled to vote But always grief follows gladness ; x 1 , - i irouoie came as irouoie wiu, ir rtuiroi uiuig ngu s.uey RUht ln OUr ralmiest days, sir, registration, or by change 01 resi- My Robert, he took ill. 1 . ? At. We irot down deep in debt, mister. lion are required 10 register in meir R jb.8 bacfe Rav - hm dreatlful pain, waru uy rsaiuraay 10 nave mo pn- jt was iKh cn to three months, sir, ilego of voting. Ere he got on his feet again. tr v 11 i vi. Vm se therewa no help for it, v acknowledge receipt of North . . , , Carolina 1 "Baptist Histone-al 1 a- To earn the money he'd borrowed. Six weeks of weather, and fishermen money faster than farming when the earlv and the latter rains are with- held and the parched earth fails to yeild its increase. The Albemarle has been famous for its fishing rej ources from the time when Amada$ and Barlowe landed on Roanoke - i Island and the Indians fished their weirs. The above cm represents the mot complete and perfectly arranged at tachment for grazing, animal in open fields, on patches of crass, ditch banks and reed hammocks!, that has vet been mvented. The price is so small that it is accessible to every one. j Every man who owns a cow or horse should posses one. It. will more than pay for itself in one month's time. r PRICE S2i00. . FOR SALE BY ; H D GREGORY & SO . Delivery made in efson from OU DER BY MAIL. County rights for Bertie. Gates,' Hertford, Northampton and Tyrrell counties for sale on .terms to suit pur chafer, v , '' Apr 30th tf Buckingfcam's pye for the Whiskers is the best, handiest safest, cleanest, most economical and satisfactory dye ever invented. It is the pentleman's farorite. B. hitLLtH & GO. WHOLESALE i Goiiissior m Dealer,. NO. 7 FULTON MARKET. ; NEW YORK; V Special AttenUo. siren toTh'eii'" :' North Carolina Shad. ?tfnciIa d SUtionary on rplictidi ; No Arcnta. ' , S.L. STORER &Ca WHOLESALE Dealen and Shlpjrs of li kind, of FRESH FISH 18 FCLTO FISH MARKET. N V. nid to the Dont fail ta see that special lot of Clothing, just received at, Fowler & Co. yuch bargaino are seldom found. 1 ii I I MEW AMD DECIDED ATTRACTIONS Testimony from a Northern Source.' c ar!t .jwlcdr wi th thanks, n from Mrs. Ki!i4 ,f lis. Tranquil, House at Maute . l-i-t wi-vk. AWluneh id it fn-hiiig riins the p4 wi ek and -fanners are pu-bing thirr work under the ainpirious eon dtti ms of the w.-athi-r. ' M-rs. Sharbc- A White have pitrchicd the Zi:n;iurman lot on 11a 4 M.iin tre t aid will put up a l ir-e llardv;ire ttre on it. 1 f l- Mr. J. hti live-, of Tvrrell coujity. and Mi- Lizzie Swain, of 11 Citv, were, united in m.irriige; at the resi. dtnee of Mr. U i.tu on Sun lay. I'r.or.U"! ' rejMrts eoru'e from the IX S. l.m il The . contractors are pu-!a4 the woik and there is no doubting Tli-vna-es there uow. i A-pirugu culture j to f which our tni kcrs are dtvoting some atten tion this Spriug was almost a failure oumg t the dry weather in April (""" if ' i A protracted nutting will begin iu the Mi-thodet chufchjon Sunday, by Ib v. J. H. Hall the eteemed p"t-tr anointed bv other ministers. Mrs. Jolm Ktut rson of .Ports mouth, has been visiting hi r par ents ami h i returned to her home. ae:np .ihied tv her sister Mis- An nie aughan. , ; 'There? will l a speeijd cjurt of Pn piot ink eoatity.' iij this place for the week begining on the 2nd Mornhy in July. Probably! Judge Bryan will preside. ; l ; Miss.Minnie Spenco and Mr. Cook, formerly of Bocky Mqunt, N. C, were married at ; the -Methodist church on Tuesday night. :Rcv. J. H. Hall rtliating.. j . ' lis We are gratified at the good n- poits of the goodj cheer of the Tranquil House" at 3Ianteo. It nnht be the best all around houso ia NortU Carolina, and the patron ae it receives is plain testimony to its excellence. rim . 1 1 wt T T pers. li.c articles oy ivev. o. v. Hufliam D. D. and Prof. Thomas Hume I). P. L. Ij. D. stamp its ex e-eTleiice, and place it in the foremost rank of oar periodicals. The seines, pound nets and gill nets have-finished tho season's fish- imr work., and we reuret to hear that (ho results have not been sat isfactory iu profits. Hut the busi ness still goes on, in a desultory way, tho f Caviare fishing being most im portant. , Or else sir, we couldn't pay. Duty calls me he whispered, Jennie, I must leave you lass and go, I'll work my fingers off, dear, To pay the debt 1 owe. I'll come back to you someday, dearee He said when Jie went away; President AlcKinley has created dissatisfaction in the South. He has civen the boutnern btates a fair share of appointments ; but it is complained that Buck of Georgia, Gary of Maryland, Clavtcn of Arkansas, Evans of Tennessee and - ''i other less conspicious Southerns -j who have keen selected to fill im-j EYRY DEPARTMENT FILLED T OVE - FL WING. -YOUR ATTENTION IS .NOW INVITED TO OUR- I'articular attention Shai Department. We em ploy no agent andi-iv nn comm.8ion8. ' 11 your atencil is . in gotxl brd r let us know. . WILLIS H. ROGERS, Wholesale Commission ! FISH DEALER, KX5 FULTON MARKET , 7 NEW YORK I - 4 -: vnruuna cnau a ecwltv. furnished at a' moment North Stencils notic. j Referencea-tJuirkin & Co , bankers, Elizabeth City, N. C.hihI other finan cial houses when. deirel. ' I JAMES BOND COMMISSION DKALEK IN . ALL KINDS Or 1 FRESH FISH, Game and Tcrrapln. NO. 704 SECOND STREET, f UALTIMORE : IS MACJiTIFICENT HEW STOCK! -OF hit years have passed and no message, .nn.n.nnenna j oll Tho' I've watched for him day by day. portantant offices vere all born ie il, xt ii, 'rni . ,n I I I H inni . I rl I rz ITill IIKLUilL" iiun I'll, vu kiiun UJ oKJtjt And why my cheeks are. pale, My eyes have grown dim in watching l or a never coming sail. And thouch sir. you're a stranger, . Just now when you touched ray.hand, Somehow it reminded me of Robert Fore he went to a foreign land. . The 14th Annual Council of the Diocese of East Carolina will be held in Cioldsboro '20th May. The Norfolk aiid Southern B. B. will sell rouud trip tickets-May lth and liOtb rool until 30th, as follows: a or. frnm ITrffnnl The pale, cold moon is risin' Why sir. you're just u tremblin' There are tears in your'eyes sir, too. What ! you are Rob, my Robert Oh u is too good to be true. ??.-.ti0 from Elizabeth City $4.90. TJiere is no doubt that Elizabeth City is inoving on an up grade. The population is increasing, new houses art? being built, business is prospe-riinr notwithstanding mal- adminstration and Tlie star lamps are lit above, Gleaming down on hearts reunited In the perfect bonds of love. mi i 1 1. . : gers. J.ne native - ooutnerners who have adhered to the fortunes o the Republican party object to this sort of discrimination. A liftlo reflection however, j will serve to exculpate ' the President As a rule the prominent men of affairsi'n the South are Democrats. There is no Republican party to speak of in the South except among the colord people and the carpet baggers. Unhappily it is also true that there is no good reason for a DRY' G000S, SHOES, CLOTHING BOOTS, I HATS, CAPS, THE BEST LAND MOST DESIRABLE ASSORT- i MENT'OF NlEI :-: STALES NOW AWAITS YOUR I1TSPECTI01T. I WE LEAD THE TRADE. CP (7 Mud nles baked in the sun are about Republican party in the South. as palatable as 'badly baked Crackers philnnVlnhia Record. I IIILti H 1IU1I1 nn lUOLCliaio. -m. nv- Crackers are digestible, delicious, rich, hard times, new mire ami palatable. Book for "I-ox' WE CHALLENGE THE COUNTRY FOR BARGAINS. enterprises are starting and men and women who want work ean find it here. on the box before you give your order. Miss E. Matiii Runyon, of Penn- svlvauia. oue of the first pipe organ Death of J H Blount. . . j Departed this life on Friday May is doing the work left undone bv April. Sunshine and showers alternate with the suddenness and fickleness of April. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION EVERY TIME. solicitor of the istsinthecountry will conduct, at the April 30th, at Greenville, N. O., Uaptist church on Sunday night, a John H. Blount, a distinguished grand saerenl praise service. Miss meniber of the bar oh Eastern North Wood.. Mr. Uuirkm, .urs. unmn, 0fTn(i fti,mlf 40 rears. r - ..i rrti.n ..-.ii i vi"""" .iir.Atnggsj ami .ur. Jiutuui . 4t . t Mr. Ttlount was kinrf v.rirw nmi wirn ciioir reii-i . der" some of tho noble hymns, an- first judicial district of North Caro- nnthems,i aud other sacred music. iina for twelve years and during lUUl tlLLIU UUU cauiuiivu w-. " t Hp. m. on Thursday night in llJs 0fiic;ai nosition, and in his there was an alarm of fire which ,init:co outside of it, as won - a- i - : i.i iiM.iri-,i i x WaS lOUmi lO UV IU IUU Oil wimuuiu ; 1. ... Tb i,;u. for him a elistmguished rank among Txrnn. tho ablest lawyers in all the courts III'' I1U.1ICII ' " I fiairM"""irTyi aiuM Pain-Killer. (TXUT DATIS'.) A Bore and S&fa Remedr In ererr cam and CTorj kind o Bowel CompUlnt Is Pain-Killer- This Is a trne statement and ii can't md too strong or too empLtlc It Is a simple, safe and quick curs for Cramps, Coiis;Ii Bhcnmatlsm. Colic, Colds, XTouralffla, - Dlarrboaa, Croup, Toothache. TWO SIZES, 25c. and 50c. SViOSES WEISELv ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. ?2 if- - .t i " " - - All - 1 tirclv consumed, but by the stren of the State. As an arguer of legal j had ems efforts of the liro Company and nnM:mis before the court he the Hook and Ladder Company the nQ crior IIe was learned in au lire was kept under and prevented 1 , . rl... l.r, th, ndiaernt thority and precedent and was al V MV..i v- - ""J I buildings which were in imminent dinger. The building was unoccu pied and it is supposed the lire was incendiary. Our old friend Rev. Peter Melick has been confined to his bed for some weeks by an accidental inju ry to hisknee, tut wo were glad to see the edd man ou the streets again on Thursday on two crutches made of pieces of scantling, in primitive htyle. He was making a poor show on four legs, but we gave him some lessons in crutch culture and he was a good pupil, and when we left him he was gamey as a rooster and as full of fun asa nut, of meat. He told us a joke which we elare not Tepeat here. We had a charming call on Mon day from Misses Fannie Dawson and Na'nnio ! Allen. Miss Allen enter tained us most delightfully with original I poetical recitations and Miss Dawson and we perfomed our parts eminently well in the panto mime of applause and hand-clapping. It was an elegant entertainment. an intellectual feast, a beauty and a joy forever, in which each acquitted himself with great distinction and tho audience were, delighted. We will repeat the entertainment soon. Tutf s Pills Cure All Liver Ills. Twenty Years Proof. ways happy in the presentation of the legal aspects of his cases. His mind was eminently analytic and logical and when he was discussing a legal question oeiore iuu cuux 4. v . M , . , ,inrinr. Afi an advocate before a luioi.ivuimu.v.u- iurv we have thought that he did els in natural motion and cleanse not rank as he did when discussing the system Ot all impurities in a cold iegai qnesuuu. ah mv absolute cure ior siCKneaaacne, was too calm and judicial to captivate d jaj SQur stomach, con- me emouous ui . . nA uiAA ;.-oncpC flinrra. Hut his rank in the law M"""-w profession was high and growing vail I UU WllIIUUl .lliClll . even ay when the reaper cut R p. Smith, Chilesburp;, VaJ down the yet unripened fruit. writes I don't know how I could do without them. I have had Mrs. Henrietta Walker. T j;.mco fr rvr tverUr Wa had an mterestinir call on Sat- ' i ,w j j t - nii w urday and Monday from Mrs. Wal- 1 Utt S LrlVer tIII ker, of Currituck county, relict of Capt. Dempsey' Walker, who piloted and fed the Confederate officers who mutinied while prisoners of war, and beached the steamer "Maple Leaf that was taking Warren during ! the war, as prison ers. They took possession of the steamer at sea, overpowered tho TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR STOCK i -WE WILL GIVE UNUSUAL B in all our Heavy Goods. ARGAIN j II IT MENS SUTSr any size, BOYS' SUITS, any size, 6from $2.25 up. from .80 up. ii GUM BOOTS I TO GO REGARD llSS OP COST. OILED GLOTHING AT SPECIAL P.: CES TO ALL. GOLD & HOOPERJ JONES m are now prepared to sh'ow as complete a line, of . . per mouth salary. To a few lady and gentlemen canvassers. fcalary guar them to Fort anteed. Address , w -r n TaiIIps fine shoes were $3.00 now I going at $2 00 at Sawyer & Jones. as; were ever exhibited in this market, consisting of DUESS GOODS, SHOES, GLOTHING, Notions, Hats, : Umtrellas, Don't fail to -find the place.- You can enter either on Main or ...'.Ii . in i n i I v ater pireeis. v i NO AGENTS. EMPLOYE!: A. W. IIAFF, Successor to LmpberV IUfl. -Wholesale Commission Dealer In j FRESH FISH. LOBSTERS. ETC. NO. 12 FULTON FISn MARKET. New York City, ...... ; ' ' , ; -j ; . North jCarolina,8ha4l a Specialty No Agents. . ' .. Caleb Haley & Co? Wholesale Commission" Dealers j and Shippers of ' ) FRESHv FISH, 14 FULTON FISH MARKET. 'j' NEW YORK. 'v. Write ' for Stencils and Stationary. Ktatllslaecl I884. . E. M. DIXON & CO. WHO E8ALE COMMISSION DEALERS ! IN ' FISH OYSTERS GUMS 33 Fock Slip, NEW YORK. Account sales rendered. immediately . on sale of goods. ? NOTICE! Sale of Valuable Property. By virtue of decree of the Sutwrior Court of Pasquotank county, N. C in case or wuiiam xi. ; urawroru- ana others against Mifflin W. Crawford and others. I will offer for sale at public auction at tbe Court House door of said county on Monday, May 31st 1807, that ertaifi house and lot in tbe town 61 Elizabeth Oity, Tf. C, bounded North Oy lots of land belonging respectively to David Davis and Bessie Brown, East by a house ar.d lot owned and occupied by.Mre. Nanie Dawson, South Fearing street extended ftnd West by a house and lot owned and occupied by Walter Price. . " ' ,' ' " Terms of sale: one third cash.vono tbird one year and the pther third two years after day of sale with interest on deferred payment from day of sale at six per cent per annum, or all c6h at the option of the purchaser. - . Title retained until purchase money and interest all paid. i J. Heywood Bawykr. t Com'r. of the Court. April 29th 18&7. - L Notice of Administration. Having qualified as Administator of the late L. H Lass iter I hereby give notice to all Dersona indebted to his estate to come forward and make Im mediate settlement Jid those bolding claims' against the same to preient them for payment by the 16th day of April 189S on this notice or it will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. 1 ... VT A Ji VVH niAUJItAUUl r. Ul V L. H. Lassiter Deed.' April 16th. 1897. ; Per Atty.

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