" . i - - ... ' """""""""""" ."''''.''.. .' " " ""L . "... i TfiC ECONOMIST HAS A I-AluER CIK tri.TI IN TIIIKTFrX COPS TIM V Kn:r;v I Caimunv tiivx axt .r.i.i rim-; jruuiiEr. I Advattlsa !n pis ECQI u'-i.-- k ' It will Pay Yen, STakE .Each-man's cBnsurs.tnitT2sarv3 thy judsmBnt.-HamlEt.3 VOL. XXV. ELIZABETH CITY, X. C, ' FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1897. NO 38. ; ; . ; , . . : ' l .. I t r l: . if. j ; .. : I -1 a ; .T! t . t i .r:. t 5 tJf r. ! t : -: i V. ! r I ! ; .v c a Jc!t!ft! : - :: r "-"" o .. ; . r' . fat's ttttc r ;.'.! 3 ' j it; u . ! t . a f t.;o;c. t ! -.n I ache f." 5- - (tv.o thce tho r :;sitiv .Jato. a to 0 PUBLISHED WEEKLY Pill Clothes. A MATTER OF BREAD. Tbere u " I, ; r . j whisper lu jour ear, for I would not Tho cood pill has .a good" coat. Tho !pill coat serves two purposes ; it protects tho pill, and disguises it to Socio coat3 nro too heavy ; they wost dissolve, and tLo pilLi they cover pas3 through tho systt-rn. 'harmless as a bread. pellet. Other coats rr too lu'ht, and permit tho speedy deterioration of th pill. Af t r 30 ynrs exposure, Ayerfs Sugar Coated P:l!.-j havu hcn found as effectivo-as if t just fresh from t!:- Inboratory. It's n good pill, with a good coat. n:r drmriiist for r Ayer's Cathartic Pills. ; REV. DR. TALMAGE ON A MISSION FOR HUMANITY. TH tfii!i..ni iU f .uwl ia full in Ayt' "Currlok," has ts I Mhrt.. Iti.. A !fc: C Ayr C., Uwt!!, M. with a I:Y TUP. - mm mmmt go., DiltKCTORV. Takes For His Subject a Thought Moat Inter-tiuff to. All Who Are Trying to Achieve a LJrelihood The Raven of tioiL Wamiixoton, May 9. Dr. Talmage ha n-turmd home after a most remark nLlv huryvrtiul tour through the west, and in lehalf of the famine struck of India ppeaking in the great corn cen ters to vast multitudes of people and raiding many carloads of breadstuffa aiid many thousand of dollart. Ilia FulgVct is tfwlay to the lat degree ap propriate to all who are trying to achievo a livelihood. Text, I Kings xvii, C, "And the ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morniirg and bread and fle&h 111 IIJV VlVUIil. want to utter it aloud, lest some cue should drop down under its power, "If any man shall take away from the words ' of the prophecy of this book, God shall take away his part out of the book of life and out of the Holy City." While, then, we watch the ravens io;ton banks' or Bank of England than yci have in the Itoyil Bank of Heaven. You say: "All that (is very poetic, but ypu mayave the black ravens. Give J me the geld eagles. " We had better be content with just epough, If in the morning your familyleat up all the food there is in the house,, do not sit!down abd cry and say, "I don't know where f:ediug Elijah, let the ewift dove of -j the next meal is to. c6me from. ' About God's spirit sweep down the sky with J or 6 cr 7 o'clock ib the morning just divine food, and on outspread wing l-lpok up, and yen wjll see -two black pause at the lip of every soul hungering pot on the sky, und you willlhear the for comfort. On tho banks of what rivers have been KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN! Surely if the word REGULsXTOR is not on a package. ' ' - . - it is not ' '.' i.ami:. i: K' Y I: i . :. i: mi:. Year, niitor. i 31.00 Sty. .V ;., f City O'r-Mavnr. C! nrlt s C. f iumi -ioiiT'i I'alti)fii Jolm, Tho-. J i .1 I l . I r . I Craiik S;-.i-. ail Win. W . (i rigs ("I'-rk fm. A.- U.niks; Tn-asun-r i.-f. W. I ; ii.tulih and Chief of I !;-- Win. P.rioks; Str t-t in-iiiif-.ioii.-r Ki-iiImmi W. lirry; Kirn 'ianiii;'-i.iif r.- Allen KraimT and !.! I!. Zit gl. r. (NII.-ttr of i ustoni Jas. ij Uroo' s lrtnijit"r K. F IjiiiiIi. the great battles of the world? While you are looking over the map of the world to answer that, I will tell you that the great, conflict today is on tho Potomac, on the Hndson, on the Missis sippi, on the Thames, on the Savannah, on the Rhine, on the Nile, on tho Ganges.cn the Hoang-Ho. It is a bat tle that has been going on for G.OOO years. The troops engaged in it are l.COO.000,000, .and those who have The ornithology of tho Bible is a very 'fallen by the way are vaster in number iiitr; stiur: studr the stork which ,inan mose who marcn. it is a battle kuowith her appointed time; the com mon sparrows teaching the lesson of God's providence; the ostriches of tho dotrt, by caieless incubation, illnstrat- for bread. : Oat For Ravens. Sentimentalists sit in a cushioned chair in their pictnred studr, with their ins tho recklessness of narcuts who do ; slippered feet on a damask ottoman. not tuko enough pains with their, chil- and say that this world is a great scene dnu; the eaclo svmbolizing riches of avarice and greed. It dees not seem I k 4 I Ll' r ..V r'I.KMlN;. Ait "-" :; 'it A"'. : Jrt n tile, N. i jtl! li t C ' r;. ami: v I.tr 1 "t SKINNKIt. i; i "A. YA'l'G II AN. tty, N. j C. 1 x1 ? .W.-rHn'i'ttljif. i ; I.li1'n.th I'Uy. N. C. C!l-'ct;..t. faitUf dlv r.id i j 1 J 11 U I KN. V A N N A: 1 I.U I J IN, hMenton, N. C. :ho n. i . Ili rll ir l, AY.Htnpt-n nn. Tyritli r.;tc.t"u-. and in iSuprime Co urt . i it- j 7 It i;oK!)tN. k j i iirrr uck. C. N. C. lonvli.n : 5-i in'.tv. - Truth e- Hi S: .tr :md FiHltTil C lift-. c 1 M llii.iU tli Citv. N. tir- at ta:nU on d HtiMAS G. SKINNKK" . .U' -r.ty-ti' Ait, 5 I It rt lor I, N. C. F.xufniiiinir Surg'on- of INtisiods Jrs .!. K. W.hmI, V. W. Grigirs 'ntnl W. J. I.tittisd'-n. .Mei t on thf lt ulid "r.l Wdi:t-days of ach month at tho rnr of I'o4ni and Church Strn-ts. CA..m'.. Mt tl tHlist, Kev. J.H. Hall, I'ator ; s.'tvices i'V-ry Sumlav at 11 a. m. and 7 . 'in. I'aptist, Khv. Calvin !S U!akuidl, Mt.tor; srvic.s fvery Mirnlay at U a. in. and 7 p. in. Pres byterian, Uev. F Ii. Johnston, pastor; MTvicrs fvry Sunday at 11 a. in. and 7:l"i p. in. Kpiscojml, K-v. L. L. Wil liams, r-ctor; servi'.'? every Sunday at 1 1 a in and 4 p. m. tjrhjr. Masonic: Kureka Llg No. .'.17. Ir. ' W. AV. (frigu'S. W M. ; r. V. Itn.tli rs, S.; W.i y. 11. Snowden J. W. ; 1. 15 Uradforil, Sec'ty and IJ. F. SiHnce, Tr-:isuriT. Mefts 1st and Jrd Ti'eslay nirlits. ; ' O.l.l Fellows: Aelioree L,dt Noll, f . M. rurg.s. N. ;.; W. li. Ballard, Y. G ; H O. Hill. Fin. Secretary; Ma'irin Wrsc-ott 3rrasurer. Me?ts ,'vi-ry Friday at 7:;U) p. in. IJoval Areanuin: Tilwr Creek Conn- ril Nil. ie '.; II. O U:IIKgfiit; 1). A. .Morgan. Xbf Iteg.-nt ; t', Guirkin, Orator; W II. Z.h II.-r. Secretary ; P.M. Cook Ir., CdIeetor; W. J. Wood Icy, Tra-nrr. Meets every 1st ami 3rd Mondav night. Knights of Honor: 11. It. White, Die tutor: J. II P.ngle, Yice Dictator; T. .1. Jor.lari, HejMirter; T. II. Wilson, Fi iiaiKv Keitortei; J. C. Ilenburv. Troas- 1st and -ith rnday tn Wilt ril d. i l ii. i . . . 'mm "r..-o,V. r ia Sire t. t t c t I o urer. Meet earn nioiitii. , Pasouotank Tribe N. I. O. It. M. yV ianjai proptit ; J. 1. Simpson, S. ' Sarheiii; W : II Sanford, Sr. Sagamore; i:!i.iUth (Mv, N. (T-, ' Ati.ierson, Jr. Tvigamore; .lames (irfeii Ii nrol---! Spin .., C. of IJ ; S. II. Miirrel K. of W. sioti.il ! rvicts t ! Mt t every Welnesday night, tin p i!- I" nl the 0"tnty f7vr. Commissioners (J. Smsu l.rs iT5'i:sn-- Kran.er. C'liairman: F. M. Godfrey, TUY. Can.le fouud il;ams. heriii. 1.1. iuox, Rt'.tU tin " Superior Co4irt Clerk, John P. Over - iin.in: l;i L-iti-r4' If-fd-J. M H. CnliMr- ! l'r : Tr-Hsiirtr, Jolm S. Morris Comity :m I Wat. r. F.xamint r, Gaston Pod. - ; SrA-ml Atlantic Cullegintt) Insti- whifh tako wings and fly away; the pelican emblem izing solitude; the bat, a flake of the darkness ; the night hawk, the cjs sif rage, the cuckoo, the lapwing, the osprcy, by tho command of God, in Leviticus, llung out of the world's bill of fare. j I would like to have been with Au dubon as ho went through the woods, with gun and pencil, bringing down and sketching tho fowls of heaven, his unfolded rtfolio thrilling all Chris tendom. What wonderful creatures of Cod tho birds are. Somo of them this morning, like tho songs of heaven let loose, bursting through the gates of heaven. Consider thvir feathers,' which are clothing and conveyance at the same time; tho nine vertebras of tho neck, tho three eyelids to each eye, tho third eyelid an extra curtain for graduating tho light cf .the suit. Some of theso birds scavengers and some of them or chestra. Thank God for quail's whistle, and lark's carol, and tho twitter of tho wren, called by the ancients the king of birds, because when tho fowls of heaven went into a contest as to who should fly the highest, and tho eaglo swung nearest the sun, a wren on back oi tno eagle,-alter tne eagle was ex hausted, sprang up much higher, and so was called by tho ancients the king of birds. Consider thosoof them that have golden crowns and crests, showing them to be feathered imperials! And listen to the humming-bird's sercnado in the ear of the honeysuckle. Lock at the belted kingfisher, striking ai dart from sky to water. Listen to tho .voice of tho owl, giving tho keynotb to all croakers. And behold tho condor among tho Andes, battling with tho reindeer. . I . do not Know wnetner an Kr-imiT Id DAVID COX, Jr.,: J. E., i AU MlTF.tT AND LNGlNKI'oV S. I.. Shep Net Sehool. r i. resident N. Tillett. rmci- School, W. M. IIF.UTl'OUD, N. C. bind stirvtyiii srnc ! i:tit l ki u tdu.iti'. a,y. P Bay View House, N r.nr.NTON, ?c c. I tiauiv, . Attentive . S.rvantt. Near the Court Unuse, tut. S wil. Klialn tli City Public llinlon. rriac ip.il. State Colored Normal, P. W. Moore, ars Principal. I First National: Cbas. H. i i.'obiosou. President; Jno. it. iVood, I Yi .-President: Win. T. Ohl. Cashier, M. K. Cirimii, Teller. Directors: K. F. Umli.D.M Bradford. J. H. Flora. M. II. White, J110. G. Wtnul J. II. Blades, C. II. Robinson. Guirkin A; Co. h'.Wtrir J.ijht C". J. Ii. Ulades, Presi dent. ti. M. Seott, Yice l'resiileiit, D. I'.. Bradford, S'cty, Noah Hurfoot. Tre.-vsiirer. ' aquarium or aviary is the best altar from which to worship God. An Oruithologlcal Wonder. Thero is an incident in my text that baffles all tho ornithological wonders of tho world. The grain crop had been cut o2f. Famine was in the land. In a cavo by tho brcok Cherith sat a minister of God, Elijah, waiting for something to eat. Why did he not go to tho neigh bors? Thero were no neighbors. It was a wilderness. Why did he net pick some of tho berries? Thero were none. If there had been, they would have been dried up. Seated one morning at tho month cf his cave, the prophet sees a fleck cf birds approaching. Oh, if they wero only partridges, cr if he only had an arrow with which to bring them downl But as they como nearer he finds that they aro not comestible, but un clean, and tho eating of them would be spiritual death. The strength of 'their beak, tho length cf their wings, the blackucss cf their color, their loud. so to me. If it were not for the absolute necessities of tho cases, nine-tenths of tho stores, factories, shops, banking houses of the land would be closed to morrow. 1 Whrj is that man delving in the Colorado hills, or toiling in a New England f aotory, or going through a roll of bills in the bank, or measuring a fabric on the counter? He is a champion sent forth in behalf of soifie home circle that has to be cared for, in behalf of some church of God that has to bo sup ported, in behalf of some asylum of mercy that has to be sustained. Who is that woman bending over the sewing machine, or carrying the bundle, or sweeping the room, or mending the gar ment, or sweltering at "the wash tub? That is Deborah, one of the Lord's her oines," battling against Amalek'itish want, which comes down with iron chariot to crush her and hers. The great question with tho vast majority of peo ple today is not home rule, but whether there shall be any home to rule; not one of tariff, but whether there shall bo anything to taxt The great questions with the vast, majority of people are: "How shall I support my family? How shall I meet my notes? How shall I pay my rent? How" shall I give food, cloth ing and education to those who are de pendent upon me?" 0h, if God would help me today to assist you in the solu tion of that problem, the happiest man in this house would ' be your preacher. I have gone out on a cold morning with expert sportsmen to hunt for pigeons. I have gone out on the meadows to hunt for quail. I have gone out on the marsh to hunt for reed birds, but today I am out for ravens. flapping of wines, and instead bf Edsrar A. Poe's insane raven alight i on the chamber door, "only this and nothing more," you will find Elijah's . two ravens, or two ravels of the Lord, the one bringing bread and the other bring ing meat -plumed butcher audi baker, j A Living Fountain, j ! God is infinite in resource. When the city of Rochelle.was besieged; and the inhabitants were dymg of the) famine, the tides washed ujp pn the; beach as never before, and as never sinctf, enough shellfish to feed the jrhole cityt God is good. There is no mistake attimt that History tells us that in 1555 infEhgland tnere was a great drought iraMdws (Liver Regulator. Nothing eise is the same. It cannot be and never has been put up by any one except 7 JJ. H. 2EDLDC3 & GO. ; And it can be easily told by their Trade Mark ' :': " THE RED ;: I'or Hale ly IrsJ. W. W. ;RiCi4 MOM, I white providence brought yon ruin. ! That which seemed to be harsh and j fierce and dissonant was your greatest ( mercy. It was a raven. . There was -a j child born in your house. All your friends congratulated vou The other ' Tho crops , children . of the family stood amazed, ) failed, but in Essex, son the roks. iii a I wi-ir.,. ',' . .,'. .! i - . .j ti 1 u t mu uv ;y cuixivji uiiu aMU i i place where they had neither town nor ; great many questions, genealogical and l.e demcustrnted.V willing to trust God tor tlje supply pj their bodies and trust the Lord Jesus Christ for the redemption of' tin ir im mortal ouls? Amid the -chit irr inf the hewfs and the clang of the wheels of tht: judgment chariot. Jhe whole matter will Cultured, a great" crop of peas grew un jtil they filled 100 Injieasnres, and thero were blossoming vines j enough, prom ising as much more. j. j .; uuc wny. go so iarr 1 can give you a chronological. You' said and you said truthfully that a white angel flew through the rbom and left the little one there. That-little one stood-with; -it two feet in the very sanctuary of tour Columbia Hotel; : " I'oLl'Mr.IA. T KUKI.I. ( O. .1. : ; m ;iu:s. - - opiietur. j-ifCJoiI Servants. i;,I room , cood talle. Arujd-staM-s and Shelter. The pirotnsr- of the pub ic i iic ted and wtiff icion asuie I. ' TIIK UI.II CAIT. M AI.KKU llOt'Sf T.Uj . '. . (. D. B. Bradford, Prei- d.'iit : L. B!ab , Yiee-rilent Sininipu's Hotel, CLKlUTt CK C. ill. N. C. T ru;-: ."K p r mea.ior 1.75 per day, loclh 1 114 I0.VU5.. The patmnae of tSe p d)lic s Lk-Ud Sa'bfactioD ass t red. J. W. BUAi:r!.K, - j Proprietor. Tr anqiiil House, MANTEO, N: C. ' A. Y. KYANS, - - lVoprutor. First !a4 in cfery panuuHr. Tuble mp?liel with ery delicj-y. Ihh, Oysters andJa:ne ia abundance 111 sras4in. FiH.ZIEGLER&BRO. . Successor t John II.Zkiuler ; Dctler in a'l kinds of UNDERTAKERS1 SUPPLIES, Fr.n the Ch-pt to the bet. All tel egrams profu.-tly attcDdet! to. Mum me 441 fhsn Jc-irf I. ITI' finest Hearse In tuis ctl n.. Ki.o d, walnut, clot h-coT-ered and nutalic assets a sptrialty. At the o!l stand on Khrinhauf Strut. Thankful lor past patronage. AIs. all kinds of cabinet wO?k. If jo-i d.tre a luxuries triowth of neiitli Iiair of n. imtiiral odor, na- I toshe. ami general Bubler line tnr. 9 crowning orrainent l of lioth eral agents earn over $1000 yearly ve. u. only Hall ege table 1 tected gnnnd Factory P. O. S cllitn Hair Benewcr. ; New York. Fred Davis Secretary ami Triasurer. 7." Iinpntiitnt L. E F. Aydlett, President ; T. G Skinner,. Yice Presi dent; C. II. Bobinson, Secretary and Trt'asurer. A, City (Utr. M,U President, Dr. O ML'.Mulhui, Vice I'resident, (ten. M. Sibtt, Sec ami Trea., D. B. Bradford, Supt II, F. Smith. Directors: Dr. O. McMiillan. G. M. Seott, E. F. Aydlett, J. W. SharL'r, Jas-. B. Blades, C. H. KtdWnson, Ths. G. Skinner, C. E. Ksamer, J. B. Flora, II. F. Smith and D. B. Bradford. Xtinil Vrrj. W. J. Griflln, Lieu tenant commanding; J. B. -Ferebee, Lieutenant 'Junior Grade; L. A. Win tier. Ensign. Regidar Drill each Tues day night. Arms: 40 Magazine Hifles; 12 Navy Revolvers; 12 Cutlasses; 2 12 Pound Howitzers. .S'j.V f-rprcM Cvmpjuy M. H. Snowden. Ag?nt. H'tilnnJ ajijj Sioim?jL Mail train Coing North, leaves 8 a. 111. and !:4"i p. in., going South, 11:40 and "n 0 p iu. Steamers for Newberne leave at C p. m. Steamer Newton, leaves Eliza In'th City for Cress well on MoT-days and Turfdays at 9: SO a. m. Re turning will leave Elizabeth i ity follow ine day at -. "jO p. 111.. Steamer Har binger, will leave bizaiH'tli City for Hertford Wednesdays ami Saturdays at U, r) n. m.: Elizaleth City for Nor folk Thursdays and, Mondays i. m 3. Why will you buy bitter nauseating tonics wIhmi drove's Tatcles CIilII Tnnlc is as pleasant as Iemon Syrup. Ynr druggist is authorized to refund the money in every ense where it fails to cure. Price 50 cents . Agents wanted. Free ourfit. Cycle Tires pair ; Hose, Belting. Mackin- Sey- Pro-1371 harsh "cruck, cruckl" prove them to bo ravens. They whir around about the proph et's head, and then they come on flut tering wing and pause on the level of his lips, and 0110 of the ravens brings bread, and another raven brings meat, and after ' they have discharged their tiny, cargo they wheel past, and others come, until after awhile tho prophet has enough, and these black servants of tho wilderness table aro gone. For six months, and some say a whole year, morning and evening, a breakfast and a supper bell sounded as these ravens rang out' on tho air their ''cruck, cruckl" Guess whero they got the food from. Tho old rabbins say they got it from tho kitchen cf King Abab. Others say that the ravens got their food from pious Obadiah, who was in the habit of feeding the persecuted. Some say that the ravens brought the food to ' their young in tho trees, and that Elijah had culy to climb up. and get it Some say that tho whole story is improbable, for theso were carnivorous birds, and the food they carried was the torn flesh of living beasts, and thereforo ceremonial ly unclean, cr it was carrion and would j not have been fit for the prophet Some say they were " not ravens at all, but that tho work translated 'ravens' in my text ought' to have been translated "Arals." so it would have read, "The Arabs brought bread and flesh in the morning, and t read and flesh in the evening." Anything but admit the Bi ble to be true, ; j ' Hew away at this miracle until all the miracle is goue.J Go on with the de pleting process, but j know, my brother, that you aro robbing; only one man and that is yourself of one of the most comforting, beautiful, pathetic and tri umphant lessons in all the ages.! I can tell you who these purveyors were they were .ravens. I can tell yon who freighted them with provisions God. I " can tell you whoi launched them God. I can tell you who taught them which way to fly God. I can tell you who told them at what ca"ve to swoop God. I can tell yiou who introduced ravcu to proDhet and prophet to raven Winged Caterers. Notice, in the first place in tho story of my text, that these winged caterers came to Elijah direct from God. . "I have commanded the ravens that they feed thee," we find God saying in an adjoining passage. They did not como "but of some other cave. They did not just happen to alight there. God freighted them, God launched them and God told them by what cave to swoop. That is the same God that is going to supply you. He is your Father. You would have to make an elaborate calculation before you could tell me how many pounds of food and how many yards of clothing would be neces sary for you and your family, but God knows without any calculation. You have a plate at his table, and you are going to be waited on, unless you act liko a naughty child and kick and scramble and pound saucily the plate and try to upset things. God has a vast family, and every thing is methodized, and you are going to be served if you will only wait your turn. God has already ordered all the suits of clothes you will ever to the last suit in which you will Le laid family incident. Some generations back affection, and with its two hands it ine w as a great arqugni; in vonnecti- took hold of the altar of your soul. But Cut, New England. ' jThe water disap- oue day there' came one of the three peared from the I11II4 and the farmers scourges of children scarlet fever, or living on the hills drove their cattle croup, or diphtheria aud all that uuwn lowaru me vaneys ana naa tnem Supplied at the wells and fountains of the neighbors., But jthese after awhile began to fail, and thp neighbors said to Mr. Birds-eye, of wbjom I shall speak: j" You must not send yxrar flecks1 and herds down here any more. 0ur wells are giving out." MrL Birdseye, the old Christian man, gathered his family at the altar, and with his family he gath ered the slaves of the- household for bondage was then in vogue in Connect icut and on their j knees before God .they cried for watr, Jand the family Jstory is that there jwas weeping 1 and great sobbing - at that; altar that the family might not petish for lack of wa ter, and that the herds and floqks might not perish. , ij ! - The family rose from the altar.. Mr. Birdseye, the old rian took his staff and walked out over! tho hills, and in a place where he had seen scores jof times, without - noticing ahything particular, he saw the ground Jwas very dark. ? and jho took his staff and turueil. up the ground, and water started, and he' beck oned to his servants', and they pame and brought pails and buckets until all the family and all the -flocks and Ithe herds were cared for, and jthen ttey made troughs reaching from .that place down to the house and barn, and the water flowed, and it is a liv'ing fountain today. Now I call that old grandfather Eli jah, and I call that brook that! began to roll then and is rolling still the brook Cherith, ;aiid the lesson to me and to bright scene vanished. The chattering, the strange questions, the pulling at tho dresses as you. crossed the floor all ceased. , . . As the;great friend' of children stooped down and leaned toward that cradle and took tho little one in his arms and walked 'away with it into tho bower of eternal summer your eye be gan to follow him, and you followed the treasure, he carried, and you' have been following them ever . since, and in stead of thinking of heaven only once a week, as formerly, you are thinking of it-all the time, and you are mere pure and tender hearted than you used to be and you are patiently waiting for the daybreak. It is not self righteousness, in you to acknowledge that you are a bet ter man than you used to be you aro a better woman than you used to be. What was it that brought you the sanc tifying blessing? Oh it was the dark shadow on the nursery, it was the dark shadow on the short grave, it was tho dark shadow on your broken heart, it was the brooding bf a great black trou ble, it Was a ravenit was a raven 1 Dear Lord, teach this people that whito providences do ' not always, mean ad vancement and that black providence ' do;not always mean retrogression. ? ."Many Rooms. ... : : Children of -God, get Up out of your despondency. The Lord never had so many ravens as ho has today. Fling your fret and worry .to tho winds. Sometimes under the vexatious of life ( 1 1 ... u 1. :i ; ' :t j uu r J r 2" you feel like my Utile girl of ' 4 ears, great stress of circumstances, spray and' l:u'u ' J?L,. u:i.n.,i. : T.tJ j dig, dig and pray, janet pray fend dig. How does that passage go? ' 'Tjie moun tains shall depart and the hills be re moved, but my loving! kindness shall not fail." If your merchandise, if your mechanism, if your husbandry fail, look out for ravens, j If you hae in your despondency put God on trial! and con demned him as guilty of cruelty, I move today for a new triaI. If the biography of your life is ever jwriften, I will ! tell you what the first chapter audi the mid dle chapter and the jlast chapter will he about if it is written accurately. The first, chapter about; mercy, trie middle 'chapter about mercy, the last chapter about mercy. The (mercy that hovered lover your cradle. Thejmercy that will j hover over your grave..(The n(ercy that will cover all between.:! 1 Unexpected Relief, j . ' Again, this story j)f tlje text impresses imnthnt. rpliff ramp-itn thin nrnnViof xjcith erea an tne , r -7- i--- need down ' tne most unexpected and with ;seeming- uy impossiDie conveyance. 11 lcnaarjeen out. God has already ordered all the food you will ever eat, down to the last crumb that will be put in your mouth in the dying sacrament. It may not be just the kind of food cr apparel we would prefer. Tho sensible parent depends- on his own judgment as to what ought to bo the apparel and the food of tho minor in the family. The child would say, "Give me sugars and con fections." "Oh, no!" says the parent "You must, have something plainer first " The child would say, "Oh, give me these great blotches of color in the garment 1" "No, says the parent; "that wouldn't be suitable. " Now, God is our Father, and we are minors, and he is going to clothe tis and feed us, although he may not always yield to our infantile wish for the sweets and glitter. These ravens of the text did not bring pomegranates from the glittering : platter of King Ahab. They brought bread and meat. God had all the heavens and the earth before him and under him, and yet he sends this plain food, because it was best for Eli jah, to have it. Oh, be strong, my hear er, in .the fact that the same Goel is go ing to supply you. It is never "hard times" with him. His ships never break on the rocks. His banks never fail. He has the supply for you, and he has the means for sending it. He has not only the cargo, but the ship If it were necessary, he would swing out from the heavens a flock of ravens reaching from his gate to yours until the food would be flung down the sky from beak to beak and from talon to talon." ; Notice again in this story of, the text that the ravens did not allow Elijah to board up a surplus. They did not bring enough on Monday to last all the week. They did not bring enough one morning to laet until the next morning. They came twice! a day and brought just enough for one time. You know as well as I that the great fret of the world is that we want a surplus, we want the ravens to bring enough for 50 years. You have more confidence in the Wasn- ;a robin redbreast, or a musical meadow lark, or a meek turtledove, or a sub lime albatross thai had brought the j food to Elijah, it Wbuld not have been ;so surprising. But no. .It was fa bird so fierce and inauspic'ate that we Have fash- ; ionea one 01 our mosijiorceiui ,ana re i pulsive words out of it ravenous. That j bird has a passion-for picking out the ; eyes of men and of janimals. Ij loves to imaul.the sick and the 'dying. J It swal- lows with vulturous gujzzle everything lit can put its beak! on and yet all the : food Elijah gets for six months or a i year is from ravens1. $jo your feupply is going to come from! an unexpected ; source. ' j .. 1 You think some reat hearted, gener ous man will come jalonjg and fgive you his name . on the back; bf .. youf note, or he will go security Kr you in some great enterprise. ilio, be will pot God of Mame Sbjylock to- will open the heart ward you. Your irnef will cime from the most unexpected quarter. The Prov idence which seemed iominous will be to you mere than' that which' seemed auspicious. It will no be a phaffinch with breast and wing dashed with white and brown and chestnut It will be a black raven. t s 1 ; 1 Here is where we all- make jour mis take, and that is iui regard to the! color of God's providence, j A while provi dence comes to us, and We saVi "Oh,' it is mercy!" Then J a bjack piovidence comes toward us, j and we sy, "Oh, that is djsaster!" The yfhite providence comes to you, and you have great busi ness success, and you' ;have 100,000, and you get proud, aid yOu jget inde pendent of God, and yjiu begin to feel tnat the prayer, "Give me thijs dajrmy daily bread," is inappropriate! for you, for you have made provision for 100 years. Then a black providence cemes, and it sweeps everything away, and then you begin to pray, aud y!ou begin to feel your dependence, and begin to be humble before-God,1 and you'ery out for treasures iu heavenJ jThe black prov idence brought yon J salvation. The . u . Who said under some childish vexation, "Oh,. I wish I could go to heaven anel see God and pick flowers!" He'will let you ; go when tne right time comes to pick flowers. Until then, whatever you want pray for. I suppose Elijah prayed pret ty much all the tinie. Tremendous work behind him, .tremendous work before him. Goel has no spare ravens for idlers or for people who are prayerless. I put it in the boldest shapo possible, and I am' willing to risk my eternity on ;it Ask God in the right way. for what you want and you shall have it if it is best lor you. - ") Mrs. Jane Pijhey of Chicago, a well known Christian woman, was left by her husband a . t widow with ono half dollar and a cottage. .She was palsied and had a mother 90 years of age to support i The widowed soul every day asked' God for all that was needed in the household, and the servant even was astonished at the precision with which God answered the prayers of that wom an,1 item by item, item by item. One day, rising from the family altar, the servant said," You have not asked for coal, and the coal is out." Then . they stood and prayed for the coal. One hour after that the' servant threw open the door and said, "The coal has come. ' ' A generous man, whose name l couia give, you, naa sent as never before and never since a supply of coal. You cannot .understand it; I do. Ravens! Ravens! ' My friend, you have a right to argue from' precedent that God is going to take care of you. Has he not done it two or three times every day? "That is most marvelous. I look back and won der that God has given me food three times a dty : -.ularly all my'lifetime, never mis:, g ;Jt once, and then I was lost in th : : untains, but that very morning ai. I at very night I met the ravens. , '. Oh, the L:.:d i.; so good that I wish all his poop - v.orJd trust him with the two lives life you are now living and that which every tick of the watch and every. stroke cf the clock ; informs you is approaching. Bread for your im mortal soul comes today. See ! They alight on Jthe platform. They alight on the' backs of all the pews. They swing among the arches. Ravens! Ravens 1 "Blessed are they that hunger after righteousness, for they shall be filled. " To all the sinning, and the sor rowing, and the tempted, deliverance comes this bourv Looki down, and you see nothing but your spiritual deformi ties. Look back, and you see nothing but wasted opportunity. Cast your eye forward, and you have a fearful looking for judgment and fiery indignation which shall devour the adversary. 'Bat look up, and you behold the whipped shoulders of an interceding Christ and the face of a pardoning Goel, and the ir radiation of an opening heaven. I hear, the whir of ' their wings. Do you not feel-the rush of air on your cheek? Ra vens I Ravens 1 ' I ;There is only one question I want to ask. How many' of this audience aro ' : Paper lkttle. The biggest item of ine'idontal loss in ocean tra flic during the) Htoriny seasons of tho year is that of break ages in tho wine stores. No matter liovv "securely the bottles aro. fixOd In tho binsf a particularly heavy nea striking tlie'ship in a certain wpeit .' or continued rolling and pitching will 'cause, great ,losen in. costly fluids that wero never intended to 1 Lwash the floor or tho walls. A French firm is going to do away Vvith this present source ef annoy ance and complaint After years of experimenting it has succeexlod in manufacturing a paier txttle which will not break, and which has nil the advantagcs'of the ordinary glaf-s bottle.- In tho home, too, such hot . ties would Ixj highly appreciate!. Pearson's Weekly. ', Letter Carrier. ' ! The person of a letter carrier is sacred. You can no more assault it with impunity than you can strike a policeman. So if you . have a grudge against your letter carrier don't try to take it out on him while ho ia on duty. It may bo. vexatious because a registereel letter or a spe cial delivery letter is not elelivereel at your door on the top flejor of your flat, as you get a telegram or; a ' message from tho hand of an A; D. T. boy, but go'down stairs gracious-" ly and don't talk back. --New York Press. . - ' ,r' No. 11T.' VTbita EnAmelM 8tet Bdi solid braM tiimmlass. We hav them 64 In. wide; 18 in. wide, 42 In. wide and 89 In. wide. All size are 78 in. long-. Special Fiioe (anr size) ' fnrdera nmmntlT filled.) - Everywhere local dealers are aarlnff unkind tbinga about ua. Their cus tomers are tired of paring: tbem double prices; our lomtuo (free) money? aavlng- caUlogue la enlightening the masses. Drop a postal now for oom-i plete catalogrueof Fnrnitnrei Mattings,; Carpets. Oil Cloths, Bby- Oarrlagea,' Befrlgerators, 8tOTea, Faccy Lamp. Bedding, 8prln. etc. f The catalogue costs you nothing and .we pay all poet" sure. Get double value for your aoiiar dt aeaxina wiiu tuo uuuiimw '"JULIUS HIKES & SOU, DALT1MORE, BP. The Nodding Knot. IVrhaps tlie most imnrvwive point about spring hats is the lofty knot, mushroomlike, which perches xijK)u fo many new .chape aux. You .nee' it in rib bon and lace and Mquiumd net, and it interests you" to wojvder in what faltio next it will greet you. . v . j These nodding de'eorutions po-wsH jho charm of plumes and long ste-mmed roses. They yield witl every iue-liiia-tiou of tho head. Some of them are on ly rosettes ; others, ambitious looping!. In any case they are nerious phaws cf ipring milliiiery. " " ' v. ! t , A Sample Snake Trap: I, t , i"Si)eaking of snakes," 'saiil tlt' old circus hian, "thei snake catcheT oi our menagerie usexl to have a ; way of catching snakes that was voT3r simple. Thero are some snakes that liko hopper tejiads. Ho w-oiild ; ; take a soap Ikix ami cut a hole in tho side of it and take it to wliero ! .the snake ho was, .after", would bo likely to como. Ho'd tako along a hopper toal with, him, and wheui he'd got to tho place he. would.'- put , tlie box elown on the ground with tho boppe'r.toad .inside. ! "The snake w ould como along by anel by and look in through tho hole " in the side of the- box and weo ilio toael. The hopier toad would, back off as' far as it could get way over - to the other cejrner but it was no tisev The" snake woulel slile in r througli the hole-encugh ot him to reach across 'the box-and the'n it was gooelby hopjxir "toael. But it was also farewell snake, . for, with - the hopper toael inside ef him ho could not back out. That part of hiM where the hopper toad was was bi gerthan the hole. "--New' York Sin.. . C'J T 1 I !

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