'1 i. i I .A ft'' I got tin fr.m. ! HATHAWAY! IUUS TK 13- SCO IT 0 3VI I o T I p'iMMtil eTirv w-c'i. acl ircu Utr lanrlr In thirteen omutlc of thi Cair-isknal Inst net. It ffrw e.l m-!ra:n f.r ri sing f.T our IwraJ rotrchiaU an I .' Nrtl l-.w!nrsj IS. p. L A' M B, Manouoc. . JL O C Jl JL JV JFJ T7S. l)r. W. .1 La i ntlc ii i nt te nding th,. omvriition at More- It al City. II. T.'Lvub. K. presented the prize .tnUl4 at tin CIomii ler cic-H i if thrill City Public School. Mr W. V. II rlloy, of Washing ton City, i-jvi-.itin lur:Mter, Mr. J. P. Ou r:a:i:i o:i .Shcjmrd sdrect. Mr 4. :i. M. VVh dle if Hertford, Kt.tnl so:m- d.its l.it week on a viit t th.t famiiv of Dr. ami -Mr. U, .uc- Mullati. j KtJ Ih v. P.Uliop Vaton. made us lin.l Oil Mcudav. His ht iltU i- ;;ool and he i-full of vim anil i"r. Tin- annual Pre Convention met at M nvh. u I Citv on Thursday ami will Ult the Tennessee Centennial at Na-hville. Mutt-r Mortimer Slmford. of Ila- rton, Md , is viitin;r Mr. Noalt P.tufoot. hi uui-lf. on Coper Main' Street. Til town commissioner met ou Monday .ami reappointed all the ohl ofltrt-rsl" except eoqorntkti attorney. Is Met kili-s llh The IM.:nton anil Hcrtfonl Mili tary Companies will como down on a pecial train to attend the Naval Re serves liaaar to niijht. Mrs. Dr Graham, of Salisbury, Maryland, forme ilv Mi Alpine Hol lowed, of Hay Side. Pasquotank county, is vNiting her ohl home with her son. . The Injunction suit of A. 11. Free mau ami others aaiu.-d M. X. Saw rer iii the Fetle-r.il court at Kalcigh was decided Li-t tv-cek in fave r of M. X. Sawyer. The Paaar of the Xaval licserves is in;prtvre s anil will continue for a wit k. The cool m-hts have op tratJ rmevvhat aaint it, but it will be Miecessful in the jend. We acknowledge a repetition of the iiuelucss of Miss Missouri Jack son, ion Tuesday, in senJing us the tirst'fruitsof the berry season. They were larg. lihe auel delicious. A I tin ir orjinization on Momlay, the tiewlv i-Uvtrel town commission crn appointed all the officers except Harrington, of color, as night watchman, vice Denj. Gaskius of ctlor. . ; The county Commissioners met on "Monday and appointed John F. Ful mer; Newton A. Jones and John T. Davis, cenluty Board of Education. Dr. ' Isaiah Fearing was elected Health officer. . " Bishop Watson officiated in Christ church on Sunday. Preacheil and confirmed three candidates for con tirmatioii. viz., Mr. Harry Oreenleaf, Mr. Dave Whitehurst and Mr.' Alex. Wads worth.' The. University of N. C, is steadi ly growing in popularity, patronage and e fficiency. The enrolment this year is the largest in its history. We would ljke to aid some needy Ixiy to get i'ts advantages of scholar ship anil loans. See adi in another column. I Two insurance agents were intro duced on the streets Monday, and in Hve minutes thereafter; they were punching oue another tinder the ribs with all their might.) One now wear a sling for his arm anil the other came off unscathed. If the members of that profession do not control their angry passions they will bring eliscreelit on their cloth. W. MJllonel. Esn.. one of Eden- ton's representative men and a sue-1 ccmsiui lawyer, mane us a Kinu anu friendly call on Tuesday, 1. 1. L H is about to establish himself in Greenville, where wo hopt he may have abundant success in his pro fession, i We acknowledge a . polite invita tion to the German" at, the Albe marle House to-night. We enjoy the dance greatly, and regret that uncontrollable circumstances will prevent our attendance to trip our light fantastic game foot. Mr. R.! R. Little, of Greenville, N. C, special agent of the Southern Stock .Mutual Fire Insurance Co., of which; Mr. T. B. Wilson is the local agent, calleel on Tuesday, and will bo in town for several days in the interest of his Company. t Gen. Thos. L. Rosser exhibited the Kinetoscopc to an interested au dience at Overman's Opera House on Monday and Tuesday nightf, and lectured on the Confederate Battle Abbey. ? He had a moderately large audience and all who attended ex press themselves as highly pleased. It gives us much pleasure to hear frequent mention of the faithful ness, dfligence and success as a f-chr in thft Xixonton school, of Mis Salhe Cox, of Hertford, daugh ter of our old friend Dr. David Cox, of Hertford. She was in town on Saturday and we hope'd to have the pleasure of a call. Little-Ion Female College has an advertisement in another column of this paper. This Institution has had a remarkable history and stands in the front rank of Xorth Carolina Colleges for the education of youDg ladies. It is perhaps the best lo cateel school in the State for patron age from this section. Read the advertisement and write for cata logue. We call special attention to the. iloral advertisement of 3Ir. J. D Williams, of Wilson. Ho will be in Elizabeth City part of next week and will tio next to Edenton. He is thankful to the people of this town for their liberal orders for rare plants and flowers. He is highly recommended and eleserves patron age. for the refining inlluence of his beautiful business. A question for our city stepfatli ers to consider is: If the "outstand ing elebt of the corporation is I.IGS.IG and the money in the Treasury is J?1,S81.01," why, in the name of all that is holy, elon't they pay eff, the indebtedness, savo the H per cent, interest of the 'electric light dibt of over 3,400, and ease the shoulders of the tax payers of the ten per cent, additional. What right have the authorities to refuse to pay orders when presented, while money is m the Treasury. IK We were much gratified to see the mention of the name of Mr. Per cy McMullan, of Hcrtfonl, son of our friend Lucullus, with three oth er members of the Junior class at the University, as being entitletl to. sjecial honors for attainments and ileiort merit in their, college course. Now, that makes us ask ourself the question : What makes the McMul lan blood alwavs so successful in the tight of life ? Turn about is fair plav. Aint it time for the McMul lan to turn about and fall back f la business they are all a success. In iolitics Lucullus, tho a labor ing man, is a gohl bug and conse ouentlv a failure. His backbono is too stiff for a poHician. The Public Schoof The Closing Exerqses of the Pub lic School last week were creditable alike to the Principal, his assistants and the pupils. At tho close of tho entertainment in tho Courthouse, the honors were awarded as follows: The first meelal was awarded to Miss Julian C. Sawyer, as. a testi monial of her scholarship and tie- portment during the past session. The second medal as a similar testi monial Was awardeel to Miss Katie Banks, i In the boy's elepartment the 1st medal was awarded to Irvine Morris J and the 2nd medal was awarded to Thomas Markham. i. SCUOLAKillirS AWARDED. Convrso College in Spartansburg, S. C, Peace Institute in Raleigh, N. C, and the Military Academy at Newport News, Yirginia, with a a liberality that is highly appreciat ed have kindly tendered to the Principal and Instructors of the Elizabeth City Public" School a free scholarship in those distinguished Institutions of learning to those students of the Elizabeth City Pub lic School that were thought to bo most eleserving. Converse College offercel two scholarships valued at S5. ! These scholarships were awarded to Miss Bessie Morgan and Miss Miiry R Hinton. The scholar ship at Feace Institute, valued at $30, wtvs awarded to Miss Lucy White, and the scholarship at New port News Millitary Academy, which admits to any or to all the Depart ments for one year was awarded to George Spence. The successful competitors for the. scholarships are of the highest rank in the school for scholarship, regularity a deportment. A Plucky North" Carolirttan. We couldn't help feeling proud at seeing an account of an incident in a late number of the St. Louis Globe Democrat, of a man named Tom Skinner, who was born and raised in Halifax county, North Carolina, who had the pride of place and section in his blood and conduct, on the National Memorial Day in S .Louis. The city was gay with Xational flags and floral deco ration. From every window Feder al flags floated and the people were joyous in their holiday jubilation. Tom Skinner had a large Confeder ate flag, given him by his father, who was a Confederate soldier, whicli he prized beyond gold and pre cious stones. He took it from his trunk where it was 'preserved, flung it to the breeze from an up per window of the house in which he lived, and was happy. Pretty soon a squad of angry men rushed into his room and ordered him to take down that flag, which order he refused to obey. They attempted to enforce, their order by vi&lence. He struck put from the shoulder right and left. He doubled up and piled half a dozen of them one on top of the other. But alas ! while he was busily engaged in this heroic work, another squad, who were not in the fiuht. took the Confederate flag, elragged it in the street and tore it into infinitessimal strips Whose was the victory ? This incident in St. Louis puts us to moraljzing. "The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church," sayeth the proverb. That torn Con 'federate flag was the seed of venom and gall and wormwood. Is not this holiday rejoicing and monu ment building to commemorate one of the saddest pages in human his ton, all wrong ? If commemorated at all, would it not be moro fit to commemorate it in mourhing, fasting and prayer that God would avert from us in "the untold future all such dread conflicts with our peo ple ? We be brethern. "Let us have peace," said the great Federal chif tan. "Go to vour homes and find in human virtue the equal of hu man calamitv," said the great Southern Christain Hero. The re cord of our dread strife should, if nS;;iife. be forgotten. Monuments 7 J perpetuate tho memory of its gory history. The North in its opulence, has set the example for the South to follow in its penury. Nationa holidays of rejoicing over the de feat of brethren breeds bad blood, lionrf linrnin.f and strife. Let U3 have peace and forgetfulness. Literary. Wn hail the publication of I . " ' A "Dowd's Life of Vance," as a friend ly tribute to one of the greatest men of tho modern history of North Carolina. We hope and trust it mav become a standard in our Bio graphical literature, and we believe it will. We do not know Mr. Dowel, save by reputation, but he was iden tified with our great tribune by social and professional intimacy, and we learn thab-Mrs. ance has given him access to Senator Vance's pri vate papers, and she would not have done so unless he had been qualified for the task by the most thorough equipment. Governor Vance's life is rich in the materials of history! No 'North Carolina bio graphy furnishes so rich a field. He was emphatically an "all round," great man. Some of our departed sons have been more gifted in, cer tain departments. Gaston was his superior as "a great lawyer: Nat Macon was his superior in the mag netic simplicity of his life, and prob ably in - his practical . wisdom. Badger was his superior as a logi cian. But in varied gifts, in humor, pathos, culture, in ardent devotion to the old North State,, and in thorough . identification with alLthe interests of her people ho had no equal. abject to -Tonliar ills. The VV - irht remedy for hiA' ills especially lormi and stomach M disorders la k?a'c VnrmifUfZO SI VJ w - "TTTr,- xv .hnnt the Ills and the a .vimmti mr mi thub. t IOT liiuo. remedT. ""t.. Health and happiness are reiative conditions; at any rate, there can be little happiness without health. To give the body its full measure of strength and energy, the blood should be kept pure and vigorous, by the use of Ayer's arsparillar The Insane Hospital air. Daniel W. Hayman, a snrf- man in Kittyhawk Life Saving Sta tion, called to see us on "Wednesday. He has a wife in the Asylum, who is improving under the treatment at the Institution and he was return ing from a visit to her. He is en thusiastic in commendation of e.veiy thin"- he saw in the Institution and its management and thinks Dr Ker by, the superintendent, is the best man he has ever known. His grati tude to him for his treatment of Mrs. Hayman is unbounded, and his attention to him while oh a visit to his wife he greatly appreciates. Mrs. Havnian is now improving and Dr.- Kirby thinks that she will be entirely i estored The following is the order of pro gram of the Commencement Exer cises of the Atlantic fJollegiate in stitute. Sunday, June 13th, Baccalaureate Sermon at Methodist church by Rev. Dr. Johnston. . Monday, , J une 14th, Classes in Physical Culture. Tuesday, loth, Contests in Dec lamation and Recitation for gokl medals. ' Wednesday, ICth Annual Address byE. E. Hilliard, Esq , of Scotland Neck, N. C. .: Thursday, 17th, Graduating Ex ercises. A small admission fee will be charged to the classes in Physical Culture on Monday night. rrnrM""rT""iT"t Fain-Killer. (mXY DATIS1.) X Snr and Safe Remedy In ererr caa And eyery kind oC Bowel Complaint la 1 Pain-Killer. This ts a true rtatement and tl cant made too strong or too emphatic , It la a simple, safe and quick cure for Cramps, (Tough Rheumatism Colic, Colds, Xeuralfia, Diarrhoea, Croup, Toothache. , TWO SIZES, 25c. and 50c. THE IIEI'J II. C. FLORIST. To the People of Elizabeth City and burrounaino downs: I am in the City with a full line o samples of all classes of ; usually grown in this country, such as Roses of all classes', Evergreens. Rhod dendruns,.CameliasJ Azalias and Bulbs of all kinds. Palms and Ferns a spe- f iftltv. Fruit trees: AoDles. Peaches, Pears, Plums, Cherries and Nut Trees of all Rinds Japan unesrnuts ana Grape Vines a specialty. Respectfully, J. D. WILLIAMS. PROPOSALS INVITED. To grade the Ferry Road one mile from River. Specifications will be furnished by Willis Burfoot, whose P. O. address is Camden, N. C, or he can be" seen at the Ferry. E. E. Lamb. June 11th, 1897. . tf ' In another, column of this paper it will be seen that Gold & Hooper have dissolved co partnership, and that hereafter the business will be conducted it the same nlace bv J. A. Hooper & Co. In making this announce ment to the public, we wish to say that it is not our aim to try ko get all we can from our cus tomers, but to try; to make per manent customers by giving them the greatest value possi ble for the least money, and by polite and courteous attention to all. feince buying Mr. Gold's .in terest in the business we have added new goods to our stock of dry goods, ladies' dress goods, hats, shoes, men's, boys' and youths' clothing, gents' furnishing goods and notions. Knowing that, all intelligent buyers will spend their money where they can get the great est value for it, we have re duced the price on all articles in the house to hard times prices and as -low as they can be sold consistent with a safe business, and cordially invite the public to see our goods and learn our prices. Remember that a dollar is only a dollar, but how much it will buy depends on where you do your trading. If you don't believe it try I J. A. HOOPER & CO. Water St., next to Arlington Hotel. FLOWERS SHRUBBERY 1 NOiTHi WG OKE SUCCESS. Energy, Experience j once more. ! GRAND SUCCESS You. are invited to an early inspection of our Surprisingly Low Priced' and . ; j very complete stock of D ry&oods, ' "i PRIGES UHtQUALEti, r .y e AiSUnT i.l till i Tr.iflft with Vis it ineana MILLINERY, &c. of for! yourselves the widest range" for selection, the latest t Rt.vips. thft! most reliable ffoods. bv far the lowest prices. 1- 1 These are jf act sf-our Goods and Prices prove them. ! I ! Owing to the large increase of our business, we were compeiieu to nuve . mute . iuum, .ami xn.v tvj cfnro riov-r n nn tVip Smith, so now we have TWO I latbe stores connected and ment. ES i i! " I are now prepared to show as complete a i "J i x'vii i. . awere ever exniDiieu m DRESS ! - ' ' ' r- rl GOODS, SHOES, CL0THI1TG, Motions, Hats, Umbrellas, Don't fail o find the place. M .' Water MILL I IS, A PLAINING TilILL PLANT. .1N- Elizateth City, North Carolina. IN THOROUGH loEDER, The beat equipped and most conven iently arranged mill in N. C. Eighteen Million feet jof lumber has been handled In one year at this plant. Thirty jthree! saw millsHo draw sup ply from are conveniently located . For sale at a price s6 moderate as will supprise yofi, and upon terms that makes the investment! possible and prac cticable to! the man of ordinary means and email capital.' ; i E. i? . Lamb, Atty. I at La4r & Real Estate Agt. - Ladies fine shoes were $3.00 now going at $2.00 ai Sawyer &; Jones. Try Flora & !qo., for Girocries, Tobac vn Snuff. Pairits. and I Oil. all Ithe lowest prices gupranteed. IS " r! . Dont fail to se that special lot of Clothing, just rieceived at, Fovvler & Co. Such bargains are seldom found. SCHOOLS. THE UNIVERSITY 47 TEACHERS, 413 STUDENTS Summer School i 157, TOTAII, - - - 549. BOARD, 8 a month. 3 Brief Courses, 3 Full Courses, Law and fMedicat Schools and School of Pharmacy. . Graduate Course open to Women, Summer School for Teach? ers, Scholarships and loans for the needy. Address, ' ;! ' PRESIDENT ALDERMAN, r P CHAPEL HILL, N. C. ATTENTION Littleton Female This Institution has a splendid and prominent lotatton in a remarkably healthful section of country, in th midst of a region of noted Mineral Springs., It has a large and beautifully shaded Camrius. commodious and well equipped Buildings, a stronrj Faculty and a full and thorough Collegiate Course ai very HODERATE C0STJ The Fall September 1st, 1797. For SUCCEEDS if and Hard Cash win The. of the SEASON. Clothing i y'- STYLE UIISURPASSED, . . Trie ULSI. - sure" success in seCUriliK. under one liberal manage- WEISELi ' 'tS line of. - - m i. wm, tv i' ims uiaiLci, tuusiswu You can enter either on Main or Streets. . The Tennessee Centennial Exposition.. Onens at Nashville, May 1st, and Closes October 30th, 17. For this occas'on the SEAB OA.RJD A.IR LINE Will-sell - ' EXCURSION TICKETS At VERY REDUCED RATES, the following elnj? total rates rrom points namea : - A ' IJ ' C Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Va. Va. Va. J27.00 19 00 4,40 27 00 19 HO 14 40 iiiZOO 19 SO 14 40 Class A. Tickets boH dally April 2Sthto October I5th i) lnal umit jjov emDer in. Class B. Tickets sold daily April ?0th to October loth. Finel limit twentymo) days from date of sale. . Class C. Tickets sold Tuesdays and Thursday of each week April 29th to October 2Cth. Final limit ten (10) days from date of sale. : Through service between all points on the SEABOARD AIR LINE ; . TO- NASHVILLE PULLMAN SLEEPING, PALACE CARS, f Run throngh without change. For fnrther information as to rates -jJliclules, train service, Ac, apply to ticket agent or address J. SV. BROWN, Jr., 199 Main St. c Norfolk Va, W. V. H. WILLIAMS, 217 High 'St.,-' Portsmouth, ' ; V E. ST. JOHN, ' ; t V. P. and General Manager. H. W B.! GLOVER, T. J ANDERSON, Traffic Manager. (ienT Pasa'r'Agt. General OrtlcesPoBi SMOunii Va. ARE YOU UP TO DATE? . IF YOU ARE NOT- thb IIEIVS & OBSERVER IS and will keep yr- :-!)iieast-of the times! Full AssQciait- iJress Dispatches. - All tlje nevi '. '.rign, national, stae, locu -all the time. . Largest CircLi , icn in the State. You cannot afi" .; J to be without it. Subscription, dally 97, 00 P" year 3.50 HlX. Ill OH. Weefcly ?Corth carolinlan. Si year ;.' Address, NEWS & OBSERVER, ' , , Raleigh, N. C. term will begin on Wednesday, ; y ' rfl II II VM .II IJ Garpets Ooilege. Catalogue address, J. r.l. RHODES, Littleton, M. C. S, B jniLLliR & CO. WHOLESALE issios FisH Dealer. y NO, 7 KDLTON MARKET. X NEW YORK. Special Attentlo firen to-Th Bait o North CarolinaSbad. ' . ' ' 'i : Stencils and Stationary on application No ArenU. '.' i L. ST0RER & CO. WHOLESALE Dealers and Shippers of all kiadc of FRESH FISH 16 FULTO FISH MARKET, X. Y. t Particular attention nafd td 'the Shad Department. N; ;!,; t We employ no agents andpay no. comm.sions. .. .. If your stencil Is,' In rockI order let ua know. VILLIS H. ROGERS, Wholesale Commission FISH DEALER, 1X FULTON MARKET, SEW YORK.1 .' North Carolina Shad a Specialty. Stencils furnished at a moment's notic. References (Jairkin Si Co , Iankern, Elizabeth City. N. C.and other nuau- cial houses when desired. . ! JAMBS BOND COMMISSION DEALER IN , '. - ALL JalNpaor . j" ' FRESH FISH, Game and Terrapin, t . . ; 1 FO. 704 SECOND STREET, BALTIMORE NO AGENTS EM PL YEt. A. ; W. HAFF, Successor to Lamptiear ft llafi, ' , Wholesale Commissioi.- IValer In . FRESH F 4 LOBSTERS; ETC.) I NO. 12 FULTON FISH MARKET. New York City, . . ... . . i . North Carolina 8had a Specialty. No Ueent.: , , ; , . ; . ; ' ' ,ii ... Caleb Haley & Co. Wholesale Commission DcalerH ' . and Shippers of .. FRESH FISH; 14 FULTON FISH MARKET. . 'NEW YORK, j ' . Write for Stencils and; Stationary., - , . . . j. . . KdtalillHhecl I884. 1 E. M. DIXON & CO. " ' ' ' ' - , 1 1 WHO! ESALE -'. ; 'commission dealers lN- 36?ocls:Slip, NE W YORK. Account sales rendered immediately. on saie 01 gooua. , ' . , 0 SAVED TALK IT OVER, wegh each feature of a "Rambler? Bicycle carefully--jta gtrength, the Lap Brazed Joints and Fkh-Mouth Reinforce ments. The large sprocket and. position of ichain over : bearings, its handsome lines, its easy running qualities and the price ($SO). and the wheel you .will aeciae vo uuy win oe a BICYCLE. The " Rambler " is made by, an 18-year-old concern and is fully guaran teed. You run no risk whatrrer. A handsome illustrated catalogue, showing all the various models, will be sent you free, upon application to ! . 3 GORMULLY & JEFFERY MFG. CO. WASMINOtON. D.C.- ; LO UIS SELia, ELIZ ABETH CITY,!. -. N. O. Gomm 1SH : . . FISH OYSTERS anfl CLAMS lVVVVAj 1 i..V

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