Improve Your Time I5v iuvrnr vour watch re- pain-il. It vil! give1 you great i ! ea s u re t f va vou nave the correct Jite. We can give you correct time if you bring your watch to lis Jfor repair?.' HATHAWAY liltO-S: ! The lUIiable Jewelers. KlizaWth cjiy, N. C. IJest work by bet workmen. You can iijail. express or bring it vourselfi JBfiOlSrOMIST ' ! pxUM.Vt every wtck, Jicd circu lar lavilv la t:irtrei counile of thif llr.l. r-t It a?T.-m in ! hi 3i f.r irert sins fur ourl hica'Jmcrcait VJ t: N r! 1: business li J. V M ana ;t;r- t. JL o cal IV E.1VS. .1. i:. :u,l K. II Flora wt-re in tow .i lat Saturday. i The Park Fair Supplement U un avoidably df.1 ncd for a few days. i muthrr The o f Mr. Jacob Sola- tnon kv i- tin hcr daughter in t lit -I town Judge George H. llrowii will not convene Currituck court . until Thurdav. J . 4 . I ' s : Mis Id , Camden, a near friend of Mr.-P, W'j MclHck. departed this life at Stella Cal.'l.nt week, 1 ' I . - J I)r. W. S! IVaitk.of Slicevtrsport. La, will breach at the Baptist chim h m-xZ Similar morning and i We h.itl couiplitucutarr 'call on Friday hbm Jlev. W. 11 Uopilt ac- coiiipaniej y h:$ liwcct little? daugh ' tcr Lucille. L- . , ' , ! The Jfan$Lers of the Cotton Fac tory are distributing coupons to the stockholder!. That looks healthy. It h for thej payment of interest. . I lev. W. II Hocutt wiH'conduct a nmf mitfnl ifrtint t Hall! Creek i -r 0 - 1 3fcthodiit rhurch. commencing on the hecond Sumlav in September. . I 1 IVparted' 1 thin life on Friday mormng. Aug. 27tb, William ; S. in- ple. Our heart U with the sorrow- I i ing parents. ; It i rumored tthat Irs. "Judge Pool will Lej apjointed Postmaster in KlizabetU City !o succeed Mr. K. F. Laiuli when a new appoint ment in made. j i ! Mesrs Teih A: Meekias At tumeys at t-aw, have disolved co partnerblpj and 3Ir. 3Ieekms has foractl a copartnership Trith'W. J. Grifllnli-I I We are scury we were out; when Mr. X. B. Broughton, of Baleigh, one of the best men and patriotic citizen of orth Carolina, called on Mondav. . " ; " t "". 3fjr.-Wil.-on will beat Currituck couit next yeck in the interest of the Fconomt. -We will appreciate any help rendered him by our friends in that county. Mm, Iarpiret Baxter, of Shaw boro. N. C.'.and 3Irs, ilartha Ken-ney.- of Baltimore, aro visiting the family of 3Ir. and Mr. II. Snowdt n oii Burgess street. 3Ir. White, Mr. Guirkin and Mr. Woodley an putting up hardsome residences ba West Main street which will aild much to the architec tural beautv of that locality. 1 , - ; i .We had a kind call on edues d4 from our old friend i Dr. W. R. Capchart ahvlIr. John G, Wood and time spfd m rapidly that we dida't get over half out of thcin w wMjcd j . ! 31 r. and 31 r Jos. 3IcCab are on a lengthened trip North for recrea tion and pit Usarr., On their return thev will viit the factories for the purchase of uw good.- for 3IcCtlc and Grice. - I 3Ir. W:ilter L.; Cbhn of this j'Uce, l ft t) resume his studies at Wake Forest College on Saturday, lie rendered eillcicnt service ; while here to the'Park Fair," and lus la bors will be greatly missed. - ;" Camden's! first ojen cotton boll made its appearance in our sanctum on 3Ionday.t It wai brought us by ex SLeriir'Cartwright. Dut jits a big one and white as a supw ilakc. Let Camden pick her Hint aid try again for ip?xt sea-ion. Xewegun bore oHT th pa'm sDiue week or ten days ago. - " ! ... . t t Col- Bart Bradford will commence forthwith to build-a block of brick buildinps on his vacant lot on Main etret t opposite the Lovry building, and h? will set out a row ofvpccan trc in front of it. Govfd ! The State Hoard cf Educirion met and decided to appropriate aTnonj the public schools in the State 2.000, on the basis of nine c.-nts to -each child of are. I'asquo tank county will get $331,23 out of this fund. i J Iter. J. T. Rwve. will hold religi- ous service at tne old churcn near a the Poor House on Sunday next at 11. a. in., and at the Courthouse at 5 : p. m. Ho will explain to the con gregation what primitive Baptists believe. The Lowry OperaJHouFo grows apace, and the little wood shanty standing next to it is an eyesore and a disgrace, to somebody. V fear it will pas away in smoke some day or night. Jt was fired .last week, but soon put out without alarm. The dredges on the . North end of the 1). S. Canal have struck a vein of oyster shells of grc&t size and thickness. They are deep down and show that the Dismal Swamp in some prehistoric age was a great salt lakcand. peopled by a race of giants. Walter Hampton, cf . Narrow Shore, Currituck county, was knock ed from the deck of tho sloop S. 31. Pearl in Pasquotank river near Elizabeth City during a squall on 3Ionday evening and drowned. The crew of the sloon made ineffec tual efforts to pave him. The wise sojourners at Nag's Head arc the September sojourners. We are afraid to repeat the stories of fishing in the sea just now, for fear our word would be questioned. Sea mullets, sea mackeral, sea trout in abuudancc and biting ravenously, and would make old Isaac grow green with'envv in his sarcophagus. . Tho crv of fire on Tuesday night about midnight was from the burn ing an old shanty belonging to John Louis Hinton, at the head of Church street, f It is supposed to have been incendiary and to have been sug gested by the necessity of improv ing some of the waste lots ' of the town belonging to our impecunious millionaire. , . We had a friendly call on Satur day from 3Irs M. S. 3Iidgett, of Rodantha, Dare county. 3Irs. 3Iid gett is an old friend of ours and is looking for the healthy sea breezes of Virginia beach, when she has abundance of that material where she lives near Hatteras. However, we value that most that we pay tho highest price for. Dr. C. S. Blackwell who has been pastor of tho Baptist church in this town or five years, pleached his farewell sermon oi Sunday night and left for Birminghan Alabama, on 3Ionday. Br. Blackwell was a favorite here with his congregation and tho people generally. He was a pulpit orator, a working pastor, and did effective work while here. Thosi twenty-four finebuilding lots threu squares from N. fc S. depot and only two squaes from tho Acad emy known as the Vaugham, pro perty purchased by 31. N. Sawyer & C. W. Stevens on Aug. 23d was sold to seperate persons by Aug. 2Sth. ' This shows that realo state in our town is on the up grade and we hope will continue up the same line in the future, "3Ir. Caleb Kaper brought to our of fice on Thursday a cluster of apples on a small limb, which veritable fruit curiosity is produced in tho exuberant prodigality of nature. There are fifty developed apples, packed like sardines cn a singlo limb. Nature wa surely in a liberal mood when she produced such a brood of beau ties. If they will hang on they will bo on exhibition at the Park Fair. Thanks. A few days ago, in conversation with W. D. Pruden, Esq., of Fden ton, he re called an incident in the famous political canvass of 1870 in Edenton, in which Vanco redeemed the State from the Republican vul tures. An impudent negro, a "smart Alec,' interrupted Vance when he was speaking. Ho turned to the negro and said: I am not ad dressing you. I am speaking to the whito man who have the fnte of North Carolina in their hands. They are in the majority and .can control vou." The times then and now are similar. Oar old friend T. T. Whitcomb is back home, as chirp as a catadid,and cured. A part of his nse is de voured by cancer, but thanks to old 3hs. Gregory and Whit's indomitable pluck and spirits, the bone is intact, and kind nature, with time and patience, will repair all the other damage. Ho says he always thought that nature had been unkind to him in tho first nose she gave him and he trusts she will be more generous in her second gift. We most sin cerely congratulate o ir friend, and hope to see him again on our streets on his bicycle horse with a full grown and well-blown nose. . Which is worse, imprisonment for life or a 11 fa-louR disease, like scrofula for example? The lormer,s certainly would be preferable wero it not that Ayer Snrsparilla can always come to the rescue and give the poor sufferer health, strength, and liappiaets. j Old. Ybwtt. By a few lingerers on tho stage, Nixonton ,in 1'a.squotank county, once the capital; and county seat of Pasquotank, and in colonial times, the seat of rovcrnnient of North Carolina, linuVthe scene, in its origin, of the famous . Cary's Rebellion in North Carolina! H kuown as "Old Town : It had its merchant princes who did a wholesale and retail tiade for all this section' of the country. John. Shaw its leading merchant, and the friend df W. T. 3Iuse, of Westnoreland, did business on a magnificant scale;! and was thought to have so firm a grasp on fate that he defied its frowns. But the old saw says 'call no 'man happy un til he ii dead j John Shaw died an outcast and ! "ajj pauper. Towns, like individuals' rise, prosper and fall, and many that were once like Babylon, inj its comparative splehdor, are now, but a tradition and a memory. Nixonton is one. The first place where represena tive government, was lield in North Caro lina. The plac where 6ary and Glover struggled for the mastery. Where the Quakers under Mosely and the Churchman under Glover marshalled their forces for a bloody contest, the place jwljere the Connors Li ' and the.BaiJeys first saw the light, I i now Hiuni ' fuit, written on its walls. Some fewi live there who i i ' would bo a pride j and ornament to any community, but their number is small. and "gettjngjless. But Nix onton has somo living represenatives that have honors tolay' at its feet. It is the old hotno and wo think nativitly of Steven B. Weeks who is livinsr a life of letter? in the educa- tional Bureau, j at Washington, promising his; ever wrote and is the i most I Y torian whose I pen: the name of North Carolina. Bill Bailey son of that j nobleman of na ture, with all th'e graces of cultiva vation, whom North Carolina has given to Austin j iTexas, was bora there. John ' 3Iarris, one of the brainiest businesal men in East Cer- olina dives therej !now. Charles Banks, 3Iayor of Elizabeth City was born there. Dr, Tom Riddick, now ii i of Woodville, Perquimans county, one of the most learned of the young medical faculty in foist Carolina, was born within sound! of Nixonton's 1 j i dinner horn. Rev. iCharJes Greaves, a graduate of Wake Forest College, cum 'laude, has1 always lived in and near Nixonton. j Charles Pendleton, of Key West Florida, and one of the leading, meii jfjtbe land of the orange and piueapple was born and lived there, anJ others that we do not now recall A. hacking coali (keeps the bron chial tubes in a state sof constant irri- tation. which if pot speedily removed, may lead to c iron IP broncl lis. Fo y cart be found than prompter remeq Ayers Cherry lVctbral. Its effect is immediate and the result pr-rmahent. ; (i.U The i Economist. It has been suggested that we prepare an article on the history of tho Economist newspaper which has been an institution of this sectionfor more than a qqater Of a century. To prepare such an article properly it would be-' .necessary to overhaul the, files which jwould be a laborious and sad task as; it would recall many a sigh and sorrow. 'Therefore we may never come fully to the task, but we will take itj into .considera tion. But we will mention here that the history ojf the Economist i3 another illustration' of what crea tures we mortals bo of the merest accidents, and how 'our destiny is in the hands of a -Providence whose acts we cannot foresee, and every man instead of being the archi tect of of his own future," is a mere machine in the hands of a Master builder. When we took charge of this paper more than a quarter of a century ago, it was merely as a tem porary expedient for supplying the necessary demands of life. We came to resume our old ; profession of the law, and did to some extent revive the practice which we had in eaily life. But tlie paper fought its way to public approval, nd became a rallying centre of the Democratic ore a source of comfort. They - -.... r-o - aTUV arc a If vou care lor your tmm book on the disorders to which children tre are suty rbr's Yt subject, and whicn Frby liaa cored for 50 years. On U Vy 1 party in this section of Noith Car olina. It gradually overcame the law profession and became cur life work. We do not regret the course of events.' It has had many cares and many pleasures In the extreme age which has been vouchsafed to us by Divine Providence it would have been impossible to keep up an active pursuit of the law profession, and we have never felt overtaxed in the Journalistic work. The friends it has won for us we prize above all human estimation, the enemies we have made have been made for the right, and we stand for tho right, and defy them as the enemies of North Carolina and the Democratic party. Commissioner's Proceedings. j CVRBif L'CK, N. Ci Augusts, 1827. Board of Commissioners mtt; accord ing to adjournment. Present, Q. A. OriffRS, cbairman, B D. Tiilet and W. 11 White. i The Board appoints Thursday the 5th inst, to settle with Edward Tillett sheriff of Currituck county. The following orders were allowed. U. F, Binith o days as regiatror $qJD0. C. E. Ansel I 2 days services as Judge of election SiJ.00..; Vi J. Ilalatead listing taxes of Crawford township $30 (W. W. L Dudley keeping the poor for July $21.30. ! - W. E. Etheridge 1 month board for Monia Beasly S5 00. W. J. Hal stead 1 day services re vising tax 1st $-1.10. Edwards & iirongh'ou for Boks and Stationary $22 00 r E. W. Anseli stationary for efflce V. H. White 6 days services to Board $1100. B. D. T ilhtt 0 days services to Board $20.00, G.A.Griggs 7 days services to the Board 14. 25. W. II. Bray 7 days. services to Board S14.C0. 1 . W. II. Bray 100 Election notices and merchants return $27.00. The following beuehts were allowetl for one month. W. R. Miher and children $5 00 7 00 4 00' 2 00 200 2 00 2 00 2 0o 2 0O 2 00 5 00 2 00 2 00 3 CO 2 00 200 500 4 00 2 00 "2 00 2 00 200 2U0 2 00 200 2 00 2 00 Sarah Van Kaper Wiley Gregory Minnie Dough Hester Dawning ; j . N-. Nihby Duncan Hanor Taylor ; Patrick Owens j Adams Forbs Peggy Casan ' ; Frank Mann Mary Dindsey James Sawyer Mary Ackhn j Betsey Koberson Sarah Outlaw Jasper Toler Malecbi Payne and wife Frank.Kodgers . Easter Barker Lucindia Waterflld A. M. White E. J. Beasley Betsey WAtertield Stuart vvaterlield Edmond Mercer Sarah Beasley TllPrfl hinrr rwi fnrtllpr business, tlie Board adjourued to meet on the 3rd inst, for the purpose of remodeliug and repairiun the Court House ol Currituck county, , G. A Griggs, Ch'm. Wm.?H. Bray, Sec't. A c?o4 t' at 8 alwa; s seas jnal Je is a dose of Simons Liver Regulator. tire .'King of Liver Medicines." It keeps the Liver active; the bowsis regular, prevents biliousness, and promotes digestion. .In fact helps keep you well. "I have watched its effects in familea where I have practiced, and find it admirable; both alterative and tonic in its action," Dr. T. W. Mason, Macon, fta. , ' Melt likk mist. They melt like mist in the mouth and tickle tho taste with a toothsome touch. You ask f what"? Just sample FOY'S XXXX Square Wafer Butter Crack ers and vou will get the answer through the sense of taste. If all the food experts and 'terack' bakers in the world should combine their efforts they could'nt produce a n.ore delight ful and wnolesome cracker Croup, Coughs, 4 ? i i i Tooth ache, Diarrhoea,- Dysentery, A and. all Bowel Complaints. A Sure', Safe, Quick Cure for these troubles la V o c it is me irusicu insuu u iue a Mechanic, Farmer, Planter, Sailor, and in fact all classes, a Used Internally or externally, y Beware of imitations. Take none but the genuine ' Pers-Y T Davis." Sold every where. O 25c. and 50c. bottles. o e T Smith's .Qolleo, Lss ; , iagtcn Sy. Is where hundreds of clerks farmer boys and others have invested $90 for tuition and board for an education and are now netting 1 1,000 and over a year.. Read ad. and keep this notice for Remember-in order that your letters may reach this col lege to address only W. R. Smith, Lexington, Ky. ? LONG LEAFT0BACC0. T We wish to call tlie attention of our coo turns to our; celebrated brand, Long Leaf Tobacco, 9 in. 5s, second to none in quality or appearence. We. think it has no equil for the price, which is 25c at retail. We solicit only oneUial, then it sells itself. . C, W. Stevens & Co. Dissolution Notice. By mntnal consent the firm of Pruden, Vann ' & Pruden will disolve copartnership on July 15th, 1S97. AH parties will continue practice of law in Edenton. W. D. Pruden and J. N. Prnden under the name of Pruden & Pruden, C. S. Vann alone. Cramps, Y I - l m 1 1 r m m Colds, t 10 LI . .' Energy, Experience I- once more. ! Th I! GRAND SUCCESS You are invited to an early inspection of ! , our Surprisingly Low Priced and very Complete stock of ' i j Diy (loo.as5d 0 i . :. . i : -.- PRiGES UHEQUALEO, STYLE UNSURPASSED, I IaSSORTMENT THE BEST. - Trade wilh us it means sure success in . securing ! o styles,! the most reliable goods, by far the lowest prices. xuesu iirts lauis our vjtoou Owins: to ithe latere were compeiiQu to nave more room, ana rentea 1110 ) . store jnext usf on the South; ; so now we have TWO g ment. SViOSES SWiBE are now prepared to show as complete a line of . . . .... . ,' as were ever exhibited in this market, consisting-of ; DUESS GOODS SHOES CLOTHING, Notions," 'Hats, j Umbrellas, Don't fail to finq the place. ! Water i. . ! Dealer in 1M( Corless, Highspeed Automatic, Boilers of all styles. Electric inery, Saw, Grist,! and Shingle Tools, Pumps, Shafting, Pulleys, Repair work' done promptly Agents for Trick Co's. celebrated ELLIPSE engines. h 275 Water street i ! In another coium .ran of this paper it will be seen that. Gold & Hooper have (Jissolyed co partnership, and tjiat hereafter the business will te cojndticted at the same place by J. A. Hooper & Co. In making Jthis announce- ment to the Pblifc we wish to say that it is not opr aim to try to get all. we caii from our cus tomers, but to try jto make per manent customers by giving them the greatest value possi ble for the least money, and by polite and courteous attention to all. : '!v m; Since buying Mr. Gold's in terest in tnejbusiness we have added neWgoddsj to our istock of dry goods,f ladies' .dress goods, hats, shoes, men's,; boys' and, youths;: clothing, gents' furnishing goods: and notions. Knowing thatj all intelligent buyers will.spend their money where they can get the great- - - . ).' est value for! it, we have re- duced the price on all . articles in the . house to hard times prices and as ljw as . they can be sold consistent with a safe business and' cprdially invite the public to se0 ourfjgoods and learn our prices1 Remember that a dollar 19 A: only a dollar, but how much it will buy depends on where you do your trading. If you dem't . . 1 . '.. believe it tryi .1 . ! ft., . : i J. A. HOOPER & CO. Water St., next to Arlington Hotel. ! ; KE SUGCESS. I! . : i -- i - and Hard Cash win of the SEASON. increase of otir business, we $$ unu rnces uryvu uiuu. WEISELv t & JONES You can enter either on Main or Streets. I ; . Stationary and Portable Engines, Lighting, and Ice-Making Mach Mills, Wood and Iron-working Belting, etc. and at reasonable rates. J NORFOLK, Va. The Tennessee Centennial . .Exposition. Opens at Nashville, May 1st, and Closes October 30th, 1897. For thU cccas'on the SEABOARD ! AIR LINE T wm sen V ; EXCURSION TICKETS At VERY REDUCED RATES, tbe following being ; total rates from poluts ramed : 'V - ' K B C Norfolk, Va. 27-X) $90 fi4 4) Portsmoutb, Va. " 27 00 J9 SO 14 40 Suffolk, Va. 27 00 19 j 14 40 ' Class A. Ticket mhl flaily April 2Sth toOctober liih. Final limit November 7th. Class R. Tirkets aold dailr April 23th to October lothj. Finel limit twenty (20) days from d&te of sale. t Class C. Tickets boM Tnewlays and Thursday of each week, April tb to October sreth. Final limit ten (10) days from date of sale. Through service between all point on the . SEABOARD AIR LINE : Nashville PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS. Ban throng, wfchqat change. ' For tanlier informs M to r&tet, icbelulea, train aerrlce, Ac, app!y t.. ticket ageat or ad'lrwa J. VF. BROWN, Jr., rrv Mafn 8t-t Norfolk X. W. V. II. WILLIAMS, ij lVgn SU. Ponamoath, Va. . : -. . ' . E. ST. JOHN, . General Manager. . II. W. TiLOVERt T J AN PERSON, Tramc Manager. - Genl Pamr Agt. General Offices PBf8M0lTH. TA. PROPOSALS INVITED. To grade the Ferry Road one mile , . . , , , nn.Mt, P. O. address is Camden, N. C, or he can be seen at the Ferry. E. iL Lamb. Jane 11th, 1897. tf.. C. W. Stevens & Co , th9 only excla . sve Wholesale TobacconUts of North Carolina, sells the two famoaa brands Little Ethel and High Jloon tobacco. Give it a triaL S. B. niLLER, &CO. WHOLES ALB O. 7 FULTON 21 A BEET ' "HEW. YORK. .. d; ?cial Attentloo gj cn to Th S&1 o NortliCarollnaShad. j ;': 1 - 1i i Stencil and Stationary oo pplicatloi. No Arenu. i , S. L. ST0RER & CO. " . ! WHOLESALE ' ' ' .-' J Detler uid Shipper of al kind ol FRESH FISH 16 FULTO FISH J1ABKET, NV.T. I'articalar attention paM to the fwiy no iSh&a Department. W employ no' amenta ami comrn.sions. If your stencil Is let us know. In Irtoo! order JAMES BOND COMMISSION DEAL Kit IN ALL KINDS OF Mesh fish, Game and Terrapin. NO. 704 SECOND STREET BALTIMORE ; 4 NO AGENTS EMPLOY EiV A. W. H.AFF, .SucceMorto I.amphear t LlaC, . .-.).- - " . Wholesale ComicIds: l ( alert n FRESH FJSII. LOBSTERSt E'C. NO. 12 FULTON FISH MARKET. New York City, North Carolina Shad ' .8pecU1t?. ' No THE IIEIV IJ. C. FLOFIIST. To the People of t lizdbcth City Towns: ana-nurroiinains' "T7feep constantly line of on hand a full usually prown in tlila tuntry, such im Roses of all classes, Evergreens, Rhod dendruns, Camelias. Asanas and Uulbs, of all kinds. Palms arid Ferns a spe ciaity Jb'ruu trees: Apples, reaches, PearsPlums. Cherrlea and Nut. Tra 01 mi Kinas. japan t Grap Vines a specialty. Chestnuts and nuy uiits wiBMiHK 10 address purchase stock WILLIAMS. Wilson, N. C FOR IE 49 lots of land ellciblv situated nn the West side of 7?oadjBt.'in EUiabeth City, about 400 yards from fbe pasgen ger depot of the N. & R. R, and 300 yardi'from the Collegiate Institute. :V '' 1 I , "I ' . On Monday Sept 20th' 1807, between the hours of 12 m. and 3 p. m,, 'teln Superior Court week, I shall offer at public sale to tho highest bidder at the, court house door Jn Elizabeth City (If not so'd at privat eale before) 48 lots; of land numbered on the plat 1 to 67 being all the .lots on the said plat ex cept Nob. 3, 4,5, 0, 9; 13, 14, which have been sold ;. Said lots as a whole . bounded on the N. by Cypress Bt. E. by Road street. 8. by tot of W. K, Dunstan, and W. by lands df Mrs. Q. M. Scott and M. N. Sawyar. The lots are well situated, being well drained and in an excellent neighbor hood that is being rapidly built up with first class residences. Tin's sale is a forced one, there being liens on the property that) must be closed. I am authorized to sell the propety at private sale, and those who may desire to Invest would do well to (examine it and to call at my office and examine a map of the same. ! A liberal discount will bemade from the prices n',w asked for the loti to one who will purchase them in bulk, and reasonable time allowed on de fered payments. The proceeds of sales will be applied to the payment of ex isting liens until they shall be fully paid np and released and perfect title assured. I . For further informaticn inquiry may bemade of me orof any responsible citi zen of this town personally or by letter. A full invetigation of the .titles of the property and existing liens upon it, ana or its present ana prospective value is invited. ' , FBAXK VACOIIAjr, ' -r- ' Klizabeth;City, N. C Notice of Administration. Havincr oualifled as admldistrator of ; the lata T. I). Pendleton, ! hereby giye notioe to all pemoins indebted to his estate to come forward and make immediate settlement and those hold ing claims against the same to present them for payment within twelve months from the date' of this notice. or it pleaded in bar of their recovery.- ".. ; I j.r. URA.KDV, Adm'r. C-T. A. of T. D, Pendleton dee'd. June 52, 1S97., - 9-25 18, For Sale or Rent. The Armstrong places near tha Park. '!' "' Two houses and nine acres ot land . Terms very moderated 1 E. P. Lamb Real Estate Ageo. Coil FISH M FLOWERS 111

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