v To) 7p ' W iuj'A: 1 JJL 70V.-JUI i SUPPLEMENT TO ECONOFlISTt I I r f i r t . YMS, Will ly taking, advantage of the Ireatllaugl YOU WILL SAVE MONEY BY TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THE - gkeat'slacchtei: or prices . we arc. making on our entire stock of - i Watches, CVxks, Jewelry, Bicycles and sundries. Believing tlic public wiir ap preciate a grncr.i! revision, in' prices, we have gone cart f ally over our LARGE STOVK at.d made the following reduc tions. These prices are not based on cotf but oi.ly to turn our entire stock .into money, prWr to buying onr Fall t ami Christmas stock, which wo always endeavor to .have the 1 itcst goods on t the market. THE CHEAPEST U KARAT filled c:mc WATCH evtr oflYrtd ladies or gerits, 2) years guarantee, with fine 7 Jeweled E!-in nr Walthaui movement guaranteed fur 12 months, former price S"2i); closing the few now on hand out at S10 2. They will soon go at tins price, :si utihad letter u;.ke a rush for our bi.4 sale. We have li"idcase watcln-s :is low as S'.kZ'j. WATCH C HAINS cf all iU?crip ti.ia hae Wt u reduced tu Mich an ex tent you -would think they were poor quality, but they are the best. SOLID GOLD front -dockets, at prices a losathc cheap p!atid charms should be. Does your chain i.eed one 'i . Our stock f SCAItr PINS is very large. Solid gold $2 i educed to,Sl.05; 9 TSac Meflialbie JTewelers. Do -You Want o o o o o . o TXT n rn nl nQlTl ?T GfHL reaUV 1UI tilt laU UXClllC; JLUL O w W - ci elry and have CRAWFORDS 111 ct0 1 4- d0 0 TVT Will Sell IrOin ipl tO tpOO. JMeW I n y urawioras we 839.25. November' are. the most pleasant months for cycimg, ana tne - aoove Awnc? tttTi T oil QVfl Rf.linf.lTr nPch P.VA w f TirllPOTViPTl'rC: RELIABLE nn Art ETjIZABETH CITY, - - IS. U.JKow that is a short and a simple Money $1.50 reduced to 93 cents. Sterling Silver Ssick Pins are Indispensible to ladies', and we are closing the lot out at 1C cents each. Some of these are worth SI , the cheaiest are regular 25c pins. KINGS of all kinds, from diamonds at fsV) to Labv rinirs at " 25 cents. All styles reduced. Bably rings only IScts. These are guaranteed solid gold. COME A RUNNING for a Ladies. Shirt Waist Set, Sterling Silver, at 19c Or.ly a few left. Ladies Pocket Hooks, Hat and Hair Pins at prices you can well pay. Lady's delight is to set a nice table, and food is made tempting by the table- ..... . v.i.ihW!aMfr tanuch ; sets a table off to-such . as nice silverware, and ' to furnish 'your table. an advantage as now is the time to furnish 'your table. At the priees we are, now selling you can easily do so. IF YOU COME r v t?t.v vn rn fin.i wi.ut vou need. m a - --------- . . . ill Wq have a set of four pieces, includ- ir.gTea Pot, Cream ntcher, POon " Holder and Sugar Dish, at S7.75. The best plated Tea Spoons at S2, reduced to 81.55; Tab!e -"Spoons, former price - - I S-l, reduced to S3.25. Table Kuues ana . 1A Forks are going-the same way. Butter Dishes, Butter Knives, caKe uaskeis and Sugar Spoons at great reduction. I We invite you to call and ask prices, We will convince you now is the time to buy. Come early and get your pick. I . I & & (Si o o iHiwjjar (i) () (i) () (i) (i) (V (1 . ) (il (S) ti) () () ( () (5) () () ( (S () () . () (5) (?) ; () i) t () o J o o o o o ICVCLE. . - mif". HUV Rtfirik. tO . , , - . V. " I6W SeCOnCl-liailCL , gOOCl. OrCter We l : J A X 1 uttvu reuuueu tu " . I , J . - ' I JEWELERS, - - ALBEMARLE PARK FAIR OCTOBER 19, 20, 21, 22. OUR OFFICERS. . President: C. 'v.. KRAMER, of Elizabeth City Yice-Presidentg: J. E. C. Bell, Currituck. ! E. M. DeFord, Camden. Walter L. Cohoon. Pasquotank. L. C. Relfe. Perauimaus. .1. M. Forehand, Chowan. L. L. Smith. Gates. J. A. Spruill, Tyrrell. ht. Clair rasn.jjare. . W. II. Lucas, Hyde. Secretary and Treasurer : DR. H. T. AYpLETT, Elizabeth City, Superintendent : C C. ALLEN, Elizabeth City. s .Vetenary Surgeon:, DR. WT. II. MORBIS. Elizabeth City. UNCLE ZEKE OX THE ALBE 31ARLE PARK FAIR. 'Tarnal death and creeping exit ters, I wonder what this air earth" is a comincr to ? Now for the' life of me I can't tell what" it's coming to, but one thing sartin sure it is a go- iug to the Albemarle Park Fair. V by every thing is a gyrating ana ... . i awmzziDgauiH mm, - - most amazing . manner, and if all . , . a . signs don t fail, by and by they 11 . 4T,- OTI(i rphizzinfr h whizzing abot that air air in a . iheir yatinff and whizzing anj strike a bee line -for the center of gravity and fall choo-chook right in tho middle of that Park 1 air, sur m rounded by aU tne attractions ana uu , , I I Ill'l Mill llllin 11 1. M. mm IA ItJ A WA w V w I why the thing is bound I Q Q jone There's no power that can stop it. .There seems to be an internal, external, infernal, supernal nnmn rktlinr bind rtf VlTlfll that . 7 ,Vrt Tt leant ue resisteu. vuy meio i alwavs a-in I VV w y W . Bays ho and hig old woman ana jji the children are agoing. And there's Thomas . Jefferson Snipes 'lows bow's he's agoing to take his wnAifl fnmi r. rrrfinrlrlnlrlren ana ail. , if ' .... , ana mere ujy n umu i n-n.. And Peter Lincoln McGuire says how he aint agoing to let old Thomas Jefferson Snipes get ahead of him, for ho reckons he can count as many noses as old Snipes can any day. And as for this child he is there right now. " And Sal that's my old woman she vows how she's agoing or bust a trace, and you know what that means when a woman says it. And the children they are all a cry ing and a sobbing for to go, and darn me if that old high-headed, long-neck Lanshang rooster of mine don't throw himself back on his dig nity every tim? he crows and sings out "Al-be-marle Park Fair-oo." The question with me is "not who is go incr to the Fair but who is going to keep house ? At my home the thing is narrowed down to a stump-tail, yellow dog. GREAT EDUCATIONAL AND SUNDATSCHOOL DAT. Why they tell me they are agoing to reverse the order of things in gen eral and instead of having the first, last they are actually going to have the first, first, and that it is to be' f mr w w a great Dig, rousing, wnaie oi a nrst. i The Hon. C. H. Mebane, Supt. of l uuuu xuaii uiiiuu ui cue ttuiu of North Carolina, is to be there and Public Instruction of the great State wake up the whole conglomerated mass 01 nuuianuy on me suojeet, 01 pulific school education. This piece of humanity will sartinly be waked up, for I shall be there. Then there is that distinguished gentleman, Rev. J. C. Kilgo. He is a live man, they say, and I can well believe it, for any man will kill or go then h certainly means business. . But they ST2,iie2d,t te some times goes into a regular skinning business, so that by the time he gets through a, fellow could I n rrnml era fonnAnr Well T am in for the game any how, hide or rio hide. ' Then there is ReT. J. W. Bailey, the man wno sits on a tripod and drives a gdose-quill and slings ink worse than . a dipper-dredge slings mud. Why they say he is a coming r?p5 question, but bless you,-tremendous issues are wrapped np -in it. Why that' question has been perplexing the 'world ever since mother Eve took little Cain, all doubled up with the colic, e! pawing the " air and a kicking worse than an , army mule and a squealing like a locomotive and said, here Adam take this air child till I rest up a spell and can run out to get some herbs to expe the demons out of his abdominal regions. Father Adam -he yanked up that youngster kind of awk ward-likey for it was new business to him, and be walked around slowly at first, trying to quiet the child, and then he began to prance about a lit tie more lively and by j and by he struck a dog trot. But no good little Cain kept up hisgynastics, and his lung exercise. ! And Adam he commence a panting and a turnin red in the .face and a mutterin something mighty strong. Presently he grit his teeth (down hard and says he, Eve if you ? want a live youngun you better 'come and take this air child for he's powerful bad off and mighty nigh expiring. That question has been a distub ing element in our1 domestic circle lo! these many years. And if that great newspaper man from Raleigbis agoing to settle it . solidly, finally and everlastingly then you never seed such a crowd as will be there to hear him. I hope and pray that he'll decide in favor of the women's taking the child. Cause they know just how to handle the dear little innocent creature. irAny body knows an ungainly, awkword heavy-handed man aint fit to take the child. I am going to risk the. Rev.' jJ W. Bailey on this 'portant subject any how kase they tell me jhe's a man of sense. j . ' Then Sunday schools from all over the district will be there to compete for libraries and other use ful prizes offered for the best sing ing. Why you can just saturate yourself through and through with the melody of song, and roll and wal ler and slosh around in music to your heart's content. -It's also whis pered that Hon. Tt J. Jarvis will be there and possibly a number of other celebraiies. L ; But I can't begin to tell how many attractions are offered. It is already put in .the record however, that the first day is to have one oi he biggest gatherings that ever as sembled in Eastern North Carolina. The price will be put down to the smallest amount. Boys ; and girls, young men and pretty maidens, old men and noble matrons and andV babies will bd there. If you want a staving good time come j and jine old Zeke for he jwill sartinly be here if times aint 'mighty bilious in his neighborhood. Itere's three cheers for the Fair. ' More anon. Yours truly, Zeke. THE SPINNING WHEEL AGAIN. Our suggestion in last week's is sue, that there should be an old-time spinning wheel, in actual Operation, at our next Fair, has met with uni- T-orcsit nnnrobation. IVTanV have T6 I VWihUA mtmjj v y marked that they would come to the j 'air to see that alone and thus re- vivfi the feelinrrg of their childhood. some of our northern friends have old us that they had never seen a spinning wheel such as found by the fire side of bur Southern home, and they would feel conpensated for a visit to the Fair, if they could see such. Will not some good lady who will manage such a wheel, cdrresponed with our secretary Br. Hr T. Aydlett? He is anxious to have such a fea ture at' the Fair, j and will gladly give any information wished. The Southern Planter, published in Richmond, Va., offers four sub scriptions, us special premiums, for exhibits as follows: One year's subscription or the best bushel of Irish potatoes j six month's subcrip tion for the second bst bushel of rish potatoes'; one year's subscript tion'for the best bushel of sweef potatoes; six month's subcription for'the second bushel of sweet po tatoes. This is a generous offer on the part of this most excellent agri cultural journal, and should, as doubtles3it will, bring forth more to improve the agricultural interests of the South than any other paper, and should be read by every pro gressive fanner. ; ATTENTION. Stockholders, from 6ur etTorts has been built the Albemarle Park Fair, the most worthy public iusti tution in Albemarle North Carolina ' - ; - i . an institution "in i whrch, because 1 ;')- 3 of its commendable i nature, j every body feels an interest! Everyone relizes that the farmer and the mer chant, the mechanic and manufac turer, men of all vocations, have been alike benefitted by this great factor of industry in our commun- This appreciative community de sires to known, anI it should know, who the founders marie Park Fa:r are. of the Alber At our next exhibition we will have a galaxy of life-size portraits of each stock- holder. This collection will we composed of the portraits of some of the most prominent and represenative . men in Eastern North Carolina. collection too, will represent almost every trade and profession. It will represent "men fromj almost every county in the First; Congressional District of North' Carolina. Stockholders, if you have not such . .. 1 r , a portrait of yourself, you should have, and how is the, time for you to obtain such a .one. Mr. W. H. Zoeller; our popular Water street photographer, is giving special rates to our stockholders and their wives. Life-size portraits wliich he ordinar ily sells -for four dollars, he is now selling to the stocMiblders for one dollar and a half.! Don't overlook this matter. If vou! haven't this portrait, see Mr; kZoellerj im mediately. Your opportunity, for a good portrait, will bever be ur- passed. It is the desire of all that the crand croupe at our Fair be complete. EAIR MOTES. Do not foisget that we cheeky free of charge, all baskets and -accom panying parcels. This is something hew for agricultural; fairs, but we are all in for a pleasant time, a time of ' sight-seeing and wonder-seeking. We will have no time to devote to the care of our baskets, and the Fair authorities are determined that noth- ing of this Mnd shall tinder onr day of pleasure. ' '.:. '."';.: ' ' A knvnnii rf will fX H UVV J V LA ... ' j " liuu uuiiceiJuiiJiz vile ion. There well be a well equipped barber shop on the grounds, where gentlemen . can be served . in all branches of ' the tonsorial art. In the ladies' toilet there will be a ma tron with" comb, bruslij towels and every convenience to , facilitate the pleasure of. the ladies. !, v For the cohvenience of those who do not wish to be bothered by bring ing food for their horses, feed will be furnished on the grounds for five cents.. This feed will consist of a bundle of fodder and a half gallon of corn. We) have made this ar rangement at the request of many who expect doubtlees it o visit the Fair, and will add : much to the convenience of those who come from a distance. THE SUNDATSCHOOL AND EDU CATIONAL AY. To those who may W interested in the SundayschodI and Education al day, which will be held the first day of the Fair, October 19th, we would like to say to them, that the Secretary has on hand ; an excellent selected and assorted .library of fifty volumes which will be given to the successful choir who may compete or it. We are expecting two other libraries which will be given as 2d and 3d premiums. There will bt some innocent amusements also, one of which will be a bicycle race which will come off at ten o'clock a. m. Two prorninent North Carolinians . ! M ,111 nave been securea to YspeaK tnai day. Mr; J. W. Bailey, editor of Biblical Recorderr Raleigh, N. C. will speak m the morning and Mr. C. Kilgo,! President of Trinity College, Durham, N. . C;, win speat in the eveniner. Let all come and enjoy the occasion and be edified by the good speeches that are in store for them. STOCKHOLDERS, We differ from most other storekeepers. Most store keepers figure to get all they can. . We figure to bco how little we can .afford to take. You wuj find it makes a difference at tho end of the year, 'whether you trade 6omewhero else or here. If you want that difference in your pocket instead of in the storekeep . er's, trade here. i- , DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES, MILLINERY. MOSES WEISEIL. Large Stores full of good-4 to select from. I Greatest Qf the Season The To make room for our Fall Stock, wo will for tho no: i 'I three weeks slash prices to such an extent as to interc 1 the mohev-savers Youths' and Boys Clothing, Ladies' and Gents v FURNISHING GOODS, Dry Goodsy-Dress Goods, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, Valicc Notions, etc. Try us beforo buying. i Urn J I v . Next Arlington Hotel. FUBX1TUKE ! FURNITUltE ! PIOITEEH I1TSTALLMEITT HOUSS Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, Linoleums, Oil Cloths, Mosqui Canopies, Lamps, Refrigerators, Baby Carnages, j&c, ixcj Agent for Ludden .:'.; . Music See Grand Display at the Fair. ' if.' ELIZABETH CITY IEOH WOEE? H. W. SANDERS , r Successors to J, Manufacturers M Espairsrs .. o( j ! MILL SUPPLIES. Steamboat, Gas and Water Fitting Boiler work. Brass Castings made at part of the country to make repairs. , ..... Incorporated under the Laws of ORD OF vision: of the State Insurance Commissioner. ' s I Death, Sick, and Disability BENEFIT Death Benefits from $-00 to $3,000. . Sick and Disability benefits fron $3.00 to $20)0 per week. ' COST OF JOINING : SJ, We want a Good. Live Organizer in make LIBERAL ARRAMGEMENTd. terms and particulars to' Deputy Supreme Commander for the W. A. WEST. W. B. Carriage Painters; Hoitse CSWall Paper for gale Large Line of all kinds, i Correspondence solicited. Pettit lorth I STEAMERS Lucy, ITlrton, : For -Norfolk, Plymouth, Jamesville Willianiston, Hamilton, Windy Hertford, Columbia Creswell, and all points on North Perquimanfib': ! perpong, Papquotank, Roanoke and Cashie Rivers. v ' N. O. QRANDY & CO., Commission and Forwarding erchaui! Dealers in all kinds of Country Produce. . , j Cotton Seed Hulls and Meal a Spaclalty. - UA1I0S A1TD CHEMICALS U Hay, Grain and Mill Feed, and - - . . Class Feed Store; - V - - Tfl. The best and cheapest place WATER STREET Meals at all houts, with the best the Opposite Horel Arlington. Sacrifice and barcrain-seekers, on Men Cfi5 OO.f : ; , Leaders of Low Trice . I & Bates' Souther House. : & BRO., Pi oprlotors. jIZJ I F. SANDERS. Machinery. ; . a Specialty. Special attention paid short notice. Workmen. Bent out to 1 Telephone No. 20. i COLUBflBU -' ' ' ' I . ' Maryland and managed under tLeSu: i -. . Medical Examination, Si SO every Town. City and County, and v. If you can organize a Council, writ-; f W.B.WELLS, Elizabeth City, It. State. WEST. 1 J. T. WEST.- Painters, Paper Hangers. samples to select from. Decoratln. ; ' ' . - aroiinaUii -Harbinger, ' Pettil C01TSTA1ITLY Oil HAL' everything' usually kept in a ii to get your meals is ct 1 RESTAURANT. market affords. C. W. MODLI" v Propr: 2