VilEECOXOmSTK1 suprt-ino jsu. I e have a liht on TVhU&ZtO XTZST TBID1T. ic is xrue. iglit ouour hands before the national contest in IL n. CarrcT. tdiier winch the Chicago piai- E. FLisrs Business Manner form will come to the front, and a fight in which FRIDAY. NOVEMBElt 10, IS97. the Chicago platform raust rait until v.e whip the otner lewd fellows. In that connec tion we were glad to see the merited castijration which our ex-Senatorgi ves to the tattooed THE OUTLOOK Blf'GHT. Advertised Letters The New lork orld has a I List of unclaimed letters remaini few figures that gladden the n the Elizabeth Citr P. O. for the I l 1 1 .rw ten' T Democrat hoart, and give color JUDGE ROEINSON GRIEF. COME TO to the sentiment that the Dem ocratic party never dies. Read it, as follows: Xew York, New Jersey and Ken tucky cast fifty-eight electoral votes for McKinley, one cf Kentulcy's T0te3 going to 'Bryan. We have never taken any ex-Senatoriri ves to the tattooed New lork, rew Jersey and Iven- f nrlr in JnrfVo Robinson. e man from thn Swamns ofSami tucky ad went Democratic last wcefc. l,nn Iip wn Dis- nn irhr in fl, nnfnrtiinatn nn- "Had McKinley been a candidate T: t.. last week instead of last year the inci uornej vi rw- neavai oi pontics na uci-a I oowular rote in these Democratic Couit here, and then we raised upon a pinnacle only . to latc3 WOuld certainly have been formed a very hard opinion of I expose his personal and pohti- cast against him. him. , When, c was not drunk Cal infamy. he'was disgusting, disgusting Yn may ?t cheap food and nto Lrioue!r hurt by It ; but you can not take cheap medicines wlthont poi tite injury. If jouufeanj substitute for ArerVSarearNiril.U. jou do o at he iril of jour health, perhaps of your health, perhaps of your life. In- Ki't on hating Ajer', and no oth?r. m the court, disgusting at the hotel table and disgusting in thq presence of the grand jury of Pasquotank county. If ru mor is to be credited, there was a proposition in the grand jury to present him for indictment, which failed from party consideration. When we heard that that s.ittio Kniiinson had been rnaue a fnpnii mM. Louis.: a na- a iudire of oir Superior court tive of North Carolina, went to NEWS FROM THE; COUNTIES- wo raised our hands in holy the Populist Convention when CAMDEN. horror and wiien we iiearuinai it met. in it. L.ouis last year, CoiRTiior? e. Mr. and Mrs. o. L. . .. ? t. : I . t i 2 - week endintr November ID. 1S37. Ter sens calling for them will please say advertised. UKx:-Wm W Barnard, Rev P. H Blonnt, J F Bott, Jas E Coplin, Thos Curies, Frank Eason, E E Ewards, WPl Freeman, Noah GarreU, Charlie Guilford. J B Ho'dowell, W M Jack son, A Lt Jones, Jas E Johnson, Jack Landing, EL 3Iitchell, M.'K Pritch ard, W. Spence, Walter 'Sc tr, A il White, II Nedab. WoMEjf:-Mies Kadie" Banks, Alice Collin a,- KmWy J Fletcher, Lcuisa Fletcher, Martha J Griffin, Maggie Jones (2), Caseie C- Kemp, Rbeoca Mltcbel, Annie Nickles (2) Aimmie N Rhebbia Roughtohi .ssarah E Sprail, Mrsamer5 Brown, Randel Corprew. St NAT OR EUT. ABROAD. . Xow, deduct these 58 electoral rotes from the 271 whicn Mr. Mc Kinley received, and there are left 213. 'Add these 53 votes to the 170 of ATr Ttrvnn ami hi wonld have 234. " I 4TW ;.ftmmritrnf .21 in the I aran E Spruill, Amelia Wilson, Electoral College. E F. Lamb, Postmaster- ln otner words, tne uemocrais Till? WnvntDC AU CPTUYPT? TIipv nP(l nnlv rptnin theso three New York, New Jersey and Kentucky LUNG TROUBLES AND CONSUMP -and they will elect the next Presi dent! The distinguished New York cheni ist.T. A. Slocuw, demonstrating his p.irs nn nne of tbe western Cir- man orrunvincr the chair in its u:,. r.;nLc.A-n. !, ,af fl discovery of a reliable and absolute Mi?s May Nash last Sunday. E,u Mioses Lina Gilbert and Lela Sander ho BtufTed lint cottxm in his and looking around he sau a Lamb, of Elizabeth City, spent Ian ; At . I . . . . .. Sunday in this county. ; ears on one o inu wcsit-ru man occupying inu tauir m n& cuits to express contempt for I temporary organization, whose - T. 11-. .1 some lawyer wno was speaking, face he says was worse tnan a nn tpne last Sunday afemoon with in discharge of his duty, in op- hideous nightmare. He was Mrs.O.If Morrisett,at , . e i t. a ' ti a i r Dr. S. Gregory, of Elizabeth City, position to the Opinion Of JUS told It was benator liutler, Of Luther Upton and J. G. Sawyer took a Hunnr. then I we raised our Vnrth Carolina. Ho was at ! to Norfolk last Sunday on their hands in holy horror again, and once interested and disgusted. The 'scenery of the "OM Dismal said it was that same Kobin- For the first time in his life he Swamp Canal" i qui-. 'curiwity to son who was nere once before was ashamed of ' his native . in an official capacity. And State. The speaker took most of when he carao here to preside his time clearing his throat in tho court we expressed and pulling down his cuffs, some of our sentiments about Some one near askod him him in father considerate who that " baboon was and terms, and intimated to our where he came from. Our farmers that) lint cotton for friend says that he called his judicial ' purposes would pro- name, but when he undertook babiy now rise in price. :IIe to answer where ho came from went on the bench with tho the name of North Carolina Economist in his hand, and in stuck in his throat. his charge to the grand jury, with the paper held up as one would hold a 'dead rat by tho tail, ho proceeded to pronounco some strictures upon the licen ce of the press. We intended to take the cotton out of his ears in our j next rssue, but some of our brethren of the Bar, told us! he was a "wild Irishman but had the Irish heart, and, counselled caution as he was just d f enough to have us before him for con tempt. We gave way to their wise counsels, but we have always thought he was a rcck- The demand for Aycr's Hair Vigor in such widely- separated regions as South America, Spain, Australia, and India has kept pace with the home ! consumption, which gofs to show tbat these people know a good thing when WHAT VAS HARDLY they try it. re for Consumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis) and all bronchial, throat, lung and chest disea? coughs,: catarrhal affect decline fend weakness, loss of fletsh, and all conditions o' wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOTTLES (all different) of his New Discoveries to any afflicted reader of the Economist writing) for them. the people of this vicinity, who have ew cienunc xreacmenr nas visited it recently. - cured thousands permanently by : its professional duty to suffering human ity to donate a trial of his infallible cure. ; Science daily develops new wonders, and this great chemist, patiently ex perimenting for years, has produced results as beneficial to humanity as can be claimed by any modern genius. . His assertion that lung troubles and consumption are curable in any climate is prov en by ''heartfelt letters of-, 'grati tude, filed in his American and Euro pean laboratories in thousands from those cured in all parts of the world. Medical experts concede that bron chial, chest and lung troubles lead to Consumption, which, uninterrupted, means speedy and certain death. Simply write to T. A . fcilocuin, M. C, 93 Pine street, New York, giving post- office and express address, and the free medicine will be promptly sent. Suf ferers should take instant advantage of his generous proposition. Please tell the Doctor ithat you saw nig offer in the economist. Rev. W. H. Guyton did not 611 his appointment last Sunday evening at Milldaui. owing to t lie fact that the death of a brother's child called him away. We hear that the marriage bells are still chiming for a popular young phy sician of this county to lead to the by- menial altar a blushing bride. (Jorgo Mann, a colored employee of the N. & S. Railroad. narrowly escaped a horrible death at the depot here last Saturday evening. He w as drunk and started to jump the mail train after it had started np and fell under the mov ing wheels, but was quickly pulled out by some of the spectators. . Rev. T. O. Wood performed the by menial rites cf matrimony of Mr. Wal- laceSawyer and Mips Estelle Jones, of Shiloh, last Wednesday night (10th) at the home of Mr. Dennis Rrothers. - Country' Roy. The Largest Cheapest and Host Complete Stock of &Drv Goads. Glothlnn. Shoes. Hats. Notions. Etc ; are ttbeing shown arid Isold. flever in the history ot Elizabeth uity lias such a! targe Stock been shown, and such .Iowa prices been given I to tho public. SEPTEMBER business g fully 33 1-3 per cent, gain over September, 1896. Ourg stock of Dry Goods and Clothing being bought prior to the g advance enables us to sell a large portion oi our stock K cheaper than most of our competitors can buy them. X -Li w r ( Havino niirrlm &tA niir pntir'A' efanlA nnrl imnortod stock EL Jackson (2). James Load. Mary E ftof DRESS GOODS, payine sDotcash, enables us to give Eehaley, A J Ittegs, Bebiam Sawyer. Jo(some prices belpvf that will astonish even the most con- Fannia Sawven Rialto L Stewart. V servative DUVer. i I --- --i . .. . i : i , l. - .. l kj CO pieces absolutely all wool imported Henrettas ana Q ue of these goods! to-dayj at the importers in New York is 25 cents. I i - .,' Our line of Faijcy Dress Stuffs are equally as cheap. )c w Uver one hundred styles and colorings, all wool mixtures, jc zz cents ana up. i ; , ; fj Our Black Dress Goods Department abounds in all the q newest tilings to pe had! at home and abroad.! n.oyeities-r ft in black are very handsome this season. Should you visit f yur sioro ana seefinis group oi DiacK aress gooas, it win Wgive you some idea of the peerless stock from which you Q Our Silk Department abounds in most of the new things q that are to be! had at Reasonable prices. 25 pieces of A Black Silk, all different istvlfis to Rfilpr.t vonr dress from. W 100 different colorings in fancy silks, prices ranging from e?, BtUDDOm I " v-v. uu x ? f ions, general ; U 25 pieces of Silk Velvet, full line of shades, would be ; jconsiuerea a Dargam at ub cents. Mur price ou cents., fl Our Millinerv Denarfment is overflowing with all thef rVnew things to be had. I The only establishment in then city that sends tieir Milliner to the Metropolis, where), styles and fashions originate. There she sees and pro w cures all the latesjt and up-to-date styles in hats and trim- W Q mings, "enabling her to trim hats that cannot be procured v. Q elsewhere in the city. I !r j ' Q ft The largest linej of KID GLOVES ever shown. A full Q line of shades txvselect from. - i A W Be sure and try one of Thompson's Glove Fitting Cor- )a( wsets. Any figure can be.suited, for they come in all styles. W TION CAN BE CURED An Emiient New YorV Chemist and Scientist Mates a Free Offer I to Our Readers. - EXPECTED. GEN. LONXaSTREET. This garrulous old man who was so anxious to have the car of the public about the mar riage of an old man who was old and foolish to a -oung girl who was young and foolish, thnt he miblishcd his notes on . I - , toss ana oaa man, a uihgrace th(j subject and his younff wife 10 xne oencii nnu wouiu ai, pome time come to grief. Xow, look; at him. De nounced as j a hypocrite, a sneak, committing tile infamy of instructing the grand jury "of Wake county to present for indictment all tho rail roads did the same, probably to please him; and the persons who had time to waste on the silly effusions were more dis gusted than edified. This old man, mentioned afore, has been appointed - commissioner of Railroads under tho United Sometimes we make mistakes and often change our minds. It is certainly a safe , rule to let well enough alone and to re- maia where we are. Some time ago our live merchant,Mitchell, advertised to move his business to Norfolk. After he sold near ly all of his -goods out -he de cided to let well enough alone and remain in .Elizabeth City. He is at his old stand on "Water stree"t with a -brand new stock, over twenty thousand dollars worth of new. j goods. He seems to have taken a fresh start. It's like a new store, everything sparkles with new ness. No old goods in his MILL - MEN, ATTENTION A PLAINING MILL PLANT. W No wise buyer would do themselves injustice to purch- W KJ Jl.iH HH l a IIIJIIII, 11111,1 : I.NHV fTflTTll- T.fl ItM'l ylllH (V. ITluH! fS- A. Q the leaders in styles, and see the up-to-date styles, and Q the very low prices. Oyer ninahundred capes and cloaks )K to select from-4-more than double any store in the" city. $ We are the selling agents for Butterick's Metropolitan Paterns, themos reliable pat eras on the market. We$ w shall have some eye-ope!ners for the public shortly. Keep w Q "your eye on this spacfe every issue, and it will be theQ n means of your, saving from 10 to 25 per cent, oh your Q, ft fall purchases. I " ' S. iVlceBE ; CRICEv ? JTur t v Aniwr. wirtirij a wtc Aiun ttttcti roc X j; : ElizaTaeth City, N. 0 ' ft Elizatctli City, ITorth Carolina 1 .- IN TEOHOTCH 0EDBB The btst equipped anti most conven iently arranged mill in X C. ;v EiKhtcen Million feet of. lumber has4 been handled in one year at this plant. Thirty three saw mills to draw sup ply froni are conveniently located. For 8jle at a price so moderate as mill surprise you, and upon terms that I .1 7 - ;il i muKes juie invesiiuem possiuie anu praccticable to the man of ordinary means and f mall capital. E. Jb. LambJ Atty. at Law & Keal Estate Agt. SL IJ. L PIKLM ! ,,, S2gggg5Sss . aeaier. that issued frpe passes to jtid- states government -to succeed store. The people know that ges, when he.had in his pock-' Goncral vatie Hampton. The what ho has now is strickly NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. cis ai me urac ran roau passcsi PrtmntKnf nr n c:nnnra nn to date stvlea. Mitchell , - UllltUIS OUIUUIIIIUII Ul.U VI X that he was using, and pocket- but with a pretty good salary has always been the great ing the money that tho Legis- ntfn(,i1P(i ft : nn,i tlionl.innn. price ciitter and has caused . , . V . I I laturo had voted him to meet I i nrihors. in soil rhonner thnn tliPV . . uiui tii 11.1 ma ""I'lv uuuu tniif x ; j nis . travelling expenses. Aii nn tl.nir honovmonn wanted to do. This fall he is ... ... i - - - j . j - which was against tne peace, , . rpnpw. nu vmith in doing bigger things than dignity and honor of the State. UVnd now what is tho sequel to all this deviltry, hypocricy, and infamy. Tho grand jury of Wayne county where Robin son lives, have presented sev eral railroads for issuing free passes to this "wild Irishman" who is holding courts in North" Carolina; and the News & Ob server, of Raleigh, Is tearing tho ermine from Robinson's in famous shoulders and calling for his impeachment and de gradation. All honor to our State Democratic organ.! "amorous dallianco and love's ever and all of-his customers the old warrior will not have GOV. JAHVIS LETTER. Wc havo hot seen the entire letter of Gov.8 Jarvis address ed to the editor of Web ster's Week ley but the extracts we. have seen show the crcod sense of our wise ex-Senator, lie repels wiihscathingrebuke away. large cioqk ana cape manufacturer in New York has just sent xMitclieil over twelve hundred garments to sell for them. He has instruc tions not to miss a sale and judging from the number of ladies that have bought their capes from him, he must be selling cheap. You can get Elegant Beaver capes, full sweep and nicely trimed at $1.0$. Fine Broad cloth capes at $l.t'$. Mitchell savs he is cnllinr tlimn frnm nno in twn as Scott's and we sell it -much I n ,v.-i1-f ;- cheaper," is a statement sometimes '--. -made by the drorist when Scott's town. It will pay you to see Emulsion fs called for. This shows this big assortment of ladies that the dm grists themselves regard wraps1 before you buy. He has just gotten that big lot of heavy canton flannel bought from a southern cotton mill at a loss, took all there was in of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypophos- the lot, no matter how or why t T A 0J- iL. I . . . puii oi umc ana ooo s mc 4t was sola at a loss, its so. much to do, and he will be able to enjoy the ornamentation of her of whom tho coraera says she is not "o'er young to marry yet" nor pretty if rumor tells no flattering tale. ' Jmst as Good Emuiaion Sa'?l!!0,frt.h? M't0' ot tte.P'fSr,w?2 Tis that old fashioned kind .of the Caucasian, Marion Butler, that it is the covert purpose of tho Democratic party to dis card the Chicago Platform and the white metal, when they rear the banner offwhite supremacy, and expulsion from power of tho foul combination of ne groes and buzzards,, who have disgraced, and threaten the ruin of North Carolina, as be ing paramount to all other is sues in the state election of IS'jS. " Every word that he uttersabout because he knows it has been of canton flannel with the extra untold benefit, should not for one long nap and heavy twil, so instant think of taking' the risk of nice for underwear :it would usm some untried prepa- be a great bargain at 10 cents ration. The substitution pCr yard but the quantity' is ot sonthinj? said to be ? J , A , , . , "just as good' for a stand ard preparation, twenty five years on the'marketv should not be permitted by the intelligent purchaser. B inr yem jrt SCOTT'S Emulsion. S that Xhm tnxo aad fish ar on tb wrapper. 50c and t-oo, all drugjis SCOTT A BOWNE, C-emiaU, New York. Zoeller can make joa any slz fi&me yon want. . large and must be sold quick, so the price is pnly 8 cents per vard. You'l went some when you see this. Next week he will begin his big ready made clothing sale formen and boys. A chance for you to get your winter suit cheap. MITCHELL, The Live Merchai t. Having qualified as administrator of the late .lohn 1'almer l hereby give notice to all persons indebted to his estate co come iQrwaru anil make nn mediate settlement and those holding: claunsf again&t the same to present them ffor payment within tivelre months from the date ot this notice, or it will be pleaded in bar of their re- j covery. I W. J. Landing, Adm'r. ' I - John Palmer, decU. E. F. Lvmb, Atty. ' November Cth, 1897. Merchants, Bankers, Lawyers, Physicians and all economical men wear W. L. Dousfas Shoes because they are the best. For sale by .00 SCO The Style. Fit and Wear could not be Improved for Double the Price. U Douglas $3.50, $4.00 and $5J0O Shoes ire tne productions of skilled workmen, from the test ma terial possible to put into shoes sold at these prices. We make also $loO and iluo shoes tor men, and $20, $2.00 and $1.75 for boys, and the? W. L, j Douglas $50 folice shoe, very suitable tot letter-carriers, policemen and others having much walking to do. . ; . . We are constantly adding new styles to: our , already large variety, and there is no rea- i son why you cannot be suited, so insist on ' having W. L. Douglas 5hoes from your ' S. B.r.ILLER,&CO. We use only tbe best Calf, Russia Calf (all colors), French Patent Calf, French Enamel, Vici Kid, etc.. graaea to correspona witn prices of the shoes. : .. j R.J. MITCHELL, E. City. WHOLESALE Con M Eeale NO. 1 FOLTOH UABKETi NEW YORK. Special Attention gircn to Tht Halt of KorthCarolin8hd. 1 Stencils and Sutionary . oc spplicatlon. X. ' No Arem. ' . j Q f QTHRFR ft, rr WH0LE8ALE Dealers and Shippers of all kind of FRESH FISH 1 FULTO FISH MARKET. . X. Y. Particular attention, paid to tht Shad Department. f We employ no agents anu pay no comra.sions. ; If your stencil is ! In good Order let us know. j JAMES BOND, COMMISSION DEALER ik ALL KINDS OF FRESH FISH, Game and Terrapin.! NO. 704 SECOND STREET, BALTIMORE ; NO AGENTS EMPLOYED, A. W. HAFF, .- r - . :-.( Successor to Lamphesr llsfl, . : Wholesale Com miss Iol. Dealer In V LOBSTERS. ETC. ! NO. 12 FULTON FISH MARKET. New York City, North Carolina Shad a Specialty. 1 ' Aeents. No V mum mm mm. '. Largest Stock ot finished U' Is Ji Gr&Tfisione. BEADT TOW m mm IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT. Ill, 113 and 115 Bank Street, NORFOLK, VAi SDepizns frsa . ; F.H.ZIEGLER&BR0. Successor to'Jonj II. Zkiuleb Dealer in all'kiDda of UNDERTAKERS' SUPPLIES, 7rora tbe Cheapest to the bent. All tel egrams promptly attended to. C2APES AND COOLIUS E0ARD3 'Vh'in delrerf. Tle flntst Ileareo In tula. section. -R(seo d, walnut, cloth-cov- ered and raetalic caskets a specialty At the old stand on Ehringhau. Street. Thankful tor past pattonvre. S"Also all kinds of cabinet work. If dealer cannot supply you, write W. L DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. Catalog uk Fbee. L D. HASSELL, lyianteo. GOAL WDDB OMf i i BE e , DECEIVE Proof of the Pudding . ... j ! . . Is Chewing the Bag. If you have not tried us j ask your neighbor, who has, about it. nir n n in I : the tug sophie wood Pr7 Goods, , ITotions, Shoes, Hats, Caps We are now prepared to fnrnbdi Coal and Wood in small or large quantities at prices as-low as the. low est. 'Phone or mail your orders! to the oflice of Culpepper, Griffin & 01d. Main St , or apply at office or yard, Robinson's Dock, Elizabeth City, N.IC, and they will have our- best attention. E. City Coal and food Co., W. N. OLD, Mgr YBE&L Built in 1892, sixty-three feet loner: has 10x10 eneineand thirty-two horse pow er boiler. Cost four thousand dollars. Will be sold cheap and on easy terms. ran be seen at-Edenton, N. C. E. F. LA. MB. AND STATIONERY . . p being offered by the. . . . ICE aiid COAL CO. Mm We have found It expedient to add COAL to our ice business and U ne cessitates the chancre in our name at ! above. We prbpose to keen a first-class yard and shall endeavor to merit a share of your trade. We will give , LONG TONS,- CLErYN COAL and ' PROMPT SERVICE, Keep n Hand all the Time .-class line of &oods CRYSTAL FOR SALE. SCHOONER ESTHER. Can3citT 600 Bnsh. Ooraparatively a new. Nai s rooa. lutrKinjr icw, . 0111- forfable cabin. In thoroutii onltr and ft una as a dt.llar. Very cheap. .. E . F.LAMB, Attf.f m " w9 m . . m 1 (XF ALL KINDS. i T P R I C E S' TO A Si L . " Kindly give us a showing. -ICE Mi! COAL Elizabeth City, N. C. j P.O. Box 173. . 'Phone a Diseases of Uie Blood and sTsrrss. No one need suffer with neuraljrf. This disease is quickly and permanently, eursd . by Browns' Iron Bitters. Every disease of ' the blood, nerves and stomach, ehronio or otherwise, succumbs to Browns' Iron Bitters. Known and used for nearly quarter of a century, it stands to-day fort most among our most rained remedies. Browns' Iron Bitters Is sold br all dealers. '