RB. E.F. C&XXCY . .Editor Ioms Business Manager L HJBECOIS OMIST eral of tho household, with all coughed a little, blushed a lit- torlc "tea party" in his absence, and the privileges, immunities and tlo and humbly said: "Mister other historic curios. perquisites appertaining there- Pruden, that is to say, brother At W. B. ShepardVon King St., 10, without reservation of Pruden, do tou know who Dr. we had a nleasant chat with him and streams, forests, lishenes, Samuel Johnson was." Oh yes, J Mis Gertrude, children of our early waterways, mills and factories, my dear 4 sir, said he youlfriend and 'counsellor, TV. B. SLep- mo iook a recuperative rest, mean! Dr. j Samuel Bos well ard pere. uuu at nigni we naa an agree- jonnspn,' the great English lex- At Mrs. ElizabethPaxtonV, who able call . from V. D. Pruden Jicogrtfphcr 'and leviathan of bears the burden of years beyond isq., ana his excellent wife, rngnsn literature, u, yes sir, our kinswoman, a lineal des.Nai(I we hewas. Dr. Boswell's cendant of Job Creecv. the 7th 80n bvi his7th wifeand propositus of the family, With JV madf, 1?an;. D;'hen:e bld and friendship, nearly spanned .... I the centnrr. we found a cordial and : i, t i i I firm t hn n ten nnoioH imm. I nuu JAr- "uuea anu wi e, not r- " . effectionate greeting. wimourg.granuiainer-JODy m ov, At Ned. -Wood's and his wife's, on Sunday, the following day, ulu,lucr "uuu, wm you Kina- after having attended n Kr- I ten us vrhat he meant when FRIDAY, . . . . FEBRUARY 4, 1893. 1 HOME, SWEET HOME. UfM) r in THIS IS MY OWN LAND." MY NATIVE the Scriptural limit, with feminine for titude, and with whom we have, ! in parallel lines in the harness cf Ro!l Back the Tide of Time, and We Are Boys and Girls Again, Cat, now his note Is thin. And it rests upon his chin Like a staff; And ia crook Is In his back . And a melancholy crack In his laugb. - vice at St. Paul's Church, which was supplied by Mr. "W. B. Shepard, a lay-reader, in the absence of Dr. Drane, the Rec tor. He read an excellent ser mon from the parable of tares and the wheat. After the church service we remained with a few friends in the venerable sanctuary look ing over the sacred memorials of the departed, and we hope, gaining new inspiration, in wor he said that "no good man could visit" the. plains of Marathon without a warmer glow of pat riotism or Iona without a warm er glow of devotion." Well sir, theP31 he, you know what Mara thon was. Oh yes, said we, Marathon was a great battle fought by Ptolemy on the plains of Babylon, when Charles the Twelfth drove the Egyptians into the Red Sea, and they were all drowned, and we rather thinkvMarathon was the gen eral to whom the British sur- . When Sir falter Scott visit ed Pompeii in, tho earl j years of the century now expiring, as ho wandered through the ruins of the buried city, he uttered only the words "the City of the Dead.the City of the Dead," constantly-repeating them. Since our last week's work. , wo have passed four of the most shiping where we were led by I maternal hands in childoood and rWnnrl W n.ir lone And worshipped in manhood. After rendered at Brandy wine. Nosir varied pilgrimage of life, in church we looked a little over Edenton, our native home. We the grand old cemetery, where roceived a welcome such as has repose the remains of genera- been vouchsafed to few men on tions uPon generations. Mon- earth. Not the welcome that uments marked tho remains to lAtiAnn vnninthaUt: and virtues of names of f riends. tlo of life, not the welcome due relatives and familiars, long a look of wisdom and, enquiry, towealth.orhbnor.ordistinc- sono, we trust to eternal bless- f hen Mrs. Pruden, of our stock, tion.but the higher , and more edncss. It was pleasant yet interposed ond said Iona is an ! generous welcome that comes mournful to our soul to bo with "land on the north of Scotland to an otred Diltrrim wearr and them- Frm the cemetery we to wtich christians resorted as a worn with long i struggle, after adjourned to Mr. Pruden's, f riDe- d w" ctri havinghad a varied experience where we spent a cheerful and temple of great ant.an,ty ; and then of life's vicissitudes return- ''appy day. There was only we "PPed by handclapping at fnV to his old home and one' drawback to the feast of daughter Winston inti- the homo of his fathers after pleasant converse and material mated to us by a ..gnificant nod that 1 a rood thimrs. That was. that we were agam showing that we were WH ITfllllllll L 111111 t'LLIIlir 1L11I . J WE said heyouarealittleanachron- istic. Marathon is a great Grec ian battel, I believe. Well said we, who was Iona. He 'said he really did not know. Then we both looked at each other with jiothing with him but a heart From the hospitable home of Mr. c rat ion. Wro left Pruden we went home and thence to Mr. Thorn a9 Warren's, on Mag- overflowing.with love and ven- our knife, and tho we didn't Know n men, we nave 11 -1 X "c.i r.t, -nisince learnea inai our respeci- VMra ofTA For manv vnir? of aouity nung upon ino snarp - . r: 7 T & f!:ill-l0I.m!TLe?!f. u ooint of that knife, which fam.ilr t our blood and lineage) served us so wen. xauguier - - ; Winston sat next us and from ?ren " a? we understood him tosaj, the constant nudging she gave Vth otLfr friends and tindr and us we knew something was had a carnival of happiness, in which gone wrong but could not for wo PlaJed ihe Part of the f unnJ man the life of us determine what in the PIaJ who ughed at his o-vn it was. At last from a natural ioke9' we became the standing pantomime between us we con- ioko ourself. "We had a glorious eluded it was something the at 'he home of our dear niecG matter with our mouth or nose which was prolonged almost to the or tongue. We took a gentle "Ja- pull at our nose and it was all right. She caught a chance with tho dear, bid place, and with its population, in which were many of our dearest kin dred and friends. For some years we have not revisited it, and in these same years, there have been more changes'tban in tho balance of the fifty-five years." Some sad; many pleas ant, o abatement of interest had kept us away, but we had grown old, and in the chances of lifehad become acripple. and - a - our.cousin-by-marriaEre, . we talked 1 W - ' of ier distincruished father Col. Hal Shaw, who fell a martyr to his patriotic convictions,and was baptis ed in his own blcod the field of sec tion&l strife. - " At John Woods, of Haves, we spent a pleasant half hour, with him self land nis wife, our cou sin-by mar riacre. As we looked around on the portraits of North Carolina's crown jewels of statesmen that adorned the walls, he raised his hand, and point ing to Gastons said: "There is your ideal of crreatness. Tell us about -. ' him" It was brief,' but a model in troduction snort, crisp, epigram atic,? tasteful, condensed. We re- spon'ded cf course, in a ten minute's address upon the life, character and personality of William Gaston, with incidental reference to his times and contemporaries. The audience was smalll select, deeply attentive, and apparently appreciative. It consist ed of John Wood, his wife, daugh ter Winston, and his pretty little Everything. Annie. We bowed politely as we closed and there was no applause, by clapping of hands, feet, cheering or other demonstration. Not a murmur. You might have heard a pin fall as in a 'cathedral chamber. When we lef rj we asked daughter Winston what the stillness meant. She said it was the rapt condition of our audience. We then asked her, if we had not better go back and give them an encore. "Ch no, no, ; said sue, witn evident alarm, i i lest we should run back before she could catch us. Of conrse we caljed on Miss Bond, of Eden House, and were introduced to that interesting and bright link in a long line of distinguished an cestry. Qur young and valued friend Bob Lee Temple dined with us at daugh ter Winston's on the eve of-our de parture. j Miss Madsre Bond, did us the 1 I 1 . . M. ;:i Til Tl with a rie.w to The Crawford is staunchly constructed. It is Luilt , service, and yet possesses the lightness and ease of running cssen tial to the perfect Bicycle. THE WHEEL for the fast man, th maa oi ousiness or tne pleasure seeker is The CBAWFORI). riiiiiiuuuiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiuiuiiiiaiauiiuiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiR mm OUR The year 1897 is a thing of the past The last few months of last year we spent with the people in and! around Elizrbeth City, dispensing red-hot bargains, which has got ten for. us a name in the wliole surrounding country and we challenge Elizabeth City for a record of like improve ment, thus establishing the -principle on which we began, , that goods bought for the Almighty Dollar and sold at a close, quick! cash profit,! will command success despite all opposition. We repeat,; - . j "WE MAKE OUR BOW to the good; people of Elizabeth City and surrounding coun- I try, for the&r kind patronage in the past, and with renewed effoits to please every customer who enters our store quality and j price, we j bid all a happy and prosperous '98 WELL, ! . ' . .. I , r " 11 in Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' jFurnishing Goods Notions, Shoes, Hats, i a morbid feeling had arisen that , " ; . " lli:i. i llt'U u- tuuutik out meant that we opened ourmo'uth one so situated should never go beyond the sound of his dinner horn, and we confess to a little superstition, that the aged, like young chickens "went homo to roost," Jid wo preferred to stay here yet a little longer. Bnt we had pressing invitations to come, and so wo came, and wo aro now so glad that we" . , -V " i up and fork pick up. years appre- On Monday we dined with Minton honor' to spend an evening with us tt rv- j a 1 w - xi. xnuu auu ma s-joa wue, our Mrs J; q Warren kindly sent us cousin-by-marriage, at his elegant a Baer of pecan nutg borne by the residence on west lung street, over- we pianted over sixty looking the beautiful bay that re- &0 a kindness we fjreatly too wide, and we pinched it up cans tnat oi napies. it was a lovely cjated. like when we eat green pcrsim- occasionj much of which was devoted raons, so wo could not eat with to old memories, old portraits and if, and she negatively waggled old family bibles. The house where again. Then she winked at us our friends and kin are domiciled is and whispered from behind her a model" of coziness, comfort and mouchoir, "knife," and then elegance; and it is occupied by a U,i2 Erro. that pervades these pages by winks and frowns she indi- household that is a model of happi- How ould we help it ? Egotism is cated to us that knife meant cut ness on earth. ba(j taste an(j Yamty i8 a weakness, mt I t ti i 1 it. I . men we as iiut we eaea wiia ine vener- Mrs i waiter of delicacies Badham, our kin, sent us a that would have tempted an anchorite or ruined a dyspeptic. And now, kind reader, pardon the not now burchase the happi ness that that visit has given us. It was without a flaw, or break, or strain in its continu ity of happiness. From our 'first step upon its sacred soil, kindness was. our handmaid and familiar, and now that wo are back to our treadmill, there was no word that was spoken that wo would havo unsaid, and no thought that we thought that wo would havo unthought, or that we would have tho "re cording anger to stay his pen in the record of it. And now wo ard at a stand where wo are to break ground in our attempt to chronicle our trip, and our gratitude for love and kindness that can never be forgotten Til oar Ust of linefl tr penned. And life' hop, jojs And sorrows at an no. that arc not very robust need a warrninr.buildincr and fat-formlne -When we first touched the-food-soaieUilnjr . . , tm a .1 - !or three months in the faU that platiorm oi mo xmuau f-v hcr not suffcr from cold. m mm . a mmn a rr - we ieii'inio mu .ucu EFJ3UEJSBON of our first born and when releas ed from her embraco kind and friendly hands were extended in cordial welcome, and we were bidden to break bread at -jt 0f Tjmc and Soda, supplies o wprfi mortified and felt that we able J. G. Williams and his swee had thrown awav the labors ot and devoted aaugnters. we were n. lif time to become a trentle- crrown-up boys together, and we man and lost all on the point of wrestled over our scenes in the sow a knife at a crentleman's table, incr and reaping in the "wild oats" We felt that all was lost, and harvest-field, where he was hilarious in our agony of mortification and we were happy. We counsel wo remembered that our moth- led him gravely about the temerity er told us we must always I of breaking high Jjlooded colts and stick to a thing and if we failed driving wild horses at the age of 86, at one point, wo should try and asked him how he did it, and he another. So we took a little whispered, by the magnetism of his rest and thought that as wo had voice. In the intervals of early utterly failed as a gentleman at reminiscence, he entertained us with table we would try to be a gen- sea stories of his early life, that were tleman of learning. So we equal to the seven voyages of "bin- bad thejSailor " how he drank "scharwtz" with the Governor of Antigua and kept up the wassail with him until Aurora's grey dawn. We would have kept up the tussle till daybreak, had we allowed him. ' Ve swapped caili witn many other cf our friends and kindred. With Frank Wood and -his wife, our cousin by-marriage, whose ele gance could only have teen acquired by birth and long fellowship with HiUsboroj and Edenton, and whose beautiful naturalness and" geniality was not excelled by "Kebocea at th Well , Child rem 'til we said well'' gaged in that time we were actively the battle . (or "love ; feast," is.it?) of hospitality C Being rather "ornary" in our pedestrianism, our friend of long years, and a true one, ten- ' . .. m I camago anaser- j of Gxf-Livcr Oil with Hypophos- WelL" . ;At Julicn Wood's we bltssfd the I ev birth aud tarried jut lon V Tt.TfwJnt on this solendid food enonguiomiuu uuib nt:- thflhosnitablo boards of our kin- cxactlr what they want. They will thrive, crow strone and VaV A W Gil r f t "4 T?m -4ffe TrUt I nrs At Dr. Dillard's we waltzed over dered us his vant, and we hied not hurriedly r. ihn hnmn of OUr CarllCSt aild it ur- SCOrrS Emulsion. v w - . taui aaJ bh ai oa U wrapper. - longest dear, whero we were in- ansst ; yx. and itx. f rt fVntflin Gen- SCOTT A BOWNE, Qvtmwtt, tw Yoct are not very strong-, a a.aA 4xf 4aaAiMMf TfT t f ItrSL litrrZ T.J Z the &&ssx lawn cf Utereture, rich of months In the fall will with the spoils of historic lore. In our intervals of rest he showed us likenesses '(of Be v. Martin Boss, that he had, wjt3vi-tx)iicDeand in put them through the winter in first-class con dition. Ask. your doctor about this. S thatth but ingratitude is a crime. We had rather be thought vain than un grateful for kindnesses. That's all. Here's a hand for all that love us, and none? we hope, to hate. & ME Keep on Hand all the Time irst'Class liae of &dods OF -ALIi KENDS. 1 J 66 HOT PRICES TO ALL." SAWYER & JONES, REAL ESTATE. BY v: E. F. LAKV3B 0 GOURESPODENCE SOLICITED. . S0x120 feet. A beautiful building lot. Delightfully located. A last chanco for a down town residence. I Situate corner of Main and Martin' trtfl. For sale at a reasonable prloa on easjr terms. , ( , . , Two'towti lota on Lawrence street. Chance for a eculation. A fine dwelling with larjre lot on the edge of town at a sacrifice. Good lo cality. Terms easy. i Small house and lot on Church 8U East of Road St ;.J ,i.f500 Vacant lot on Road street, south of Church. j Corner lot and dwelling on Church and Dyer streets J . . . . $2J Dwelling and pod size lot on Church west of Dyer street... ...$1,000 25 acres of land with gootl dwelling six rooms. Nicely fitted out . with; stables and outbuildings. A deslible home;.. I.. ..$450 . i i N SU R E VOU R P R O P E R T V WITH THE. ..... ... . . . . Southern stock fil nine -AKD- TJnder writers' i" Fire Insurance; ' Co' s Of Greensboro, N. O. i Returns to the Policy Holders 20 per cent, of the Premium if no; ! loss sustained. T. B. WILSON, Agt., Elizabeth CityVfJ. G. Bell streetC0xl20 feet House 24x21 . feet 2 stories. L SxlO feet. All out-l buildings . . w . . ... .............. k ... . 800 A fine property on Shepard street. TT oil. i xiuuse huu jui, uii ioriii Diue, nrnri, depot and wharves.. !. ..$1050 Two vacant Iota on Martin street 40x70 feet, each . t . . : . j . . . ; . 150 A tzood business store in WoodTllIe.l Large storehouse and dwelling, also good w il 1 of busi ness ............. .-. 85C Schooner Esther good as new. For a small sum. j j Two tenant bouses on Fearing streef payable 210 per month. 1 Two email houses and lota south tj N. & 8. Railroad track (-PennsFlvi nia ). eacn. ..........52 -aw . r 'lwotenemenc nouses on iawrenr street. Lot extends to canal. A ba gain. ; Wharf property on River and Poii dexter Vreek ("Oia Htifp Yard ') at bargain. A Poindexter Creek front on west sic of btreefL ' I . - A fine wharf site on I'asqaptar Kiyer, on south side of town. A desirable dwelling and corner at Matthews and Elliott streets. ' Vacant lots near Cotton Factory. I A hnndHome flivpllinir nn Ti rmrl atr near Burgess. Farm lands on the Riven A 200 acre farm with Urge and cq moaious Duuuings. wen umoerea in a high state of cultivation. P moderate. Terms easy. 7 I Notice of Administration. Dnl ke most proprietary medicine. the formula of Dr. J. C.' Ayer's Sar sparilla and other preparations are cheerfully sent to any physician who applies for them. Hence thTS special favor accorded these well . known standard remedies by the World's Fair commissioners. A CLEAR HEAD; good digestion; sound sleep; a fine appetite and a ripe old age, are some of the results of the use of Tutt s Liver Pills. A single dose! will convince you of their wonderful effects and virtue. A Known Fact. An absolute cure for sick head ache, dyspepsia, malaria, sour stomach, dizziness, constipation bilious fever, piles, torpid liver and all kindred diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills Having qualified os administrator of the late James Al. Jriarvey, l nereoy give notice to all persons indebted to his estate to come forward and mase immediate settlement, and those hold ing claims against the same to present them for payment within twelve months from the dateot this notice, or it will be pleaded In bar of their re covery. ZION H. BERRY Adm'r James M. Harvey, deceased. .Why suffer with Coughs, Colds,; and LaGrippe when Laxative Brmo Qui kine will cure you In one' day. 'Dps not produce the ringing in the head- like Sulphate of Qumnine. Put up ib tablets convenient tor taking. Guaranteed to cure or money refunded. Price 25 Cents For sale by Dr. W. y W. ?ggs and all druggist. For Sab. - . i- .....- Sale of Valuable Land- By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Pasquotank county, made in the cause of Wm. Shannon faud others vs. Alfred Overton, I shall, ;on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1898, NORTH CAROLINA, ISup Coi Chowan county. ')8prlnjf t- . MS. 1 The Fidelity Mutual Life AssodiV vs B. & Hoskins. The defendant above named take notice that an action aa above titled, of "which this court has j diction, has begun In the out Court of Chowan county to r' cov him the sum Of seven hundred twenty-six dollars and twenty cets, with interest on same iromj 22. 1896. due by iudirmeut obtf acainet him by plaintiff In the Court of New York. The delenda fun her notified, that at the time ci issuing of saldrummons an at tact was issued and levied upon property in this county, to wit tain real, estate, lie la therefore! at 12 M. , sell at public sale at the Court house door in Elizabeth City, N, C, the following lands for division among the heirs at law of Hannibal Overton, deceased FIRST TRACT: Lying near the "Siinoson Ditch" road, and north of j Hairl rniLfi A.nr1 hnnndprf hvtSlnnfla nf Henry Raper, the lands formerly be- mcned tojappear ati the Superior longing to J. Salomon&ky, now belong-1 Vr . . r?rWH,.n U.A ine to a nartv in New York Citv: also onaay airer me i aionaay in a bv the lands of Joe Jackson. J. L. HIn-l-l"fJ8. ana aiiawer-w -demur to tb ton, one Waters and others; and being P,a,infc i,t P'alntin, a copy or all woodland, anrlaioins that tract of Will be filed In this Office durl lnnri of Hpnr? Rjirwr whlrh wrs snr. first three day of the term, or xroori hv tt T. firnWfi Anirnat. i linent will be recorded aalnst b 1879, as appears by his plat.Said tract corning to me Pra7.er,OIf THE TUG SOEHIE WOOD -1 i. Built in 1892, eiity-thee feet long; has 10x10 engine and thiry-two horse pow er boiler. Cost four thousand dollars.. Will be sold cheap an!d on easy terms. Can be seen at Edenton. N. O. r j I E F.LAMB. " ' - ' , 1 ! '. an WOOD'S SEEDS are specially grown anil selected to meet the needs and requirements of Souttiern QroersJ j "Wood Descriptive Catalogue b most valo-i able and helpful in giving cultural directions and valuable information about all seeds specially adapted to the South j-j VEGETABLE, and FLOWER 'SEEDS, dross and Clover Seeds, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats . - and all.; j Garden and Farm Seeds, j "Write for Descriptive Catalogue, Mailed free.; T.CW. WOOD & SONS, 4 ' EN, - - RICHMOND, VA. rjT SEED. HOUSE II THE SC3TH. I contains 39 acres and is timbered land. 8ECOND TRACT: Lying onthe south side of Simpeou Diteh' road and-bounded on nearly all sides by the lands of Henry Raper, and also bounded by the lands of Jspence John son. This tract is all cleared and will nTake one a good home. It contains 15 acres more or less. X- THIRD TRACT: One lot in what is known as Pryor Town," in Elizabeth City, being No. 54, 40 feet wide, 80 feet i aeen. isounaea oy tne lots ot j. it, Wilson, Alfred Overton, R. O- Pryor and lost Streets These lands will be sold for one-third dish, balance in 6 and 12 months, with interest on deferred payments from day of sale. Title retained till pur chase money is paid, or jpurchaper can pay all at" his option. This January 12, 183S. -s G. W. WARD,. Commissioner Of the Court To purchase 100,000 aeresj cflahd;. prefer It mostly cleared ; location does not matter ; want 2U,w aerei or more in one tract: mut be cheap. Ad-; idieea ; . i' - AMERICAN REAL ESTATE CO t Norfolk. Va tjapwp pj sq px t uTJiJI uojitnawjj j junuiaoil ttaaia pdo3Ap srq 9srTp swqj pa jtoa na umjjj naif (tuoag jo iq fxtt2iv oqa ma qi pus traop3nIaxa Clerk Sup. Court, Chowan Co., This Dec. Sale of Valuable Propi By virtue of a mortgage exec me by M. A. Jackson and Kate h son for certain purposes there! I tioned, which said mortgage, bea' 12tb day of December, and is r ed in the Register's office of Pa ans county, in book ZZ, pages h and 345, 1 shall proceed on I SATURDAY, FEB. 12, 18? to offer for sale at the court hoc in e aid county, at public sue cash, the property as conveyif as trustee in and by said laon certain tract of land known 1 derhook,".- containing one I and thirty-two acres. Bee full Register or Dd s ofllce or aid HENRIETTA 1 . 3IAIj Mori E F. Iamb. Attorney. Jun. 10, UDS. NOTICE OF ADL1INISTR Havinz quliflel as Adi rtf frtio Into !hriatlan Hlmntn' k rl s-w wua - 1 by give notice to all personsW to her estate to come Torwov; mfcke immediate settlemr those hold in sr claims th sarr sent them for payment witlJ mouth from the date of thlf it will be pleaded in bar cf co very. v j J. Haywood 8a' AdaiV. of Christian Simi' JaauaryflUth 1893.

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