ATORTIUCAROLlJf A. - CrtXF CHARACTERISTICS OE THE v 'OLO NORTH STATE. y VVha its Wealth of Natural Resources va,j Vaned Industries Consists. 4Nn Number off counties, 9G. SUte areavWsG square miles-. . Ettreme length is C03 milea. Ultrecie breadth is 187 miles, bomber' of 'electoral rote, 11. : Length of coast line is 314 miles. 'Ntrmtef of mUea'of roUroad, 3, 5T0. Arte Df Dismal Samp, 150,000 acres. . IcW steamboat naragatiou, 900 .miles. . Tvi.l'TntiUiion f census of 1890) w tT .1,017,017. j WhiU population (census ox io Ju; Colored population (census 1800) 5G7.170. " Intlian population (census 1890) 1.G71. - . C Total waterpower. 3,500,000 horse power. t Average mean annual rainfall, 52 inches. - J t 'Western boundary longitude 18 degree?; 42.20. , Average winter temperature, 42 degrees Farenbeit .'The tighest point is Mitchell' Peak; 6,833 Jeet Number of bales of cotton con sumed, 147,CS4. Assessed value of railway prop erty, $23,302,407. . Deaths by consumption, 1.-05 per . 1,000 of State population -Number of boats engagsd in gen eral fisheries, about 3,000. " Limit to State and county taxes, 6f cents. Limit to poll tax, 2. . ' ATea of largest county (Robenon) is 1,550 square miles. . Area of Smallest county (New HanOYej) is 80 square miles. The highest town" iu the State is Boone, in Watauga county, 3,250 vjlean annual temperature at IU1- . . " n. i m - Tt.lo HQ eign ou aegrees; noitutr, "j degrees. I ' 'Highest point of Smoky Mountain range is Clingman's Dome, G,CG0. . ! Value of real and personal prop erty, bank I stock and railroads is $262,090,896. t , " Legal rate of interest, 6 per", cent.; usury forfeits interest. . Mean annual winter temperature "of Raleigh,! 44 degrees; Florence, Italy, 44 degrees. . 'State,1 OongTdssional and Presi dential elections' Tuesday after the first Monday in" November. '. The highest point of Blue Ridge mountains In the Stato is Grand father mountain,-5,897Jeet -.The averaga date of the first tail ing frostis October 10th, and the last killing frost is in ApriL m. m St f St - ! Public school system aaoptea loiu. At present there aie 3,168 white and 1,192 colored schocl bouses. School age, 6 to21 years. The census of children of school Vage is, whites, 3S6.550; colored, 211,390 total, 598,256. - The grand total receipts for pub lic schools for the year ending June 30, 1893,18760,091.04, Every mother feels an inde scribable dread of the pain and "danger attend ant upon the most' critical pe riod of her life. Becoming a mother should be a source of joy to all. but the suffering and '"dancer, of .the ordeal make its anticipation one of misery. MOTHER'S FRIEND Is : the remedy "which relieves women of the great pain and suf 'fering. incident to maternity; this tour which is dreaded as woman's severest trial is not only made painless, but all the danger is re moved by its use Those who use this -remedy are no longer de spondent or gloomy: nervousness : nausea and other distressing con-- ditionsare avoided, the system is made ready for the coming event, and the serious accidents so com- mon to the critical hour are obviated by the use of Mother J Friend." " ij a blessing to woman. - SliOOTZHSOTXXJB at all "Dram Stores; llabyTyJines l 1 ll'rll or at by txprtu on roips i pno. " r T$ Omrrtxlclat kmTxlmt information of V-rr Uumt to aU women, will tw ot MULL f aay a3ircs. cpon application, by ZU Xlimi9 SIfiCLiXCJl CO- ItUlU, . The death penally is only inflicted mimUr nrenn hurflarv and tui w'uv , r j rape, the General Assembly having power to abolish it in all cases if deemed advisable. Married women retain all their real and personal property from the detts of their husbands. Liens of mechanics and laborers for their work are required. T-orrifcT-if nrp. liienniftl in odd num- q .m. . - bcred years, meeting "Wednesday after the flrst Monday in January. r.ifnil et uainn f.O rlftVH. Term 8 of Senators and Representatives two ytars each. Tay 1 per day. Homesteads are allowed to the amount of $1,000 value, and rper Krtnal r1np In the nm)unt of S500. The homestead is not only exempt during the life of t'ne owner, but after death during tne mmomy 01 any of the children, and also during the widowhood of his wife. New Railroad to Suffolk Va. The subjoined extract from the Raleigh correspondent of the Norfolk Virginian has our heartiest en do ra ni cut and approval. We have fre quently referred is our connection with Suffolk and ita net work of railroads as a most important enter prise for our development, and wt think our business men should show their accniitoraed energy in promot ing the work. The connecting road would pay from the start and would bo an important factor in our pro- ctcss. If we would display the same energy we did in building the E. C. X , now the N. & S. Railroad, it would be in operation in less than kix months. "It is learned that parties arenow trvinrr ta mature plans for building a railroad from Elizabeth City.N. C, to Suffolk, Va. The plans have been matured, but it is probable that eith er the Seaboard Air Line or the South trn railway may become inter ested in this line. Tho gentlemen who are now anxious to have this line built claim that it will be a good investment. If the Southern should take hold of the nmtter it would erive them a line from the west into Northeastern Carolina. The coal, fish and lumber trade, which, it is claimed, would pass over this road, would lie great. The people of that section claim now that they havo no paying market for their fish, often because the North ern markets are abundantly supplied, while if they had this line to Suffolk, giving them a quick route west, they could dispose of the output of their fisheries, game, produce and mmoer in tho interior. The assertion is also made that this road would have the coal trade to - that section from the west The distanco 'from Elizabeth City to Suffolk is but forty-five miles There, is a lumber road which runs all but fifteen miles between these two places, hence the cost will not bo great The distance from Elizabeth City to Raleigh by Suffolk would be about nlty miles snorter than it is by Portsmouth. HOW TO FIND OUT. s Fill a bottle or common glass with urine and let it stand iweniy-iour hnnri: tiftedimenl or settling indicates an unhealthty condition of the kid neva. When urine stains linen it is evidence of kidney trouble. Too fre quent desiie to urinate or pain in the back, is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. , WHAT TO DO. Thr U comfort in the knowledce so often expressed, that Dr. Kilm's 8wamp-Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wisn in rt neving pain id the back, kidnevs. liver, bladder and every part of the ' urinary parages. It corrects inability to noid urine ana irAldincr rain in Da5?ine it. or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes tnat unpleasant necessity of compelled to get many up many times during the night to nrinRtP. The mild and the extraor dinary effect of SwampRoot is soon realized. It stands the tilgliest lor its wonderful cures of the most distress ing rates. If vou need a medicine yon should have the best, ijold by druggist, price titty cents' and one dollar. You may have a sample bot tle and phampblei both sent free by mail.. Mention the Economist and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co, ltinghampton, N. 1. The pro prietors of this paper guarantee tne genuineness of this offer. MARPI CRAS FESTIVAL, NEW ORLEANS. LA. The committee on arrangements us ing every means In there power to make the Festival this year, the great est eer held. Elaborate arrange ments have been made for the pleas ure and entertainment of their guests. However, the manner in which the trip toNew Orleans is made, will play no fmall part in making the visit an en lovable one. The Seaboard Air Line offers the choice of two dally trains, schedule by ttherof which is very good. They leave as follows: hew Wrk 10:50 a. ra. and 8:50. in. Philadelphia, 1:12 p. in. and 12u5 night. Washington 4:40 p. ra. and 4:50 a. m. Richmond, 8:56 p. in. and 9:05 a. m. Raleigh. 2:16 a. in. and 3:40 p. m. Mon roe, C:43 a. m. and 9:12 p. m. Abbo viile, 11:01 a. in. and 1:35 a; m. Athens. 1:1s p. tn. and 3:45a. in. 'Ar riving a Atlanta, 2:50 p. m. and 5:20 a. in..und New Orleans, 7.40 a, m and 8:10, onlv one night is spent on the road. . t all on or address any Seaboard Air Line Agent. FOR SALE. Hume crown 2nd crop seed potuta toes. -Hed Blls "White lliU" snd -Pride of the Fct th." Largt et j it Id. ing and earliest to mature. J. E. LATHAM, New Bern, tf. O. ; Beware Of the Knife. Mr. Lincoln Nelson, of Marshfield. Mo., writes: "For six years I bare been sufferer from a scrofulous affect100 ol the glands of my neck, and all efforts of physicians m Washington, D. i-, Springfield, 111., and St. Louis failed to reduce- the enlargement. After six months' constant treatment here, my physician urged me to submit to a re moval of the gland. At this critical ! mo. ment a fnend recommended b.&.b., and laying aside a deep-rooted preju dice against all patent medicines, 1 be ran its use. Before I had used one bot tle the enlargement began to disappear, and now it is entirely gone, though I am not through with my second bottle yet. Had I only used your S.S.S. long ago, I would have escaped years of misery and saved over iso-" ; .... This experience is like that of all who suffer with deep-seated blood troubles. The doctors can do no good, and even their resorts to the knife prove either fruitless or fataL S.S.S. is the only real blood remedy; it gets at the root of the disease and forces it out perma- nCS.s!s. (guaranteed purely vegetable) A Red Blood Remedy is a blood remedy for real blood troubles; it cures the most obstinate cases ol Scrofula. Eczema, Cancer, Rheumatism, etc, which other so-called blood reme dies fail to touch. S.S.S. gets at the root of the disease and forces it out per manently. Valuable books will be sent free to any address by the Swift Specific Co., At lanta, Ga. N3 W. ADVERTISEMENTS PARKER'S m HAIR BALSAM fTftnK and bcsntiriaa the nrr. Promote loziuiaot frowuu IfeTer Ti to BfJo Orty Hair to it Youthful Color. Cure clp dMue hair taUiog. iOcand I W at lraryvf FAVOR ITC AND MOST POPULAR FLOWERS PANIP NASTURTIUMS cwrrr pMS. one Pitt, of Inrfodlnt fr enpy W Wa CMalcfn and floral CiUtnr. ISK.I. fciPWiccn, jit una aw . , , , SENT FREE to housekeepers Lie! COMPANY'S Extract ofJM COOK BOOJC I telling how to prepare manydei ; icate and delicious dishes. Address I,iebif Co., P. O. Box 278 ; ew York. ! THE New York World THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION. I 13 IhxRes a Week 150 Payers a Year FOR QUE DOLLAR PUBLISHED EVERY ALTERNATE DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY. The Thrice a-Week Edition of the New York World is llrst among all "weekly" papers in size, frequency of publication. and the freshness, accu racy and variety of its contents. It has all the merits of a great $G daily at the price or a dollar weekly. Its political news is prompt, complete, accurate and impartial, as all its readers will testify. It is against the inonopoliee and for tlie people. L It prims the news of all the world, having correspondents from all import ant news Kiuts on the globe. It has iiriiiiftnt Hlntrntior8. stories bv trreat auttors, a capital humor pae. com- piete marKeu. ueparimenis ioi me honliolil And women's work, and other special departments of unusual interest. - WeoHerthis unequaieti newsp.iper and , THE ECONOMIST BOTH ONE YEAR $1 65. J ALTIMORE TEAM PACKET CO. Eleprant Steamers Daily, expteci SoDttar between Baltimore and Old Point Comfort, Norfolk, Ports month and atl point South. Direct connections with all railroads ter minstinir at Norfolk. Portsmouth OLD MAY LINE BETWEEN and Hamrton Roads. ALIIMUKE, BTEAMEB VIM1IXIA. from OlA PO NT, Baltimore, for KW-hmond, every NOKKOLK. Monday. Wednesday and Friday, RICHMOND at 4 P. M.from PJItRlii, UGUT AND SOUTH. W "J war ot cnesapeaKe uay and James River. Arrives at icn THE mond. next morning. Kodeiay, SWIFTEST, no transfers. haKEST Meala on European pi in. Lnx- S V It K H T nrloua Stateroom?, Electric Lights , ROUTE Steam ueat. Bitn rree. . Ticket Office, 129 East Balttmore Street Telephone 1435. JOHN R. snERWOOD, E. W. THOMPSON, i Uentral ianajjer. xramc .nnittr. E, BUO ffS, O neral Ticket Agent. i - - itkMAj 60 YEARS' tf EXPERIENCE t4T Trade Marks p - Designs Copyrights Ac inmm sendlno: a nketch and deacrlptlon may otilckly mnrtaln tar optnlon free wuetner an inntinn tirobblT patentable. Commnnica- Uons strictly confldentlaL Handbook on Patent aent free. Oldeot arency for awiniurpatents. . Patent taken throoirh Mann A Co. receive rpeeial notice without charge, in tne ! Scientific American. A bandsomely Crostrated weekly. J eja culation of any artentiflo Journal. Terms, 3 a year : t oar months, L Sold by all newsdealers. rilUMH & Co.3BrodT. Hew York Branch OffloeVCS F PU Washington, D. C. Dlieaiet of th. Blood and Pferre. No one need anffer with neuralgia. Thla disease ii quickly and permanently cured by Broxm' Iron Bitters. Every disease of the blood, nerves and stomach, chronic or otherwise, succambs to Browns Iron Bitters. Known and nsed. for nearly a quarter of a century, it stands to-day fore most. among our most valued remedies. Browns' Iron Bitters is sold bv all dealers. : 1 t .0. W. STEVENS : HOLESAIE T0BA:C0IUST I AND CIGAR Tel ANUFACTURER; ; Snu4 Cigars Cigarettes Rpes,3Etc: Prices Guaranteed. Job Lots a Specialty. 1 ' Tbe only Exclusive Tobacco House in the City. - : YATEil ST ELIZAPETH CITY; IM. C. j Slack? cur Hand Hado.navaaa EDii'V (S-aiflll siiiniflu" r .... , - - :!. - - ) i j ' ' "' WHOLESALE ; ;' : fl. l GROCERS A1TD TOBACCOinTS . AND DEALERS IK . Hay, Lime, Cement, Hair &'Plaster; f-prettiest and Best Ready-Mixed Paint in the city. - " Send for New Color Cards. Lead, Oil, Varnishes,1 , Terpentine, Etc. C i AGENTS FOR A. WRENN & SO'S BUGGIES. A full: ine kept in stook. ' I :elizabeth city- n. c. Tait'S Extra Early Uo The Earliest Truck Pea, The Purest, The Handsomest, The Best Shipper You cannot afford to use any other when the Nonpareil can; be bought for $3.25 per bushel; ask your Exp. Station What he Nonpareil always does in competitive trials. - ,We are glad to have small orders and give them our best attention. GEO. TAIT & SONS, SEES IXEHCHAITTS ' F.HlZIEGLER&BRO, Successor to John H. Zeiuler Dealer in allkinds of UflDERTAKERS' supplies, ?rom the Cheapest to the' best. 'All tel egrams promptly attended to. CRAPES AO COOLING B0A835 vhsn deslreil. The finest" Hearse in tnis section. R: seoc d, walnut, cloth-covered and mttalic caskets a specialty At the old stand on Ehringhau.e Street. Thankful lor past paUonsge "Also all kinds of cabinet work . NEWEST DISCOVERY j FOR PAINLESS DENTISTRI -AT- YORKLDENTAL RuOMS ONLY! "162 Jttaln Street, JSfORFOIjB:, VA.. Over Seaburvs Shoe Store. A Farm Near Harrellsville, N. C. ; One! mile from village, 2 miles from steamboat landing A fine dwelling of ight rooms. ' Well flanked by piaz zars. f A full supp'y of outbuildings. 14 horse stables. A large barn. 9 to bacco ' curing barn. Tobacco pack bouses apple orchard, grape vine. yard;j5 horse crop of cleared land, elegant water, healthy and beautiful country. Lands adapted to trucking, bright tobacco, cotton, corn, etc For sale at a great bargain. The best home for the price rked in North Carolina, j E. F. LAMB, j OnrFARMERGUIDE and tSoS ratalncrne oi ;HEW SEEDS and IMPLEMENTS Every farmer and gardener needs one. Larger and more Cj . ' complete than ever. Send name and address. Mailed free. a aaaress- anea rrcc. GRIFFITH & TURNER CO. I ! I I20S I Filled' 'VTcrld's Pavcrlta'Cirar. 78 Commercial Plnce, Norfolk, I Va - AltornyLaw "and j f Real Estef - Agent; Prompt attnton v9Wen tor Pro fessional Business. Loans Negotiated on 'Real . 4 Estate. Farms, ; Town; Propert,y ' Timter Iiands , , bought and sold on commission. 1 . - - . . U : : - ''.X ' Rental Agency Connecisd wiih OSce. PARTIES HATING TIMBER LANDS; EARMS Vacant Tdwn Lots, Dwellings lit Tovnl ! Or Wharf Property to sell have an;Ojortunitv io advertise : J'the 'rsami alcsad -tlirougli -this leal Estate AgencyVWltm are made unless sale is fected. Send in description ol omri property you desire to sell and avail yourself of the opportu nity offered at this time:to dis tribute lists o! property through out th United States. REAL E STAT AGENT .r mil h attention of our i nr celebrated . brand, r.t Uiitn In qnnlityrappearncrwS Vtrn V Y3: ftspir. . ;-M-ir-ifn,,nn- mBHBi aaaI il npareil Pea. F. LAI 6, C; W.'STeVBKS p Co, llOflrS SfllBl B.R; CO SCHEDULE IN J2fTECT SEPi 18, 1897. ""Norfolk and Sontbera TUIlrod sUli nd rta,sootbbouud. dally except sSdaysllenre Elixabetb City U:40 m Northbound dally, except Sunday, 'ea EllzAbeth City at 2: 45 p 3 and 4 Northbound leaves Elizabeth City. 9: 20 a. tn and !King South o: p. m. every Tuesday, Thursday Wd Pat- . frfn arrive at and depart from Norfolk fc, Western depot, Norfolk; connect at Norfolk will an rati Bv er Iines.and at Edenton with eT'0rI Roanoke, Caahie. Chewan and Scupper none rivers: transfer stumer to Mackey Fwy?thnc by Norfolk t Southern R. connoting with steamer Virginia Dare for llakeyvflle. Aurora, Washington and lAUrmudlatelandinrs. J f Eastern Carolina Dispatch .hi'Yv -AND- T Bid Dominion Line! tl fiteamer-v Neuse '. will make' trf-wtekly trips, leaTing E. Citv Tuesday s, Thurs days aha Saturdavs, and New Berne Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, Rtons at Roanoke Island Tnesd ay and Saturday going southv and Tuesday morning nocthbound,w and cmnects iUhJthevA1 & CR. K. for Golds- borpi Kiisiontand-Moreheaa ciiy, vnu Wlthlthe & N. K.R.for Jacksonville, Wilmington N,C&c, ;. J oteamer xtewoeru leaves City, Monday 12 noon and 'Wednesday 6 pjxm. fori Roanoke Island, Ocracoke, Oriental and New Bern. v - Qf .. Tstto nn Bui at Elizabeth City Sta tion, to' Roanoke Inland, Ocracoke, Orien tal;1 New'5 Berne, Jitrston, woiasDoro, Slorehead City and ivyumington, , j. t- ii -ii I toIm hofwMn Kl!zub( Dailv all rail serylee between Eilzabetl CitY and New fork, Philadelphia, . Balti- i more and Norfolk. Thninirh ftara." anaas low raies and quicker time than ty any other route 1 1- niroct kll roods to be shipped via East- 4 ern Curolina Dispatch as follows .' From Norfolk hy liorioilc csouinern naurunu, Baltimore, by P.-W.&B. R. R., Presi dent Street Station; Philadelphia, by P.nnvitrftnl: R. R Dock Street Station Ifew Yorki by ? Penney lyania R. K., Pier .j SXotlh. rr my ert ana iuunmuu Line. - I ' " For further information apply to M. H RrthvHon'."AMnt Elizabeth Citr'.'or tothe Geoeraroffice of the Norfolk and- Southerr Railroad Co., orioiK,va. , i m:k.king, H. C, HUDGINS, -. ,. Gen'l Manager, ' GenM Ft. &Paes Ae. PETIT'S C. L- PETITT Hanagr ; r Steamer NEWTON will leave Norfo'k for Elizabeth City, Creswell I ar.d way lftBdina on Wednesdays and Satnrdays at 4 d. m. Elizabeth City for Creswell on " Thursdays and Mondays f at 9:30 a. m.-iKeturnine. will leave uresweir ior Norfolk ori Tuesdays and Fridays at 4 ..mi-.ind-r Elizabeth City same day at 3 : 30 p.m., arriving in Noi folk next day. Steamef uarDineer win leave t nonoiK frip"Rlii:abeth- Citv. -Hertford and way lamdiricrs, on Tuesdayt and Fridays at 4 p. m.j JSllzaoeth Ulty ior nertiora w eanes davs und Satnrdays at 9:30 a. m Reiurn lnsr," will leave - Hertford for Norfolk Mondays,1 snd Thursdays at a. m. ana Elizabeth City same day at 2 :30 p m., arriving inf Norfolk next day. 1 y.T- W.? W'-Mtf KJKloJS 1 1 -AOBNT, Elizabeth City, N.C. S.niLtERi&CO. WflOLE8ALE I l.'inh it jNd.r FULTON MARKET. ! r, Special Attention gi ven to The r Salf of North Carotin a Shad. " l" Stencils and Stationary' on a ppl ication. No -Agents. S. L. ST0RER & CO. r WHOLESALE ! - Dealers and Shippers of all k inds of l;FULTO FI8H MAllKET, N. Y. "j - ii v ( , : paid to - the i Particular " attention H flhiul Dnart.ment. We employ no agents and pay no 'cornmisions. . i i ki If vour stencil is in good order let us 'know. m li. kinds or; JR,KS I FISH, (Game and Terrapin, - NCv 704 SECOND STREET! BALTIMORE- NO AGENTS EMPLOYED. A. W. HAFF, , Successor to Lamphear& fiafl, ;T . ' V: ' ' ; . . Wholesale CommiasioL. Deal er i n FRESH FISH. . -.- LOBSTERS, rt. NO. 12 -FULTON FISH MARKET. New York City, North Carolina Sha I a Specialty, No NORTH GAROLINA LINES Fisn Dealer Asents . - i FOSTOMGE DIRECTOR! North mails close at 0: a tn., and ar rives at 6: p. in.,Theaday p. m.'.Tnun day and Saturday, and arrives at 11.40 and closes 215 daily. Southern mail closes at 11. 10 a.' m.. daily and 5. 30 p.m., Tuesday i, Th ursd ay an d Satnrdays. , ' No mailea arrive at an departs from this office to Intermedia pointts between Norfolk and Edenton on ihe early ard late trains except to r Hertford and ynowden. . ; , Skyco, 12 m. Monday and on -Tues days Weduesday and baturdays at b P Ocracoke, 12 m. Mondays and 6 p. m Wednesday. . , Newbernil2 m. Monday?, ird on Wednesday, Tuesday, ThurPday and Saturday at 6. p. m. ' Weeks ville and Nixonton arrive at 11 a, m.oo' Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays, and close al l o'clock p. m. on same days, Rosedale arrive-dai at 11 a m ani cloe at 1 p. m. - , ' M - Street letter boxes have ben located at corner Burgess stret and ' Pennsylvania Avenue, Main and Water streets, Poin dexter and Shepard streets. Road aid Law rence streets. Main - and Road streets. T mail ir m 1 ox located at corner f Wat. and Main streets will be collected at 9;00 a. m. ana 1:30 p. m. At all the other street letter boxes at 8. -00 o'clock a; m. snd 1 o'ctoek p. m. : Po8tofflce opensat 8 a - m, and closes at 7:0t o'clock p. m. ? Persons calling for advertised letters will ask for them as such. Lock boxes can be 'obtained by apply ing for the same. Callers at the general delivery wiado will enter on the right and .depart totU left. This inle will f be' rigidly enforced ahd no one will be- ierveT out of tbeir regalar turn. The patrons of the office are requested to report any misconduct or Inattention on the part of thexlerks. Box holders are requested 1 to furnish h P.,Rt M outer with- cotnDlete list ol i names ol members 'of Business Arms, uorporauon or x amines mm ic to e placed in their respective letter Boxes. : E. P.LAMB. Postiusster. CHAS. W. PETT1T, Proprietor, MM 286 WATER STREET, Norfolk, ' - MANUTACTURKR8 0 WUJ.UWM) W VhVr Wa F0RGINGS and CASTINGS. -Michin and Mill Supp lei- at lowest .' tea ". ; . " ." r ; Woraraen sent, out on application for rapair. SDecial Sales-Agent for Merchants Babbit Metal. " : i ' ESTABLISHED 1870. TASTELESS IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 60 cts. Gai-atia; ttxa.,No.M,l353. I Parts Medicine Co., St. Louia, Mo. t AMitUinnn'W nhtlA8t VeftT.'OO . b6UlC of GROVE'S TASTELESS CI I ILL. TONIC and br oouRbt tbre (rroaa already uu yean la m oar-ex-nariinr nf 11 TMra. In th) druc baatneM.c hava nevpr sold an arttctotbart gr mca- antrenai aatla laouon as your ioacv ibwiwhi, , - ' AJBjrxV.CABa 00 teri h Tlrii wiw n1 all ,nsnift.ti i.. . . i -vfeodeio 1 We are now receiving .our ' supply Coal, and will fill orders promptly. All coal is screened before leaving the Yard None but the best' handled: Lowest r bices guaranteed. - -Office on Water 8treet, Elizabeth City We are now rrenftred; to furnish CoaL - and ' Wood- in smalb'or large quantities at prices as low as the low est: .'Phoner or mail your ordera to the office of CulDeDDer. Griffin A Old. Main 8t or apply at office- or yard, Robinson's Dock; Elizabeth City, N. C, and they will hare our ibest attention. r ELIZABETH 1 mi m : E City-Coal Mcbl Co., . 1 ' Mfi1 N; OLD; Mgi A 1 )

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