I . They were blasting recks near a tirer and dynamite tad been placed In different localities. : The family of a colored fisherman were curiously inspecting tbo wort, though they had been warned away on numerous occasion. ! One day the old woman, pipe in mouth, .was itanding with her two children near a barrel of dynamite, when suddenly thero was a terrific explosion and the family went tip with it The head of tho family witnessed the tragedy from a distance. The next morning, he approached the mayor of the town and eaid:1 "EX you please, sab, I wants ter know what cemetery lots U scU'm f ex in do cullud buryiri groun i" 'Hare you recovered the the bodies tM asked the mayor sympa thetically.. ! "No, svh, not yit," was the reply, 'but I'm expectin of 'era ter come down mos any minute!" Atlanta Constitute. ONLY BREAKING -GROUND. 0.1 w. Tat Ilorv Crly MaJ Sir WlllUm 1 BumU VndratU John Brow. A tall, lean, careworn old man, .with wan face and unkempt gray hair tumbled any way on his head. keen eyes and mobile lips, dressed in an ill fitting eeedy euit of black. a twisted neckcloth with tho ends hanging anyhow over a crumpled shirt, called on mo early in the day at the Clarendon and plunged in medics rai by asking me whether I had "cramped all the facts of the great victory achieved In Mr. Lin coin's election that in, sir. if the president knows 'how to use it. There U the victory! What are the fruits of it to be i" I candidly. con fessed that I was like a man groping his way through a wood in the dark. "There is no darkness, sir ! It is all light to those who open their eyes and wish to see." Then and there ho bound mo to come over and breakfast with him next morning. 'I will 'let you see the light; and Know tho truth! I snail nave pa pers ready for you. You can give me a couple of hoars, I suppose f I kept my tryst, found my way to his room by the aid of his "help." .Opening his door, I beheld piles of nowpTianers. books and namnhlels Hi frill accomplish so much toward tablo at which ho sat, with proofs rendering the system capable of laid -out, something like a ship- resisting the evil influences which wrecked mariner on a reef drying are so liable to attack it during his clothes in the sun, but the con- the summer when sickness is so fnainn of tho. arena nnrl ih wnnr nf abundant. It is the . best tonic & CO, Which is better, to thoroughly cleanse and purify the blood just now, or make yourself liable to the many dangerous ailments which I are so prevalent during summer? Impurities have been accumulating in the blood all winter, and rizht now is the time to get rid of them. A thorough f rJJ course of Swift's Specific is needed jtS to cleyise the Diooa. ana pun lf the system, toning up and strengthening it all over. Those who take this' precaution now are comparatively safe all summer; but to neglect it is to invite some form of, sickness which is so com mon during the trying hot season. It is now that a course of Swift's Specific JS. Blood HOLES Al E TOBACCONISTS- 1 AND CIGAR ft1 A ft U r A CT U R E R ; f Snufiy Cigars, Cigarettes Pipes, Etc. Prices Guaranteed. Job Lots a Specialty! V fTbe only Exclusive Tobacco Hons in the City. iFolMSoie fil B. R. CO I POSTOMCE DIRECTORY. WATER ST ELIZAFETH CITY, W. m Smsfce cur Hand H&delHavaaa Pilled. "World's F&vorits Ciflrar. i i Tho Af UmA Ik There is a certain representative in the house from a western stato whose secretary is a young lady. She is pretty, and she is as bright as the is good looking, being-olao the possessor of a pair of beautiful eyes. The other day sho called on a cab inet official to ask a favor for a con stituents The grave and dignified head of ; the department looked at her and eaid: j UI UtUl IUU) , 4 UU1 UllilJU I " I - , , j ,1 1 . I cannot do what you ask. although comfort in tbo look of the place and ana sysm-uuiiuer u x, iliLESEE i " and m ODTTOM PMIIE iiTiii r lit SCHEDULE IN EFFECT FEB. 21, ISf 8 Norfolk and Southern Railroad mail and express trains, outh bound. , daily (except Sundays) leare Elizabeth City at 11:40 a ro Northbound dally, except Sunday, leave Elizabeth City at 2: 45. p m. i No 3 and 4 Northbound leaves Elizabeth City. 0: 20 a. m and going Sooth 6: p; m. every Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday. ' . : f . Both trains arrive at fand depart from Norfolk & Western depot, Norfolk; connect at Norfolk with all rail and steam er lines, and at Edenton with steamers for Roanoke, Caahie, Chowan and Scupper nong rivers; transfer steamer to Mackey't Ferry, thence by Norfolk Southern K. B. to Roper, Pantego! and Belbaven, connecting with steamer Virffioia Pare for Hake.ey ville, Aurora, Waningtoo and intermediate landings. ' Eastern Carolina Dispatch - ; . .and- j ., Old Dominion Line. 3 i " your big brown eyca" "Then the dyes haveit,' quick ta a flash the ypung lady Eaid. And the got what she requested. Wash ington Star, j ! ' - 1 i . A Careful DUtlactleo. A journalist I.i a man who when he gets a position begins to clamor for an assistant A newspaper man Is one who catches up with the odd end of his job on. Sunday. Minno. 1 polls Journal.; of the man were epeedily foreotten. because it is a real Diooa remeay After a few words of courteous wel- and is made .olely to search out come Horace Greeley proceeded to and remove all impurities, and expound his doctrines concerning supply an abundance of pure, rich vhnttpl sintPfv whirh ii wn and rea Diooa. &. o. o. is maae 1 i Steamer Necse will make 7 tri-weekly trips, leaving js. uuv luesaas, iuurs days and Mondays, Wednesdays and Jriiays, stops at Roanoke Inland Tjiresday and Thursday, going south, and Tuesday North mails close at 9: a m., and ar rives at 6: p. m.t Thesday p." m., Tnun day and (Saturday, and arrive at 11.40 and closes 215 daily. Bouthern mail closes at41. 10 a. m.. daily and 5. 30 p.ra. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. No mailes arrive at an departs from this office to Intcrmediae pomtts between Norfolk and Edenton on the early ard late trains except to Hertford and SnowJen. Skyco, 12 m. Monday and on Tues p. in. - Ocracoke, 12 m. Mondays and 0 p m Wednesday. i ! Newbern, 12 m. Monday, And on Wednesday, Tuesday Thursday and Saturday at 6. p.m. Wceksville and Nixonton arrive at 11 a. to. on Tuesdays, Thursdays aod Sat urdays, and close at 1 o'clock p. m. on same days. - Rosedale arrive daily at 11 a m and clo,e at lp.m. Street letter boxes have been located at corner Bargees stnet and Pennsylvania Avenue, Main and Water streets, Poin dexter andSbepard gtreets.Road and Law ttt. a t rckl lfuln ati1 T? at mail fr m i ox located at corner of Wat , and Main streets will be collected at 0-.00 a. m. and 1:30 p. m. At all the other street letter toxes at 8.-00 o clock a. m. and 1 oV ocfc p. m. aturaavs. ana iwew erne y roi.nV.Wt n m. Persons calling for morning. connects for Gold s- WHOLESALE GROCEES A2W TOBACCOTOtS, -AND DEALERS IN- careful to remind me, had first been exclusively of roots and herbs, j . . . h intrcxluced by Englishmen- into nd is Nature's i own remedy. It aV , LlllUe, CeHLeilt, HaiT & PlaSter. x m 1 1 lua.. uc pulkO wiui taruusiiJ V 'J " " o ness which commanded attention, only blood remedy guaranteed f rrTtbl DUmwh. Ilear what a great scientist writes: "More than half a million people die every year from diseases that are called preventable or filth or germ diseases. They are so called .because they could be prevented. They are derived from filth and tJjevare caused by germs. Th irnHatioa of the great cMes of America "causes pollution of the water, toil and air of tho land. People drink polluted water, breathe polluted air and live on polluted soils. An a consequence they are poisoned. The instinctive remedy appeara to be alcohol. Sewer gas and the general products of the pu trefaction of dead organic matter poison the blood, depress the spirits. reaken the appetite and digestion. and the people drink alcohol. 'I believe thb great cause of learn ing to drink is sickness and poor tanitation and that is what makes prohibitory laws difficult or impes kible. The way to secure prohibition Is to banish disease and disease in fection from the earth. The disease pois ona are the constituents of King Alcohol. If they are bani.hed, he wil labdicato without waiting to be prohibited." now and tnen reading a passage from a book or a pamphlet, occa sionally digressing to heavo rhetor ical bricks against Mr. Buchanan and southerners whoso names I was not familiar with. An hour iasscd, and still ho went on. I was hungry, and heard no clink of cups and saucers. After another hour I looked at my watch. 'I3car with me a little longer! I wish you to understand clearly the villainous machinations by which these scoundrels mastered tbo peo ple, blinded thm, destroyed their moral sense, degraded tho legislature and corrupted tho administration of the law," etc. For another hour and ten minutes I fat, and still the flood poured on. Mr. Greeley had forgotten all about breakfast, lhad not. Besides, I bad engagements to keep. As he was rising to the liritrhr nf hi rrnt nrnnnipnt tvifli many apologies for tho interruption, SENT -FREE I said I must go. "But you will come back again t I have some more important matters to explain to you, and I was only just breaking ground. " I never saw Horaco Gree ley again. I went to Washington rxoxi day. I was moved by his sin cerity and enthusiasm, lie made me understand John Brown. "Rec ollections of tho Civil War," by Sir William Howaid Bussell, LL.D., in North American Review. contain :no potash, mercury or other mineral. Be sure to get S. S. S. There is nothing half aa good. i C3FPrettiest and Best Ready-Mixed Paint in the city. ; Send for New Color Cards. Lead, Oil, Varnishes, - Terpentine, Etc I ' : I if JE-trvt rr-vi-r . I AGENTS FOR A. WRENN & SOM 'S BUGGIES. A full ine kept in ELIZABETH CITY N. C. stock. 2 i ' Tait'S -.'Extra Early Nonpareil if ea.-' US vV ADVERTISEMENTS PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM , 1 Promote lazuriant frrowlh. - restore jrsj i coior. K in -vj utir to lis i ouiniu v Curri" raln d nrrt ft faa 1 The Earliest Truck Pea, The Purest, The Handsomest, The Best Shipper ; You cannot afiford to use any other when the Nonpareil can " be bought for 3.25 per bushel; ask your Exp. Station what the Nonpareil always does in competitive trials We are glad to have, small orders and give them our best attentioil. Thursday and Saturday with northboundr and the A. & N. C. R. R. boro, Kirtston and Morehad City, and with the W. & N. R.R.for Jdcksoiiville, Wilmington, N.C.&c. i Hteamer JSewbera lears Elizabeth City, Monday 12 noon and Wednesday 6 p. m. for Roanoke Island,! Ocracoke, Oriental and New Bern, and oatilrday at 3 p. m. Roanoke Island direct, i i Tickets on sale at Elizabeth City Sta tion to Roanoke Inland, Ocracoke, Orien tal, New Berne, KirstonJ Goldsboro, Morehead City and Wjlmingtdn, N.j C. Daily all rail seryiee between Etliabetl Citv and Hew t ork, Philadelphia, iBalti. more and Norfolk. j ! Through cars, and as-lowr rates and quicker time than ty any ottief route. Direct all goods to be shipped via Ea' era Carolina Dispatch as follows . From Norfolk by xiorloJk & ootthera KaUroad Baltimore, by T. W. &B. R. R., Presi dent Street Station; Philadelphia, by Pennsylvania R. R.. Dock Street Station New York, by Penney lvanialR. Rj, Pier 27, North River, and Old Dominion Line.-. V I . Forfurther Informatloa apnjy to jVI. II Snowden, Agfent Elizabeth City, ortothc General office of the Norfolk aid Southen Railroad Co., Norfolk, Va. I ? M. K. KING, II. C, UUl)G S, Gen'l Manager, Gen'l Fti&Pass An. advertised letters wil! ask lor tin in as such. Lock boxes can be obtained by apply ing for tbo same. Callers at the general delivery wladoi will enter on the right and depart to tht left. This mle will be rigidly enforced and no one will bo served out 61 their regular turn. . I The pafrr ns of the office are requested to report any misconduct or inattention on the part of the clerks Box holders .are. requested tq furnish the PI st Master with complete list of - names ol mcmbem of Business firms Corporation or Families that are entitled to. e placed in their" respective letter Boxes. , ' -: , ' ! F. F. LAMB. Post iu aster. ; OIIAS. W. PKTT1T, Proprietor. . EO to 286 :WATEa STREET, Korfdlk, V-.l MANUFACTURKIIS OF , Engines, Boilers, FORGmQS and CASTIHGS. PETIT'S NOBTH CAROLINA i LIliBS C. L. PETITT filanlager.! a 6-"-iAi--.v. LIB!) PAN to' housekeepers IS I I COOK BOOK Tr'O 1 0 GEO. TAIT & SONS, SEED LIEPwCHANTS 78 Coicmercial IplHce HOrfbllij Va i t -Ma chin iwxA Mill Supp ies at lowest ' Ies. . Workmen sen out on application for rapair. , J Special Sales Agent for Merchants Babbit Metal. ' . ; ESTABLISHED 1870. t' mm of Bsef F.H.ZIEGLER&BRO. Sccccsbr to John H. Zeigleb ttlllns how to prepare many del icate and delicious dishes. . NOT FOR EVERYTHING. Addnss, Liebii Co., P. York. O. Box '278 New Ilw It Wm. G b ton Where did you get that $31 I thought you were dead broke. ... Tiller I was, tut I met Rickcr and borrowed it of biro. GistcmVby, I didn't know that Hicier was acquainted with you. Tiller Well, I'll tell you Low it is. I'm acquainted with him, but I suspect he isn't acquainted with me. If ho was, I am inclined to think I shouldn't haro got tho fiver. -Boston Transcript. BTbllc! Co OrmUoa. ; Parson What do you gather from the lesson of tho five wiso and the five foolish virgins! . Student That at least one-half tht women are foolish. Cleveland Plain Dealer. ; GETTING READY Every expectant mother has a trying crdeal to face. If she doe not .But it you have kidhev, livec or Madder trouble jou will ilmt Sivaiup Koot just the remedy you need. lVo plearenotapt to get anxious about their nealty soon enough. If you are 'not quit well" or "half sick" have you ever thought that your kidneys may be the cause of your sickness? It is ea?j to tell by sittingasideyour nrine for twenty-four hours ; a sedi ment, or settling indicates an un healthy condition of the kidneys When urine stains linen it is evidence of kidney trouble. Too frequent de sire to urinate scanty supply pain or dull ach in the back is al-o convinc ing proof that the kidneys and binder need doctring. There is satisfaction in knowing that the srreat remedy Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, fulfills every wish in re- lering week and diseased kidneys and all forms bladder and urinary trouble. 2iot only does 8wamp-Root, gives new life to .th kidneys the cate of trouble, but by treating the kidneys it r.cts as a tonic for the en tire constitution. If you need a medi cine you should have the best. Sold by druggist. price fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample boN tie anil pliampDIet both sent free by mail, npon receipt of three two cent stamp to cover cost of postage on the bottle. Mention the. Economist and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & 0 liinghampton, N. Y. The pro prietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. 15 ULTIMOUEBTEAM PACKET CO. OLD ,i BAY i LIN Elf pant Steamers Dally, exptoor Sunday between Baltimore and Old Point Oomfort, NTfnlK, Ports- moutaana all poiniaSoutn. Direct connections with all rail rr add ter- niinatinv at Norfolk. Portsmouth BETWEEN and Hampton Roads. -ALrjMOKE, HTEAMEB VIKUINIA. from OLD Po;NT, Baltimore, for HU hmond, every NORFOLK, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, PI6IIMOND at 4 P. M. from PlkRM, LIQUT A2D bOLTil. st oy way of ChtKapeake Bay and Jarne Hirer. Arrives at tlcn- THE mond next morning. No deiay, SWIFTEST, no tranters. SAFEST Mrali on European pi in. Lnx S t' It E T nrl oua Staterooms Electric Liglits KOUTE Steam Heat. Brtnsfree. .; Ticket Offlce, 123 Eiat Baltimore ! Street i . Telepbonel4S5. " JOHN R. SHERWOOD, K. W. THOMPSON, Gent ral Manager. Trafflc Manager. . BROWN, General Ticket Agent. Dealer in all kinds of UNDERTAKERS' SUPPLIES, From the Ch pest to the best. Alltel egrair s promptly attended to. .CRAPSS'aKD COOLIl'5 BOARDS Then desired. Thefintst Hearse in tnis .section. Rsewood, walnut, cloth-covered and metalic csskets a specialty At the old stand on Ehrinchaue Street. Thankful lor past patonge. CSAlsd all kinds of cabinet work . F. Steamer NEWTON will leive Noffo'k for Elizabeth City, Creswell and jway laadings on Wednesday andj Saturdays at 4 p. m. Elizabeth City fojr Cres w ell on Thursdays and Mondays at 9:30 a. m. Returning, will leave Cresweli! for JNorlolk on Tuepdays-and Fridays at 4 a. m., and Elizabeth City gmie day at 3 :30 p. m., arriving inNoifotk DextMay. Steamer Harbinger will leae Norfolk For Elizabeth City, Hertford and iwav landings, on Tueedayt and Friday's at 4 p. m.; Elizabeth City lor Hertford Welnes dajs and Saturdays at 9:30 a. n. Re urn- nHnmi 4.i. - r me w,u leave lie rtiora xor ..jxorfoik Prompt atrenton given to Pro- Mondays, fnd -rhur.days ta. m ..land Elizabeth City same day at2:2l0 p m., arrivinp;in Norfolk.next day7 W. W MORRISETT, Aoent, Elizabeth City, N. C. Attorny-at-Law and Real Estate Agent. ftssional Business lIlDflli! Lcans Negotiated on Estate. Real 4- S. B. MILLER, & CO. Farms, .Town : Property Timber Lands i f ii! j j bought and sold On commission. mm OBYSMJj I NEWEST DISCOVERY FOR- ICE and GOAL CO. painless deattistri WILLIS H. ROGERS Wholesale Commission FISH DEALER 10G Fulton Martet, NEW. YORK. We have fonnd itexpedient to add CUAL to our Jice business and it ne cessitates the change in our name as above. e propose to keep a first-class yard and shall endeavor to merit a share of jour trade. We will give LONG 'TONS, CLEAN COAL and PROMPT SERVICE. -AT- HEAT TORE DENTAL RUOMS ONLY j; 162 Hain Street, ' JSTORFOIjE:, VA.. J" ID; E 1ST NTH 3 IDoiitisti Over Seabttry8 Shoe Store. ' r , " ' . ; WHOLESALE FULTON MARKET. ': NEW: YORE. TASTELESS Kl D lL m T 0 Special Attentioa eiven to North Carol in a Sh ad Stencils and Stationary 4 No AfirpntR. r Sale of I ot abplifatitn. Funtil Acncy Ccnnctsd v;Ith OSce. PARTIES HAVING! TIMBER LANDS, fIrMS Vacant Town Lots ' '' ' I Dwellings in Town, Or Wharf ProjieWy tO sell have an opportunity J6 FULT fish mabketJ k. y. to advertiser the same I abroad through this Real; f . - i IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PHICE 60 etc. Galatia, Ills., Nor. M, 1883. Paris Jlcdlclno Co., St. Louts, Mo. , - Gentlemen: Wo sold Inst Tear, 600 bottlo ct GIIOVE'8 TASTELESS CHILL TONIC and bar Douprht thro prrosa already this year. Id all our ex. perienco of 14 years. In tho drug business, bare never sold nn artlclo that gq.ro such universal sail. tacOon as your Tooic Yours truly. ABXir.CAESACOi S.'L. S T0RER & G0,faiw??.w . onH oil nOT.4.. J W WflnT.ER-AT.T?. i. , -i.ujbib,. Dealers and Shippers of all inds oi FRESH m&K paid Particular attention Shad. Department, We employ no agents and commisions. to the pay no Kindly Rivta us a showing. A Farm Near Harrellsvilte, N. C. If your stencil is let us know. in gqod order North Stencils notice. Carolina Shad fornlshed at a a Specialty, moment's ir&ture is sot given proper assistance. get ready for it, there Is no telling what may happen. Child-birth Is full of uncertainties if ' References-Guirklnjr& Co . bankers. i J..Iiileth City, N. C, and other finan ! lial housit rhfn rir. Mother's Fr?end jP cr- is Lho best help you can ttse at this time. m. J X UCilC Cl L Ct Ii ts a liniment, and when regularly ap rlied seTeral months before baby comes, t makes tho advent easy and nearly pain l It relieres and preTents " morning iicknesa," relaxes the overstrained mus 05, relieres the distended feeling, short" is labor, makes recorery rapid and ccr taln without any dangerous after-effects. Mother's Triead is good for only one . rorpose, rir.: to relieTe motherhood of ! dinger and pain. j One dollar per hotili at ait drag stores, or ter.t by expre on receipt ot rrtce. Tats Books, contalninr raloable I&formav-t!-a far wotseo, will bo sent to tvuj oddrws coa appJlCAtioa to TUB tSRADFlCID REaULATOR CO . AtlMta, Oo. CRYSTAL ICS AM ODAL CO., Elizabeth City. . C. P, O. Box 13. 'Phone 0 Sacrifice The Elizabeth City Net & Twine Co's AVharf Property. E. P. LAMB. I One mile from village, 2 miles from steamboat landing. A fine dwelling of eight) rooms, jWell flanked by piaz zars. . A. full sunplv of outbuildings. 14 horse stables. A large barn. 9 to bacco curing barns. Tobacco pack houses, i apple orchard, grape vine yard; 5. horse crop of cleared land. elegant water, healthy and beautiful country. Lands; adapted to trucking, bright tobacco, cotton, corn, etc For sale at a great bargain. The best home for the price asked in North Carolina. , E. F. LAMB, . 1 Kai Estate .gent. Estate Agency! WITHOUT V9 mm mt - " ; 1 . . j I : fiuNht., oc-WSesilAl RdlVn PR-RT) TV AVIS fected )! : commission deader r. . . . -''i:'iT-;. . ALL KINDS OF Send in description pf your property you deiire to sill and JFBKSH FIS El mwuii juui obii ui iiic Upuui til- T .' . . t t arp now receiving our supply -Coal, arid will fill orders promptly. ' AU coal is screened before leaving the Yard. None but the best handled, Lowest pricks guaranteed. Office on Water Street, EUzal)eth City J , ' Morumsnts and Grayestous. Are you thinking of buying -DESIGNS FREE Talaablt taVfemta. EipedaJIy TAloable to women is Brown' Iron Bitters. Backache Tanbhes, headache duarpeara, irtrength take the place of weakneasaod the glow of health readily comes to the pallid cheek when this won derfal remedy is taken. For sickly children OTierVorkea1 men U hu no eQJ- X Aome hould he without this famous remedy. Uxowns'Iroa Bitten is sold by all dealers. THIS YEAR? II BO buy the Peering PhII ami' Roller ! Ht'srln,:, t!i- li-htt st lraft nachino i n teith. If tn-ie i.- iio agent in ymr ca tint $ , lr'p :i iK!rnl for . partictiUis i to " U. W. TATE. A I, ! Columbia, N. C. i. "vhen ivritir.sr v.-ai of deceased and limit ;: In j rice. 1--:J LARGEST STOCK IX TPE OUT TO 3SU-XT F'lOM. Lowest Prices nn. Best Work THE C0U?n ftlARBLZ WORKS j (rsiiibiishini is is ) - ; 110 K j 1C3 Ba:,li St.. XOUFOLK, VA. nity offered at this time to dis tribute lists o? property through- out the united States. E.F Game and Terrapin.' NO. 704 SECOND STREET, BALTIMORE REAL ESTAT T-iAMR NO AGENTS EMPLOY LONS LEA iAciNT a. w. :mi ED; I- i F T03ACC0. Snccessorto Lamphear & Hafl, WLoleaaleCommiasIoi. Deafer In FKESH FISH. LOBSTERS. It NO. 12 FULTON B!isn SI AilKET. noim in quality or appearenoe. We H, f W 1 CVk 4 Clft '4'e wijih to call the attention! Ofv.tum! to our celebrated Loiij; L.o;f Tobacco, fl in Ra : . ; ' ' : - of 6ur brand. second cmnk it ha no eauil n iiicii in z.hj at retail cne trial, then it sells itself. . for the! i Driee. I We boliiitonly , North Carolina Sh I. a Sveciktv. No . He are now prepared to f urniah Coal and Wood in small or large quantities at prices as low as the low est. 'Phone or mail your orders to the office of Culpepper, Griffin & Old, Main St., or apply at offlce or yard, Robinson's Dock, Elizabeth City.N. c' and they will have our best attention. . E, City Ccal anfl Wood Co., W. N. OLD. C; W, StjsvbKs & Co