OUR LADY OF THE SNOWS. Oct of tha an, eat of th Li it, On cf th world ak I pal . Act U moor and throajh tii wood To whtn th monastery Xood. Tfcr neither lot nor brrathlnf Cfa, J.oc rumor of Lb world cf Ufa. ; H or coafidescea low and doaor Ehall rtrlae tn nwslltatlTa rax. Aloof, unhelpful and unkind. Th pHonra of ha Iron mind. Wbcrv Dothinf apraka except the bell. . Tba ttnfraternal brothera dwalL . And ye, O brethren. wUt If God. When from bnfea'i top ba apiea abroad And sea on tbia tormented atag Tba BoUa war of mankind rr What If tla TlTlfjton eye, ' O menka. should pa yoor corner ty t for atlU tba Lord la Lord of ml-hu la aeda. la decda ba taaea delljht: Tba plow, tba apear. the laden Laxka. Tba field, tba founded ty maxka. Zla nvarka tba ax&Uer of U atraeta. Tba alncer upon garden acata. Da area tba climber Ja tba rock. To him tba abepberd folda bia flocka, foe tboe ba ktrea that underprop Wlta daily Ttrtoea beaven'a Up, And bear tba failing aky with eaao, , Uafrowmlnff earjatklea. " Tboaa ba a'pprorea that ply tba trade. That rock tba child, that wed tba maid. That wtlb weak rlrtoe. weaker hand. 6tnr tladaena on the pecpled Unda. And itlU with Uof hter. aonj aod about Hp la tba rreat wheel of earth about, itutyaf Oya who llnjer atlll Xlera la your fortreaa on tba blU. With pLaeJd face-, with tranquil treat h. Tba oejoosM roJunteera of drain. Our ebeerfal fenaral a high "nth eareleaa look may f aua you ly I Robert Louia ffterenaoa. PENNY WISE. CbMSw In Money Catac nablU of tba Teopla. Americana of tbo class wbo go to Europe take note that in Germany a coin is tifictl called a pfennig and - worth a quarter of a cent and that in France centime are in use, which are current at one-fifth of "a cent. This practice of using money in such minute, divisions excites the con tempt of Americans, which is, how- crer, returned by tho Germans and French and is expressed freely at the foolish 'and wasteful Americans who, in thtir own country, mako no uso of any coin less than a cent. And yet there is a change gradual ly extending over the United-States in what may be called the money using habits of the people. Thero was a time within the remembrance of western and southern Americans, before United States silver coin was In general circulation in the Missis eippi valley, when the picayune, a Spanish coin worth when in good condition 6i cents and when worn smooth 5 cents,- was the smallest coin in use. From the picayuno came the word picayunlih, signify ing a email, mean, penurious na ture. In New England, where the people o divided tho dollar as to create many fractions and continued to ppeak of shillings, pence and half pence long after our separation from England, a copper coinage was main: tained, and people contended for the odd cents and even half cents due them. In making change from the ntrlimit n4 "lint lcinnin WCSt Of the Hudson there was until n com paratively recent, penuu nu uustruwc of copper coin?, nothing for sale at less than 5 cents and a general dis position to speak lightly of even 5 cent transactions. This has, within tho present gen eration.grcatly changed. Tho nickel has come to stay, ami cents are ev ery where in circulation. Tho gov ernment set-an example in first re . duciog letter postage to 3 cents and later to 2 cents. Tho proud, haughty and lavish American fouud himself compelled to deal in coins less than 5 cents. Tho cheapening of postage led to the selling of, many articles of common use, such as newsiuipers, at less than 5 cents, and whatever sacrifice of pride it may have cost; the average American found himself buying these things at the reduced prices and dealing in nickels and pennies. It was a come down but it came. It should be remembered that these bo called dealings were not the result of decreasing wealth in the country, since the supply uf money .in tho country has been steadily in creasing for many yeais, but were the effect of increasing sense. The massive and yet acute intellect of tho American has 'grasped tho fact that thero is no reason why he should' buy more of a given article than he needs or pjty for it twice as inucb as is asked. Slowly the most intelligent and best educated inhab itant of tho earth has surrounded worth of something, if that is what he needs, and paying a cent for it. With tho increased u?e of smaller change has como the practice of buy ing and selling most things at once unheard of prices. Tho wonl cheap, once unpopular with Americans, is a at quite common now. There is a high priceandalowprico for everything, and well to do people are not afraid or ashamed to pay tho latter. We have not arrived yet at the pfennig and tho centime, but wo may get there. We do not save matches and candle ends and lumps of sugar which we have onco bought and paid for, as they do in the old countries, but ' there is no good rea son why we should not. With all our wisdom thero is no just cause why we should not accumulate pen ny wisdom. It is hard to predict what the United States might arrive at if, in addition to being the richest country in the world, it was in the habits of its people the most sensi ble and saving. Kansas City Star. An IrUh WhUper. it An. sure. Dinnis. it's crazv Oive been Wll day to hear ye till me that ye loved me." "Arrab, inavourneen, come closo to mo till I fhisper it in yer ear.M it's hard of hearin Oi am wit me 1 cars, but ef yell jiit have the koind-! nes to fhisper it on me lips it'll radio me comprihinsion in a jiffy, I so it will r'Tloi ton Courier. ' A Clever Imitation. A certain Cleveland attorney has two bright littlo children. They are quick at imitation and have a talent for making up games in which they cleverly burlesque their elders. A few days ago their mamma found they wcro playing 'doctor.1 The youngest child was the patient, with head wrapped in a towel, and the older the physician, with a silk hat and a cane. The mother, unseen by tbo little ones, listened at the door way. MI feels awful -bad,'. said the pa tient. ; "We'll fix all that," said the doc tor briskly. "Lemme see your tongue.' Out came tho tiny red indicator. Hum! Hum! Coated," said the doctor, looking very grave indeed. Then, without a word of warning, the skilled physician hauled off and gave the patient a smart slap in the region of the ribs. 'Ouchi' cried the eufferer. Feel any pain -there 1" inquired tho doctor. "Yes, said the patient . I thought J50," said the healer. 'How's the other side!" "It'B all right," said the patient, edging away. ThfTpnnon the doctor nroducod a small bottlo filled with what looked like either bread or mud pills and Dlaced it on tho table. 'Take one of these pellets, the I physician said, 'dissolved in water, . every 17 minutes alter-mit-ly. . 'How long mus I take eml' groaned the patient. 'Till you die," said the doctor. Good morning!" Cleveland Plain Dealer. Willowy. 'I don't say all women are alike," remarked Mr. Meekton; with a sigh, J'but Elizabeth hasn't changed much. Before we were married she was what they call a willowy sort of girl. She is now a pronounced I will-owysort of a woman. Chica go Tribune." . Eatrtern roofs are geneially flat for comfort during tie summer sea son. The roofs of houses in the east are often used as outdoor gardens. The Greeks gave the roof a slight elevation in tho middle. The Ko mans increased it to one-fifth of the sian. The high pointed roofs of mod ern time? are of German origin. me Every" mother feels an inde scribable dread of the pain and danger attend ant upon the most critical pe riod of her life. Becoming a mother should be a source of joy to all, but the suffering and c ordeal make danger of th its anticipation one of misery. MOTHER'S FRIEND is the remedy which relieves women of the great pain and suf fering incident to maternity; this hour which is dreaded as woman's severest trial is not only made painless, but all the danger is re moved by its use. Those who use this remedy are no longer de spondent or gloomy; nervousness nahsca and other distressing con ditions are avoided, the system is made ready for the coming, event, and the serious accidents so com mon to the critical hour are obviated by the use of Mother's Friend, r is a bkssing to ivtmoiu 5 1.00 at all Drug Storea, or sent by expreaa on receipt of price. ROOKS CooUlninr; Inralaable Information of rorr &teret to all women, will be tent rntt to any address, upon. appUcatlon, bj Ibe BRIDriILD EEGCXATOB CO- AtUaU. 6a, NORTH CAROLINA, In the Camdeu county. Sup'r Court, S. D. Bnrnhain, J. E. CartwriRhf and wife X. E. Cortwright. B. F. Burn hum, M. V. Whitehurst, I. N. Burn ham, T N. Burnham, M. 11. Burn ham, J. X Whitehurst and wife Ijovey Whitehnrat, O. W. Bumham, I. E. Buruham and B. B. James, I'laintiUs M. A. Riddick, J. I- Riddick, M. P. Riddick, T. C. KUldlck, D. E. Rid dick and 8. 31. Riddick, Defendants. ' NOTICE. . The defendants above named will tale notice, that ah action has this day been commenced against them in this court in favor of the plaintiffs above named; that th purpose of the came is to have a division by order of the court among the plaintiffs and defend ant above ncmed of the thiee:tracts of land and improvements situated in South Mill township, State and county aforesaid, and more particularity ties crilxd as follows : - I First tract. known as tbe"S. J. Burn ham Home Tract, adjoining the lands of George W. Burnham. S. R. Edney, John I Hinton and others and con taining one hundred and thirty-eight acres, more or less. Second tract, known as the MBr!te Field; adjoining the lands of S. R. Ed net, Robert Bullock, James B. Stance snd others and containing thirty-eight acres, more or less. Third tract, a tract of "Swamp Land adjoining the lands of George W Burnham, Frank Raper, the Pasquo tank river and others, and containing one hundred acres, more or less; that th cuiuuions in this cause is returna ble before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Camden county. North Caro lina, at his office In said county on the 31 st day of May, 1S9S, when and where the defendants above named are required to appear and answer or de mur to the complaint in this cause, which will be filed In the same accord ing to law. This, the 17th day of March, lbOS. Jt. L. FORBES, . Qlerk Sup. Court, Camden Co, NC. Baby - t- Foul-Smelling I Catarrh. Catarrh is one of the most obstinate diseases, and hence the most dinlcuit to ret rid of. ' There ii but one way to cure it. The disease is in the blood, and all the iDrays. washes and inhaling mixtures In the world can have no permanent effect whatever upon it. Swift's Spe cific cures Catarrh permanently, for it u the only remedy which can reach the disease and force it from the blood. Mr. B. P. McAllister, of Harrodsburg, Kj.t had Catarrh for years. He writes: "I eould aae no lmprorement wbaterer Bimifh Iwaa eonatanUy treated with aprayi a u Li wuun, iuu uiucr ent Inhaling remedies in faet. I could feel tha eaeh. winter I wuworM than tha year prerloos -Finally It wal broazntto my not let that Catarrh waa a blood disease, and after think--. ing oyer the matter. 1 aw It was unreasonable r Jv"Sf to expect to be cured by , remedies which on It f Z 1 reached the surface. 1 ST 8. sTnd after a few bottles were used. I no ticed a perceptible lmprorement. Continuini tha remedy; the disease was forced out of mj STStem. and a complete care was the result I adnse all who have this dreadful disease tc abandon their local treatment.whieh hasnerei dona them any good, and take 8. 8. 8a rem edy that can reach tha disease and cure It-. -To continue the wrong treatment for Catarrh is to continue to suffer. Swift's Specific is a real blood remedy, .and cures obstinate, deep-seated diseases, which other remedies have no effect "whatever upon. It promptly reaches Catarrh, ana never fails to cure even the most aggravated cases. a csa &Yw,,r is Purely Vegetable, ana is tne oniy blood remedy guaranteed to contain no dangerous minerals. Books mailed free by Swift Specific Company," Atlanta, Georgia. NS W ADVERTISEMENTS PARKER'S -HAIR BALSAM CtMTMK and beautifies tba DMtt. frocaotaa a huunaol JTxywth. rvre Taila to Betor Gray Kalr to its Toothful Color. Care araip d mc a hair faUing. SOcandtl 'Oat ImTi . SENT FREE t to housekeepers Lifil COHPAEn . i Extract of Bepf- - COOK BOOK- telling how to prepare many icate and delicious Ashes. Address Llebig Co., P. O. Box ! New York. del- 2718 aLTIMORK bTEAM rACKET CO. Elejrant Steamers Pally, exptoc-t OLO Sunday between Baltimore and MAY Old lolnt Oomfort, Norfolk, Porta L I N E mouth ana all potn South. Direct ; connections with all railroads ter- ' mlnatlng at Norfolk, TorUimouth BETWEEN and Hampton Road. ALTIMOHE, STEAMER VIRGINIA, from Oi.D PO NT, Baltimore, for Richmond, every NORFOLK, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, RICHMOND at 4 P. M. from PIER 10, -LIGHT AND SOUTH. St., by way of Chesapeake Bay i and James River. Arrive at icn- TIIE mond next morning. Nodeiay, SWIFTEST, no transfers. HAFEST Mealaon Enropean plan. Lnx SUREST urloua Staterooms, Electric Lights ROUTE Steam Heat. Berths free. Ticket Office, 129 E ist Balttmore ! Street Telephone 1435. JOnN R-SHERWOOdI E. W. THOMPSON. General Manager. Traffic Manager. , K BROWN, (ieneral TKket Agent. WILLIS H. ROGERS Wholesale Commission , FISH DEALEK i 10G Fulton Market, NEW YORK. North Carolina Shad a Specialty. Stencils fornished av a moment's notice. References Qpirkinsr&Co.,4banker8, Elizabeth City, N. Cand other finan cial houses when desired SJ L. STOKER & CO. s WHOLESALE Dealers and Shippers of all kinds oi FRESH FISH 1 FULTO FISQ MARKET, N. Y. Tarticular attention iaid to the Shad Department. We employ no agents and pay no commteions. If your stencil is in good order let' us know S. B. MILLER, & CO. WHOLESALE 'NO.?! FULTON MARKET. : . I 'HEW YORE." Special Attention gi wea to The 'Sab of North Carolina Shad. 8tencils&nd Stationary or 9 pliraticn. No A?enti A. W. HAFF, ! Successor to L mhear & Hall, Wholesale CommUaiou Dealer In FRESH FISH LOBSTERS. EC. NO. 12 FULTON FISH BIARKET. . New York City, North Carolina SbJ I a Specialty. No Asenic. JAMES BOND, COMMISSION DEALER IN ALL KINDS 07 FRESH FISH, ! Gams and Terrapin. NO. 701 SECOND STREET ' . UALTiyOlE f NO AGENTS- EMPLOYED. 0. Con FISH Dealer 0. W.; STEVENS & CO. 1 HOLESAIE T0BACC0HISTS: j ! AND CIGAR r.lAnUFACTURER; SnuflL; Cigars, CigaretteTs Pjpe, Eta r Prices Guaranteed. Job Lota a Specie I The only Exclasive Tobacco House in the City. WATER ST EL1ZAPETH CITYajWa Snoke cur Hand Hade Havana 4 f TO i 1WHOLESALE A ! .-.'" GEOGEES A1TD -AND DEALERS IN- Hay, Lime, Cement, Hair & Plaster, CS'l'rettiest and Best Ready Send for New Color Cards. 'Terpentine, Etc. ' AGENTS FOR A..WRENN & SON S ELIZABETH i Iwo Ways of Buying Seeds. One way is to wait until sewing time, pick ap seeds aa your local dealer happens to have in sto-sk, and then take the! consequences. . The other way is to decide early what your needs willbe, aud then provide for th'-m sensibly; it isn't sensible to buy seeds haphazard, as you can some things, for all the operations of farm or garden de- vpend upon the qualities of the seeds their purity and vigor. It is foolish to take risks unnecessarily. 1 j J Before long you will be wanting many kinds of seeds fpr summer planting; don't wait until you are ready to sow before; you think of getting the seeds. Why not write to us in good time and get seeds worth your planting high-grade, thoroughbred seed. j We would like especially miffor finw miifih or how liw uiwiv '-' pound deliverea at your nome GEO. TAIT & SONS, SEED MERCHANTS F.H ZIEGLER&BR0. Succespor to John II. Zkiulkb Dealer in aJ.kinds of llfinFRTAKERS' SUPPLIES. From the Cheapest to the best. All tel- CSA?EHNDCOOL!HBWDS' vhsn desired. The finest Hearse in tnis eection. R sewo'd, walnut, ciotn-cov-ered and metalic caskets a specialty a tiiA Rtflnd on- Ehrimzhaa'e R Street. Thankful tor past pationge. CAlso all kinds of cabinet work. Monuments and Gravestones. DESIGNS FREE- 'Vhen writing state age of deceased and limit as to price. LARGEST STOCK IN THE SOUTH TO SELECT FROM. Lowest Trices and Best !Work . Guaranteed. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS (Established 1848) U9 io 163 Bank 8t.,yORFOLK. VA. A filatter of Choice ?J a-- Whether you have yourLteeth extract ed the old way, with pain, or use Gas, Vitalized Air, Cocaine," and " all their attendant dangers, or with '"perfect safety, without pain or sleep at N; Y DENTAL ROOMS, ONLY, 324 Cor. Main and Talbot streets Norfolk, Va. Office bours: 8 to 6; . -nudays 10 to 1. -ENNES, D'entis'. Established 20 years. Don't neglect Tour I4rer. lifer troubles quickly result in EeriouSi " complications, and the man who neglects his liver has little regard for health. A bottle of Browns' Iron Bitters taken now and then will keep the liver in perfect order. If tbe disease has developed, Browns' Iron Bitters will cure it permanently. Strength aod : vitality will always follow its, Use. Browns' Iron Bitters is sold by all dealer- 1 ' v C. Pilled' 'WcTl.dV Favcrit3 CifW sunixiH Dnipeo mill and J & IS TOBACCONISTS - Mixed Paidtf in the city. Lead, Oil,- Varnishes, - BUGGIES. A full ine kept in stock.' CITY- N. C. 1 10 suppiy jour mruip ueeus uw dcmwu, little vou inav:nedJ 50 cents per .ar 78 Commercial Plce, Norfolk, Va E. F. LAIUIB, Attorny-aMaw and Real Estate Agent. Prompt attenton given to Pro fessional Business. Loans Negotiated on Real Estate. Farms, Town j Property Timoer Lands " . . i . - i bought and sold on commission PARTIES HAVING ! TIMBER LANDS, FARMS Vacant Town Lots, pwellings in jTown, ; j Or Wharf Property tfi sell have wopportuiutjr Co! . advertise tlie same atiroid througli jtMs Real Estate Agency WITHOUT EXPENES, as no charges are made unless sale is ef fected. jR -I' I -R.tT;-;: j - Send In description io! your property you desire to i sell arid avail yourself of the opportu nity offered at this time to dis tribute lists of property through out the United SiatesJ E. F LAlMB, RAL ESTAT jACENT 'rT7 -t -A ur FAX PEERS' GUIDES iitid 1898 Manual of - ft ew Seeds? Implements i .k needs one. Larger and more fix . complete than ever.; Send . - - name ana address; Iaucd Vli 203 ta 213 Faca Circ!. ' .rf vConnscUdWai U c mm s sofcri 1 1 co SCHEDULE IN EFFECT FEB. 21 , 1898 Norfolk and Southern Railroad mail and express trains, Bouthbouudi daily (except Sundays) leare Elizabeth City at 11:40 m Northbound daily exceptlSunday. leave Elizabeth City at 2: 45 p mj No 3 and 4 Northbound leases Elizabeth City. 9: 20 a. to and poing South C: p; m. every Tuesday, Thurtday and Pat- urday. - : - ; ' . r ' ' !. J , Both trains arrive' at aid depart from Norfolk & Western depot, Norfolk; connect at Norfolk with all rail and steam er lines, and at Edenton with ateamers-for Roanoke, Cashie, Chowan ana cuppi nnrnr rivers: transfer sterraer to Mackey's Ferry. thence by Norfolk ft Southiern Bi R. to Roper. 1 Tantego ' Belhaven fH-temer Vinrinia Dare " - , for Make.eyvine, Aurora. niujcwu uu Intermudiate lanains. . .f Eastern Carolina1 Dispatch I Old Dominion Line. Thp Steamer NEDSEs leaves Eliza beth City Tuesday, Thurisday and Sat urday at 6: 00 P. M. for MewBerne, con nontintr with A.. A N. C. it. R. lor Golds boro. Kinston and Morettead City ; and with W. & N. R. K. for Jacksonville, Wilmincrton. etc. RetUrninfiT leaves VaixrKmA MVinriav. WeUnesdavl' and TtrfHo.v. nnhinr - At Roanoke Island Tuesday and Saturday! going South and Tuesday going nortu. , . j m . Steamer NK WUrjitiH leaves iiizaoeui ntjr Afnndflv noon and Wednesday 6 d. m.. for Koianoke. isianu vcracoKe T ( . - . 3 . n . Oriental and Newbere. j - I Tickets on saile at Elizabeth City. Sta tion to Roanoke Lland. Oclacoke. Orien tali New Berne, iiitston, uoiasnoro Morehead Citv and Wilmington; N. C nJlv all rf rapirvfftft between Ellznbctl Citv and New iork, Philadelphia, jBalti more and Norfolk. a Thrniich nam. and as low rates and quicker time than by any other route. i Direct all coode to be shipped via East OTA furnlino FliflnRirh R fullOWH FrOCD Norfolk by Norlolk & Southern Railroad Baltimore, by r. W. li. u. it., iesi dent Street Station; Philadelphia, bj PAnnosliroi.;. T? T? TVtrlr Ktrppt. HtiAt.mn Nfew York, by I Penney lvania R. Rt, Piei 27. North River, and Old Dontinion Line.; ... : i: -i For further Information SDDly tO';M H Snowden. Aurent Elizabeth! City, or toth Oeneral office of the TNorfoIfcand Southerr Railroad Co., Norfolk, Va. i M. K. KINtt. U. V, UUVUirp, j Gen'l Manager, Gen'l Ft.&PaM At. PETIT'S NOETH CAROLINA iLIfES C. L. PETITT manager. Steamer NE WTON will leave Norfo'k fnr "Rli7.ti.heth Citv. Creswell aisd wav landiners on Wednesdays arid Saturdays at 4 t. m. Elizabeth uity jor v;res wen on Thursdavs and Mondays at 9:30 a. m Botnrnr'nff will lpftvfi " f!rP.9Wel I for Norfolk-on Tuesdays , and Fridays' at 4 . iu., and Hiiizaoeth uity same day at 7 30 p. nt, arriving inNoifplk net day. Steamer tiaromger win leave nonoiK Vr P'.lizn.heth. Citv. Hertford -and wav ftndincs: nn Tuesdavf and Eridavs at 4n. days and Haturaays at y.ov as. m. neiurn- nc will leave Hertrord lor .Norfolk Mondays, tndj Thursday s atl 7 a. mJ and Elizabeth Citv same dav at 2:30 n m.. arriving in Norfolk next day. V. W Ml HvltloXi 1 1 JAQKNT, ; Elizabeth City. N.. C. DoVBtEmurSaifKE Atlanta, Cliarlottr, Angnfeta, Atjiend, Wilmington, New Orleans; C'hattanooga, asbvllle. I -." ; :j A SCHEDULE IN EFFECT lay 8; '98. SOUTHBOUNPi 1 No. 403i -'No 41. v. Norfolk, S.A.T778 30pm 9 05ara ,y. Portsm'tli . " 8 45dm 9 20am Lv. Weldon 11 28pmll 55am 12 5Gam 1 48pm 7 32am f4 16pm t7 OOrimflO 19am 2 16am 3 40pm 5 07api . 6 G6pm 6 43aim 9 l?pm Li2 05pm 7 50am10 25Dm Ar. Henderson, Ar. Durham, Lv. Darham, Ar. Raleigh, Ar. Hdmlet, Ar. Monroe, u Ar. Wilmington, Ar, Charlotte,! Ar CheSter, J 8 03an10 56pm liv.Corbia,C.N.&LRR : mnm Ar. Clinton, S.A.L.. 9 45am12 14am Ar. Athens, " 1 18pm 3 43am Ar. Atlanta, (Cen time)2 50pm ,5 20am northbound! j !f; Nn 4ii21- Nn. 519. Lv. AHa"Ma(Cen.time)5, A. LiS' COd'n 7 50pm Jiv. Athens, i " 3 13p!m 11 19pm Lv. Clinton, 0 30pm 2 55am Ar.Corbia.C.N.&L.RR. -i 7 45am Lv. Chester, ft. A. L. 8 13pW 4 25am Ar. Charlottt;;! 10 25pm 7 50am Lv. Monroe, I - " 9 40gnr 6 05am Lv; Hamlet, i w 11 lopni 8 00am Ar. Wilmington u 4-12 05ant Lv. Raleich. i 2 lOitra 11 25am Ar. Henderson, - " 3 i8m12 57pm t7 32am 4 16pm t7 OOpJmflO 19am 4 55aim 2 45pm 7 25a(m 5 20pm 7 35am o 35pm Ar. Darham, liv. Darham, Ar. .Weldon An Portsmouth. Ar. N rfolk, i Daily. fPaily Ex. Sohdiy i Nofi. 403 and 40'2; 'TKa A tla rt ' m-m. IUJ SDHciaL'' Solid ..Vt-stlhnld Train !f Pullman Sleepers and Coacles bet welen Washington and Atlanta, alSo Pullman Sleepers between Pbrtsiriouth and Chester, S. O. I I 1 it Nos. 41 and 38. The S. A. L Ex press," Bolid Train, Coaches; and Pull man Sleepers between Portsmouth and Atlanta. iCompany Sleepers between Columbia and Atlanta. I -1 s For Tickets. Sleepern, etc.. apply to y. . xiijiiM,jR.. U. Jr. A., - oi u ttttA x , j? uitrj.a t. fi. A.. I. Portsmouth, Va. E; ST. JOHN. Vice-Pres. and Gen Mgr Hi w m T : T. J. ANDERSON. Gen. Pa.8. Agent. ueierai unices, Portsmouth, Va, S 1 POSTOEFIGE DIRECTORY. North mails cloge at 0: a.m., and ar rives at 6: p. in., Theedaj' p. m.. Tnurs day and Saturday, and arrives at 11.40 and closes 2 15 daily. Southern mail closes at 11. 10 o. 111.. daily and 5. 30 p.m.. ' Tuesdays, Thun-days and Saturdays. No mailes arrive mt an departs from this office to Intermcdian pointts between Norfolk "and Edenton on the early and late trains except to Hertford .and Snowden. r . . Skyco, 12 ra. Monday and on Tueg-da-s Wednesday and fcaturdays at 0 . F'Ocracoke,12 i". Mondays and Cp m Wednesday. . '''. Newbern, 12 in. . Monday, and on Wednesday, Tuesday,' Th 11 ri.lay and Saturday at 6. p. m. - Weeksville aod ixonton arrive at 11 a. m.on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays. anJ close, at 1 oVlock p. m. uu same days, . . ' , R .sedMle anivc daily at 11 a ,m and close at 1 p.m. .1 , Street letter boxes have bt en located at nnrcroAR Btnct and Pet nsvlvatna Avenuej Main and Vater; Mret-s, I oiu dexterandShepard 8tretts,In:il and Law rence streets, Mu In and Road streets.. T mail ir.' m t ox located at corner of Wat. and Main streets will be collected at klH) a. m. ami 1:30 p. m. At all the other street letter boxes 'at 8:00 .o'clock a. m. -.nd 1 o'c.oek p. m. j , Postofflce opens at 8 a m,, and closes at 7:0C o'clock p. m. ' !.' Persons calling for advertised lettcrt 'will ask tor them ft9 such. ! Lock boxes can be obtained by apply in for the tamc. Callers at the general dclhery winlo will enter on the n;ht and- depart to tin left. -This iule' will be rigidly en forced and no" one will he served out ol their regular turn. - The patrons of the ofJce hi c requested 10 report any misconduct ot inattention on the part of the clerks. Box holders are requested to. JurniPh the P st Master with complete list ot names, ot members of business firms, Corjora!ion or Families that are entitled to l e placed in their , resrctivc lettlr Boxes. . LP. F. LAMH. Pcptnihtter THB ELIZABETH IRON WORKS, . CltAS. W. PETT1T, Proprietor. 80 to 286 WATER 5TRI-ET, Kcrfolk, S , - .; MANUFACTURKl'.S OK Engines, Boilers, F0RGIHGS anil CASTINGS. -Machin and Mill upp Uu at lowest . tes ' !. ' ' Wdramen sen out on application for rapair. ., Hlecial Sales Agent "for Mervbants Babbit Metal. ESTABLISHED 1870. TASTELESS IS JUST AS COQD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRECE50cts. CALATIA, IM-S.. NOT. Io, 1333. Paris Medicine Co., ht. ljuiHrM. GentJraefi: Wo old lust year, etii onion of GllOVB'H TASTKLKSH CHILIj TONIC ami hnro Douffbt three gross already thin yonr. In nil our -x perience ol 14 yenrn. In tho dro lnixInoM, hiiva never Bold on sirtlclo timt ynvo mien imtvc-nul uatut lactlon aa your Toiiic. Yours truly, For Sale and euarnntced hy Drs.W.W GRIGGS , & SON, Elizabeth City, N. C and all Druggists PEED DAVIS, ' We are now; receiving cur itippjy CpAL.'aijd will fill orders promptly. All coal is ?crecned o-fore leavine the Yard. None but the , bet handled, Lowest p.nicKB guaranti ed. Office on Watrr. Street. El'zabeth CitT S '-Tim Are you thinking of buying THIS YIL1R i t so buy the Deerinc Ila.ll and Roller Bearing, the lightest draft machine on earth. If there is no agent in your county, drop a postal for particulars to - . Mil P wE5 It AS Par .iS&M-wS'a n n n n n crp rFy JKfl fl Fr TO W1II& C.W.TATEM, a Columbia, N C ; i

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