, I i: it. t f U 5 tj l , - t : . ' ;1 V It : '"i '? i 1 t t ; i r if if P L. r - No V I'crsona deairtncr positions as teachers in Iho public schools of Elizabeth City are requested to Alderman. Use Fishing The President of the University make application by the first day of I Df North C&rolina. E. A. Alderman July 1808. - D. aii.. on Monday Jane 13th, In the case of Moses WeiseL sur-11898. at nieht. speaks in Lowry s viring partner, va. Geo. W. Cobb, Academy. It is an admirable selection, I and Mr. Sheep has added to our obli- tho bupreme Court at its last ses- , . n sion, rendered an opinion in favor of gations- tohnnby tendering the ap- the plaintiff, pointment to Dr. Alderman and pro- T. . . . . . ,t curing its acceptance. President Al- It is an agricultural axiom that a , . . , . , . dry June never begs its bread," and dermAa ft Joune mxn bnt P09" if it be a scientific law that "action ition in the field of education pro- and reaction" are nature's laws, then claims his character. He is in the this will be a rood cron tmt. for i w $ fmn J"Ur mc h?' re.rlshU JT "C!P" " of North Carolina, U not facile prin- we nave xne uau ma jmmi ntu w ciiTiuuuaujr ury jou.i ! tt v i i otr el to his culture, and we feel sure auianu Air . u. u. iayenstein were on -Jane 13lb, uuticu iu uuii uiauuuuuTi xmuui 7" Uulr. your Iwvit is riht. No hope of prrat success in any bai ne uo'esa you have lioncst pur- mmmmmmmmnmimriimmmnimmmin! lmnimmnimnijniiim the people. Our STxxV are of ijual It j that the people- want. Oar prices are reasonable, and our guarantee Is s,it faction. We can famish yoa with a bady pin or a Bicycle, and will guarantee all goods sold to bv of the beptcif their kind. ' r I Repairing:, r the If your work ii not atU!actorily done you vrill confer a favor by re turning it for improvement. Work must Ih paid for when cieliTeretl. , - ''-J , .. .... i I ' t c:rr tu' t 4u. i : I win ce a rare orjoonuniiv ior our '. fta ceAny "S3 Up!., an occarion taat they wonld 7IlUiUUIlifUUiUiiiUiaiUUliUlUlUUi pxace ai ice resilience oi ue groom i ao well to pront DT. xnereiore we onAVater street and was a Teryfeel jastified in calling upon all our pleasant occas,on. citizens, of aU classes and aires to Iw t turn out and enjoy this rare intel- ..!.!? u 7 Co?- lectnal banquet, and if they fail to mg it with Pasquotank river, is car- . , . . i r..t. . m -i I receive benefit from the address of cietx on. iuo cm is iour xnues longi ; nAT. I Dr. Alderman, then they can hold It will be twelve feet deep when fin-1 us individually responsible for it. ihed and in width will coorres- pond with the canaL I I . The Flying Squadron. i Tim vnAnnA Milfrav nraw IaaIo A. UiU a tlii V T U1UUOWJ A V.l I m ' f f the earliest throb of the new Indus- -uann-8 arDor waa m l.OTCe " f j th nu on &a tarda v. uroatan, oi wmcn Dismal Swamp Canal is opened up I Mann's Harbor is the capital, gener- v setl, or a tittle letter. on our Drfess Goods, to navigation and our town becomes I the gateway of our inland commerce, it will become the great business of the place and tho most fortunate in vestment of capital. ally goes in flocks. This may be owing to their living in a goose honk' country, or it may be from the instinct ot security. Why or where fore, we know not A week asro we blacki i A Sales. We guiranta all gocds as to quality and price, and if jour pur chive is not satbfictor in any Iirticular, we should be pleased to have it made known, as we care more for your good will and con tinued tiatronage than for the profit uf a single transaction. Hathaway Bros., Reliable Jcwolers. ftxTllight on the corner. a anl-nnnlAilna a i n f inn from Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wood chromcled V18lt of a h flock of Edenton, to attend the marriage with their best girls, and Saturday of their daughter, Miss Eate Oil there came a flock of ten Mann's Ham and Mr. George Parke Folk, on Harbor men who left their girls be Wednesday, June .the 15th. 1898,at hd ; them. Thev were hungry, one o clock at fat. Jf aui s cnurcn, , , ... . , , Edenton, X. C. Our cordial congra- WJ hilarious and on pleasure tulations. bent.; They kept together and fol- lnwofl fTiflir 1arlpr rrrroo linnV fooli rri. .: a. . i j is till Ui IUO DIUUCU U) Ul . -r -a r 1 i . .. , -. tbeA.CL on Monday night at ,on- E-B. Midgett was their leader Lowry s Academy, was an attractive with his lieutenants, J. C. Craddock, occasion, and tho recitations, vocal I and J. It. Beasly, which left W. O. and instrumental music, drills, evo- Barnett, J. B. Cox. B. F. Twiford, lutions and exibitions m jboI A. B. Combs, C. T. Sutton and T. culture were ven- fine, riothwith- ,r ... , . landing the inclement and threaten- D &nn' m ranks- The mov ing weather the attendance was very ed in shape like a flock of honkers. respectable in numbers and appre-1 They ! were hungry and they fol ciation. I lowed their leader to Swain's Hotel. The census taker of the school a tneJ meJ cieanea tne piat- comiriittco of Elizabeth City town Iter, but Swain says no, that he could ship nas jiLst completed Ins work, take care of all Mann's Harbor and Hamburg Edgings. j 5c. Edging 3c. the yard; 8c. quality for 5c; 10a grade for this sale 8c; 15c. goods, 10c; 20c. quality, 13c; 25c. quality, 18c. Linings, Etc. i r ! j Keystone Cambric, regular price 5c , for this sale ONLY our price. 2 3-4c all colors. Skirt Stiffnings, Wiggins, 5c; Cotton Buckrura, 10c quality Cc; Linen Buckrum, 13c Collar Board 10c.; 8c Corset Jeans Cc;-Gc quality 5c. - Boy's Blouse Suits Wash Goods. Sizes 3 to 10 yars, worth 75c," now 45c. ; tho $1 kind now"'C2c. ... . ' '. . v : ' , . ' B03 S suits, 8 to15 yearsi were $1.75, now $1.23. Laces " . At 1, 2, 3, 4, 5cts. and up to 19c the yard, pripes are one-half the value for this sale only. The above Best duality Calico. ! For this sale the nride will be 3 3-4o. Men's Suits j " -Guaranteed fast cojors, yarn-dyed,- worth double, now $3.98. Ladies gauze y?sts 4c; children 3 l-2cts. Umbrellas, ..,' v - - .j Ihe 50c. now 33c; the 75c. now C0c; the $1.25 now 98c. Parasols, white, silk, ne ruffle, regular price $1.25, now 98c. ; Organdies (Figured). 10c. quality, thi.s saleJ only 5c. Organdies, 15c. quality, th4t is selling everywhere at 5c. the yard, our price j3 l-2cts.- Shirting calico for this sale only, 7c Brown or Unbleached Cottons. ! i Some; for 3c. the yard; 5c, quality 3 3-4c "Fruit of Lobm" bleached cottons, 5 l-2c. the yard worth 7. 1 1 the L O C jO.L JV JEl TVS. A wooden legged man on a bicy cle w a new. development in cycling. and linds the number of school children from the age of six to iwenty-one, in tne townsnip is: white 12S2, colored 951. In his es timate of population, he thinks that the white outnumbers the colored population by somewhere one and two huudred. have some left. It was a flying squadron. They next lit down among natnaway s Jiicycies ana in less time tnan you couia say honk," each one was onto a bicycle De.ween ,i;;t, pi. . itt uuu ukmu tut but? -a. ui iu J with "Jerry Water's baby monkeys, Tbwels. ! 4c. good quality cotton; large size worth 12c oUr price 9c Over 5 miles of Handkerchiefs worth 10c for this sale,5c.v L!adies Shoes, 1 ! j E. P. Reid's Shoes, all at one price, the $2.50 quality, $3 quality, also S3.50 and $4 grades, 31.76. Ladies $1.25 now 95c; j No. 40 Satin Ribbon, all colors, 15c the yard. Corsets. The 25c. grade now 17c Men's Hats.! Alpine sliapes, pi quality how 50c. ; Straw MattingJ 15c. quality now 10c; ;20c. .quality now 15c. Talcum Powdet, scented, 8c per box. irra. Sarah Nixon has come to Elizabeth City to make it her per manent home. She has rooms at the Central Hotel. The "Murphvs are now on the mark legena oi lue eanv worm studied to advantage by the ers.- Rubber Shoes. I 20c.'for the 30c. grade; 35c. for the 50c. quality. I " - 75c qtiality now 55c; G0c. grade now 47c hen the November Ides come, bears, anallondas and wild cats. A and the question has to be setUed but oneT. jym Mann was ashort by white votes, whether North Caro- , j, ,T , TT , . , linai t b retered as a'dia- IeSSed Uanna Harbonan and taken U,l rnlnnr nf tipoxops and w could'nt getxn, and Drew jumped whites, or a grand old State govern-1 on to a double B. and jerked him on Tyl 7o f VR PS 1 Mfl.ll'LS (Irish praties) euuJ ffUlieiaeuflllua Paa' recoru oeiore nun ana on iney went n rket, and tho and a fuJure &lon w aP?.eal epUt after the flock. It was a gay ma3 baLniA, , ;n voam nav crowd and they had a gay old time, irUCX- I . . ... j t.i.iftTiri fnir orvAn f fhAir mnnov froolv wiio carry a ueavy loau win ao wuai 1 j x -----j we can. Tne Frst District appeals I and the merchants were polite and There was. a gay young party of lads I to white men throughout the State. J happy. Come bock again and all ami lassies on an ouiinfr 10 juaxe . , . . , .t I rf l ie m trooci, uiu iuo w uu iveuuu 1 j o j - - o j: . 1. very laaaie had. his K x - v a high a price for it, while they are hurrying on the .time in Eastern Carolina, when the necrro race will i,k n' ; 1 ' May 2nd, 1S93. Percales, yard fvide were 10c, now 5c the yard. Hooks arid Eyes. The 3c. quality lc. per card of 2 doz. Unique Hoqks 'and Eyes. ;: . The 5c hump kfnd 3 aozen on a card. I a card or two cards for 5c, two Wm. Clark's Ney Spool Cotton 3c per spool or 35c. per dozen. The 5c. qiiality fchildrjeri and ladies hose 3c, a pair. Misses Carroll and Graham, of "Maryland, who have been visiting Miss Margaret llollowell at Bay side, life for their homes on Wed-'nesday. Commissioners Proceedings ot Curn- tuck County. it is our opinion that the negro has" already 4ab3orbed" the low whites who are the 'connecting link" between tho negro and the whito race. - . . -m Alio WWU SJK VUU1U11O0IVU&14 UlbV UW ced by negro speakers at the colored COrdinz to adjournment, present G. A. Normal schools that white tax pay- Griggs Chmn B. D. Tillett and Wm. ers in North Carolina are support- H. White, , in If thpen iiprrrn prhoola are nnt Ordered by the Board that the pro- mg. If theso negro schools are put lMon of Jt A Holmes, State Geolo- to such uses we for one are in fayor iatt to erect a meridiau post at the of striking them from state white county seat be and is hereby accepted. surrort I The following orders were aiiowrea. I J. M. Caton for moving .records Iluh G. 3Iiller Esq, a promising offlceii. f 3.50 Dry pods,' ootsl Slices A ELIZABET of The new residence building of LttonTev of Norfolk, Va., who traces ilr. C. H Kramer on the site of the B. D. Tillett Commissioners 1 d&ye lii4 linrnrrn in PasnUOtank and! r it -iiru : n..ioD;-. f ,i.i.-q , i i-v T- ill t i I o I T . i. il vuuuuiicoiuuci l UCl) o ol4Pr-:lie?ntlamlniarkls neaV Camden counties, N. C, is to de- services and mileage $3.00. Aw MM mm a - - - . nnisneii ana is an ornament -.o mat iiver lhe annual address at Elon G. A. Griggs Uommisfiioner 2 days locality of beautiful residence?. In.. : i t xr n I regular and one special services. Bishop Watson made lis a kind on the 8th of June. Mr. Miller has call on Monday. ! He is a wonderful won, distinction in the rostrum old man, rigorous, alert and admir- fielJ, wlth P.any, ,of ouf J?8tnl?; ably preserved. Human life in the speakers. This address at Elon will to be pro-1 luo ursi auuieuiu iu uib ubiub State that he . has appeared Defore, I and, that fact, will, we hope, be an W ftcknowlpclrrft on invitnf inn in I lnsiiiration to him. We hope he attend the graduating Exercises of will be greeted at Elon with a large the Law class of the Columbia Law and appreciative audience. School in Washington, D. C. ilr. : Grandv is one of the giaduates. He -pv 4..7CIr is a son of our friend C. V. Grandr UOCtOlS DaYf A Card. progress of time seems lonsred. 9.50. A. M. Simmons for professional ser vices for February Mnrch and April. Wm. II. Bray clerk for 1 days ser vices to board, and recording 3-i orders 5 80.! . The following beneuts were allowed forApriL Wibby Duncan James Co we 11 Wiley Gregory H anor Taylor Sampson Simmons Hester Downing Wimmie Dough Ludicia Waterfield S 300 2 CO 4 00 2 00 3 00 2 10 Wa'shixqtonN. C., May 28, '98. Messr Bond, Spruitt and Small, Committee: Gektlemn Your esteemed fav or notifying me of my renomination as Juclsre Surerior. Court received. Through you I most gratefully thank the democrats of the First Judicial District for their confidence and re gard.! Coming from- a convention amon whose members "were many of the very .best lawyers in North Carolina, I esteem the renomination by aclamatfon a very high honor. I hore I mav continue to merit the I have fuU line deceaseJ. The Bradford brick building .'on lower Main ttrcet now casts it shad ow over Main street and is nearly omplete. The inner work is now being pushed rapidly to completion The tide of improvement is now set ting westward. Tho corner stone of a hew P. E. Church will be laid in Cresswell, Washington county, by Rt. Bev. A. A. Watson on, Tuesday, Jul v 5th, 1898. We return thanks to Mr. W. J. Mercer for a kind invitation to attend the occasion. . Prof. E. A. Johnson, of Shaw Uni versity, Baleigh, N. C, a light col ored negro, delivered tho annual ad dress before the colored State Nor mal School on Friday. Wo have heard "the address condemned for its "inflammatory character. It pre dicted, as we have heard, the ulti mate absorption of the Southern white race by the greater fecundity of the negro race in the Southern states. . Bilious and Intermittent Fevers Patrick Owtns tt-hicn of evail in miasmatic dis- Pegey casoa . , J as. B. Sawyer (for son) tncts arc mvanably accompan- Mary outlaw ied by derangements of the ggJ &hlniOI1 Stomach Liver and Bowels. Sarah Ackhn The Secret of Health. Frank ge . , , . . Easter Barco The liver is the great driving saiiyBeasiey i i i. e Malichi Payne and wife wheel in the mechanism oi Tnos., Lasseter man, and when it is out oforder, e,r8 and wife the whole system becomes de- hrfleld raneed and disease is the result. Betsey waterfield lutt's Liver jrnib o on approbation of my fellow citizens. jlourobed t servant, G.. H. Beown, Jr. . Cure all Liver Troubles. Robert's is tne chill tonic you want because it cures. 15c per bottle. No cure no pay. Pleasant as a Florida orange. For sale at Griggs & Son, City Drug Store and Wood's Drug store. Go to the City Fish and Oyster Market for fine Oysters and fish, op posite Swains Hotel, 'Phone No. 123. T.T. WHITCOMB. j W. I. Dudley 1 Mo. for poor Missouri Gammon - ; Q.A. Griggs. W. H. Brat, : Uharman. . Secretry. 200 200 2 00 2 00 2 00 200 5 00 300 2 00 2 00 200 200 2 00 400 300 300 300 2 00 2 00 2 00 2.00 7 30 2 75 '4 A are a source of comfort. They are a source of care, also .If rnrt rare for vour child's ViMith. send for illustrated book on the disorders to which children are subject, and which Frey's Vermifuge has cured for 50 years. Om tout by 1 LfortSaeota. KiS. PREY, I Baltimore, Sid. Il you are going to buy a f arasol or Umbrella, it will nay you to examine Fowler & Cos. before baying. We have a Bicycle tor you. call for it to-morrow morning and you can en joy a pleasant ride before breakfast. This not being dated holds good for seven 'jsars- Hathaway Bros, right on the corner. ' Notice to- Jfisherman. For Gill Neis aid Twine; see Fowler & Co. Soureiner spoons of -the Battleship Maine at Seligs. Only 35cta Stirling silver. Not ? now mucn we can get, but how little we can take is the principle on which we gain patronage everyday. ' Backet Store. - Hat a FOR ChildrenS 0 in National colors, also Scarf Bins; Lappel Buttons and Blouso Sets, all in National colors. (Mm The Leading Jeweler, 61 Water Street. ELIZABETH C-3 CiTYy1 On e7ery Saturday, until further notice, JwM make j , one dozen Diamond Photo grapns for 50 cents, or one dozen Mantello Cards for tl.00 of all school children. j TURNER, The New Photographer, Cor. Polndexter and Mathews streets, Elizabeth City. N. C. for Sale. c. THE TUG SOPHIE WOOD Built in 1892, sixty-three feet long; has 10x10 engine and thirty-two horse pow er boiler. Cost four thousand dollars. Will be sold. cheap. and on easy terms. Can be seen at Edenton, N. C. E.F.LA.MB. I LOriG LEAF TOBACCO. We wish to call the attention of our cootums to our celebrated brand Long Leaf Tobacco, 9 In. 6s, . second to none In quality or appearence. We . think it has no equil for the price, which is 25c at retail. We feoiicit only on trial, inen 11 sens ltseu. . C, W. BTXTXS3 a uo. Have you seen the 'WChalnless Crawford at Bathawaj Bros. Bight on the corner, r

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