THI TYRANT OF THE MOJS cannot j3apwUa(tr sis. nar jo: j a 2 1 . T a a &Jav T!s fior.av-.Jit fM If w ahooki walk. We scarcx Or brs:h whila Lary UkiMj a, L ra ahxli wike the lltt Ja A lrtcl watch enrt always WkUa bat y mUx-fal . TTfc3 la by Pat ISttW cratitaa b sbcrs otb-r rorl want to rio. Aj Blxat. wtvra folk bate r 1 II rvtur tha all op ln:cad To wait oo bim- M lights tta lamp Aivt warm iaCk for th l:;tl mmp, fa walk htm op and kmo C C'". 8onjtlralwo hour and aoinetlmr- more. And narw aopica ronnlaf. la a sic-w. To h h for hi can do. Al Will an-J Harry, at tt rtr, i : "OaSlJ What th matter tr:h hiiMiowr AM I'm wakl op at all tha cUttar T woo.lcr what m earth' la matr. Boch cpruar in tha aou"b makes When taly wakeal Fa. If alt? cr if awakr. Th hon- e1t tat for hit aaie, Aa4 arch a tiny Mkrw ha To ha t f hU family I Evalnctt la liu3r3et. . i FRENCH HUMOR. if. mulMU ftarcer and Ilia Crotexjaa Efflrr la the Carnival. It 1 of tea said .that frenchmen lack humor and dread ridi?ule, bat M. Fran cisque Sarccy has given an example oi that humorous good sense which defies mockery. At carnival time in Paris it it rtuitoinarr to exhibit ca the boule vards rrotw'Ott cfUgie of well known 'public men. A modct stranger called ca M. Sarccy to toll him that his irnae wa to fijrare in the proct-K-aMi. -Vcryp-Mi.,,KUdM. Sarwj. "What can I do for you?' 'Weil, if yoa would be so kiud as to lend uasoiReof your vcntaUeganr.cnt. tfcev would make the likcncsa all the 7 atTcnr." "No doubt." responded tho critic blandly. "Ia that cupbuard yoa vTill find wreral hats." . "Oh. tho TcritaLlo hat will not do! You vc, your head I mean tho head ol the cCIy U cnonnoui. "Trrabien. Take a coat, then." Drtjwtd in the veritable coat, tho Sur ccj dummy was an imiacnw success. It seemed t-n rtrants to literary Paris, hovever, for a ma:, to aid and abet the caricaturw of himsulf that M. Carrey hoa voluntrvd an explanation, which it a delicious bit of humor. "Lamar tine, he remarks, "would not hart ccnxnbd to Knd hU coat fur such purpomx He wa a jn wiin a sensitive aocL So wjts Victr llu;., hut whal would you? We caxmot all be Lamar Uzwn Atvl Wliy hould we pool J crnalUt.-. who have no , felin?f to jak of. deny ourselves to tjie populace when we can ctjitribute to thoir harm less aruujonunt? IV idcs. thy xasy noi lraya thiuV it worth thir while U aaieice us. "An nreeaUe triflcr cara hf rthcr c!ar and ukil my poaaWrnoo lot tha uso of my namo in a Lujljue. I pare it cluV-rfally. 'This may be the lv time, aid ht Whal do yoa mean? I a-kwb Well, yost are goiifg cjut of ilate, and next year yoa may net A SlathoU Ia Ilia Maanar. It waa raining caU and dogs outside, and tho - Columbus , avenue car waa crowded. A young woman stood looking from oue seated man to another, but the men would not budge. She looked tim idly, -then appcaljcgly, then dappers, but they did net care. . Finally tho worse dressed and rough est looking man in tho car got. up.. "Here is a seat for you, mum," ho said suavely. "Qh, thank you ever so much," said the young lady, shooting glances at the other men which said, "You are gcntlo mcn, but this uneducated laborer could giro you a lessen in manners."" Presently she was shifting about on her seat, shielding now her face, now her whito stand up collar and looking, with troubled face, at a poin in the ceiling from which the water came down at irregular intervals in splashes as big as a cent !- ' The well dressed men buried their smiles ia their newspaper The labor er, now ensconced in a corner near the driver, gave his vis-a-vis a wink. New .York Commercial Advertiser.- Goaaaberrtot oa Tra. Travelers in Burmi see many strange things, and perhaps one of the strangest ' is the way in which some kinds of fruit grow. ; , For instance, gooseberries that at home grow on small bushes in this part of the world grow-on trees over 23 feet high. They are not a soft, pulpy fruit, but are as hard as marble. . Tho real Carman grapes abx grow ca hih trees and not on vines. They hang from the branches and trunk of the tree in clusters ca a long stalk and aro covered with a thick outer skin, which cannot be eaten. The cachou. or monkey nut, is also peculiar and conits of a large, juicy fruit cf sof t pulp, with its nut or kernel attached to the outside cf .the fruit at the end farthest f rem tho stalk from which it hangs. London 25 tan 'lard. ". Aada ot -IJtxiri" 1 la, O. W. 11 Russell's. "Collections and Recollections" are theso anecdotes cf Disraeli: The atmosphere cf a court naturally raited Lord BtuconsSeld, and ho had a quaint trick cf trausferringtho grand i om3 nomenclature pf palaces to his bwn very modest domain of IIuKhcn&n. He called his simple drawing "rocla the satin; he sty let! his pond the lake; he" ciratiatcd on the beauties of the terrloa wrnlH the "Golden GateA.aad the "Cerman forest." - His stylo cf entertaining mere showy than comfcrtable. JCutbin oculd excel the grandeur cf his state coach and 'powdered footman, but when the dcajcrt came up melting en cf his friends exclaimed: "At. last, my dear Dizzy, we hare got something hot." And in tho days when he was chan cellar of the exchequer some critical guest remarked cf tho soup that it was apparently mado with deferred stockC When Lady PeaconsSeld die!, he sent for bis agent and raid. "I desire that her ladyship's remains be borne (b tho grave by the tenants of the estate." Presently the agent came back, with a troubled countenance, and said, "I re gret to say there aro not enough tenasti to carry a coffin." Wllllag; to Sacrlfica. Lodging Hou Clerk Eed with bath. 15 cent. Weary Watljtu: 1 gu?ss I'd rather ray a little moro and not takothe bath. Indianapolis J scrr-ai , SKKIiJER ' AHDC07PER. Nominated to Repre sent The First Dis ' trict in The Next State Senate Convention Opened With Prayer. The Convention Was Well At , tended, Speeches Excellent, Harmonious Action. The most earnest and thought ful body of white men that ever bled in a Senatorial Con vention in the First District me in the Court House, at Elizabeth City at noon yesterday (Thurs day) for the purpose of nomina tinp; two Democrats to represen the people ot the District in the next State. Senate of North Car ojina. The .Convention was called to rlrder bv the Chairman of the Executive ' Committee E F Aydlett. By request of the Chairman. Rev. W. S. Penick opened the Convention with grayer. Mr. Aydlett then arose and stated the object of the Con vention and in doinir so made a - c hrirf but stirrimr address. Hon. T. G. Skinner was then request ed to act as temporary chair man and upon taking the - chair was called upon for a . speech. He responded, U the call as he always does making a talk that was insniiinir. forcible and - a ' timely. . 1 . The convention being ready for btisiacss Mr. Skinner was made permanent Chairman, and A. H. Mitchell of the 1msiier man and Farmer, T. B. Wil son ofithe Economist, and C. H Horton of the Hertford Courier, were eieciea secretaries. Nominations beinir in ocder Mr. Lawrence of Hertford Coun t offered for nomination Geo. Cowpcr.oi Hertford County. On behalf of Currituck Goun ty Mr. E. F. Aydlett, presented the name of W, H. Gallop, of Currituck. -Pasquotank county offered through Mr. E. F. Lamb, the name of Hon. Thos.G. Skin ner whose nomination . was seconded by Hon. W. M. Bond, of Edenton. Just here Mr. Skin ner arose and declined the nom ination giving reasous for so do ing, whereupon John Dave Pars ker, of . Perquimans . was placed before the Convention. Just as the ballot was called for, T. G. Skinner was again presented, while a number of his intimate friendr surrounded him, 'requested that he allow his name to remain before the Con vention. - a The following vote was ;then takeu : Gallop 1 iSi. Parker Skinner. Cowper...... a On motion Skinner and Cow per were unanimously declared the nominees of the Convention. Skinner being called, accepted the nomination and said that he would canvass the District and "try to preach good, sound, straight. Democratic, white man's doctrine." Enthusiasm and earnestness pervaded the convention and good natured rivalry among the friends of candidates was con spicuous, but a more harmonious body never named a ticket which, we believe "will not only meet with universal satisfaction but is one of the strongest Senatorial tickets ever put be fore the people. Th.y are men that, will make a bold stroke for white supremacy and Deino cracy, and a team that will be hard to beat. zivaiiy mu Ila would not Kay that she painted, powdered aud all that He waa too much of a' gentleman for that. "Still I may as well confess," be said, "that she impressed me as one who thinks she cau improve uigyr the Lord's handiwork." Chicago Post cs Iu the number of inurdars Italy leads Europe In the number of suicides Rus sia is ahead. The trade between Japan and For moea has more than quintupled since DICK'S GOGO WL A Vary Human Hoy Enjoying; Hit Irncd Reward. Walt A nortly centlemaa sit on the porefa and smiled while 'a small boyalla srailinz. tainted tho front fence. "Look at that boy," the portly man remarked to a visitor. "He thinks be i having a good time. A small boy 1 I rnrelv-the drollest creature oa earth. Whpn I -trat a TOUECSier. raaemuw - T that there were certain kinds of work I fnnjrifbrd'rilaT. and one of them was raintinc I was always crazy to paint Vrin-r times I have taken a bucket of muddy water ami an old paint brush and have spent a whole half day put ting a thick coat on the side of my fa ther's barn- I "So with my boy Dick, the little chap painting the fence. lie has always been crazy to paint He is enjoying iiimcoif rmr vnn ran see he is. and he will paint that whole fence, too, jusi as well as he knows how. l.aon i care if it is a trifle smeared. He's getting joy, solid joy, thicker than the paint oa his hands and clothes. : "There's a mean side to it too. He wanted to paint the fence,- and, I wanted the weeds nulled out of tne yard, bo. like an underhanded rascal, I bargained with him. I told him thatdf he would cull nil the weeds out I would let him paint tho fence. He went through the other job like a soldier he hates to pull woods; all boys do and- now he thintn ha is eettinff his reward. It is a downright shame to fool him that way, don't you think so? . The portly gentleman chuckled again, and the Email boy, wild with joy, went on plastering paint cn tho fence. De troit Freer Press. . j . . lie Got the aioatardV It was in the army. The boys had a meal of beef that bad been corned by a bath in a fcalt horse barrel. It was quite a treat They all thought so until one tard wouldn't go bad. " "That reminds me," said another. "You just wait a few minutes." A quarter of an hour later he returned and. nroducinir a screw of paper, he said: "Oh. yos. Here's that mustard." "Where did you get it?" said the others in choras. "Up at tho surgeon 's. The sick call. voa remember, sounded as we were talking about tho" mustard. It occurred to me that a little mustard for my lame back would be just the thing." "Bnt vou haven't got any lame back." ; "But I have get the " mustard. " Philadelphia Ft. . "-'- " . . , Little " Pimples lrrfi to Cancer. Cancer often result from an Ira- Burity m the blood, mheritea iron generations baosu Few people are en fcrol v free from some taint in the blood, snd it is impossible to tell when it will break out in the form of dreaded Can ter. What has appeared to be a mere pimple or scratch has developed int he most malignant Cancer. I had a tare re Cancer vrhloh was at first aaly a few blotcbee, that I thought -would soon pass away, a w treated by several abla physician?, bnt la spit of their efforts the CVm cer spr.ead until my con dition became alarmltfg. After many months of treatment and growing steadily worse, I de- X elded to try S. S. 8. vvt wfc1oi Trim an utrnnHv reoommended. Thefirsl bottle prodaced an im- i orovement. I continuca S the medicine, a n d i-n IS fonr months the last llt- tle scab dropped off. Tn veiira have elanaed. Lad not a sign of the disease has returned Gillsburg, Miss. It is dangerous to experiment with Uancex. lheaisease is teyona tne skiu of physicians. S. S. S. is the only cure, ecause rt is the only remedy wmca joes deep enougn to reach uancer. FOP DlnArll Z7Q lllCiU'lVVU Swift's Specific) is the only blood remedy guaranteed ' Purely Vegetable. All others contain potash "and mer cury, the most dangerous of minerals. Books on Cancfer and blood diseases mailed free by Swift Specific Company Atlanta, Georgia. ' NS W ADVERTISEMENTS PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM TifluM-. &iwl tiMxrtifiaa tha haic mm KeTtr Tails to Beotore Gray XXaJr to lta Toumrui Joior. Cure acaip d'mara bair filling. toe, and lH'q rnit-jria SENT FREE 4 to housekeepsrs Extract pf COOK BOOK- telling how ?o psepare many de licate and delicious distes. Address. Liebig Co. Sew York. P. O. Box 2718, CURE ALL YOUR PAIHS WITH S5 Pain-Killer.l A Medicine Chest In Itself. , Simple, Safe and Quick Cur for CRAMPS, DIARRHOEA, COUGHS. COLDS. RHEUMATISM, ii i nauKALUiJt. . - 25 and 50 cent Bottles. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. riiv nvi v Tur nrvniMr T PERRY DAVIS -" - An Old Idea. Erery day strengthen the belief of emi nent physician thzX impure blood is the cause of the majority of oo diseases. Twenty-five yean ao this theory was used a a basis for the formula of Browns' Iron Bitters. The many remarkable cures effected by this famous old household remedy are sufficient to prove that the theory is correct. Browni' Iron Bitters is sold bs- all dealers. LIB COMPANY nil BDiry (K-aDaTl n nnnnn n n n n3 TO S3. WHOLESALE GHOCEES AND -AND DEALERS IN- Hay, lime, Cement, tPrettiest and Best Eeady Send for New Color Card. Terpentme, Etc. AGENTS FOR A. WRENN i& SOK'S :' " ' : ELIZABETH ; Twp'Ways of Buying Seeds! One way is to wait until rand tinon the aualitie: dealr happens to have in scok, anu meu tnivo .r TCI The other way. is to decide early what your needs will be, atid thejo provide for tlv m sensibly; it isn't sensible, to buy seeds haphazard, as vou can some things, for all the operations? of farm or garden de- Before long you will be wanting many kinds of seeds for Buramer planting: don't wait until you are ready to sQw before yon think of getting the seeds. Why not write to us in good, time and get gees worth your planting high-grade, thoroughbred seed? We would like especially to supply your turnip seeds this season, vott-r Krw much nr how little vou i may ne-d, 50 cents per pound delivered at your home. rM-i-i msTm O-OA'aTC! ;78 Commercial Place, SEED IdEBOHANTS "The Standard of Excellence in Typewriter Construction," ' the yv 'yy c ia j LfrossgCTj rtrSYtPlEWIM JOHN B CULPEPER, Sales Agt.i 706 E, Main St., JAMES BOND, COMMISSION DEALER IN aXL KINDS Or FRESH FISH, Game and Terrapin. NO. 704 SECOND STREET ' : - BALTIMORE NO AGENTS EMPLOYED A. W. HAFF, ' Successor to L&mphear& Hsfl,' Wholesale Commission Dealer In FRESH FISH. LOBST ERF . EC. ' NO. 12 FULTON FISH MARKET.- New York City, North Carolina Sbsl a Specialty. . - - Asenm. No S. B. MILLER, & CO. WQOLSALE SO. 1 FDLTON MABKET. NEW YORE. Special Attention given to The Sale of North Carol in s S h ad . Stencils and Stationary a (plication. No Assets. B aLI0KJI bTJEAM PACKET CO. Elegant Steamers Dally, exptoct Sunday between Baliimore and Old Point Oorafort, Ntirfollc, Porta mouta ana all points South. Direct iOLD 1MAYI LIN 1. connections with all railroad ter- minating at Norfolk, Portsmouth BETWE1.N and Usmpton Koads. tiLTIMOKE, STEAM EB VIKGINIA. from OLD PO-NT, Baltimore, for Kichroond, every NORFOLK, Monday, Wedaegday and Friday, RICHMOND at 4 P. M. from PItB 1U, LIGHT (AND SOUTH. St., by way ot Chesapeake Bay and James River. Anlven at Klcft THE tnond next morning. Nj deiays, SWIFTEST, no transfers. SAFEST iMeals on- European rl in. Lux-' SUREST urlous Stateroonws Electric Ltifhis ROUTE Steam Heat. Britnarne. . Tictet Office, 129 K.i blituvre Street Telephone 1435. JOHN - -SHERWOOD, E. W. THOMPK)N, General Manager. Trafilc an .r. .K; BROW2?. Uenera) T.tfMt Airei "We have a Bicycle tor v n n- .r it to-morrow morning: and ini .. n- oy a pleasant ride b-frj -:-! his not being dated hol.H ukh1 for seven ysars. Hathaway Bros, riht on be !ornr. Gumm FisB mm r anudl JDpe; o) ill iXj. TOBACCONISTS & Plaster. - llixed Pant in the city. Lead. Oily Varnishes, , ' . ; ' BUGGIES , full ine kept in ?tock. CITY- N. 'clyyH ' sewing time, pick up seeds as your local Norfolk, Va erjtrgjm Richmond. Va. ' F.H.ZIEGLER&BR0. successor to John H. Z&IGLTSB . ; Dealer in aJ kinds of UNDERTAKERS' SUPPLIES. ?rom the Cheapest to the beet. All tel . egratr.8 promptly attended to. ' cmESiND coqlihi Boards vhen deuLred,. The finest Hearse in tnis section. R seo d, walnut, cloth-cov- . ered and tnetalic caskets a specialty At the old stand on Ehringhau.-e Street. Thankful tor past patronBge. 3" Also all kinds of cabinet ! work 1 PEED D4IS, vWo are now receiving our supply Coal, aDd will fill orders promptly. ; , All coal is screened oetore leaving the Yard. None but the be?t handled, ' Lowest PsiCKs guaranteed. Office on VYater Street. Elizabeth City n. ci t- " r;. - " ; . ; ' I I .1 I. .... . j , . l- I-., A Uatter of Choice Wheth unvf ( jit teeth extraff ed tli -.! t .' - pain,Vr nse Gas, Vitalize! Air. ti ciiiiie, arid all their attendnuf 'liimr-r?, or jwith perfect fjfetv. wit!. .!' i;iti or slerp at N Y DENTAL iKOOMy ONLV, S24 Cor! Main ami Tulit ptreets Norfolk, Va. Office hours: 8 to fl; Sundays 10 to 1 ENNES, Dentist. r ( -.- - i - . - s of the seeds their purity ana vigor. ii i 116 i Sfllli n. I CO SCHEDULE IN EFFECT, FEB 21, 1893 Norfolk and Southern Ralbroad mall and express trains, southbound, dally texcepi nnva 1Ttt Elizabeth citv at ll:i0 a m Northbound daily, except Sundays, leave 0 9 City. 9: 20 a. m and sroing Sooth' i: P. m. pvpm .Tn-Mdav. Thursday and rat- Both trains arrive at and - depart from VorfollrA! tVestern deUOt. NorfOll? connect at Norfolk with all rail and steam er lines, and at Edenton with steamtrs for Roanoke. Cashie. Chowan and Scupper notg rivers; transfer stumer to Maekey'i Ferry, thence by Norfolk Southern B. ; B. to Roper, Pantego and Belhayen. eonnecting with steimer Virginia i Dare for Alak-eyvlUe. Aurora, Wasningtn and interuijdlate landinits, ? j Eastern Carolina Dispatch ' and - ; Old Dominion Line, i Tit a RtPftmer NEUSE leaves Eliza beth City Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- j urday at 6: 00 P. M. for NewBerne, con necting with A. & N.O.R.R. for Qolds boro. Kinston and Morebead City; and with W. & N. R. R. for Jacksonville, Wilmington, etc. Returning leaves NewBerne Monday, Wednesdays and j Fridav. touching at Roanoke Illand,! ucracose ana vneuuu guuig t a 1 r aV- I iAM m . aB W - A a. tion to Roanoke Wand, Ocracoke, unen tal. New Berne. Krcston,' Croldsboro, Morehead City and Wilmington, NiO.'. Daily all rail serviee between ELiiabetl Utr sea Jew iorx, x -uiiaucipuia, siw- . - . k . i 1.1. (D.Hi. tnrtrpn1 'MftTfnllf-" 1 Th much path, and as low rates and quicker time than by any otker route. J uireci an gooas io ue auipucu ern Carolina Dispatch as follows , 3Trom Nrtrfir hx-TJnrtolir & Southern RaUroad. J - tj i . l o I TXT J(r Ti " T R PrAttl. rlflnt RtrflPt Stfttioni I'hiladelDhia. Dy otaibiuiuic, uy x . y . w - Penn..vlvahia Ri Ril Dock Street Station. New York, by Penneylvania R. U-, Pier 27. North River, ana Uia iomuiion . ,. rw . .. For further information apply to H Rnowden. Airent Elizabeth City, oiftothe General office of the "Norfolk and Souther Railroad Co., Norfolk, Va, ' I G en'l Manafirer,, Gen'l JTt. A faas Ag. PETIT'S NORTH CAROLINA C.L. PETITT Manager. Steamer NEWTON will leave Norfo'k for Elizabeth City, Creswell audi way landings on Wednesdays arid Saturdays at 4d.Hi. Elizabeth City for- Ores well on Thursdays and Mondays at 0:30 a. mJ Returning, will leave Creswell' for Norfolk on Tuesdays and Fridays! at :4 a. m.. and Elizabeth City same- day at 2 : 30, p. m. , arriving in Noi folk next Jday. steamer narDinger wui leave norioiK for Elizabeth City. Hertford and way landings, on Toesdayt and Fridays at 4 p. m.: Elizabeth City lor Hertford Wednes days and Saturdays at 9:30 a, m. Return. iner, will leave Hertford for ' Norfolk Mondays, end Thursdays , at 7 a. m; and Elizabeth City same day at 2:80 p. m. arriving in Norfolk next day. ?- - l- W. W MORRISETT, AGENT, '.. Elizabeth City.N. C I La 0 REAL ESTATE; BY- 'IJ " CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED.; 50x1 20 feet. A beautiful building lot. Delightfully located. A last chance for a down town residence. . Situate corner 1 of Main and . Martin streets. For sale at a reasonable- price on easy' terms. . ' . T wo town lots on Lawrence street Ohance for a speculation. A fine dwelling with large lot on the adge of town at a sacrifice. Good lo cality. Terms easy. Small house and! lot on Church 8 1 East of Road St.., ........ ...$500 Vacant lot on Road street, south of Church. .. Corner Jot and dwelling on Church and Dyer streets. ........ ...... .'. ,$625 Dwelling anid good size lot on Church west of Dyer street. . . . .". , ; . , . il.000 25 acres of land with good dwelling-- six rooms, niceiy niwq out witn stables and outbuildings. . A desirable home. ... ........ . . . . . .r. : .S650 Bell street 60x120 feet. ; Honse 24x24 feet 2 stories. 1.8x16 feet. All out buildings 4 . . . . . . . ..... . ... . ;. . ; . . ...800 A fine property on Shepard street. House and lot On North Side, near depot and whar res ........ . .... . $1,050 Two . vacant lots on Martin street 40x70 feet, each . . .... . w ...... . . . . . $150 A good business store in Woodvllle. Lar&re storehouse and dwell!no oloo. good will of business. . . ........... .$850 8chooner Esther good as new. For small sum. , Two tenant houses on Fearing street payaoie $1U per montn. Two small-houses and lota south of in. oj b- Kailroad track (rPennsylva. nia ). each . ..... .... .... . .. . . . $250 Two tenement houses on Lawrence street. Liot extends to canal. A bar. gain. ' - Poindexter Creek front an west side oi street. 1 A hne wharf site on Pasquotank rviver, on soutn side or town, ; t A desirable dwelling and corner lot ac ftiaunews and Elliott streets. , VTacant lots near Cotton Factory. 1 " A handsome dwelling on Eoad street near Burgess. - . ; y x ' i arm lands on the Riven ' A 200 acre farm with large and com modious buildings. Well timbered and in a high state of cultivation. J Price moderate. Terms easy. I VA 1 1 a .n rr M . . tt w i ,Mt1v"' uuj r-arasoi or mureiia, it win pay yoa to examine Fowler & Cos. before buying. LI11CS It . LMiJB, i r, Attomy-at-Uv and ItJXViXX JUOM 5Vnw. Prompt attcnton giyen to Pro fessional Business.!- Beat Estate. Farms, Town PropertYj Kmber Lands : bought and sold on commission. Rentd Agency Connected with OSice. 1 PARTIES HAVING TIMBER LANDS; FARMS Vacant Town Lots, Dwellings jn Town, i I a ' nil ' x tO sell have an opportunity to r advertise ' the same abroad through this Real' 1 , i . trrTmrr mrrn Estate AeTLOV WITllOUT I O J I fc. I t?"MW"PT5r,l mT m m a n ir XKP.N 3.S TUJ UIlcLl V Ci . 1 mmmm , - WT. O are made unless sale is ef fected. i, ; ; Send in description oi yaur property you desire to sell and avail yourself of the opportu nity offered at this tirne to dis- tribute lists o properly through out the United States. E. .F LAMB, REAL ESTATE AGENT THE ATLANTIC COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, ELIZABETH CITY, NJ C. Oldest and largest scliool in hustern North Carolina. A preparatory and finishing school for bothexes. Twenty -first annual session oimds ' 5 SEPTEMBER: 19TH, 1899. Courses of study: Enclish coiirm'. Classical Course, College '"Preparatory Course, Business Course. Instrumental Music Course, Vocal Music Course. Diplomas issued upon, the' comple tion of any of the above con rses. Students admitted to the State Urif-, versitj and the leading colleges of tlie i State upon certificate from this school. students' prepared for" the U. S. Mil itary and Haval Academies. I Pull faculty of trained teachers: each a specialist in his or heij depart- ments ; ;. " :'. t Terms as low as " consistent with high grade work. ... . Write for catalogue.1 Address . 8. L, SHEEP, NOBJ CAROLINA, Superior n Gates county. f iouri. Caroline Blanchard, widow Richard iiianchard. vs. David Blanchard, Tlionias iiianchard. Pempey Blanchard, Martin Blanch ard, Maggie Blanchard, Jphn II. Hol lowell and wife Marry Hollowell, Dorsey Ward and wife Arizona Ward, Thomas Cbappef and wife Jane Chappel, Annie Blanchard, Mary Blanchard, Vashti Blanchard. .Verne Blanchard, Joanna Blanchard, aiennie xsian chard, Laura lilanchard, Walter,. Blanchard and Andrew Blanchard. The defendants. A llary Blanchard. Vashtf Blanchard. Verene Blanchard and Joanna Blauch ard, above named, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commeneed in the Superior Court of ' Gates county, for the purposo of. hav ing dower allotted to the tietitioner: Caroline Blanchard in the lands of her late husband Richard Blanchard. situ ated, in Mintonsville township, said county; and the said defendants will farther take notice, that thev are re-" auired to annear at the nfn Clerk of the Superior Court of Gatts county on the 8th day of October, iy; and answer or demur to tne. eomv plaint in said action, or the plaintiff1 will apply to the court for I the relief demanded in said complaint. This 23d day of August, 1888. : ' . ' W. T. CROSS, . ' Clerk Hunerior r?rnrf L, L. Smith, attorney for plaintiff. S. L. STORER & CO. WHOLESALE i Dealers and Shippers of all' kinds of 3?RESH PISH FULTO FISH MARKET, N. Y. Particular attention paid to tlie Shad Department. 1 We employ no agents and pay nr eomml8iona. If your stencil is in good order te us know 0 I ' -"V