li i i) ' r I. I f ' : ii: " 1 t 'M : if, v r i v Ik ' ! PHYSICAL TRAINING. Is Wlaa aa a rreYentlT and Cr ' of I'itiarr DUer. Dr. 11 Fletcher Inpal of Chicago, in a paper vriih this title, said that the atsc-ee of rjtteraatio study by 'physi cian i and the Tery meaner literature ccra relied him to be fornewhat dogmatic in hi paper. One of the xaoet comtaoa cterrvaticna made by medical men, bo . nid, va that the long, narrow, fiat chested Individual was the one liable to th development of tuberculosis and that in patients presenting thu form cf chest the chances for recovery were ro - dsccd to a minimum; , . . "i Thij observation ho' considered snfS cient rnggect that fyitematic physical training in aiding the development . cf the respiratory muscles, thoracic walla and pulmonary" capacity would bo cf great service in preventing tuberculosis and in curing its early stages. Collapsed air cells, he said,! I urnie bed a rnoft ta . Vurablo nidus for the development cf tuberculosis. Therefore for the preven tion cf the dica.o measures ehould bo adqptod to expand tho lung and bring the air cells into the best possible work ing condition. : ' . He thought it probable that in most cdfca there was on early tuberculous . localized anxmia.diminishing the nutri tion cf the parts and making them moro susceptible to tho tubercle bacilli and their toxins. Of tho largo percentage cf tho human family said to be affected by . tuberculosis (SO per cent), tho majority recovered, even when tho disease aili.ct- ed the lungs, it not proving fatal in mere than 13 per cent. Ho stated that in most cf those who rrooTcrcd tho disease had made Lut lit . tie progress, and that it was only at autopfy after death from other causes that its prelenco was detected, in view cf which it was the physician's doty to recommend measures likely to strength en, the resisting power cf the lungs. Tho beneficial influence cf a high alti tude he considered probably duo to the increased distention cf tho air vessels, and that as a means cf prophylaxis the first measure t-hould t trfTach tbo pa tient to breathe deeply. ' , ' Careful . physical training, ho aid, was of the greatest importance, it being possiblo for tho long, narrow. Cat t best ed to increase the expansion cf tho chest two cr . thrt inches, improve tho form and increase tho circumference t He be HcTcd it possible by physical develop ,Q(Qt to check tho process cf tuberculosis ' when 1( had become established in the chest and to promote recovery. .Med ical ileccrd. , . ! COMMERCIAL ENGLISH. f Warnlas to Those Who Would Sead Trade Circulars Abroad llanulicuu-sri who wih to do an ex pert business must havo their circulars' and catalogues translated iuto foreign languages, fays Engineering, but caro should bo taken that tho translator is net only a good linguist, but also an ex pert in tho particular business to which tbo documents to bo translated refer. 'Otherwiso the translation is apt to bo a matter cf ridicule to thaso to whom it Is sent : . " .- j We cannot well give an instance to show how an English circular might bo translated into bad German, for exam , pl:v but tbo London' Engineer gives us tho following illustration cf a transla tion from another language Into English, which is probably, no worse than many translations from English. W ninno nnrsrlvei lava the cir i i ' cular; 'cn making you known that tho . sale cf tho - has, by us, undertaken. This preparated, exclusively arranged by fomo vegetables, is entirely spoiled about something hurtful to tho steam boiler blades. I3y our preparated every ealcareousVubstauco is neutralized, re ducing ic to power, and at tno same " time steam boiler blades are conserved .from tho usual corrosion, not only, hut tho ebullition, is totally avoided, as it appears .about somo very interesting ex periments, which havo been made in several establishments. In conclusion tho circular adds, "To bo willing, this preparated may be de- . IlomealcK. A recent aiticle on homesickness re calls the reply made by a young Swed- tsh maid to tier mistress, it expresses clearly, though" in Imperfect English, what every sufferer from homesickness feels. , Voa ought to be contented and not fret for your old home, Ina,' said tho lady as iha looked at tbo dim eyes cf "the girL uYou are earning good wages. your work is light, every ono is kind to you and you luvo plenty of friends btre. . - . , Yas'm, said the girl, "but it is not the place where I do be that makes me vera homesick, it is tho placo where I don't bo." louth's Companion. t is only a symptom not a disease; So are Backache, Nervousness. Dizziness and the Blues. They all come from an unhealthy state cf the men strual " organs. . If you suifer from any of these symptoms if you feel tired and languid in the rnorning'and wish you could lie in bed another hour or. two if there is a bad taste in the mouth, and no appetite if .there is pain in the side, back cr abdomen BRAD FIELD'S FOIALE REGULATOR will bring atfout a sure cure. The doctor may call your trouble some high-sounding Latin name, but never mind the name. The trouble is in the menstrual organs, and Bradfi eld's Female Regulator will restore you to health and regulate the menses like clockwork. . H tr 4nrrua fofit ban!. A UWttrat! TEE E RAD FIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLA97A, CA. ODDITIES IN WILLS. 60ME PECULIAR BEQUESTS AND CURr , OUS CONDITIONS. A rlr!otl American's Desire Be Heard After Death Wills Which rroTvd Thmt Ia the Cases of Their Makers Marriage Was a Fall ore. The admiration of our American cous ins for their country is a prominent characterjstio cf their daily life, and tomo years ago a Mr. Sanborn desired that in death as in life his body should t reclaim tho glory cf tbo republic. ' lie left 1,000 to the late Professor Agassiz, ia return for which ho was, by an ex tremely scientific process set forth in tho will to tan his (Sanborn's) skin into leather and from it havo a drum made. Two cf tbo most cuitable bones cf hs body were to be made into drum sticks, and with these a Mr. Warren Eimpaon to whom Sanborn left the re mainder of bis property was "on every 17th of Juno to repair to the foot of Bunker, hill and at sunrise beat on. tho drum, the parchment of which bad been made out of tho testator's skin, tho spirit stirring strains of 'Yankee Doo- dle.,M A somewhat similar bequest was made by a German in I8S7. llo died in Pittsburg and by his will directed that his bodv should bo . cremated and tho ashes forwarded to tho German consul at New York, who was to deliver them to tho" captain of tho steamship Elba When in midDcean, the captain was to request a pacngf r to dress himself in nautical cos?tume, and, ascending with tbo funeral urn to the topmast, to scat ter tbo ashes to tho four Minds of heav en. Theso strange directions were faith fully carried out. Quito as peculiar were tho directions for the funeral of a Jlr. John Under wood. JI willed that ho was to bo buried in a green coffin with a copy of Horace under bis head and of Alii ton under his feet, a Greek testament in his right hand and a small Horace in hi3left. Six friends, who were not to wear mourning, were to follow him to the giave and there to sing a verse cf the twentieth odo of the second book of Horace. After this they were to "tako a cheerful class and think no moro of John Underwood." Wills may also be admitted as evi dence cf tho mixed blessings of the matrimonial state. A nobleman wrote. "I civ and bequeath to tho worst cf women, whom I unfortunately married, 45 trass halfpence, which will buy her a pullet for supper." A Glasgow doctor, dying somo ten years ago, left the whole of his estate to his two sisters, and then came this ex traordinary clauMj: "To my wife, as a recompense for deserting me and leav ing mo in peace, I expect the said sister Elizabeth to mako her a gift of 10 shil lings sterling, to buy her a pocket hand kerchief to weep in nfter my decease." A Air. Sydney Dickenson bequeathed to bis wife tho sum cf CO,000, "on condition that sho undertakes to pass two hours a day at my graveside, for tho ten years following my decease, in company with her sister, whom I havo reason to know, sho loathes worse than" Another husband stated that he would have left his widow 10,000 if sho had allowed him to read his newspaper in peace, but as sho 'always commenced playing and singing when ho started to read ho left her only 1.000. Such in stances could be mutiplied indefinitely, but cno other is worthy of note. A husband left his wifo 12,000, to be increasod to 24,000 provided that she woro a widow's cap after his death. Sho accepted tho larger aniount, woro tho cap fox six months, and then put it off. A lawsuit followed, but tho judge held that tbo testator should havo inserted tho word "always" and gave judgment in favor of tho widow, who the day aft er re-entered tno state oi. matrimony. Thus tho husband's little plan for pre venting his widow marrying again fail ed. Bnt tho most curious will which tbo writer ba9 ever como across Is that of At, Zalesky, a Polish landlord, who died in 1SS9, leaving property valued at 100,000 rubles. His will was inclosed in an envelope bearing tho words, "To Bo Opened After Aly Death." Inside this was another envelope, "To Bo Opened Six Weeks After Aly Death. " When this time had passed, the second envelope was opened and a third uncovered, "To Be Opened One -Year After Aly Death." At tho end of the year a fourth en- velopo was discovered, to be opened two years after tbo testator's death, and so the game went on until 1S94, when tho actual will was discovered and read. It was quito as eccentric in its disposi tions as tho 'directions attached to its opening. The testator bequeathed hall his fortuno to such of his heirs as had the largest number of children. The rest of tho property was to be placed in a bank and a hundred years after hia death to bo divided, with the accumu lated interest, among the will maker's descendants. Thus by. 1989," at 5 per cent compound interest, the 50000 ru bles will have swelled into, 6,000,000 rubles. But what will this be among so many descendants? Household Words. Hardly. Miss D. Angelina, why don't you' marry Lieutenant Y.? Mis9 A. First, because he has no brains and he can't iide, dance or play tennis. What tould vre do with hunt "But he swims beautifully.' 'Oh, yes; but ono can't keep one'i husband in an aquarium, you know."- ixmdon Tit-liits. . The Poor Wife. "John Henry, it isn't any rood, I know, that keeps yon down town so late, when yon ought to. be at home with me and the children.' (Shrugging his shoulders.) " 'Iloni soit qui mal y pease, my dear." That's right ! Swear at .our wife in Latin." Chicago Tribune. Dadljr amefl. Mr. Beer boh id Tree relates an amus ing story about a boisterous voyage from New York. He was lying in bis cabin. Tho luggage and fittings were fly ing round. Tho vessel, was rolling terri bly. Suddenly there was an extra special lurch. Mr. Tree was knocked to the floor by a heavy weight and lay half stunned. On fully recovering his senses ho looked to see what it was that bad felled him. It was an admirable con trivance aud was marked, in bold let ters, "Life Saving Apparat.ns." Lon don Globe. ixo nrst gunmese bany snow in tne world has just been held here. There were 200 of thtiii. From embroidered slipper to shaven poll they were arrayed la their best. They wore satin blouse that shone in tho sun with a silvery Khimmerl Thev wore embroideries cf wonderful birds and bees and flowers never seen on land cr sea. The little boys were shaven, and the little girls had their hair stiffened and polished and dressed as though for the grandest function, with little birdcages and frincps of beads and paper atop. 'There were great tihklings of metal and much shining of green jade. A new fashion in iiifaht headgear showed a halo of stiff pompons that rose above the infanta waler eyes. Others wore huge rosettes cf silk on each temple, like a joss, and cno little girl had a mane of black silk mn Ktrincs hanginz down from the back of her head. ' Even the baby com plexions had been looked after. On the smooth, yellow cheeks appeared the most lovely patch of pink, rouge, put on quite frankly in tho Chinese fashion. Tho rosebud mouths were touched up, and the narrow brows beautifully pen ciled. Penan z Gazette. ' . Foul-Smelling Catarrh. Catarrh is one of the most obstinate diseases, and hence the most difficult to get rid of. There is but one way to cure it. The disease is in the blood, and .all the sprays, washes and inhaling mixtures in tne worm can nave no permaneni effect whatever upon it. Swift's Spe cific cures Catarrh permanently, for it it the only remedy which can reach the disease and force it fromthe blood. Air. B. P. McAllister, of Uarrodsburg, Ky., had Catarrh for years. He writes: I 4vuld Be no improvement whatever though I was constantly treated with epmyt ana washes, ana diner ent inhaling remedies in fact. 1 could feel tha each winter I was worw than the year previous "Finally It wa brought to my notlc that Catarrh was a bl ocx disease, and after think' lnir over the matter. saw it wasunreasonabl to eiect to be cured bj remedies whtcn oni reached the surface. 6. H.l tired the remedy, the diea was forced out of mi system, and a complete cure was the result ladTifteall who hare this dreadful disease tc abandon theirlocal treatment. which hane-vei done them any jrood. ana tae to. . .. a ren edv that can reach the disease and cure it." To continue the wrong treatment for Catarrh is to continue to suffer. Swift'i Specific is a real blood remedy, and cures obstinate, deep-seated diseases, which other renu-dies have no effect whatever upon. It promptly reaches Catarrh, and never fails to cure even the most aggravated cases .The is Purely Vegetable, and only blood remedy guaranteed to contain no daneerous minerals. Books mailed f re1 by Swiff Specico Company, Atlanta, Georgia, i . NS W ADVERTISEME UTS A rk rm M F. J fln.n. Anal KMUflf;. th hAlP. i I'rmm.M . lni'innl erowth. r 1 HTcr Paila to Beetoe Gray ri ?E.' Hair to its Youthful 'Color. "hj " ' I- "' li Chjck tcalp d'iw A hir lailmg. TRY ALLEN'S FODT-EASE. A powder to be shnken.Hnto the shoes. At this season yourlfeet feel swollen, nervous and'damp. If you mve smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Ease. It warms the feet and makes 'walking easy. Cures swol- eu sweating feet, bhstprs callous spots Keleives corns and. bunions of all pain and is a certain cure for clfilbains and Yost bites. Try it to day. f Sold by all druggist und shoe stores for 25 cents Trial package FREE. Address, S. Olmsted, Le Roy. N. Y. SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES Allen Foot-Ease, a powder for the eet. It cures painful, smarting, ner vous feet and instantly tattes the sting ont of corns and bunions. Its the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight or new shoes feel easy, I' is a certain cure for Chilblains,'' sweating, .callous, sired, aching feet. Try it to day. Sold by all druggist and shoe stored. 2cts. Trial package FKEE. Ad dress, Allen S. Olmsted, La Roy, N. Y, P Click tea Earflafc TJl&monA Tinai ENNYROYAL PILLS U -LjTV Ortjrlaai ai Oal j Gaalne. B.rc. aivara rrllhla. uoki aak VntfUt tor Ckiehurm Snqiith Dia mond Brand in Ked aod Gold Dtallia xe. uenima vita bloa ribbon. Take therv Kef danorwus tbtitif tuna mnd tautaUon. At aend 4w ia ftump. for partieulmra, tnimonlals an J Helicf Tor Ill." t Utur. by rrtara CalrantrCaemlcailMaJlMa Plar. br aU LacailiuttiiU. 1'llILADA., PA. i TT i 2, Mothers! THE discom forts and dangers of child-birth can be almost en tirely avoided. WineofCardui relieves ex pectant moth ers. '"It gives tone to thegen--italorgans,and - puts . them in condition to do tlnelr-work perfectly. That xaake te nancy less painful, shortens labor and hastens recoverxafter child-birth. It helps a woman bear strong healthy children. MCELREET w mow has also brought happiness to thousand of homers barren for years. A few doses often brings joy. to loving hearts that. long for a darling baby. No woman should neglect to try it for this . trouble. It cures nine cases out of ten. All druggists sell Wine of Cardui. $ 1.00 pel bottle. For adrlco In cues rwpilrlne spocfaJ directtons.- address, eivtn? symptoms, tha "Ladies Advisory Department," , The Chattanooga Medici jie Co Chatta nooc. Tena. Mrsl3S3AHAr f X , cf Jefferson, Ca-f sijn MWhhI first took Wins of Cardui wt had been married three years, bat could not have any children. Hina months later had a fine girl haby.M if! ft, mrr -r - w ai - O Blood is the For tak Hfllfllllrtin Uffrh M ll If. v I inl lf-r I 1 II .i" EBdPTTTdPMl - WHOLESALE GEOCEES AND -AND DEALERS IN- Hay, Lime, Cement, Hair & 5TPreltiest and Best Ready-Mixed Paints in the city. , Bend fox New Color Cards; . Lead, Oil, Varnishes , Terpentine, Etc. - - AGENTS FOR A. WRENN & SON'S ELIZABETH T ABOUT EXTRA ' Don't make the mistake this season of. planting some cheip pea that will begin to blossom about the time Tait's Npnpanel is setting podsl . ' ' i .The Experiment Station of your State will tell you that the Nonpariel is the earliest and best trucking pea. These stations were established for your benefit. Why should you not Jake advantage of tHem? J ' I ? I V But take qare not to .buy seal with a thistle stamped upon Then you'll know. r i' rj 1 NORFOLK, POST OFFICE "The Standard in Typewriter lit JOHN B . ! CULPEPER, Sales E. Main St.,'. -STOP AT THE- BROWU; HOUSE, M. CHADWICK,' Proprietor. FairfiGldlN. C Nice comfortable rooms. . Good ser- vants. The table supplied witb tne best the market affords. Good 8table9 and sheltei's. ! I;" i"Board per day, including lodging $1.25. j. i .' Don't Xf eglect Tour Ilver. ! Liver troubles quickly result in serious complications, and the man who neglects his liver has little regard for health. A bottle of Browns' Iron Bitters taken now and then .will keep the liver in perfect order. If the disease has developed, Browns' Iron Bitters will cure it permanently. Strength and vitality will always j ;follow its use. Browns' Iron Bitters is pold by all dealersr ! PACKET CO. J ' Eletrant Steamers Dally, exptcct Sunday between Baltimore and Old Point Oorafort, Norfolfc, PortB moutn and all points Sonth. Direct connections With all railroads ter minating at. Norfolk, Portsmouth and Hampton Roads. OLD IB AY L IN i. BETWETbN ALIIMOKE, 8TEAMJK V1KGIN1A.- TTOm OLD PO.NT, Baltimore, for Kichmond, every .NORFOLK, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, RICHMOND v at 4 P. M. from PIER 10, LIGlir AND SOUTH. St., by way; of Chesapeake Bay and James River. Arrives at ich TIIE mond next (morning. No deiay, SWIFTEST, no transfers. haFEST -Meals on European plan. Lnx-s S U R K S T nrlous Staterooms, Electric Lights ROUTE ;. .Steam IJeatt Berths free. Ticket Office, m East Balttmore Street f . Telephone) 1435. iOH . SDER WOOD, IE . W. THOMPSON, ' General Manager. Traffic Manager. K BROWN, general Ticket Agent. : Tf in ri k f-. m 13 or R" -1 1 I Easy, Os'o'ily; Permanently Restored. .:ril;:;-' i'Lll I liwL ten guarantee to wtrf .e? Vaitheci. Cnree weekneraea. Herroua IVbiittr r 1 U the evils from early or later ex eyu.u r -hui o2 oveHrork, worry, sickness. Ic. uij otrcuKth, tone and development given o ovory nrfrnn or portion of the body. Improve .ncptiniTTicljaf lyeeen frorn the first box. Thoas .ntl3 oi I ttera tit p raise on, file in our office. Can x cirrisd ia vest pocket. Bent by mail to any iddi r.e on receipt of price! One month's treat nent in rach box. Price $1.00, 6 boxe $5.00, with .Vrittea Oaarantee to refund money if not curou Vnd to us for tle Genuine. Circulars Free. Pianted-An Idea Protect Tour Idea: tbr TiaT bi Who can thick of onio annpic tiring to patent tbr Tiay bring you veUh. Wrll JOHN WEDDEKBURN ft CO.. Patent Attor it a. Waf'ilngton. T. C. for tbeir (1 JBO0 prize o3 1 lilt o: two aanirl invention waorwt MADE ME A tViAf : AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY COT ! 4UJTrTMiM IHaeaara Failing AIi, ory, I m potency. Sleeplessaem. etc., cause. bf Abtrw or other xceasM and Indis erations. TKry fuicklj and surety restore joet Vita JIT in old or tokdi. auu fit a rm.c oratudy, boeiceas or marriags. Prsrent Insanity and ConsninDtion if n in tuna. Xbeirtme sbowa immediata imimn. mentand effect a ICRS wber all other fail Ia tat a poo. baring tha genuine Aju Tablets. They bar cared thousands and wil icara too. Wa fivt a. w itiva written rar&ntee to effect a care th PTC 'n aacn oaaa or rarand UM money. Fnoe wu W I w. per package or. six pkjtea (fell treatmexitl for t2J50. Br num. in plain wrapper, tipnrt receipt of rrica. ircul.'" Cafaaza. ill. 1 yon are going tolOay a. rar.w .i nr Umbrella, it will paSryou Ui examiue Fowler & Cos. before bnying. m fit , 'HI1' II I..1 II II .v-,.. r i -' !"'? -r'l - U - ' v -UK :;r .:!! -: TOBACCOTOTS frji BUGGIES. A full ine kepUin Hu ck. CITY- N. C. EARLY PEAS.' A 'A At any Nonpareils without the leaa & A it; better buy direct from us. BOX 540., of Excellence Construction. THE " 1 Richmond, Va. F. H. ZIEGLER & BR0. cjnecessor to John H. Dealer in' a.l kinds of- UNDERTAKERS' SUPPLIES, From the Cheapest to the best. A1 tel- - " -I- i; r i j egrarrs promptly attended to. CRAPES AND COOLIMWDS whn de-ired. The finest Hearse an i tnis section." R' se0"d, walnutj cloth-cov-'ered. and metalic caskets a specialty ; At tne old ' stand on a Ehnnghaue Street. Thankful tor past patron bctc " Also all kinds of cabinet Iwork. ?' i i W are now receiving rj m- $upply Coal, and will fill orders promptly. AH coal is screened oetore leaving the Yard,, None but the best hand! ed, Lowkst pricks guaranteed; j: Offlce on Water . Street.5 Elizabeth City j . i, N. a 1 1 A Matter of Choice berh-r you hav jour tjeethytract--d tlii 1 way, with pain,1 or: nse' Gas, VilKlizfd Air, Cocaine, and al( their Hitf-nlHrr . Jantffrsi or with perfeot -nfety, without pain or sleet atN Y DKNTAL ROOMS ONLY, 324 1 Cor! Main and Talbot st reetsi Norfol k Va; Office hoars: 8 to C; Sundays iO to l' ENNES, Dentist. ' ZEtOLEB , 1 :'ED; hedule in effect oct lisssj Korfolk and Southern Bailroad mall and express trains, aouthbouud, daily (except Cr....l FHraheth CttV at 11:40 m Elizabeth City at 2: 45. p m. ". and 4 Northbouud leaves EllzaDetn ntv Q: 2ri m and eoincr South 6: P; m. every Tuesday urday. Both . trains arrive it ud depart from Norfolk & VVestern depot, Norfolsl' m,: T : pWppTf connect at Norfolk with all rail and steam J? arillS, 1 0VVH ; riVtfVr ty , er lines, andat Edenton witii steamers io Roanoke. Cashie, Chowan and Scupper noig rivers; transfer steamer to JIackey Ferry, thence by Norfolk t Southern R E to Roper, Pantego and Belhaveni eonntino- with steimer Virginia xare lot ,.:Maite.ejyilie. Aurora, jvasaiugwu uu intermediate landings. Eastern Carolina Dispatch AND Old Dominion Line. The Steamer NETJSE leaves Eliza beth City Tuesday, Thursday and SaN urdav at 6:00 P. M. for NewBerne and Ron nnke Island, connectinc with A . S N. C. R. R. for Goid8boro, -JKinston and Morehead Uiry; ana wnn v. a; v. -iv U. for Jacksonville. Wilminet6n.; etc Returning leaves New Berne Monday Wednesdav and Friday Steamer NEWBERN leaves Eliza beth Ciiv Monday noon and Wednes day at 6 p. m., for Roanoke Islan Oeracoke. Oriental and Newbern. V Tickets on sale at iiiizaDem uiiy ia tion to Roanoke Island, Oeracoke, Orien4 iai. iew, cerne, xluhiuii,: vtuiubwiu Morehead Oitv and Wilmipeton, N C. Dally all rail serviee betweeaJiUzabetl City and New tork, Philadelphia, Baltw raore and Norfolk. ;'":"-''J Through cars, and as low- rates anq Quicker time than bv an r other route. J Direct all goods to be shippea yia iaet-j ern Carolina Dispatch as follows'. Kroni Norfolk by Norfolk & Souihern Kailroad J Baltimore, by r. vv. ecu. k. it., rresn by P. W. &13. K. K., Presii deht Street Station; Philadelphia, bj Pennsylvania R. R., Dock Street Station New York, by Penneylvania R. lt-i PieJ 9.7 TJnnh TJivpr orfl . Old t Dnminioni i -.,..r.r- - - , ;-- Line. ; i Fortnrther information apply to JI. H Snowden, Agent Elizabeth City, ;or tothe, General office or the NorrolK ana tooutnerr Railroad Co. , N orf oik, Va. M. K. KINO, H. C, IIUDGINS, Gen'i Manager. Gen'l Ft.&Tass Ag PETIT 'S NOBTH CAROLINA C. L. PETITT rilanager Pteamer NEWTON .will leave.Norfok iui jjiiAOiubu kjliiJ vicoiui - anu, . w c jr ,1 landings on Wednesdays and Saturdays, at 4 p. m. Elizabeth City for Ureswell! on Thursdays and Mondays at 9:30 a. m. Retamincfi will leave Creswell for; Norfolk on Tuesdays and Fridays at , 4 ; a. mi, and Elizabeth City same day at ! C : 30 p. m., arriving inNoifolk next day.j Steamer Harbinger will leave -Norfolk! ior iiaizabetii uuv, i iiertiord ana way: Ianaings, on Tuesday!, and Fridays at 4 p.' T?l! 1 A IJ. ' l .XT - C J ITT . m.jiizugueia uny ior neruora vveanes- daysiitnd Saturdays at 9 :30 a. mi Return- insr, will leave. Hertford for Norfolk! Mondays, End "Thursdays at 7 a. m. and; Elizabeth City same day at2:f0 p m. arriving in Norfolk next day. ' W. W MORRISETT, Agent, ' Elizabeth City, N.C. . REAL ESTATE, By . F. LAM B, CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED 50x120 feet. A beautiful building lot. -Uelightfully located. A last chance' for, a down town residence. Situate comer ot Mam and Martin5 streirK. For $ale at a reasonable price on easy terms. .,- .'' Two town lots on Lawrence street Chance for a speculation. A fine dwelling with large lot on the adge.of .town at a sacrifice. Good lo cality. Terms easy; V Small house and J lot on Church St., f East of Road St. . . . . .. .. .$500 ! Vacant lot on Road street, sonth of vjnurcri. Corner lot and dwelling on Church and Dyer streets.. .... . . ....... .8625' Dwelling and good size lot on Church; west of Dyer street....... ..4. $1,000; 251 acres of land with good dwelling I six ! rooms. Nicely fitted out with! stables and outbuildings. A deshable! home -X : . .. . V . .... . . . '. . . .v. . $660i Be street 60x120 feet. House 24x24, feet 2 stories. L 8x16 feet. All out buildings . ;. . , . . ... . . ; . . ; . . . . , .$800- A nne property on Shepard street. House and lot on North Side, near depot and wharyes. . .. . ....... ..$1,050 Two vacant lots on Martin street 40x70 feet, each - .... . $15Q A i good business store ip Woodvlllel Large storehouse and dwelli ncr. Alan sgood will of business. .... '.gfiso' Schooner Esther trood as n aw: v T? a smau sum. ... v. ' Two tenant houses on Fearing gtre pavaoie ?iu per month. two small houses and lots south of i. o.. Jiauroaa tract ' (Tennsylvai nia ).eacn. ..... .... $250 iwo tenement houses on Lawrence atreei. jbor- extenos-to canal. A bar gain. Pqi n dex i er Creek front on west eid of btreet. ! , .I A fine wharf site on Pasquotank River, on south side of town, j A desirable dweDing and corner lot at wattnews ana .Elliott streets Vacant lots near Cotfnr vX n A handsome dwelliner if Arm lands on the River, A 200 acre farm with iro- bnA m ujouious Duiiaines. wn rimkd 1 . ., ,. ' " -"O KtlXJ in a high state of cultivation Price moderate. Terms easv. ' i LLNBS . ' ".1 Ed AJtorny-at-Lav and Real Estate Agent. pr0mpt attentoti giyen to Pro fessional Business. Tk. 77 uu,no .v wmv ,w Estate. " Timter Lands ' . bought and sold on commission. Rental Agsncy ConnecUd v?ith OSce. PARTIES HAVING; TIMBER "LANDS, FARMS Vacant; Town Lots, Dwellings irv Town, - - - . -- ' Or Wharf Property , n v---0 ' A'aiM;4r t0 Sell HaV ail OPPOrtUIllty I to advertise r the same abroad throjiglv this Real Estate Agency WITHOUT EXPENES, as no '.charges MM A r.l ; r l ctl p Uletup. UlllCii oaxcld .01- r . ieCteQ. , rt . . j a ; oenu in uescripiiun ui yuur property you desire to sell and avail yourself of the opportu nity offered at this time to dis- tribute lists of property through out tha United States. REAL ESTATE AGENT JMES EGNI, I QO M M fSS ION DBALE R I N all kikdb or JFKESH FISH, Game and Terrapin. NO; 704 SECOND STREET, BALTIMORE NO AGENTS EMPLOYED Succe&Borto Lsmpbcar & lifj. Wholesale CommisBio. Dealer in 1 FRESH FJSII. ... .. - LOBSTERS. EC. NO. 18 FULTON FI8H MARKET. ' York City, North Carolina 8h I a Specialty. Aeenta.' '.-;" X ' . ' ' : . '.' No WHOLESALE issiob Dealer, NO. 7 FULTON MARKET. V. - '. j , r ' HEW YORE. Special Attentlp- given to Tb f ale of North arolic a Shad. j - ! - ;' X y - ' , . -'i - ' ' Stencila end Stationery on application, v r No Agents. , , i S. L. ST0RER &C0. . 'XX ) : J . . " ; ; : WlOX.E8 ALE . Dealers and Shippers of all kinds of FRESH FISH 6 T O FISH MA RK ET. N. Y. Particular attention paid to. Shad Department. V t ' ' We-employ no agents and pay no commlsions. Jf your 6tencil is not In good fde( Gomm FXJL 1 , ' f . .1- 1 V '' i f t I X t 0