A V - Mm CMAR KHAYYAM. QV la tie sprint tMr irr7 ptc.T 'rx D.-ni &. 'f o J a tUm I sorrow fell. Jrr. not, tL fca-sl:j water t'-lr LiL'Jjfrcn f ar. b-i t:;rr -;, th i!f" t wt.l Arthur J. s-.rls.- r la IXoao. ISOTHERMS. " Arr It?r Lmrnt4 nt School. t'-t a;rr in Ai-iTlcaa Uxthcoiss cf c-s ' hvi r - - - - ... - - . TL-. rr.i-rrhUI: er? U-v.rn f r.ro: a - r.r. -pr-l avcrus-jof Uxsjvr- '. ::;. ar- lit. conncctics1 . . -:- - i -i r. the vr hole .... v . t - cf th ji r. the wiii.;r or fxaacr If nj,n a r.i-? rll i-t-'cra bavins th rama in.-r.n ': rr.tT r.re con Bcctd I J lintM. such liri are called Tecs JtC:.i:u:.J are irt if the rrcth. lnt a t vl le of it. It tuny net he a jrreat calamity. L it th fact is tLat coat 1 07 an 1 irli I avo .hccl with ft cilfounci lion oi f vrhnt an Lrlhrna K and they roely f-d oat In liter yesr. Tby all Ln-tr that tvro el meats, lttltndo au-1 al'.itud?. ere tho mr.iafr.c ten in dettnslnic r th irsn temper atnr cf a rlice: that t1 f rthcr a jLtco is from th creator i.r.1 the higher itt.nc.l nlorerra lvcl t!;-? cooler its climate i. Oat thry Uo not know that ithmnic uir tiie into arconrt enly cneof tlt-fo clttctnt an I th.u i lati tctld lh-r rlitr.Irate th ir.n.icucecf altitude. ThclfOth'Tra fain over the tcp of Tile's xak dot j loI ehuw the tacan tta? raters at tho snmuitcf the taonntaia. bat hat the rac.m tcraprr Btcxe wonlil U in that isirat-diatc ccish lorhoua if tho LinJ. in-t r.l cf rising hiijh ntoTc tho tea, etcod at tho L-vtl cf Coney I4anX t . Do yoa mo th? ra.- 11 f r thU? It rr.ayl rarfly csi.!ainrtL Lloet of the 1 lard lt-ct r so hi.kh aK'Te the sa that the texupratare in greatly r.fTcctid lyaltitntle. To th xaajuritycf cian lindUtitnle i a far intre Irapcrtaat c!:u.atic rlemrnt than altitr.clt. Noff. the effrcta on t'irr -ratwro of l th lati ta'.e ccl altitndo cannot wtll Us shown ( a cso nian. an J i.thmaic niap were devil to :icv. the ciTt-cts 1 f latitude end n ine otlur tl-.mur.t. tnch peti tion near the or in the far interior. An kctherraic lino, tlir n fore. c!.x-a r.ot thovr the actanl r. an U rixratore of a rlaro on it cnlo-s that jl-.eo is at pea liTi L Bat it is easy to ina f rora the isotherm th actaal lacun t' axrrntr.rc cf a place, if wo Lno'.v it tlcvati n aliore the r.a. Ihw thi i Li 1! in i v rr clearly ex;!a:n-.l Yj Dr. II. Ih Mill, the Iiritifh piorai her. c Mlov.-J: "The air prows ctx Icr ly 1 d :Te T. for every 27U feet of cl-vat ion aU.v tea KTtl. tnt i cthenaic lia fhu- the po.i level t.u:rratr.ro. In r; in- ist!icr raic rasps we xatit- thrrefice ren; nUr that phicts COO ft-t t alx.vo the sea 1 1 havo a traperata'ro 2 dret-a l r.vir than the i.-vthenr.i indicate; ylcxnt COO f.y t avc the eca. 23 c!.':xres ' lr. r; tLrM ftct above tho f 3. 4 ! -r.H s l:v..r. r.r..l the mor.iitiin tl - 1?.'. c I; i t r.l .ve the rea no lesi thaV. C J d rriv ! r thf.n tl.ealevtl Ur. -ratr.r th wn I r tha Lotherra. Tl.L .nr- m.. f r th fart .that lione of th i:.:; rt -!.t i- .wn i in the t ?iarcrate i-t ;t r ;..re th;m 2.C-a f o t tl..r vh::. in tl tropic tu -7 it Lu:I: :' :.h proa: tlrv.itk as as 8.ou0 Wcatlf.r chart are nil escerjtiun to - . ... this ra!- ii: y r.o,ra 1.-' aciuai tucnaoairieiil r. -r at th points cf olscrra'i. n. Iw Ytrk ben. Wll!!w Wtk' rhirnctrrt. hir Wtaiy.-aT: il r that Williaia UUci m hl.-a iillovrt 1 hiiuc-If to le drawn inUcvnvt r;4.:ia aiut hU work. Oue of Ht i.Vj rtcillectiti.s mas thus; "(be dir. in.thj far.'lT p,-t, I was walking aloa ther front with Dlach. jit-ttriirhton. when he KiiJ ahrnptly and with refer :ic3 to nothing that hadbdn aovl in n:nninj; away with other nu n's wive- There are -.:no of via who axe rot the victiras of laeiit-J disease or xr.or.il dt fonaity. I do v t even know that onrbctlv of ray acqaaintanco baa 11 rami t ted a iiir.nler or a foririry. Yet tple are anry with m Lccanso I do liJi make lav characters in ray books odionsin this fashion. I ivcfer-toyrito alioat sane people ana L"nesS people, and I iiiiatrine that -th" y are. citcr alb ia a majority in tho world.' " lie Ciol the Ad. "Yoare uot cu that horrid paper, are you." died th? k'uI vho s;vaks htr Ciind. "though I did ncv laect a re porter fxouj it wii rathr nice? lie came to alut j:. ttin;- au auVvr ti.uicnt Whul Nyt a rcprter? Why. I th.aut he w.u. WML anyway I had Ut a u.. ;.n 1 he .-ai.i he had heard of it aud wauled t - Liu.i if .1 :..l'a't WiLi to r.uVtrtL-' in Li 1 livr ty.r it. I t ld kiii I u.wU t 1-eUvvo 1 liktxl Lis old p r. a:. ! hi Jid ho dn.a't thinif uiaeli c ( it luai-lf. b5t ue thought it v u pretty apt to reach the c2as of p j who bijlo u :'. And 60 sinco he was o polite abut it I thought I raiht as well aavtrtiso in it Bat I didn't cct the do-." Nw Ycrk Coiiiracxcial Advt rti.- r. Show Vonr Ucmt iuu.:illc. Honesty dooi not require ns to hauj oar oil paintings facd to tho wall ia crder tkat our friends taay r. J that they are taa le on ctar.4e canvas. It is light to a; -pear always at oar best Give the world yoar brightest thcnshU yocr laost coarteocs ?;x?ceh. th? oat come of yoar kindest iajpaLfes and pnn'st motives, no matter if yon are con cU-as that the-e things arj alwvo yoar ordinary kvtL OoU made tho tljwrs ihov their colors, not their dalL Xhroas matter; to load the air with their udrso, not with the raak coa cf their sap, lloxaiktic Heview. r.ocinr Vertu rteIIir "Tho reman ticit 5;-aks: A realist is a man who Ukes his own vision cf the world as trae end the visions cf all othr person as fal-e. Tha realiit s;xaks: Tlie romanticist U a man who has fonrotten the origin and mcaain,: cflhe nurry talcs with which Lis Lead is filled. New York Commercial Advertiser. - y Tho first public hath in En-land for tot bathinj purposes was opened In 1673. - Opiom L; considered Uireo times as Icadir aj aVohwL . a ANY SECRET MINES. EfiGLANO'S COAST STUDDED WITH THESE DEFENSES. TJiclr Localltr. Appreh" d Fir Ins Tolnl Art 31rtrrle That For. rlait pl nr Oftea Tried, lt ilnnfi In VIn. lo Solve. Kazland hes the most formidable navy 'in tho world, bet she doc not rily r.pon it alone in the event cf war to prev nt a foreign force from landing ti;..s her fhores. London Tit-CIta, in an article cn the tccztt coat defenses cf Ore it Britain, says: la th event of .wax no alien army coal i approach onr ihores withont im- wriliE2 its navy iy enctmnwoe u expletive minea. eores of which enr- rcand cr.r coasts at au puites t fchcted for attack by a foreifra foft TheTaaaK is abo carefully thielded by similar secret mine, one of these in the vicinity cf BlackwalL The rrcci h-nlity of thee mines is, how ever, for ohvions reasons, kept a dark and inrutabl j mystery, and the ap priches to them aro eo clavcrlycon ttractetl and concealed that no one save an cxKTt would eapect their real characitr. An innocent looking cellar at the la.cm?nt of a certain tradesman's chop is the entrance to one important mirie. Let cTtn the tradesman himself is not aware that the 'vcrninent rent3 ttS cellar, nor doe he ever snrmise the true nature cf tho oiration3 carried cn tlu rein. Tlie mim-s are equipped with cTfla-nvr-s of tho most potent kind and admirably connected with the secret chambers on thore by means of electric wires. Each mine is controlled bya button, over which are printed particulars re latin to tho location and character of the mine. This button is placed in the wall of the fcrci-chamber and covered ty a d ub!o door, securely locked, the outer door go closvly resembling the wall of the chamber that no one but those in tho secret could detect its pres ence. Tho chambers are double locked and approached by passages protected in a tiu.ilar manner. Ilvcry lock and key is specially made for theVovcrnment and is unlike any oth r. Only a few cf the very highest uncials are allowed to use these keys, and they are solemnly sworn to preserve their secret rigidly." No persons apart from those especially empowered may inspect or visit any of the secret cham bers at any time except by express written permit personally procured frm a certain hijjh ofHciaL This is ex-cvdin-ly difficult to obtain, and in f.ct is rarely ever granted. - I'rior to rach a permit being issued tho cf;lcials assure themselvesat the pressor of the document bears a blameless character, is British born and h is no ulterior reasons for preferring Lis refpebt This settled, he is sworn to pcr cy in the nvt solemn manner, Mhuifoldeil and conducted by a circuit ed r.nt3 to the secret chamber, where h i p rmittvd to ma his eyes, but not hi !nao. no questions being answer ex by the nttcndin.'r cfllciaLc Strange stories have Uen told of at tf aipts made by foreiru spies to pene trate tlie privacy of these mysterious mines. ;: A youns lieutenant in tho navy, vh 3 honorable character won the con- ! r.oe of his superior ofiicers some yc ars nince.as accorded the privilege of ?:n;irding one of these secret mines ad intrusUil with certain information concerning its character. &,n after his appointment ho became e n,r. evl to a charming yonng French lady of whom he was desperately enam ored. By some inexplicable means his fiancee pot to hear of his appointment, and by alternate threats and persnasdon indict d him to take her to see the se cret mine under his care. On tho evening arranged, after ex tracting a solemn vow of secrecy from his ladylove and getting hereto don the dress of a naval ofacer for the occasion, ho was about to set oat on his secret minion - when, to his surprise and alarm, bo and his companion were ar rest ed by detectives. In some mysterious manner the authorities had been en lightened as to the proceedings on foot and wero in time to stop them. ""For 'breach of regulations" the young lieutenant was subsequently court xnartialed and reduced, while his charming companion, who proved to be a spy in tho employ of the French gov ernment, was conveyed back to her own country, with a caustic caution On another occasion a German gen tleman contrived to locate the entrance to one of tho secret chambers and actu ally hi ml a member of the Bill Sikes fraternity to aid him in negotiating the doable locks one dark November night But so splendidly fitted and fortified were the; appliances both the visitors were doomed to disappointment Re turning from tHe rendezvous, both the pl . tter and his accomplice were arrested and imprisoned V.'orth Watting For. """Daring a prfonn-ince at at theTyne moath A(i".arinai. a co'ar!? from Old Hartley were anion r the nndienca When half time arrived, an attendant placed on the stage a hoard inscribed with ti word Interval." Wat's that Geordie?" asked the tvif. lloordie sptdlcd th. word. - "I-n. in; t-e-r. iat-r: v-a-1. iutrrraL" !; it w"i.t is t :" "A a livv::t kxaa. Itf. The foaks ii nail iraania t-.t: br.t wc l' stop to se itt" Han Fiaiici-co Wave. In 1GGG the great fire in London t a: n- d ov r aer.'j. t!rtroying at I.:a-t $3a.0p).OCO worth of property. In 1S73 the Boi-toa . fire burned over CO cr3. ct a i.-sSH of $!,00i.0'..'t) an acr& If ti e f.iuu iire occurred today, it won Id cost, at the very lowest estimate rtCJ.o,i',f.M In the hsstm the 21 ; acres baraeil over was ov.r 30. 000.00a Some Went lo Glory. I once ajked a district nurse, says a writer in The Ccrnhill Magazine, how tho varionseick cases had been going on daring my absence from the parish. At once the lookwhich I knew so well "crossed her face, but her natural pro fessional pride -strove for tho mastery with the duo unctuommess which she considered necessary for the occasion. Atlast she evolved the following strange mixture, "Middling welL sir; some of 'em's gono straight to glory, bat I am Shd to eay ethers are nicely on the mtni". Bold Ticket oa Him. It Is good Xo be a celebrity, and It Is rometimea profitable merely to recog nize cue. While Chauncey M. Dcpew wa3 at the Omaha exposition, says the New York. Times, he and President Callaway of the New York Central chanced to go into a booth on the Mid tray Plaisance, ' It was a tame entertainment, ana there was only a meager attendance when Mr. Depew and Mr. Callaway entered. Their stay would have been very brief except for the fact that they had scarcely taken their seats before there began a steady topouring of peo ple, which continued until the small auditorium was crowded Taking this extraordinary increase or rpecxators as an indication that something-of an interesting nature was about to be disclosed the two New Yorkers concluded to sit it out Half an hour's waiting failed to reward their patient expectancy, however, and Mr. Callaway suggested that they move on. Just then ex-Secretary of Agriculture J. Sterling Morton pushed his way through tho crowd and. extending his band to Mr. Depew, exclaimed: WelL Dr. Depew, so you are really here! I thought that barker' was ly ing." What do yon mean t" inquired Mr. Depew Why. the 'barker' for this show is standing outside and inviting the crowd to 'step up lively and pay 10 cents for the privilege of seeing the 'great and only Chauncey M. Depew. ' Value of Comma. A Prussian school inspector appeared at the office cf the burgomaster of a lit tie town to ask him to accompany him on a tour, of inspection through the schools. . - The burgomaster was out of sorts, and was heard to mutter to himself: What is this donkey here again for?" - - Tho inspector said nothing, but wait ed his time, and with the unwilling burgomaster set out on his tour. At the first school be announced hia wibh to see bow well punctuation was taught. Oh, never mind that," grumbled tho burgomaster. "We don't care for commas and such trifles." But tho inrpector sent a boy to the blackboard and ordered him to write: 'The burgomaster cf TL says, the in f rector is a donkey." Then ho ordered him to transpose the tMinma. placing it after R., and to in sert another one after inspector, and tho boy wrote: . "The burgomaster of R.. says the in spector, ia a donkey." It is probsbls that tho refractory offi cial gained a new idea of the value of "commas and such trifles." London Tit-Bits Ilon'a Dress In London. In Lcndon the female make up baa no significance whatever. All kinds of men ranking anywhere above "lower cla?s." however, have their frock coats end tall hats. A tailor made frock coat is not a luxury in London. Take it in the United States, and a man wishes to attire himself in the ex treme of what the British call "after noon wear," must bo willing to spend money. Comparo tho jiricee of a Sun-' day outfit: England. . U. S. Frock coat wad waistcoat $15 00 f 50 00 Trousers ... 4 00 ' . 10 00 Cilk hat 4 00 00 GloTea;.. 1 00 1 75 6Uck 60 1 00 Totals $-'4 B0 168 75 You can buy a bunch of violets on a London tieet corner for 4 cents. - It costs sixpence to havo a silk hat ironed When it comes to tho mere making of a personal front on a small income, no other city can offer such advantages as London. Chicago Record The Terrier." A document known by the name of a "terrier" i3 supposed to bo keptt ev ery old parish church setting forth the sources of the income of the benefice especially glebe Lands; hence the deriva tion from the Latin "terra." Ignorance of this purely technical, term" led a clergyman into a curiousTnistake. He was a sporting parson and had just been appointed to his first living. Dur ing the early days-of his incumbency he received a form from the bishop which he was required to fill up Among the questions asked was, "Do you keep a terrier T" "No." wrote the cleric in reply, "but I have two well bred pointers, and your lordship i3 welcome to one if you care to have it." St. James Gazette Mny a man loses a job trying to sup port the dignity he thinks ought to go With it. Chicago Journal FOR All WORST luiit.'iui inj 04 1 all the pain andsicknessfrorn I j$ V , -which women suffer Is caused by weakness cr derangement in the organs cf menstruation. Nearly always when a weman is not well theso organs are affected. But when they aro strong and healthy & woman is very seldom sick. Is nature's provision for the regu lation cf the menstrual function. It cures all ' female troubles." It Is equally effective for the sfrl la her teens, the young wife with do . rr.esiic and maternal cares, and the woman approaching the period known as the Change of Life." ' They all need It They are all benefitted by it - For adrfco tn cases mrrtrfor special directions, address. rlTiftf ryrrptoms. the "Ladles' Adrlsory Department The Chattanooga Mediciae Co Caatta nooc. Tena. - TK0S. J. C00PER, ffiptl,' Kiss., ttTK My ttster tuff er4 from 1 try trreftitar and painful menstruation and doctors could not relieve her. Wine ef Cartful entirely cored Iter and else helped by . - Oar FIorlilA Alllffator. - An alligator is not an attractire creature. He has not a single virtue that can be named. He is cowardly, treacherous, hideous. He is neither graceful nor even respectable in appear- a nee. . He is not even amicus frrntAWTrifl in hia' nneainliness. for as a brute a brute unqualified he is al ways so intensely real inai one Bnnni rxom him with loathing and adaugh at bis'expense while in hia presence would eeem curiousiy-oui 01 piace. j ; nlltv. tfw ia fitronir. Once catch the steadfast gaze of a free, adult with their odd vertical pupils fixed full upon your own andtne signincance 01, me eiprraioii otn'l oxra inil thft rriTsteries of snake cbarming, hypnotism and hoodoo ism will be readily understood, for his bru tish, merciless, unflinching stare is sim ply blood cniinng. 1. vv. unuce m Popular Science Monthly. "". - Plaatera and Cut. Althbueh court plaster - is useful in protecting small scratches or abrasions of the skin from harm, it should not be used over any considerable cut or wound in Tjroeees of heahnjr. These will neal much faster if simply covered with a bit of soft linen held in place at the ends with strips of surgeon s plaster. Ho LlklaiR- For Anffl. A Uttle eirl . whose mother left I her alone at night after, telling her the room was full "of angola vy as heard saying to her doll: "Nowdollie. you mustn't be nfrairt Tho room is all full of angels. It beats the devil how afraid I am of angels. "- Trained Motherhood. u Strallr.- 'And you say you ate horse steak in Paris? Hov was it served?" "A la cart of course." Cleveland ansas Imao a hnnv wfl She wrfteS! ' I iirw r r 7 " - - hrr icri ninffior'ei Frl end before two confinements. The last time I had twins, and was in laDor oniy a rew min utes. Suffered very little." The reason why Mother's Friend An'a Avn'tflfit mothers so much good is because it is an external liniment, i- 1 11.. ' iMtf.Ma nhAM 10 DC appilCU ULHJH IUC uuisiuw, w uwv It helos be cause the pores of the skin readily absorb it, ana 11 comes into uucoi wuwvi wm -,A ia KerhH . hv the nartS involved. Morning sickness is quickly banished, and nervousness is kept completely away. The sense of dread and foreboding is not expenencea, even aunng um iwv.u. Confinement is short and almost without pain. Recovery is quick and sure. Best of all, Mother's Friend benefits the unborn just as much as the expectant mother, and when the little one comes it will be strong, lusty and healthy. -DruCTiats sell Mothert Prknd for $1 a bottle. Send for oar free book on the subject, finely illustrated. THE BRADFIELD REQULATOR CO. ATLANTA. OA. NS vV ABVERTISEME H TS PARKER'S- HAIR BALSAM desnae asd beantifiea the n)r. MeTer Fails to Restore Gray Hair to ite Tontiiful Color. EUECTRO- SlLICOR! Shines Silverware Surprisingly 8 Sample seat if you say so. : It's nnllKe all others.. 1 Box, post-paid, 15 cts. In stamps,! It's 5olld Ererywhere. j - Electro Silicon Co- 40 Cliff St Ne w York trr -. C&leKester'b ZacIIA Znasaead BMtf. 0rintinntfni nil - Orlsfaalsaai7eaue. , arc alw7 rdutbW -DI' v MZiAWta B4 ad Void wmaV m. mm wita mm itMM. x ko y Dii.r tm XAYraJ im Utur, or Vetera to. aartiewmra. itinwmMU ui CZ,ci-lcmlC.MAlm Place. 'Waitlfinasvta. flllLAUA., 1'A. Wanted-An Idea Vbo can thina of some simple ttrtog to paientr Protect yonr ldea: ther may bring you wealth. Write JOHN W tDDERBtTHN A CO- Patent Attor- sera. Washington. D. I r tneir luu priae me tntl list if io nandrad LuTenUona wntad. 1 J 1a.. 5 mihP, eut mm r 1 1. j cratching 7 I l la 1 . ra O r It flatters Not How i)b' stinate, or What Other Remedies Have Failed - Obstinate sores and ulcers, which refuse to heal under ordinary tre.tr ment, soon become chronic and deep seated, and lead to conditions most serious. They are caused in different ways, bat in every case the blood ia involved, and no amount of local-treat-ment can have any effect. Tdie poison must be eliminated from the Wood before a cure can be had. j THE0W1I FE01I A H0ESE" Mr. H. Kaaa,' of Marlon, Kansas '"iirrl test "About three years ac o my graadduiter,ier th Whlrsrood, was thrown from norse, J ecirlng wound of the scalp. Though una" the treatment of physicians for several months . the wound remained bout the same, until t Anally became -very ngry-looklBT, and broke UUI t ea j m ea- q sore. This soon sprsaa to other parts of th ealp and ran down the side of the neckjnereaa Ingr In sererlty and fear fully dlsflgurlBs; . her, ' CKathRTtlaedlin. der the care of the fac nitr of sv well-known hospital,, but eTentos 1 treatment uw rweifc . there failed to arrest the terrible sore. Beading of the many cures of blood troubles effeeted ft. S. 8- we decided to try It. and It relieved her promptly. ' lJ months she was entirely ndJJ .mark now remains where -the-disease held toll swat." - ' ' . J A OTJlfSHOT WOUND. - ' Capt.J. H. McBrayer, the weU-lmcrfm clis Uller, of Lawrceburs;,Ky says t hi rK n mm WHOLESALE- GROCEES -AND DEALERS IN- Hay Lime, Cement, Hair & Piaster. ' ra-Prettiest and Best Ready-Mixed Paints in the city. Heod for New Color Cards. Lead, Oil, Varnishes, TerpeniineV Etc. - -;. , . AGENTS FOR A. WREN N & SOI '8 BUGGIES. A full line kept in stock . euzaIbeth &XTXfMt c- p ABOUT EXTRA EALT PEAS; g sl Don't make the mistake this season of planting Borne cheap c pea that will begin to blossom about the time Tait's Nonpanel CP -is setting pods. " r, . The Experiment Station of your State , will tell you that tbe Nonpariel is the earliest and best trucking pea. These stations Jg were established for your benefit.- Why should you not take jg 9 But take care not to buy seal with a thistle stamped upon M Then you'll know. ; -, fJ5 n .l"OST OFFICE NORFOLK, - A IVlatter of Choice -Whether you have your teeth extract ed the old way, with pain, or use Gas, Vitalized Air, Cocaine, and ail their attendant dangers, or with - perfect safety, without pain or sleep at N. Y. DENTAL ROOMS ONLY, 324 Cor. Main and Talbot streets, Norfolk, Va. Office hours: 8 to o; unaays luxo 1. ENNES, Dentist. F. H Z.1EGLER & BR0, - Duccessor to JonN H. Zsioras : Dealerin a.l.kinds f - UrDERTAKERS, SUPPLIES, 'From the Cheapest to the beet. All tel r egrams promptly attended to. . JIEiFES illD fOCLLv;CI5iEDS Then desned.The finest Hearse in tms eection., Rseood, walnut, cL th-cov-ered and metal ic caskets a specialty At the: old stand "-on Ehrinebatw Street. - Thankful lor past -t patron-sge. SJAlsollkinds of cabinet work . " . . JjALORJilsTKAM PACKET CO. x Eleirant Steaniers Dally, exptote OLD - Saudaj between Baltimore andj 7"TB AY Old Point Corafort, Norfolk, Ports - ' LINE mouth and a!! polnf s booth. Direct v' '.-connections with all railroads tr mlnntinp at Norfolk, Portamouta BETWEEN and Hampton Roads. ; A LTI MOKB, ST E A M EK 1VIKGINIA- from 0.n po .NT, Baltimore, for Ktrhnrond, - every NOKFOLK, Moodar, Wedcesihtv and Priday, RICHMOND at 4 P. M. from PlfcBlil, LIGUT AND SOUTH St by way of Chesapeake Bay , . and James KSver. Arrlvest -tica- TTIE7' mond axt morning.- No delays, SWIFTEST, co transfers. j- SA .'EST Meals on - Enropean plan. - Lnx S U R K H T ortotis SUterooms, Electric Uf;hts ROUTS . Steam U est. -Berths free. ; 1 -- . . Ticket Office, 129 EastBalttmore ' Street --' -- f - - : - - " : Telephone US5.! - - i- JOflX - SHERWOOD, . S. W. THOMPSON,' " Vreneral iianager. Traffic Manager.-' ' tiUO WK Gearal Ticket. Agent U -Some years ago I w.s .hot lathe left leg receiving what I considered oniy-a uga wound. It deveiopea into a running sore and rare me a great deal of pain and inconTen ienceT I was treated by many doctors and took a number of blood remedies, but none did me any good and did not seem to check the cifle (S. 8. S.) highly recommended for the blood, and concluded to and forced the poison out or my raooa; ew . . . j ifterwft& the sore healed up and J sound snd -well.' X am sure S. 8. 8. Is by fax the best blood remedy made." kit rnattersnot how they ?feuired or what treatment has faded, 8. . H. will cure the most obstinate,, deep seated sore or ulcer. It is useless to expect local treatment of salves, lo tions, etc.; to effect a cure, because they can not reach the real cause of the trouble; which is the. blood. 8. S. 8. drives out every trace :of impurity in the blood; and in this way cures per manently the worst cases. It is the only blood remedy guaranteed and contains not a particle of jpog mercury, or other mineral. B.d. d. cures -Contagious Blood Poison, Scrof ula, Cancer, Catarrh, Eczema, Rheu matism, Sores, Ulcers, Boils, or arly other blood trouble. Valuable books on - these diseases will be mailed free to any address, by the Swift. Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia. W:& 00. fT0BAGC0ITTav any Nonpareils without the lead - it; better buy direct from us. 'g - - - -- ' - BOX . 540., VA. i - b7 kYWtWrVWWrWfYiYnfifrVWi 4Z.TYLI5H. RELIABLE ARTISTIC- Recenmeodcd by Leading Dretf makers. & & Tbey Always Please. NONE BETTER AT ANY PRICE fVTbt pattf rut art aold in early trj cttt and tawa in tke yaitaa silica. If dtaliatt ot ktp intra nd 4tfttt - Oat etat taffiptrtcaivad. A4rat yaar artti acist THE McCALL COMPANY, I38te t6 w. 14th Street. N York iB4ice orrtcsi : 180 Fifth Avt., Chlcato, and 1051 -Market St., Sao Freoclfce. mmmm Brtsktast Mazialae t Pabllshed r I ConralBT' Beaattful Celered Plates, Iiiuttretet LAteai rausrns, aaa c In. Tmnrm IV. rtr 15 : Areata vaatad for jtU aasratfae la every ; locality . B.iutlf ul premium far a little ! alar a. Saaicrjptiea aaly 90o. pel year, ; failuaHag a PEtEB Fattcre. SAddree THF MeCALL COL i t8 te 146 W. i.tb St., New Yerk 5l CAMP FIRES OF THE v. confederacy: By Geaerals Fltzhngh Lee, Gordoa, Besser, Batler, Otis, and soo other brave officers, privates, sailors and patriotic Southern women. - -: v Tbe Heroic, Htnnorous and Thrill Inf Side of the War, Consisting of Hamoroas Aneedotes, Renf siseeaees, - Deeds of Heroism. TkrllUar Harrs tires. Bead to Hani Flgkta, Terrible llardiklps, Imprison, meats, Perlleas - Joaraers, Darns; Caids, Sea Fights, Tragic treats, EK. CCD Over 2C0 IHostrattons. ASENTS vTAHTEO everywhere. Good pay. Send for beaatlfal deseriptlre elrealars In colors, sad terws. Ad dress Coarier-Joaraal Job Priatlag Compaay, LalsTllle,K7. PHESs Snository t enaranteed to cure FILES, and CONSTIPATION (bleeding, itching, protruding, unrard). whether of recent or long; standing, or money veeunded. It fires instant relief, and effects a radical and permanent -core. Ho surgical operation required. Try It and relief your suflerings. Send for list of testi monials and free sample. Only 50 ct. a boi. For sale by druggists, or sent by mail on receipt of price. -. ULRTURtniT, EeRiaiEaclst, LaflcasiiT.Pa. Sold in Elizabeth CityN, V v,hy Dr. Griggs & Son. Call for Sample, give it a iruu, i&'Zi, sVp --, result was very gratWy- ItftfPJ rf I lnr. 8. 8. 8. seemed to Mt& ,? rh J Sons.. HM9L MS C&ILIUtjpN BjeVBSSSSSJB3BSBWESmBSBB s . - t f T a. - as w m Mmwtt a jaes' iri ii' MTi i mm M ii. II. 0 a S K, t a ' -. I . . ri -V,-S'-.-y SCHEDULE IN EFFECT OCT 19, 18f 8 Norfolk and Southern Eailrosrl mail and express trains, nouthbouuil. daily (except Sundays) leave Elizabeth City at 11:40 a in Northbound dairy, except Sunday, leave Elizabeth City at L': 45. p in. No 3 and 4 Northbound leavts Elizabeth City. 3: 20 a. m and Koing t?outh G: p, in. every Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday. Botn Tralns arMe at arid depart fmm Vnrfnll: Az Western tienot. Nt'ifolk: connect at Norfolk with nil rah and Meto er lines, and at Euenton with t-armr lor Roanoke, Cathie, Chowan and Scumi-; oosg rivem; transfer stff mer to Mackey'i Ferry, thence by Norfoll t South rn P. i BnrtAi. P.ni.im and Belhaxeii. i.. kv m. w u w F connecting with -tetmer VirKCl'a l"are for Mate.eyTUIe, 'Aurora, Wsnbtngion at d interniwdlate landings. Eastern Garolina Dispatch V AND Old Dominion Line. The Steamer NKUSE havrs Eliza hoih ritv Tupsdav. Thtirednv ami Sat urday at 6:00 P. M. tor Ne-wife-rne ami Roanoke Island, connt-ctinp wiin. x N.C.U.lt. forGoldshoro, Kiiifton and Morehertd City ; and with W. & H. U. for Jacksonville, Wilmii K'1": ,,t ttetii riling leaves New Htiiie Alti.ilay, .Vediioxdny and Friday V - Stc-uiuer NEWBEUN Ituv.a Eliza beth Ci.y Monday noon hii1 Wednes lay at O p. m., for Rt uiioke. Island Ocradoke, Oriental and Newhern. Tickets on sale at Elizabeth City Sta tion to Roanoke I-laod, Ociacoke, Orien tal, New Berne, Huston, Goldsloro, Morehead City and VVllmii gtoo, N. C. Dally allrall'servlee between Kl!rhetl Citvand New iork, Phtladeli-hla, Haiti, more and Norfolk. Through cars, and as low rates and quleker time than y any biaer route v Direct all goods to De suippcu via mh ern Carolina Dispatch as follows : rrom Norfolk byNoriolk & Southern Railroad, Baltimore, by P. W . & B. It. R., I'n ti dent Street" Station; Philadelphia, bj r i . , 1. f) r...l. Wf.....t Uln(!r n jrennyivania it. ., rum i-'am . Wm Ynrk. hv P nnevlvscia H h .l'itr 27, North River, and Old Dominion Line. . m Forfurther information apply to M. II Snowden, Agent r.liZA'etb City, or toihe General office of the "Norfolk and Southern Railroad Co., Norfolk, Vs. M. K.KING, H.C. HUIHilF, Genl Manager, Gen'l Ft.&lat.n Kv, REAL KSfATE. uy CO RRES r ON l) E N CE St)LlClTEI).' SOxiao feet. A fieitutifni building lot. Delightfully located. A last chance for a down town -residence Situate corner of Main and Martin streets. For sale at a reasonable price on easy terms. . ? Two town lots on La vvr enre street Chance for as peculation. . A fine dwelling with large lot on the ddge of town at a sacrifice. Good lo cality. Terras easy. Small house andjjlot on Church St., East of Road St. ; $."00 ! Vacant lot on Road street, south o Chur6h. Corner lot and dwelling on Churcn and Dyer streets. $025 Dwelling and frod size lot on Church west of Dyer 6treet. ..$1,000 25 acres of land with good dwelling six rooms. Nicely fitted out with stables and outbuildings. A deshable home...... . 80 Bell street 60x120 feet. Houee 24x24 feet 2 stories. L 8x16 feet. All out buildings I&00 A fine property i n Shepard stre t. House and-lot on North Bide, near depot and wharves...; $1,050 Two vacant lots o:i Martin street 40x70 feet, each.. $150 A good busintss store in Woodvllle. Large storehoiis-e and dwelling, also good will of business $850 Schooner Esther good as new. a small sura. For Two tenant houses on Fearing street payable $10 per month. . Two small houses and lots south of N. & S. Railroad track ("PennsylvaJ nia").each 8250 Two tenement houses .on Lawrence street. Lt extends 1 canal. A bar gala. PoindtfXter Creek front on west side of etreet r ' A fine wharf site on Pasquotank River, on south side of town, A desirable dwelling and corner lot at Matthew? and Elliott streets. Vacant lots near Cotton Factory. A hmdsome dwell it g on Road street near Burgess. Farm lands on the River. A 20 acre farm with Hrge and com modious buildings. Well timbered and ina rVgh state of cultivation. Pries moderate. Terms easy. , wVKrA44 bo YEARS' 'V f EAPEKifcrlwti VTraoe Marks. Anyone sending- a sketch and description may enlckly ascertaln-onr opinion free whether an InTentlon Is probably patentable. Coromunlr "' tlons strictly conOdentfaL Handbook on PatenU sent free. Oldest airency for securinspatentd. Patents taken through Munn A Co. receire tpeeial notice, without charge, ia the - Scientific Jlmerican. . -.handsomely lUnstrated weekly. Jjinreat Hr eolation ot any scientlflo Journal. Term, 94 a year: four month.', L Bold by all pewaders. L'.Ui;;i&Co.-S8""1-'-llevYork . vBraach Office. 63 F BU WashlnstoD, . FOR SAL t

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