I WE BUY - OLD ' GOLD (it ; 6 AND SILVER. I HATHAWAY BROS. f! TILE JEWELERS. - s Our cstcemt 1 fellow citizen, Mr. mystery of electricity, and before 1 necil, and what they want, and he's S. Well, of tho Rjrkft Stnm Mi r,i:-- ii : .j , L n, individual cbarac- T. S. Wells, of the "Racket Store left on Tuesday with his two dangb ters, to visit his friend and relatives at his old home in Cheraw. S. C Edison, the wizzard of electricity was dead tber comes another and a newer development in light It As Wa miss his kindlv faea and rrreei- called the "Carolina New Automa- iug on Main street. I tic Light, Those who- have used The -fire bell at nfchtw is getting U it most highly. It is a to bo two familiar a piece of music beautiful and cheap light, pleasant to our midnight ears, ana it comes and soft to the eye. It is sa:a to mostly "from ward no. C. They must be two thirds cheaper than any otb be a careless people in that ward, or ,. hL the -t of ,0 eantl,e love excitement II we were Mayor, . onlr offers for 4 V cents each to all his ana we are oniy waiung ior ii io i , , , - i en .11 f come to un unsolicited, we'd order of one percent Several business friends, and he expects to sell all of houses and private residences have mem jnawees irum u u--, adopted the new light, with great morning to the following Saturday mtro- the curfew bell to be Tho 1'ostoflico wa3 removed to Poindextcr street this week. We are pleased to hear that Mr. Alexander Vads worth is improving. Home raised green tiuck are now oa the market and seme wending their way north. Mr. "Wesley Williams left on Wed nesday to attend the annual session of the I. O. O. F at Raleigh. Mayor T. T. Wbitcomb left on Wednesday for Raleigh to attend the annual council of Red men. There will be public exercises at the A. C. Institute to-night. The public is invited to be present. Strawberries home raised and lu?x-ious looking are now on the market at 5 cents a quart basket The newly elected Aldermen will organize the new Board at their meeting on the first Monday in June. Mrs. 31. A, Evens, of St George's, DeL, aunt of Dr. Blade?, is visiting Dr. and Jin. Eladcs on upper 31ain street. Hon. Charles D. Pendleton who returned to E. City from hi3 home in Key West, Florida, has improved in health binco his return. Rids for the site for the new Gov ernment building in Elizabeth City were opctud in "Washington" City on -Wednesday 10ih inst. The interment of the iufant son of 3Ir. and Mrs. Willis Gregory, who departed this lile on Monday, aged 5 months took place on Wed-nesdav. Mrs. Sarah V. Palmer, wife of Mr. J. T. Palmer, departed this life, in this town, ou Saturday, aged 21 rears. She and her infant child were interred together on Sunday. Ex-Mayor W. C. Glover has con tracted with Messrs. Chilcutt & llramble to build two brick stores, one on Fearing and the other on Poicdextcr rrcet. Betsy's 'a rising. Wc have received from the Fhil oinathesiau Society of Wake Forest College a polite invitation to attend the Commencement Exercises of the College on -May 22', 2o 2F, 25', 1S99. Tho following is the Honor Roll of the Elizabeth City Piblic School for the month ending April 2Cth, lt'JJ. Lizzie Winslow, Mary Hin ton, Bcssio 3Iorgan, 3Iary Webb, Willie Saunicrs. We- acknowledge a polite invita tion from Littleton Female College to attend she Commencement Exer cises in tho College Chapel, on Wed nesday and Thursday, twentyfourth and twenty fifth of .May tSUO. Tho revival services in tho Baptist and Methodist churches have grown in interest since our last issue and there have been additional accessions to tho membership of both churches. Mr. Paul Creccy, tho representa tive of the Economist, will be at Hyde court next week, and wo thnk in advanco our old friends and new in that dear old county, for extend ing to him the kind hand of help and cordiality. We tender thanks"and congratu lations to our excellent Dcmocaatic Sheriff, N. G. Grandy, Esq.. for his attention to the Court House lawn. He has shaven it so beautifully that it looks like velvet, and ho did not damage any of the pecan trees. Dr. Alderman, Paesideut of the TTniversitv of North Carolina, will deliver the annual address at the Atlantic Collegiato Institute, at the approaching commencement in June. He is said to be the finest t rostrum sneaker in North Carolina. We are complimented by an iuvi- .tationfrom the "Pollen Literary So- exctv to attend the l'ubnc xercises at the North Carolina College of Agricultural and Mechanic Arts in TLileifrh- N. C on FriJny even ing. May 12th, eighteen hundred and ninety nice. There will be a festival of ice cream, strawberries and cake at the Albemarle House this evening from 4 to 10 o'clock, under tho auspices of the "Ladies Aid" of the Presby terian church. Children will be sirred in the afternoon, and all or rung in the Race Track" every night at 8 o'clock, on pain of the street chain gang. 3rr. 31. L. Sanderl'n, Manager of the Southern Department of the Hartford Life Insurance Co., left on Tuesday in the interest of the company, in organizing and looking after the" agencies throughout the territory! 3Ir. Sanderlin will be absent several weeks. He is one of our best business men, his manners are easy, kindly and winning, and we congratulate the company upon securing the services of so efficient a representative. The new advertisement of the carriage, buggy and vehicle company of Wood, Broughton & McMullan is presented tolbe public in another column. This new accession to the business of our town, we regard as a most fortunate one. The personel of the company is of the highest character and they are all skillful and expert manufacturers in their line. In quality and cheapness of their goods they will meet any com petition, and we are sure that any statement they make can be relied on with entire confidence. Mr. Abner Jackson' has been a faithful sexton of the Baptist Church for over thirty years, ana has grown old and become infirm in its service. The good ladies of the church, in appreciation of 3Ir. Jackson's long and faithful service, filled his larder with family groceries on Friday, and accompanied the gift with a well-filled purse, with personal ex pressions of kindliness and good will, and invocations of the blessings of Heaven. This is practical reli gion. WHITE ROSE, FLOUR makes the finest biscuit and rolls. In FOX RIVER BRAND you have the best of butter. For sale by Kollinson, Stevens & Uo. Any old wheel-will run fast if you can push hard enough. Victor bicy hpin to win. Price reduced to UK HathawAV Bros., the Jewelers. Tho ITcsr Light. Tho Nineteenth century has in nothing been more distinguished than in its progress of light. When God in the fiat of creation said 'Let there te light," He emphasis ed its great importance in the ori gin of man. From that time when darkness ;was upon the face of the deer," light has been developing, and men have sought light rather than darkness. The great cry of man from the dawn of creation has been for more light. It's cry to day is for light, more light. There was a response in the heart of hum anity when the orator's tongue ut tered the phrase Turn on the light." Turn it on, turn on the in tellectual, moral, scientific, material light Let a better light follow its immediate predecessor, and let each i 1 l il 11 1V.. ono De bngnier inau me uww. Light marks the progress of the world., Look over your shoulder and see tho Nineteenth Century as it takes its farewell, and read its history as illuminated by its lights. When it was born in 1800, men groped in darkness by the light of a pine knot. We laid aside the torch for a dip candle and our fathers re joiced in the achievement For the first quarter of the century it was the light of the world. Then some bold genius discovered the pressed sper- mnrti in a whale s head and our -JkM'V - mmm ' - - . ... fathers were happy "with exceeding great joy and wished their fathers had been more wise. When the sperma ceti came our fathers thought their work was done. But it was just betrun. Kerosine followed sperm a- nri Trft all took it up alter holding our noses until the sense of rii ra mtf(1. hecanse it was so cheap, and bo bright and soft Next came the electric light repre- cAr.i;nrr millinn din candles, but full of danger as a thunder clap. Surely, thought wo, this is the final solution of the great light ques tion. But ere science had explained the TV NVpeisUlAr 111. Tfc A 1rfcbt ftatdr tor NWmi and tomcH S Froy'sVormlfugo . Cjju rorrd chUdrn for 50 jmi I (t mSTSok boot t.lU-aaA I satisfaction, and it has been duced in Edenton, Washington, Hertford, Greenville, Tarboro, and other towns in .Eastern Carolina. This new light is the latest develop ment in the progress of light, to be succeeded probably by other de velopments of light before the Twentieth Century is in the meri dian of its life. Ttallinmn. Rtveni2c Co. have re ceived a large line of TOILET SOAPS which they offer to the public at iop ular prices. Any old wheel will run fast if vou can posh bard enough. Victor bicy cles spia to win. Price reduced to f40L Hathaway liros tne jewelers. Tto Election Honday. The election of seven new alder men for the seven wards of the city, and for the issue of $30,000 new bonds of the town, took place on Monday. The new Aldermen elect ed were: M. N. Sawyer, Democrat, First Ward; Bryant Freeman (col.), Republican, Second Ward; J. C. Commander, Democrat, Third Ward; J. L. Sawyer,Democrat,Fourth Ward, J. B. Flora. Democrat, Fifth Ward; B. F. Spenco, Republican; Sixth Ward: W. H. Weatherly, Democrat, Seventh Ward. The bond issue was carried by a majority of 56 votes. The officers of the town: Mayor, Clerk, Treas urer, Health-officer, Chief of Po lice and staff, will be appointed by the Board of Aldermen at the first meeting on the first Monday, in June. The city administration is m Democratic hands, and we look for much improvement in the manage ment and condition of our munici pal affairs. We can say for the outgoing administration that they accepted the will of the people with becomming grace and made no factous or heated opposition, and that the Democratic party was willing for them to be re presented on the Board. The Bond issue was not made a party ques tion, but as a matter of public pol- . 1 - L icy was votea ior ana against by members of both parties. Pub lie opinion was divided upon the subject and the question was much divided and doubtful. The $30,- 000 which will come into the hands of the new Board from the issue of the Bonds will doubtless be expend ed judiciously, economically and carefully, and will make our enter prising and progressive town more pleasant for our citizens and vis itors. VO CCRE-NO PAY. ThAt Is the way all drujrgists sell GROVE'S TASTELKS3 CHILL TON to rn. Malai-in chills nnd Fever. It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless fer it to bitter, nauseating Tonics. Price. 50c. A frtsh lot of jams, sauces, and pre serves lust-, receivea Dy itoiuusun. Steven & Co. s. studying up our individual charac ters and tastes, and needs. Ues been studying up this i i mystery for six months. And he has had a bhrewd agent in New York buying up a first cla33 lot of goods, none of which was to cost more than 4 ceuU. This has been going on for six cr twelve months, . until he has got together 2,000'articles which he TiiMit. TVho. but Mitchell, wouia " o have studied this plan to offer us goods at a price that no man had thought of! It is an improvement on the idea of Chas. Broadway Rouse, of 'Racket Store' fame, who studied out this path to fortune when he was munching a chrust of bread, that was given him in the streets of New York, that city of marvellous opportunities.. Mitchell, "little Bob,' is the Broadway Rouse of Betsy. He is not a multimillion aire yet, as is Rouse, but we wilTsee what we will see. May Bob Mit chell's shadow never grow less, but may it grow somewhat bigger in the girth, and may the friends and customers that seek his counters, share his luck. With sweet words of compliment to the pretty girls that irradiate his gorgeous halls, we sub scribe ourself &c. &c. NEWS FItOM THE COUNTIES Interesting Items of the from Various Parts Dist'icL South ?.il!s. Departed tUs life on Wednesday night last Mr. Wilson Sawyer, age about 26 years. He was a devout member of the Methodist church. In his death the church has lost a great helper, ana tne community an accomodating and most efficient Post Master, and neighbor. In his family he was a kind and loying father and husband. Uur sympath- . . . .i i r it les aro with the oereavea iamuy, and may they remember that their loss is his gain, and that the Lord doeth all things for the best. They have lost a kind father and husband, but he has gained a bright and hap- ppy home where sorrows are un known and death cannot enter. An exciting accident occured at New Canal bridge Saturday even- mg. lhe small cnna oi iiir. o. n. S.nvyer, while playing around the canal fell over and came near drown ing, but was rescued by Mr. C. S. Williams Louis Bas3 an old colored man, liv ing on the "Lake side" was badly burned on Saturday last, by fall ing from his chair into the fiire. A charade will bo given at New Land, next Saturday night by the young ladies and gentlemen of this place, the proceeds for the oenenc of Trinity church. There wiU be an excursion to Lake Drummond Tuesday next. The dredge "Canton" is in our village and will soon begin work here. The renairs. on Ebenezer church are complete, and ic is a very nice ttUU Ucab jUUi xuo nvia- " . by C. M. Sawyer and Walter Forbes. W. I. H. "3 ? ? VP t'M U? V? W C-i V? V? c i? ct c CI In Speafcing of Good Wheels. vn O CO AO en All wheels are good. Tricky Saras Rattlestake Run, is a crood wheel, if he can cret enough money to keep it in repairs, and we all konw it will go fast if he can nnsh hard pnnntrh. - " CO But now if you want to buy a wheel you would C want a hettfir whAfd thnn thA nhnvA which r.niild hA r : .. ' ' t bought fur about G9 cents, their are lots of better u? wheels some a little better some much better. - ij But if you consider the Best, Lightest Bunning Wheel on the market If you consider the very best r wheel for the best serviceable use's. One that has a tS world wide reputation for never breaking down, your t - - - t choice wiir surely be a VICTOR. ' There are no riders JJJ l m. t j.i TTrrtTn-n it.. ; t a. il.i . r nub who aumib vue v iixvsxv is me very uest iuut cuu be had, and the pnee has been reduced within the reach of all. co in CO n CO CO tn CO CO c" in CO tn CO in CO 4? V? ? c u? C ? CO n it? - U? ci u? c u? 9 V? C9 $40 Buys The Best. HATHAWAY BROS. The Jewelers. - - ONE MODLE, The Popular Modle. ONE GRADE, The Best Grade. . S ' REMEMBER any old wheel will run fast if you, can push hard enough. The VICTOR Spins to win. Guaranteed the light running -est wheel on the market. CO n CO in CO in CO in CO in CO in co in co in a in in CO NORTH. C A MA. I'.Wj a vunk Connts Superior Court, before the- M.N. Sawyer. Plaintiff. .- vs. - II. C. linnix, Defendant. ORDEIi OF PUBLICATION. Thf mh cotninfir on to he lie&rd - c hfnr mo and ft AnneAttrKT to th Mt M.vtion of the c nirt that thf pla ntiff can f r Mitjon airaiDsi ir tue fmlnnt which this court h jntl- iiiHifkft ami thnt is a noQ-m .lent of thi St;te, and projerty h eln, of which tiiU court ha jaridict;on; aad it fui her ttpVarintj to tli 'oart that, fraiuinons ha I5suel, aatl the an has lnea retniaed that the de fon.ljint cannot he found In th Suite, and that tbi cause is for the oale of a lot of land m Elixabeth City. .U, for divisl.m between plaintiff and de fendant, - ' ... It Is therefore, on motien of u. w. Ward, uttornv for nlaintiff. orlered and decreed ihat pnbhcatiou le male in the Eiizibeth City Economist, a newspaper published in Elizabeth City N, C, for fix ucce$ive weekt. bejrtn nine with the isue of May 12th. im eommandins the defendant, II. C. rinnix to appear oetore ine vtera oi the Suoerlor Curt of lqaotanlt county on the 23rd day of June, 139j and answer or detnnr to the petition which has been filed In thltcauw, or the court will afford the relief therein Pved. . ... .. It is further adjudtrea tnatpuuuc- lion of this order shall be sufficient notice to the defendant. W. II. JBXNIMJS, Cleric Superior Court. Mav 9. 1899. Q. V. Ward, att'y for plaintiff. 7 Elizabeth Oitv iO. . . . . Mantifacturers and Dealers In Ail kinds Riding Vehicles. Also Harness, Whips and Robes. 76- AND 78 PGINDEXTER ST., - ' i . : 1 ' LIZABETH CITY. W. C. REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY.' The Mystery Solved. We told our friends last week that we wotdd tell them this week, what all this hub-bub about "4$, and coming, and it is coming, and men and "women, and honorable,and its business etc. et cetera, e pluribus nxram," and all that, and more, meant, and as we are the little boy that uncle George gave his little hatchet to, and cannot tell a lie, well now tell you all. Its all that hustling fellow '-little Bob Mitchell' that has the Bee Hive store on East Main street. Now, has anybody prettier goods in his store, or pret t;i frirla in his store, or more t polite clerks in his store, than he hn.9 in this town of 8 or 10 thous and people, including all ages, colors renditions. We have some times thought that Bob Mitchell was doing Lis best to get all the pretty croods.and all tho pretty girls here, in his store To make amends for the negligence of Providence in his own make-up. But this is all surplusage, in a parenthesis (so to speak. All this talk in hieroglyphics, means plain this: In the first place "little Bob Mitchell' is a hustler, ii, a first iumD. In the second rrfawil.he is thinker. When He . hn ain't mad. but he's lOO&a it - wHnlr about what our people 3.V000 ROTTLES OF ROB TASTELESS 25c. CIIILL TONIC o d fret vefir of its birth? Answer: Jeiuusoil is the BEST AT ANY PRICE, iur,rauttcd to cre, nioney refunded if It 'ails, pkasatit to take, 25e per bottle. It s fM and guaranteed by Grietrs & Sou, Dr. J. E. Wood and City Drug Store. Pasquotank Co-Commissioaers. The Board of Connty Commis sioners met to-day, May 1st Full "Rnfiivl nresent. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved Ordered that Mrs. E. A. White ka rplpived of ' the payment of tax ou Note of Error and that an order be issued to her for $10-40. Ordered that Mingo Hall be re- io,Vod nf the navment of Foil Tax hpinfr a non resident. Ordered that Mary Charles be placed on the benefit list at 1.00 per montli. -Otdpredthat R. A. Palmer be m. -mr allowedio purchase ten pounds of rtii fnr the bndsre near Palmer land. - - ' . Ordered that Mdls Stalling be nlaced on the benefit list at $1.00 upr mnnth. Ordered that W. H. White be al lowed to move his place of business F mm it nrepent location to the hnildinir Xo. 72 .Poindexter street Ordered tLat G. W. Lamb be al- 1 rwrai 1 an nrdpr for $1.00. error in Lj v v. fc.. rir TT T. Avdlette Health OfScer of the county made his report which was ordered filed. Or,Wd that the county tax on Licence under Schedule B. Rev. i-f iA fhn Kama as that laid by the AAV b w v Ordered That Geo. W. Williams be releived of his Poll tax he being to old. ---- rm - t N. G. Grandy Sheriff presented his two additional bonds in tne sum of $5,000 and $1,700 respective- ly with Fidelity Guarantee Jom nanv of Baltimore as security which were approved and ordered to be. recorded. Ordered That G. W. Caetwright be appointed assessor of Nironton Township in place of W. M. Baxter who has moved to this Township nn motion- Dr. H. T. Aydlette was elected Health officer of this county for one year. Ordered that the county purcnase 5,000 herrings from Capt. David Bell at $2.00 per 1,000. Ex-Sheriff C. A. Banks reported that he had settled the State and school taxes in full and had paid the county Treasurer $7,169.38 on the county taxes. Ordered that on and alter mis date the county will pay no moie for vaccination. After allowing the proper approv ed bills the boaid adjourned. ii. AL. SCOTT, M. B. Culpeppeb, Chairman, Clebk. . LOST. On Monday, May 1st, W. C. M. Cut ler, Treasurer of Elizabeth City Hook and Ladder Company, lost $87 of the Company's money on Main street, be tween Water and Harney streets. The finder will be rewarded if the money is returned. V. U. M. liJ LLn. Petition for Sale of Land to Make Assets. HOW TO FIND OUT. Fill a bottle of common glass with your water and let it stand-twenty- four hours: a sediment or settling in dicates an unhealthy condition of the kidnevs: if it stains your linen it is evidence of kidney trouble; -too lre- quent desire to pass it or pain in the back is also convincing prooi tuai ine kidneys and bladder are out of order WHAT TO DO. There is comfort in the knowledge bo often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing reheuma tism. pain in the back, kidneys, liver bladder and every pare oi the urinary passages. It corrects inability to hoia water and scaldine pain in passing it UnA afTanta fnllnminff the USe Of honor, wine or beer, and overcomes ttiat nnnleasant necessity of being compelled to eo often during the day, and to get up many times during the nicht. The mild and excraorai nary effect of Swamp Root is soon re alized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine ..you Rhnnld have the beat. At druggist fiftv And one dollar. . You may have a sample bottle and a book that tells more about it, both Bnt abanlntelv free by mail, if yoa send your addres3.to Dr. Kilmer & Rn. Rin?hamton Ji. Y. When writing be sure and mention that you read this generous offer in the EcosoinsT. Wanted. Mnn tn nntpnt crood ideas may be secured !by our aid. addretB THE PATENT KJBUOKW. Baltimore, am FOR SALE ! Having recently purchased the en tire plant (and am now in possession) of the Elizabeth City Iron, Works. I offer for sale the entire plant con- sistmg of the plant m full j. j. au of the Machinery, Tools,Impliments, Stocks, (Junk Material), &c, togeth er with the buildings and lot on which the plant is situated. All now in practical operation. A rare opportunity ior a goou man andj tnoiougn aiecuamc with a small capital. The plant may be leased or worK- ed on shares. 1 For further particulars call on, or write to J. F. Saunders P. O. Box 9G . Ehz. City,N. C. .-rnTir nATior.TSA P.mtiltnana JLN couiity Superior Court. Siclal Proceeding. W. 8. Blanchard, AdinlnUtrator of E. V. Kiddick, V8. i '. W. A. Rlddlck, James E. Twine and wife Mary Eliza Twine, Johua Jol leff and wile Elizabeth F. Jnileff, Isaac E. Bunch and wife Eliza A. 13uuch, and Alex. Baker and wlf Eugenia E. Baker. ORDER OF PUBLICATION. It appearing in this pnccedlng, by affidavit to the tatUfactlon of the court, that Isaac E. Bunch and wife i?Mt. a ftfitirh. two f the defendant abovn named, are non-repldeiitti ot the State of North Carolina, ana r.iu-r uue dilhrence cahnot b fouud within the State; and it further, in like runiiner, apinannvf that a cause or acuou -iui intavorof the plaintiff and against the defeudautH herein, with rei iect to property in this State, and that the paid Isaac E. Bunch and his wife Eliza E.Bunch are neceary parties thereto; It is therefore ordered that publica tion be m;ide in the Economist, a newspaper published at Elizabeth City, N. C. for six Riiccesstve weeks, comuiandintr tho paid defendauti to apftear in tho ofllco of the Clerk of the Stiwrior Court of Perquimans county, in tho town of Hertford, on Monday, the 15th "day of May, 1899, and ai.f or demnr to the complaint filed in tlii proceeding; oth-Twise judKRiclt wil1 ho r.iven fr the relief demanded iu the rmifi!aiiit. I. Done in my otlice at Hertford,- Cllrk Huerior turt. L. L. Smith, attorney tor plainttlT. L NOTiCE of administration. Having qualified as adminwtratrir Cum testaments annexo or tho late lata Eva Cartwriuht, I do hereoy give notice to all pernons indebted to his estate to come torwaru aim mivo immediate settlement, and thoe holding claim3 asramst the same y present them for payment wiiniu twelve montns oi ine unie m notice, or it will bo pleaded in bar of their recovery. , . MAUI x . UAV1D April 12, 1899. Adm'x. etc 1 mBmw foaa&a wirc -a it , R V f C SOS3. ! . . n w v I 9 a,pn Ch i ll to t c - . i -a, m - V fe Chill Tonic atttcspibt mjtu una your money icmnucu ir Talis to eurayou. -fam. . 1 11 " For Sale, Wholesale and lietail by W. W. Urlggs flc oon. i ft Kolice of Administration. Juniper POST ; and Trails Farmers, improve yonr lands by nsinff good fencing. We have a six foot juniper POST six to eight inches in diameter at small end. containing four inches heart, bright, solid tree through. Six feet post with incn Tieart. 5 cents each; 7 feet post 3 Inch heart, 6 cents each. Barked one cent extra. Juniper poles a specially. flood-10 feet Juniper UAlLb l'.w per thoueand. - We give the nsnerraen a row ju niper NET STAKE at 10 cents each All of the above delivered on vessel's rail on Aligator liver. We can supply Boat Logs, Frames, &e.,'at reasonable prices. Let us know what j ou want. Keppectfnlly, II. A. mtlCKHOUSE, Gum Neck, Tyrrell Co., N. C. P.O. box 33. NEW Spring Goods -AT- Having qualified as adminit tratrix, f the late Dr. W . a temple, I hereby (Hva notice to all persons indebted to hia MtAta to come forward and make immAdiatA settlement and those bold ing claims against the same to present them for payment within twelve months from the date of this notice, or it will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. - , '. y 1 Magqik Temtle, Admix, of W, S. Temple, deeM. March 25th, 1899.. FOWLES & CO'S Wholesale and Eetail Dealers in Dry Goods, IIOTIOilS illD SHOES. Bottom Prices to Al. ders supplied at any time. 1

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