TTTx v-ivrrTC;T School, a prestige that will THE UOOlSOALlbl d.fllcuU (0 raaintain. To rcxusjitD rrrsr i-ridat. incnt Ical rttainmcnts II. a C&mct Editor ability they added a E. F. Lilts uuMBew manner bp c ni- an d charm of that" probably cut only some few years before the warof Independence, at which time Betsy -Tooley dealt in , shingles with ? the Rwamtjers. and traded jher Camden County rComrnissioner.; Pro ' ceedmS. NOTICE SALE OF LAUD. FRIDAY. . . .AUGUST 23tb. W. 7TATID 01T OTO F0L2S, ? f I I'll 1 I .1L.LL.1 w" . . . - . . , JaL ! K made the road to legal learning shingles prouaoiy wuu imu m ... hnrdeied ants in Edentou who were in a rujai 1'" . . .1., rr- t ,1 : i1,W .... . i - v. ,-.1 nfn iiviiiin t'SL luuia wauo. A.ivbai-i with Mowers auu uv-uv- . 1 ... ntflinn hr. vpflr 1787. the charter was trees COOIcU in I ' , . and murmuring with water- granted for a channel of trade falls." That was one great eie- w conne.-i - . . I t 1 1 Tl 1... 4VlA -T S f 1- it of the distinguished. sue- Aioeraane utcie.uui, ris that the University grew School attained under the ou- were awarueu iu .UUuai.w. ministration of anu anu ionium imen living aiongiueumjui c . . m v - ti n n ri r i f 1 r i iiri a a w v i rr 1 11 r lic -a a. k o(niin!ninnce i vbhuiuuv.. uui 'i . . . it' We think we have had occa sion more than onco to com mend the versatility and ability of the young editor of the Biblical Recorder, the organ shepherti ;t church in .North CaroUna, but we fear that he e MacKae is of a transi- contracts and on the supplies rrh in ?. , hod furnUlipd to the laborers, in has noi wrneu 4ib -"-r cnt kinaami ujia.uuv. -- i.,!,wfAnib off the sharp .'. nitv of forming an North Carolina the large esta- ...Kfni nriiiilice.l .. . rt:. Ator 1 n ft tf nf Proctor and Mcrherson cucs oiuij"",u jj estimaie 01 his tuaaw.. . - ...... a u more matured did- n n iurist is very were made at that time. crptinnto irrow. Our young ... liut wc fcar he has At length, after dragging its brother is perhaps too hoptablc not the personai characteris slow length along for forty n i,rtti!n criticisms of the late . t ,rvo h:8 predecessors years, in or 1823. the Canal TToIrnrsitV OI . . . . l., nn:l I wna rvnonoH to naVlCatlOn Sua 1 resiuexifc 01 n - tucir noiu upon uic ..m. w v... . Tptna. now tne irebiutuir f5 of tbeir law biu- .uut' " . t. : t.f. cncnicinn. Inarture in business, ana irom UeniS. a t. ' r . , . , . n ...citiv.. rnnviction. Anat email namiei iu- w-ub" r.i.. vMhP is an able law- shinglers from Ihe Dismal ver has been adjudicated and Swamp todk their drams and . , i f v,:rns uiioui uears, wuu aiiirmeu uy titililir oninion. We take him cats and tigers,tt became a smart to be a quiet, unobtrusive geiv river town with of tho A. & M. College. me ex cerpt which the Biblical Re corder publishes and endor&rs from a Texas denominational paper refers to tne new Presi dent of the A. &M. in terms lint nrn as uniust as untrue, IlyaTir.ueoMecre. t!.tS"(K-r.or FuH b,ard present A "pK I .b.W Fri- FroceediDgs oi Jasi m"5 tho first of .ptember, lew.uun Ma adopted.. .;. forsale at the court, - W S. BJtrtlett was aiiowea i Elizabetti uuy, i u"y,".u"" - - r . . . , Barco to State Hospital aviuiitu. t t Txit-Iot TTfiq allowed Sl.l ANDARD PA BP ACY. - (SUCESSOR 'VOALEX. W'ABSWORTII.) CORNER ROAD AND FEARING STS, igaid county 1Q a - m i a .;fmta in BeiDR one tract ci ; ID O n A - r us-... . . tr- rrr rv.nar i.f thft AQ i inH npjir a "wen pwi 40 An old stand but a NEW STOCK OF DRUGS, Including Patent Medicines and Household I . 1 .A.innf mii) hlte A line J. J. F. Jones was allowed 1 f0ipt llf ftrt lumber to repair "u ,e Ti W; 1900 feet tx u' - mpuce A'. f . d rf jjunKer am -"""d-- 'Be "f R. 3f decrees. B. w ror.eS- c... in I t.i HA REGISTERED PHARMA- Cr t0 iD irr'r- CIST inttendance. Open week days from Betsey Etheridge was allowed nJcnrf s inore or less. Fur 7 a. HI. tO 9 p. HI. SUIldayS, 10 tO 11 a. m.: 7. .uu as Deueui, l jl descriptioa see a deea irom " r. 0 yy. Thos. Soence vvas released of the o.her dnm Q tQ y p. m. paymaut of taxes for 1897-98 to the in the .oJ v 1 t (4 O". ornnni of nm rt mU county m tfooK rag5 bodUy infirmity. ' ' . f 50'ajd laml3 are sold for a division Edwards and Bronghton was al- ainff theheirs of Dr. 0. P. Baxter lowed 17.25 for record books. WlU fce gold for one half-cash, the oai- M. B. HnShes was allotted S1.2C ..wttCrtS. as iailor's fee and boaraing inmaio pu'"" "","'Z1.t iSterest at 6 - if- . .. TlPtii. Dnntord was allowed . . . a canal trade the fact that tho Texas editor is a prominent member of the class of unlearned and ignorant men among whom he assigns Dr. Winston a place and that as clearly establishes tleman and a laborious student in lumber and agricultural pro- frAtirin habits. These are ducts and a foreign w est inum :.M(;mfli.ip tmits of character trade. There soon grew up a which often are followed by late trade through the canal to Nor i...utmm nnt the folk with the Roanoke section ,lr.nwim. cards in the scuttle of and the lower sounds of Last The Texas editor, in referring ... f. t Altnin the troal in the ern Caroliua, anxl the captains to the resignation of Dr. W. ' thfi former are put- of the canal boats, finding that avs. among other ugly things: L. - nn their boots E. City was a better, town for n rn;n.i;tT ut int na imnn for the best, residence than Norfolk, made .i.:.ui.r nmi intimated! nu-f. .T nil en Mac Rao a suitab- homes for their -families here. -r.ntw item. President Wiuston he yoke fellow and air will This gave the town an impulse tendered hU resrgcatiou and it was ke well. We suggest the in business that it has never . , , I r r.' Prolan ft tli ft hncf tn this dav. when it is tne accepted. imsuas wcu iuwuuu name ui . xmv.v.. w.. - for wme time, and now it is hoped first Judicial district as emi- leading town in East Carolina. :ii il T, n tpo nnnl.. emtix fnr llie DCS It now nas a uiu&a tion. e lucated and that the Regents w with a tborougbly upto-datrlrn., This,, is an awkward and un true intimation in reference to Dr. Winiton,an only proclaims of business tact, industry and energy that $12. HO as "keener of Alms House. Eliza Deal mas allowed $1.50 as benefit for August. Nancy Beals was allowed $2.00 as benefit for August. J. F. Jones was authorized to furnish COO feet of good heart lum- ber to repair Nash's Mill unuge anu . . m anl Kelley's Mill, linage 1 Tii i Jnlv 24lh. 1899. per w r.WARD. Comin ssioner, MONEY INT- ! own otsl QlFCDTllD. 1ST. O- Fiftleth Annual Session Open August 30, 1899. Facilities. Increaseila, Ctes Eelncel, Boardim Ammoffl. Salami. ExtrrdZry advantages in Music, Art,, Elocution. Htenography and tyP,. SSht. CHARGES FOR ANNUAL SKSIOX. BoarTaid filitultfcn iu English with Latin and French . Music . . . r " For Illustrated Catalogue apply to p p n0BG001) Pfe8Ulent. Bollmson, Stevens & Co We ape now grading a new street .1 h nmrwrtv in the suburbs or C S. Sawyer was aUowed 1.53 Elizabeth City, to be called Park ville . I fc- . eaiA flrtw till fnr Knrmlies to Alm3 House. The board revised the jury list, and from which the . following were drawn to serve a3 nrors for tne Fall term of court of 1899 : W. G. Cox, W. L. Forbes Jr. and L. M. Sawyer. m Oscar Whaley, M. F. Torksey, Lazaius Pearce, C. L. Brockett, H. C. Godfrey, E. D. Gregory, W. G. Hnrlfrev. H. C. Ferebee, Jesse ... . - -r II' if. wnenc. uno. w. AVCUUD. .v- ,1 Parkvil'e Avenue ana on jonu street at the following prices: AH lots on Road street, S200 each. Corner lots onParkville Avenue, $200 each. AH other lots, $100 each. These prices .n h nriv.mced after January 1, luu. Tormntn suit nurchasers. Money no I object. Now is the time to invest your money. You can double it in six month. APP R GREGoRY, . .' - Ontbe premises. Or to T G. SKIN NER. Wholesale and Retail Dealers In 1 ancproceiies, Nos. 69-71 Poindexter St., Darslma. Whalev. Lu Whitehurst Chas. Torksey, W. J. m !! .M!l J Perkins, E.G. Bray, J. A. White- fflj UlW 01 i,0orV Williams. G. G. Staples R T. Burcess, M. B. Hughes, C. Widest patronage and fullest equip- Tv rr;n0ft T T 'Mnrfan J J ment in its history, x&cuuy W.TiUett, J. 1. Morgan, j. o. 1 c Aftademic Courses; 3 Elec- ELBIAB TH GltV, 'PHONE 125; W. G. K i Dean S.issass; sijjinimV Henry Gilbert, Jnb. T. Creekmore, in Laff i Medicine and in Pharmacy; f II 4U H UM) I-C L1C Ell the iirnorance of tho Texas editor, curable by for the position of Dr. W. as an Jblrt liJo, nnt stnmach.'Lem or Anus, are an , - ---- ... . irableliy B. II. (ISotanic uiooti uaiuu made e!eciawy 10 cure nit lilood lJisai-f. Persistent,U ninn nf pnm- S.retlJ OO! anil BklU DiemiMiet, pcn l-uuvaw u m 17. Vv . tntrnt-nlH nr- adjudicated l by . D. jj. (Botanic of UlotHl halm.) Skin Eruptions, Pimples Uoil. Itehinz wwm, aeaiee, j.uairrs, .4 A . w - " f . . A A . n n n eer of the 3oee. Eje, Lip Ear. WecK. perity from ine same uausco that gave it its first departure m th, first nuarter of the iine tcenth Century. I tt t ,00 T n Jnnfis. A . i hr0r Rniidinffs. W ater Works, I IT. rv. X U 1 V OO. J.. w 7 . I Av-.. 1 " . -C4-. R,rt a TT. Jacobs. N. 15. WlU- uia i.iurariCT, - ---- arethe equals of any commun.ty fa ms. US. Gregory.W. S. Forbes. in tho State, and Which will en- ( There being no farther business Ample opportunity for self help. ter uPon a new career of pros- the Board adjourned to tfe SAoiuAip; , .?d ",,5 first Monday in September. G. C. Barco chirman C. B. Garbett, Clerk. Aug. 7, 1809. School for teachers. 24 Instructors. 147 students. Total enrollment 644. . For catalogue, address, . PRESIDENT ALDERMAN, Chapel Hill, H. C. ingis a case heforo the court public opinion at the South, and the talented young editor of the Biblocal Kecorder knows it probably as well as any man in North Carolina. Dr. 'Winston is a well educat- nr Hrown Patche. IJlotchef, Ca mrrfi Ilheuiuatiiiin. etc, ar all due to bad blood, and hence easily cured Story of a Salvo. To be bound and and foot for years iy me LADIES CAN WEAR SHOES One sire smaller after using Allen s Foot-Ease, a powder to oe sLateii into H, a shoes.. It makes ticnc or new r 8hoe8 el easy; gives instant releif to euVh uve maie frw. He mjs: "M corns aad bunions. Its thegreatest s,. in n hpiniMw fur me Tears that ne -mfn,t Hfumverv. Aliens ioot-k-ase ""-- ... - . - ... I " - ... V . 1. I WU1IUI v - iiii.n. SvDilitlc I'.looil l'oison liter- rou.d nt turn noiiurn ot j Y..r'rrha.i- is a certain cure for ingrowing nana ally driven from tne system ot u. x. j. bv II. D: 1J. (Cotaulc illoom talm). in one to live motri!". iw i. -, uwo u coi.taiu vegetable or mineral patron. Peace Institute, RALEIGH, IL C. One of the best lemaie cniiAnia in thfi South.-and the cd man or Cornell, Anapoiis ana i . ,v tiruciriSf s eveiywhere. IirK the Univers ty of North Caro- bottles $i.?x r- Send 2 stamps for mcunni 8UJW tK)taffon fre earople bottle, which Una are all to blame for It. He which will be nt br return mail, : w,Prfnllr o-ift. d and When jou write, describe symptoms brainy man or se sentatives of tho Press, of the ua rt rmr fnr thrv h.lVP ra..mtd the five brainiest DISMAL SWAlir- CAUAL. these B. B. Ii. L H-Jf'0." rwptinir. hot. acking feet. Trial pack- dm), in ,nrk thh BUDreme remedy for for female dia frkE. Sold bv druggist, grocers nhonnpst for advantages given. Z ft. H. II.. does DDt eics onlckly curai nmouwm s:eepl?.nej BPna ctnraa nnA o-pneral storekeeDers i w k m.k.i.n Tjinrinvmniii duuv o w - - - - n i iri 1 1 I 1 1 1 I ;i I liii' ill.. IlieiancaOIT, nfuvuci .... --- , . T JI Oc S ctanira 1 wuuu ww- 0 ... i . n hia mir. .-in irorcinir mfuicme is m i oTPrvwnprn. iv iuau oiaiuii One bottle t111 test it in any case, tor Hodin;i lo sickly, run down people. Every Address Allen S. Olmsted, LeKoy, This space belongs to J. A. HOOPER &C0. Water St. v leaders of low prices on Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats; Shoes, Notions, Etc. Wholesale and Retail. re if iH.ttie'iniarauteea. Only M cenis. soju oy Aiex. wad urtn.arugjria. n. y. JAMES 01NW1DP1E, 61. A. DEATH OF DR. CBSASY. , and iiereonal free medical nd ice will veral rep re-1 M citen. Address Hood Udhn Co., Atlanta, Ga. men rf the State and in all estimates Winston' has always been mentioned as one of them, to his not being an "up-to-date" man all his life.and in all his This venerable old waterway with whose genesis is connect ed the revered name of Wash ington, has been resurrrected ltev. Dr. Wm. S. Creasy, tjie distinguished Methodist divine, departed this life in Baltimore h,fit week, whither he had ironc to a sanitarium to recov er ins iauing ueauii. Currituck County Commissioners rros ceedings. 7th, THE ATLANTIC COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. ELIZABETH CITY, N. C Oldest and largest school in Eastern l . , i i -i rt i rnntrovpr,iM for the Uni ver- revi veci, eniargeu uuu r., u., .itvnf North Carolina, of which and presents itself to the pub h was for several years the faithful and distinguished President, he was not only up to date but ahead of time when his antagonists carao up with him and he was surely up-to-date when he stood guard at the door of the dearest institution lie under a new name and with greatly improved facilities for navigation. It will be known hereafter as the Lake Drum mond Canal and Water Com pany, but it will be long aud kindly renumbered, and called "the Dismal Swamp Canal." We Board met to-day, August with a full board present. Ordered bv the board that Allred vnrt, pomUna. A nreDatatory and Perkins be relieved from poll tax and finishing school for both sexes. The all public duties for the years 1899 Twenty-second annual session upeu 1116 on,! lonn September llth? laoa. doctor S namewas SO near our GorJon pal(1 glx dollars in classicai Course, College Piep natory own, and we were SO Often cah fwhich was paid to W. H. Wal- Course, Business Course, Instrumental v & t- mm " r . . ... . .-llnd tn prnlnin that wfi were. L-0r fo hp nrmlipd in navment of Mas- Music Course, vocai aiusicwSB ... nnnnnBOrl " ni-kf lirnpnpQ lictmtftR- costs) and hitv cents in c. otnes ior me une ui The following county warrants versity and the leading colleges of the TiillllUliiiilililUlllilllliiiliniitiUlliiHiUili'HllilliiUll llilii fa A buy iuggy lo. uriv v;uui - Diplomas issued upon the comple- am? r.f tlit n tmvp e.nnrses. Johnson. ctan n.rlmirted to the State Uni- UIMUV'V" mm of the State and beat back its prefer its old name. A name takes its character ironi me nemies,disguisedas the champ pions of Chrislion Education.'; bearer of it. ero, per se, is a pretty nnme,but it becomes odi ous irom us liisiunu uwuci, and so, the o.d Dismvl" is, per. se, an ugly name, but At thli Reason of the year there are always many deaths, particnlt&rlj among children, from laininer com morbuLenniM. etc auj everr one from its tender memories and oucht to knew that a sure and leedj assocjations it is a sweet name car can eajllf be obtained by taking , leiTT Dauia Paln Killer in iweetenexi to all OUT people. water eterj half hour. It nefer failn Tj j is saiJ t0 have lain-Kil!er. Perry Pavi Price 2oc been projected by Washington. and 50c rVrtninW- '1ip cnnnected . v. . , - with it in his business interests. THE TJlTITfiSSITY LAW and owned property contiguous SCHOOL. The trustees of the Universi ty have elected Judge J.C 3lc Kae, of Raleigh, to succeed Chief Jnstice James. E. Sliep herd, as Dean of te Depart ment of Law in the University of North Carolina.and they con template electing at an early date an adjunct Trofessor, when the the Department will be equipped as before while under tho charge of Dr. John Manning and Judge Shepherd. Judge MacKae, succeeds to the Law Department of the Un iversity, at a time that might bo regarded ar unfortunate. Of course he will be brought un der comparison with its ad ministration when in charge of two of the most eminently gift ed Carolinians that the State has produced two men that had given the University Law to it iu Gates county, N. a The original D. S. Canal was a development from a ditch in tended to furnish trausporta tion for shinzle getters to gei their shingtas to 'Elizabeth City at tho South end of the ditch and Norfolk at tbo North cud. We suppose, tbat the aitch was dug with spades, as was the canal when it was made a waterway for boats, vessels aud barges. The original shingle ditch was is IBabyTBiIui this summer? Then add a little SCOTT'S ET.WLSION to his mi IK three times a day. It b astonishing how fast he will improved ffhenurses, let the mother take the Emulsion. of the same family tree, that we regard It as not mop- inSpected and approved : T. B. State upon ceriiBcate from the sohoo . portuno to lay a brief offering Jon i , 4 15; V. S. JS0 on his fresh grave, especially, Cowell. timber for bridge, S1U; iu. pu fACultv of trained teachers; as we have Sometimes tllOUgnt Walker, repairs to well, fcl.ZD; Airs, each a specialist in ins or ner aepart that both -Of US might trace J' u- V1,' T 7 oTn qh- S V Terms as low as consistent wiih high our lineage to the Crecy who Wnlke 30 dava services as ianitor, is known in b rench history as k;2. j?. pw. Johnson, SO days board for tho o-reat Trench diplomat at the C. Banks. $15: Moses Lee, 2 regular treaty of Ryswick,and who was days and l special uay, .ou; su. w. so scrupulously polite and so - - Tl" L i A - A IV "i'"ul ' 0 J greatasiiCKierioreiiqueiie,at and3 -alj $12. w. H Bray,. 5 nyriCK, tuat ne reuuKeu days services and recording looraers, the Snanish commissioner be- S14.50: S. D. Waterfield, 15 trees, $2. u a:a ..f lt v.iTnei.lf The following benefits were allow- - - 1 I w B-m a mm I 1 W lllllM.IV mk. I t 1 gcade work. Write for catalogue. Address. S. L. SHEEP, President. Stats Normal & Industrial College OF NORTll CAROLINA. .. . . Manufacturers and Dealers In ... . All kinds Biding Vehicles. Also Harness, Whips and Robes. 76 AND 73 POINDEXTER ST., LIZABETH CITY, m. C. REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY. J AMES : BOND, Offers to vouner women thorough literary, classical, scientifi'', ahd indus- Water- tri?l e4uf aj ionAaad 81P nSff?!; CO M M I S A ION DKALEH 1 S Waif I a1 framing Annllfll F-TFJAnSPS J90 TO I ed : lbbv Duncan o: iietsy ater- cal training. Annual Expenses $90 to field $2; Ludicia Waterfield $2; Ann $i3-.f; for' non-residents of the State M. White $2; Huldah Beasley fi5U. acuity oi au memuerB.- more t? oq. Pomnct TVmnPv than 400 regular students. Has mar- Fanny lcker 2; Lamest lionney r.nlflt . nfe1Ilf. , 700 KfI(lftnta ret)rf. . i-, ' ' . r i T I v . - -i--- jplU; rranK 3iann o; x eggy va genting ev-rv county in the State ex si- .1. Ji. sawver oaran ackiiu cent one. practice ana unservation backward to his seat, keeping his eye on tho Presiding of ficer of the Convention, after he Had concluded his ad dress. ...1.. ,. . ,. 4. . . , ?3-Lvdia Acklin $2; Jeff. Baum $2; School of aboiU 250 pupils. To secure lineage of the distinguished -V, ; 5o.frv T indv 9-" hoard in dormitories, all free-tuition French nobleman, -Dr. "Creasy Mary Outlav $2; l K - has kept aloft the banner Of Josenh Forbes-S2: Levi Johnson S3: L Correspondence invited from those f imtornichp .nnd Mr TL Pprrv 2: Pftnnv Tillett S2: desiring competent trained teacners. " . . rj.D..ii oo. rncflI. P,,. -Tor catalogue and other information handed it on to n:s sue- fa" . r V , VT address . . i i r V . U. lieals and wile co: oanj- ieais cessors without spot, and left " " n TT 9,. i.uo FBKSa-'rFISH; 6a and Terrapin NO. 704 SECOTJD STREET, BALTIMORE. and crn C. TTnvman i2: Lucinda . .i ii.. i "v J.rz to mem iiie iiricuit &s Beasley $2; Edmond Merger 2; Thos. of a good name, distinguished Lassher $3; Honor Taylor $2; V. P. PRESIDENT MclVER, 5; Greensboro, N C. NO AGENTS EMPLOYED for holiness, Godliness, influ ence and pulpit oiatory. Dr. Creasy fills a large space in the thought and affections of the North Carolina Conference. IIo was, indeed the "strong, staff and beautiful rod"" of tho denomination, and his death has created a void in its councils that cannot be " well repaired. We tender our con dolence to his bereaved house hold. Miller and. children So; bampson Simmons; Jos. Cowell $2. There further business the board adjourned to meet the first Monday in September, 1899. WM. H. WALKER, WM. H. BRAY, Chairman. . - Clerk. " f LWATS KEEP OH KAHD S. B. FILLER, & CO. a. W. H.A-FF, WHOLESALE VOLCANIC ERPTIO-IS. ' Are urai'd, but skin eruptions rob ife of joy. Cuckltn's Arnica -h'ulve,. cures them; al."o Old Running and Fever pores' L leers. Boil?, rerons. .;orn;. Warts, 'ui5. Bruues. Burn?, iScaUK t'.h;iitd Hands, Chilolains Ue?t til cure on earch. Drives out Pa:r:s and Aches. Only 25 ct. a box. Core guaranteed. Sold by Alex. Wadsworth Diuctist. . THERE IS HO KIND OF PAIR OR ACHE, INTERNAL OR EXTERRAL. THAT PAIR-KILLER WILL. ROT RE LIEVE. -J LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AND SUB STITUTES. THE GENUINE BOTTLE BEARS THE NAME, PERRY DAVIS & SON. mm risn ; Dealer, . 7 FULTON MARKET. I'l-W TQRK. Special Attention civo to Thr si. .f I North Carolina Shad, . - .. .. Stenciia ni Stationrrr or ai-i s'.ion. . No Air -. f, "'; Wholesale CommissiOL. Dealer In FRESH FISH. LOBSTERS. ETC. : NO 12 FULTON FISH MARKET- ' Now York City, .Njrti C&roliai Shi i tepefia y. No Aarent; . :. , PILES Ks SnpposltGry I 'r4 anl CONSTIPATION KlAectlmn, iu bin. prr. i ik. fc; ill iawaTtl), tt o( recent cr lmz st.uiii:!!, or tn !i-y f ) vra refumlw.i. Ittcivcs insisnt relief, aivl clio i a t.u!;.al fcj and iieniianeiu cure. No urjfi.l oerailiin f.r 1. ! -1- . 1 - ' t :t .. . . .i c . I - 1 : . t..ii. t 5 ly lrug'2ts; or kent ty mail in receipt of lri e. 4 M ID'Pl'HiTJfTTIV Vrir tlVni mantel I unit 'ter T0 For silo und truarnteed by Dre.W.V QRIGOS & BON, Elizabeth City, N. C na a 11 Druggists NOTIO'B Sal2 of Valuable Real Eitate. m 105 TO) te (fnte" . Kellftbie persona of mechantaaJ ; desiring m trip to the Paris Exposition, wlta rood Jary and tjnmnn paid, shorjld irrtte " . . . The PATENT liKCUlUJ, Baltimore, Md. v ... ... -T ' : 1 11 U .'J iZxSZ , ?. M v.'f iOI JJET. M.TL- By virtue of a Decree of the Sup'-r-ior Court of Pasquotank Courty, N. C in the cae of t L. Oobb et al G. W. Cobb, 1 will olTer for sale at Public auction at the Court "House door of aid County on Saturday th Otb dav of September, 1890. the following dt. cribed jiropprty, to wit : AH that cer tain lot of land with improvement' thereqn situated at the corners of Koa" 1 and FeariDg Streets in the 'Town of Elizabeth City, N. O., bounded on th- Notth by the lot of Charles Guirkm et als, on the East by road Street, on the South by Fearing Street and on West by Cobb Street: same containing one-fourth aTe, more or less, and be ing the lot of land and improvement at this time occupied by t he said (i'. W. Cobb as a residence. Hour of sale 12 o'clock M. Terms of sale: one-third Cash balance in on and two years with interest from day of sale on deferred payments, or all cash at the option of the purchus-r. W. I). PRUDKN July 31 st.1899, Commissioner.