ii fi, V IN ALL ITS BRANCHES : GLv BY "e ft DR. C. R. RIDDICK, EUZAUCTH CITY, N C. XWOmCE. f. C Cor. Ml Pte4r1cf- Street. LV3TAXJL5. li d O JL L JSl EtVS. . Our market ia well supplied with ojiters. .. . Tho wlrvrea in several loclitiee are being repaired. Tart of tho material for paring Putndexter street has arrived. - The receipts of seed cotton arc raoro liberal, and the advance price maintained. Ker Dr. Fenick left Monday to hold a protracted meeting at Dur ban, N. C President MeKioler eppoint cd, Thuradar, November 30th, as a darof National Thanksgiving and Travel. On Saturday last the tng Colum ba passed hero with four barges vix: NVptane, Pennsylvania, Onion, and J. 11. Blades. Tho fog last week was qntto an impediment to navigation. The steamboat whistle waa a Bource of annoyance to the alambercrs. Mr. Newton Jones is repairing his residence, on Cor. Fearing and Dyer fclrccU and when completed will be an ornament to that locality. Tho large plate glass in the East si Jo of tho Bee-HjTo Store was by the facing of some iron frame work coming in contact with it dur ing tho recent storm. Tho cased of tho N. S- vs. Green leal and Sanderlin, for trial at New Bern Federal Court, were continued for defendants on account of tho absenco of witness. Mr. Sewall,the running mate with Wei. J. Bryan in the last presiden tial race, visited Beaulort.laat week, ia tbo interest of tho dero lich 3 masted schooner Carrie E. Lane of which he was owner. ' 31 r. Fat Stevens has withdrawn from the firm of Rollinson. Stevens fc Co, Tho other two members will conduct the business in tho future. Ther arc wide-awake business men with push and energy. The rice mill machinery was start ed np lost Saturday for trial and was a success in every particular. I I'd cleansing and polishing was just perfect. We congratulate the pro jectors of this enterprise upon: the excellent working of tho machin ery, Two large oyster packing houses havo been completed and two more in the course of construction. There will bo a largo consumption of oys sters at this point. Oyster tongers and dredgers will havo no difficulty in selling their catch this season at this place. Tho effect of tho purchaso of tho controlling interest of tho Norfolk & Southern K. R., by tho Southern Si Virginia Beach R. R,, is tho re moval of the office and steamers from tho foot of Fearing street, to tho N. & SL depot, and consolidat ing the management. ' Tho storm forced tho tido over all tho swamp roads, and floated bridges from their movings. Tho wind at two o'clock Monday morn ing was on a par with tho August storm In velocity. A wreck at Kinnakect, and ship at anchor off Nag a Head reported. An exchange that tho proper method to keep apples is to wrap them in old newspapers so as to ex dado air. The newspaper, however, must be one on which the subscrip tion has been paid, otherwio damp ness resulting from what is "dow" may cause the fruit to spoil It is now November and tho time to pay dog tax is past duo, and as directed by the Town Ordinance tho Chief and other police will commen ce to kill all dogs that havo not got tho dog tag on. So the owners of dogs had better get tho dog tag and placo tho same upon the dog, for tho dog will be killed if found with out the dog tag. A storm accompanied with wind and rain fall, visited this section on last Monday and Tuesday. While quite severe it did not compare with the fury of the August storm. Wo hear of no local damage dono of a eerious nature. Tho rain was need ed badly in the rural districts to re plenish tho swamps and ponds with water for stocks as well as small vego UUon. - The Democratic Legislature re duced oyster tonnago tax from $3.00 to 12.00 under Custom House tonnage, from $3.00 to $2.50 and a rebate of one cent per bushel- on oysters. This .reduction, while it decreases the oyster revenue of tho State, fcUa will amplo to moot current expenses in the protection of the OTter industry. Our oys tenrca sboold rnako a cotod this. ! The old Opera House on Foin- dcxter St., is being repaired and converted into a store. It:is inoCIcially asserted on our streets that "the . stranded steamer Neuso has bet :n floated. " Several flocks of wild geeso passed over this city, juiit before the storm going South. It is ominous of cold weather. - , " Mrs. W. Wi- Griffin returned Sat urday from a AiVit of set oral months to her daughter, Mrs. W. O. Tem ple, at Denver, Col. . " Messrs. Chas. Brumsey and Hyatt were caught in a squal Sunday af ternoon at tho mouth of the river and boat capsized. They came near being drowned. - Miss Bessie Askew; of Moyock, is in our city on a .visit visiting rela tives and friends. Bessie is a sweet little girl and. we are always glad to see her. Mr. J. L. Fritchard has attached to his new grocery, on Poipdexter St.; an oyster house for supplying the local demand with oysters either Lin. the shell or opened.' -- ' . . - Tho recent storm did Quch dam age at Newberne and other parts ot the Slate South of us. Water rose 2 feet higher at Newbern than in the August hurrican. Some iso lated places not heard from up to going to press. The curb stono for pajing Foin dcxtcr St. is being placed on tho street ready for use.1 The contrac tor has begun at the wrong end. Let him braco up and tackle hia job with steady nerve- Wo want a good i'ob and a good job can .only be had y a clear headed boss. Dare Court next week. -Mr. Paul Crecv our solid tin ir a cent will be - w ' there and wo hopo our Dare county friends will greet- htm as usual. Remember Court opens on Monday this term, instead of Wednesday as heretofore. . . . Robert J; Mitchell has leased the store ocenpied by O. W. Stevens & Co., the large wholesale tobacco Arm. He will take down the ad journing wall and partitions; thus, throwing the entire place into the Bee-Hive. This will make Mitchell s store as largo as any. in the State. His business has grown to such magnitude that you can well class it, as the WannamAker establishment of Elizabeth City. Mitchell is a hustler and we aro glad we have such a store in our midst. The steamer New Berne while on her return trip from New Bern last rhursday was disabled At .Roanoke wharf by a broken crank pin, Capt. Rhodes who was equal to the occas ion, immediately secured a canoe and sailed down to tho marshes where he intercepted the tug Nettie. The Captain of the tug abandoned his tow and hitched on to tho steam er, landing her at 8 o'clock p. m. There was a dozen or more pas sengers aboard the steamer all of whom took tho accident good na turedly, and vied with each other in making tho tedious trip pleasant Tho steamer was duly repaired and and started again on her route Sun day. Citron, Currants, Evaporated Peaches, Raisons, Pruni and Nuts, are some of the latest " arrivals at Rollinson & WLitehurst S7C0t COTLTtCSiW- Our facetious friend, of tho Balti raoro Herald who accompanied tho recent banqueting party from that citv to our town and took part in tho ceremony of welcome, was an attraclivo part of the gramme. Ho savs our speech of welcome was mado by an Irish Mayor, standing on an empty barrel, with" fiery red hair. Humor is an important fac tor in all festivo occasions, but to be effective it must havo soma basis of fact Now, in fact, our excellent Mayor did not speak at all. Ho was represented by, the city attorney,tno official spokesman of the town, wno AtK rtnt tira n. barrel as a sostrum, WW r but stood on terra firma. He is not an Irishman but a , Tvrolese. His hair is not red, for his pate is as barren of hair as that or "Via vi wVin fiArl nn hair on his UUUU - - head." Wo would recommend to our friend as mighty intoresiing mdmr. a book written toward the close of tho XVI Ccntury.entitled Les Loyens do le Baron de imirn back, upon the subject of 4'Lo Bi joye do Jointalmauro, (How to bo a rrentleman.) The work is now nearly out of print but "may be found in the Pratt Library. V?m feara m book. MrpMlaJ'T for TOO. wtWi ' 1 ' .i r. It IimU of UM uutt rry child la UAbte to. and Car Vermifuge J f for mhMllntarr atnry. U-YNJ 111 17cv Sera STrctl "by FXo:d aai ' On Monday night New Berne, N. C-V was desolated by the most terri fic storm and flood tide that has vis ited the stricken town within living memory. The streets and side-walks of many of the most pro mint streets were inundate from knee to waist deep. Goods were damaged, stores were flooded and to add to the hor ors fire spread from the lime in some of tho stores and men fought fire and flood waist deep in water. The damage to property was estimated on Wednesday to be about $50,000. To the lumber" interest tho. damage has been particularly destructive, estimated at $10,000 to that indus try alone. Craven-street was block ed by floating cotton and rendered impassable. The title was higher J than in the August storm which did so much, damage . aloa g th e coast. The electric lights were extinguish ed. . . ' " ' : Reports from the coast below are very distressing and it! is fear that Ocracoke and Portsmouth re sirept away. . 1 . , Proof pi the pudding Has In the eating of It. Proof of ROBERTS' TASTELESS CHILL TONICMIs In the taking of IU COST KOTIHNa If It falls to -cure. 25 cents per bottle II It cures. Sold strictly onltomerlts by , , Grirs& Bon, Dr. J. E. Wood and City Drug Store, Elizabeth City, ana W. J. WoodlT, Urocer. . 11. S. Uason, Edenton. . On the eve of going to press the disasters of Monday and Tuesdays stoxm on the N. C. Coast" are'begin ing to reach us. The steamer Geo. L.j Col well, of Detroit, and crew lost Only the Captain of the ill fated.steamer was rescued. . . j Two schooners ashore at Bogue Inlet, and two others, with cargoes and crews engulfed in the waves. The Carrie E. Lane which strand ed in the recent storm ,was gotten off and left Beaufort Sunday in tow is thought to have been wreck ed. At Beaufort all the wharves have been wrecked and many small boats wero destroyed. All along the Atalantic coast ship ping met with similer fate. f J. Ik'. Flora Si Co. luve reowivedeaer r-oad OambriU'H Fatapscp Superlatlv our best on the market .a DR. CARTER'S RESIGNATION. At the First Baptist Church of Raleigh Sunday, the Rev. Dr. Car ter, who for twelve years has been the pastor, read his letter of resig nation to take effect December 31st, t. ihn latnst. He staged that he would vacate any time sooner if his successor was chosen, but under no circumstances woulnhe serve ofter the above date. Many questions are asked as to the cause ol ms action, but as yet the public is not enligh- tened. When pjood butter is scarce call for Fox River Prints at Rollinson & Whitehurst . Soffcr Hooro Wrecked, Tho Schooner Roer Moore, from Saints Isle Brumswick, Ga., stranded at 7: 30 p. m., one mile South of Big KennakeetLife Saving Station, having on board' a crew of seTen. All saved by the heroic ef forts of the Big and Little Kenna keet life savers. . A. T. Gray. " Keeper. TO CURE A COM) IN ONE DAT -1 .. . Take LIXativk Bnoiio Quine Tb LKTS. All dmcgU't re.'aud the money if it fails to cure. E. W. CIroyks Big nature on every box. North Carolina's Future. President George T. Winston, after a trip through the leading manufac turing and agricultural .'portions of the United Statesand Ca'nfda.prelim inary to entrance upon his duties at the North Carolina College of Agri cultural and MechanicArts, has come to the conclusion that within fifty years half of the population of North Carolina, which, twenty years ago was employed in producing food, will doubtless be engaged in other labor. He argues that the soil of North Car olina will not permit , its people to compete with States in the Mississip pi valley in production of such crops as must find sale in the world's mark et; that-North Carolina has the material in he shape of forest, mines and fisheries, which together with .a healthy and temperate climate, abun dant water-power and intellectual and and physical vigor, mark the State as intended to be a manu facturer. Teias, he thinks, will soon drive the' State out ot cotton culture, but at the game time the tate will become a greater manufacturer of cot ton, than ever. The textile industry, with other industry,, will widen the home markets f or poultry sheep.hogs bees and fruitso that cotten tobacco, wheat and torn will yield to these diversified crops, the" older staples be ing raised only .in-quantities sufficient for home consumption. He points out that at the base of all prosperity, agricultural, industrial or commer cial, is intelllisence, and that true education is the proper cultivator of intelligence. He adds:" "There is a 'great.missron for our Agricultural and Mechanical College. The dav will come when North . Car olina, from the mountains to the sea-elipe,- will be one endless .chain of blossoming farms, orchards and gar dens, set like gems with busy cities and towns j . when -the loom and the spindle, and. the forge and the anvil, and the reaper and binder will sing togethesthe sweep song of wealth and prosperity:' when the thoughts of eve rv mind. and". the cunning of every hand, and the longing of every soul shall be cultivated in-thoroughly-equipped "schools, supported, esteem and cherished by the State. In this great work the,"A. nd M. College will-do its-part. ;It will 4iope" to com bine -ultimately within -.itself the equipment -aud . tha . draining - of .a great agricultural college lLkethat in Guelph, jCaMIa, of . a' great textile school lie-that in rhiladelphia, of a great mechanical college like the Institute of -Technology, and of a great . expt-riinent station like" the New York Experiment Farm at" Gen ii eya. -. ..." This:is a,',large program for the college. President AViriston, however, has dembiistratej( .in . ofher field his ability to carry to a successful end the projects which he undertakes. He has behind him. in- his; new h eld a body of -practical, progressive North Carolinians," working, constantly .to cultivate a public opinion which will heartily support the institution. The greatness of" North Carolina has only becan to appear.' It will be attained as the graduates of the college enter upon their life-work inspired with the spirit of such 'a man as President Winstoh.Southern 'Farm Maga-, SWAKP-RC0T. Is not rccamonded tore everything: but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found Just the remedy you need. At druggists m fifty cent and dollar sizeH. Y.qu may have a sample bott! of this vonnerfnl new discovery by mail free, also pamphlet telling a 1 about it. , r DISMAUf SWAMP CANAL. One fli'llon "Feet of Lumber Travers ed It Yesterday. NORFOLK LANDMARK, OCT. 28: . , : y - i.'1" " Few people realize the great amount of traflio which is just now utilizing that important commercial artery the Dismal Swamp canal, which less than two weeks , ago was formally opened to navigation. , An evidence of the advantages of this great inland water-way is shown by the fact that the lumber manufactur ers and dealers of North Carolm: are utilizing it for transporting their pro duct to the great markets of the North. Yesterday three barges pass ed through the canal lumber laden, from North Carolina to Philadelphia. Their combined cargoes aggregated i nnn ruvk foof Jn addition tuege barges a large number of vesela traversed the canal yesterday, as :the following list will show. " SOUTHBOUND. Steamer Eslick, Kryden, Washing ton, N. C, Philadelphia. Barge Jupiter, Marsh. New Bern to Philadslphia, lumber. Barge . McJIwaine, McIIwaine, Washington to Philadelphia, lim ber. Barge Berks, Mcrgan, Naw Bern to Philadelphia, lumber. ' - '' SOUTHBOUND. Steamer Columbia. Rogers, Phila delphia to North Carolina. Barges' O'Rran. Hayos; Pennsyl Giebert -Neptune, Ellis, Philadelphia to North Carolina. ..Yacht Caleda, Hobbs, Baltimore to New Orleans. Sleamertr. W. (jfKam.Hamilton, Norfolk to Elizabeth City Schooner nna Ellen, -BrOWnNor- folk to elizabeth City. .' . Rat era Eastern. Pierce. Forfolk to Pasquotank: Schooner Six Brothers, linn - Launch Zetta, Deming, Norfolk to New Orleans. finve Yotir Monev. One box ofTutt's ?h will save many dollars in- doctors' bills They willsurely cure all diseases of the stomach, uver or bowels. rJn PptTpcc; Assertion For sick headache, dyspepsia, malaria, constipation and bilio usness, a million people endorse Hp.rfifll TTeftlth Coffee in creases the appetite and is benefi cial to both mind andbody. Bol- . .. .- Tl - IOC linson & wmtennrsi. ruvue OUR I BARGAIN : WINDOW NEXT I WEEK p will, contain , many cut price articles, Each day dif- ferent pieces will bo Ehown. S Better buy what yon want when you see it. . HATH AYAY'S Thi Jrwims. TWELVE MONTHS GUARANTEE goes with every 75c, alarm clock sold by us. How foolish this would be if they were not the best or there was any possibility of of their not giving satisfaction. You buy from Hathaway Bros, -Toull save money and get the bes t of all classes of goods." SPECIAL SPECTACLES should be fitted to each pair of eyes and one should nevet try tor catch up anothers spectacles to read with. Spectacles are made to fit the eye and if your eyes give you trouble there can be a pair made to fit your eyes if you have net put it off too long. A Happy Pleasing Child is household joy. So is "hear it free of charge. ' WITHIN THE At very low prices and $10.00 PEROITTH Situated near N. & City Cotton Mills and near other factory sites, which will soon De usea lor amerent manufacturing industries. These lots are hio-h. level land fronting on differnt avenues 50 feet wide. Here is, son to secure a hne lot wno can save up $10.00 a month in a short time. TpJro state that these avenues will be eraded at once and put in good condition, so far as they extend. For Prices and Apply OszzSS. C. W. IS k SYSTEM BUILDER.GJVES APPETITE lit fails to cure youV FoiSale, Wholesalejand ICetail fbj W, W4GrIggs a Son. . There ii no disease more uncertain In its nature than dyspepsia, Physicians amy thai the symptoms of no two eases agree. It U therefore most difficult to make a correct diagnosis. No matter how serere, or under what disguise drtpepaia attacks you. Browns' Iron Bitters will cure it. - Invaluable in alj diseases of the stomach, blood and nerves. Crowns' Iron Bitten is sold fej all dealer o o S WATCHLESS WATCHES or rather watche9 that don't need watching. Our stock selected from ono of the -biggest manufacturers are notable for their excellent time-keeping qualities. If you dont know the pleasure of such a watch try one of ours. a GRAPHOPHONE. Call and HATHAWAY'S, The Jewelers. 1 THE SEASONING WITH SALT AND PEPPER cannot be agreed to by any two people. Though all agree that two for twenty fir cents sterling silver top salt and pepper shakers At Ilxrn awat 8 are the proper things to shake the salt and pepper, with. A LOTS FOR SALE NEXT 30 DAYS on easy terms. ITHOUT JNTEREST S. R. B. Opposite E. a chance for any per Further Particulars STEVENS, Elizabeth City, N. C. WOT.ICS. The undersigned, as executors of the estate of A. 8. Conklin; deceased, will offer for sale public biddinc at the Court tlonse door in Elizabeth City, N. O.; on Tuesday November 14(h 1899 at 3: o'clock, p. in. the followiq personal property, to wit: " 15 shares of the First National Bank r Elizabeth City, 5 shares in the Kliz . be th City Cotton Mills and 5 shares hi the Elizabeth Citv Electric Light Company. Terms ot sale cab. . - J B CONKLTN and AUGUSTLS SMITH, Executors. By Prnden & P. uden, Attorneys. iNov, 1st, 1899. ; OETH CAROLINA, i Tn r,t Tyrrell Co, In Sap r? C t' A.W. Barnes - 7 '' . ' vs. NOTICE. Maggie J. Barnes.) -" - Tne def endent above namedwilltke notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior court of Tyrrell County by the Plain tiff and against tte defendant for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony, and the defendant will farther take notice that she is required U appear at the neititerm of the Superior Court of said coujhtr to be held on :. the 8th Monday alter the 1st Monday in - Sep tember 1899 at the court house of said county in Columbia, N.C.,and answer or demur to the complaint:, in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for ths relief demanded in said omp!aI nt. -i O. L. LitroitaiAjt , ' Clerk of the Buperiorourt. This Sept. 18 1899. JOIIII II. DURGESS JD. REAL ESTATE, ML 5 BC11 Ma Farni and Gity Property BouQht, Sold and Exchangee?. Stocks and Bonds Bought and Sold. ; Boom 9 Bradford Building, ELIZABETH CITYJJ.C. FOR SALE. Old Whcdbee homestead, Road street, cheap on terms to suit. Old Miskell homestead Church street, cheap on terms to suit, Nice house and lot on BiTcrsida Av3. cheap. , ' Nice house and lot on Improve ment Co's. lot. ' Nice vacant lot on Bnrgoas St. Honses and lots ou Parsonage St. Nice new residence, with stables. Uot on West Main St at a bargain, quick purchaser. " House and lot, Cor. Boad ana Pearl St. Big lot with small house, North Road Si. Nice house and lot, Cotton St. cheap. Nico farm on Body Uoad, 179 acres, near town, at a bargain. Elegant house and lot Pearl St. Lots in Improvement Cos. plat, Baxter plat, and in all parts of the city. - Like ted M Opened ! Tho L;tke Drummond Canal and Water Co. wish to give notice that the Old Dismal Swamp Canal route between Norfolk ami Elizabeth City is now open for -business and that a : tug boat will lea vo every other day exceit Sundav.'com'tnoncing AiiRUft 2Sth, making trips as follows : Leave rorlolk 3londay, v ednesday and Friday; returning leave Elizabeth City Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day. The Cunal Co, injures nine feet ot water at present time between tho locks, and in a few '.-Week a they will have ten feet of water in the canal. The company has dredged fifteen feet in depth for a distance oT three thou- 5 sand feet below the lock atJDeep Creek, They Live also made deep water below South . Mills Look, in the .'waters of the Fasquotank River. The canal company has dredged tho old Turner's Cut to the depth of ten feet at low water. Thus far the canal company can insure a tmflicient tbpth of water. The canal company would not at present guarantee a nafe 'passage be tween Norfolk and Elizabeth City for boats drawing more than seven and a half feet of water, as the Fasquotank has one shoal place, and Deep Creek at low water has not more than seven and a half feet at the present time. The government has appropriated money to deepen and widen Deep Creek, and also to ; ,deepen and straighten the waterway of the Pas quotank River. This work is to commence at once. The company in the mean time intend to improve and widen the canal, and in the near fu ture tho canal company believe that they will have a canal and waterway between the points narnec that can not be excelled in this country. J. S.. SANFORD, V. P. ; Information as to where to leave or. receive freights, and of tho boat's landing place can be had at Hatha way Bros, corner Main and Water streets, Elizabeth City, N. C N ORTII CAROLINA,) In the Oates county. . j Bup'r uourt. David Blanchard, A dm 7 of Riobard Blanchard, ( vs. Tnomas Blanchard, Dempsy Blanch ard, Martin V. Blanchard, John Hol lowell and wife Mary Hollowell, Dorsey Ward and wife Arizona Ward, Thomas Chappel and wife Jane Clmppel, Annie Blanchard, Mary Blanchard, Vashtl Blanchard, Verne Blanchard, James Blanchard, Laura Blanchard Walter DIanchard, Andrew Blanchard, John Blanch ard, Mattte Blanchard. NOTICE. , The defendants, Annie Blanchard, Alary Blanchard, Vashti Blanchard, Verne Blanchard andJonn liiancnara. above named, will take notice that an action, entitled as above, has been com- ' menced in the Superior Court of Gates county, for the purpose of sell ing certain real estate situated in Mintongville' township, said county, belonging to the estate of Richard Blanchard, dee'd, to make assets; and the said defendants will further take notice tnat they are required to ap pear at the office of the Clerk Superior Court of Gates county on the 30th day of October, 1899, and answer or de mur to the complaint in said proceed- nr or tVia nla I n t i ft . wi 1 1 nnnl V ti th court for the relief demanded in said complaint Th: 18th day of Septem ber, 1899. . ' W. T, JLltUNS, Clerk Superior Court. . L L. Smith, att'y for plaintiff. S. L. ST0RER & CO. WHOLESALE Dealers and Shippers of all kinds ol FRESH FISH TefULTONrFISO MARKET. N. Y. Particular attention paid t Shad Department.. - . We employ so agents ' am misions r

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