I GC030400000 OG I ye requested to ! JUST ri DHS BEFORE I - & o of tho town at tho CTiTO notice tho citizens a.wi tuu ii at iuu vliy II ail lO y night at 8 o'clock for the purpose of ioraing a biock company to run a telegraph and telephone line from Elisabeth City lo Norfolk. All boa incs3 men are requested to'bo pre sent. HOLLIDAY GOODS o Tlie Newest Stock ol 5 VATCHE3, DIAMONDS, JEWE- RT. SILVERWARE AHD NOVELTIES In the City. 0 z o o e o e o 9 c u o 0 A visit to our store will help you to decido what to k'ivo for a Cnristraas present. Wo keep only tirst-clasj goods a rid. a fea ture of our store will bo everything marked in plain figures. Our stock o o 5 X of Novelties rmbraces all r .1. V.... It. v , Or- prices Challenge Coiapoti tion. We do not consider it a trouble to show goods. You will receive polite attention whether you buv or uot. Come in and LOUIS SELIG, 6 1 Water St. o o o c if o o o c o Thanksgiving day was observed yesterday as a day of rest and do- votion, by all classes, except news papers. They are so important a factor in tho worla'a business and 1 T A 11.1 1' . 1 ... aisiory mat uie puouc canno; dis pense with them. Sure as the post man ana tne sun the newspaper must run. - Northern sportsmen aro frequent ly passing thiough our town, en routo for the lower sound3. We know of nothing that will bring the red blood of health to the surfaco like shooting wild geese and ducks in out lower sounds; unless it be elephant shooting m India, or tigers in tho jungles of Madras. The quarterly meeting of Friends was held at Belvidere, Perquimans county, on-Saturday. This vener able body of ' exemplary christian men and women are deficient in tho one important quality of aggressive ness, except by the good example of their exemplary and conver sation. They aro of our best citi- zens, our most thrifty li-.isincsj mou, but, strangely, they recede from tho steady march of modern progress. Who 13 VaaiCltiltl he is, he seeks to repair a sin that his neighbors of Pasnuotank countv TT II I il . . . . . I O ' e turns tne name or vanacrbiit haT0 conjnjitte(i He aims tore i. i it i I - liua vueu invrv upua uie popular i:eve ua of ft burt3en ltftt ouA rpst tongue of this community ior the last few months than any other mil lionaire in America, and it becomes ns to find out who the Yanderbilt is that has purchasod the Norfolk & Southern Railroad, and is negotiat ing for the purchase of our other artificial channels of transportation from the Albemarle waters to the Chesapeake, or whether the name I upon ns and our children, always hereafter, of an omitted duty, which if not attended to at ence, will be a lost opportunity that will never re turn to us. Judge Clark,- of Raleigh, N. G, has for some years been slowly pre paring a history of , North Carolina troops In the war between the States, 1861-C5. It will be a book 1 A represent a syndicate or ByBtem oi 0 our proua- annals that will here- business men that represents the after cur standard anthority, and powenui iamuy oi oia uorneuus, ym book there wiU be no refer who when a young and poor man. ence to lhe c8th Regiment of North traded through Currituck Inlet in Carolina troops, which was compos- yam sweet potatoes. ed almost entirely of Albemarle men. Now, if the Yanderbilts purchase Two of the companies that composed all our transportation lines, they gnt were from Pasquo will become the most potent factor, tank county. The commanding for good or ill in our business affairs officer was a gallant citizen of this that has been known to our history, town James W. Hinton. The two And therefore it behooves us to L.:.. Ar a .nT;i fm p. WlSMJi4U V V AAJI jf UAAA WJ J 111 A. iMJ study tho Yanderbilt character to see whether their designs be for evil or for good. The good will and public senti ment of a community in which a quotank were, we think, Captain W. F. Martin and Captain J. B. Fear ing, two as gallant men as evt.r com manded a company. Captain Mar tin was afterwards made Colonel of 9 p lt For Catalogue. 9 9 0 L O Uj. Is JV JB WS. Kve cLnngo of Ircn Works ad. the Elizabeth Tho advertisement of Fulmcr & Co., tho new fancy grocers, at the corner of Main and Poindcxter Sts., will be found in this isuo. His window display is tho most attrac tive wo have over seen in this town. To look at his bulging window dis play of meats and groceries is enough to make a sick man well. It almost tempts us to study the art and niyatcry of burglary and change our business in life. Look at his tempting ad. and call and take your choice. Bis confectionaries are a paradiso for young folks and old. Dr. F. II. Johnson, announced from hi? pulpit on Sunday Morning, that ho would close his connection with the Presbyterian Chnrch in this place, of which ho has been , i man uoes ousmess is an important another regiment and Captain Fear- clement, not only oi success in dubi- in wag aisablea from military ser nesa, but also an important item in vIce by i&rDS the drums of both the sum of human happiness, which eara broken while commanding Foit is the great aim and end of business Bartow, in the fight on Roanoke Une oi tne anderbilt an- t1ti1 c lis RE, wk r I , fee BURBESS g 'UI! 1 CIISTL1 PHESEIIT JO. , ESTATE, mm mti Farm and Gity Property Bought, Sold and Exchanged, Stocks and Bonds Bought and Sold. J If of good quality is the most appropriate present for many reasons. es! Fu-st it will last a lifetime, reminder of friendship or love. Second. A stylish piece of jewelry to day is always stylish. Third. Nothing gives more delight than a weU selected piece of Jewelry. HATHAWAY'S, - ! THE JEWELERS Room 9 Bradford Building, ELIZABETH CITYN.C. 3fr. Andrew Hathaway has .gone pft3tor somo c1rU or cn year 0Q north .-tec to purchase his Christmas Mr. P. N. Sac Jenon has engaged in the insurance bu-sints. We wish Lim ucceii. A mill plant boat arc cCV-rtd in acliicr c-.u::.n. and small tut: talo by ad. A bargain. for the first of Janaary, 1,900. Dr. Johnson has served the Church with great fidelity while he has been its pastor, and has made him self an agnable companion and good citizen in social life. Why ho leaves wo aro not informed, but wo know wherever his lot may bo cast ho and his family will bo followed by the best wishes of this community. CoUins)rleict of Dr. T. D.Warren.do ceased.is visiting her old friendj in Edenton.Sho is arcmarkablo represen tative of ono of the most remarkable and distinguished families that ever made its impression for good upon tho community of Edenton; dis tinguished for wealth, culture, re- intelligence and elegance. but cur Pc0Plc thmk o foundation of that re- "Jama it" of the pu Tho cry of fuo on Wednesday morning was from an empty build ing on Dry lent. It was soon ex tinguished and did no harm. Mrs. John C Emmerson and chil dren, of Portsmouth, Ya.,aro in the city on a viit to her parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Yaughan, on Church treet. The lato Charlea B. Pendleton held a lifo insurance policy in the New York Life Insuranco Company for J?7JS;.J?3. Tho samo has been promptly paid to Mrs. Pendleton. Messrs. Wilson Hollowell and An drew Hathaway having purchased the old Herrington property, near town, aro now laying it off initown lots. Tho locality is a desirablo one. J. Q. A. Wood has just received a car load of fino horses and mules, which can be seen at Mac, Fletcher s livery stables, on Pomdexter street, where ho would bo pleased to have the public to call and examine them. We hear that the New River oys ters, brought over from New Bern on the Ncuo on Thursday last we are thn finnl ovrr seen here. We don't sco how thev can bo better or fatter young men will be selected to fill than thco "taken from the upper these vacancies who .pass the best waters of Far Creek, in Hyde county, examinations ana navo tne best en- aorsemenis as to cnaracicr. xnoso 31 r. B. F. Whodbeo, of Hatteras, desiring to be admitted would do ha3 removed to this town, with his I well to write to President Winston, family, to mako it their future home. I Raleigh, N. C. Wo havo known Mr. Whedbeo for manv vcars and alwavs found him to I A sad accident. On Friday last, be an upright and reliablo man, and I as tho steamer Harbinger was on we welcome hira to our citizenship. I her way from this city to Norfolk, through the D. S. Canal, near al- success. costers is reported to have said, in an uncruarded moment, when he felt his oats "damn public sen timent." The expression was more emphatic than wise. No man can riso to the full stature of his influ ence unless he is in sympathy and accord with the community in which ho does business. He may be a par- tial, but not a complete success. To give a familiar illustration : M. K. King, General Manager of the Norfolk & Southern Railroad, is a model business man one of the bebt wo have ever known. He has all tho qualities of a thorough busi ness man, except one. He is en tirely isolated and apart from the peopls among whom his busines life is passed, and wo are sure that qual ity of isolation not to say stuckup ishness impairs his efficiency one half in tho management of his busi ness. Elizabeth City was the build er of his railroad, tho centre and the most important contributor to Now if wo fail to have written a history of the 68th Regiment of Confederate troops, we, who aie now living and were connected with the Recriment. will have a sin of U 9 omission to answer for at the tri bunal of posteritv. Will not the press of our district republish Maj. Daves communication, ana urge tho survivors of the Regiment to see to it that the history of their old regiment is in the hands of Judge Walter Clark by January 1, 1900. .. . 1 1 CHRISTMAS i J I G,FTS i I INVESTIGATE an (looui tno gooag we sell. You will find what ever we advertise to be facts, if we say a certain piece of Jewelry is stylish you can depend upon its being so. We make it a point to tell you the quality of the goods we are selling. If its poor quality wo tell you as if its good quality we tell you so and explain its superior qualities and why its cheap er than lower priced goods. Don't you think it will pay you to buy of such people. HATHAWAY'S. The Jewelers A Veteran Indeed. Wo had a kind call on Tuesday its success, the success of its busi- Mre.AlethiaWarren,of Alabama(nee ness, and yet the outspoken public sentiment of this community is that ho is hostile to our trade and with out sympathy with our people. Mr. King is not a profane man and wcnld not reiterate the expression of tho Yanderbilt referred to above, that he thinks from the oldest man in-Edenton, in the Albemarle section, and perhaps in North Carolina; born, we think, in 1811. But his age is not the mo3t remarkable thing about him. He is more remarkable for his activ ity, his eprightliness, his geniality, his interest in the present, and for his recklesness. He is an amateur blooded horse fancier, breaks young colts, conducts two lasge farms in Virginia and North Carolina, is a high stepper, and walks without a cane. But, strangely, he bids us not put his name in the Economist. Why, we know not. But he orders it, and "mum" is the word for us. Yet the Economist is his friend and public sentiment La3 been kind and tender to Df TV . . I him Afar Vi Hva nn and nroswer. I hz. aJfJ M. -."J - - XT XT K We can't tell. But Humbolt J YYrvlio nnoTvirta of 1 0H an rl TnVm nlrl J Parr danced before Charles of En gland when he was 142. to day says it is proper to wear many rings on one linger. The rings should be of a quality to wear to look .well; The set tings should be well made so as to securely hold the set which should be of the best quality. A Christmas presont of such a ring is a choice present and if it comes from Hathaway s is known to bo the best. HATHAWAY'S, . THE JEWELERS. finement, It was tho fined and conservative public senti- of this community. Now this, we ment that still clings to 'Edenton think, is all wrong, and if it be not and makes it a name throughout . f f we would t North Carolina for all that is excel- f. . . -r , , lent and high toned. We regret to tbat ,f Mn Km would unbend a hear that Mrs. Warren is a great little, he would be a more influential, KnfTVrr f rnm rlioiimflfiam n Ti n nnior onrl fl mn iiftofnl man And we will add further that if the he Eminent Kidney loung men desiring to enter the v.wi.m tt!,o m.nao fn hnV nn . x 31. Collego at Raleigh may bo . . .. , , ' r examined SatSrday, December 10, 0Ur transPortatlon Imea and do bus 1899, at tho Courthouse, at 10 mess with us, lntenos to put nimseii o'clock a. m., by tho County Super- in sympathy with us and benefit up, mtendent of bchools. The subjects then he will bo met bv as cordial of examination aro arithmetic (com- aml kinJ and he, f ul- ft le as plete), algebra (to fractions). Eng- . . . , . , I,h rnmmftr nnrl AmPri,9n tW the Sim Shines Upon in his daily There will probably bo about txen- round. But if he comes among us ty-fivo vacancies in tho College, and to make what he can out of us with ? C5 ti? fl"? CP p.i WHEN YOU 12 1 - I J f.: and Bladder Specialist CP i. t a-- (5 I C9 FOR SALE. . Nice lot co?ner road ana- F,non- I age St. Eight acres near rntchard town to quick buyer, (cheap). House and lot corner Road and Pearl streets. Nice large new residence on Main St. lot 240 feet deep, running from Street to street 50 feet front. Nice hou.e and lot ' in front of Scott's Railway. 34 acres land on edge of town, near Fark. 2 nice cottages ocean, fido N.itM Head, (cheap). 1 1 nice cottage, Sound udo, Nacs Head. ' Iloue and lot Liwroiue Stiot-t. Nice lot Fearing street. (West). cheap. Small hou!i and nice lot, WVst Main St. Nice hoiiJe an 1 lot Iiaprovemrrit Co. Large lot on Peiinsvlvrtiiw Avfrjue, (cheap. Houses and lots on BurL'e.-s Road, Church, Spelluiah, Fearing, Foindex- l .1 11 1 tei ami i eaii oi. We will collect your rents for 5 per cent. Com missions. Statements ren dered monthly; , , . NORTH CAROLINA,) OHlco Clerk Pasquotank' Co. iupr C't. Notice is hereby given of of the, filing of artlrlet of incorj oration of ,Tb . Elizabeth City 'Knitting MiUV'; that, na tiles of the incorporator are W. C. Glover, D. B. Bradford. G. M. Scott, Wi J. Wood ley, J. L. Sawyer, A. L Pendleton, J. B. Blades, J. II. White. White. Chas. II. Ilobinfon." 'F. M. Urice, P. II. Williams, W. T. Old, (). Mullan, J. Ii, Flora. It. li. MarUn. Thos. P. Nash, W. J. Lutu?den and such others as the may associate with them; that the principal placa of busi ness is Elizabeth City, N. C, and its general purpose and biioineKS is.to- purchase, erect and onerato a Knitt ing Factory for tho purpose 'of mnnu iing, knitting, dyeing, printing, finish ng and selling all gooda and textiles, made of Cotton or wool or of which other fibrous articles may form a part. taking and holding and felling Real Instate and personal property by grant, lease or ortherwlse an may be necessary for operating said Plant and business, to create liens upon the B8iuo wnexjever 11 ueuoiuea uevenhary for the conduct of said business, to ac quire franchise for operating wild bus iness.nd to make such other contracts as may be necessary in operating said " business, to sue and be sued In Its Go- oporate name: that the duration of the corporation is thirty years: tho Capital stock is Twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.), with privilege to $300,000,00 divided in shares of One Hundred Dollars (100.00). This the Oth day oO November. IWJ. ' W. II. JENNINGS, Clerk Suierior Court. an eyo to bis own benefit, regardless of our own, then he will be met by the mailed arm and clinched hand. A Sin of Omission. Our sins are divided into two classes those of omission and com mission. Our eins of omission are more numerous and also probably Tho Knitting Mill Company have I feceton. Mr. J. H. Ambrecht, ono of moro venal, because they are, very tho contractors for paving Fqindcx-1 often, tho result of pure ter street, was amtisinj himself shooting crows on tho canal bank, from the steamer. Ho laid down his breech loader against tho pilot house, with one shell unexploded. elected otliccn. with W. C Glover President and D. B. Bradford Sec retary and Treasurer. They trill fcoon commence tho erection of their building, the site having already been selected. The hardware etore of Sawyer A; Ayd!ett was broken into on Mon day nght by burglars who broke ia through ono of tno largo front glasses. A valuable gun was taken. There ha been as yet discovered no trace cf tho burglars, but Chief Dawson is on the lookout. . We invite special attention to the Christinas advertisement of our old accident, of a defective mental organism, of which wo aro often unconscious ard ; seldom the result of design and malico aforethought, while our sins Later he took it up to unload it, of commission are pure deviltry and when it was accidentally discharged, jesiro to commit some evil pur- tno wnoio loau taxing eueci in ine leg of Joseph Heeley, a pedlar, 88V- P , ering an artery, from which ho bled But heinous as are the crimes of to death. An inquest jury was commission, they are often less held in Norfolk, and tho verdict was harmful and odious than are some accidental. Mr. Ambrecht bore the i;mAQ nf nmiRsion. expenses oftho funeral. CThrough tho kindness of Mayor Kind-hearted reader, did you see the communication in the Economist of last week by Graham t)aves ? If ' I 1 .1. . A TT- 1 : t. t : ci: i uison. wo ioo n luru uu ncuuts ana reuaoie jeweicr, iu. ; . ' . M, A . t: , : -.a anA -?t hi r.l ffcrrmblr aay to ooservo mo iranMoniiaiiuuui uui, ku u . v 1 I ro;.Wfi. alrAt. nnrA ft hull fracf U T il-. Cttmirif that mlmn fmm n ran I 1'Oinuexier sureei, vuw uua ijuj, a. add to hU reputaUon, but we take preserve, unuer itepuu ucaa aumiu. I Icasure id adding our testimony to . . ... tration, now a beautiful paved boule- Tard, vf ith Belgian rubbler stone, as smooth as a floor and when finished a wheeled vehido will move over it automatically by its own momentum. Tho only fear we have, which is pro bably imaginative, is that the rocks may cive way under the unequal White, Fih Conditioner in Chief, pressuxo of loaded vehicles, and that that of tho reneral public. His ad. c . f peaks for itself and we ask our fnends to give it a careful examina tion. The Supremo Court of North Carolina hoj decided that Theo. whicav I ii entitled to hold his cCco until the expiration of his terra. Tho oysters might be in worse hands than OfTs. Bad company U his great danger. Bewaxo of tho old negro gang lead err, for the ofUco and the money that is in if. tho weak places will give way and holes be formed in the paved streets. Farewell bullfrogs! Our luckj Just as we see a prospect for a for tune, a nick aio and a spado comes alon cr and wo are put back on .the ladder of life. rrep&r3 pecl:i7 for w ma. 11 fre. It tre atomAch disorder worm, ate tbat vary child Im lUDlo to and for mc Frey'c Vermlfugo hat bn raeeenfoujiiMd i ior a cair century. 'OxMikkf Mil ferKc K.JIS.l'nirT.UIUiMra.Ii. C9 You should think how it will look 10 years from to-day. It is worth while paying a fair price for -something that . Vfljliiiever wear out. . Jewelry of this class is much appreciated for Christmas presents. HATHAWAY'S, a s. L. STORER & CO. WHOLESALE Dealers and Shippers of all tinds ol FRESH FISH la tS9 THE JEWELERS, S 76 FULTON FI3U MARKET. N V. A Tie Discoverer of Swamp-Root at Work la Els Laboratory. There is a disease prevailing in this country most dangerous because so decep tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by It heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often the result of kidney disease. If kidney trouble Is allowed to ad vance the kidney-poisoned blood will attack the vital organs, or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. Then the richness of the blood the albumen leaks out and the sufferer has Bright's Disease, the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root the new dis covery Is the true specific for kidney, bladder and urinary troubles. It has cured thousands of apparently hopeless cases, after all other efforts have failed. At druggists In fifty-cent and dollar sixes. A sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling about Swamp Root and its wonderful cures. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. and mention this paper. NORTII CAROLINA Pasquotank County In office Clerk Superior Court, Notice is hereby given of the filing ot Articles of Incorporation or tne Elizabeth City Milling Co.," that the nam ps of the incorporators are Geo. Beveridee. Willis N. Gregory and Jas. O. Gregory, and such others as they mav associate with them; that the CHRIST 31 A S WATCH X , Vr sv. 'f.v Particular attention paid to Shad Department. We employ no agents and pay nc misions. Should be of nualitv to loook well and keep the best time- We have just such watches at supprising low figures. HHA WA. Y 'S. , The Jeweler. A. W. iHAFF, Saecessorto Lamphear & Ilti, Wholesale Oommluiou Dealer In FRESH FISH. LOBSTERS. ETC. NO. 12 FULTON FISH MARKET. 4 New York City, North Carolina Shi l a Specialty. No Aeent. 3 OUE EYES In the Sup'r Court. Elmo Parker, 0 AUE m Pil I ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY !! principal p'ace of business is in Eliza-1 fi beth City, North Carolina, and its gen-1 eral purpose and business is to buy and mill rice, corn, oats, ieea ana any products that said Corporation snail deem profitable and to the extension sion of said Corporation; that the duration of the Corporation is thirty years; the capital stock is 8,000 with privilege to increase to $25,000, divided in shares of the par value oi siuu. This November 25th, 1899. - W. H. JENNINGS, Clerk of the Superior Court. HAIR BALSAW irronolea a roxunmnl prowu. I Were Taila to yentore Oray Hir to lta Yonthful Color. 31 0 pi MM If they are taken care of properly they will do IM their share of lifes work. We make it onr business to take care of our cus- gji torn crs eyes the very best known ways. Let us show vou wnat we Know aDOUt eyes. HATHAWAY'S, THE JEWELERS. 0 t m "VTORTH CAROLINA, ) JJN Gates County, J 8. I, Uarrell, Adm'r of deceased. vs. James K. Parker, Sallie It. Ourley, 8. S. HardUon, Arthur Mitchell and wife Maude Mitchell. W. J. Hayes and Lemuel Hayes and Carrol Hares by L. It. bmitn, their guardian, and Edna Hrown and Harry Hrown. Hugh Brown and Essie Dull, Mabel Dailand Daih .K NOTICEr" The defendants, Sallie R, Gurley, W. J. Hayeu, Carroll Hayes and Hugh Brown, above named, will take notice tbat an action entitled as above lias been commenced in the Superior Court ot Gates county for the purpose of selling certain real estate to make as sets. Said read estate is known as the Elmo Parker place, and is situated about one mile from Salisbury, in said county; and the said defendants will take notic that thev are required to appear at the office of the clerk of the Superior Court hi Gates county on the 27th day of November, 1809, and answer or demur to the complaint in said acti n or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 4th day of Octo ber, 1899. W. T. CROSS Clerk Superior Court

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