EW LOT OF SILVER JUST RECEIVED Kisfht &, Brig lit,; Jewelers IE THE LINE BEFORE BUYING AT WEDDING PRESENT It 9 EED and SEED I have in stock a fine lot of bice and No. 1 Timothy Hay, at oa to suit the limes. I am now taking orders foi rnip and Kuta Baga Seed in as ted lot of 10 lbs. or over at t y low price to be delivered about y 15th. When in need of eed .Seed call on . 5. White, Feed and Seed, 17 Poindcxter St. Phone 64. ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. SESESfiGJ '$2.50 Gold Spectacles and Eyeglasses worth H55.UU. "Examination free by our eye specialists. Our work must give satisfaction or money refunded. Notice For excursionists we have Sunday hours from 10 a..m. to 1 p. m. h6 glasses are prescribed unless needed. Correspon dence solicited. Virginia Optical Co., , j 324 Main St, cor. raiDot, li " 2nd. Floor, t NORFOLK, VA. Referenoe Principal business men and elergymon of Norfolk. entral Academy iRev. M. W. Hester, Principal Prof, W. M. Hinton, Asso. Pnn ' A Christian Home and High School for boys and young men. . Snlendidlv located in Warren j county, one mile from depot im mediately on o. A. Li. roaa in a beautiful grove of 12 or 15 acres on a COO acre farm. For further . information address the Principal or Associate Princi pal, Littleton, N. C. Institute (or College a s Young Wome'. unci of Music. TKe Be-Place f four KALXIGM 'Catlorfa FXKX lUmi Ji.Dhwi4di(.lre The Whole ' Family Always in Good Humor - The husband smiles, the chil dren are happy and the baby does no cry when you have Smithfield Hams , and 'Royal Patent Flour to serve tftem with from your table. This gives you the beBt bread and there is no better meat. Toxey & Gallop, WATER STREET. BARGAINS ! ARG A I NS! Jhe greatest bargains ever offered . to the public in Nail and Scrubbing rushes. The best Japanese bristle brush sold r . r, , 1 WO vr (i"el y0a ag f B THU DAILY ECONOMIST 'UBUSHRD EVKKY AFTERNOON EXCKPT The Carolina Pub. Co., ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: onk tkar. . . onk month. , 53.00. .25. R. B. Cbkecy, Editor. W. L. Smith, Manager. : r" OFFICES IN BROWN BUILDING. Businoss Office: No. 510 Ma in Street. Editorial and composing rooms upstairs PHONES: Business Office, 58. Editorial Roomt 258, All communications should be address ed to Trnc Economist Publish) u Company, Eliaaneth Vlty, N. C. ( THURSDAY, JULY : 537, JIW5 A NEW TROUBLE IN THE PEACE NEGOTIATIONS. On the meeting of the plenipoten tiaries of Russia and Japan at Ports mouth, N. II.. a new impediment has arisen which confirms one fact that the peace negotiations as at pre sent contemplated are all "red tape' fuss an feathers, and ' diplomatic palaver, and that the little brown man is merely playing a part in the roll of artful diplomacy. China stalks upon the stage at this late scene of the drama, and has is sued a diplomatic note to the great powers, both neutral and actively billigirent, that she is interested in the settlement of this war question, and that she will recognize no con elusion relating to her supremacy of the province of Manchuria, and her right and titleto the territory. As Manchunais the original casus belli, and was(he original ground of dispute between Russia and Japan, the importance of, this claim of China will be recognized. Formerly, a diplomatic notifica tion from China would have been' regarded as" a mere brutum fulmu, and would have excited no emotion but derision, but since this of Rus sia and Japan, China has come to the front, and acquired an import ance as an ally of Japan that it has not heretofore aspired to among civilized nations. Now, this may be a serious dipl matic step of the Chinese Emperor to protect bis rightful cl inu. on Manchuria, or te may be the cat's paw in the fable, in the hands of' Japan, to prolong the war in which she has won so much glpry. . Wehink- that China's -claim to Manchuria is ' a rightful, and she b as been despoiled of her territory by two ambitious neighbor. In this aggressive contest of two oontous nations for the possession of land to which neither was entitled China is naturally, and geographi cally on the side of Japan. Color is a great factor in human affairs, and a Chinee and a Japanee are of the same hue. Physical confor mation partakes of the nature of oolor, and the Mikado of Janan and the "representative of the rising spn" in China are both squint eyed, knock kneed a.nd little footed, and both are fatalists and idolaters in religion. Blood is stronger than water, tney say, but a squint eye and a brown complexion are stronger than any liquid, save one. So, we say to all the defendants of Japhet , and the pale face race, watch the Mongolian races, and especially the brown . race that the United States lifted from their sol itude into the family of nations. Watch theirdeed. Discard their words, and ryok upon them as vehicles with which they conceal dreadful thoughts. Naturally taciturn, naturally secretive, and never allowing you to look into the windows of their soul, tbey will hit you a left banded blow while you are dodging a right band-L-d blow. Tbey are an enemy not to be despised, their recent victories over Russia show that they are not ......Cjr.j; TVfna rnipripd in all roar that was heard Gve miles, a cyclone struck the northern rim of RaciineY!buMy today, killiig two men' anddiimaging property and crops to tDe value of 100,0)0. The cyclmie came from th-s south west, andltsVirt dipiruck a large barn which was torn to pie.tes, the debris, with grain and farm mach inery, being scattered 200 feet. Trees were uprooted and fences mown away, tbe damage on this farm alone amounting to $5,000. In every quarter grain is rnineJ. For miles there can be seen uprooted trees and fences down. At a farm in Thompsonville an unknown woikman. was struck and killed. Near Union Grove, Adam Hunter, an old farmer, was picked up by the cyclone and his neck broken. At the Haumerson brick yard lightning struck a shed and six men were stunned. At least a dozen cattle wtirekill ed and the telephone wires in the district were blown down. ONE KILLED, FIVE INJURED BY EXPLOSION OF AUTO. Indianapolis, Ind., July 96. Miss Olive. Johnson, of Lima, Ohio was crushed to death and burned and five other persons were severely burned and bruised tonight, when a Urge automobile plunged into a ditch n-ar Broad Ripple, exploding' the ,' voline storage tank.VO. O. Dale, of Indianapolis, wbo was driving the machine was seriously burned. The party was speeding along tbe river road when the macuine struck a rut overturning the machine in a ditch and throwing the occupants underneath. From the tail light, the gasoline tank was ignited and two explosions followed, throwing burning fluid over the youig peo ple pinioned beneath the r machine. . JARVISBURG JOTTINGS. Youth of Eleven Years Fatally Shot by Accident. . Other Matters Mostly Personal. Special to The Economic.) Jarvisburg, July 26. Missesi Debbie Carbell of Narows Islandnl Bessie Baker of Norfolk, Va. spent Tuesday very pleasantly 'the guest of the Misses Wright. Miss Laura Wpodhouse, t.fter an extended visit to relatives In Norfolk, returned home Sunday morning much to the delight of her many friends. Mr. J. W. Poyner of Popular Branch was in our midst Friday evening on business. Mr. Thomas Baum and Miss Maud Brown of Grandy passed ' through town Friday night enroute to Norfolk on the steamer Tourist. ...... ... f Mrs. L. D. Snow of Norfolk is here on a short. vislL to friends-imd rela tives. ' Mrs .Mady S. Chapman after a de light visit Jo her old home, returned to Elizabeth. City last week Hezkiah Baum aged about' 11 years was accidentally shot Tuesdry morn ing about 2 o'clock. It will bring rich, red blood, fnn flesh and muscle. That's wKU I loll- ister's Rocky Mountain, Tea will do. Taken this month, keps.yn well all summer. 85 cents Tea or Tablets. Standard. Pharmacy. NOTICE There will be a meeting of tie Stcx kJ holder of The Economist. Publishing Company at tbe office of W; v. Worth in the Hflra building- on the 4th day of August. 1905, at 9 o'clock a ni , for tha purpose of reporting the disposition of the paper according to the resolution heretofore made, and, .to ralo such steps as may be necessary to close' up the busiress of the said com p ny, and to make Such disposition of thr remain- der of the properly and the ad, iftment of all matters with tbe stockholders for the final closing of the business of said corporation. (Signed) J H LkROY, July 25. 105 President -THE- BEST-CHOCOLATE - TRADE trade would nev r come our way if we "didn't give it sometli ing to come fp. Just Rpived Choc Ved Che ries Dates,' Thos. P. Wright Go No. 10 E. main St J Hath Rooms Installed. Electric Light Wiring. Best material and workman ship at lowest prices. Tel. No. I50 DESIRABLE HOMES tmi mu i i 'feiVrtkvvff lira mm "ill i.2 - - jj In City and Country always on hand. I . can serve you at any. time with best Ileal Estate. N. R. PARKER, Dealer in Real Estate Ellzibeth Cit'. N. C Greatly Reduced Rates via. Southern Railway to following points, viz ; 818 45. Manteaffle, Tenn., and re turn, account Manteagle Bible Train ing School, tickets sold June 29, 30, .July I, 14, 15, 17, Aug 5, 6, 7, 1905. B'inal limit August 81st. Tickets may bo xtendt d 10 Oct. 31st, by paying additional amount at destination. 16 00. Knoxville, Tenn., and return, accoun.t Summer School' cf " the". South, tickets sold July 1, 8, 9, 15, . 1905., final limit 15 days from date of sale. Tick ets may beextended until Sept. 30th by payment of additional fee of 50 cents. ... . $42 75. Denver, Col., and return, account Annual . Meeting Fraternal Order of Eagles,tickets -sold Aug. 11, 12, 13,. 1905., final limit Aug. 28th. Tickets may be extended to Sept. 25 by payment of additional foe of . 5'i cents. $15 55. Athens, Ga , and leturn, account Summer "chool, tickets sold July 1. 8, 15, 1905, final limit 15 days, from date of sale. Tjelo is may be ex teided to 8e t 30 by payuu nt of ad ditioaal fee of 50 cents. For further information concerning stop overs or s eep ng car reservations, call on or write W V ('roxtoti. l'ass. Agent, 95 Wranby St , Norfolk, Va. TASTELESS an ml mm U LLI U 1 U bs IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. ; WARRANTED. .PRICE 50ctS OALATIA. IMS.. NOT. IK 1S83. Purls Medloine Co., St. Ixniin, Mo. ' .nnti..nwn: We wild Inst veur. 800 botllea ol GROVE'S TA8TKI.KS8 CHILL TONIC nd hare ooudht three uronn nireriT tan year, in mi our pi perlence ol 14 yenra, lu the dnig buglnesa, hnT never Buiu an snicio mu nan nui u uuivwmu whit (action k your Toaio. lour truly. WE ARC SOLE AGENTS KERC FOR The most famous Cod Liver Oil prep aration known to modicine. Contains ALL the medicinal elements of cod liver oil, actually taken from fresh cod's livers, but not a drop of oil. - Delicious to t! " i '9 and recognized throughout t! 3 v the greatest STL. 3TH mum Emm r 8 Main Street ' ' - ' NOW IS THE TIME FOR THAT . - J g 2 Baby to have a Picture taken ' ISN'T IT? S before it looses flesh. Our photo's always show thera at their best. Let us make some for the baby. g ZoeIIersp Studio, l'oindexter streets - Haberdashers to the Elits" C. C. and L. D. AYDLETT, Proprietors Littleton Female College Splendid location. Health Resort. Over. '2Q0 boarding pupils last year High grade of work. High standard ol culture and socia' ife; Conservatoryadvantages irrMustc. Advanced courses in At and Elocution. Hot water heat.. E'lectric lights and other modern im provements. . 1 ' .' '.' ' Remarkable health record; only one death among pnpile ,. in 23 years. Close persoual attention to the Loalth and social development of every pupil. High standard of scholarship. All pupils dressed alike on public occassions. CHARGES VERY LOW. . 24 Annual Session will ben'm September 13th, 1905. lor cata logue address, REV. J. M. RHODES, A. a, Pksipknt, Littleteq, N. ,C. in LTTJ ir JL JUUtJ -t-i 198 6EAL-STREIT CO., 79-81 Cortlandt Street, NEW YORK i Drug Sales Oa, General Sales Agents, SS Randolph St Chicago. ' v . For sale locally by r t. . M i aieTHE'BEST; ... E5 est beans only are used. r Extra care exercised in blendinr (Cocoa shells and dirt ar remov Adnlferntrnot nerr mi. ! SATISFACTION and COM FOI IT are the natural results of using -the old reliable Wrenn Buggies. Surrys and .Traps Nothing better nor more attractive for -' - "Rummer use than- -r Web Harness, White and Tan' J, B. FLORA & i , m n 0) air THE GREATEST OF ALL HAIR TONICS DANDRUFF CURES AND SCALP CLEANSERS Will NOT Make the Hair Darker Absolutely Stops Falling Hair costs mw ' Actual results prove that Halrin is tha best hair proving tonis ' and dandruff cure In the world today, yel it has been placed at ' lower price than any balr tonio on the market, and 1 now on ' general sale at drugstores at 15 cents per bottle. After test;nu U you can get six bottles more fcr 75c We cannot fill mull orders at. this low price unless 5 cents extra is enclosed. Insist on youi druggist getting it for you., t ' : " 1 .I. ; w m t MJMMMMJ t "7 J 1 ' .v. m m -