1 Daily JUDICIOUS ADVERTISEhS Advertise In The "economist Because the People Read 't THE WEATHER: Fair tonghtand Thurs day; Light to fresh N. B. winds.- I ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. WEDNESDAY. AUG. 2, 1905. NO, 97 r VOL. 5. Economist. r 1 r Another Blind-Tiger Police Making Raids Swift And TheDoomoflllict Whis key Traffic in City is Sealed. This ' John Bradshaw, one of the pro - crietors of a negro drug store ou tv;iQto. ctrPAf. was nrrftJened 1 UJUVU AILt DVAVWt ' ' n before Mayor Leigh this afternoon r. 1 on a cliarge or sening ;vuisitey in violation of the prohibition laws and was placed under a bond of $300 for his appearance at the fall term of the Superior Court. Bradshaw lias been under sus picion for some time. Henry Mc Cleese who implicated J. Eisenberg Monday on a like charge implica ted Bradshaw last night. Upon McCleese'a testimony the arrest was made. McCleese testified that he bought a t half pint of whiskey from Bradshaw and , that he has known him to sell to others. Bradshaw was defended by At torney Aydlett who tried to get McCleese tangled up in a cross ex amination. The witness held to his original statements- Mr. Ayd lett remarked upon McCleese's im plications of other parties and ask ed him if he was trying to get ev erybody in jail for selling whiskey. "Why?" asked Mr. Aydlett. "hav en t you found out something on somebody else beside Eisenberg and Bradshaw?" "Cause," said Mc Cleese, "I couldn't get oa to any body else. Dey was sorter 'Je hus' of me." Still other cases are nnder sus nicion and it looks as if the last of the Blind Tigers in Elizabeth City will be run to earth Other ar rests may follow before night. News Of Manteo Church Nearly Completed Hotels. Crowded Other News From Dare's Capi lal. Manteo, N. C, August 1, '05. Work on the new Baptist Church is progressing, and judging from the progress niade up to this time, it will be ready for use at an early date, Mr. Price, the contractor, is to be complimented on his diligence and good taste in the construction of this edifice. MisseB Hattic and Ella Creef, who have been taking a summer vacation have returned to Manteo. Mr. C. W. Davis has returned from a vacation spent in Perqui mans County and at the summer re sorts in the vicinity of Norfolk. He is improved iu appearance and re ports a dul'gbtful trip. ,. The Manteo hotels t are crowded with su oroer visitors. Among the latest 'acquisitions we " note Misses Parkyr and Webb from Franklin, Va., and Mrs. G. W. Cobb and daughters of Elizabeth City. Mrs. F., P. Midgett, who has been quite ill, is again convalescent. The protracted meeting at the : Methodist Church, which has been in'progress some time closed Wed nesday night. There were eighteen acquisitions to the church as a re sult of the meeting. Rev. A. J. Parker, pastor, was assisted by Revs. Futrell of Hatteras and. Ho cutt of Edenton. Miss Florence Baum of Hyde County, is" visiting Miss Hattie Creef. Te steamer Mabel E. llorton of t, fl '-7. J. Ori"" 1'", carried i( Is Run To Earth? Fast. number of excursionists to Ocracoke Fridav l Mrs. B. G. Crisp ami children ! have gone to the mountain" of West ern North Carolina to spend the re ! mainder of the hot weather. Mr, j Crisp accompanied them as far as Suffolk, and will join them about I ' the first of September. A New R. F. D. Route For This City A new Rural Free Delivery Route to be operated in connection with the Elizabeth City Post Office is to be established. Mr. M. S. Plunimer, Rural Free Delivery Agent, of Washington, is in the city today. He will extend the route, from this city to Hinton's Corner, on to Staff ords Store. At Stafford's Store he expects to es tablish a postoftice and organize a new route to serve the country west of Stafford's ' With the establishment -of the new route R. F. D. Route No. 4 will have to be rearranged. Mr. Plummer is said to "be vested with full authority to make such changes and additions- as here indicated and there will be no great delay in the matter. Mr. Plummer has 23 new applica tions for R. F. D, Routes in the First Congressional District that will employ his attention when he leaves this city. FORTY GUESTS AT HER RECEPTION Over forty invited guests were present at the reception given Miss Kattie Sawyer, of Weeksville, in celebrating her 1 7th. birth day. Among those present were Misses Attie, Millie and llallie Meads, Ethel Wilson, Maggie Walson, Mary Wilson, Lena Scott, Bertha Sawyer, Goldie Listt r, Goldie Scott May Broughton, Mattie avyer, Lucy Gregory, Lovy Wbitehurst, Charlotte Cartwright, Cora White, and Elizabeth Davis; Messrs. J. E. Meads, W. R. Evans, Will Twiddy M. W. Lister, Geo. Spence, Cecil WhiteJoe White, Frank Fletcher, Elisha Coppersmith, Jasper Thomp son, C. C. Meads, Robert Lowry, Jesse Morriss, Matthew Reid, James Small, M. C. Stantley, S. G. Scott, Jet Davis, Henry Richardson and Mr. and'Mrs. J. W. Munden. The paying that "There is life. in the old land yet . is being constant Iy proven as the summer months are warning and anion 2 the best signs if may be said, is when real estate or real estate ,meq get active It has now came to pass that two of our best known hustlers have unit ed their forces and will double their energies in this line of work. Mr. W. E. Dunstan who has had re markable success in real estate mat ters, becomes the senior of the firm and Mr. N. A. Jones who in less time has about kept pace with his new partner in handling dirt and lumber, will be the other end of the sign, which will be placed on many a board around town, where there is a, lot or a plat or building for rent or sale. Mr. Dunston having resumed his old position with the Crystal Ice and Coal Company, will only do some of the planning for the firm wbila Mr.! Jones- will -be the active man or wheel horse of the firm. gee their card in another column of this paper. Snubbed By King MorganLeaves For His Home- . o i 'fV ' a, " . KING EDWARD, AVHO SNUB BED J. PIERREPONT MOR GAN, KING OF FINANCE. (By wire to the Economist.) New York, Aug. 2, 05 J. Pierre- pont Morgan is returning from Europe to America after having been snubbed by the King of Eng land. Having been lavishly enter tained by royalty everywhere else Mr. Morgan was totally ignored by King Edward while on English soil. Mr. Morgan was not so much as invited to any of the house par. ties to which the King loans his presence. It is said that Mr. Mor gan takes the snub to heart and comes back home with a bitter feel ing against England. The Thousand Reporters Are Coming In. Monday afternoon the editors of this newspaper made a call for one thousand reporters in Elizabeth City and Vicinity, a call for every item of news or item of posonal in terest pertaining to the people of this city or section. A request was made of every reader ot 1 he Econ omist to co-operate with this .news paper in giving to the public every noon all the news of the city. How promptly, Jiow enthusiasti- caly, how magnanimously this call was responded to might have been seen in yesterday's issue of this newspaper. lesteraays issue or the Economist contained more news of personal interest than has hereto fore been covered in several issues. The people of Elizabeth City, the readers of The Economist, are mak ing their newspaper more interest ing every day. J hey appreciate the fact that it is not possible for a newspaper to keep track of the movements of everyone iu the city. Thay realize that a newspaper man can not keep in touch with every individual in the city. The only way to get all the news is for all the people to remember this and no tify the newspaper men when they hava an item of news. The readers of The Economist did this yesterday. They kept he 'phone ringing until a late hour. And when all the little bits of news had been put into type there wasn't room for for it all in the paper. Some of it had to be left out. Again the editors of The Econo mist ask its readers to favor them with every possible new item, es peciallp personal items. It is a great help. It will make the paper moie interesting to you and to eve ry one else. - - -7" Mr. T. B. Godfrey, of Shiloh is here. He says that crops in his neighborhood were never better. Perfect womanhood depends on perfect health. Nature's rarest gift of physical beauty comes to all who use Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea Bright eyes and red cheeks follow its use. 35 cents. Standard Phai- macy. MADE HEROIC STRUG GLE 5a w a Whale In Alb'marleSound? Was Spouting Water and Oil U t) U Might Have Capsized .The Ship. First Evn Tlie Kliziilictli City corrrspmdent of the Norfolk Landmark will say in hi newspaper tomorrow that in formation reaches this city that a whale has been seen in Albemarle So- nd. It is said that a captain of a ves sel plying in Albemarle Sound sight ed the whale near Wade Point Light a few days ago. According to this YOU CAN'T RID YOURSELF OF ME OLD MAN . Uncle Sam: Say, you yellow devil, I thought I banished you from Cuba. .Yellow Jack: So yon did, old out of Panama, so I came here. This Small Pox Victim Is But Mother and Babe Quaran tined at Hertford. Little Danger of Con tagion Peo pie Flip The Yellow Flag. Rumor that the yellow flag of small pox is - flying Hertford was confirmed in a special from . Hert ford to The Economist today. - The small pox there is confined to one case. The victim is a little child of Mrs. James Dean, of Berk ley, well known in this city. Mrs. Deans and her child .were visiting her father and the family of her brother-in-law, Mr. W. J. Floyd, in Hertford, when the child was taken ill with the disease, which the doctor's pronounced small pox. The mother and chitd were quarantined. The case nnder quarantine causes little uneasiness in Hertford. In warm weather when proper ventila tion is compulsory and free circula tion of the atmosphere prohibits close confinement of the germs (of the disease there is little to fear of contagion. Hertsord peopU -pass the yellow flag without n r 1 flip it with their fingers to er aeir confidence in their her tcer who have prevented a sr the malady. , t - AGAINST DEATH Mrs. S. B. Overby Chair Fighting For Life. Captain the whale approached with in a comparatively short range of his ship, so close in fact that its outlines were fully visible, making its identity possible beyond dispute. The whale, said the captain, was spoutingjast volumes of water and oil, and fearing capsizing or a de luge or both the captain headed his ship in another direction and put all sails to the breeze. Old ship masters in these waters say that this is the first whalo they ever knew to have been cited in AlbemarhTSoundlind how it stayed into these waters is a question for much conjecture. man, and then you tried to run me a Little Child A Thousand Arm Strikers Take Town One Man Killed and Forty Injured in San Juan Riot. (By wire to the Economist.) Kan Juab, Porto Rico, August 2. A mob of a thousand long shore men, strikers took possession of the city last night and for two hours dafied police and militia, ter rifying men, women and children and creating pandemonium gener ally. The police got control of the city only at midnight Ome man was killed and forty others injured'in the melee. Take Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea. See it exterminate the poison feel it revitalize the blood and bring back that happy joyous feel ing of bygone day. 35 oents, Tea or Tablets. u Died Sitting i In a Her Family Prominent ...Her Life Useful Mrs. I. M. Meekins, at Whose Home She Died, Prostrated. Mrs. R. B. Overby, nee Emily Speed, died in the home of Mr. I. M. Meekins in this city this morn ing after one of the most remarka ble struggles with death old people around her had ever witnessed. She died sitting in a chair. She gasped her last faint breath . a 8;15 ' i Mrs, Overby had been suffering from a complication of ills since March 15. From that date she had been confined in doors. Twof weeks ago she grew seriously worsey Sunday night her death seemed momentarily eminent. Last nigh. the real fight with death began those about here it seemed th every breath would be the. last bus she held on to life with heroic ef; forts, refusing even to remain bed. Unconscious of those about hei she died this morning in the tragia manner already told. Mrs. Overby was about 50 year; of age. She was of one of th most prominent families of the statti in early post bellura days. He father was Dr. Rufus K. Speed, man once wealthy, who figured e tensively in politics in North Caroj lina in his time and died a poor mar. having given his fortune to th Democratic party. Mrs. Overby, has been living wi friends in this city for many year Hon. and Mrs. I, M. Meekins sec ea uer services as a nousesecper -i, , , during the occasion of the Baptis State Convention in this city la fall. She remained in the'Meekin, home after the convention and w, taken ill there. Mr. and Mr. Meekins would not agree to hal her cared for elsewhere and she m ' " m ' .1 ' V maincd in tneir i.ewe, .xvaa givi every attention there, and died the this morning. T'Vi r funoral will lio nnnliiif J Friday afternoon in the Episcopf church, of which she was a dev( member. The remains wilL be terred in the Episcopal cemet The remains are now lying in Episcopal church. The holding her remains for three days bj burial is at a request 'she often! before she died. MRS. MEEKINS PROSTRAT Mrs. Meekins is prostrated 'o the death. At her home this af f noon it was learned that she succumbed o a heavy strain a result of Mrs. Overby's illness j her subsequent death. r( Tho nnwa ' if thin death came t a shock to many old residents c the city who" have known Mr; Overby for "years. Her ininistri have been felt in many homes v ere sickness and death came in day. Her distinguished family rs ations made her all ths mors int renting. ' f Messrs. Henry Williams, 'C Ilingerty; Miss Nellie Powel! brother Allie, of Suffolk and Addie McNeal of Hobson, Va , the guests of Mr. and Mrs. ( W. Hingerty on Burgess stm . f ' Puts light in the eye, tint cheek with Nature's bloom, lc the tension of line, brashes tl. webs from the brain, that's Hollisters Rocky Mountain will do. 35 cents, Tea or T Standard Pharmacy. i

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