FEED and SEED I have in Htock a fine lot ot Choice and Ni. 1 Timothy llay, at I am now taking onlerH fjr Turnip anl Itnla H;i,ra Seed in as sorted lot of jy 1 1h. or over at a very low price to lie delivered about July 15th. When in need of Feed or Seed call on W. 5. White, Feed and Seed, 1 27 Toindexter St. Phone 04. KLIZAISKTH CITY, N. (J. 1 devote my whole time ....to.... Painting, Wall Papering, Graining, and that goes with my profession as a painter. Try mo and become con vinced that Satisfaction and Economy can be com bined. Noah Davis, 5H N. Road Street. NOTICE ! Sale of Valuable -Property By virtue of a deed of trust executed to me as trustee by (leorgianna Green lor certain purposes therein mentioned with said deeil of Trust bears date March 31st, 1902, and is registered in the Register's office of i'asquotank county in liook ".), page 23. 1 shall on Saturday, August 20th, l'JOS, at 12 : o'clock in offer for sale at the court house door in said county, at public auction, for cash, the property convey ed to. me as trustee in said deed of -trust the described as follows: A certain tract of land lying aid be ing in Pasquotank county and more I articularly described and defined as follows: Lying and being situated on the east side of Harney street in Elizabeth City, N. C. and known and designated as lot No. 4 on 1'latof Lots recorded in Book No. 21, page 6 in the ollico of the Register of Deeds of Pasquotank county, N. C. Relngsame lot purchas ed of J. W. McWilliams by Uorgianna Ureen. . N R. PARKER, it.l innie rn l umjr wibu, iiiuu. irustt'e. Do Mot Delay! Prompt action is the secret of success. Do not waste time in .i'J!$JK).ying over" a matter. Go ahead and do it. Why put off getting a refrigerator any longer when you know you need one. The prices we are now quoting are money "Bavers. W. Melick Go. Water Street. P. NOTICE There will be a meeting of the Stock bolder of The Economist Publishing company at me omtj oiw,- a. worm in the Flora buildingon the 4th day of (August,. 1905, at 9 o'clock a. m., for tha purpose of reporting the disposition of the paper according to the resolution heretofore made, and, to take such Bteps as may be necessary to close up the business of the said company, and to make such disposition of the remain der of the property and the adjustment of all matters with the stockholders for the final closing of the business of said corporation, (Signed) J H LkROY, July 23. 1905 President Central Academy Rev. M. W. Hester, Principal Prof. W. M. Hinton, Asso. Prin iA Clmstian Home and High blyol for boys and yoiing men. Sptemiiily located in Warren county, one mile from depot, im nediatelf on S. A. L. road in a cautiful grove of 12 or 15 acres on i 600 acre farm. For further information address e Principal or Associate Princi 1, Littleton, N. C. THR DAILY ECONOMIST 'uiu.inuitn KvKKr Aftkumiov Kxckit Sunday By . Hie Carolina Pub. Co., , ELIZABETH CITY.N. C. SUBSCRIPTION ' PRICE: ; ONIt" YKAH 83.00. ONK MONTH 25. K. B. Chick, y, . , W. I. CoiIOnN, . W. I.. Smith, . . . .K.l. in Chief ...Mgr. Editor . ljiisiness Mgr OFFICES IN BROWN BUILDING. liuHlnpHH OInee: No. .110 Ma in Street. Editorial and oninpimlng rooms up stairs PHONKS: Business Office, 68. Editorial Rodmt; 258. All communications should be address ed to Tnie (.'akolina Publishing Company, Elizabeth Citv, N. C. WEDNESDAY AUG. 2, liios. Th Yellow Favor In Now Orleans. The Yelfyw Fever is prevailing iu New Orleans to an alarming ex tent, and all the cities in our coun try are quaranteening against it. In the Southern cities contiguous to New Orleans there is almost a panic and in Mississippi Governor Varda- inaii is doing what he can to prevent the contagion from extending to that state, and is complaining that the health authorities in New Or- eans are not using precaution to prevent the spread of the disease. It is now the most dreaded scourge of humanity and it has not had the attention from medical scientists that most of the other contagious diseases have had. The voracious mosquito is the greatest agency in the extension of the disease and that great enemy of human comfort is still rampant in his ravages and defies the efforts of man to banish him from human habitation. It is a terrible scourge, and maja now living can remember its visit to Norfolk about the middle of the last century, when the rumble of the death cart was heard day and night, when coffins were piled up alontr Main street, .awaiting the dead, and medical heroes sacrificed their lives to minister to the lives of the stricken victims. It was gloomy period from which Norfolk was long in recovering. Who would live in the native and normal habitat of the yellow fever scourge. It may defeat the final oompletiou of the Panama canal, the greatest and most beneficent un dertaking of the age. Cleanliness, which is said to be next to Godliness, is the greatest protection against the spread of the desease. Cleanliness of person, un disturbed cleanliness and serenity of mind are its enemies. Pursue a mosquito to his death Put his enemies on guard to dis- troy him: Oil him. Screen, against him. ltattle drums and fire guns over his marshy breeding house, for he carries pain, and prison in his enrammed proboscis. Listen not to his syren song, its sonorous mono tone is a call to murder sleep and bonish comfort. Sewer your lots. Let no debris of decaying matter accumulate around or near you. Sweep-sweep, scour-scour, and the pestilence that stalketh at noon-day will fly from you. This above alL- Be clean of heart, clean of conscience, and love your neighbor like unto yourself, for that is the crowning glory. R. U. C. Is There Revolution? , We Believe It In another column of this news paper, we print a list of public cor ruption, compiled by the New York World, showing in a small way to what an extent the political ma chinery of our great republic has fallen below the high ideals of the noble Jefferson and his co-patriots. On every hand is. ..corruption of the vilest type. And the most demoralizing part of it all is that it is nigh impossible to" have the crim inals prosecuted. The railroad trust grantes rebates to other trusts so that they may un dersell and drive out of business their small and bonest competitors. The beef trust has been exposed time and time again in almost every iimgiiiable form of (minuiu i, thiev ery. - -j The Ga Trust has been openly charged with buying legist; ture kit and bair, ind thy have no', libeled the se charges. "Reputable BiokeiV' ii Wall Street have been exposed ii the net of stock washing. Insurance companies haze been exposed in taking the mil'ions, of sacred trust, standing betw 'en wid ows and orphans and siarva ioii and lending it n every form ifwiM cat speculation And yet are v; to see nn i fl'eetive prosecution. Wall Street ;.nd the) trusts continue to ride roll h shod overall laws ami all moral precepts ruthlessly, robbing and imp )verish ing the poor of the land The country is demoralized and there are those who send up the cry that the republic ss going to th- dogs, that it is in the inextricable grasp of a plutocratic oligarchy, and that a Rockefeller will contro' every penny in the country in the course of time. There is inded justificat on for this belief, but we are ho'ding a brighter view. We believe that as surely as the sun shines in heaven today a revolution of sentiment that will restore. America to I iu dem ocracy of it birth is working in the American breast like the h aven in the dough. The American people are last go ing to elect officials who cai not be bought by trust money. TLcse offi cials will curb the trusts The trusts curbed, the solution to the whole problem will have been ef fectively applied. The voter will do his duty. The farmer, whom Jefcrson said s alone to be relied on for the expre sion of the true American sentimrnt will express that sentiment attlu polls and purify politics and by purify ing politics purify those wl o now profit by politics. . Of course we may have to wait a few years for this great ba'lot, for "There is a snail paced gait for the advance of new ideas in the general mind under which we m ist ac quiesc," said Jefferson: "You must give the people time for every step they take." The Newspaper. A Lawyer Comptroller Grout of the ! ig city of New York is suing Mr. Arthur Brisbane, editor of the Nev York Journal, because Mr. Brisl me ac cused him of violating hit faith with New York tax payers ly pay ing half a million dollars for a theatre that the city assesso s had valued at $300,000. Mr. Grout's libel suit has created a gre;t deal ot interest in JNew lork an.l else-1 where. Mr, w. K. Hears!, wlio owns the Journal and who employs Mr. Brisbane on a salary of 1,000 a week indorses Mr. Brisbane's at tack on Grout and in making public his faith in his editor says inciden tally: 'The newspaper is the law yer of the public, it owes to the pub lio the same devotion, the same com bative spirit, the same determina tion to secure rights, as tb ) con scientious lawyer owes to hh indi vidual client." Mr. Hearst V ideas L of what a newspaper should be is a noble one. It is upon just imch a principle that Hearst stands it the head of newspaperdom with his yel low journal today. "Ihe nevspaper IN ORDER TO Relative to the merits and juality of perfection, we will say that where it has been sold, cu tomers come back and call for it and more than that, we guarantee every barrel of Perfection Patent Flour, wo 6ell to e as goe 1 as there is on the market. There is no whiter and softer flour to t j found and nom- more wholesome. c. w. stevens go: Water Street, Elizabeth City, N. O. HEN, WOMEN a id CHILDREN ARE DYING g , - And No Pictures Are you so careless? Better let us make some for you. , Zoellers' Sftfdio, is indeed the; lawyer of the public A newspaper is indeed something nioii: than a medium for giving news. With iiiou like Hearst lit the profession all the world can say with lalwage, "The proudest tern poral blessint' that uod lias given t'le'-'Oth, century is the newspaper. The Pain Came After, "Do you take pains with your eating?" asked the dootof "No," sadly replied the dyspeptic: "the pains don't come till afterwards." UNIVERSITY COLLEGE Thoiough course In ME0IC1HE. SUN JEM, OBSTETRICS and the SnCULTIEJ ; alio DENTISTRY and PHARMACY. Lcture H4ti. Laboraturin, Hospital and Oihpeftsa lici amply equipped lor auccmlul Inching Seventy Trarhrri. High rrcord before State Boarda. For 140 pi-e Caul't'ie W. write TUP RO( COItJ DESIRABLE HOMES In City and Co.untry always on hand. I can serve you at any time with best Real Estate, N. R. PARKER, Daalsr In Reil Estate Eilzsbelh Cits N. C i$2.50 old Spectacles and Eyeglasses worth 5.00. Examination free by our eye specialists. Our work must jjive n Notice For excursionists we W have Sunday hours from lii a. m. to 1 p. m. No glasses are prescribed 1. unless needed. Correspon f. dence solicited. i Virginia Optical Co., h '-V-2-1 Main St. cor. Talbot, j 2nd. Floor, NORFOLK, VA. Reference Principal business men and clergymen of .Norfolk. -Jill ..V ARGAINS! A RG A I NS! The greatest barcrains ever offered to the public: in Naifiand Scrubbing Brushes. The best Japanese bristle brush sold for 50c and 75c, we will sell you as long as they last at 25c Each. Standard Pharmacy Cor- Main and Poindexler Streets Corner Main and . Poindexter streets POST YOU The Best is none too good.' Yoii have but one pair of eyes, The best glasses properly fitted are none too good for your That is" "the kind you get of me the only kind I sell, the only kind you want. EXAMINATION FREE. Dr. J. D- Hathaway, Optician, 1 1 over McCabe & Grice. Office hours U to 1 a. m. ; 2 to 5 -p. m. Special attention paid Wth'e repairs of spectacles and eve glasses The Whole Family Always in Good Humor The husband smiles, the chil dren are happy and the baby does no cry when you have Smithfield Hams and Royal Patent Flour to serve them with from your table. This gives you the best bread and there is no better meat. Toxey & Gallop, WATER STREET. Rich Color, Fragrant Aroma, Delightfully Refreshing. ROLLINSON'S PHONE 31. m MAIN STREET ANNUAL EXCURSION. August 10th, 1905. 81.00 CHARLOTTE 84.00 S3. B0 SALISBURY $3.50 83.00 GREENSBORO S3. 00 82.50 DANVILLE 2.50 via SOUTHERN RAILWAY. The Southern 'Railway will operate spenial excursion train Norfolk to Dan ville, Greensboro, Salisbury, Charlotte and intermediate stations leaving Nor folk 9:30 a. m. Thursday. Aupust 10th, returning leave Charlotte, 8:00 a. ni. August 12th, at extremely low rates. For particulars call on Sju. Ry. Agents or write W. W. Croxtou. Pass. Agent, 95 Hranby St., Monticello Hotel Nor folk, Va. S3 Correct Prescription Work We know what your doctor wants you to take, and we wake it our special buHiness to do exactly as he says. We know substitutes won't go. We also know only pure, full strength drugs will go. First-class graduate pharma cists always in charge of this de partment, working under the never-failing double-check sys tem. Nomis akes made in pre scription work in this store. " Albemarle - Pharmacy - Cor..Main and Road Streets. na,-r?"; h 1 fcfl CUT THIS OUT Mind with $1 and get the Wr EKLY TIMES-DISPATCH ONE YEAR. A TWO-BLADE Free POCKET kMFE 6 in. Ion?, op). if you send this ad. pinned to vonr ordor. Two tili-P. ot itnt tv?l, hnru ban tile, Hinmv winf find tint 0:iifh. Pltm-o Nhout half Itft:ii! X.c. to Tutc.t Rent rgl tertNi niJl 8 cents extra. . J I 20c i Highland Blended Coffee I Thos. P. Wrtoht Go No. 10 E. Main St Uath Rooms Installed. Electric Light-Wiring. Best material and workman ship at lowest prices. Tel. No. 150 QUICK SERVICE FOR We have a large siock of everything handled byra first-class liquor store. , Our prices are $ pa Per Gallon l.OV and up. Send for price list. All orders are shipped tho' same day we receive the order by the S. & C Rail way, a.s we have special arrangements with that road tu handle our goods. Z. F. Long & Co No. 32 E. Washington Street SUFFOLK, VA Four full quarts "G, P. R." Rye In plain box MM LIOUOH Sunday Excursions To Nags Head. Steamer Tourist leaves her dock at foot of Fearing street every Sunday at 7:30 a. m. arriving at Nags Head at 12 ni, and returning leaves Nags Head at (5:30 p m., arriving at Elizabeth City at 11 p, m. Round trip sfl 00. Meals served aboard the steamer ' r - -' FOR SALE-r-Thousanda of old newspapers, excellent for underly ing carpet. Apply TAR HEEL office. To say a pleasant word to anyone was almost impossible." "I was troubled with female weakness fcr eight years; and suffered more than 1 can tell," writes Mrs. Gust. Moser of Ovando, Dterlcdge Co., Mont. My disposition was a fleeted to such an extent that to say a pleasant word to j anyone was almost tm possible. "I bad two oper Hons performed by oneoitne most sjcuiea surgeons of the West, but did not get relief. Then, against my doctor's strict orders, I commenced taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and 'Oolden Medical Dia- eo very,' and also fol wed the advice lowe riven in the Common Benae Medical Ad viser. "I continued this treatment for three months, and to-day am as healthy and well as a woman can be. I cannot thank Doctor Pierce enough for hia kind letters to me." t Womanly dii tases, as a rule, Spoil the "disposi tion," because of the extreme nerv ousness and suffering they cause. Hap piness as well as health is restored to the woman whose diseased condition is cured by th use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. After eight yestrs of suffering sad two fruitless operations, three months' nse of FsTorite Prescription " restored Mrs. Moser to perfect health. This great remedy for woman's ills, establishes regularity, driss weakening drains, heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. The Common Sense Medical Adviser. 1008 large pages, in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Pr. R. V. Pisrc. Buffalo, N. Y. WE ARE SOLE A6ENTS HERE FOR The most famous Cod Liver Oil prep, aration known to medicine. Contains ALL the medicinal element! of cod liver oil, actually taken from fresh cod's livers, but not a drop of oiL Delicious to the taste and recognized throughout the world as the greatest STRENGTH CREATOR for old people, weak, sickly women and children nursing" mothers and af ter a severe sickness.- Cures Hacking Conghs, . ChronlO Colds, Bronchitis and all Throat and Lung Troubles. Unequaled to create an appetite and to males those who art too thin, fat, rosy ond healthy. Try i orr -'"rante; V- r'n wwmm 4 ' i r 1 ; f Hi X f ..... ;