; I mm 1 OWs aVa wmmml THE DAILY ECONOMIST 'VUMSHICI) KVKKY A FTKHMUtiM . SxiJKIT --" Sunday Hy rhe Carolina Pub. Co., ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. FEED and SEED I liave in stock a fine lot of Choice and No. 1 Timothy Hay, at prices to suit the times. I am now taking orders for Turnip and Uuta Uaga Seed in as sorted loWf 10 lbs. or over at a ii very low price to be delivered about V July 15tli. When in need of Feed or Seed call on W. 5. White, Feed and Seed, 1 27 Poindexter St. Phone G4. ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. I devote my whole time ....to.... Painting, Wall Papering, Graining, and that goes with my profession as a painter. Try me and become con vinced that Satisfaction and Economy can be combined. Noah Davis, 5ti N. Road Street. NOTICE! ,SaIe of Valuable -Property By virtue of a deed of tr"st executed ' to me as trustee by (ieorj?tannu lireen - lor certain purposes therein mentioned with said deed of Trust bears date . March 31st, 1902, and is registered in the Register's oflice of Pasquotank county in Book 29, papo 23. 1 shall on Saturday, August 20th, 1U05, at 12 o'clock m offer for sale at the court house door in said county, at public . auction, for cash, the property convey ed to tne as trustee in said deed of . trust the described as follows: A certain tract of land lying and be ing in Pasquotank county and more rarticularly described and defined as follows: Lying and beinff situated on the J east side of Ilarney street in Elizabeth City, N. C. and known and designated as lot No. 4 on Plat of Lots recorded in Book No. 21, page 6 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Pasquotank county, N. C. Being same lot purchas ed of J. W. McWilliams by (iorgianna (Ireen. ( N. R. PARKER, ' July 24tb, 1005. Trustee. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: ONK VIC AH. .' ONK MONTH. 83.00. .85. mentor, guide, exemplar, model counsellor and. friend" through our lengthened pilgrimage tf life. Ho was the best of men and in h.irac teriHtics and antiquarian last h was theiTxaet counterpart of I s dis tinguished son, the lale Col. Win, L. Saunders. . K. I C. K. U. Ci:i:i: v . Kd. in Chief V. L. Common, Mgr. Kditor W. L. Smith, .Husiiiess JMgr OFFICES IN BROWN BUILDING. Business Office: No. 510 Ma in Street, Editorial and composing rooms up stairs PHONES: Business Office, 58. Editorial Rooms, 258, All communications should be address ed to Tub Carolina Publishing Company, Elizabeth Citv, N. C. THURSDAY AUG. 3, 1905. S"" ,orvCollese Wome ndA)nr.c Courses Music. Th I Catalogoai t Bern V C FREE 'I f (i YOUT 3f Address . I Dmghttr Jn. Dinwiddle. Fre. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OFMEDICINIiN0.1;?- Thorough course In MEDICINE, SURGERY, OBSTETRICS and the SPECIALTIES ; alio DENTISTRY and PHARMACY. Lvctnra Halls, Laboratories. Hospital and Dispensa tiaa amply equipped for successful teaching, ierentr Teachers. High record before State Boards. For 140-pifte Catalogue g, wltc THE r-ROC TOR. I The News and Observe. ' Educational Contest. Joseph us Daniels may be justly called the father of newspaper me morial editions. The News and Observer has issued more such editions than any other paper in North Carolina, in our knowledge. These memorial papers have been a most useful and valuable contribu tion to our departed history. They introduce us to a peroid and its ac tivities that havC not been consider ed by our grave standard historical writers who have devoted them selves to the more distinguished events of our history. Every North Caroliua student knows the story of "Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence," the Battle of Alamance, the "Kdenton Tea Party" "the St. Paul's Church Vestrymans Declaration of Allegi ance," or the "Battle of Moore's Creek." Many of them know, or ought to know who Murphy and Wiley, the pioneers of educational work in North Carolina, were, but who knows who William Bingham or James I). Johnson or John Avery or Joseph II, Saunders, or David Linsay or Bob Lindsay were: And yet, they were old school teachers who believed that the fear of punishment was a stronger mo tive of human action than a gentle pat on the head or a moral succes sion of the tenderest kind. The News and Observer is doing this pious work and rescuing from oblivion names that deserve to live but seem born to die. The News and Observer will is sue an Educational Edition on the thirteenth of August, we are kindly invited to contribute something to to the menu of the banquet. We wish the space allotted to us would permit a brief portraiture of some of these wortny men who taught the "young idea how to shoot," but as it is we must say a few words of memory of Joseph II. Saunders, under whose ferula we were trained and who has been our Death of M.s. Emily Overby. Departed this life on Ve'!nedav morning, at the lenide.ice of Hon. Isaac M. Meekins on West Main street Mrs. Knuly S. Overb, (nee Miss Emily Speed) aged abo t fifty yea"s. She was daughter of the late Dr Rufus Kf Speed, to whom si e was a devoted and tender daughter when the infirmities of age overcame him She was useful to her frit nds in her life of strength and energy She was a devoted member of the Episcopal Church, with wh' jIi her family had been long identified. Her life had passed t irougli "much tribulation" that giv assur ance of the "white rbe." that await the blessed. In her lat long illness she was tenderly vatohed over by kind and considerate i riends Parents, This Is For You Parents, this is for you. We do not know whether you are accus tomed to reading the editorials of this tewspaper or not. f you have not made it a practice to read our editorials we want you to read this one. The month of September is less than thirty days off. ' Sej tember is a school month, the month that children-, in this city blessed with nine months' school terms, gut their books together and go to school. Are your children among ti e num ber who will enter one of th ) sever al good schools in Elizabeth City this fall? If they are no: whose fault is it? This newspaper wantsi to tupress upon those few of its reade s who may not too seriously consiiier the matter of education the nece nary of Correct Prescription Work We know what your doctor wants you to take, and we wake it our special business to do exactly as he says. We know substitutes won't go. We also know only pure, full strength drugs will go. First-class graduate pharma cists always in charge of this de partment, working under the never-failing double-check sys tem. Nomisakes made in pre scription work in this store Albemarle - Pharrr acy Cor.' Main and Road Streets. keeping their children in school and at their studies just as mitiv mouths in the yar as they can. The time is when the world dc mauds educated workers in every branch of industry. Without edu cation a man is handicapped" worse than he who has no legs or no arms You who in an advanced agp, hair white, shoulders stooped, working at hard labor for a dollar a day may appreciate this fact. Send your children to school. When you have had Ihem enroll ed in some good school Fee to it that they study. Don't trust to tlVir teachers to see that they learn their lessons. Lessons must be learned out of school hours. A teacher has no control over the pu pil out of school. See that your children prepare their lessons nights. Help them, take an interest in them and try each night to impress upon them how much the little things they learn each day will count in af ter years when they must get out from "under the parental roof and work for their own bread each day. Send your children to school. By all means send your children to some school. Don't count the cost, llemember that you are re sponsible for these little ones exi stence and responsible for their fu ture welfare. If the cost of school ing looks large look to other ex penses and see if Home of 1 them might not be reasonable cut. Send your children to school. Mr. Munden On The Cotton Leak Mr. ,. C. Munden, of Weeks ville, in an interview printed else where in this newspaper gives some interesting opinions on the recent cotton leak to which is traced $the exceeding poor prices farmers got for their cotton last fall. Mr. Munden after summing up the sit uation in a Very intelligent manner says that if the farmers had not giv en out information relative to their crop outlook there would have been no leak. He advises farmers to consider this fact and in future guard against giving any one figures relative to their cotton crop. He 6ays government employees are not to be trusted with these figures, therefore the far mer had best keep them to himself. Mr. Munden's words are worth reading. i The Best is none too good. You have but one pair of eyes. The best glasses properly fitted are none too good for you. That is the kind you get of me the only kind I sell, the only kind you want.' EXAMINATION FREE. Dr. J. D- Hathaway, Optician, 1 1 over McCabe & Grice. Office hours 9 to 1 a. m. ; 2 to 5 p. m. Special attention paid to the repairs of spectacles and eye glasses ANNUAL EXCURSION. August 10th, 1905. FRUIT JARS Pints 60cdoz. . Quarts 60c doz. 1-2 Gal's 75c drz. Clea n heavy jars free from blis ters and thin spots. We open and examine each doz. You get no broken jars. Fruit Jar Rubbers 5c and 10c Doz. 84.00 CHARLOTTE 83.50 SALISBURY 83.00 GREENSHORO 82.50 DANVILLE via SOUTHERN RAILWAY. 84.00 $3.50 83.00 $2.50 The Southern Railway will operate spenial excursion train Norfolk to Dan ville, Oreensboro, Salisbury, Charlotte and intermediate stations leaving Nor folk 9:30 a. m. Thursday. August, 10th, returning leave Charlotte, 8:00 a. in. August 12th, at extremely low rates. Tor particulars call on Sou. Ry. Agents or write VV. W. Croxton, Pass. Agent, 95 (iranby St., Monticello Hotel Nor folk, Va. DESIRABLE HOMES P. W. Melick Co. Water Street. NOTICE There will be a meeting of the Stock holder of The Economist Publishig Company at the oihceoiW. A. Worth in the r lora huuUing on the 4th day of August, 1905, at 9 o'clock a. ni., for tha uurposo of reporting the disposition of the paH'r according to the resolution heretofore made, and, to take such steps as may be necessary to close up the business of the said company, and to make such disposition of the remain der of the property and the adjustment of all matters with the stockholders for the final closing of the business of said corporation, , (Signed) J H LkROY, luly 25. l'JOS President T5 '.at- rfl 11 Central Academy Rev. M. W. Hester, Principal Prof. W. M. H intern, Asso. Prin A Christian Home and Hierh School for boys and young men. Splendidly located in Warren county, one mile from depot, im mediately on S. A. L. road in a beautiful grove of 12 or 15 acres on a 000 acre farm. For further information address the Principal or Associate Princi oal, Littleton, N. C. The Whole Family Always in Good Humor The husband smiles, the chil dren are happy and the baby does no cry when you have Smithfield Hams and Royal Patent Flour to serve them with from your table. This gives you the best bread and there is no better meat. Toxey & Gallop, WATER STREET. In City and Country always on hand. I can serve you at any time with best Real Estate. N. R. PARKER, Dealer In Real Estate Elizabeth Cif', N. C SB 1 tdfl CUT THIS OUT donu with $ and get the WfEKLY TIMESDISPATCH ONE YEAR. A TWO-BLADB l"-,, POCKET KNIFE PfPf" 6 In. long, open, I WW if you send, this ad. pinned to your order. Two hlmlp of limst steel, horn bundle, stmnif spring und fine tlnish. rirture about half ali.. K. talis ,"V. to fik Sent rcgis tered mu il 8 cents extra. TIMES-DISPATCH, ItlUUJlO.MJ, VA. $2.50 Gold Spectacles and Eyeglasses worth 15.00. Examination free by our eye specialists. Our work must give satisfaction or money refunded. Notice For excursionists we have Sunday hours from 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. No glasses are prescribed unless needed. Correspon dence solicited. Virginia Optical Co., 324 Main St. cor. Talbot, '2nd Floor, NORFOLK, VA. Reference Principal business men and clergymen of Norfolk. FOR SALE Thousands of old newspapers, excellent for mvderly lng carpet. Apply TAR HEEL office. -Irk .ylil II 1W Jl .tea-lift s .7.-' .m.i na fiA on the excursion Thursdav and UlnWUUrC yuu cut vjwillg would like to have a Nice Lunch YoUrVet it at the Olive Grocery, 1 15 Poindexter 5t. They have tine Hams, Chick divCifes, Crackers, Pickles, Olives, Etc. . ,Jjioa have been looking for it for weeks? Big lot of Ballard's Oblisk Flour just erceived. . "" OLIVE GROCERY, F. M. Cook, Proprietor. IN ORDER TO POST YOU Relative to the merits and quality of perfection, we will say that where it lias been sold, customers come back and call for it and more than that, we guarantee every barrel of Perfection Patent Flour, we sell to be as good as there is on the market. There is no whiter and soften. flour to be found and none more wholesome. C. W. STEVENS CO. Water Street. Elizabeth City, N. O. HEN, WOMEN arid CHILDREN ARE DYING And No Pictures ? Bett for you. fcj Are you so careless? Better let us make some Zoellers' Studio, &?Le Vegetables to bring good prices must have both size Even good soil is made better by the use of a fer tilizer rich in Potash We will send our books, giving full infor mation about the subject, to any farmer who writes for them. GERflAN KALI WORKS, l.i'vr York US Nsaaaa Strnrt, ar . Atlanta "a.-ie Sa. lire ad St. TASTELESS GInlDLL IS JUST ASCOOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50 cts. GALATf A. ll.I.R.. Nn. Iff 1KTO. Part Medicine To., St. UhiIs, Mo. Gentlemen! We gold last rear. (Wi h-miata ot G1UIVB S TA8TKLE8 CHILL TONIC . nd hara CHiusbt Ibrre aTo!ylr"ti.lia jnr. In all oor ei-nen-ice of 14 yr drug ba.inona, lmra oeTeraold an art? tmctt nnive -aaiaatia- action aa JOUT n truly.