. THE WEATHER; Showers tonight, cooler ou the coast; fresh southerly winds. MICIOIS-jMf Advertise in Bo.u.,thepopft , ' .' . ' ' ' I, ! ..- I I VOL. o- ELIZABETH CITY, N. t.. WEDNESDAY AUG. 9, (905. f ' mmmm' ' " " ; r 55? whatUdle of Yesterday9 Elizabeth all G City May Get Service After All MK ANDERSON WILL "RECONSIDER" POSTAL STILL READY. Public Indignation May weaken Aldermen and Cause Rescind of Monday Night's Out rageous Action. A Little Insight to the Char acter of Alderman Ander son Who' "Won't Go Back on His Friends." This newspaper can announce with authority today that the action taken by the Board of Aldermen Monday night in the matter of bar ring the Postal Telegraph Company from putting in a free messenger call service here without paying the sum of $150 may be rescinded at an adjourned meeting of the Board which iVto be held Saturday, or as soon as City . Attorney Thompson returns to town. Mr. G W. Kibble, Supt. of the Postal Telegraph & Cable Company in a wire to The Economist today, says that he is still ready to put in a free messenger call service in this city if the Aldermen will reconsider the matter as acted upon Monday night. r Public opinion is so strong against the Board for having passed this measure that it is believed the . Board will weaken to this opinion. Mr. L. W. Anderson, the Alder man who voted with Messrs. Grice, Sawyer and Parker, in an authoriz ed interview with this newspaper last night said that he would bring the matter up for reconsideration at this adjourned meeting of the Board and might vote for it if he is oon-j vinced that the business men want it. He did not say how much it would take to convince him. What Mr. Anderson laid most stress on in his interview was that he would not go back on his friends on tlie board. lie said that two of his friends had asked him to vote for the measure and he voted because they asked him. He says he could not go back on his fellow members. He says Mr. Mac Sawyer spoke to him about the matter on the way up stairs to the meeting:. Alderman Anderson denies that be is inn uenced by Mr. Sawyer. , Here are some of the things Mr. Anderson said last night: "WORDS OP A WEAKLING" "I am willing to reconsider the matter. I knew nothing about the call boxes and when it was sprung on me in the meeting I voted for it without knowing that it was against the w'shes of the people. But if the business men of the town want this call service I will recon sider. I will bring the the matter before the board for re-consideration myself." Asked positively if he would not agree to say then and there that be would ehange his vote, knowing as he did how indignant is the public at his action Monday night, he said: "No, I wont say that I will change my vote and go against my .II. . , t . . w m now memoers on tne ooara will reconsider. " . POSTAL STILL READY Mr, Gj.'VV, Kibble, Supt, of the Postal Telegraph & Cable Co. out lines his position toward the public of Elizabeth City in the following telegram to the local office this morning: Washington, D, C. Aug. 9. Mrs, M. M. Shephard, Mgr. Elizabeth City, N. C. Keplyingto youv inquiry. We desired to afford the people of Eliz abeth City every modern conveni ence in connection with an unexcel led telegraph service. The pro posed messenger call system was to be installed, maintained and operat ed at the sole cost of the Postal Telegraph Company as a conven ience to the public. The company receiving no direct returns there from but under taking to add to ex penses a handy means by which messengers can be summoned for the collection of telegrams which collection was also to be made with out any charge to the public. It would there fore be manifestly un pair to expect this company to pay any sum for the privilege of instal ling such a service, On the other hand we usually meet with hearty municipal cooperation where ever we undertake to supply a conven ience of this kind. The action of the Elizabeth City authorities indi- catesthat the service was not desired therefore to whicn desire we cheer fully yield but offer as a substitute the prompt response to all messen ger calls made by Telephone for those who desire to use our boys for sending messages to our office. Should the public change its senti mental anytime in the near future and a desire for the carrying out of our original plans be apparent we stand ready to do so. G. W. Hi bulk, Supt. NEGRO ROBBER WORKED WHILE CHURCH KEPT Milton Etheridge supposed to be a negro bouse breaker with a career is in jail in Camden for robbing the store of Mr. W. J. .Co well at Shi loh. Etheridge broke into the store while Mr. Cowell and his family were atteudiLg a religious revival .'service near Shiloh. Mrs. Walter Wright who lives near Mr. CoweU'i store saw the negro enter the building by means of a shed in the it aft She crave the alarm and Mr. Cowel, returning from church, waited Tor the negro to emerge from the store. He captured him as he umped from the shed to the ground. The negroe's case goes to the Superior court. tt Thin!;.' s Econoiii 99 He Speaks of "Stench in Nostrils. According to Mr. Ayd lett, Attorney for Tel ephone, the Solution of the Diogenes Puz zle Has Been Found. A CARD. tit i . . . vve take mis method ol express ing our thanks to the; people of Elizabeth City and surroundings Here is what Mr. E. F. Avdlett Attorney for the Elizabeth Citv and Norfolk Telegraph Co., and Attor ney also for the Elizabeth City water and Power Company thinks n ho nt "ha kV.., a i Lltv ana surroundings , .... ' ' nu att'a nt4f. ; . i -. oil u., r"""1 18 priniea word tor stay here. ' We can now see where a8 Vca the Editor of it b best for us that the change in T' Mr' Aydlett says our business has come as it has. V new8PaPer to We and no fault of Elizabeth rePrt8 ,f Aldermanio nu cv. , " """u meetings as it gave the people vee- City or of her people and hope for toiv1oA : ?...: ? P 7?' a prosperous future to the city and Z T V a 8 ,D" !t.;n,.i-;M-M- disrepute and a stench in the nostrils of every fair minded and honorable citizen." If every reader of The Economist thinks as Mr. WHAT THE PUBLIC THINKS OF ITS LITTLE ALDERMEN Interesting Opinions of Men High in the Affairs of the - City Given He its people in years to come. - To our friends we extend a wel come invitation to visit us in the city of Newport News, Va. It will be ourpleasvre to have our friends visit us there. Most respectfully, Mb. and Mrs. G. B. Overman I SUFFOLK COLLEGE. SUFFOLK, VIRGINIA. , Select school for - girls. Able faculty. Complete counts. Heal f ul looa.ion. Beautiful site. Com fortable buildings. Electric lights. Baths.' Pure water. Unsurpassed table. Six churches. Best moral and religious influences. Teims very moderate. 37th. year beging 1 4thr September 1905, . For terms and Jier particulars address. V A. FiNJffcr, Principal To give its readers an idea of how the business men of Elizabeth Citv stand on the action taken by the Board of Aldermen Monday night iu the matter of practically barring the Postal Telegraph Co.. from put ting a free messenger call service in the business houses of this city, a representative of this newspaper ob tained a number of interviews with users of the telegraph in this city, this morning. Some of these interviews are printed here. Mr. Jerome B. Flora says: "I believe Alderman Seott was right in voting against the measure. If I had been on the board I would have voted against it. I see no reason on earth why it should have- hpn ' through." : "... . Mr. Noah Burfoot, of Flora & Co., says: "I am in favor of the call service." . Mr. W. C. Glover says: "I am a large user of the telegraph and I think the treatment the Postal Co.', got from the Aldermen Mon day, night is an outrage." . Mr. E. Ml. Kreuger says: "I think it was entirely wrong for the Board of Aldermen to suppress the Postal Co., jn its efforts to give Elizabeth City a free messenger call service. It was a wrong move. If a can vass of the town were mad c you would find that public opinion has snowed the Board .of Aldermen under. The business men of the city should just sit down on the old company and give their business .to ihe new concern." Mr. W. M. Jackson savs: "I am in favor of calling, ah indigna tion meeting before night to tell the Board of Aldermen what we think of it. Some of those AldermAn ought to be impeached. V A. f V Suffolk, Va. the Aldermen should not grant it. On account of the action the Alder men took in the matter we expect to throw some of our business to the new company if we have to walk to its office to do it." Mr. O, F, Gilbert says: "I think it ridiculous that the Alder men did not allow the Postal Co. , to install the service." Others , eo.Id be quoted but for lack of space. Business men in all parts of the city are indignant. Avdlett writes The Economist would be compelled to susnnnd publication at once for lack of sup. port. J he writer of yesterday's Economist is very pleased that some two Boore responsible business mmi , . ia n xxt wu; u-i. . , wno witnessed thp dm' nftv, ai , -i'aid. v. ,. yuiienursb anal v ud . i . r .s ... daughter Miss Mattie left today for uc,meu naay nigiit are ready to Washington, D. C, and Culpepper bear out tbe rePorts published in Va., to visit relatives and friends. ye8terday's paper. There is no objection to Mr. Mr. Walter Bell and family of A7d'ett or any one else saying what Belhaven, N. C, who have been they think about this newspaper.' visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Mr- Aydletfc as attorney forCthe Bell on Harney street left vester- Elizabeth City and Norfolk Tele. day for Spring Hope, N. C, on I graPn Co. , and Attorney for the business. i Elizabeth Cit Water and Power Co. , would not be servintr his clients A lawn party will be given by too well if he didn't come down on the First Baptist Church on the this newspaper with both feet for grounds of its parsonage Friday telling the facts regardless of whom evening. Tbe proceeds will be de- they hit. The Economist will voted to the purchase of new seats "tand on its marits. Nothing that for the church. MR. GRICE SAYS HE WAS HONEST ABOUT IT Tells Economist Ma,n He Did Not Vote Be cause He Is Employ ed by Telephone Co. "We X W, Stevens &, Co., say: would like to have the free messen ger calls. We think we "ought to have them. We see no reason wh j Mr. C. W. Grice, Cashier of the Elizabeth City Telephone Co.,' andN one of the members of the Board of Aldermen, who voted for the U50 franchise tax on a free telesrranh call service in an, interview solicit ed by a representative of The Econ omist this morning says that selfish interests did not move him tc vote as he did. Mr. Grice is very em phatic in maintaining that he vo as he thought best met the public, needs and not for any amount of naoney would he have been guilty of voting for the measure because of his connection with the telephone company. Mr. Grice's statements are interesting and serve to tell his side of the story. He said of the article published in this newepaper yesterday: . "J6 aFe 7 : insinuations 1 all through that article that are dam aging to my personal character. I voted for the 1150 franchise be cause I did not believe in making fish of one and flesh of another; I voted for it on the principle that every thipg applying to this town for privileges should pay for such privileges. I had stated ia open meeting when tbe gas measnre went through the council that I would never again vote for a free franchise for any body, or for anything. "Something was said about com pulsory sewage. I want to say that I have stated, and repeated the statement, that I wouldn't vote for compulsory sewage while a cor poration owns the sewers. I will say however that I believe compul sory sewerage is a good thing if owned under different circumstan. ces. I Mrs. Mamie M. Shephard has ar rived in the city to assume charge ui ine local omce ol the Postal elegraph Co. She is said tn ho one of the best operators in the em pioy oi the 1'ostal system. Give the children Hollistcr's Kocky Mountain Tea this month. It make makes them crow and o'wa them rosy cheeks. There is no oth- eiraedicine in the world so good for the children. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets. Sold by Standard Phar macy. ' A stockholders meeting of the J, II. LeRov ComDanv was held terday. The expression of those interested is that the management is very satisfactory and the busi ness in a thriving condition. Hundreds of thousands of people Use Holhsters Rockv Mountain Tea as a family toni. If taken this month it will keep the family well all the year. If it fail pet your money back. 85 cents. Sold by Standard Pharmacv. is not a borne up by facts will ap pear in its columns. It will leave the public to act as jury as Mr. Aydlett rests his case. MR. AYDLETT'S LETTER. Messrs. Editors of The Daily Economist: -Your paper of this date contained and article about the proceedings before the Board of Aldermen of the night before which is untrue and unjust to me and those whom I representedas is also the editor ial. ' I did not oppose granting the PostalTelegraph andCable Co. , pre mission to put in a free call service Your reporter knew , this when he penned the words to the centrary. I did not ask for a return of the taxes paid by my clients. I did ask as this messenger service came in competition to some extent with the telephone, that the Telephone Co., which is the onlv .. j in town which pays for the fran chise, be released from the further paying of $225.00 annual tax if this franchise was to . be given free to the Postal Telegraph and Cable Co. I stated distinctly that I was not there to ask for this release unless the other franchisr was to be given away, and also stated if the Postal Company put in the messenger call service my client would do so and would not obiect to navincr isn Mr j n per annum for the franchise and was willing for the board to grant the I ostal Company the same fran chise which would yield 1300 per annum to the revenues of the town. At the same time I stated we were n6t opposed to granting the franchise to the Postal Telegraph vuml'i,u). ana it they paid irancniaes we did not ask anything to be taken off the we were paying for the Ti Company, but did want to ed on the, same basis with t company. The board granted the franchise to h panies." I WAS ANTAGONIZ In this proposition I waJ onized with much energy a izanship by one of the. meJ the Board. I submit my I tion was fair, jnst and for ti fit of the llfinnlo Af VI i did not see either of yon men. If vou had port would ever have aDDf. print, as I know you to be honor, truth and fairness. ! The report referring in. my client, as well as the e based upon the report is , fllaf fni. n i j1" ur irue. ouch "li ports as this, the Ice Plant,' and some others' I might i are enough and doubtless J .a.i:. j . i wnwuueu, . oring your pap disrepute and a stench in t t;i ' . , i. ' every iair minded a orable citizens. T nrrifA . sick bed and on' the eve of home or I w ould say more o sinuations. the reflections ...... . maiements made in t port Kespectfully E. F. Avplk Au HOWvjSO PROVE INNnr.r Mr. Aydlett has written) remarkable letter. Only a j superior intellect could w' well in defence of an unjustlj But Mr. Aydlett will have! his clients, the Elizabeth (. ' Noifolk Telegraph Cempay the city the preposterous) $150 for a free messenger f before any letters he may v newspapers will have any e( public opinion. You haven anything a,bout the Elizabel' and Norfolk Telegraph Cr' oreaking its neck to pay ft franchise have you? ib K gN8 .' How Mr. Pri Voted. "To the Editor of the Ecin , "In justice to myself I w correct a statement which ar in yesterdays issue of you I am therein accused with j voted for Dr. Walker fc Health Officer and certain fi ferancesare therefrom deduce matter of fact I did not vl Dr. Walker for the positic? nominated and supported Dr C. Lamb from first to last. I thank you to correct this tht seems to me you are duty b Respectifully N. K. Pa. Elizabeth City, N. C. August 9th. 1905. . The correction which Mr. asks is just and right and h j is freely accorded space in t per. Tbe name of Mr. J. Roy should have appeared y in place of the name of Mr. The error was an unint one. Mothers be careful of yo pren. There is no babv i in the world as good as IL Kooky Mountain Tea. It the little on strong, he ' actavi'35 cents. Standi ma..' 1 i