Sowing The Seed Of Kindness will bring happi ness, soweing my Field and Garden Seed will bring a good crop. All of my stock is fresh, and of the best quality that can be had. September and' October is the best time to sowe for Lawns, 1'as t ure or Hay. J have in stock a full line of Grass Seed, Turnip and Jluta IJaga and all other Heed for fall soweing, I also have a lull line ff Feed at the lowest market price. W. 5. White, Feed and Seed, 1 27' Poindexter St. Phone 04. . ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. SUFFOLK COLLEGE. SUFFOLK, VIRGINIA. . Select school lor girls. Ab faculty. Complete eources. Ilea ful loca.ion. Beautiful site. Com fortable buildings. Electric lights Baths. Pure water. Unsurpassed table. Six churches. Best moral and religious influences. Teims very moderate. 37th. year beging 14th. September 1905. or terms and further particulars address. Sally A. Finnky, Principal. Suffolk, Va Correct Prescription Work We know what your doctor wants you to take, and we wake it our special business to do exactly as he says. We know substitutes won't go. We also know only pure, full strength drugs will go. First-class graduate pharma cists always in charge of this de partment, working under the never-failing double-check sys tem. No mistakes made in pre scription work ia this store. Albemarle - Pharmacy Cor.'Maln and Road Streets. TD)ARGAINS! OaRGA I NS! The greatest bargains ever offered to the public in Nail and Scrubbing Brushes. The best Japanese bristle brush sold ' for 50o and 75c, we will sell you as long as they last at 25c Each.N Standard Pharmacy Cor- Main and Poindexter Streets WE ARE NOW orses ill round $1 faction Guaranteed Stokes Stables, 308 Matthews St DESIRABLE HOLIES Kl VI. I A Qrinninrr U OIIUDIIIft II EaTii3 In City and - Country always on hand. I can serve yoft at any time with best Real Estate. N. R. PARKER, " ' r In Pail Esbfa Ell;?teth Cits . C ... Ir . . THE DAILY ECONOMIST JVBhtnnku Evuur Aftkbnoon Except Sunday By f. The Carolina Pub. Co., ELIZABETH CITY.N. C. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: ONE YKAR S3. 00. ONK MONTH .25. R. 15. CltKKCY, W; L. 'Coiioon, . . .' W. L. Smith, ... . . ..Ed. in Chief ..Mgr. Editor , . Business Mgr ' OFFICES IN BROWN BUILDING. Business Office: No. 510 Ma in Street. Editorial and composing rooms up stairs PHONES: Business Office, 58. Editorial Rooms, 258. All communicntions should be address ed to Tbk Carolina IPublishing Company. Elizabeth City, N. C. WEDNESDAY AUG. 8, 1905. Tho Peace Commissioners at Oyster Bay. Oyster Bay has become the sum mer capitol of the United States and Sagamore Hill the White House. President Roosevelt is a man of affairs, full of physical vi tality and intellectual .vigor and since ue suggested the -peace con ference between Russia and Japan to arrest the further prosecution of hostilities, be has become the Queen niece on the international chess board. It is meet and proper that Witte, the head or the Russian commis sion and Karuma the head of the Japanese Commission with ,J,heir as sociates, should have accepted the Presidents invitation to meet here at luncheon at Oyster Bay on Fri day, on their way to Portsmouth, N.H. It was a most opportune occasion. A good luncheon and a hospitable and genial host are great promoters of peace and good will among men. They met at the hospitable board of Mr. and Mrs. Roosevelt at Saga more Hill, and the President was in his happiest time. The two commissioners met for the first time, and were introduced amid the festivities of the festival board. Surely that was no time or place for the cherishing of envy hatred and malice, and but for their diplomatic character, which makes duplicity its rule of conduct, they would then and there have opened their hearts, laid down their arms and proclaimed the victories of peace and no less renowned than those of war. The entertainment was on board the "May Flower," the President's summer vacht at Oyster Bay. lie introduced the informal cere monial with the following appro priate remarks aud toast, which was rank by all standing: "Gentlemen I propose a toast to which there will be no answer and. which I ask you in silence stand ing, l drink to the weltare and prosperity of the sovereigns and people ot the two great nations whose representatives have met one another on this ship. It is myl most earnest hope and prayer in the interest of not only these two great powers, but of all mankind, that a t and lasting peace may speedily-; beXoncluded between them." . . . .. i e occasion, tho divested, as ;h as possible, of all formality, as a most august aud significant one. lhe r resident was saluted with his twenty one guns, national airs were played by the government band. Distinguished representa tives of the country in Arm v, Is aval and civil life were present, all in full dress uniform. Government ships of war were lying at anchor in Oyster Bay those that conveyed the peace com missioners to the President's ban. quet and the ships to convey the Russian and Japanese - commission- to the. conference at - Portsmouth, N. 11." Nothing occurred to mar the aus- icious ana significant occasion. Whatever may have betin the secrets of the hearts of the peace commiseioner" there were no ex ternal evidences of hostility. Their greetings at their first introduction were cautious and cordial, and the resident was in his happiest and mm 5 Have you noticed the great cut I . TnHfirwPfl'r at THE ELK. I .- aavftvi T WWVWWV"VWWW VWVtVll'StVWk We had an appreciated call on Monday from Abner Grancly of Portsmouth, Va., a native of Cam den county, and an interesting relic of that time that tried the soi ls of men. lit; was in the thick o : the conflict to the end and was a brave soldier and a true man. He pre serves as his dearest treasun the bullet pierced jacket that be wore during the war, and in all rand confederate meetings it is a con spicuous figure on the line ot march. He is here on a vitit to relatives and friends. R. B. C. $2.50 Gold Spectacles and Eyeglasse i worth o. 00. Examination free by our eye specialists. Our work must plvo satisfaction or money refund ed. Notice For excursionists we have Sunday hours from 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. No irlanses are prescribed ! unless needed. Correspjn- dence solicited. Virginia Optical Co., 324 JVlain ot. cor. iaibot, 2nd. Floor, NORFOLK, VA. Reference Principal business men and clergymen of Norfolk. FOR BETTER SERVICE by having Thos.P. Wright Co DO Tll YORK. Tel. No. 150 SBESSftt Central Academy Rev. . VI. W. Hester, Principal Prof. W. M. Hinton, Asso. Prin A Christian Home and High SchooLfor boys and young men. Splendidly located in Warren county, one 'mile from depo.;, im mediately on S. A. L. road in a beautiful grove of 12 or 15 ac es on a COO acre farm. For further information address the Principal or Assdciate Princi oal, Littleton, N. C. I 5iip - Upr ! ALBEMARLE HIGH SCHOOL ELIZABKTH New building, 62 by 109 feet. Six assembly hall. Building equipped' capacity tor 400 pupils. Good location, professional training. Keaosanble rates. W., and Music Departments. Fall Term opens bept. fl, 1905. For Cata logue or full information address: J. J. SCARBOROUGH, Principal, Elizabeth City, N, C. '. Littleton Femal e Coll ege Splendid-location. Her .1th Resort. Over 200 boarding pupils last year., High grade of wor , High standard ot culture and socia' ife. Conservatory advantage in Music. Advanced courses in Art and Elocution-IIot water heat. Electric lights and other modern Im provements. Remarkable health rerd; only one death among pupils in 23 yea.'s. Close person:) I attention t t he health and social development of every pupil. High standard of scb darship. All pupils dressed alike on public occasions. (. H AKi ? - V 1 .it i LOW. 24Anni;.il Sesi..u Hi" x-jin Septeniler 13th, 1005. For cata logue address, RUV. swOrJl The Whole Family Always in Good Humor The husband smiles, the chil dren are happy and the baby docs no cry when you have Smithfield Hams and Royal Patent Flour to serve them with from your table. This gives you' the best bread and there is no better meat. Toxey & Gallop, WATER STREET. Highland Blend 20c Mocha and Java 25c Seal Brand 38c . S. M.S. Rollinsori, 504 Main Street. Phone 31- If you want Good things to eat, ask the central for No. 25 Candies, Fruits, Fancy Cakes all canned goods and pickies W. T. Dean & Co. Poindexter St., near Main rY f'j'jr.!.iin Tsa ft'uggets A y; ti t r Modioina fur Busy People. i:i;'.s tioldon EeaUU und Renewed Vigor. )-''. m fii.- Const !.tlon, IndlgwUou; LWo . ..' v .roiniiB-, 1'ifnpit's. Kcv.enw, impim ' i : wii-.'kisii JJoiviis. H'Wlacn' ' ii :c.'.iy nlo'.mliiiu 'k'.'U-in U i1..;;'-! :i nx. (i.'ii'ioiM 'o:t.l'A t' M SUA TCR SALLO'.V PCdPLS CITY, N. C study halls, four class rooms, large with single patent desks. Ample .bight experienced teachers with Literary, Commercial, Elocution J. M. RHODES, A. fl., Coffee in the price of ' "Haberdashers to the Elite" s 4 fcrfl CUT THIS OUT Miaa with $1 and get the WLEKLY TIMESDISPATCH ONKYEAR. A TWO BLADE POCKET KMFE PfPO 6 In. long, open, ' if you send this ad. pinned to your order. Two blinle-1 of tiest steel, horn hiiiKllc, otroriK spring and fine tlni.)i.' FMctiiri' about hulf slz. Kctulla S5o. to 5 Sent regl twd oinii 8 cents extra. TIMES-DISPATCH, EICHM0ND, VA. is, BY BUYING MONEY-SAVING TOOLS. MQ iginnl sen(l catalogues of each VlC WcUll the following to every mm Farmer in the State. WRITE A POSTAL CARD FOli ONE: The CORN CROP can be doubled by using a HUSKEK and SHREDDER. It husks the corn and delivers Into wagon or crib and shreds or cuts the stalk and fodder at the same time into splendid feed and delivers it into barn or stack. FEED MILLS, which grind corn and cob or shelled grain into meal. HAND or POWER FEED CCTI'ERS, with travelling feed table. S1JND FOIt CATAI.OGUKS THE IMPLEMENT QQMP& 302-ISO East Main Street. ' se est beans only are used. xfra care exercised in blending. dulteraficns not permitted. . se of most improved machifieryi tondard of merit- our wafchworrf Endless wafthftbess cose no mve &iach?:miJemmfQ .Institute A Christian Training MTTO: Thorough Instruction Under Positive ChristiarinRuences at Lowest Possible Cost jfhs km At Elackstone is to make helpful, happy women. RIcdern brick building, with electric lights, water on every floor,, best methods of teating and sanitation, Aids to campus ot 550 ceres ; faculty of 29, trained in the best schools, nil Uviuff in the buildjng with the girls ; jnnusua! f'-'vC Success ... , raiflimSQ . O? teachers influence. (1) A CCnl!ri7aous extraordinary growth (from 29 to 255 boarders in ten years), every place taken every year, total . Proofs Of enrolliiie-t last cession S34. SSCCCSJ nnd their p.r?r.t9- are sr.ikl!,lzs'r?c,. (3 Students enter elates of the Randolph-Mac. - Wota&a'a f College on oar certificate nitbOU J X3n-:ni:i ?crj. For Catalogrue and Application Blank, . JAMES CANNON. Jr., Truckers and I Mdrket . 1 I ,1 Gardeners Desiring to purchase Early Peas, a Beans, Radish, Beet, Squash, ,3 Cucumber, Watermelon, Can- II taloupe or any other Vegetable ; Seeds in quantity are requested to w rite us for special prices, stat-' 'j ing ubout the quantities required. WOOD'S VEGETABLE SEEDS , tu Hi-fi sni&iiill v rrnwn with referene'e ,-i iu uie auapiauuiiy ami neeuH oi t?. Southern 'truckers, and have at- I turned tlie largest Sale and a eplen- 0 si did reputation all throuchout the B I Houth. g Wood's Descriptive Catalogue g gives full and correct information ( ia aiout an seeds and calls attention g y to different varieties and crops ' 1st likeiy to bring profitable re- (g , returns to Southern Garden- gl ,s and Truckers. Cato- v n ogue mailed free upon . g requesi, 5 lOD&SOHSI Seed Growers and Merchants, t 151 Xil ft CI RiCHMOND, VIRGINIA. 9- MORSE TOWERS vrith FEED MILLS attached, and for running F4d Cut ters, wood bavs, ete. FAN'N'IXG MILLS for grai!vand seed. GRAIN DiliLLS, bojh dscJW hoe. Busies, CarrliigreV'ag'oiisnnd Har iiess, from the 'finest to the hurr blest. We have the largest stock in the South. SORGHUM MILLS and Evaporators. WIRE FEKOING of ail kinds. Thebes' snd cheapest aid will last -a l:ftimc. Weed Patent SiVIX CHIT.XS Vr f.".r the Ifcst. 'iWllltai OF BEST dunn rnanufecture. man orners. School for Girls of the fidrls sent there caaltliv. J cteerfu'. wholesome christian (2Y Hundreds of vounjr ladiCX address ' A. At . i 4r '1 2 ' & Hi i I i) most genial mood. R. B. C. i Prksipevt, Littleten, N. C. r