AtIICWEATIIUK: Showers tonight and Satur day; Light to fresh southeast to Sotfth winds. ST JUDICIOUS ADVEBTIS Advertise in The ECONOMIS Because the People R VOL. ft. ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. FRIDAY. AlG. 11. 1905. NC WE '.MUST r 7H r i. a. a uiiu E'CON'OMI DAILY' B HAVE OUR 7 Electric Light and Power Co. Self Appointed Apostle Ot Shakespeare's Shylock - IT'S "POUND OF FLESH" WAS TO THROTTLE THE PRESS. The Most Disgusting Exhibition of Malignant Cowardice Ever Witnessed Interesting Development in Economists Fight on Cor porate Greed. Elizabeth City was treated yes terday to the ridiculous and dis gusting spectacle of a predacious corporation actually styling itself Shylock and demanding Shy lock's pound of flesh. "Shylock" was angered at the at tacks this newspaper has been mak ing upon corporate wrongs. "Shy lock" has been having things pretty much his own way in .this town un til The . Economist turned the lime light of publicity on his do ings. Like a bat, that has had a strip of weather boarding torn from its narrow prison of greed and pre judice and exposed to the light, Shylcck got furious and lost his head. ' Driven to desperation by anger and humiliation he gave a queer turn to his irascibility. About 3:12 o'clock yesterday afternoon Mr. R. E. Lewis, Mana ger of the Elizabeth City Electric Light & Tower Co., called at the office of the Carolina Pub. Co., .and demanded that Mana ger Smith put up a deposit of $50 in the First National Bank, in order to secure current and to guarantee payment of future bills, when at the time of the demand, the Caro lina Pub. Co., owed the Electric Light & Power. Co., nothing and no bill for current had been pre sented the Carolina Pub. Co., by the Electric Light & Power Co., and no payment demanded or re fused. : lie demanded that if this deposit was not made the Electric Light and Power Co., would de tach its wires connecting with and supplying power to run the motors that run the preses of The Daily Economist and The Elizabeth City Tar IIeeLThe time specified in which Mr. Smith was to make the deposit indicated was two hours. But without wait ing for Mr. Smith to make the de posit, had he been so inclined the Electric Light & Power Co., shut off the current by 2:45 o'clock, p. m. The action crippled this news paper so that it was unable to reach . . its subscribers at a late hour- last night. Cut off from the regular, source of power, a machinist was hastily ammoned and he geared the press upon which The Economist is print ed, for Land power.. But the de lay and the unsatisfactory substi tute of -power and no lights ' pre vented the paper making its ap pearance' last night. "THE POUND OF FLESH" The entire city is asking the question, why did the Electric Light & Power Co., shut this newspaper off from its service. The question is asked was the pow er cut off for non payment of bills? The answer to this may be found on the books of the Electric Light & Power Co., showing that the Carolina Pub. Co. is due The Elec tric Light & Power Co. not as lit tle or as much as a j penny. The question might be asked, is the Carolina Pub. Co. an irresponsible concern? The answer to that ques tion may be satisfactorily answered by reference to the books of the North Carolina Secretary of State. The Carolina Pub. Co., comprised of many of the best and most re sponsible business men in the city, has been doing business less than a month. It is by no means insol vent, nor likely to be. The Electric Light fc Power Co. voluntarily offered an explanation. Here is where it set itselt up as a latter day impersonation of notori ous Shylock. "What's the Carolina Pub. Co. done that it should be so mistreated by your conctrn", asked the Business Manager of the Econ omist of the Manager of The Elec tric Light fc Power Co. "Your concern has knifed us every chance it got and now we must have our pound of flesh" said the Electric Light and PowerCo's. Man ager. So that was reason the The Economist could not reuch its read ers last night The Electric Light and Power Co., that is also the Elizabeth City Water and Power Co., had to have its "pound of flesh," and got it by making an effort to throttle a newspaper that cares more for the bst wishes of the public than it does' for the pal try smile of a, dollars and cents cor poration that charges the public heavily for that which it gives but pays the public nothing for that which it takes. A WONDERFUL ENGRAVING Loverf of art will derive great pleasure from a visit to the jewelry store of Kight & Bright for the purpose of examining remarka ble piece of engraving on silver which that firm has on exhibition in one of its display windows. This engraving is the work of Mr. M. Luther Britt, a North Carolina Boy, graduate of the Philadelphia College of Wutch Making and, En graving, who is now in the employ of Messrs. Kight & Bright. The engraving work in question is done on a large plate of silver. In the center of this plate is reproduced with remarkable accuracy in de tail the cover design of the Febru ary number of the Ladies Home Journal. Other valuable engrav ing on this plate consists of names and uionogramH showing various styles of lettering known to the en gravers art. The work is comple ted with a heavy border, done by hand, that is one of the prettiest pieces of hand engraved work ever produced in this city. leoplo are talking about this engraving It will interest any one who cares to examine it. Here Is Another Of The StrawsThatTell The Wind When Mr. Lewis Slid Out of the Window A Funny Story ot Clay Tunises Good Fri day and His Friend Malachi. There was a very significant in cident that occurred. in the Alder manic meeting Monday night that ii. i i x i i i I wus uBivuppur uau uoi louuueu upon previously on account of oth- ei luutiern. ib i reimtJU lino uuw because it will serve to emphasize the obvious friendship' which ex ists between certain Aldermen and the Elizabeth City Water & Power CO. -. ? Previous to the meeting of the Board of Aldermen Chief of Police Bell had been instructed by the proper anthorities to serve papers t. l-i.j i ' on the Elizabeth City Water v Power Co. requesting it to report to this Board meeting as to the ac tion it had taken in regard to re medying the water situation. These papers were served on Mr. II. E. Lewis, who seems to be more interested in the affairs of the wa ter company than any other of its employees. Mr, Lewis was pre sent at the Board meeting Monday night, just as li is always present at Board meetings. When the Board got to the water matter Al derman Lelioy asked for the water company's report. . Mr. Lewis slid out of the window in which THE BLACKWELL MEMORIAL CALLS A PASTOR The Blackwell Memorial Baptist Church lias called a pastor to sue cecded the Rev. W. A. Ayers whom "God Called" to New Hen about three months ago. Early ii September Rev. Josiah Crudup, of Washington, N. C, will till thi pulpit vacated by Mr. Ayers Mr. Crudup" was called by Black well Memorial Church last night. The call was unanimous No other name was presented for consideration. He will accept the call and will locate in this city in about a month. Rev. Josiah Crudup is describee as man of marked ability. He is a native of North Carolina, originally of Louisburg. He is about 33 years of age and a man of family. He has been in Washington for the past four vears as pastor of the First Baptist Church in that city He is considered the best preacher in the Tar River District. , MR. WOOD ENTERTAINS. Mr. 'John Wood entertained his Sunday School Class at his home on Main street last niirht. Those com posing the party were the follow ing: Miss Edna' Tyer and Mr Slaughter Whitehurst. Miss Julia Wood ard Mr. Willie Foreman, Miss Lillian Lister and Mr. Mullen Weeks, Miss Mary Lister and Mr. Rob Lamb, Miss Lizzie Weeks and Mr. John Overman, Miss Gertie Thompson and Joseph Thompson All reported to have spent a very pleasant evening and extended many thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Wood for being so highly entertained. he .was sitting and said he had nothing to say. He had not even had papers served on him." Chief Bell said the papers were served. Still Mr. Lewis had nothing to say. Mr. Malachi Sawyer, the Alder man from the First ward, began to make possible explanations for Mr. Lewis. He was cut wlmrf. hv Alder-nan lelioy who Haid to him: jt is not the business of anv . . . . J , member of this board to make ex planations for the water company. Ihey should be here to make them for themselves That seems like a small incident on the face of it but to a man learn ed in the ways of practical politics it is interesting another straw that shows the way of the wind. D. M. Jones Company will esteem it an honor to have you call and inspect the exten sive and varied stock of Favorite Stoves and Ranges. Our Cooking Exhibit will Extend from Sept. 4th to 9th, inclusive, and we will be glad to eeeS you at our store. A Lunch will be served. E. City, N. C, Au. 9 New Development In Mr. Guirkin'sGompany Will P Public May Now Ex pect Aldermen to Rescind The $150 Tax Action of Mon day Night. When the press is free and every man able to read the oountry wll be salf-THOMSA JEFFRSON. The press is a i eat power. Public opinion aroused and sup ported by a free press Is more po tent still Elizabeth City will get the free messenger calls that have excited so much comment in this city for the past 48 hours. The Elizabeth- City & Norfolk Telegraph Co., has made applica tion to the City Clerk for one of the $150 franchises for this free messenger call service that its at torney succeeded in getting the Board of Aldermen to authorize Monday night. Why the Elizabeth & Norfolk Telegraph Co.. should have been so anxious to have a tax of $150 put on the call service, only to be taxing itself seem like something of a puzzle to women and children. It is not likely however that th'j Elizabeth City & Norfolk Telegraph Co., will have to be out of pocket the sum of 1150 for very long. 1 ne Hoard ot Aiaermen will very probably refund this Bum at its next meeting when it is believed the action oi Monday night will be rescinded. Mr. Chas. Guirkin. President and General Manager of the Elizabeth City and Norfolk Telegraph ( Rom any stated this morning that the material for these messenger calls had been ordered and was expect ed within a reasonable time when it would be installed among the business houses of the city without delay. The fact of the matter that Mr. Guirkin's company order this cfill service material as soon as it learned that the Postal Tele graph Company was goingto in stall the same. The Elizabeth City Norfolk Telegraph Company iaa no idea at tne time ot paying 150 for the privilege of putting in these calls.' To pay for such a privilege would be unprecedented. Mr Guirkins Explanation' Mr. Guirkin gives the public an interesting explanation of the deal in the Aldermen's meetine Monday night. Mr. Guirkin savs that his company did not send its attorney there to put a tax on the call service. He said as the Pos tal was going to put"-in this call seice he thought thebppoi tunity ripe to ask the Aldermen to refund the telephone company, franchise tax. He doubtless thought the tax would be refunded as Mr. Aydlett's career before the present Board of Aldermen has been an emineutly successful one. But according to what Mr Guirkins says Mr. Aydlett didn't get the tele phone franchise tax refunded and in the general balling r: of things put an additional tax on his Cli ents. Bnt this will not matter much as it will be a very easy mat ter to have it refunded. The pub lic is assured that it will get free messenger calls in connection with the services of both telegraph com panies. Mr. Guirkin in an authorized in interview with a representative,' of Call Service Be in Call Boxes this newspaper " fnis morning 'We made no fight on the tal Telegraph Co. The figh: made was on being discrimn against. When the gas franc was given away a few weeks e made up my mind then and t to make applieatioroto the I , of Aldermen to place us oi -equal looting with other pi: service corporations in Eliza City that pay no franchise tax. Elizabeth City - will haye telegraph messenger calls. ' is certain. u una reus ot thousands ot p use Ilollister s Rocky Mom Tea as a family tonic. If tj this month it will keep the fa ...ii u (. .. if : :'i,l wen an liji; yisitit 11 lb tauri your money back. 35 cents, by Standard Pharmacy. HR. AYDLETT CARRIED OFI THE PI At the weekly shoot of the abeth City Gun Club on Macl marshes yesterday afternoon L. D. Aydlett carried off the worn last week by Mr. J. W. lance. Mr. Aydlett's score wi The rest of the score stood, Old 1,.LG, Harris 6, L, S. Bl 11, B. II. Fearing 16, J. W. ! 17 1.V1 .l -W...1 lo Leigh l' m Mothers be careful of your pren. iherc is no baby med( m the world as good as Hollk Rocky Mountain Tea. It . n the little one strong, healthy active. 35 cents. Standard 1 macy. For Sale! A- bargain to -a .Quick buyer whole) A good house and large 1 ' the corner of Martin and Shephard or will divide it into four lots, ti lfroar of dwelling, size each abou 130; House and lot 80x128 and v;' lot on the side of the house 45x128 orh'ss. Also two lots on the corn Seldon and Main Sts., about 4 each, Also a fine large dwelling largo lot at tiouth Mills, suitable I doctor. Apply to 11. W. IIOfiOAND & Co dai)--2w Norfolk Notice of Sale Ur. Execution. STATE OF NORTH CAROI Pasquotank County In the Superior Court II. F. Adickes, Plaintiff, vs 1 Sammons, Defendant J Notice of Execution S. i ' By virtue o f an execu tion, tl ted to the undersigned,, from Superior Court of Pasquo County, in the above entitled tion, I will on Saturday the day of August- at 12 oV-Ktok i the Court House door of said e ty, sell to the highest bidden cash, to satisfy the said execi; the following, described proj viz; 1 Hon Safe, 1 Hall Carp Hat Rack, (V Window Shdd Stove Heater.H Clothes Rinj Hamock, 1 Settee, 1 Dru Table, 1 Cook Stove, etc, 1 J Lot Fruit Jars (18), 1 Step Car Lot of Matting. - CHA&REf This July 27 1005 ) Edmund Alexander V f Attorney for the j Plaintiff A Au 11-4 w. '