i . 7 V y y !w. .yr "sCQ Sowing The. Seed vji jvinuness win oring uapJi news, loweing my Field and Garden Seed will bring a good crop". All of my stock isi fresh and of the beat quality that can be had., - September and October in the best lisle to bow 6. for7 Lawns, Pas ture or Har..' I have in stdck a ful ' line l IP rash 'Heed, "Turnip and .liuta Hftgijind all' other seed for fall oweing I alia have a full line of i eed at the lowest market price. W. S. White, ' ; Feed an d Seed , il!7 Poindexter St. Phone 64 v- ELIZABETH. CITY. N. C. Central Academy Rev. M. W. Hesteri'iPrincipa Prof. W. M. Hiriton, A3so. Prin A ChriHtian "ilomepnd High school for bovs and youngroen. Splendidly located in Warren county, one mile from depot, im mediately on S. A',.Ij road in a beautiful grove of lVp 15 acres on a COO acre farm. . i .'. For further information address the Principal or. Associate Princi- oal, Littleton, N.- U. BARGAINS! OarQA INS! Tile greatest bargains'" ever offered Nail arid . Scrubbing r- Brushes. The best Japanese bristle brush sold for 60o and. 75o, we will sell you a long as they last at .25c Each. J Standard Pharmacy Cor. Main and Poindexter Street . WE ARE NOW Shoeing - Horses $1 all round $1 Satisfaction Guaranteed Stokes Stable?, 30&Matthews St DESIRABLE HOMES In City and Country always on hand. I can serve you at any time with best Real Esta-te. N. R. PARKER, Daaler la Rail Estate Elizabeth Cits . C i er FOR BETTER SERVICE by having MP, Wright Co DO THE WORK. Tel. No. 150 DR. taFRANCO'S 'I CONFOUND. m.t renHtnr: onti. rranritormt', i 1 . LFRifUO. Fbll.iiflnhla. P Sue THE DAILY ECONOMIST cni.iflni'.u Kvrnr AnamNooN Kjtcr.rt The Carolina Pub. Co., ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. SUBSCRIPTION PRICK: ONK TEAR ' 93.00. ONK MONTR 35. Li. Li. Ckekcy, Ed. in Chief W. L. Cohoox, Mgr Editor W. L. Smith, Business Slgr . OFFICES IN BROWN BUILDING. HuHincias Offlce: No. CIO Ma in Street. Editorial and composing rooms up stairs PHONES: Business Office. 68. Editorial Rooms, 258. AH communications should be -address-, ed to The Carolina (Publishing Company i Elizabeth Citv, N. C. JtTESDAY AUG. 15, 1905. Some Jolly Old fellows. 'As sparks fly upward to the sky so man was born to mystery": says Dr. Syntax. "Those who die early are favored of Heaven" saycth the aphorism. "Those are most .favored that are not born at all" saveth the cynic philosopher. "Man's days are few and full of trouble" sayeth the scripture. .tt.nu yet, men enng io lire as its A - 1 i 1 . 1 ! . greatest treasure, perhaps from dread of that undiscovered county whith er we are all bound, perhaps from love of the delusive joys of earth V Voltaire, the potentate of letters in France, died of hard work at 84 His constitution was weak from his birth and he said he had "been al ways dying." Thomas Hobbes, the great En glish mathematician died at 93. When over 90 be translated the Ilaid and wrote a History of the "Civil War" in Ejjgland. Rogers the English poet lived 92, William Hutton, the bookseller died at 92. On his ninetieth birth day he walked ten miles and when told, that he looked well, said merrily that it was well at his ae that he could look at all. Bartholaniy St. Hilaire, the fam ous French author wrote his life of Aristotle when he was over 90. Sterm was our four score when he wrote "Tristram Shandy," which Paley pronounced the great est production of the humanmindr "Honest Isaak WeTton," was 90 when he wrote his "Complete An gler," and his Life of Bishop San derson was written when near that eriod. Germany's great scholar, Sespold Von Ranke worked to nearly ten hours a day and kept two scholars busy under his dictation. Ritter Von Leopold Blumeneron, Chief Editor of the "Vienna' Frem denblate" worked 'at his daily task until he was96, probably then the oldest newspaper man in the world Dr. John Forbes, Professor of Oriental languages in the Universi ty of Vberdeen closed a vigorous old age at 97 in 1899, the only man iving who had seen (Joethe. Theodore S. Fay, the author of Norman Leslie," was living re cently at the age of 91. The occupation of the mind, is surely a great factor in the promo tion of longevity. Philosophers, scientists and mathematicians are generally long lived. The "mens sana." when active is generally the companion of the "corpore sans." ythagoras the great philosopher of Samos, was a tall and handsome man, when he died at nearly 100. Epimenides one of the "seven wise men" is said to have lived to 54. " . Humbolt, the great statesman, diplomat scientist and explorer, toiled on with his great work "Cos mos," which has been translated into all civilized language, until he had nearly reached his 100. The mind is evidently the most prolific parent of longevity. The motto of him who desires ong life, should be ''work," not work to excess, but works The mind is the master work of the human machinery. If it rusts the body decaya." If its machinery is kept oiled by labor, its vigor ((ia maintained. "Otium dignitatis," U a "fools errand." R. C TO-DAY-BY ELLA WHEELER WILCOX I love this age of i iu-rgy and fri Expectantly I greet u'uli preg nant hour: Emerging from the ail-crcative Kouroe, Supieiau, with promise, imminent with power. The Htrident whistle and the clang ing bo!), , The noise of gongs, the ruwh of motored things. Are but the prophet voices which foretell A time when thought may use un lettered wings. l; 5 Too long the drudgery of earth has been A birrier 'twixt man and his own mind. Remove the stone, and lo! the Christ within; For lie is there, and who so seeks shall find. The Great Inventor is the Modern Priest. He "paves "the pathway to a higher goal. Once from the grind of endless toil released Man will explore the kingdom of his soul. And all his restless rush, this strain v and strife This noise and glare is but the fan fa rade That ushers in the more maj estic life Where faith fhall walk with science unafraid. I feel the strong vibrations of the earth, I sense the coming of an hour sub lime, AmT bless the star that watched above my birth. And let me live in this important time. Regulates the stomache and bowels, heals and soothes the little ones, Ktomachs and gvies them a heauhful and natural sleep. Hol lister's Rocky Mountain Tea is the children's benefactor. 35c. Sold by Standard Pharmacy. Don't forftt Grtliam-Crackers Better Thin Biscuit Social Tea Biscuit 'Lemon Snaps b Have you noticed I I nHPWAf at TMP V lVI TT VUl - ---- vuivwvwuuv.uwmtvvw "HABERDASHERS Have You. Ever Seen the President of These U. S.? Have you ever been to ride in an automobile? Have you ever been as high as 555 feet in the air? -Have you ever seen as much as TEN' HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS at one time. c ,-. , Go with us to Washington, Tuesday, August 22nd, 1905. Train leaves here 8:30 a. m. , arrives Washington 3 p. m., leaves Washington Tuesday morning. SUFFOLK & CAROLINA COMPANY will sell tick ets from Edenton to Washington and return for $5.00, same as from Elizabeth City. Passengers from Eden ton leave on regular t rain and connect with excursion train at Beckford Junction. Everybody is going? That means you. C. W. flELICK, E.M.STEVENS, R. W.TURNER,1 " '. . - " " . . . . - . Food Value of a Soda Cracker You have heard other foods make muscle, and still others are tissue building and You know that most foods have one or more of these elements, but do you know that no food contains them all in such properly balanced proportions as a good soda cracker? The United States Government report shows that soda crackers contain less water, are richer in the muscle and fat elements, and have a much higher per cent of the tissue building and heat forming properties than any article of food made That is why Unecda Biscuit should form an important part of every meal. They repre sent the superlative of the soda cracker, all their goodness and nourishment being brought from the oven to you in a package that is proof against air, moisture and dust the" price being too small to mention. NATIONAL the great cut in that some foods furnish fat, heat forming. from flour. BISCUIT - COMPANY the price oiN Fl.K: w TO THE'ELITE" Committee. - . n ii .i -a. , v' '. 21.; . ;::J 1 yj ? - .... . . ft 't