UHUKP EVKHT ArTKRSOOM EXCKI'T i:DAT 1Y ie Carolina Pub. Co., j ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. ' ' SUBSCRIPTION PRICK: c ya 3S.no. It MOMTII V li. CuEiic v, Kd. in Chief lots Cor. Water and Fearing St. PI10Nti: nasi Oftioe, 58. editorial Rooms, 258. communications should In- addrcsh- 11 tO TllK CAIilll.INA I'llillHIUNH ompany, Klizabcili Oitv. N. C. MONDAY, OCTOBER 23, 190. iiuidif. It Is of vital moment that ob ject lessons lii their building should be well taught. For this roason none but Iho inoBt skillful engineers and the most conscientious mot radon should bo employed In buildluK model ronJs. If the Improvement proven ijooil and permanent. H will soon convince the iiix-pntTH thai tnoro such roud Is de sirable, ami development In thai Urn will follow. Should the model nmd prove defective, it would he a 'serious e'lwicli to 1 he cause. LuHlncKH, and might say to the Mug wumps, In the language of Bt, Paul: "Do thyself "no harm, Jailer; -we are all here." 1 WOMAN IS INSTALLED AS PASTOR IN JERSEY. In E. M. Lavensteln Branch 8torei i 2022 N. Sycomore Street Petersburg, Va. Ve received from Mrs. Mai'Kani oka, on Saturday, a itiammoili upkln, the piMduci id her own c;-r- for which we return ihiiuKs. 'he Panama work drans -'! ng. The ninnam i s have cm ;ea' of the laborers, Inn ,.ivi any on il:t ditch. It needs I!': 8 "big stick." not movement is on loot to place a ue to Vance in the Nor:h Carolina ie of Statuary Hall at Washinn- Let a similar memorial of j.ihn vey be 1n the other. the ince the fall of col ton below cents a pound mark there hat l but little new cotton market' l that little has been mostly s. i;t neero tenants. The other cotton vers stand pat. and they are en aged by the best informed to Id firm until it kooh up to 11 cent. STATE AID. New Hampshire hat-: taken a most remarkable step in the direction of a better system of public hitfiways. A measure has been enacted Into law ap propriating no less a sum than three .piarlers of n million dollars for the penniuient Improvement of (lie main hb'.hW'iys of the State. Tluv money Is to be raise I at the rale of ?12:,?.oo a year for six years. Tli's amount will build n fircnt many mil. s of macadam road, and will, no doubt, lead to Ktill further consrructlo in years to come. It is what we will all have to come ie. sooner or later. "Tho State niust do the general road muMmi. Tin- oil It's and villages and even counties are oo small units for so larpro a work. P. ut tSate and towns in combination can burden can accomplish a ureal deal and Iho burden will be lighter. New Hamp shire, In reality, lias only taken a lilac In the march of progress. ie Greensboro Record wants to a dog to somebody. We want a 1 'possum and coon don with a big tail, flap ears, and soft, soat of dark r. li he has a touch or the rat er it would add to his value. The buckskin strain of blood prefer Address Business Manager of Economist. ie President's reception In Raleigh a grand success. His speech at fair grounds was informal, genial full of good fellowship. Owing he death of Genj James Glenn brother of the Governor on the hlng of the arrival of the Presi- , the Governor could not lie pres- ilnd the duties of entertaining the ident devolved upon Lieutenant rnor Francis Winston, who Is a host and dispenser of hospitality. j'hite Ele hant. esldent Roosevelt has a bis repu n. as a hunter of big game, but ji he tackled the Philippines we that. he' encountered a big white ant that we fear will wound him f. It looks like the big game of 'estlny, and that the great Nim n the hunt will be the victim e sport and that the back action 'i weapon will. e fact is that the purchase of the iplnes was a bad job from be ig to end. the first place it was buying a n poke." Then we got no right ire and the seller could not de the goods. We gave two much operty that waS In dispute. Then Sger that we bought did not like 3w; master any better than his Then we bought a war that has is forty times as much as the il purchase money, and we can 't' See the end of expense in or job. what is all (his purchase worth, dd too much for the whistle, ught twenty, millions worth of ivages that a harder problem ie negro problem with all its ationa. ire like the boy that bought a cause he had a big tail. We j need the Philippines excent as ig station for our Pacific trade nsporting ships. Our territory j could furnish all the agrlcul oducts that were indlgoeitous hlllppines, their labor was not i and their immigration was w never be any thing but a even If we succeed In reduc to subjection. jean we do with it? We can Ihe Japs. We can give it ipain. We can give them in ce. We can muzzle our i give them . to barbarism. of them is better than the ondition. 500D INVESTMENT. tads are the best. possTole t In any community. There interest that is not benefit e.1 nprovemeiits. It makes all rm products more valuable r markets more accessible, ed on good roads obviously lore valuable as residence or It may be more easily illy reached. ng the Importance of pood CIVIL SERVICE ENDANGERED. The President, by Exec.lt ive order of October 1". holds the lid down seeur , d enough, but he also kicks the bot tom' out. P.y this new departure an oflker or a employe in the classified service may be summarily dismissed by the President or head or an execu tive department, for "inefficiency" or "incapacity." That Is, the knocking of the bottom out. Rut vacancies are to be filled by drafts from the eligible lists made up by the civil service com mission. That is the holding down of tho lid. The order continues: "When mis conduct is committed In the view and presence of the President or head of executive department, removal may be made summarily and without notice." And that necessarily makes the word "misconduct." overwhelmingly Impor tant, what is misconduct? There are as many different definitions of the word as there are different tem pers and different opinions among men. Eugene Higgins, when he was a political magnate of the first Cleve land administration, held that to ad here to the Republican party was gross misconduct on the part. oT a clerk or employe of the treasury de partment, while your Mugwump hold that to be a spoilsman is conduct out rageously unbecoming. Now, all of us are ready to admit that a civil service reform' administra tion can administer the civil service law in spirit and observe the order of October 17 in letter at. the same time, and without stulificat ion. But sup pose a disreputable administration were given power, a Democratic ad ministration, if you please, very hun gry and very thirsty, believing with that grim old Democrat, William L. Marcy, that to the victors belong the spoils, and indebted to Tammany Hall for more than 100,000 majority and the thirty-nine electoral votes of the Empire State suppose you had that sort of administration and this execu tive order of October 17 at the same time? How long would it take them to empty the civil service of all the Republicans in it? The littlest thing is the world would be magnified into the biggest sorts of misconduct the way an employe part ed his hair, or tied his shoes, or rolled a cigarette, or bit a sandwich. Any one of these might lie "misconduct," so enormous as to merit dismissal. But unless the Democratic party mends its manners it. is going to be a long time between Eugene Higginses in seats of the mighty, and as we have a thoroughly civil service reform ad ministration there is not rhe slightest doubt in the world that the skillet will hold all the civil service reform neces sary, even though the bottom is knock ed out. And in -proof of it one of the Com missioners has indorsed the whole Mil Padgham Now Formally Charge of Rutherford Church. New York, Oct. 21.-Rev. Elizabeth Padgham, who has occupied the pul pit of the Church of Our Father, Uni tarian, at Rutherford, N. J., since June last, was last night formally Installed ns pastor of the church. Rev, James j A. Falrley, of Hackensack, made the J opening prayer. Rev. Mlnot J. Snv- i age, of 'New York city, preached the! Installation sermon. j The new pastor Is a nativo of Syra- cose. Bho entered Smith College. In ; 1004 and was graduated four years ! later, when she entered the Meadville ! Theological Seminary. After a few months' study she went to tho Unity church, Perry';" Iowa, whero sho was located when he Rutherford church extended her a call. NOTICE. There will be a meeting of the Democratic Executive Committee for Pasfpiotank county at the court house In said county, on Saturday, October 2Kth. 1005 at P.' M. All members are requested to be present. . C. H. THOMPSON, Chairman. J. C. R. EI1R1NC.HAITS, Secretary oct. 11 daily and weekly tf. Lavenstein Bros. Deparlment Store H. II. Lavensteln Everything Under Tho SUN For Men's Women's and CHILDREN'S WEAR FRESH TAFFY LEMON, VANILLA and STRAWBERRY. ALSO Peanut and Cocoanut Brittle W J, Deans & Co Phone No. 26. TO OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS! WE ARE ADDRESSING YOU TODAY FOR THE PURPOSE OF CALL ING YOUR ATTENTION TO THE GREAT PREPARATION WE HAVE MADE FOR THE FALL AND WINTER. HAVING MADE VAST IMPROV EMENTS IN OUR STORES, WE ARE BETTER EQUIPPED TO SERVE OUR PATRONS SATISFACTORILY, THAN EVER BEFORE. YOU NEE D NOT FEEL UNDER ANW OBLIGA TIONS WHATEVER TO BUY, BUT, BUT WE WOULD LIKE THE SATISFACTION OF SHOWING YOU OUR NEW AND( ELEGANT GOODS IN OUR DEPARTMENTS FOR MEN'S WOMEN'S AND CHIL DREN'S WEAR. WE ARE POSITIVE THAT WE CAN DO BETTER FOR YOU THAN OTHER STORES CAN DO, AND ALL WE NEED IS THE OPPORTUNITY TO PROVE OUR ASSERTION. WE GUARANTEE EVERY ARTICLE WE SELL, AND YOUR MONEY IS NEVER OURS UNTIL YOU ARE PERFECTLY SATISFIED. OUR WHOLE ENERGY IS CONCENTRATED IN SECURING MER CHANDISE DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS, AT THE LOWEST WHOLESALE PRICES POSSIBLE. THIS ENABLES SUS TO UNDER SELL ALL COMPETITORS. OUR FURNITURE DEPARTMENT IS NOW FULLY SUPPLIED, FOR OUR FALL AND WINTER TRADE,. WITH EVERYTHING NECESSARY FOR THE HOME, PARTICULARLY OUR LARGE STOCK OF COOK STOVES, RANGES, AND HEATERS OF ALL KINDS, WHICH WE ARE SELLING NOW AT SPECIALLY REDUCED PRICES. WE ASK THAT YOU COME IN FOR A LOOK, FO R WE WILL BE ONLY TOO GLAD TO PUT OUR TIME AGAINST YOU RS, AND THEN YOU'LL KNOW WHAT WE ARE ABLE TO DO FOR YOU FAR BETTER THAN WE CAN TELL YOU ON PAPER. WE WANT TO DO BUSINES S WITH YOU THIS FALL AND WIN TER, AND IF EXCELLENT MERCHANDISE AT "A FAIR PRICE IS AN INDUCEMENT, WE ARE AT YOUR SERVICE ANY DAY. LAVENSTEIN BROS., Props. "THE GLOBE" ZZZ"SU Elizabeth City, N. C. Hot Bread EVERY DAY -AT 6 P. M. This, you know is MILK ROLLS ButternuT BreaD which isthe best to be had. B. T. HARRIS THE CITY BASER 112 POINDEXTER ST. The Proof is in the Trying. Our frankest statements or the most fulsome praise of those who have reaped the benefit from their use could not convince .you as Kttre ly and completely or quic kly as a little demonstration on your own back or chest. So we Kay, take home and try a Standard Pain Plaster. A few hours wear over the seat of pain will do more to prove its worth than reams of paper con versation. For sale by Standard Pharmacy Cor- Main and Poindexter Streets i nnirir A superb line of Merchant Tailoring. Prices from $12.00 to 40.(10. ELK Every suit guaranteed. "THE ELK" "Haberdashers to the Elite." C)C)CXXXXXXX)MELICKOOCX)OOCXDOO URN TUR E IS PROMPTNESS are what we offer. DELICIOUS Breakfast Is assured when you have Hecker's New Buckwheat AND Our Special Brand of Maple Syrup OUR BUSINESS. If BUYING FURNITURE """ "" is """" ' YOUR BUSINESS let's get together. We can SAVE MONEY for you. You can help us to move the goods. P.W. Melick Company OCOCXXODCXDCOCOOCODC)OCOCOCO Is It Health You Want ? To have it means the Con' sumption of the most nulritious food. That class of food always to be had at 1 1 5 Poindexter Street. We make it a specialty to carry choice groceries, the best is cheapest in .theend r 1 TOXEY 4 GALLLIP Always Fresh Good I'roi'upt.nesi in the handling of all business entrusted to our care. Courtesy in ward every one. our (loiihrij; to- DESIRABLE HOMES f'4 H I 1 1 ' rl I M PI !v i A Liberality, so far as cotiM.iva tive banking will permit, in grunt ing loans and discounts. ( 'an we do more? Savings Bank & Trust Co. Elizabeth City, X. C. 1f a.'.'jnilV'.,! X- - "r- i a- '.,;' ;- St X ALBEMARLE PKHRMfCf,,.- Cor. Main and Road Sts I you can't come, plume us. one orders promptly tilled. All Call and be convinced OLIVE GKOGEMY GO. Suffolk & Carolina Railway Company TIME-TABLE IN EFFECT JULY 10th, i05. Express No. 51. p.m. 4 36 4 m 5 33 5 35 5 47 6 01 (5 18 (i 30 6 3S Mixed Local. tNo.37, - a.m. Lve Mixed Local. No.38. Express No 62. 7 00 7 25 8 00 -8 37 000 S 10 Ar Lve .Norfolk (Ferry) Ports it outh Union Station Suffolk (8 & O Station) Suffolk (S & C Station) Saunders . Corapcake iSunbury Boslcy Keckford Junction Arr Lve Ar p. ni fi 50 i 30 o 15 4 45 4 30 a. m. 10 25 1015 9 40 35 9 20 - 851 8 37 8 27 8 22 6 5r. 05 No.3!l 9 40 10 00 10 SC Ar Nicanor - Parkville Elizabeth City Lve In City and Country always on hand. I can serve vou at , !i any time with best Real Estate. N. R PARKER. ! l&ktm ta U 1 Dealer In Real Estate Elltabeth CiK . tStSSSSSv&SSSSSSS n f 111! P 33k DR. m LaFRANCO'S No.b'5 No.37 Ko.38 No.?4. 6 45 !1 20 Lve Trotvillo 4 25 8 16 6 50 9 30 Ilcbbsville 4 15 8 12 fi "7 9 40 lilidi n - , 4 05 8 07 05 1 0 00 Rvland a 45 8 00 10 10 10 Icaria 3 35 7 55 15 10 "0 Center Hill : 25 7 50 7 19 10 30 disco 3 in 7 46 '2.1 10 35 Mavatnn t U: ' ? ii 7 30 10 45 s Valhalla - ' 2 55 7 37 7 37 10 55 . Hancock ' 45 7 9jj 7 45 11 15 Ar Kdcnton . . Lve 2 30 7 20 Daily. $ Daily except Pund'ay Connections at Suffolk with o. A. !., Uaiiway. Southern Eailwav, AS O 8 Ct 8 00 7 40 L, Railway, a d Norfolk A Western Railway. A. S. IVkisigkr, Gen. Pass. Agt Suffolk.Va..