. -i)l.vKr ArtKHMoox ExcarT Bujioat Kt Carolina Pub. Co., ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: BAB .' 53.00, OHTH ?S. . Ckkki-y, Kd. in t-hitf at Cor. Water and Fearing Stt. PrlONES: si Office. 61. Editorial Rooms, 258. lUimunleatlona fchould le addrosN- i IQ Till CaHOMNA l'l'IlUSlJING PANT. Elisabeth City. N. C. VEDNESDAY, NOV. 8, 1905. -ock and Duller will take the S In Maryland to enlighten "my land" on the subject of the nrgro IIUcb. It Kill bo the old fight ! en tho Lion and Ilycnn, Ayoock j the Hon and Hutlcr tho hymn, r carries the black Auk and Ay the lllly white. How would It do vlto Glenn. He once Ktamic utler with hig 7 1-2 brogaim. ( g Alfonzo of Spain Is the huc " of Ferdinand ami Isabella, am urally ambltlouH of distinction j the oromned heads on the i bond of Europe. He left his ! In Madrid on Thursday to visit r William of Germnny, and It Is sed his object Is to promote an :e that baa some connection with of State. There Is an obi tnuli hat King Alfonzo has North na blood In his veins. If that be I claim kinship with the young f royalty, and wMah him success lis projects of Statecraft. etary Taft and his Congres assoclates returned from a visit ectlon to the Phlllplnes some igo. Secretary. Taft gives a j account of our possessions in :h!pelIgo. Senator Dubois, who ie of the visiting statesmen, at the statements are mislead d that the purchase of tho Is y our government was a most mate one, and that we can now ate its piebald population of , negroes and Mongolians with an citizens, and that the sooner f rid of them the better It will f ... Panama Canal Is the mystery blem of the hour. They have )d ten millions of dollars on the nary work and not a spadeful has yet been dug on the ditch, ily active work that has yet me in the abundant guessing is been done as to the time work will be completed, the ea varying from five years to idred years. Mr. Shonts says be completed In five years Sr Kamt)t says it will take Ive years, and Judge Yeomans ; will be earning our money If mpleted In five hundred years, ays it will be completed speed we say we will wait and see. tv -Z""- -" . .. -v s - x . -, . . jfc I mm , '" - " i This cut hliowx :!-3 of the wat.T front of the Davis property, the other third does not run out as far us this, therefore, vou cannot M-e it. Look at the strongly built wharf. It'w t lie bcht protected in Eliabeth ity; bouts prefer to lay there particularly in rotijfh weath er. Therefore, it makes a more valuable business location. If you are wise you will make application for a piece of this property at onco for it won't htay long on the market' The w holfsale busiuess of Klijihetli City is rapidly growing and It won't be long before wu llr.d on this property hamlsoiuo lirick buildings owned or rented by different people. You had better make an effort to secure a piece of this proper ty while you have the opKrtunity, attend to it today I cannot give you the pro nptuess that you should attend to this matter, I can hiiuply uruish tho opportunity; you must do the rest. See me at once A. C Hathaway. teal : t i , ,iit lias been an off year ie" political pot was boiling cb. intense fury. It is un- :d in our political history, ole country is aflame. Yes was the day of days in le of the ballot. York was aroused to a pitch 3g on anarchy. McClellen, sent mayor, is a candidate lection with a large follow- devoted adherents. He is 1 by the millionaire Hearst nta the red flag of social 1 promises his agrarian fol an equality in values, an 1 in social, political and I life. ;igns are ominous of evil before m any important , or in any election, has flag of lawlessness been id followed by vast masses onsible followers, wildly he French Marsellaise and r liberty and equality. st it was thought that candidacy was a senseless of popular dissatisfaction, )und vent in1 , a popular ind found a leader whose coveted food in broader a a yellow newspaper progress of the campaign ped unexpected strengh s ranks. A week ago the s'3 to 1 on McClellan. it was 2 io 1 and iends are more confident, y, McClellan's -strong-rmed, and now is putting energy. Mayor Mc Clellan will be elected and onUr and good government will be main tained in our grea: commercial and social centre, but it will forecast dread evils, and the shadow of social and political upheaval will be seen above the horizon. Lord Macauley, the greatest phil osopbical historian of English his tory, in speaking of tho wonderful government of the United States, said that there was too much sail for its ballast, and that the time would come when the population was more dense and the mequali ties of fortune more conspicuous, that labor would be arrayed against capital and the clash of classes would result lias that time come? Has that time come when men now ivingwill Bee the end predicted by one ot the wisest and most deiiu erate of England's men of letters? God grant that He who has held us in the nouow oi ms nana ana borne in safety to haven of safety will have us in His holy keeping. Jt contributes much to comfort and domestic happiness, for we would be poor indeed if there were no thinibled linger to sow on our buttons. Maryland determined yesterday in its election for Governor, whether the illiterate negro vote of that State is to be eliminated from the franchise. "My Mary land" looks to North Carolina for her experience of the amendments to her Constitution eliminating the negro vote. Aycock has repre sented the flag of a white man's government and Butler represents the black flag. The Lion and the Hvena. the Caucasian and the ft "Missing Link." Obstinate constipation, indigestion and stomach disorders are preman ently and positively cured by taking Hollister's Reeky Mountain Tea. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets. Standard Phar macy. You ought to go to Mrs. W. G. Bank's 5 and 10c store, 118 Polndex ter St. She has been putting up new goods for the last two weeks. It is beautiful to look at, and the biggest bargains that has ever been offered In Elizabeth City for 5 and 10 etc. nov 7-10 LOST White package containing l-2dogen silver spoons and card I -arlng name of Mrs.W.H. Hunt, be tween home of Capt. Outlaw and Main St. Finder please return to this office. The election for Governor of Vir ginia came off yesterday and a decisive Democratic victory is anticipated. As in Maryland, the negro is a conspicuous factor, and the negro is as little concerned about it as a fly on the wall. A , . DELICIOUS Breakfast Is assured when you have Hecker's New Buckwheat AND "' Our Special Brand pf Maple Syrup Mr & GALLOP ;No money comes easier than interest money, when you have once made a start. It does not require a larjre amount to begin with. We will pay three per cent inter est upon amounts of five dol lars and-upwards. There are no vacation periods with in terest, it keeps right on work ing for you days, nights, Sun days, and holidays, . Better begin now'; deposit whatever you can spare, add to it when ever possible, and in time your success is assured. One dollar is all that is necessary to open an account. We will welcome you, whether your account be large or small. Sayings Bank & Trust Co. Elizabeth City, N. C. BEAUTIFUL CALENDARS. At the Dally Economist office are now being offered for salo at remark ably low rates calendars of beauUful designs for the year 190C. The pict ures are works of art and will beauti fy any office or room and the figures are clear and neat. An examination of them will mean a purchase, and they will bo exhibited with pleasure. PROMPTNESS THE MOTTO L. D. Giddens, Jr., WATCH MAKER, JEWELER, r ENGRAVER. - Nice Work and Prices Right Graduate 1891, Parsons' Horological College. Next To Post Office For past year with Louis Selig Commercial Job Printing OF -, -.. Every Description ;Our Specialty. TRY IT THE CAROLINA PUBLISHING COMPANY, Telephones No. 58 and 258 - Cor. Water a ic Feci rS rillDft. fcidFFETT'i kJLi (TEETHING POWDERS) Ccsts Only 25 cuts et frvgsist ill Cures Cholera-lnfantum, Diarrhoe.Dysentery, tni the Bowel Troubles ot -' Children of Ant AobA Aids Digestion, RegulaUt tne Boweis,Mrcngthcns the Child and Makes traafea Or mall 5 to C J. MOFFeTT. M. D ST. LOUIS, MO. Mother I Hesitate no longer, but save the health and life oi four child as thousands have done, by glvl.ig ihese powders. TEETHINA Is easily given and Quickly counteracts and over" comes tho effects of the summer's tieatusjon teething chlldr" CAilFOMIA Do you want to live where the climate is mild the year round where labor is never oppressed by stress of weather, and where animal vitality is never lost by mere conflict with cold ? Do you want to live in a region where the resources tse more varied than in any other equal area in the world, where the division of great ranches affords a fine opportunity to get a small farm that will assure you a competence? Do you want to live where, with a minimum of labor, you can grow profitable crops of grapes and small fruit, oranges, lemons, olives prunes and almonds, alfalfa and grain, where crops are sure, business is good and capital. easily finds profitable investment? Then go to California, where both health and opportunity await your coming. ! The Chicago, Union Pacific and Worth -Western Line is the most direct route to the Pacific Coast, and there are two fast through trains daily via this line, over the famous double-track railway between Chicago and the Missouri River. One-wayXolonist tickets are on sale daily, March I to May 15, at the rate of $33.00 from Chicago, with corre spondingly low rates from all points, give you an unusual chance to make the trip. These tickets are good on daily and personally conducted excursions, on which a double berth in a Pullman . tourist sleeping car from Chicago costs only $7.00. Round-trip tickets are always on sale from all points at reduced rates via the Chicago C fJorth-lVestern, Union Pacific and Southern Pacific Railways. PILL IN THIS COUPON AND MAIL IT TO-DAY. KW484 W. 8. KNISKERN, ' ' ' ,. P. T. M. C. 4 N.-W. Ry., Chicago, 111. Please mail free to my address, California booklets, map Ifld foil particulars concerning rates and train service. ' . i r. ; The cotton growers have the fight, and spot cotton reached 11 cents a pound. won has Russia is on the eve of a new Constitution of Government, in which all Beets, sexes, colors and conditions will be admitted to the franchise and representative democ racy will be established. Go slow, friend Bear. The South had to eliminate ignorance from the f ran chise when it was a universal privi lege, and Tom, Dick and Harry, red, streaked and speckled vote staggered to the polls and voted for Marso Abe Lincoln. (Jo slow, Mr. Whitebear, and learn your people the Rs of education before you allow all sorts and conditions of men and the "rest of mankind" to rule the Government. A thimble employs twenty meD in its manufacture, it is a very small article of nrtnuaacture, but ( it cuts a large figure in the world. radts. Womeira Snoeld Mow YOUNG GIRLS art earnestly urged to write ns at once for Free Advice. Make ns year confidant, describe your troubles, 6tHng age, and we Trill send you Instructions and aJvics, la plain sealed envelops. Address: Ladles' Advisory Dept. The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tsnn. , Do "SToni Enow that female disease will drag you down into a . miserable wreck, If yvu uo not ngni 11 wnn an your power, and drive it out of your sys- iv.nn iwuuiig au cciiaiu iu ucsuuy your gooa iooks, ana snorten your life, as that dreadful bane of every woman disordered female junctions, u you surrer irom any remaie disorders, take v- or ; toA Woman's Best Friend It win surely relieve and cure you. CarJui Is a pure, scientific, vegetable medldne. wfth a soe- dfk, soothing, heal!ng, curative effect, upon all the female organs and functions. It relieves monthly and bearlne-down nalns. head ache, backache, dlzz'riess. etc.. reeulates Irregular functions. stoDS abnormal discharge, fcives renewed strength and vital energy to weak wdaen a. id fits them for every duty of life. Try It. At every Druggist's, in $1.00 Bottles. "I WILL N1VM STOP TAKING CARDUI," writ Mrs. F. C W)tri. of 1U lCln' Road. jKkMnville, Fla. Bcfor I ut4 It I wtifhed only 90 lbs., mnt had twtn suffer hif for two yean with frnn.l. trouble. Sine Uklnf four bottles, I havo talntd 40 lb. Inwtifht, and Cardul ha dona ma aior good than any awdlrin I ovar took." ( r I c 0. t

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