Kit K A B K&B K A B KA B KiB KAB KAB K&B KAB KAB K A B SEABOARD ' M & Mm fill! tli t The Proper Things for WEDDING PRESENTS AT THE Kight 8 Bright JEWELRY STORE. AiR Line Rajlvxay IN EFrECJT BEIT. 6th TRAIN SERVICE. n Partly cloudy tonight andThursday; HHOUT LlNETUPniNCIPALCITI- X'ES.OF SOUTH AND BOU Til WEST -J FLOW DA, CUBA, TEXAS, CALIFOK ""NIA AND MEXICO, KKACHLNO Tilt" Light westerly winds. Nobthbousd; Leave Ktizabetli City daily (tX Humlsy). , w i CAPITALS Or BIX STATES. I still Dr. Walter Sawyer, o Shlloh, la now 13 15 pi a is p i In the city on professional business SCHEUULh IN Mb ElJT .IUirYVd,'i6 Arrive Norfolk iaily(eiee)t RlJ RAD NAB NAB b& K4D K66 KAB No. 41. No. 33. Hum! 10 10 a Route. Mr. George Wood la in Norfolk to 1 43 p l 5 1 0 p i a. Lt. Nortolkf via. Ferry )9 00 urn i'4 pm day transacting business of lmpor tanee. Lt. Portsmouth U 25 am s 50 iui Southbound: Lt. BuUolk U 64 am U pm Lpave K. City dally (fZ.Bun.) .... 11 30 a m fl 20 di Personal Mention KAB KAB KA BfI'fB K ' 7 V in Mr. Allan Kramer left today for Portsmouth to attend the funeral of a relative. Mr.S. N. Morgan, a well known farmer of this county, la liero today purchasing supplies. Miss Mary Weeks, of Weeksvllle, Is now In the city the guest of Miss Nancye Burgess. Mr, Ossls II. Wct returned yester day from Norfolk, where he had re mained, slnco Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Sanderlin left today for Norfolk to spend several days as the guests of friends. Mr. George rt. Pennington, or lar l)oro. attended the Outlaw-Grcenleaf marriage this morning. Mr. F. O. Lacey, of Berkley, Is now here fd remain a week as Hie guest of relatives and friends. Mr. George Twiddy returned jester- day from Baltimore, where lio under went treatment in the John Hopkins hospital. His friends aro congratula ting him on his improved condition. It Is thought he will not have to re turn to the hospital again. 1 1 1 ft '.J ' ' The citizen has his own view as t o whether (he youny Hallowe'en cele- brator Has horns or not. f Sydney Smith' Wit. ! "By Jove," said a country squire who liad got the worst of an argument with Bydney Smith, "if I had a son who was , ; a donkey I'd make a parson or nim straightaway:" I "PossiMy," returned the wit, "but vour father was evidently of a different ltalnd.".;-j I Conld Tell In Sonient.jA i Mr. Munn E. Baggs Now, then, you Know What kind of a house I want. O secure the biggest crops of corn, fertilizers must be used liberally. Apply at least 500 pounds to the acre with y2 per cent, nitrogen, 8 per cent, available 4what win it cost to build it? Archi- phosphoric acid, and o per cent. Potash. itect Why urn what was the amount 1 1 y Potash is a most important factor in corn culture. Our practical books for farmers are yours for the asking no cost or obligation of any sort, and a vast fund of invaluable information in them. you originally Intended to put Into the (bnlldlng? Chicago Tribune. ! 81ter-ln-law. Jinks What tender care your wife lakes of you always worrying about your health. Blinks Yes; I have my Ufa insured in favor of my 'sister, IKew York Weekly, Baby sleeps and grow? while mam my rests if Rocky Mountain Tea Is given. It is the greatest baby medl cine ever offered loving mothers. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Standard Phar macy. HOME-SEEKERS RATES TO CALI FORNIA AND PACIFIC COAST POINTS, 8ept. 15th TO Oc tober 31st, INCLUDED. Southern Railway now selling one way tickets to Pacific Coast points at extremely low rate of $46.75. No change of train from Norfolk. Through tourist car to Los Angeles and San Francisco, leaving Washing ton Mondays and Fridays, passing Salisbury 8:30 a. m., Tuesday and Saturdays. Berth rate only i50. Route: Southern Railway th( sgh "The Land of the Sky" and Me -his. Connection for tourist car leaves Norfolk 7:30 p. m. Mondays and Fri days. For particulars write: Passenger Agent. Narfoik Va. ; Addreis. GERMAN KALI WORKS. New York-93 Nassau Street, or Atlanta, Oa.-22X So. Broad Street, D house looks I "Yes, it's been painted with Lucas Paints 1 ' (Tinted Gloss) j That's what gives it Mthe bright, rich, glossy appearance. Lucas Paints give a higher gloss, look better and look better longer than any other paint made. Ask your dealer. . John Lucas & Co Philadelphia The Loftis System At Christmas Time Is great and timely convenience to thousands. It enables per sons in all circumstances to make beautiful and appropriate ' CHRISTMAS GIFTS with a very small Initial cash outlay. Everyone at Christmas time is anxious to give to their loved ones hand some Christmas Presents, but it is not always convenient. The Loftis System of Credit means convenience; Diamonds, Watches and Hand some Jewelry ot all kinds tor ennstmas presents on convenient terms. Vau Am UolrnmA tn Pro Ait whether you are a moderate salaried em IUU AlC VlvltUIIIC Ml VI KUll pioyee or a wealthy employer. The Loftla Syatem makes any honest person's credit good by adjusting- terms to meet their earnings or income. Do not think that you must give a cheap, ordinary prexent because you can only spare a few Dollars Just now. With five or ten Dollars for a first payment you can give Wife, Sweetheart or Mother a beautiful Diamond which will last forever, enhance in value and continually bring pleasant thoughts of the giver's generosity, w.'rlte Today for Our Big Handsome Christmas Catalogue, Our Christmas Catalogue i rvSiuW. copy today aDd glance through the wealth of Gems, Fine Watches and miscella neous Jewelry illustrated on its man; pages. Beautifull Xmaa presents for all. At your leisure in the privacy or your home you can select the Diamond, Watch or piece of Jeweiry you prefer. We will send you any article you may select sub ject to examination and approval. You are perfectly free to purchase or not, Just . ..t W. nw all ar.uca .haw.. UTa tulra ft.ll rl-lt M. Wfl (If1! 1 VPT rnnd LnvwhnrA In thA TTnlted Stfl.tfH. t We Invite you to open an account with us, become acquainted with the famous Loftis System. Remember, it m. ans convenience. Every transaction Is on bouor, prompt and satisfactory, one-flftl. the price to be paid on delivery. You retain the article, sending balance in eight i aual monthly amounts direct to us. Tach ftnire 8re welcome, o, and we have an equally attractive offer for VOoll UUJ vl 9 them, as folio : Pay cash for any diamond and we will give you a written agreement to take : . back at any time within one year, and give you spot cash for all you paid less U . percent. You might, for instance, wear a fifty dollar Diamond for a year, then t id It back to us and gut forty-flve dollars, mak ing the cost of wearing the Diam id for the entire year less than ten cents weekly. No other house makes this offer. Write Today for Christinas Catalogue. Do Your Christmas She pig Now. ?aLloXti Don't wait until the Christmas i selections and have ample time A Test of Merit. the Qold Medal, the highest, awn System could be given, write Our Reliability. wmm; our responsibility and nromptn' as to the quality and value of r be exohanged at full price at an. Write Today I IFF LzlBROSiC Ii Is on. Now Is the time to secure the choice aspect the goods. tlon with the entire world at the St. Louis .ir, our goods, prices terms and methods won. , -.'ivea. Wo stronger endorsement 01 the Loftis day tor Our Handsome Christmas Catalogue. to vour local bank, and they will consult their 'iiiJis. Dun and liradstreet. and tell you that tie umuestioned. We give a signed guarantee Diamond aoKI. Every Dl-moiid we sell may e for a larger stone. Cut Christmas Catalogue DIAMOND CUTTERS WATCHMAKERS, JEWELERS V J Dept. 92 to 98 State St. .t2? CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, U.S.A. E.stb r WANTED Three experienced sales men at once. Apply to Globe Store, Polndexter street. . tf DOY WANTED To loam the print ing t,rado. Apply at this office, oct. Jt-tf. BOARDKHS WANTED Five or bIx young men can secure board by ap plying to Mrs. W. S. Dunton, No. C Burgess street. oct. 14 tf. WANTED Installment collector for merchandise accounts; good &alary and expenses. Address Manager, P. O. Box 1027, Philadelphia, l'a. 11 I n ft 1 I iWaiD ' IMvii.nnt). A 1K n , ... r ojain Ar Wasliington " " 5 5 p rl "'"' Kilint'Ot lit Xnrfti k with Ira Inn Lv. Ilenderson .... S 10 pin Lv Iutlelxh (M) pm Ar. Houthero Pluei 6 10 pin Ar. Hamlt 7 30 pu Ar. Wilmington Ar. Charlotte... ...10 45 ym Lv. Daiuiet 10 15 pin Lv. Columbia 12 30 am FOR SALE For ?125 a round bottom Juniper boat, 2fl feet keel, 8 feet beam 3 1-2 foot deep, copper fasten er, two rivets in each plank, at each Umber also 2 No. 10 galvanized wire Halls. Plank on boat, 1 1-4 Inches jllck. Timbers 2x2-12 Inches thick, Jill In the finest of order. Just the thing for a Nnptha Launch. Applj ' to Wm. Jay Godwin, Elizabeth City, N. C., No. C02 Hunter street. Ar. Augusta 6 130 pm Ar, Bavannali 4 45 am 3 20 pm Ar. .inoKRonvillt. ... sosam u ou pic Ar. TaiupH 6 33 pm 7 .'i an Lv. Hamlet, IS. V 10 1ft pin Ar. Athena 6 03 am Ar. Atlanta 7 40 Bin Ar, liirmingliain Ala At. ftlaoon U 4") pm and from Virginia Heaer and .urrltuc lo 00 am Urani h. Klet'tri.; cars from Norfolk evar hour for Virginia IUaeh and Cat) Henry. Train fur Currituck Branch 9 !S a m unci 4 .15 u m. 1 45 am : 10 00 HI.1 7 'Jp V 1 11' !1 55 pm I) '-'5 am STEAMBOAT SERVICE. DAILY LINK HKTWEKN HKI.HAVE AND NEW HKRNE, N. C. Sol'TII IIOCND. U e a v e 1! e 1 h avert Steamer Neuhf O.on p. ni., 'luesdny, Thursday and Sat urday. Su-amer Oeraeoko, 6.00 o. m 11 10 am 7 21 an Ar. Montgomery ... 0 25 pm 9 20 prr Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Ar. Mobile 5? am nojitii bound Ar. now unmans., ... 7 15 an 9 05 iin ! 40 an 3 45 it LEARN TELEGRAPHY and R. R. Ac counting. $50 to $100 a month Sala ry assured our , graduates under bond. Our six schools the largest In America and endorsed by all rail roads. Write for catalogue. Morse School of Telegraphy, Clnclnnitl, O., Buffalo, N. Y., Atlanta, Ga., La Crosse, Wis., Texarkana, Tex., San Francisco, Cal. sept 14 4m. Ar. Chattanooga... . 1 K) pm Ar. Nashville 6 55 inn Ar. MemphjH 8 45 am u none iv. Carolina K. II. train en route from Elizabeth City, N. C, and intermediate points arrive Portsmouth 10:15 a. m. tluuy; returning leaves Portsmouth 4:55 p. m. except Sunday. Connections at Jacksonville and Tampa for all Florida East Coast Points, Cuba and Porto Rico. Only lino out of Norfolk operating through sleepers to Charlotte, N. C. No. 32 arrives at Portsmouth dally at 8:00 a. m. No. 38 arrives at Portsmouth dally at 5:30 p. m. J. W. BROWN, Jr., Passenger Ogent, Cor, Main and Gran- by Sts., New Atlantic Hotel Build lng, Norfolk, Va. I shall organize clauses at home and give instruction liilin the studies I teach at XL C. A. W. Boettcher. my to the vv'ANTED Good second hand large open Franklin stove. Address Box 237, Elizabeth City. nov 4 and 7 Have you $25,000.00 to $50,000.00 to invest In a thoroughly safe and con servative Jobbing business? Do you wish to locate In the best city In the great Southwest where profits are twice as large as on the Atlantic seaboard and where your sal ary will be correspondingly Increase!? If so, communicate with a Carolina boy who wishes financial aid In ex tending the business of his firm. De tails will be given upon application and the expense of thorough examina tion borne, if not found as represent ed. The party who Inserts this "ad" is personally known to the management of this paper to whom he refers and he courts investigation by parties who mean business. Address, E. D. B., care "Tar Heel." ' octl7 lm. EXCELSIOR CLEANING COMPANY. Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing and Dyeing of all kinds of Silks, Satins, Flannels, Etc. Gentlemen's Wear A Specialty. Also Gents' Clothes Made to order. 114 1-2 Polndexter Street. Phone No. 164, Elizabeth City, N. C. Leave New Htrne Steamer Neuse. fl.O p. m., Monday, Wednesday and Friday Steamer Ocracokc. 6.(M) n. m.. Tuesday Thursday and Sunday. JJotli steamers utop at Oriental eac! way. Leaves Edenton dally (except SurJ day) for Scuppernong river, 1:00 p. irJ Roanoke Ulan. Steamer leaves Elizabeth City dail; except Sunday 1:30 p. m. and leave Roanoke Island dally except Monda at 5:00 a. m Through tickets to Roanoke Island Oriental, New Berne, Wilmington! Kinston, Goldsboro and Morehead CltyJ Leaves Belhaven Tuesday. Thurt- day and Saturday at 5 a. m. for Aurc ra, South Creek, Makelyvllle am Washington, N. C. For further Information annlv n T wj " t II. Crawford, agent EHzaoeti City, oif to the general office ot the N. & 8. R. Company. Norfolk. Va H. C. HUDGENS, Gen'l Ft. & Pa. Agt. M. K. KING, V. P. & Gen'l Mgr. DR. LaFRANCO'S COMPOUND. Soft, f needy regulator; K cents. Dranrliti or HI Vooktet tree. LT LaFRaNOO. PaiUtleUibla. Fa. IK SOUTHERN RAILWAY DOUBLE DAILY SCHEDULE TO Atl POINTS SOUTH AND WKST T iizi&itmm"'mmt n M..fc-"4trf as many delirious morsels J as the tpj layer. Mail your order for a box to W. T. Deans & Co. Elizabeth City, N. (!. Live on Euclid Heights and Enjoy Life. Good water, good drainage, goodbreezes, good people, high land, and the nearest suburban residental section to the new H. ft. depot. Bouid to grow in value- better build your home there, see HATHAWAY, The Real Estate Man. Suffolk & Carolina BailwayOompany TIME-TABLE lv YFV( JULY 10ii, 1906. Express No. 51. Mixed Local. tNo. 37, Jtixed Local. No. 88. No C a.m. Lve i.v.-fol-xitrry) ' Portsmouth f Union Station Ar SutTolk (S & O Station) Lve Suffolk (S St 0 Station) Saunders ' j .Corapeake; ,' " Sunbury Bosley . Beckford Junction Arr. 6 55 7 05 7 30 No. 39 0 40 10 00 10 St Ar Nicanor Parkville Elizabeth City Lve No. 40 4 15 3 5.1 ' 3(KJ Through Pullman Car to CharlotU and tc I lorida without changing trains. IN EFFECT JUNE 18, 1905. Lv. Elizabeth City (dally except Bun day) N. . 8. It. It. 8:35 a, m., am 12;15 and 3:lS p. m. Ar. Norfolk 11:20 a. m. and 4:10 p. m Lv. Norfolk 9:30 a. m.' daily. Local for Suffolk, Franklin, Emporia, Dan' vllle and Intermediate stations Close connection made at DanvlU with fast through trains carrying Pullman Bleeping cars and througi coaches to all points South an West. : - ( 9:20 a. m. dally. Local to Clarksvlllc Oxford, Durham and intermedial' stations. Arrive Durham 6:35 p, r 7:30 p. m. dally Fast express trai: for all points South and West ca ' rylng through Pullman ; sloepin: cars to Asheville. No change c' tralnB to Knoxvllle, Chattanoog: Nashville and Memphis Pullma car handled south of Danville o Florida Express, providing in thi way through service wltnou change of trains to Columbia, Au ' gusta, Savanah and Florida oolnt? 7:30 p .m. daily except Sunday, fo Durham and intermediate stations Trains arrive Norfolk 8:35 a. m an o 6:35 p. m. j City ticket office No. 95 Granby St (Monticello Hotel). ! STANTON CURTIS, Passenger Agent, Norfolk; T. H. B. SPENCER, O. M. W. II. TAYLOE, G. P. A., Washington. D. C. ' Chesapeake Line STEAMERS ATLANTA. AN D AKpUST BEST ROUT ' BEST ROUl TO BALTIMORE iNE ALL POINTS NORTH, EAST AS D WEST .8.00 J .7.00 i .7.00 a Lv. Norfolk (Jackson st.).... Lv. Old Point Comfort Aa. r:to., Pier 19, Light st. B.40.R.R P.E.I 6 45 9 20 Lve Tiotville ... 4 25 6 50 9 30 A Hcbbsville 4 15 6 57 9 40 (fliden 4 05 7 05 10 00 I Ryland 3 45 7 10 10 10 Icaria 3 35 7 15 10 20 Uenter Uill 3 25 7 19 10 30 Of 310 7 23 10 35 4 x 3 05 7 30 10 45 fal! I 2 55 7 37 10 55 Ian 245 7 45 11 15 ArT We it . Lve 2 30 Daily. Daily except 'unl. j " ' " Connections at Suffolk with fcj. A. L., ivauway. Southern Railway. u, rvaunaj, ana monoiK it western iiauway. Lv. l!altimore. . . Ar. Philadelphia Ar. New York . . . . 7.55 a m .10.15 a m .12-35 p m 8.00 a 10.15 a 12.43 p Steamers leave daily except Sunu ' For sti-U rooms and any informal call City Ticket Offick, 95 Gka St., Under Monticki.lo Hotel, 2 folk, Va., Phones 112, or write E.T.LAMB, STANTON CUR1 Gen. Agent. Pass. Ar A. S. Wkihigek. Jen. Pass. AgM SufToIk, V HOLLISTER'tJ Rocky ?ountain Tea Ihr A Easy MeCioin lor Bnsj Feopls. Trligt Golden Health and Renewed V:, A rrwoif! for Constirtion. Iu(i!pition nml Kiilui-T Troubles. PimplfS, Eoeii'n, i M.v-kJ. Ba I HreAth. Slatrijisli Bowels, r and Burkacha. i T' r ' . 21 " ' U-t form, tr cents a boa. Oaniilu ?n.i Ilobusnra Pnv9 Compaxt, MaJison, W CCLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW FZ