iUGTIOlSALES ldaimed and Re fused Freight. JifOLKl SOUTHERN RAIL ROAD COMPANY i will sell at AUCTION ,011 PUBLIC idav, Nov. 24th at its rehouse on Water St. NORFOLK, VA. allowing Uf cf ii'iclulmcd mid rc 1 article. too.hr r with a lot of ukffl freight Goods so'J without inteo of quality, quantity, or a ! Sale comn;"ic at 10 a. in. its cash. CEO. M. Gl.AXIEK, Au liter Destination, Norfolk, Va. Davenport, I lot II. II. goods. le Whitley, 1 lot H. II. soods. E. Jood, 1 baby caniuge. N. niock, 1 mpty bottles. F. Fletcher, 1 bdi. 1 bd.1. bedding. S. Sacher, 1 nd; 1 box clothes. Southerr DIs ; lng Co., 2 bags cotton 3ced. W. s & Co., 1 empty W. barrel. tinatlon, Elizabeth City, N. C. j. C. Overton, 1 brl. clothes. Rosa aker, 1 lot. H. H. goods. D. B. 1 pee. C. I. Pipe. Paul Saun jl'bdl. Iron Fence. II. W. Wll . 1 bdl. Carpet. Elisha Harris, in stool. L. M. Bright, 4 cases g; 1 case drugd- SI. J. Saw- Pkg. Castings. destination, Edenton, N. C. ana Myrlck, 1 lot H. II . gooda . I Marrelson, 2 bdts. Paper Bags. V. II. Batnlght, 1 Wood Pole. II. C. Prlvott, I bdl. Wood. Kranlc Hill. 1 ' empty barrel: 1 hoe; 1 saw, ' Destination, Newborn, N. C. J. 0. Dunn & Co., 1 J. case; 1 box Klaus. ('. I'. Paul, 3 boxes drugH. K. Reynolds, 1 brl. Notions. A. M. Ed wards, 3 c its. E. Ware. J. J. Johnson, Berkley, Va., 4 truck wheels and axles. Columbia Store Co., Columbia, N. ('., 1 Miow case. J. U. Taylor. Roanoke Island, X. ('., 1 box P. goods. It. A. Kohlass, Col uiulila, N. C, 2 wings. Frank Bow ser. Fnowden. X. C, 1 rocker wltl package attached. S. H. Ellison & Co Wllllamston. X. C. 5 rolls and 1 bdl M. . Paper. E. A. Olblis, Wysock In?,', N. C, I Crt. Furniture. Springer Lumber Co.. South Creek, X. C. 1 Casting. R. J. Hodges, Oriental, X. C, 1 box spoons. A.M. Fletcher. At lantic, X. C. 1 box Hardware. X. B. Sears, Sladesville. X. C, 2 boxes Pat ent Medicine, Unmarked Freight. Chairs, rockers, empty kegs, bar rels. mattresses, show eases, bars of Iron, paper bags, castings, and lnnum erable other articles. The 'i rail, Ballad that won Lewis and CUrk prise.) The call comes, strong- and Insistent, Out of the west, or, hark! "Follow through hall and sun the trail Ulased by Iwls and Clark!" Norfolk Markets On with the blanket and saddle; Ride like the devil ponMnaed; Swift on the way, nlfiht and day, lilt the trail to the west. Sting of the wind In our faces, Crunching of hoofs on sund Whatever bolide, pause not, lut ride Straleht to the promised land. Whiteness of sails on the orenn, Gleaming- of gold In the I..'". Glory of grain on the harvest wain, Curl.ng of smoke from the mills. - Off with the saddle and Manuel; Kindle our huarth tires' spark Here's all hnll to the woxtward trail II lazed by J-ewl and Clark! Mrs. A. A. Undilay. KITTY HAWK NEWS NOTES OF INTEREST. Kitty Hawk N. C, Nov7. Miss C. Toler, after spending Sun day In our midst, left on the schooner Lou Willis Monday for her homo In Elizabeth City. Mr. O. Daniels passed through this place for his home at Wanchcse, N. C, lo nav the last tribute of respect to his deceased brother. Mr. I. E. Tlllott and Miss Hattie Partridge, of Nags Head, were In our midst Sunday. Rev. A. w. Price was called upon Sunday to preach the funeral of one of the old citizens, Mr. James Pugh, of Collngton. Capt. F. If. MiJgett went to Norfolk last Monday on business. Mr. Samuel Tailor was the guest of Mr. Oorge W. Bailance Sunday. stamped stationery special offer until Nov 15 l With orders for,50 engraved visiting cards we give free of -5 charge 2 quires finest writing paper, with envelopes to I match, stamped with any two or three letter Monogram. This in an nTt.raoivlinnrv offer to irrt. (Christmas orders now. . Now we can fill them. This Is The Offer. 50 cards engraved in old English or IJonan,-48 sheets pa- per, with envelopes, with any two or three letter Monogram for $1.40. Work delivered Dec. lei. P. W. MELICK CO. , til'" J! f h nn pu lie most complete line of Pure food a Cereals, etc. ever ?v carried in this city. Viz. HO. Steam Cooked Oat Meal. rce, "Holegrane" Entire Wheat Flour, ncake Flour. Ambrosia. ;oat-Farina. 0. G. Rolled Oats, thers Oats, American Groats, Grape Nuts mutated Hominy. v Raisins, Currants Citron, Figs, Sp Ci and Nuts. omplete line of Heinz' choice pickles, pie and Fancy Groceries, ds to suit the most fastidious taste at unheard of prices for strictly high" grade articles A call at DOVE GROCERY' 115 Poindexter Street, ill convince the most skeptic? . A Hint Tor Lover.. Bclug "In love" Is very different from loving and may be only a selfish emotion, which Is the direct opposite of loving. Being In love without lov ing Is boudago sometimes pleasant and sometimes painful, but always bondage, says Leslie's Monthly. True loving means freedom freedom both for ourselves and, as far as It Is in our power to give It, for all whom we love, for when wo truly love another human being we loro him for the sake of bis best strength, bis best use and bis best happiness, and not at all for the sake of ourselves. Costlr Card.. The Empress Catherine, noticing that the beautiful Mile. Potocka, who bad lately come to court, bad no pearls, Im mediately . commanded a fancy dresa ball, to which the girl was bidden to come as a milkmaid. Then while Mile. Potocka was dancing the empress slip ped a superb necklace of pearls Into the pail she carried and at her exclama tion of wonder said, "It Is only the milk which has curdled." Is It Worth While? ts It woith while that we Jostle a brother Bearing Ills load on the rough road of life? Is It worth while that we jeer at each other, In blackness of heart that we war to the knife? God pity us all. In our pitiful strife. God pity us all as we ontle each other; God pity us all for the triumphs we feci When a fellow goes down 'neath his load on the heather, rierced to the heart. Words are keener than steol v - And mightier" far for woe than for weal. Were It not well In this brief little Jour ney On over the Isthmus, down into the tide. We give him a fish Instead of a serpent Ere folding the hands to be and abide Forever and aye In dust at his side? Look at the roses saluting each other, Look at the herds all at peace on the plain; Man, and man only, makes war on his brother And laughs In his heart at hln peril and pain I Shamed by the beams that go down on' the plain. Is It worth while that we battle to hum ble Some poor fellow down Into the dust? God pity us all! Time eftsoon will tum ble All of us together, like leaves in a gust. Humbled, Indeed, down Into the dust. Joaquin Miller. Wooden Toothpick.. "Ktnn chewlni? tnntlinlpVn vnniip man, If you value your life," said u physician to one of bis patients. "You unconsciously swallow little shreds of the wood, which are not digestible and which become compact In the stomach. Finally you are annoyed by a hacking cough and the spitting of blood and you do not know what Is the matter with you. You Imagine you have consump tion or some similar affliction when It Is only the foreign substance In your stomach, that makes the strongest pro test against your carelessness or igno rance In allowing It to accumulate there. Stop chewing toothpicks and swallowing quack nostrums, and by taking ordinary care of yourself you will live out the allotted threescore and ten years." Hecker's Old Homestead" Flap Jack Flour Makes delicious Flap jacks, Huffins and Gems. x Norfolk, Va., Nov 7th, 1905 The prices are strictly wholesale (not Job lots) and represent prices obtained on actual sales yesterday. PEANUTS. No Sales. Fancy 3V4 Strictly prime 3 - Prime 294 Machine picked 2145? 294 Punch 23 2 Low grades 2t4 2, Spanish peanuts 90c. Q H. E. Peas 3.30 Grain, Hay, Etc. COliS White. C8c. CORN' Mixed. CCc. OATS In store, 38c 40c. MILL FEED Bran, per ton, from store, $22.00; middling, per ton, from store, $23.00; shlpstuff, per ton, from Country Produce. Good demand. POULTRY Spring chicken, 2025; old hens, 30c35c. BUTTER Country butter, 15c. EGGS 20c. per dozen. COUNTRY HAMS Smlthfleld, new, lGc.318c; Virginia country, He. lCc; good North Carolina, 12c. He. BEESWAX 2Cc. per pound. Truck. POTATOES Irish, Northern, per barrel, $1. 00(31.50. SWEET POTATOES Per barre" $1.50$1.75. ONIONS Northern, $3.00$3.E0. CABBAGE Per crate, U-00fl.2f Fruits. APPLES $3.00 4.00 per barrel. ..NAVAL ORANGES $3.00 to $3.50 box. LEMONS $3.50 $3.70. PINEAPPLES Per crate, $2.50 $3.00. BANANAS Per btmck. Tie. to $1. ORANGES Florida, t2.IO2.75. Dried Fruits. APPLES Per pound, evaporated, 7c.; sun dried, Sc.QSc. RAISINS California, per 20-pound box, $1.C5. Raisins, seeded, 12-ounce, 7'e.; Ifiounee, He. FIGS California, 50-pound box, 7c. Hides. ' Dry, damaged, per pound,-10c. Green salt hides, per pound, 10'c. Green salt calves, 90c.$1.00. Tallow, per pound, 4,c. Cattle Market. Market active. Southwest Virginia steers, rer pound, 4c.4c; Southwest Virginia heifers, per pound, 4c.4c; South west Virginia cows, per pound, 2c. 3c; North Carolina and Virginia steers, per pound, 3c4c; North Carolina and Virginia cows, per pound 21&c.3c; medium and thin cattle, per pound, 2c.2c; sheep, per pound, Sc.Sc; milchcalves, prime, per pound, 5c.6c; yearlings, per pound, 3c.3c.; spring lamb, per pound, 5c.Cc. Shingles. SHINGLES Cypress, size 6x20. Market, dull. No. 1, heart, split $5.50$6.00 No. 1, sap, split No. 1, heart, sawed 6.50 7.00 No. 2, heart, sawed i 5.00 5.50 No. 1, sap, sawed 5.00 5.50 No. 2, sap, sawed 3.00 3.50 Laths North Carolina. Fine, per 1,000 $1.75f2.M A Large Line of Fancy EIMDS ' i. . ..FOR..;-3 - 11000 i VTr w THE:. 9 UL Call and See Them Prices SO per cent. lower than vou have been pay ing; for the same goods I Why -pay big Prices fcr LADIES' TRIMMED HATS Rollinson's. Wanted ! Boys and Girls, 12 years of age and up wards to do clean, healthy work ---Good assa, s wages. ram wnne learning. Apply to -'gee. to bnuo ou can buy ality autl up slyles for 98 cents 98 and your choice for $1.50 at the cut price store. Thanksgiving-Foot-Ball Game. Tickets will be on sale at the of fice of Culpepper, Griffin, Old and Grice Co. from now until Nov. 20, for the Thankae;ivii)tf Day foot-ball game between Virginia ard N. Carolina. Seats should be secured at once as only a limited number have been allowed Elizabeth City, The crowd is sure to be unusually large, and having a seat secured in advance will avoid the unpleasant ness of Laving to stand on the end of the field where it is almost im- v possible to see the game. The price of all tickets is 1.50 each. T. W. 'WILLIAMS, MCR lThe Proof is in the 108 Poindexter St. Trying. DESIRABLE HOMES notice; bale vavua PROPERTYl ' Elizabeth City Hosery Company S1.S 1 Elizabeth City, N. C. , By agreement and under directions of the Stockholders; the Ice plant at Skyco, N. C, consisting of land, ma chinery, lioiler, fixtures, appliances, and all other personal property of every description belonging to and lo cated in said plant including build ings, will be sold at public auction at the Court House door in Mariioj, X. O on Tuesday the 14th day of November, l!or. at 12 o'clock M. Term of sale One fourth cash, bal ance in one, two and three j'ears, title and property retained until pur chase money Is secured to be paid, or actually paid, interest at six per cent, on deferred payments. This November .1,' 1903. CCEtttLMllcJ id Cwtilii 37 ROSCOB V. TURNER, AU lit rn J 2t In w ' ' V .: SEE FOR YOURSELF. When you are about to get glasses I rant you to see for yourself the splendid facilities I possess for ac curately and effectively fitting the eyes. With these facilities, with my special methods and with the care ful attention given to every case dis satisfaction Or BfStflfoi ro an In)-1 possibility. I urge you see for your-! self. I ' DR. J. D. HATHAWAY, Refracting and MTg. Optician. Office over McCabe and Grlce. In City and Country always on hano. I can serve you at any time with b st Ileal Estate. IT. R. PARKER,.- Geglif I Redl liUis Elizabeth Cif, H. C Always Fresh AND Good Our fraukeKt statements or the most fulsome praise of those who Lave reaped the benefit from their UHe could not convince you as sure ly find completely or quickly as a little demonstration on your own back or chest. !So we say, take home and try a Standard Pain Plaster. A few hours wear over the seat of pain will do more to prove its worth than reams of paper con versation. For sale by Standard Pharmacy Cor- Main and Poindexter Streets PHARMACY. 11 Road Sts.il AU J r Institute for Young Women Conserva tory of Musi.-. TiTe Best. P:a:.E for Yoi:r f Ja JUiH LV Courses !Iish SlaofcrJ Catalogue Address, jM.Dinwiddia rt-tril.l'n.' ALBEMARLE Cor. Main and If you cant come, phone us. phone orders promptly filled. 1 '-rr. ncv-jawg.wi s uuBuanw i.carri the'Way" "THE ELK" Hatters, Furnish- ers and Mer chant Tail oring. 517 East Alain St.

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