"The d aily VOL. 0. ELIZABETH CITY, N. C, THURSDAY, NOV. 9. 1905. Tourist And Guide Will Maintain Their Local Schedule Construction Of Gas Plant Will Commence Ja Iff.'" tumim ', w. in-1 m J GOOD AUTHORITY GAVE OUT THIS MORNING THAT CHANGE WILL NOT BE MADE TO RAPPA HANNOCK RIVER A GREAT RUSH IN FREIGHT. The steamers Tourist and Guide will not lie removed from Carolina wa ters to assume a route on the Rappa hannock river between Norfolk and Fredericksburg. This statement was First Of Y. n. C. A. Star Course Thi? Star entertuiniiienr course of the Y. M. C. A. will open on t ho night of tli 20th iastant, when the Eva Hurt lei t Macey Co. will c;i'.'o one of lu celebrated entertainments at th? association hall. The company Is composed of the fol lowing: Miss Eva BartlUt Macey. made on good authority to an Econo- versatile entertainer: ko.hti :ie ai -mlstman this morning. The two steam-1 mond, basso: Miss O.a Averoit De rs will maintain their present route ! Armond. accompanist, aid Miss El.i- and schedule in every particular and will continue to be a great conveni ence to local shippers and receivers of freight. With this statement, how ever, comes the assurance that the hange was very seriously contemplat ed and that It was only to the' re sumption of normal conditions in the affairs of the Virgina-Carollna Inland Steamship Company that the boats are not now plowing the waters of the Rappahannock The freight house of the steamers nor Piper, comeMst. E;. h member is an artist in thel;- respective pans and together form a combm-itioti 1 hat baa received the ''-lghest cjrniendaiion by the press. . t- Season tickets for Irt- Star course I nre now on -sate and are goins? stead ily, and from them tie receipts will be sufficient to gutMTi'eo no loss to the Y. M. C. A. Th? course -will be composed of :he same nt'rao'.ions j-tbat will appear in the V. M. ('. A. hail ;ii.f Norfolk ami Newport N -w?. and was this morning a busy scene. Great) "e me -- i-.r-.i-M-,, ... nlles of releht of all descriptions al- '' :.:' i i n Lyco l n. most blockaded It. Much of it was marked "Norfolk," but the greater part of It was consigned to Columbia and the Intermediate stops on that end of the line. These conditions ap peared the literal antipode of the re moval of the boats because of lack of patronage and that another steamer of equal capacity could be pressed into service very handily was appar ent. This rush in freight has been con tinued some time and will likely in crease Instead of diminish. When It is known that these boats have strong opposition .which ' must also prove profitable to owners, ! good idea can be obtained of the vast quan tities of all kinds of merchandise sold in this city end shipped to the sur rounding towns1 and- villages. Regular shows at the Academy oT Music are now only dreamed of, and the Siar course will be relished with a zest iiy me lovers oi ei-.iei tainnifiit. Home Wedding Was Attractive MR. A. W. JORDAN .AND .MISS MAUD TURNER, A MOST POPU LAR YOUNG COUPLE, PRINCI PALS IN IMPORTANT EVENT AT WINFALL. OTHERS HAVE FAILED IN THIS SAME STUNT. -ftmrass'Wlli Concluded Toddy ANQUET TO INLAND WATER WAY PARTY WILL BE GIVEN IN ELKS' HALL PROMINENT CITI ZENS NOW BEING CHOSEN TO 8PEAK COMMITTEE. ENTHUSI ASTIC. Did Stallings Murder Hewitt? NORFOLK OFFICIALS SAID TO BE WEAVING A CHAIN, OF EVI DENCE AROUND HIM FROM WHICH HE WILL FIND IT HARD TO EXTRICATE HIMSELF." HE' IS NOW IN CAMDEN. Columbia's Jail Is Being Filled Rapidly CLEAN SWEEP BEING MADE IN "BLIND TIGER" CASES BY THE STATE CROWDS ATTENDING EACH DAY NO BILLS OF IN DICTMENT AGAINST ASSAULT ERS OF SOLICITOR WARD. It has now been decided that the banquet in honor qf the party of in land, waterway engineers, who,, ac companied by Hon. John . H. , Small, will arrive here next Monday, will be piven in the Elks' .hall that night. The -contract to furnish the repast has bean a wank d to the Poindexter hotel, 'of which Mr. W. C. Dawson is proprie tor. Mr. Dawson is giving it his per sonal supervision and says the menu -will be the finest ever served in the city. The canvass for funds to de fray the expense! of the reception of the distinguished visitors will be ter minatod today and the solicitors are "Quint" Snalliagijf ii.e man .held here Monday night. while the authori ties communicated with the Virginia officials to ascertain bis jiositlon iu the murder of John Hewiu, at South Norfolk, a mystery attracting the at tention of the whole country, has now gone to Camden county, in the vicinity ot Shiloh, where. It. is said, he Is in terested In some manner In the. lum ber -business. As the "result, of a ! query, Sheriff Reld was informed tbat nothing tangible had developed in the investigation of the case on which Stallings could possibly be held, and his release was the only thing pos sible for the local officers. On secur ing his release he had also secured sobriety and did not talk so voluably as on the night before, which talk caused him to be spotted by the offi cers. Further evbjrnce gathered in Nor folk shows that the rale Stallings told here was untrue in nearly every re spect. He said he was knocked down by the same club that crushed H-w j ,)ail vpen(jnj, ,iie imposition of sen III n Ptn. ij i J , aim ij ouunwiuwo..'. . The most interesting term of court held iu years at Columbia, Tyrrell county, has been in progress all the week and hundreds of people from all parts of the section aro attending. Since the August term it has been known that the present would be a "blind tiger" session and it is proving so in all respects. Each day witness es the arraignment of one or more peo ple on the charge of retailing without license and the county jail is being steudily tilled, showing .the work of Solicitor Hallett S. Ward, who is pros ecuting with his well known vigor and ability, and ot Judge Shaw- and the ories. As yet ou no occasion has a man been cleared of the retailing charge and all who have escaped against whom the grand jury found a blll of indictment, have done so by running away. Three Jailed Monday. On Monday J. Thomas Johnson, Wil liam Basnight and Charles De Cormis were tried on the liauor charge and promptly adjudged guilty, the evi dence being ample and convincing. The court would not release them on Glenn Clearly Defines Position Governor Favor Federal Control of Quarantine and Opposes Pauper Labor. Raleigh, N. C, Nov. 8. Gov. Glenn today, upon leaving for the Southern quarantine' and Immigration conven tion at Chattanooga, stated his views upon the subjects to be discussed as follows: "As to quarantine, I believe It should be under federal regulation and control, with a system allowing the greatest possible liberty of ingress and egress at the ports, consistent with the public safety. "So far as immigration Is concerned, what we want are homeseekers and honest day laborers from God-fearin and God-abiding countries, people who obey the law'and order, but "we should adopt stringent laws against pauper labor, the riffraff and the criminal ele ment.' At the residence of (he bride's pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Turner, Miss Maud Elizabeth Turner and Mr. A. V. Jordan, were married yesterday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock by Rev. Jo slah Elliott, of the Baptist church. The bride, a beautiful and popular young lady, was becomingly attired In Alice blue, while the groom, a prom inent farmers of that county, wore the conventional black. The parlor was tastefully decorated with ferns and chrysanthemums, and the bridal party entered to the strains of Mendels- J sohn's wedding march, rendered by the bride's sister. Miss Mamie Turner After the ceremony was performed, they were driven to the depot, where amidst a shower of rice and the con gratulations of many friends, they took the north bound train for Wash ington, D. C. -where they will spend their honeymoon. Many and valuable were the presents received from their numerous friend. The out of town visitors at the marriage were Messrs. J. M. Jordan, of Norfolk, brother of the groom; T. T. Turner, of Elizabeth City, brother of the bride; Guy New by and Nat. Tucker, of Hertford, and Misses Bessie Riddlck, Pattle Whed bee and Mr. and Mrs. V. F. Edwards, also of Hertford. The work of erecting the plant, for which the local w; power company secured a fr in the memorable fight In th mm- nismuer some mont! hen a Norfolk firm made a bi will commence on or about Jai and will be rushed to a rapid tlon. Several sets of plans plant and system are now un consideration of the company choice will be made In aboii week. The plant will be built on tl erty of the company on PenaJ avenue and will be modern b respect. It will contain all th( improved machinery and In del he as complete as any plant country. The franchise specifies the fore which It must be complet In order to accomniuh th J time 11 rannnl l I.. than the first of the year. Wb finished the people who prefer electricity can obtain It at rate er, or as cheap, as any city car, Mr. VV. G. Sucro, the well i civil engineer, is now here ar plan and supervise a portion work of Installing the system. 1 LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. The IT. S. S. Boutwell Is now dry docked at Willey's . marine railway. The hull is being scraped and painted below the water line. The work will consume several days. .The large coveys of quail in Camden are daily drawing crowds of huntsmen from this city. An unusually large number crossed the line today, niak ing up several parties, and as many no doubt will be killed as there was on the first day of the season. TRADE EVIDENCES OF APPROACH OF CHRIC Heavy shipments of goods af being received at the new 5 cents store on Water street u managers are working almos and day to get the stock In pi. to make the intended dlsplay store room has been fitted es for the stock and it will be 1 attractive place. , Thi is only one of the m dences of the near approach o mas. All the atoree' that wiL holiday goods at? all are getti in and making displays.- j The Indications are that t merchants will . experience a ally heavy trade- all during j days. .. :' ''... ";" ; Marri At'ParsQ Oysters from tho lower sounds are now to be purchased in almost any quantity in the local markets:, As yet i they are small and not of the delicious flavor they will have later in the sea- ! son. l hey are ueing reauny purcnas- ed, however, and bring high prices. NbthinE ran bo learned concerning At I fie Y.iVl. C A. the opening of the oyster houses and that they will be closed all during the season seems assured. MR. CLIFF MADRIN Ar CLYDE SPIRES PR1NC: AN , IMPRESSIVE. CI LAST. EVENING AT. ME PARSONAGE. I Week, Of Prayer showed a ncRTTm his head, but it 'has been proven that the abrasion on his showing great activity. They say that I t,Pa(1 Wits made with a beer bottle in the necessary amount, has not yet. been seen red, but claim they will have no trouble whatever in getting signa tures for it. They are profuse in their praise of the quick and liberal manner in which the people, especially the business men, have responded, and are -a.cidedly "enthusiastic over the -prospects of giving the entertainment they planned in every respect. President Sheep, of the Chamber of 'Commerce, is now making arrange ments with several of the city's most prominent speakers to maks addresses at the banquet, but their names have not as yet been given out. No word has yet. been received from Senator Simmons and it is not known if he will accompany the party. He is tinother exceedingly popular public man In this section and the commit te bopes that he will be present, in order that he may be included in an event at which will be shown the apprecia tion of Elizabeth City. "There's no beauty in the all land That can with her. face compare, Her Hps are red, her eyes are bright, -She takes Rocky Mountain Tea at night. Standard Pharmacy. the hands of an angry saloon keeper in Norfolk. "He stated, also that he gave his sister a hundred dollars with which to investigate the murder, but it. has been shown be offered to bit: the dead man a suit of clothes, W:it tj Norfolk ostensibly for the purpose, but got. drunk and came to Elizabeth i City. As link after link of evidence and the exact facts in the case are secured j Stallings seems to be connected wit h the murder stronger than was at first believed. The latest advices from Norfolk say that, his conduct sine the murder has been of a highly suspi cious character and went so far as to intimate that his arrest, would ulti mately follow. The officers and news paper men are working on the case constantly and each day throw light on It. Several of the principals nave changed their stories regarding what took place, at the Hewitt home that nijtht. Aside from the interest naturally felt, in the unravelling 6t a mystery in which the crime was a brutal murder, great attention is being given the case here on account of the fact that both Hewitt and Stallings were known in this section. tence. but jailed them. On Tuesday James Etheridge, Jordan I. Jones, "Jo seph Beasley and two others, whose names could not be obtained, were found guilty ou evidence equally as strong and they, too, were committed to the county jail to await final sen tence being passed upon them. There wer two others, Drew White and Louis Rowsom, both colored, who were to have been tried Tuesday, but who will always be considered wise tin y skipped, t'p until yesterday morning at 7 o'clock the efforts of of ficers to find them had failed. They weie both considered among Hie most notorious of all the illicit venders in the county and it. is said there was an abundance of evidence against them. Wednesday was also consumed by A, week of prayer has now been ar ranged to be held at the Y. M. C. A. hall. It will commence on the 12th and last until the 19th. There will be meetings for men every night, during the week, commencing with a song service ai 7:45 o'clock. Rev. W. R Haight, of Portsmouth, has been se cured by the association to speak nightly at these meetings and they will be among the most attractive of the same nature ever held In the city. All men are cordially invited to at tend each service, but boys under 1G will not be admitted. The street Improvers are now un usually busy and fortifications are be ing made against the severe winter weather. The oyster shells being used on some of the thoroughfares aro certainly the most noticeable material being used in tho work on account of the highly enjoyable odors they emit. Death Of A Well Known Han A sad and most shocking deni.h took place Li.l Thursday at noon. It claimed one of our. brightest young men, end one wlt'l a character almost without a n equal. Charles Heath was greatly loved by all who knew him and was just budding into manhood, being 21 years and 20 days old. He was the beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Columbus Heath, whom he leaves the "speak easy" cases ard it is said to mourn his loss. He also leaves one j brother, Mr. Timothy Heath, and a devoted sister, who is Mrs. James : Humphlrtt, formerly of this place, but So far the grand jury has not Issued now of Winfall. bills of indictment against those who ' The funeral tooV place from his late the jail is nearly full. Shooters Not Arraigned. made the murderous assault last Au gust on Solicitor Ward by firing sev eral loads of buckshot into his room at the hotel. Sometime ?go it was the belief of Columbia people that there would be some arrests in con-, nection with this sensational affair, but now it Is thought that the officers have been balked In their attemptB to detect the guilty parties. res!dence, 308 Walnut street, Friday afternoo::. at 3 o'clock, and was at tended by a host of friends and rela tlves. He was buried in Hollywood Cemetery. The following gentlemen acted as pallbearers: Me-srs. Raynor Pritch ard, Willuj Sandcis, George Chappel, George Ballance, Daniel Williams and C. W. Bright. The prediction that .November would be a month of marriages is be ing borne out almost every day. Be sides the double event to take place next Wednesday, there aro several more to take place, but at present it is impossible to give the names of the principals. S.p'1'e of I hem will be sur prises to i- !' 'u'lmato f i lends of the coi'p.'-v. BRIDE AN'J GROOM DEAD. Mr. Cliff J Madrln ' and 7 Spires, a well known youh; this city, were quietly rn evening at 8 o'clock in" th the Methodist . parsonage Btreet. Rev. A. P. ,Tyer, c Methodist church, perforn emony In a most Impress Mr. John Simpson, whr man, and Miss Nettie. .Up maid of honor, were the o es, quietness being adhev the previous and subseque After the ceremony the driven to the residence Mrs. James Barclay, on ) nun, which the bride and make their temporary T will not go on a bridal to The engagement was , to a few and the announc wedding today is causing ; surprise among their .m who are hastening to off gratulations and well wi Barrels Of Fui At Has At the residence of V man, on Factory avenue an event of unusual attr wer found dead In their homo here to day by neighbors, who were attracted to the house by the firing of shots. Hnrford, who has worked In a fac tory here, has been 111 for several cays. Mrs. minora visueu me iac tory today and was told that her bus band's position would be kep' open for him. Shortly after she returned to her home a shot was heard, and Mrs. Hurford called for help. When neighbors arrived Hurford and his wife were dead, both having been shot Whether the tragedy' was one of mur der and suicide or double suicide is hot known. , Dcuble Suicide or Murder and Suicide of NeWly Wedded Couple. Neberg, Ore.,' Nov. 8,--Carl Hur ford and his "wife, a bride of aJ-x weeks, one of the first of the k on. It will be a "mas to which the general pi The whole residence disposal of the maskers tures will be Introduce tertalnment. Every n laden with fun and am who attend are asked any old garb that wi Identity until the time removed, and the mo better they will be lik Barrels of fun are who will pay the adn at the door. The pro the Factory arenue

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