A1LY ECONOMIST EVKKV ArTfcHlOO ExtTtrT j NUNUA.T Jv' Carolina Pub. CoM jZABETH CITY, N. C. Trial Of Third Autineer Begun ;:tsCimTION I'KICK: 81 oo. .as. ikv.cx, K1. iii Cliii'f of. Water and Fearing Stt. 'lei, 58. Editorial Rooms. 258. initiations bhould he uJJrcis- The Caiiolina IViii.ihhi.no r, Ulltabeth City. N. C. JRSOAY, NOV. 9, 190S. Hly niaile French whkIi the lima cost $40,000. la vapor Is a mo.si viiluuld nt. It will riil ;i : h tin f a minute. find waterway an. I tin A uri'bt reserve arc now i ho .orks In South Carolina. AiloiiiiKti.ii. N. (V. Nov. S. Tlio t.-i:il u ItnlxTi Sinit, tlix ilihil of tin allege,! inulhieeiK I in nil scIkmiih'I' lliiny A. Ili'iMiml. was i. -Mimed In th Federal Court toilay. the Jury panel ImiltiK been etuijeled id iowdhicu pie siiniitintitul iih lulemiien. The wit niHHiK lxl'i were Ciiitnin Stetson, lite Jlerwind Khlp broker, of rhllule. phla; Captain J. W. Taylor, inaHter, and Theodore Simon, inato of the hcIhmjiii t Blanche II. Klnn, which took the niiitlnoiiH crew from the llerwlmt. Arthur AdaniH. one of tin two mutin eers previously convicted, and several witnesses from Soulhport, who test I tieil as to conditions alumni the aban doned ship wlien nlie was lowed III ! ihere. The statement of Adams dhl not materially differ fioni that ho made In his own Ik half, placing III'' entire responsibility on Scoit when Adams and Sawyer wi r both on trial earlier in the week. Sentence litis not yer, been passed upon the prison will not bt! until they have testified In the trial of Scott, now in progress. t friend of the nej-ro Is the white man, In some town in gro Is not allowed to nettle, Grange negro who conies H stay over night. 'A take a peep in the Olive tore. It will make your ter to see the new fresh y have for you, fancy and rerles to anil the most fas- llpplnes, and what to do with ie great white "elephant' In 8.' Roosevelt Is not'much iking back steps, and when i bad bargain ho "sticks the It" Our purchase of the i was a bad bargain for tis. -i In the prgatory of atone- Its Jong and grievous of a down-trodden and ig- le.. .said that in a hundred vorld .would be wholly Cos oily Republican.. This pro- m has not yet. had time for icatlon, but It seems to be f fulfillment. ck Is doomed. Russia was mghold, and the autocrat ounded the despotism In have groaned in his grave is,, the last ot the Russian i trembling hands and bition, handed His stained meant to say "Witch") preme dictator of all the 'nve'sted. him with power i check but his own swee s of dynasty Is no busi: but a cat can look at a I puper can have an opin- f state, and availing bur latural and inalienable make bold to say that ig step .of, the , head of vas eminently wise and Witch (now . we are ) Is a name, to conjure as lately had an insight of the workings of Re- .1 must have seen that f the people is best for t "Witch" will extend j the other people of ;est liberty, the most ! es of citizenship and t, universal education, U Spelling Book" and 'ales" are in the hand" and adult in Republl- Where th' Brook It Dssp I like t' tilt u wn, v from town Thoso imiKuV summer days. T' lironlt uwuy from InisltiuHS care. I'orKPttln city ways, An' wnridi r c.:t nmont; th' trcos T' where til' bruok Is deep When th' day 1 1 dyln In th west An th' hliiN mo kovi' t' slf-cii. When th' crlc k t chirp f th' katydid An th tiirklo Joins Uh volet T' tli' choir lliut makes a fullow feol 'S If ho nlwim would rejoice Occus he's had n chance f lie Where iod has done Ills best T" cheer th" ncart an' mind an' soul An' give th' weary rust. I like t' sit down In th' brook. Where th' wnter's runnln" deep, An' stretch myself as a freeman should An' dive an' duck an' leap Jest as I did In boyhood days, When all th world wus Kay, When there wa'n't no cloudy days an' I Had nuthln' t' do but play. I can har th' brook a-lauRhln' In th' shadow of th' trees: I can seo th' grasses noddln An' a-dancln' In th' breeze. An' somewhere up above me. Between 'Ji' trees an' sky, I hear th' restless nlht hawk's Sharp an' raspln' cry. I hug th' water to me. An' I kick It Into foam; I turn upon my back an' float. with not a thought o horns; I dive down t' th' bottom An" feel round fer a stun; Next I'm treadin' water. An' t help along- th' fun ' I try my hand at "dog; paw" An th' long an steady stroke Which years ago in th' mill pond Many a swimmin' record broke. My hair hain't whut it used t' be; Whut's left Is streaked with gray. I'm gettln' old, but I have a hope That 1 11 nuver see th' day That I can't go qut among th' trees T where th brook Is deep, When th' day is dyln' in th' west An' th' birds are goln' t' sleep, An' take a good old fashioned swim. As I aid when th' world wrus gay. When there wa'n't no cloudy days an' I Had .nuthln t do but play. Thomas Holmes, Be sure to use a ton oIarfii' Baking Powder 0 ROYAL Daklng Powder Is Made of Cream of Tartar and is Free From Alum or Puosphatic Acid Royal Baking Powder is pure and wholesome beyond question. There is never any doubt of the healthfulncss nor of the superiority of the food it leavens. Consumers are sometimes solicited to buy baking powders other than Royal because they cost less. It is evident to cost lets they must be made of inferior ingredients. Low-priced baking powders 10c., 20c, 25c, etc., are made from alum, phosphate or other harsh acid At most, an alum powder would not lessen thevcost of a cake or batch of biscuit more than the fraction of a cent. But can you afford for any sum to endr.nfr your health by making your food with a dangerous baking powder? ' I regard the use of alum baking powders as highly injurious to the health of the community, and believe that their sale should be forbidden by law." Gro. F. Barker, M.D., University of Pcni.syfvanu. ANOTHER SUICIDE IN JAIL. Wife Murderer Boyer Follows Exam ple Set by Darwin. Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 8. Following closely upon the suicide of Albert H Darwin In .the countf jail yesterday. Adam Boyer, a prisoner charged with the murder of hia wife, ended his life early today by hanging himself from 9 water pipe in his cell. Jn the same cell with Boyer were two prison truties. So quietly did Boyer do his work, howevr, that nei ther of. the men knew that he was dead until they awakened this morn ing. ,. ., . Boyer shot and killed hia wife in Berea several weeks ago, and a posse searched unsuccessfully for him for two or three days. Later Boyer gave himself up to the Cleveland police. " OLD FAVORITES. Th Deathbed. We watched her breathing through the night, ,. Her breathing, .soft and low, . Au in her broast the wave of life Kept heaving to and fro. So silently we seemed to speak, 1 So slowly moved about, As we had lent her half our powers To eke her living out. Cur very hope belled our fears; Our fears our hopes belied. We thought her dying when she slept And Bleeping when she died. For when the morn came dim and sad And chill with early shows Ber quiet eyelids closed sh had Another morn than ours. Thomas Hood. xample of Graft. overnment wastes a 'printing things which way of "reserve." On 'ook shelves, guarded e millions of literary ing oce expenses ars, consisting prin- ies to jobholders, "tv millions. In the publican graft sal 1 in the total. -' this comparatively i illustrate, perhaps. in any other and just what Republi can make out ot its ft. In the light of ut of the printing 'ie grfat regime loBsal opportunity ?ars. provided the er the regime at The Horrors of the Second Death. Oh, where shall rest be found, Rest for the weary soul? 'Twere vain the ocean's depths to sound Or pierce to either pole. The world can never ?lve The bliss for which we sigh; 'Tis not the whole of life to live Nor all of death to die. Beyond this vale of tears There Is a life above, Unmeasured by the flight of years. And all that life is love. There Is a death, whose pang Outlasts the fleeting breath Oh. what eternal horrors hang Around the second death! Thou God of truth and grace. Teach us that death to shun, Lest we be banished from thy face, Forevermore undone! Montgomery. Against Quarreling and Fighting. Let dogs delight to bark and bite. For God hath made them so; Let bears and lions growl and fight. For 'tis their nature too. But, children, you should never let Such angry passions rise; Tour little hands were.never made To tear each other's eyes. Let love through all your actions run And all your words be mild; Live like the Blessed Virgin's Son, That sweet and lovely child. His soul was gentle as a lamb. And as his stature grew He grew In favor both with man And God his Father too. Isaao Watt. rows while iiam Mountain Tea Is .test baby medi- -z mothers. 35 ' Standard Phar- All things must change To something new, to something strange) Nothing that is can pause or stay; The moon will wax. the moon will wane. The mist and cloud will turn to rain. The rain to mist and cloud again. Tomorrow be today. Longfellow. Cashier Dewey; J7 TZ. Serving Sentence HBKMSl 1 Raleigh, N. C, Nov. 8 Thomas :yf. Dewey, cashier of the defunct bank at Newbern, came here this morning, un accompanied, and voluntarily begarf his six years' term in the penitentiary. Sheriff Biddle, of Newbern, arrived this afternoon and went to the prison and secured a receipt for his prisoner, who had spent the day inspecting his new quarters. No money comes easier than interest money, when you have .once made a start. It does not require a large amount to begin with. We will pay three per cent inter est upon amounts of five dol lars and-.upwards. There are no vacation periods with in terest, it keeps right on work ing for you days, nights, Sun days, and holidays, Better bein now; deposit whatever you' can'spare, add to it when ever, possible,; and in . time your success is assured. One dollar is all that is' necessary to open an account. we win welcome you, whether " your account be large or small. Savings Bank & Trust Co. Elizabeth City, N. C,. THE WISE HERCHANT OWNS HIS OWNi. STORE, lu ts the monay paid for rent in bin own lx'ket. You can buy one of these Davi lots 20X14 7 feet. Bear in mind the Hize UuX 147 feet, with the privilege of building out "0 feet further, making a total of 100 feet dt'ep.for :!2."0. Don't compart' thin with your t'O and 7.r feet deep lotn, as is the average in Klizabeth City eton1 lluy one of tliewo Davis lotn at $3.'."i0, put a $2000 brick building on it. total ."J.'i0. A ntoro so located will easily bring the liixt year per month, which in good intercut. Inctead of paying this to the landlord you put in your u pneket, then an the property grows more valu.ibi" your n-nt expenses remain the same.' You can aU'ivs do Iiiwiionh at the name old stand; while tlmnvnt payer Iia - to pay more rent or move. Hotter buy a Davis lot at once, then bui d your own store. See A. C Hathaway at once. PROMPTNESS THE MOTTO ? L. D. Oiddens, Jr., I 1 WATCH MAKER. 2 JEWELER, S i ENGRAVER. w s Nice Work and Prices Right i z Graduate 1891, Parsons' llorologtcal College. g Next To Post Office 3 For past year with Louis Selig ipmi$& Wn Witt ' -.1 : ATTENTION. Saturday, November 11, 1905, at 12 o'clock m., I will sell at court house door house and lot situated corner Dyer and Cedar streets. House is two stories, 7-foot hall, 8 rooms '14x16 each, in good repair and situated on a lot of ground measuring about 100 x85 feet. Room for two additonal houses. Rents for $1.50 week as now stands. Terms cash or one-third cash balance In one and two years, nov 9-2t I. M. MEEKINS. Cut Glass1 Fancy China Baick-a-Brac We have rushed, the opening of some lota to supply the demand for artistic goods at fair pri(8. An early call will in sure you just the thing you want. PI HICK CO Forl$3.00 Zoeller's Special forJXmas." One Half Dozen Cabinet Oval Photographs and a 4 Life size Crayon for $3.00 the Crayon alone is worth the monev. Give me your order now forXmas delivery. Cor. Main and Poindexter St. DELICIOUS Breakfast la assured when you have Hecker's New Buckwheat AND Our Special Brand of-Maple Syrup TDXEY 4 HUP Commercial Job Printing Every Description iOur Specialty. TRY it THE CAROLINA PUBLISHING COMPANY, ', Telephones No. 58 and 258 r. Cor." Water erd FceiirjS " . - ' r , .... Don't miss the chances for this fall. Which las before your hand for you to pick up. If-ybu only go to the right place to look through out lin of goods, which you wont help from hot buying, as we are sell ing our goods special tbi$ fall at real low wholesale 'prioes. Our stock consists of a big line of boy's suits, a big line of youth's suits, and also a big line of men's suits, and ladies and children shoes. - A big line of ladies cloaks and skirts and furw. We have a special sale for this Sat urday only on mens' pants. On account we want to . make room for some nev goods. The special sale will also consist of a big line of comforts and blanket. We would . have memtioned all the articles we have in the store, but it js impossible.- Remember the place 14 Poin dexter street acrossed the street from W, T. Love's meat market. Don't fail to come and examine our goods. . - ABE COHEN, Prop. 14 Poindexter St. Elizabeth City, N. C LOST White . package containing l-2flogen silver spoon a and card bearing name of Mrs.WJI. Hunt; be tween, home o( u Cap t. .Outlaw and Main St. Finder . please return to this office. Hell O Bill good morning John, how do you feel? I feel like a sixteen year old, how are you, why I dont feel good this morn ing my breakfast did not agree with me, what did you have? I had Oat Meal, bistets and steak, you did not have the wright kind, what kind do you use John? I use II. O. that is the best, Bill you ought to of had a breakfast like mine; that would of made you felt better, what was that? I had II. O. Oat Meal whole wheat flour biskets and buckwheat cakes and maple syrup, coun try sausages, where did you get them? I got it at the ' Olive Grocery, they alwaysjieep the best of eveiy thing, where is that place 115 Poindexter Street now be sure you get in the right place, it is the largest grocery in town and they have the largest Mock, you ask him to show you that Mocha and Java coffee they have, it is the finest yon have ever drank, try a pound. Ask for H. O. Oat Meal and dont let anyone give you something instead. If they have not got that, you know you are in the wrong store "then push on until you find it- OLBVE GROCERY 1 15 Poindexter Street.

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