j'.--:. ( I i --.- " . - ' i ! : . !j . ' ' ' 'I.-' ' '.. ' '""'.'1' --'jit-- ' ; ; . . , ' ! ! ' l' - ' !"! " ' --"j ''. i' J ; : . ; ! ; t".:.;" :::!:V li1'' '" ' Y ' ' ' . Vi ..'..( ' i L . '-..: i- r". : . I .... - i j - ; - : ; i . . j v : --. i i 1 ' ' ' " i "- " -: 1 i ; ; ' i . " ' . . f-v : ; IU-- , ;' i , I.,;-'. !i I ; x. f ' i ; V .. .! . !-:;. ' -'..y.-'1- r .- , ... i. : - . - . .... . . ' . , ! : ..-'!;." j i " j :; I ; - ". ! ' ' ...... . ' - , . . . . ; ' i " ; -" i." : M ' v . . '.. , j 'i - j- ... j : jy : " ' k. ; j ::!''..-.' I "i j ii Miir-i-ek a -n ttv . i l ik 1 1 i i ' l. -v. ti i I- TUMI AD GODWIN J WILL BEAR STADAD At Hertford Yesterday They Were lNommated With Little Opposi j tion- The Conversion In Detail. The results of the senatorial mn. Mention, at Hertford yesterday warp fU3L a!i lorecasted. Turner, of Pas nuotank, and Godwin, df Oat w!n l)c the standard! bearers'! and will rep- lul ,ne rst district in the upper Jiouse of the nxt general assembly. This in brief tpiic fK0 . -w..o .lUCiifllUI). Proceedings in Detail. The convention was called to ordor at one-thirtv ! n,ni Tin. . ( ... vuouc vvneaoee, chairman of the executive committee. 4- w 0 X' 4 , 1 OPEN LETTER TO UP TO PATRONS THE GOUMTY BOARD TO SAVE ROUTES A week of lively fferiiigs . under price store. in ou THEY; ARE ADDRESSED BY MR. QOHOON IN REGARD TO GATES AUKOSS PUBLIC ROADS IN STOCK LAW TERRITORY. 2 ' v ' v ROSCOE W. TURNER. Nominated Yesterday as State Sena tor From the First f District. In a few words,; he called Dr. T. S. McMullan, of. Perquimans- to act as temporary chairman and T. W. Cos- ten, ot Gates as secretary. - ! The committees were appointed ns r follows: ': '.! H I Credentials: O. G. Pritchard, Cam i den; Harry McMullan, Chowan; Jas. j Parker, -Gates; J. A. Northcott, Hert- fPrc' W. Hv Cannon, Perquimans'; E. F. Aydlett, Pasquotank.; Permanent Organiztion: j. E. Cook, I Camden; V. T. Woodley Chowan: iVIartin Kellog. Gates; W. P. Shaw, j Organization. J. C. Wilson for the committee rec ommended that the temporary organi zation be, made permanent, with W. L. Cohoon, of Pasquotank as assis tant secretary. The report was adopt ed, i .--;-!! - . f Currituck's Contest. The committee on credentials re ported a (contest from Currituck. The majority j report was made by E. P. Aydlett and the minority by Harry McMullan. Two delegations were sent to the convention, on dnmn.. ed by the gunners and fi shprm on o league and the other hv thrt0 i v . w w.u wau luttt me propertv own withdrew! from the county convention I era f . the stock law territory of Nix - a ocwuu ueiegauon. Both of these being present on mo- j. non or w. M. Bond, one man renre senting each side was requested to prevent the matter to the convention This was done. The" minority report uecommenoing the seating of the second delegation) was withdrawn and the majority report was accepted ; Voting Begins. The counties were found to the following vote: Pasquotank . . . r Perquimans . . . .-, Gates . J. , . . . . Hertford Camden ! Currituck .. .. .. . . Chowan I . . .J.J iiuiumauuus were aecared in or der. Camden, first on the list, yield io Pasquotank and Prof. S. T. Sheep took the floor and placed in nomination Roscoe W. Turner. M. I Bond, of Chowan, followed THREE OF THESE WILL BE RE DUCED TO THRICE A WEEK SERVICE UNLESS VOLUME OF MATTER IS INCREASED. It I3 up to the; patrons of the rural free delivery routes leading out from this town to save their service from reduction. An order has gone out from department, at Washington which says that unless the volume of Mr. F. F. Cohoon, of this cirv. u-hr owns property in the stock law fence. territory, has addressed an open let ter in) regard to the matter :o the county; boardf of commlssinnp follows: Toe Boa. of County ColmrZ2T J.' With other D.nrfv ..l.r -. ,.hree and ave 13 materially recelVe.1 the f ZTZZ? w you: i " u w u l,ireP iim'-j a week service. . "Elizabeth City, Aug. 16. i90C. No two i, th . ' Mr. ; F. F. Cohoon rai,awK , ' Is the route om here to N. C. ,VeeKsvuie. served by J. C. Jennings "Dear ir- a goes to Newlands. " beimr board of countv colcc U. V"WICU nomas Harris asauotank ommtv "M IT;" "Mr."- "Ve g0eS to wlands. beinz uviu uii iti 1 1 1 1 1 1 w v i i rvr" j . - August 6th. 190C. It was ordered by station " UKoti main road where the stock law fon " . " "L "5,U .d", serT,c crosses the sa!d road. . ,:'TJht d "Yours tnilr- . me local oinc- :aat ; Yours truly aft sllty days the i,, , a PEACE, reduced to three time a ' fr rp, ' , I uave passed. The property owners referred to Tha M . abov wish tr, ha .. " wu sav meir routes w c .capTCum m an(J ir thev wish tr hv i-n.t v obeythe orders o the board 0f coua- quantUy Tm haUhu ty commissioners, hnf . .. ' inua 3no , . 20 order ! ls eonalde,' L. Pprec a,e hh-eVer sprd upon the reco.,. or rM iZTS . .15 1 the countv. Thp sitimfin i., fu. .. b . JJers au.. ana ..1G Nine out of every ten'nronfirtV 1 A V'Ume 0t 8 ers:have built their Z, T? lD" ..u uv.c;ouu sucn a ience as will last ..13 15 or 20 years with but HUIa rf-nni In addition to this, the county board nave collected from these ueonle about $160 a year for tho mainten ance of the fence, and have naid over to one man, Mr. C. W. Hollo'well, who represents hrm- thi-AA.ArK, ir"Surprise'; ! i is greater than ever. Remod ling the entire store begins next week. Still lower prices are being offered through the entire store in all summer goods containing Clothing, onoes. Hats, Underwear, Etc. THE GLOBE j SHAMELESS, HE STEX j PRETENDS TO PREACH SilTUTIJ UfJQER GOV IT CflilTROL Ladies' Ball Game Will Attract A Crowd w. ' ..m, lunu . i ivpitocuis aoout inree-nttus and placed the name of C. S. Vann or more of this land but pays onlv before the. w vuu.vuuuu. v. x. vruss, A. Pilston Godwin before the house The vote was taken and I Messr Turner and Godwin were elected on the firt ballot. The vote was as fol lows: i Turner. Godwin. Vann. 8 8 .... 64 ; ay2 13 . ..ii ii 15 wot a little in:t:v; and curioshv 1-4 of the te. Pv.rv " , y we announce- money to ta,ih ; 2 ?en? r the 11. game which is to of Gates,lPlac,d his counts i rney to buTd 'Js' aid baM-e -which is tc A. Pilston Godwin before the house, fence, which ,o k..:,. pI.ayed at the park thIa afternoon Camden Chowan I . Currituck! . 1 . Gates.. Hertford -! . . Pasquotank Perquimans fence, which he should have built at Th. in.o... ?"": his nwn Pvn,nCfl " - ra me race mat Now after the people have built KZJTT, " Pmea y e,?Meen their isharft of th . . " T " "s Iauieb WDOSe entity has so been taxed for four year, to kee, 7uX i 3 safeto Ty ThJhe'r316!;, ? the fences rfin k.- ivr. J 3.Sare to ia that the Sam wI be - " ' I attended hv a Tnrrr0 rritl., T j W V 4 V TT 14 . 8 .20 .13 15 8! 20 13 ! 16 The Clay Foreman Damaged By Fire 81 I 1 81 29 The successful candidates! wpro es corted into the hall and made short -it ; ' ,f .. - - ' - - - ..".-,'.! . . ' . . . V- j. . : -tc -. . - , . J !' .- ; 1 - '-'-"'-''' 1 ' - -v " - ' J . i ',.' 1 W ; 1 Hollowell,. and after the treasury na3 been drained of the last cent, the board now calls on the propertv own ers to place these expensive gates on the 'roads. These gates shoull be placed as demanded by the people and the property owners livins or muS iaua wimm snouid be requir- Firp Iast nleht ,( , 4 ed tO rWlV ffcr thA SP nnrl . " 1 ' to.4WJcU me i - v " . 1 r ! 1 rr 1 1 n r . . . ? 11 1 j . I iuo vyiajr rureman, wnicn was Ivlnir it would Jjo done promptly If thss-j L 131 ns 1 . , , 1 wuiej wnan.- About 74 a people had been treated fairlv !.nd Lu. . oul t io a ,.c.f,. . .... . - uw-e:as aiscovered and the alarm justly, have bnedy stated these waa- given b the f 1T facts. Soo.i we will vivo th i.iba. L. . v 111 "losing 01 - 1 wi is o Jinn rinMniT nr n in me uru of this shameful affair, with all the details. ; 1 Yours' respectfully, F. F. COHOON 1" O.LU3 Ul II, called into play. bell. The firemen nnd oifirone t,,r. ed out in full force and began to fight the flame3 which were rapidly gain ing headway. The dock hose and the apparatus of the fire company were SURGEON RUPERT BLUE OF THE MARINE HOSPITAL SERVICE TO SUPERINTEND SANITARY WORK AT THE JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION. SO-CALLED' REV. LINCERFELOT WENT TO OLD TRAP FROM DURANTS NECK AND IS HOW HOLDING FORTH THERE. yesterday. The action of the convention, gives eminent satisfaction to the Demo crats of the' district and to the public generally. It was predicted weeks ago j that Turner and Godwikrtjuld win ana 1 tie torecast has been veri fied. A. P. GODWIN ' !. . IV-. --------- . . Mominated Yesterday as State S enstcr , Frcm the First District. but appropriate speeches of accept ance showing deep appreciation of thl honor; which-had been i.conf erred, upon them. - ?.Ir. Vann also address-- Jr., Hertford; J. C. Vilson, Perqui mans; M. B. Sawyer, Pasquotank, i I Executive Committee: C. G. Ethe ridge, Cadnden; E. It.; Johnson, Curri tuck; F. W. White, Chowan; II. C. The two hew senators will serve th? district faithfully. Of course Pasquotank has much pleasure in the selection of her gallant son Roscoe Turner, but sne is, equally pleased with, the nomination of Godwin. He i of the best type of Gates , county Democracy and is a young sinan who 13 rapidly making a tia m eh or rhim-self.--As'"a practising lawyer he has made a success "from the very sart and he has won the entire confidence of his people. Clean, absolutely true in every respe-t, . above" reproach, these two will make public servants of the right type. ; The district especially delighted In honoring Gates son for that county certainly, deserved . recognition . or , its good work f or Democracy Gates and Currituck, on the two extremes of the dntrict, have always relied up their The woodwork of the boat burned rapidly and it looked as if the whole thing would be totally destroyed. It seemed to be necessary to sink the tug and she was pushed off from the dock and preparations -mada for sink ing her. .A small hole was cut, but by hard work she; wa3 saved, with the. greater part of her top and for ward parts burned. , The tug is a very-Tvaiuable one afid is the property of the Foremai BlaJes Lumber Company of this" city. The damage is considerable. "Z MR. TAYLOR HERE. Mr. Robert R. Taylor, of Gatesville. spent last night and part of today In the city, shaking hand3 with his many friends. He was on his way to his home on Roanoke Island for a Hief vacation, after attending ,tho senatorial convention at Hertford yesterday. Mr. Taylor Is one of the youngest bank cashiers In the state, being In charge of the Bank of Gates at Gates ville. Since going there his many good qualities and his remarkable business acumen have won him a b!h r-'ico In the esteem of h!s r.r-rv Xorfolk, Val. Aug. 23. Owing to the government's extensive particlpa tion In the Jamestown Exposltloa. to be held on the shores of- Hampton Roads. Va.. In 1907, officials at Wash ington have determined to nut ih supervision of the sanitary arrantro. monts under government control. following up this decision. Siir-r, General Wyman, of the Tr.!tfi ?ato .Marine Hospital service, hzz m-.-.s. . ed Surgeon Rupert Blue, of that ..or. vice, as sanitary, officer of tho James town Exposition. Dp. ntnn'a il on this work was to take effect som- time ago, but on account of his posi tion on a medical board that was a session at Washington, he has hn unable to report for duty at the ex position until recently. In connection with his work Sur geon Bluo said: "It Is as necessary ror me to be present, while the build ings are -being constructed as after wards, as the Installation of proper sewage arrangements and ventilating Apparatus Is of great Importance.' An elaborate drainage system has been established, and it Is promised that when the exposition opens, that the grounds will be absolutely free from mosqtitos and other pesta that might arise from the lack of rrofr sanitary conditions. At the time of the San FrancUoo disaster, when that city was la a state of general demoralization, and when it seemed that contacion wonM break out there, and' nerhans add oth. er terrors to what the fire and nrth- quakc had already caused. Surgton Blue was dispatched post-haste to th1 scene of the trouble and immediate ly took charge of the situation. The entire work waa under his care and by heroic measures a serious out break of fever was prevented. The exposition Is being built very much like a small city or town and It Is the intention of the Marine Hos pital Service, to equip each building with all the devices known to m!em sanitation, and Surpeon Blue Is espe cially commissioned to advise wii?j the architects and builders In this particular. .. - Dr. Blue; Is or.e of the most note! r-:r' In t!: ?'-r!-- I?? !:.-! It turns out that the sualied Rer Mr LIngerfeldt. who on Saturday night was run out of pom,,,.. count for gross immorality did not so very far. In fact. from aU. counts he only went to a .nefehhnrt county and resumed onorafinn. . gentleman from thU town wa. at Old Trap, in Camden county on Thurtday and Wings back the very startling Information that he naw thU very, man standing on the pulpit of th Sanctlflcationisu- church. prrtadias to preach the gospel. Nothing ha been cen of the woman. Apparently the rn-ople of the com munity had not heard of the troabla which the man had gotten into and received him in ignorance of his real character. Thi., paper had a 'nhrm-. conversation thin morning with a gen- ueman at Oil Trap who Matel that LIngerfeldt went there th- firt of vices every Uav since. 'JnU uine exactly with tho time he Uft Durante Nck. The gentleman further stated that the people had heard nothing of the exceedingly disreputable report. They had evidently been imposed on. Another gentleman told a repreen- ' tative of this paper that the so-called preacher told some of hU friend at Old Traji that his work at Durante Neck had been very unsatisfactory, owing to-the lack of appreciation of the people. -He aUo said that ho was thinking of learinr this a-tlnn and wiping his hands of the who! people. And the people referred to aborn devoutly say. So mote it be. Thursday's Vote Mis Carrie Jewell .... Miss I.-ta Andrews . ... Mis Carrie Pappendlck Miss Mamie Crop4ey . Miss Lucy Gregory Miss Inez Broughtoa .. Miss Mary Pendleton .. Miss Pauline Stokely Mis Lina GillK-rt MJs Hazel Erans Miss Lena Hoopc-r .... 3IIss Mattie Holier. ... Miss Rose Goodwin .. Miss Roic Goolwln Miss Sadie Kearirg MIrs Louise Pappendlck Miss Helen Williams .. Mrs. E. Whltthurst ... Miss EIe Williams ... Miss Martha Svkes .... MIrs Mary Andrews ... MIn Lois Markfca.ni .... Miss Lillian Hooper ... i.Z'r) AZi i.rjj rs."- ....... I.SC0 'J 'A toy 40 C') ....r... 1S3 140 1W ..' 100 ........ so so M 1 T - J ...

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