1 4-.. v- PROSPERITY LAB MM. IF YOU WANT BLADEN COUNTY NEWS BXi-D THB CD, Railroads, Steamboat Lines, Good Roads for Bladen County. Bladen Journal. Representing and Adrancing the Material, Social, Iniellecto&I and Moral Interests of the People of Bladen County and East North Carolina. VOL. 11. CLARKTON, BLADEN COUNTY, N. C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2T, 1910. NO. 3. mm V II I fill v X 114 SALOONS ARE CLOSED IN MEMPHIS FEDERAL COURTS TEMPORARILY STOP SALE OF LIQUOR IN " TENNESSEE CITY. COURT GRANTS INJUNCTION Prohibitionists Allege State and Mu nicipal Officers Refused to Enforce Law. Memphis, Tenn. Aid of the Federal courts was successfully invoked , by the Law and Order League to en force the prohibition law which the city, county add state authorities have not enforced .in Aiemnnis. United States Judge McUall granted a tem porary order against 114 saloons, pending a hearing, restraining them from serving intoxicating liquor. The Federal court took jurisdiction ' on ttte allegations of the petitioners that were deprived of the equal pro tection under the law guaranteed by the fourteenth amendment to the con stitution. They allege that the state prohibition law is being enforced in other parts of the state, but the gov ernor. attorney gerwral and county at torney general, with other officials, have refused to enforced the law here, and, therefore, the United States court can take jurisdiction. On the grounds that irreparable In jury might be done the complainants if delay were permitted, Judge McCall granted the temporary injunction. The action, which was a total sur prise to the saloons and the. local op tlonists, was the culmination of a long and bitter fight to enforce pro hibition in Memphis, the largest city in which it has ever been tried. The state-wide law passed in the spring of 1909, and was suppo&ed to go into effect on July 1 of that year. It was partially enforced for a time in Knoxville, but in Memphis, situ ated on the river and practically the metropolis of three states Tennes see, Arkansas and Mississippi there has never been any more serious ef fort to enforce prohibition than the presentation of evidence to the grand jury. The body regularly failed to Indict, and the city and county officials have acknowledged the impossibility of closing the saloons. The Law and Order League has been making a campaign for law en forcement, and the present political campaign, which is now on in Teh see, has prohibition again as its prin cipal Issue. Chattanooga, renn. ttvery saiuuu inside the corporation holding Federal license was closed by order of Judge S. D. McReynolds of the criminal court. The action of Judge McRey nolds follows the decision of the su preme court, sitting in Knoxville, in which that body rendered the opinion that Federal license were prima facie evidence that whiskey was being sold. Nashville, Tenn. No steps have as yet been taken here to take advantage of the recent supreme court decision in reference to the possession of Fed eral license being prima facie e evi dence of the sale of liquor. The mat ter is in the hands of the attorney general of this county. There are a number of saloons "in this city which, it is understood, possess Federal li cense. Advices from Knoxville are to the effect that many saloon keepers there have surrendered their licenses and closed theirplaces of business. Emperor William Goes Visiting. Brussels, Belgium. Emperor - Wil liam of Germany is now the guest of King Albert of Belgium. The emperor arrived here and was met at the rail way station by the king and queen. He was accompanied by a large suite, and was cheered as he passed through the streets, lined with ten thousand troops. On arrival at the royal pal ace there was a reception to the dip lomatic" corps, followed by a dinner of 150 covers given by the king in bonor of his royal guest. Powers to Recognize Portugal. Berlin, Germany. Great Britain has proposed that all the powers rec ognize the republic of Portugal at the same time. Germany replied ap proving the suggestion. Perfecting Savings Bank Plan. Washington. Secretary of the Treasury MacVeagh and Assistant Secretary Andrew and Postmaster General Hitchcock, conferred concern ing postal . sayings bank plans. The treasury officails are working out the plans steadily, but slowly, owing to a desire to safeguard against any de fects in a scheme of such magnitude where more than 60,000 postoffices and perhaps 15,000,000 depositors, may be affected. They base these figures on the work in other postal savings countries. Famous American Dies in India. New York City. Cable dispatches received here announce the death in Palmanes, India, of the Rev. Dr. Ja red W. Scudder, one of the oldest and most distinguished Americans in the foreign missionary field. For more than 52 years he had been one of the principal representatives in India of the Reformed Church of America. He was born in Ceylon eighty-two years ago. His father, the Rev. John Scud der, was a pioneer American mission ary in Asia. Mr. Scudder's seven brothers were also missionaries. Twain's t reasures to Be Sold. Chicago. Literary treasures of the late Samuel L. Clemens (Mark Twain ) are to be sold at auction in this city, and among them will be many manu scripts and documents, the contents "of which have never been published. Mr. Clemens' house, "Stormfields," near Redding, Conn., is to be sold, and bis daughter, Mrs. Ossip Gabrilowitch, has decided to sell the bulk of the. library, retaining only such books as have intimate family associations and signed volumes from living authors which were presented to her father. P0E IN HALL OF FAME. Doctor Maccra-ctn o? New York Uni versity Announces Successful Can didates for Hall of Fame Places. New York City. Edgar Allan Poe s at last in the hall of fame. Year3 jf effort on the part of staunch sup porters to get his name added to the ist was rewarded by the announce uent of Dr. John H. Maccracken, the jhairman of the senate of the New oik university, that the author of The Raven," with ten others, had ;een accorded this honor. The eleven james added are as follows : Harriet Beecher Stowe, 74 ovtes ; Jliver Wendell Holmes and Edgar Al an Poe, 69 votes each; Roger Wil iams, 64; James Fenimore Cooper, j2; Phillips Brooks, 60; William Cul en Bryant, 59; Frances E. Willard, j6; Andrew Jackson, George Ban jroft, 53 votes each, and John Lath op Motley, 51. As a result of the" election, the au thors' corner doubles its population ind goes far ahead of the statesmen n number. Eleven bronze tables for .he names chosen will be designed vith an appropriate quotation from vhe words of each, and the formal un filing will take place in October, .911, in the hall of fame, at New irork university. Those failing of election ten votes r less were: Francis. Parkman, Char otte Saunders Cushman, Mark Hop cins, 45 each; Patrick Henry, 44; Martha Washintgon, 43; Daniel Boone 12; Samuel Adams and Lucretia Mott, H each. COUNTERFEITERS IN TOILS U. S. Secret Service Men Make Big Haul in Chicago. Chicago. Three hundred thousand pilars in counterfeit Nicaraguan 5-pe-30!? notes, freshly printed, were seized, and the printer who made them, the engraver who made the plates and the men charged with securing the manufacture were arrested here by Captain Porter of the United States secret service, and his operatives. The notes had only been printed, not having the "official" seals or numbers impressed. There were 150,000 notes, each of five pesos (worth approxi mately $2 each, American money) and "signed" by F. Baca, advocate gener al; J. Madriz, "El Presidente," and "F. Mayorgaz." They had not been cut from the large sheets. ' George B. Villiams, president of the printing company tearing his name, was charged with printing the spuria ous notes; H, N. Secreest of Tampico, Mexico, was accused of being the pro moter having the notes printed, and Richard J. Trumbull, manager of the Guarantee Engraving company of Chi- cago, is . charged with having made the copper plates from which the pa per was printed. ' tlHtL LtUtVt AUyUiT TED. Doctor Crippen's Young Typist Freed by Jury. London, England. After a trial last ing but a few hours in the New Bai ley criminal court, a jury found Ethel Clare Leneve not guilty as an acces sory after the fact in the murder ot Cora Belle Crippen, for whose deatbj aer husband, Dr. Hawley Harvey CriiH pen", will die?- on the gallows on No vember 8. Miss Leneve was in love with Docj tor Crippen and slept in his house on the night of the day following the day upon which the doctor murdered his wife and buried the dismembered parts in the cellar of his Hilldrop Crescent home. She accompanied Crippen in his flight to Canada, and with him was arrested and indicted. Editor hin-u iwr onppen Story. London, England. There was a se quel to the Crippen murder case when the high court inflicted a fine of $1, 000 upon Assistant Editor Perris for contempt of court in permitting the publication in the London Chronicle of a story asserting that Doctor Crip pen had purchased hyoscin and had confessed to the murder of his wife. The court ordered that Perris be im prisoned until the fine is paid. Frencu viaior Killed. Madgeburg, Prussia. Lieutenant Monte fell with a Wright aeroplane and was instantly killed. The airman was gliding to the earth when he started his motor, the strain causing ctie machine to turn turtle. It crash ed to the ground, carrying the lieu tenant beneath it. The aeroplane was smashed to bits. 2,500 Men in Sympathy Strike. St. Louis, Mo. Approximately 2,500 aen employed in the mechanical .rades on the Missouri Pacific-Iron fountain system walked out in sym pathy with the striking machinists. ,Iere less than 100 men are employed n the mechanical departments, and ..hey walked out. The principal shops of the roads are located at Sedalia, Mo., and Little Rock, Ark. Shops are maintained at a number of other points, including Texarkana, Para ould, Van Buren and McGhee, Ark.; Lake Charles and Fernday, La. Three bets of Triplets. Cleveland, Ohio. Too late for the census, but generally doing her share in Cleveland's remarkable growth, Mrs. W'illiam G. Clark, a Lake Side avenue matron, recently became the mother of her third set of triplets. The family Bible displays the fact that she also is the mother of four pairs of twins, and that she herself is the only sister of twenty brothers. Two pairs of twins and one set of trip lets were born during Mrs. Clark's 3rst marriage. Use, ot Lime on Land. Washington. A pamphlet contain ing information which should be of the greatest interest and practical benefit to the farmers of the South, and which may be had for the asking, has just been issued by the land and industrial department of the Southern railway. The pamphlet treats of "The Use of Lin on Land," and tells of the great benefits to be derived in this way. Quotations are given from agricultural authorities and from bul letins issued by the United States De partment of Agriculture. , UNCLE SI WANTS CREDIT GOVERNMENT TO KEEP CHECK ON MONEY BORROWED FROM BANKS. PROTECTION FOR THE BANKS Every Bank Examiner Must Keep Credit Information on All Bor rowers in His District. Washintgon. A tentative system of collecting credit information for the benefit of the national bank examin ers, with the compilation and cock ing up of the commitments of large local and extended borrowers, has been formulated by a committee of the examiners, who have been meet ing at the Treasury department Ev ery examiner hereafter will keep for his own use a complete file of all large and extended borrowers in his district, from which lists will be sent to the Treasury department for sum marizing The machinery available by the comptrollers of the currency will be put to work to gather such credit information as can be obtained from national banks and from state banks and trust companies located in states where there is already" co-operation between the Federal and state bank ing officials, as in New York. The examiners will not divulge the name of the bank where a line of credit is found of an extended borrower, their special reports giving the total only of the loans listed. These lists are entirely confidential. It is not contemplated that a com prehensive plan which will guarantee the assembling of complete credit in formation covering commitments in all the banks in the United States is practical at this time, nor is the personal and intimate relationship be tween the banks and the borrower to be interfered with. It is expected that the knowledge that a hundred or more men were keeping a constant check on the bor rowings will make it extremely haz ardous for the Nlishonest individual, firm or corporation to get money from the national banks. A radical rearrangement of the dis tricts into which the country has been divided also was recommended by the committee. This rearrangement con templates well-defined commercial areas or banking zones, the headquar ters in each district selective on lie count of importance as .banking cen ters and as reserve cities. SWINDLING GAME EXPOSED. Diamond Thieves Worked Extensively in the Carolinas. Charlotte, N. C. A unique swind ling game, far-reaching in operation and involving prominent diamond im porters, was laid bare here when J. W. Napier and W. P. Duke, from no body knows where, were arrested on warrants sworn out by United States Postoffice Inspector Bulla of Washing ton, and bound over by United States Commissioner Cobb for the Federal court. Duke collapsed following his arrest, turned state's' evidence and unfolded the operations of the gang to the com missioner without restraint. Briefly, the scheme was to order diamonds from a responsible concern, collect on delivery, subject to examination, sub stitute imitations for the real dia monds and return shipments to the importers with some flimsy excuse as to flaws in the stones. The gang op erated successfully in Rock Hill, S. C, Branchville, S. C, Westville, S. C, and Charlotte, N. C, and other neigh boring towns and cities, using James Parrish, an unsophisticated country boy, as a decoy. Night iMuers Change Name. Paducah, Ky. News comes from Dycusburg to the effect that "night riders" is a discarded name and that "United Brothers or Night Guards" Is the latest style of signature on letters received by independent tobac co farmers ordering them to pool their tobacco. The letters read: "By our blood, we command you to pool all of your 1910 tobacco. (Signed) U. B. N. G." The letters have been re ceived through the mails. Clerks' Strike Declared Off. Meridian, Miss. Citing a lack of support on the part of other labor or ganizations as primarily the cause for the failure, announcement was made declaring the strike oMhe clerical em ployees of the Queen and Crescent railroad system abandoned. Orders to return to work were issued from the headquarters here of the Brotherhood of Railway Clerks. The strike began a month ago in an endeavor to secure an increase in salaries and a better ment of working conditions for the employees. Tener oi.oiges Criminal Libel. Philadelphia. John K. Tener, Re publican candidate for governor of Pennsylvania, swore out a warrant for the arrest of E. A. Van Valken burg, editpr and president of the North American company, charging him with criminal libel. The warrant is based on an attack begun by the North American on October 13 against Mr. Tener's business integrity. The charges have been reiterated daily. Briefly, the charges assert that Mr. Tener was "a friend and associate of swindlers." Triple iv.urder in Florida. Tampa, Fla. News has been receiv ed here of a triple murder which oc curred at Chatham Bend, near Fort Myers, in which two white men and a white woman were murdered by i a white man named Leslie Cox and a negro. The dead are Miss Ellen Smith, a man named Waller and one known as "Dutchy." The latter is said to be an escaped convict Details of the crime are meager. The negro is un der arrest, and claims that he was forced to kill the. who was known is "LWtcny. D. B. HILL, DEMOCRAT, DEAD. Conspicuous Figure in National and New York State Politics Passes Away. Albany, N. Y. David Bennett Hill's life work ended at Wolfert's Roost, his country home, near Albany. The nterment took place at Montour Falls n Schuyler county, where the former governor and ex-United States senator as born sixty-seven years ago. Senator Hill had been ill nearly -hree weeks with a cold and a bilious attack, but his condition had not been considered serious. He was sitting up in bed to take a drink of water when he was seized with an acute di lation of the heart. Death quickly followed, with no one but a nurse at his bedside. Althqugh he retired from active par ticipation in politics following the presidential election of 1904, Senator Hill was deeply interested in the prog ress of the present campaign. y he discussed the situation with fudge Parker, who was then prepar ng to make a tour of the state in the interest of the Democratic ticket. Senator Hill had entertained many men distinguished in state and na tional politics at Wolfert's Roost and ais guests always found him a most hospitable host. The senator never married, did not smoke and rarely in: lulged in intoxicants. Governor White issued a proclama :ion requesting that all the flags on public buildings be displayed half mast until sundown on the day of Senator Hill's funeral, and that the citizens of the state unite in appro priate marks of respect to his mem ory. BEST bASEBALL BET. Philadelphia American League Defeats Chicago National Team. Chicago. The baseball champion ship of the world belongs to the Philadelphia club of the American, League. They clinched; the big prize. Five games were played, and the eastern youngsters took four of them by outbatting, outfielding and outrush ng the veteran Chicagoans. They "got ihe jump" at the start by winning the rirst three games, and although Chi cago punctuated their progress with one defeat, it really didn't change the jituation a bit While the series was not the most profitable ever played, it helps to simplify the high cost of living prob lem confronting even such heroes as che Philadelphians, to say nothing of the Chicagoans, with winter coming on. The players' share of the money amounts to $79,071.93. Of this 60 per cent., or ?47,443.15, goes to the, win ners, and $31,628.77 to the losers. As there are twenty-three players on each ceam eligible to participate, each of che Philadelphias is entitled in round numbers to $?i062tand eiuXJiucaso in to $1,375. The total receipts for the series were $173,980. The two clubs share 38,755 apiece, while $17,599 goes to .he national commission. The total paid attendance was 125, 219 persons. OCEAN STEAMER WRECKED. 19 Drowned When Steamer Regulus Was Wrecked Off Newfoundland. St. Johns, N. F. News of the wreck of the steamer Regulus, bound i'roni Belle Island to Sydney, with the loss of 19 men of the crew was re ceived here. The wreck occurred at ihoal Bay, nine miles from this port. She broke here tail shaft off Bay of Bulls, "36 miles from here, during a ieavy storm, while on her way from Belle Island to Sydney, and a tug picked her up. The storm increased, however; four hawsers were parted Juring the night, and the Regulus be came lost in the fog and darkness. At daylight the steamer was found to be a total wreck on a point of land at the entrance of Shoal Bay. Nine teen members of the crew had been swept into the sea and drowned. Fund for World Church Conference. Cincinnati, Ohio. A gift of $100,000 to the campaign fund for the world's conference on church unity by J. Pier pont Morgan served as a fitting cli max to the greatest convention in the history of the Protestant Episcopal church. Mr. Morgan was named as treasurer of the movement to raise funds required to bring 'about what Is hoped to be the greatest world's con ference of Christian churches through out the universe. Giftt .... w.e.n colleges. New York City. Appropriations amounting to $725,000 were made and apportioned to six colleges and uni versities at a meeting of the general 3ducation board here conditional on the institutions raising certain amounts to secure the gifts. The in stitutions named and the amounts are: Baylor university, $200,000. Trinity college, $150,000. University of Chattanooga, $150,000. Meredith college, $50,000. Wesleyan Female college, $100,000. Amherst college, $75,000. New Carolina Railroad. Statesboro, N. C Announcement has been made here that the States ville Air Line Railroad company will build at once a new line of road from Statesville to Yadkinville, the county seat of Yadkin county, a distance of 25 miles. The road will be erected Dy convict labor, arrangements hav ing meen made to transfer 50 convicts from the state prison to Statesville to oegin the work of grading for the new line at once. The proposed road. will run through a rich section of the country. Woodmc. ....i.-ie Ciats of 7300. Louisville, Ky. A class of 7,800 men, coming from seven states In diana, Ohio," Illinois, Missouri, West Virginia, Tennessee and Kentucky were initiated into the Woodmen of the World. Twenty thousand Wood men witnessed the ceremonies, and among the distinguished men to be takn into the order were Governor Wilson of Kntucky, Mayor Head of Louisville, Ky., and Mayor Potsgrove of Frankfort, Ky. The degree team from Dayton, Ohio, conducted the initiation. 20 CENTS FOR COTTON PREDICTED BY NEW YORK BROK ERS THAT STAPLE WILL BREAK RECORDS. GENERAL BUYING MOVEMENT Sudden Climb in Prices Follows the Publication of Government Ginning Report. New York City. With an advance of practically $3 a bale in the price of cotton, seldom, if ever, has the trade, accustomed as it has become to rapid fluctuations during the bull cam ign of last season, experienced such Recent-Tfenrupt transition from weakness ' to strength, displayed by the staple. The sudden climb followed the publica tion of the census bureau report show ing the amount of cotton ginned of 11,000,000 bales or less. In addition to heavy covering by recent sellers, a big rush of buying orders from out side sources developed, the bull lead ers of the earlier season who are sup posed to have taken profits on their long cotton when the market reached the 15-cent level, seemed to be coming back asbig buyers on the advance, arid private reports came in from all over the South, from western specula tive centers and from many of the chief cotton centers abroad, express ing a very bullish view of the figures. It is doubtful whether a government port ever caused a more general buying movement or caused a more sensational rapid advance. Predictions of 20-cent cotton before the end of the season was frequently heard in local trade circles, and the market, in short, reflected a complete revival of the bullish enthusiasm FLORIDA TOWNS DESTROYED Belated Appeal tor Help From Ten Thousand Islands Section. ? Tampa, Fla. A belated appeal for aid was received here from the vi cinity of Punta Rassa, on the gulf coast, reporting that the Ten Thou sand Islands section had been swept bV a tidal wave during the West In dian storm, and that all residents who had escaped were in destitute circumstances. Small settlements were wiped out of existence and the residents only saved themselves by climbing into trees. ", G. W. Storter, a Reading merchant of Everglades, bringsR)e news of the 'ruining of crops, wrecking of all mer chandise houses and the total desola tion of that section. h. G. McEnsky of Chokoloskee, a ltrm& merchant eCtfca -section re- jjna he drowning of many women and cniiaren, tne men sbb&ius oaicij in trees. H. W. Martin of Bokeelia, reports the washing ashore of seventeen bod ies, supposedly those of sailors who perished during the storm. lhe schooner Eureka arrived here from the devastated district bringing a pe tition from Chokoloskee, asking the local board of trade for assistance. The petion was signed by thirty-six surviving residents. A cargo of pro visions was sent out from . Tampa. PLOT TO RUIN FRANCE. Socialists Planned Campaign of An archy and Civil War. Paris France. On the reassembling of the chamber of deputies after the government had been attacked by the Socialists, Premier Briand created something of a sensation by declaring that he had proof, through confessions of the leaders of the recent railroad strike, that there was a deliberate plot to ruin France by violence, anarchy and Civil war. During his address the premier said that the cabinet was studying a plan to prevent a repetition of suebfes trikes while at the same time guarding tne legitimate rights of wage-earners. The Socialist members of the chamber of deputies made a violent demonstration against M. Lepine, prefect of Paris, and the head of the police torce was compelled to withdraw. They then denounced tne ministrj for the throwing of military resources of the country to the service of capi tal, asserting that such a procedure only increased the war among classes. Hundreds heported Dead in Storm. Naples, Italy. The beautiful coasts of the Bay of Naples and the Gulf of Salerno and the islands of Ischia and Procida have been devastated by a peculiar combination of the elements. Two hundred and fifty persons are said to have been killed. The disas ter appears to have come in the form of a cyclone. Accompanying the cy clone was a cloudburst, a tidal wave and violent eruption from Mt. Vesu vius and from a crater suddenly open ed on the summit of the long-extinct Mt. Epomeo. Oldfield Beats Jack Johnson. Sheepshead Bay.Barney Oldfield, the automobile driver, easily defeated Jack Johnson, the heavyweight cham pion pugilist, in a five-mile automo bile race here. Oldfield won the first two heats of the contest, making a third heat unnecessary. Oldfield won the first heat with a lead of a quarter of a mile, covering the distance in 4 minutes 44 seconds, and in the sec ond heat led Johnson at the finish 50 yards. The time for the second heat was 5 minutes 14 2-5 seconds; 6,000 people, saw the race, Altitude Record Again Broken New York City. The American al titude record that J. Armstrong Drex el so proudly brought down out of thA rlnnds in his monoplane, was snatched from his grasp by Ralph Johnstone, in a headless Wright climber. Drexel reached 7,10 feet, but Johnsone topped him by 198 feet xith a now mark of 7.303 feet. He came down chilled to the bone and hi8 goggles rimmed with frost. He had battled with a snowstorm above the clouds, seeking higher levels for almost an hour RALEIGH AND THE STATE. TRJ-STATE C0RN EXPOSITION. On December 5 at Columbia Farm ers Will Make History. The farmers of North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia will have the greatest opr)rtunity to compete for prizes for the best corn at the South Atlantic Cora Exposition held in Columbia on December 5 that has ever been of fered to any people south of the Mason and Dixon line. The corn exposition management, during the, past summer, has been busy gathering prizes for this event It has been previously announced that the aggregate value of the prizes will reach $8,000, but now the prospects seem to indicate that it will be more than that, and per haps as much as $10,000 in money, machinery, live stock, etc., will go to the exhibitors of the best corn. Espcial emphasis has been laid upon the ten ear exhibits. Prizes are offered for the first, second, third and fourth best ten ear ex hibits of corn of any .variety for each county in -the State. Also similar prizes are offered for the best ten ear exhibits in each con gressional district. . Three classes will be opened to any man or wo man, boy or girl, in the States who wishes to compete. The winners of these classes will come together in the sweepstakes classes in the State for the best ten ears of single ear variety of white corn; for the best ten ears of prolific white corn, and for the best ten ears of yellow corn. The exhibitor showing the best ten ears of corn of any va riety will be awarded the Ameri can agricultural cup, valued at $5,000. The winners of the ten ear classes will come together again in the grand sweepstakes classes for North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, and the winners of the grand sweepstakes classes will bo eligible for the grand champion sweepstakes classes for the best ten ears of corn exhibited from any of the three States. Should a South Carolina man, woman, boy or girl exhibit the best ten ears of corn, white or yellow, from NorttCCaro lina, South Carolina and Georgia, the aggregate of his prizes in mon ey, machinery and cups will ap proximate $825. Also liberal, prizes are offered for the best 50 ears of corn in South Carolina and for the grand cham pion sweepstakes for the best 50 ears of corn in any of the three States. Likewise prizes are offered for the best single ear in the con gressional district class, in the State classand in the grand cham pion sweepstakes class: Liberal prfzes are also offered for the best' individual display. The one from South Carolina who makes the best individual display will re ceive as his reward $225 in cash. The second prize for this is $150, and the third prize $100. In this exhibit the exhibitor will be re quired to show at least ten bushels of corn, and the display will be judged 70 per cent, for the best corn and 30 for the best decoration and display. The corn exposition management also offers liberal prizes similar to those of South Carolina for the best corn in Geor gia and North Carolina, which in the grand champion sweepstakes will come into competition with with that in South Carolina. Every farmer is especially urged to select corn for exhibition. At least five judges will be required to do the judging and these will score every exhibit, attaching a com plete score to every exhibit,- so that the exhibitor can see where in he is strong or weak with his corn. State Sabbath Convention Oct. 30. The fifth annual State Sabbath Convention "for observance and preservation of the Christian Sab bath'1-will, held in Raleigh Octo ber 30 to November 1. To Decide Question of Shipping. The question of whether inter state shippers of cast iron stoves in North Carolina shall have to crate them or continue to ship them uncrated as in the past is to be heard by the North Carolina cor poration commission November 22. Errinjj Man's Troubles Multiply. J. W. Napier, who was arrested at Charlotte on a charge of defraud ing the United States mails was hardly in the hands of the federal authorities before a Baltimore de tective arrived and placed another serious charge against him that of abduction. ' Napier, it is charged, had enticed a. young girl, 16 or 17 years old, away from her home, promising her a place with the girls' show among the midway attractions. "Tough Element" Rules Wadesboro. Wadesboro citizens have become aroused because of the continual violation of the law in town and the apparent inability of officers to cope with the situation. An indig nation meeting was held in the court house. For some time the rowdy element has almost taken possession, especially on Saturday night they would run things to xsuit them selves. Officers seem to be unable to handle the "tough" element which gather about near-beer joints Big Y. M. C. A. Training School. The campaign which has been waged in many city and college Young Men's Christian associations of the South for funds to complete the conditions necessary , to assure the purchase and full equipment of the Blue Ridge association grounds near Black Mountain for the train ing of Christian workers, practi cally closed after adding approxi mately $10,000 to the $25,000 already raised. This is the proposition for which John D. Rockefeeler offered $50,000 provided $42,000 be raised 01 AN Ideal Christian Home School. Preparatory and CoUegiate Mon2a?Art. .Exprenslon, Physical Culture, Pedagogy, Business, etcYconVerwvS Music Hlarh stn.nHa.ra moini.in v.vla?aa - uiiBervBflary OI "", jygjj Mutimura maintained Dy large staff ol experienced. ImiSm. trained Instructors. Tak mnniT inn Kr- rH.,nj . . 'IV . . c?a . i eY rJtrSf,l!hnc heat Excellent tab? tt . . . . . ', CiV rt . -" tampua. voneeris, lectures, tfmnln.. hank t ball. Write for our catalog before selecting the coUege toTy ouTdatet HENRY JEROME STOCKAnn A.M. Dl.-T.r?? I y " " If all piano buyers were as critical as they should b there would bo fewer sales of inferior instruments. It is at least an exercise of good judgment to investi gate the reputation of an instrument and the standing of its maker as well as to test it thoroughl y for tone and con struction. We have low priced, medium priced, and high priced pianos. Each class is kept distinct from the others and every instrument is marked at its actual value. We invite comparison of these instruments with others offered at similar prices. DARNELL & THOMAS. Every thi if Known in Music. F. -.LEIGH, N. C. 'BASE 3$ ALL GOODS Anything you need when you play Base Ball. We have a full line of Spalding's Cloves, Mitts, Bats, Body Protectors, Masks and Balls which we sell at catalogue prices. Write for prices on Uniforms for your team. RCDcROSET, Bookseller and Stationer WILMINGTON. N. C. WHITE OAK ACADEMY. A Preparatory School of high grade for both sexes. Fits stu lents for college, business, teach ing, and the actual duties of life. Competent 5 and experienced corps of teachers, healthful locality, moral atmosphere, reaeo?able terms. Ample boarding accommodations, and low xrates for board. For catalogue or any further information, address W. W. WOODHOUSE, Principal, WHITE OAK, - - - North Carolina. PANTS 75 Gts. AND UP. FRUIT JARS. ALSO, FULL LINE OF GROCERIES. COME AND SEE. CLARKTON The Glarkton Hotel 'THE TRAVELERS' HOME" CLARKTON, N. C. Pleasant place to rest over Sunday. Good fare, careful ble rooms in new brick building W. S. iolid Silver "Where it Wears A dainty pattern, "Lafayette." One of the beautiful designs of for years makers of artistic and durable silverware. A fall guarantee on every piece bearing the trade-mark T domes ft StMARiMif (fc'LVR-'M'-'prT;' Sooons and Forks ir ii i . j j lor C1UDS, noieis anu pnvate use. We have something of interest to show you. Pay us a calL - - . u M,utx Lti it nivin iim.1 ' - mmoibci ci. . V SUPPLY CO. attention, comforta CLARK, Proprietor. E Is a delight to every house wife. It breathes into the home an air of purity, cleanliness and refinement, THE LATEST PATTERNS of this beautiful ware made by the best manufacturers can be bought at our 6tore at prices that will please you. We handle the STANDARD brands of guaranteed Sterling and Plated Wares and you can depend on what you get from us. GEO. W. HUGGlNSi Jeweler, Wilmington, N. C. SILVERWAR