!E VOL. 1 i. BLADEN SPRING S, N. C., THURSDAY AUGUST 13.1886. v-i ;f TEE ELiDEH BUlLETIft, l*luMt<bed livry Thuimiajr at BUdcu H i» r i ii g s -V ». LYOSfi* VQ~ Kditarx 4 Proprs. “ItiUe* ul Sulh^ «M*»u ikt AJv»*4ei».'+’>\ i-i One Year . . . • i KjtyMqnths, . . - .* • TJrree A(<*utli», . . . - * ATA (ivetfivng fl*t» Itll&K>N\A HU-L t! #1.U, •XO *> ■» m tt+ ' ¥*■ ;V:’ we;r tt»*» U* 4i( McDowell ami p.eriiMwilll given u s by bui t o publish it. | We know the writer very well ittnl what, he averts we he ee.pt as t rue without further evidence, kin word, with us; being pie a ary lit oof. vi b are triad that M Sut-to* !l had sufficient lo\e of fair dealing and leU luterest enough in the event of the Convention tobeifn iwded to giVe a history, a correct o'.je, tif the oc.iar renews at a Con V ' I -i *v 1- - leiuiou llivt \v11 l*»«g| be memor able because of its i gularity and If- 4 tnai*li.t<de.i»inn eetlin gs. It isua.<c one to that fuss that a tWw wire pullers, tricksters, De - lingo^ues, ana political pluuilers bjy all laauuer tf unfair proceed iugs, scrupling at nothing,, will have things their owu way, with out reference to the question of right and wrong, whether the ip tereat of the people, j whom they pretend to represent, is lieiug seiy t»d dr nOt. - j i . ji fiiuel' a course of proceedings ought to be condemned arid loudly for to weakly auburn is aulieriui dangerous-iiecetedenf: l>o establish «4 ■fhtngs like these are eiiieifiag wedges to t he destruetiou of out l.iHiiunf.s. . - . i . 'J . [ i lie gent I emeu who withdrew from theCon\eutiou felt thaf they feed iieeu wronged ajid it was |>u-|' ly to cotidemii litian nfnir conn ^ ol protjejeding that they did so, they liad | n o selfish o bj« c t i n view. | One di duration w e invite partic ular attention to and that ifioi e.y was offered to a Delegate. auki^e! A ijJiluMRM Skamk! I! 1'ifat [ if should ever come to this. In a free Country. Hoftli Carolina,!in this e Ide is that ; a | HU) ulightened age, when the Hi’ at every house in the land W e a right the L* tier mail who is lit to repre.se it »ie of a county was not too good to have a oitbe offered hibi s|» we knew the parties uaifie who offered it uud We would put Jown 1 ere iu big Caps, Head I—p !'•. Pear !S»r: u» It. is lalwavs in<isf —• say agreeable add plvasuj'nt1 things, about any tiling iiud ejj.^c hilly in giViuj' the news ot the jidsuit ota jiolitical convoy t hin, that had just at sc in l led, ///<• xtuiuibltf 1< x, lie beuefijt of the Demo eiatii-jumj. and fid the geueiiii ■a.ivniivemeu'r- of its w el fine, but 4 huti/y,as ieeults shod, v ;*.u a s.a|e aireadi made up, add a p.euoifh dot* l UMuawon to carry it out, atuli h.izaids and regardless ot every oiuei- ruii*idelafciou. i )iiooiiueut aud worthy citizen df ytiuj couuiy, w<w;t*> hurt' b* <‘tt placed be tore that cou veu;iou,auil i\cuu4 ids irieads were so situ :i,,d h4 uu.ue was not even pie 'h ote l is the principal reason, and 4,v appiecartlou of your love 01 i".r «jie4»u»i upon the priiuapjeaujl ioa,lytju honesty, is ti.e general reason why 1 address jou ydsmnimcaticu. r at j plumed, it* won id be a morti 10^ spectacle indeed,lor the dele gaiiou fjum lUadeu to havereturu ed to their- Home.-*, without having their <i»«d<d»te passed upon <4/i*/i, the call verijr ion, nut when explain ed, It w.Ji readily be seeu, thatthey toot the only emux* left then* of a manly and diguitied wit kdrawal ii dm a body, wuow; .sole pui-j[>ose ■ it u’iW, to every one, uitltl every consideration or quesdiou, tlmt did! licit look to, and own «&; the , pnriknes tpr which they Lada*-, sembled. Mr. C. C. Lyon, j had j friends in ait least tive, if not inote euiiiijLies m this judicial dist.net.i |>i‘U*yates fnrm bluer counties ItUan i Cmrioivtuiujit s -£?-? sard that tjbey wished to tm Mr. Lyuii, hot their eouuty was east as a whole, for auotlier persom Inf this eouuty be was ahead of all: other cowpeti tiers, having 19 Votes upon a pod takcu, against *17 for Me Ivor, and 14 for McNeill. ! Yet I iu thy early moments of the eou ; ventiou, before uommuuCions were rent bed, aud while a questioh w as j before tlie convention, uot genualu : the the subject of nomination, and before M.. LyouV, name had i been mentioned (publicly) ill thj ! couvolition he was made tiiuUuo ject of a sneer aud snat, by afdeie | gate lrom—- county, winch 1 only 1 one, to h show tiie viudicii ve and malignant spirit, which actuated some w no nad voices on tuo llour of the hall, delegates wuose jiamcif were senc, as apcxeijited, were ruled out, because tuey' were deemed to he Uniavorable to the nomination of tho person chosen by the, captors of tue convention aud mono instance, money was of fered to in duce «* deiegath to, i euiaiu away from the convention, because his op:uion was not jin ac cord with those who had essayed to be the m asters of the same! Hut the crowning act of injustice, was iu taking lrom the Oumberland delegation, their inherent jigjxt, to vote as they pleasedi borne days before the ‘_'9tu nit, adyeiUseffient was made in our daily and weekly papers, lor a meeting of thecuiuoer find delegation, at Id o’clock in the morning for consultation, a lull meeting was nad, a ouairmuh (A. A. .<ic rve:nan. Jr. Es(f pointed, and among ot.i i1 things ) was ap ii mstU’uet t the solid iu lavor ol iu uujuiii a resolution was adupto j lug oar chairman, iu cas ! vote (od) oi Cuuiberl.iud. j continuing tue gras rule | hating a candidate. | 'fins jftds rule nas always been ! in force in every political coijven-. ! udu held here since tlAiwar. Under its operation Me Iver, the paiseut i boliciior, was nominated eight years ago, aud at the last eoUven ! lion four years agp. Judge ilea ! nett aud Me Uae, Co«gresspiau j Waddell, Shackelford and Green, a.1 have endoised it. E ! ty convention for the uomiuati u ! county officers,'siuejs l 1 aye been a I resident here (nearly twelve years) ! have acted under ift conveying the idea, as it doest that unless a can dnlaie is strong euougn his nomination ty a two-thuds very oouu to secure, vote, he is uot strong e put oefore the people as date. A roeoluuou iiein. nominate by a majority ijUystiou came before fjie - bioase ur debate. Any peidOi ui the majority resolurioi gu to cand. rt-d to vote, the ode s a j ji v o r I, had uo liouble iu •‘oaicu.ug tae speaker’s dye, ’ and enjoyed the largest •autude and'yn i vdege oi ucL ate: out waca one opposed it, aud was nrijvor of tin* yr.ls rule, n ail'd wed to ppc.iK a*' alt, wuica ne seldom Wat.*, ..as.treated in a most dlyeour teous an 1 Jjuus* Manner: aud in jue .oi oi tae i*c "nil l Ho a was: s pul, or j ipon, on instance i aedebate in i a Jins mu‘( vv <*«» de«4fe.cd,(>o uioiaoi, When iuo <|Uc.s Stated aud i»etole, a a., coni .ueuacvl .o yt* . tited (ilC ^VddU * i ddt «* \ l*Lc U iW dtiUUC j to . e c.u.tvt o*r j. 1 ue vp.e i*eiug caltcd lot i*y ry.rulics. it sl.md, fox jutjoiit v rule a t i, lor , a.- ^t-is r uic ,1h>, iso tho iuu - r •* a., t timed by j a .a*ge tu aoftfy, < Un « .ft, .it: Vt r anaouced j,J cum clia«a delegate , tinsuidd at nr. -VlcjnMi.f uadex. too a to Cwa.te.ige . »c t mo yi tadl coaniv, taougu ae ^.art.t'iualed iu luO utccloi^ oi .»* Ot legal tot , | which instructed that coiliiCy 's VtK e , ifr n >e ca.d as a tihxfc on itum, flipgle «piest'ou, and aider muck dise.ts .stou, this {same delegate'll id jfo.ir dv leg.mou would ta. f|| sinotik-r vok*, and were .-mu <.i r«*v * <?v,tpo gr-ls rule, he .v.,um fit, »v« withdrew, ami .>/ an aci.i |l count stood lio ior jjrds rule an4i> agaibs:. Tins we reporteu to tup t p,, veutipu and agaiti voted our <1^4itiou ks iwme instructed, iiaj|prj we m lere.i ty vote, l»«it the m rveativpi iu its window (*j Uii.U'ito k to .set aside the vote a.VuM,.,ii l divided «,o.ut us suited 'tk.yir'ptf*] ..«*»«. At i- bt».j, .... were lbiiowcd, and tuus supported in their action by the councils lift' rladeu and Modi e, solidly, and ifruusw ick in paid, and rcassemoi ed at tuc town find over tuo .dark etiiou.se. Here a mo t remark* able statement was made by an* titan ly,on airma.. of the rJruus.viek delegation, to tins convention wuo I was alsu chairman eJ tlite Idem. ©Lx Ooai. oftaut county, and a member off he duald of Ouj. »Jom uisstoaei‘.l. iuis ge-uticuiuu,. oer.atniy -p pnji ! mjur.L.1 man at .lOiue, puolic<y ue cutred mat Bruusw.ck county uail instructed iier delegation to vo.b lor tac nomination of capt Mel verj oat taut tne mala portion of tiie Uelegalkm vote, by souie process ot legerdemain, unknown to ium, a ad bi-eu cast .or a urau wuom he Iran never seen, whom the'people of Brunswick county did uot know, aud wuo as he sta ed b tenths ox tue vuteis Would hot support J The .darhei riouso inootfug was ud jurued to meet at 6$ oV lock of tue dbtn uju, at Wuicn time delegates from ifuUcson, aud.some ftom xtidn nioud e.veu, joined us, augmenting tno assembly, which tilled the iiaii almost to overiiowjug. Yet every thing was said and done in an or derlyajud teuipeiaw; manuerj when resolutions wult$ pvot.Ostiug against the outrageous o’jli oao law] a. d unjust proceedings 01 tuc ln.dy of men who had that Uav drxocti four counties out of the convention and trampled mttr lights under foot, at in.s meeting ju. iveli'y ot your county presided j the entire delegation ot .door Bladen ami jlCuuidejrlaijd, together witi..,>li. dauly chairman of the Brunswick tciegat 10a, were preseat, oestues ouio lrom other counties. The utmost freedom of expression 'asallowed, and tue seutiment was nnamiuious tual turnoeriund pur sued the only course left tier, uot auj telly supine ami cowardlytiie Same tunc any other free-born A ipericau citizen would have done un der similar cneumstauces. These are the tacts o ftlie case, and let him who has the nardihi od assert, or attempt to mautaui that those Tour counties were bolters 1 u.i> s.r! we mane our light inside oi tue xauks ol the l>e;uoc»atic party, aguist oppression and wrong. i rcspe-cliUily submit to you sir if sijioh cUu be sucessailty defended i oh tue contrary, it it is uot with; oat precedent or paralel in the his* lot y of don \ si. t ip.ial or parliamen ta itt uodtcs, Wit tiiii y ou» CAperieacc, .iu*ervniioji i Upon u Uat tu.ucipie 01 light or isoaNcation set; •on, could .uo • de, ; Lac tU^iesmd Wilt of tuc! delegation iio.u cnatueiiauil an l Wi. «c coi|L t»es, a.td Vote it us it i*e.*>u sitiie.l t.ieir pui ,»oses. i itou want ground coulu Uccmi \eut 04, tuujuga Us cLa.ruian iefu*e io declare tht re^ul. ».f the vote ojr wLe |ds *iud majority ruL, when it had oeeulhg »dykfa.».eu. foldJj jus .«.ic .is it had been form 1 j Vast ee repeated except a |ds vote up.»u tue principle that it takes tuc same strengtu and power to destroy ^e4ieal) time it lakes to ciea ci an analogy may bciiouud m tire legislative manuer ol nrskiug chmiiiidtious. Tin. U .loiix ov a gils volt, sec. 'J alt. Id; w it ahWipe iiailftrfake t«> <ay this voi«* could ue rcuu cd or ai.eicu oy .* jlu or utaj rity vote. iu our convcutional bodies, in this judicial district at least, cu tool iaaguarpi have given us toe cbiisttiuUouul |ds rule, aud by ig, ; ' 1 ■ , \ «fe lea* t Uhu 14 could it \w r* - pealed,! altered it reduced: and then only upon : otice from the preceding convention, .SO that tho subject matter might lie 1 »*Ui Con jddeltfl by tue people aid their did r^aif i instructed upon lit it prop»"W turn. Ajguin, if the voM dool as , secret ay les reedrljt .-*!iew ll to <»tt for |lit* $U rnl.i and IU t ir . t^e majority rule) was not the t\;rmoi adopted? iVif l if aldpted, how can tj*c eaiiitidatiyrlawi ro be the nominee by a majority vote! ; And vrhaV right had the chairman n-ioRo to declare itl would lie nUefoW »««C IVWWVFWf Bsftm *-V- «r *wi nee, be would have been, li ne had acted under the $ifs rale us by '•precedent immemorial uswgcc and I the vote atiHtultubg it, we ought tc have done? ‘ la candor, l submit sir, was | sue.i ■ Mitjraj'ous conduct ever upon enacted or beard of? cau it be •ex petted that a flee people will sub mit to be tun i treated! timuufy lent idy 1 can imagine that will correct the wrong is to N»!y the mailer up on the JJ ss. Kx'. G oil. and e. them call a new convention, upon wit icn I the ft tends of I he var ous compel i tors at least have a hearing, so far as this county is concerned, let it be tin derstood that vve mu he uo, attack (athough it was publicly ala ' ted to some of tii e successful dele. gates that the nominee did not I wan , or ask for any democrat ie sots | from the counties of Moure, Bladen l or Cumberland) thtvhgU tas before | stated is to be made inside of the j lie uiocratiic Party, and we can set | tie it, partly quarrels aiways should ! bo, among! ourselve.q 0U •'»*de have uotliirg lo do with if; take uo comfort or eneouiagemeut, they uec;| may seef^ to ess hope, a at what tn. ir distance , them, or they doubl pioiuonitioi) of Kiri, out of which they hopo to m. k<* part propit capital: ohr friends! (the enemy , ♦day no 'such lat’emig unction to their soullsl” It is a puny tight ahdas a party we can and jsi.ih light rt oat among ouw lvi s. But at the same time l would remind who perpetrated, au;»jl seemed to idelight in the perpetration of this ! wrong, tliiitit is just fucu wrong conduct i.s this that gb c ajrgu ; meiit to the independent candidate and" vole, that ilestioys that strengthivv*.tii eh union and concen trated, hauuoiiious action and el fort would otherwise surely bring ; about: and wbicu it persisted ih will result in actually ifuotabso i lute party apathy, which it not only i left to take care oi itself, will linai ‘ ' the disintegration oi ly result in jjauy party ,or society ©f uieu, toi whatsoever purpose it may iiave been organized. Lfi, 8uch cohjdnet brings about that “division of the home” to be followed by the swift1 liiltilmeiit of 11)!\ iue prophecy “it cahuot stand” with such connections as tbar/of the | 2Dth uit, the days of convent ins are i|surely numbered, used as that out was, piartic day the ban :and the people now arh say "* a a not the uld wj ay -a scrub race tor ail. da of a lew begiuiujgfco L;- best1 ihe.y uiau who w auls to shod huv a i o4,eu field Sl ,i lid a- tail* dgnt, til'd OemVe the people, sonny u l.viatmi ihci .£ *, 1 ain Veiy liespeo.luliy. t iio.ma.s U. and or tail upon his Sir. SUITOF. G03J LU T. H. Hales, It* you want; 3JJ23, QajSilV GOOD GOODS, CALL arid S3a me. {'AMollU- In lilLL.-AU. Good Up Country GOaSVYULSiUJV. J ju« Ji •! $ut U I liTSKRH lu §j' Vi» »5i'i **K «* •* *%?*• •“**•; r J.mJjH i*. f Jil hi?f, m’ wll oa Upp 4 pn^uluw. v'A.'iii uf&ur fflSrr “TWS tondciiiMNiTtme T»Hl* TwUW««‘ffcillit5,00. A. M. V'*v N.W.AYER ft SON ADVEBTISIHO AGENTS PHlLAMUUlil Cw. lco*0 • ! ft* -1 BTlKJfESlrKiSfftt”™ t (M'S I rut in xoam lteunetts’. iilu, Sh'.< Heel, ; Fayette ville, i Saii^rti, I t>ro Hill, i liilKTty, (im-u.si.>or", burner at (Inscrisburo, I jif»or> v,i' ■' M Ore ltill. Sur,fiui4^ i. Fiiyettoviil, s!km* Heel. tieuiit-tlsvillee Dinner at Sanford lit and Passeugei Train liiMimt'tsvdle Tuesdays, iys uud Saturdays at, 2.3» rrivmg at Slioe Heel at in. and Fayetteville at S Fayetteville Thursday* and I L Shoe fleet ives at He Leaves days. at 0.30 a. in in., and arr at 12 tii. Freight and Passenger Train North leaves Fayetteville DaiiV at d a. in., (connecting at Sanford with Freight and Passenger Trims at Ualeigb), leaves Sfutjfofdj at 11.30 a. io., and ar>ive* '.at Greei * boro at 3.40'p. in. Leaves (D ei nd>oro Daily at 5 a. in., leaves Sanford at 11. 15 4. m.f 4,id arrives at Fayettevilo at j.#o i*. in. ■ • i", AM \' - ,J:;o.'M. K<oe, W. }[. s. ries*. .V.x-i^br Ajit. . J tieii’i 5Snjjt. IKTCS LS*rr.p.* trta* K> tK»r urcvu-ing a IMorf.it, quick ulu. T*rrtlqry rllka. ... . .. , Oft. SCOTT, 8o2 Broadly, NEW Y? T. F MoGILL. -KKTAII. DFiLF.tt Vn North rsiroHtta Corn Whinny FI N E OLl> JlYE I *!*> h*r* th» &n<l Urg> . . j.' OF Tol»a<'i*o ;m«l Gi^ar* in Town. -OaU'Miii acevttr, : >r uh I wjti *U r<m '■. ■ ■ , • A ■ - ! ■ i I .. Sartijvj: l./vi *.:if ,0.*Y t i«** {<aAv<t. : *Al in a. tW li. v>m !.f i

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