The- Messenger. C. W.EZZELL, Editor. CUMBERLAND PRINTING CO., PROPRIETORS. FAYETTEVTLLE. 1. C. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year,. Ve . Six months, Three months, - - - "' ADVERTISING RATES Made known on application. OCTOBER 28. 1887. A meeting of the County Farmers Al liance will be held here on Saturday, Kfh All members are earnestly A w nresent. See notice or Secretary McLean on another page. The situation in Ireland is becoming daily more desperate. The pphce are becoming more despocic and the inhabit lants are but litttle better off than verita ble slaves. We wonder that they have iod such unjust oppression so long. . rm A GOOD STAx. We are pleased to note the fact tlia one Alliance in this section h an effort to rid its members of the high mortgage prices. The Alliance members m?,!li;L Hot tlier they have been IU1IY ri . - . wi whnhuvinr under, mort- J mnVinc an efiort at crasre. anu sc u" , . co-operation, in oraer w - Lg negotiations to buy their supplies for next year in a lump, assurances or success, a " ' this cooperation will place the farmer where he.should be a thoroughly inde pendent man. A few years of hl8J operation, buying at a saving of about twenty-five per cent and selling at an ad- A. .ill nu vance of ten or twenty per cem, y v...-,i.r,rL-imr farmer who is now m,nltn work from early mora till in summer's heat and winters cold to eke out a scanty living from the bondage ot tne moric i PROCLAMATION. The goodneJand mercy which have louowpa W. O. CLARK, Proprietor. 1- I X The scurrilous attack made on Mrs. editor of a vile sheet iri VICiu" Minneapolis while the President and par- tv were there,is so low ana J ... i.U.. . Pufll. ble as to be entirely unworun -station. A nice boycott, judiciously ad ,ninistered, would fit all such cases as this. ple S dars of thet By from every national omMi irom e j t ... , welded a est toil nas eur rl K-jMtl,R in the way of national prosperity. To the end that we may, one a k. fTTititnde for all Wrnr ClereUnd, President of the iUnitedStetej,do hereby designate ana set api" . Iv . i..r.,4... r.Vfh dav of Novem mdage of the mortgage aav, me iwxiijrxu-M --v . The Farmers Alliance nas oi 4 Der uexi,t aa v- ----- n object the abolition of the mortgage sys- alld Prayer, to. be 6bsen'ed by all the tern, the founders oi tne , i peop.--. , . em. pioyment be suspended; and let -our artSo Cs1 Iffl- 3fl. HAT SIKttl. ST APliE and UEAYY wrnnoir1aW vftiir inf pmst and Call OH .rr Ai t? i ,T airm Vhii vill receive good weight and lowest prices for Iresn - - TOTtA ft Tt BUY FROM TJUUSXi y xikj YOUR FRIENDS, WHO Ha-e Proven Themselves Such. ALL . ' ' S GROCERIES, , T,he Raleigh JS'ews and Observer is op pospd o Uncle Sam buying the telegraph lines on the ground that it "savor .too much of paternalism and there is jno of, that sort of tmng air -agreeable to most of us." We are hear tUv opposed to that paper in. this meas ure, and are glad to state that it is - not a drop in the bucket" compared to the number in favor of governmental owner ship of telegraphs and railways. A large number of leading papers have cone out squarely in favor of the government stepping in and subduing these monopo lies that are sapping the foundation of our free government. Did it ever wcur to you how unequally everything is distributed in this world? While Cleveland was traveling around in all his pomp and glory, boosting himself-for another term, at an expense of iJ,e wages of three hundred workingmen . 7or a whole year, and traveling in cars ' each of which cost as much as one tnous and workingmen earn, or are paid, in a year's time; while he was traveling thus, We sav, there were hundreds and thous ands of people in this land of freedom and plenty actually suffering for bread. And if these people who banqueted and dined Cleveland on the fat of the land would pay living wages, this otner cia of people would not have been suffering for bread. r The General Assembly adjourned on Wednesday of last week. Mr. Powderly did not resign, nor was he asked to do so. The Associated Press reporters got things badly mixed in their dispaicnes. Ther; are many rumors afloat that the anarchist element of the Order, headed by pseudo-delegate Buchanan, has se eded and established an organization of their own with' headquarters at Chicago. These rumors may be sensational, yet we , earnestlyhope they are true, o 1 can be an Anarchist and a Knight of Lr bor, as the aims ot the two orders are di ametrically opposite. Instead of endeav oring to advance K.of L. prinsiples, they ! teen a constant dog-in-the-manger to the Order. We are glad to dw tnese ureiu-j-en farewell, without a tear in our anti weeping eyes. They have been a con stant menace to the safety of the Order. t 4Kia nnpction the Xational Repub lican says: 'The anarchist and socialis tic elements of the Knights of Labor have seceded from the order. The friend of the ordef ami of labor generally must congratulate the Knights upon the se cession. This is one ofthe cases m which' a Joss means a gain." lieving that this system is the root of all the financial ills nnder which the mort, a'ed farmer is now laboring. To ac complish this object the Alliance has a co-operative feature, through which the farmer is expected to obtain his supplies at a much lower ; rate than heretofore and by the same method realize a better : t rttvuliir.-tK of his farm. The .pn2 iui j' . feasibility of this scheme is, we suppose, i f dmihted bv any practical, common sense man. In Texas, where the Alli ance originated about seven years ago, there are several co-operative cotton fac tories with an aggregate tapitkl of more than a million dollars, hundreds of co operative stores, from which the farmer can purchase his supplies at a greatly re duced price, and a State Exchange, with o ,Iritnl of half a million dollars, for the sale of the cotton, grain, hay and stock Miwxl hv members of the Alliance. All i.cp fr.-nnerative enterprises are in sue- V m- cessful operation, and are making money frr Mia stockholders. Realizing this the Alliances in this sec- t!nn should commence at once to inaugu f-n-onerative enterprises. A few dol lars from each member will go a long ...... aii: ways towards establishing an Aiiiaurc dorc. where the . members can obtain their supplies at less than mortgage prices. Thiseeins to us to be the first step that should te taken by the Alliance to benelit the members. They sadly nepd aid in this respect Unless the Al- mentswith the merchants they should start a co -operative store. This feature of the Alliance fully carried out ho nf inra.lculable benent to tne T M members. f wJ , i i -rtTlrt n'aspmble m , places oi worsuip, their accustomed and with prayer thanks to xt " .r,i,r ri?af1ipr for all tliat -rr i ,1 while we humbly implore forgivenes3of our sms and a i:r,oiSf TTis m(rcv. Let fami- I'UilUUuauwvi , . i- Vko T-Aiimtcd on that lies aim jvixi'-" w... . 1-f a'ir hfarts. fill With A ofTfrt,iftnate reminis cences be turnea m wauwumcM w source of all their pleasures, and the m' 11 X1i.'?...1?-na Vl HV CiaCl jnver oi an niai i"" o . ana joyous, auu m i worsnip aiiu uappiucw ..v y ber the poof and needy and unfortu i i ;nn rVio rifv and nate, ana oy our guw ui x.j ------i t irv4- no i-nionsf the reaav Deuevoienw, ick wo v , number of tnose wno, wuug hearts, shall join us in our thanks- rr? trill rr i I si u ; . In witness wncrtHJi, a nave ecu xj hand and caused the" seal of the United States to be hereunto affixed. iDone at the ! City of Washington this 25th day of October, in the iYear of Our Lord, 11587, !;and of the Inde pendence of the United State. 112th. Urovr Cleveland. By the President;! Thomas f. 15Ayard, ALWAYS. Janiily, Farmer, ; City r Flour. CHOICE Bacon & BACON Shoulders. Bulk; Sides ani Sbuldres MackereU Herring, MULLET and BOE, Sogar-cnrcd Meats, FRUITS, ONIONS, SUGAR, COFFEE, POTATOES, SOAP, MOLASSES, PUPMI? RAlfTTr POWDER. STARCH, TOBACCO, CIGARS atid i CIGARETTES. Faxicy Groceries, j VOOD and JlLLOV VaRE. CROCKERY, TIN WAKrJ, , ! CORN and aiEAL. Everything usually kept in a Grocery and Provision Store. i CALL AND X SEE X ME.- i t W. G. CLARK. Praetical Draughtsman, Fayetteville, N. C rBcing a Practical Machinist I havejust receiyed a first-class lot of and Wood-worker, can guarantee satis faction m all; - BUILDINGS or MACHINERY. Apply at Mssskbger Office Secretkry of State. -MOUNTAIN BEEF mi' I i- A nrumla "Wonf VM-lf lie f UlirbUl apwowvi to the Henrv I1S lltiViVv - j George party on appeal in a manda- From Ash Counttv s Yoncg, Juicy and Tender. BeelJsianage ANI) Police Koard to appoint a representa- noQ,t forRet tnat buy for cash and tive of that party as a fifth member wiu haVH to for ttre same, of the various boards of inspectors of t thank the blic for their past pat elections, as the suit to try the issues e and beg a contbuance of the involved could hardly be decided be- . j fnre lov. otn. I T4-f.,l1w i -" .v I iVCaJCVKAU W! H. TOMLINSON. long life recorded are thoo of Thomas iail ouu --.vy. j w.. , shireman, and the Countess of Des mond. Parr lived to be 152 years ; S old; Jenkins is said to have, reached MAKING i PlURCHASES the age of 169 years, though the . j . - vuw v ... J A . ,S mi rion'f f;t tA PTntnin( oar stock 01 case is not so wen auinenticaiea. x ne Countess of Desmond reached 142 years. Jiidce Snell. of the Police Court of Washington, D.; C, has sentenced DOr M pj "uo "A v ui uu X fxi. Irt'fl.jrs HKia fino io small the precedent ; is great. Hereafter Judgu Snell will be quoted ts an au- tL..if r nn lv-i-orf f e An 1 nrinol Ti'ill made-by the Convicted ' conspira tors." Craftsman. Don't fail to examine oar stock of .UPPOKTERS, HOULDEK BRACES, i 'dspendobs. AI1D OTHEd GOODS. Our stock is new and complete, and . i! i prices iow. i PEMBERTON & PRIOR, j Druggists. FaycttcviWe ; 1 iSEUIQG CPK 3GU8E ORGANS, i30, UQ'.&$, $65, NEW MACHINES, 025, 530 & $40. OLD " $10, 012 & $15. 0RGUINETTE8, $7, $14, STAYBRIGHT ?QtISH for fur niture.' . !-: ilACHINESand ORGANS repaired J. H. FARRA.B, Agt Dwelling Oczsss, 1 1 in 9 !:OFF10ES:! t3f-FOR RENT BY-J D. N. McLEAN, Real Estate Agent J

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