, f The McsseDseiv I C. W. EZZELL, Editor. CUMBERLAND PRINTING CO. , PROPRIETORS. s FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION, i One year, - '- - $1.00. s Six months, - - - j .50. i Three months. - j .25. j ADVERTISING RATES ; Made known on' application. OCTOBER 28. - - 1887. j AMERICA'S CHIEF PERIL .'!.' " j ''Are we a nation of sramblers?" by a re-character This ' question was asked tired merchant of hiarh and sterling integrity. His com nan c j - , ion, the head of a great banking house, sadly replied: "I 'fear I must answer yes." They were conversing about the fluctuations of Wall Street, and about the corners that had been manT ipulated so frequently of late years. f'Oh," said the first speaker, "the papers talk about our danger in case of foxeign war, ibecause wej. have no naval defences, and of the ease with which the gr'eat ships of even some of the South American States could compel our seaport cities to pay trib ute to them; but perilous: as it is:to remain in this defenceless condition, - it does not trouble me half j as much as ltdoes to see 'the demoralization of the public mind brought about by the great gamblers' of the country." . There are good reasons1 for such gloomy forebodings as these. Gamb ling of -every degree and kind is an evil, if not a , crime. Every State has laws more or le?s repressive that represent the enlightened public sense on this subject, but all these refer to petty things, while in .Wall Street and all the other commercial centers the eyil increases, anhas reached a mag nitude exceeding anything th:s '001111 -... try: has heretofore known: Railroad co-pperations. transportation and tele- grapn companies, and even the food of the people, are at the mercv of the men who play for stakes almost as great as the wealth of thej countiy. , The honest investor no longer dares to buy stocks and bonds to hold for legitimate income. It is impossible to foresee how long it will be lefore the soundest and most valuable properties will be wrecked, not by misfortune or by 3 "visitation of God," but by the selfish operators with more! millions than consciences, who care only for their flwn aggrandizement, I and are utterly reckless of thej sufferings of their victims. tive in tbejr business ideas and meth ods. Her people, like those of other sections of the Union have suffered somewhat from the. gambling opera tions elsewhere, and as industrial de velopment goes forward and wealth accumulate, thy will feel it still more. The Manufacturer Remrd calls nnon its readers to consider this grave sub- iect- and to use their inflnncf to arouse a public opinion against it. If u. :i : x r -xi I iuib cn uuunuuts i .luirrrast; in me ; POST OFF I CE BANKS. We have before snoken of the KVSU tern of post office banks, recommend- i it: ,1 .c rj 11 - 1 I ing iiieir huujjiiuu 111 in is country The benefits f,derivei therefrom by XI 1 3 X J . : me poor wiieretcr auoptea, ana espec ially in France are set forth in an artjcle upon the Parisian working class in Paris, in the Par urn of Ser- temoer. , The bulk of the working: class live i m the top stones 01 line houses W. THE ' . Wilmington Messenger, WU.MIXGTOX, X. c. Bemoved from Golfs!oro to Wilmington. cena your name and ihe uaiue and ad dress of five of your neighbors or friends on a postal card and fet free for youreeir and them a specimen copv of the KEW DAILY PAPER, 1 THE " j" ,, ; z "" in meiop stones 01 jiine nouses m same ratio it has for the ; last decade, , spacious thoroughfares, where they Jt will demoralize all legitimate busi- Mx der far hett ? and work untold miscief in all parts of our land. It is tlie( chief peril of the country. Let us all ioin hands v to suppress it. Ilecoiyl ' ' ; BOYCOTT, CHILD-LIKE AND BLAND. liniiMfNOTON- IflLMIXGTOX We believe in bovcottiner ti h'fri bov- m C " v cott is just. We delight in ho matt ing when its object has committed a crime ajfainst the risht-s of ins t'L low-man, such as denying fair, pay, honest nay, for labor skillfully and faithfully performed. We "would rather, we admit,. that there were no boycotts, wh ch m?ans tfiat we would prefer to live in a world of people with men so honest, with employers so fair, that theie would be no just occasion to wieiu mat terrible, dead-, lv weanon known mulur t)o Antl.m , -,- - ' WUlIiUl" dish name of - "boycott" But per- naps mat aay win onir come when iasnion piates win ; be no more; and assencion robes, cut biased, become x 1 . ' 1 1 At tne universal guru. Ana wtv propose to ooycott nisticn a manner that all theSnellsaud all the Worthinons and all the acrents of misnnnfd nrl (-j - "1 - w uircooFtrued law cannot nolo crimin al. e proMse to stoud by our friends by those who through just dealing show good claim to our friendship. That is all there is in'i it. If we de sire to purchase a suit of clothes,, it win oe Dougnt irom one wlio employs union bailors and who closes at 7 o'clock. Thrre may be others in the same line who do not emnlnv'nriimi tailors and who do not close at 7 o'clock, but with them we have noth ing to do. This is a great American Republic, where the eagle scream? and the Godd ess of Lilertv has her wjinn. tuarv, and the merchant tailor . who banker. so elects can employ the pauper labor to his heart's content, and he may burn the midnight gas to the glory of mammon and the profit of the Wash inarton Gasllerht Comivmv vi-i- . 1 tr 1 J ACL in the year save Sunday. That la h(a great privilege guaranteed by the Con- . A. M.: a m - m srirution 01 our torelattiers, and as dit'ons than the Door mechanin iii overgrown British Inetropolis, " who dwell in close foul smelling slums and courts, amid noisome emenations of 'mi flushed sewers and reekinsr cessl pools. ! ' I Tangible proofs of jheir well beinff is anoraea oy tne deposits m the Mil ESSEKGER ESSENGER "' . A; f Complete Telegraphic DLs. patches. BXCECY A Best Market Reports. PAGcK A Live Wide-Awake Dem PA3?Ka I cratic Journal. ' - "THE PRIDE OE THIL.STATE." PUBLISHED IN WH3IIXGTOX. The Messenger PolMisIiinj C mnj. est and best Carolina. 4,WIlu PRICE $ L50 A YEAR. Send postal for specimen copy, fi-ee. Address ; Ttir ifpcomr,Vi .; Wilmington, N. C. nost office saymff banlfs, which have Subscription : lTiree months Mi trial tor "M-rv;iMu sieauiiy every vear smc -w in rtavancc. that institution was' establish fiv years asro. Hnd bv thefstill more tellL ' The Wekkly ing fict that the eat emmission of . Transcript-Messenger the Pans loan in Mav last for 90: , . 000,000 francs was tovered tw.tv !55 elV The bright Vi-m vor flc. L x. x, eeKiy.: 'ieaes eveiT m nit ouiiip pfini jnio rne various banks and financial agencres 01 fans. j 1 lie frreater part was furnished by the working classes, for most of the nepositors purchased shares nf snmll - - . . , amounts, varying, from twontv to t h roe hundred f rn n est Th ev h oa rrj their economies chief! vf for in vestments of this kind, which are gauranteed by the state. These people were not irt such a thriving condition in the earner navs of the existing regime for w are tniaoi a trejl k'nwn thief who tMv himij 11 ,s muustry at a meet- lnrr rt fVio y x, " i U " , , . .ys. vx man uaiLv wiui;n urno Main those days, having been warned bv a police who was watching him replied with a shrug of his sljonlders: j "Don't talk to m ahnnt m.,. ! publicans! have searckwl th of over a hundered ofinorsnnc i and conldnt firid asingle sonf " hose nockets ar wrll 111j! I his result has bppn br 'i ov rne system of post office saving banks, where a denosit of fn cents to five doll , . - j iiiiiue anci the tTovernmpntr: 1 Journal ofTjobor. j i For -First Class Job Printing call at The IIes n(;ek office. i VISIT-THE . D.UBERLAiD - - PRINTING 03IPANY, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. , When io ueed of 6ii red to him bv the .TndP t i xi x ii x t -Vx , ; 0 v a. fuougii mnz tne small courc. , nuz mat does not carry investments in stocks and bonds upon I with it the right to compel us to pur- which the widow and the fatherless j chase there. Oh, no; we buy from are dependant for support should b ' our friend. It may be over so wrong made worthless, as they have been to' "conspire " to the detriment of time and again bv the manipulators of one who would grind the faces of the Wall street, but it is far worse that poor, but it is right and just and law it should 'be in tVe nower of one man. ful to eive our friends th IwvnofU I 1 . m. 7 . ""vmi vi ur auy eomomation ol men, to force the prices of food and fuel to a that carries suffering to the laboring -Til A . -m V' millions 01 this country.! These things have and will be done nnti thejpublic conscience is aroused andimen of our town have excellent; facil- www aiiu uauonai iaw-maKers are compelled to make all such evil acts, and crimes tranishable bv law. Tf ha been said that this is impossible, but mat is a mistake. J he same princi ple that underlies the laws against lot teries, policy shops, ' and cramblino- U X1 - ' 1 ; - xiuuocb, applies witn equal: force to mese weigntier evils. hen men conspire together to advance jthe price of wheat or pork, or of any other thing that enters; into general con sumption, oy creating an artificial scarcity; they do an evil thing that is easily to be proven, and that ought to be punished. Thus far the south has escaped to a great extent the gambling mania that prevails in the north and northwest. Her bt.nV, cotton and produce ex changes have been notably conserra- our natronasre. And that, tt,0 '.. M. a uv " J we shall boycott. And lest anyone feel concerned as to how we may as certain who is our friend and who is not. we assure them that the working- Kiiiglite of Labor Co-op't Oil R'f Co ' Manufacturers and dealersjin LUBRICATING and! ILLUMINATING OTLSl IrkilvJ I HI Of ANY DESCRIPTION. First Class Goods. ities for ascertaining that interptinw fact. Wa7iigtoit,I), C, Craftsman. Rev. Sam Small savs' in giving in his political experience: ' ' I was born born a democrat, raised a democrat I studied its principles thoroughly. I worked for it. I have snent mnnpv for it. I have drank whiskv fm. if I have lied for it, I have stolen bal lots for it. I have stuffed boxes for it. I did all it told me, and it took me within half a mile of hell.,, - A big pecan crop in Texas this year. At Brownwood the merchants paid farmers $1,200 in one day for iJt:uuii. in, oj cents per pound, and v Agents vanted in every citv in v ui.aic:k 1 .11 1 . t '. ' M o.i , "UI, number of shares of stock a. I iiVZ le to Kai ot Labor STtoS K. of L. Co-op't Oil R'f'q Co 01ean,.:Y. ' L. C. Pitts, Pres't SAMPLES - MIS X C5 02 o $1,C00 on another day. The crop is i 5 agieathelpto the farmers in that J xl 1 , tiiouin stricKen country. Cleburne. d u 0 2 3 Q W pa 5zs S P5 O o 2 GQ t 1 55 5Z5 0 c o 13' 3 c 'S 3 o 'i. o u e3 s , o 1 o 0 x o 3 a - a : 03 S3 O S 1 AVill Compare Favokably WITH THOSE OF AM BiniSS HOUSI. AKD WE ILL GIVE YOU SATISFACTION. oub motto: urn 1 !t!i 1JWW) ion DIGPATCH, r t; ft? LOW 3PioiS. f I.