1 EQUAL RIGHTS TO ALL; SPECIAL PBIVILGE? TO NONE.' Vol. 1- FAYETTE VILLE, IV. MARCH S3. 1. 1 i JVo. LET US HEAR FROM YOU. We are receiving hundred of letters each week from our subscribers in the West and South and on the Pacific slope, and they invariably org running a l&bor candidate for President this foil. But while they are all a unit n tht point, they are not united on what the name or' platform of the party shall be Some will accept nothing hut Henry (reorge and hi land tin or v, others want the Cincinnati platform, other clats de mand the old greenback name and plat form, while a fourth want to see a man nominated upon the platform and prin- -ii.lM nf thfi ICnihtH of Labor. Now this last platform suits us Vet of any, hut we realize tnat we cannot elect a President with onr vote alone, or evtm if we hod tun nnited btrencth of all the "K. of L. nu mbers in the country. w woi td.s'tll in th- ntinu itv, ui tf.ose w'i i sr?; 'i ,hii)r Mi ir cai us iu th othe- I -h; r pa;iis sl'O'dd relz thf satn thiut; and tudd tht-y do realiz-5 t hi, there ia iu hope f r a union of all the forresj and until ihre'is a union of force there is no show f so 0cct-s. A disorganized army becomes a mob when engaged in a battle, and are as liable to to shoot friends as foes. We have b en for the the past two years advocating a union of all the labor (dements into one errand labor nartv. CD mm' and care not what the name may be so long as the flig of organized labor floats at the head. The difference in the platforms of the several factions to-day is not enough to quarrel over. Either - - i vof them is a great improvement on the two old rotten hulks owned by the democratic and republican parties, and "we believe that if a conference was held, of delegates from each, that a platform of principles could be formu lated that would be acceptable to the great mass of laborers who are to-day outside of the old parties, and waiting for a Moses to lead them into the prom ised land. Such a union could be formed if the leaders of the different factions are honest in their profession. If not, the sooner they are fired nit the better. "What say our exchanges to this? How many of us can apne npon this point to start with? Advocate. Each of the nine trusu-es of the Stan dard Oil Trust receives a salary of , $25,000 a year, and the preside nt S30' 000. The sum of $255,000 a year f r ten men is not so bad, and they ought to be able to keep the wolf from the dcor. considering tbat it is S250.000 J - CJ - T - - - more per year than the average pay of ten worKingmen. xrn&ts are great in ? stitutionsj they keep up the wages of their members without resortinsr to strikes. The boycott is the weapon of the trusts, and look out, you private enterprise fellows, if von get in the way of the trust's boycott.- Craftsman. The labor party beran a nrotcst and the worning was heard. If the party is to dissolve, where will its members xro? r- To Tammany to vote at the bidding of Kichard (Jroker, or to ti e republican shambles to follow the dictation of Sen ator Shook T If men who work for thier livelihood are content to be as so many cattle in Urokerand bhook's yards. verv well ! But they can think, read, vote and make ap their minds like other peo pie.- We trust tbat as a JLabor party thev may loner remain an active, intel ligent, intrepid and intelligent force in THE TRUSTS. Just now the attention of tke conn- try Is drawn to what the monopolists term "trast?." though whv snob, an . ' . aggregation of free hooters and exploit- t-hoold rrcnve eueh a nime is dif ficult to Conhctnre. The Congress ot W the United State, made up as it is largely of wealthy men and represen tatives of corporations, have een fit to tMrn tneir eye upon a growing evil one which nntil the lijjbt of investigat ion was turned upon it, was secretly eating the life out of our industries and in.p verishin the people. The New Y rk Lgitdttnre, through a committee, was the first to grapple this cuantic l - . - . i j t K woii, ci v evil. Ibe representatives of tlieUnrLlu !w- .i.. "trut'ts" -the robber barons of tbd . I I nineieer'tb ce'.itnry t iirst uadt lijht of t'i j offor ti yrv i ito thfir thiv in fpt'inVr l-i.-. little fii-mn- so 'v u'it t u i . tiiie 'lb r is t oi o. iy a reat iooonven teiic in sr.ipt rliTia I b noholy at lianci but they are a Fource of great danger to our country and to our in- s:itutions. So lone as workinmen only were affected by their machma- .1..,,, tUD puM..w u-uiu ou wnu iu- Hxmtr wages, rates and prices "hoi 1 a difference, but the whole laud is now commission from the people or from Di interested. Capitalists ' who are not vjne Prnvidenc?" 1 in th swim, manufacturers, inventors, The World has always counseled farmers, and all classes are being mined against any unlawful act by Labor, by this octopus and nnlest something hethar organized or unorganized. But is done through legislation to curtail jt believe not ouly in the riMit but in its power the people will find a way the necessity of union by working peo to smash the machine and bring the pie for mutual protection. Amfitas managers to a realizition of the enor- sure8 Mayor Hewitt that if there should mity of their crime. Under the system be a political issue on this questiou it of ''trust" we are returning to the meth- wjl not be, as he predicts, against ods of mediaeval Europe, when "He organizations like Knights ot Labor, may keep who has the power and he but against the conscienceless corpora nifty get who can," was the rule, which tions, ibe devil-fish I Trusts and the ao iii;..i.y auusieu w. it m a uuea- tion whether the "neonle or the trusts i -f sha 1 rule, and in an open conflict by ballot or othrrwiH it ohntihl not fkf . ni i ong to decide the issue. J he work- ncrmen have been the pioneers against efforts will be seconded by all liberty- loving people. 1 be trusts must go. wajisman. vnr pi ltT . , . . . , -"-'-. T eBo nuu yuu lUOl are more nano-erous than standing armies. uzjjci sun. 1 -T If the banks of the day cansed JVf- ftrson uneasiness, what would that grand old statesman think could he look around to dav and spa almost thn entire banking capital of the nation power mounting legis'ation and con- trn tr.. : WL.i 1 ''..'."J- v"DH""l''"i tfUHi. no ynu think? Answer at the noil Snuthr?i Mercury. The State Master Workman of the Knights of Labor Fays: "If you can not find our label, find the mark of some othtr labor organization; insist upon having a guarantee of some sort that the toiler hus recived iust com- cucatiuu jui uid tiui Kt Here is a poor, pale, faced woman, toilmg and working, making shirts at sisty cents a dozen. Ihere is enough real burning communism in shirts at sixty cents a dozen to burn up this country some day; mark what I tell you. liev. ham Jones. . . ! - - A boycott has been ordered on Mil- waukee beer by the Barbers' National union. HEWITT S LATEST TILT. It Mayor Hewitt jhlind ia one eye and deaf in one ear? One ibight think to after reading bit speech t the Board of Trade Banquet oq Thursday even ing. He passionately denounced the Knights of Irtbor n "a secret and irres ponsible cabal," "woi-se than burglars or highway m-n,w for instead of taking te property of one citizen they rob the whole community." Thi will strike most people as a more graphic description of the coal kings than of their operatives. The few erentlemen. inHtinr in a rwarnr who arbitrarilv fir t,.r f c r " w - - words. I hey are ecreC and trrs p ndiMe cabal' and thv urob th - i a Ue K? i s'btp cer w ". ly do not. .f iv- nc tiii .ig i' to r .r.iv, vf.rltii- iinii i is rai ch a- !thir 'ulore.v have? Do the -Trusts'" m. -5i in puhlio and proclaim their purposes from the housetops? Do the "pools," the 4tsyn- illnjti-B" am U At'. ( . . bination for regnlatin? production and nthpr nrmi nt i-nnct. r w anH n.nnnn 1a o.,k:..: ; i-..:.. r- uc ouuotiiuilliv, tilllll'lUtLIUII 1UI competition as the Uw of business, md : .i ' i .. wpj"tiK5iu me uo wui&tris Willi UI1W ilun,i hiio mKK;n .u ,f .1 rl vrhh t, rtks. v, I'u... u'-j.7 Two sisters in London. 17 and 19 i . years of aire, educited and cornel v. bi- Mn& abletogt no more match boxs to mnL'n at a lute nanniaj x rl .. 1 . U 1 selves together an 1 drowned themselves in the Thames. Thev left a Ipttr in which were these appalling wo -rvnowing unng-r is stronger tuan vir tue, and if we live we; must yield, we havd decided to die.'l It is said there are in London 100,000 such girls who London ia not th . . . . ""J mJ UhousHnds Of vouno- rl nan I,a F,,.nrl who decide to lead a life of shame . ... '. w rather ier than die of starvation, and who blame themf It ,is the system un- i : v .1 i; ;.i ... i . can der which thev live! that is to blame It is the men, who b cl iss lenislatio n in the interest of monbpolv force vnnn rr girls into this position th tt are t blam ana not me gins. xut wbt a sin commentary it is on our boaste l civil ization. Labor Advocate. push the work of educating tie peo- pie in the principles of correct go vern- ment and true economic science. The public mind is now fallow ground, and gco l seed sown upon it will fructify and bring lortb many fold; New Order I j The Tredger Company, of Richmond .Va., are building a six-ton Smith fur- nace in connection with their 10 inch tran. Established 64 Years WABREB PEJQ3 & SC3 Lwitk Okdzbs For Thi -A.Taxxra Watch Engagement Rings Wedding ZRinffsS 1L.VER 1 SPOON ILVER FORK ETS OP OARTftR1 AND ALL SILVER WARE Warren Prior & Son. Jewelers, Fayettevih N, C. CaJUffiSSIOHEB'S SALfc Of W." CABLE By viru i 01 i (?ecr -e f t.'., S Tper or Court of C7uUl'. ;ri;in 1 a.uutr .. i iu a special rfonii r .co.w. r t . i r mil wi e, B. O. Vr.,t and i parfe, I will, Ck)uiraus iouex appointed w inai purpose, sell at Vai, r . .on. onaay, March 12th. at 13 o clock m., at the Market House in Fayettelle, N. C, a tract of land fronting 87 feet on Franklin street and run nine- har.lr ino fw r,i;:: L - . , OL " ' -"-' ou jvjimiitr Lilt) lands of J. S. Starr. Henry Ifolmes and v.. wu OI r ayetieviile, and i uAi uwujinjr aescnixxi in the pctii tion riled m said caase, -14 lerras or sale, Cash. . Eexry Lu Cook. Commissioner. This Feb'y 7th, 1883. , BUILDERS, CONTRACTORS, And others about to BUILD HOUSES, FENCES, &c. Should call on or write to the undersign, ed for nnces of huili'n- , i.ii, sucn as Mouldings, Ceiling, WEATHERBOARDINS, FLOORING PALINGS, POSTS, LATTICES, &C. Ve keen a larero hand, or can make any to order without delav Address WALTER WATSOX, Fayett-ville, X. O I havejut recei7ed a first-class lot of -MOUNTAIN BEEF From Ashe County1 ::-Y0UNS, JUICY AND TENDER-:: Beef-Sausao IJaxdJI Don't forget that I buy for cash and will nave to sell for the same. I thank the public fpr their pat paf. ronage, and beg a continuance of 'the same. u Kespectfully it- tomlixsox. HOUSE ANDIGN For the best and most satjsfiu iorv work- under the best painU-r in thVsoutln "J ItesnectfulU-, X. A. Lovitt. Hope Mills, X. C. 1VJ XxC-fXctu R S nme R If AVrTPtPTrTMn-. C?P?erSber 1 raakc the best Brick made in th St.nt wsl ""Ci;