y-7 I s EQUAL IUGIITS TO ALL; SPECIAL PKIVILGES.TO NONE. Vol. . FAYETTE VILLE, IV. C, MAY jll. No. 3, OFFICIAL OKGAX OF XORtH CAROLINA KNIGHTS OF LABOR. ifl1 mm mm tifoi 1 1 I 1111 THE CLIMAX OF INFAMY, Now that both th senate and house have passed resolutions approving the "law" permitting the government to buy bonds the machine has been started up again. On the strength of the movement bonds have already advanced more than one per cent. It is now a struggle between the bursting treasury and the greed of the bondholders. The government will have to pretty nearly pay the future interest on oat standing bonds in order to get them. This is decidedly a fat thing lor the bondholders. It will 'be a straight clean donation of more than 8200,000,000 to the sharks who have been picking Uncle Sam's pockets for the last twenty-five years. 1 It is a fitting terminus of the damn able scheme of robbery which was in augurated by the bond thieves away back in 1&62 when ,t.hev got that memorable, senate amendment passed making import duties and the interest on the public debt payable in coin, and pnttincr the little word "except" on the back of the greenback. Let ns briefly recapitulate the scheme. Bondholders purchased 82,000,000,- 000 of bonds for 81,360,000,000 of eoiu. Here was a "shave" of $640,000,000 to start on. They hare paid no tuxes. , This has been an indirect robbery of every tax payer in the cOnntrv. The sum of 8350,000,000 of these bonds have been nt-ed for twenty-five years as.a bans for bank note ciicula tion. is cj.n't be counted les than a donation of 100 per cent, or a total of $350,000,000. Bv a contraction of the enneeev and a reduction of prices, tbt increased pur chasing power of the present' unpaid out standing bonds amounts to SI, 000,000, 000 more. Then to cap the climax of infamy a bonus of ten per cent on the 91 bond and about 30 per cent on the 1907 bond is added to the coffers of th robbers. Counting up all these benefits shows more than $2,200,000,000, over and above the legitimate interest! Think of it! More than 82,200,000,000! This is a straight, square, ont-and-ont steal, if there ever was one since the time when God himself wrote the ten commandments on Mt. Sinai! Chiqago Sentinel. V AN EXPENSIVE VICTORY. The Mall Street JVeivs, which no one will cons'der other than a corporation lonrnal shvs: "lhe liurunorton and Quincy thinks it is winning the figh because it is running more trains. I claims 'a victory but it is more expens ive than a defeat. France was the richer lor paying the indemnity to Germany. The company has alienated its associates, has lost support of faith ful employes, has antagonized the rail road system of the cc ntry by trying to involve ail other roads in the inevitable results of the pig-headdness of its managers. It is to-day a bonower of money to pay its dividends. And yet, they expect, or seem to, that other roads which are satisfied with fair returns on capital, will support them in their in sane attempt to keep up S per cent div idends by squeezing employes." THE VLB L1C DEBT, Republished by request. Q. What was the National debt in 18G7? A. The public debt (exclusive of the guaranteed Pacific R. R. bonds, am't not available) was as of June 1st, 180r, 82,773,236,173.69. Q. What was the price of wheat in gold and greenbacks in 1867? A. Price of wheat June 30, 1S66, in greenbacks 82.25, or an equivalent of S1.46 in gold per bushel. Q. How many bushels of wheat would have paid the debt in 1S67? A. Upon greenback basis it nonld have required 1,232,544,447 bushels, or i ' A . - upon the gold bisis 1,892,392,071 bushels of wheat to discharge the pub lic debt(exclusive of the Pacific R. R. obligations) as pf June 30, 1S66. Q. How ranch have we paid on the debt (interest and principjl)since 1867? A. $3,201,194,344.15. Q. What is the amount of the debt now t A. The total amount of public lia bilities outstanding as of Jan. 1st. 1SSS, 81,614,557,000.38 Add Pac. R.R.debt 64,623,512.00 Total Jan. 1st', 18S8,$1,679,180,512 3S Q. What is the price of wheat and how many bushels of wheat would pay Our debt now? A. To discharge the whole of the public debt as of Jan. 1st, 18SS, would require the amount of 1,822,7 16,S77 bushels of wheat at 92 J cents per bush- ei, isew lorK quotations as oi tuat date. WHEN WILL IT END? Some four Tears ago Mr. Philip Ar mour, the millionaire meat itrkcr. cur- nered the market of the world upon ,.n,- i combination which raistd the pricrs of the necesitit s of life to everv la'-ou r, not only in CbicAgo, but the Unbed j Statt-s, ar d by ad-'insr a fictitious .value to the product of industry, forced the wage-workers to pay him and his as complices, by the action of a binsc transaction, " S7, 000,000 For this enormous forestalling, this criwie .'g linst society, neither he nor his con fed- r..ts have been compelled to ftand lef ie the bar of justice, nor whs the inil.ti.i ot the State ot Illinois called ou; to pie- vent this gigantic robbery of the j.e Yet the monopolistic papers imi.c a great bowl against the twenty thousand laborers who coinltintd to better itu-ir condition, to get a corner, as it were, on Armour, but not a woid did the in:c ubnt pap rs have to suy.agMii.M tlie capitarit's transaction, mere!' no c! as a "phrewd deal" and consratu a.ed him on bis success, ratber than cfiiMirc!,s iivsii ;is i : i:. niL... ,i , . :. ijjiu ior UMamv, 1 uus u.siDMicni v - j i b ickid by money an i sustained by a debased public sentiment, goes nn- n.iitn mnmiv lipn whippd ot justice. Menomonc Hirer Laborer. OPPOSED TO FREE TRADE. The Xational iron roofing associa tion has petitioned congicss not to. re move the duty on tin plate, as pro posed in the t iriff bill, but to increase it. The increase, it is claimed, would create the business of tin plate man ufacture which docs not now exist in this country and benefit labor SI 5,000, 000 yearly. Independent Citizen. What is that is specially threatening republican institutions ? All organizations that are founded on human selfishness and greed, micb as corporations, consisting of debt fund ing and banking syndicates; presiden tial candidates. Then we have the corporation of j. corporations, the "trusts." Its satelitesare legal privi ege, profit, rent, usiiry. What is a trust?! It is a sicker of the life-blood of labor. Trust and monopoly are the upper and nether stones between which is ground'the life oif the nation's wealth producers. What are the principal objects of trusts! To fix the price on all products of la bor necessary to the welfare, comfort and happiness of human life; to aibitra rily control tha amount of any one th ing produced bv labor, and to fix the pi-vmjouuau yuv iui r. ci y w i i uressary losnpporjt nuiuan me. n H a damnable cmspiracv to enslave the man flesh. Working IForZ, Atlanta' VISIT 'THE LIVlEFwYMAN, i Rt.vu HoTEt LaFayjette- Wlien yon wan to buy, sell, board or srop horse?, mules or oxen. I buy or sell anything in the stock line from a billy goat to an elephant. Xicc teams and buggies, and car riages for hire at hard time figures. Respectfully, 1 AV. I).j CASTER, Ag't. SllHIlVSitlC FlOI'al jlirSCrY FAYETTEVILLE, X. C. t NOW OFFFRS FOR REDDING PURPOSES Colons. Vren?is, tjp.n'anap new varic-lii-p l'au-iH--, Geranium, Ageratnms, 1J)S";, Ileliotrqp.'f, AlttniHnihe le.is, tSic, .lj.OO ppr dozen, SM.OO per lOO.-s W new have new Cieraniuni!, new Ro' Fuschi-jp Ziloon Flowers, new Lan- t:uns new O n 1 1 i 1 1 ! i All ;ire invited to fc rnie to Sunnysiclc. li'.'snectbilly. James 31. IjAMu. Pcmbcrton & Prior AVo invito overy reader of TheMesstn gur to come to our place and select tbeir Yv'e will oiler yoij none but first qual ity and freshest of Seeds. Fresh Seeds are the "safest and! best," and our stock tbev make 'em. And we can lurnisu von JLaxiclretli'si TOR? Clevclncl's heeds. Call or send votir orders to PEMHFJrrOX &;PKIOK, Dealers iiijb'rt'sh Seeds. Eayetteville, X". C. "Will 1. nits5 11AXDLEMAN, N. C, Practical Tin Knd Copper Smitii 1 Iron, Tin and Slate roofinir done with neatness and despatch, i GUTTERLXG and ROOFING a pecialty. Best mate rial, lowest prices. Satisfaction guar anteed. Give him a trial. To The Workingmen And my friends generally, I with to re mind you all, that I am sull in the mer cantile business, and keep constantly on hand a good stock of, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, CONFECTIONERY, CROCKERY. TBYAlE & CBILKY Raiford's Fresh Sausage, Kaiford's Fresh a Pure Candied Slyron k Co.'s Fresh GrocaJ Flcar HOME-MADE SYRUP. The above Sausage. Candy, Flour and Svrnp are beyond comp.-.rison with north tm or western goods. TRY THEM. Kesp'y. . S. G. Aykr, At UNO FOR SALE. Uv aercs of tHsirable farm lan, well implored, with dwelling aud all necessary Mt: h. v.a iu splendid repair, Fourctaell m h.ues on th place. Good Cot ion Gin convcniontiv situated. t: . : , j i - UrV( I S Urcek toWllKliin. on Art cM.nf Cape Fear river. aUmt 17 miles from Fay etteville. Land is well watered and tira bered. havim; pine, oak. cypres and other ximoerd oi virm -rowtli. ltis-rartory ar. rancmeuts. about purchase xnovex will be na.lc with parties meaning bnines. For further information call on or ad dress me at Little Uiver Academy. N C A Hatcher. VAXN BROS, have just received 25 Bb!s. Early Rose, Goodrich, and Peerless SEED POTATOES. And they have more coming direct from New Vtrk fiiiint'iv T.iv nvo Ka miildienian's profit, lu-iue tbev can sell at New York prut's. Tbev have control of the Funucis Alliam-o uiul Stnndanl A Flour, tbo lust in t!i t ity for t!io money, 3They also hamilo RUTilEnFOUD, FAIRFAX, Bid LOAF, & FLOUR, SUGAR COFFEE, MOLASSES, SALT, TOIUCCO, It R. SNUFF. HARDWARE. .S:c. Tboy want Fiv.- Tbr.usnn.l Por.cn Eg-rs to Jill t onti-u r. Tliry hi-rln'st mar k t prit o for all iaiiitry"oix liice. Givq tll'!!l a f.lll. YAXX hROS., .Tm-: FA-K'tr.ns Stoke, Raleigh Marble Works, 41 5 and 410 Fayettevillo St., HALKIGH, X. (L . Branch Yard -XniTiloisi old stanD Faykttkvikle, N. ( I Manufacturer of ail kinds of Monumenli. anu tondstones in Marines or Granite. Also contractor t..r all kinds f Building Work. CurLinjr, Posts, Steps, Silt, dc,! of all all descriptions Vei: im lu?id and eent to any address upn i.pplle .tio.. v- (has. a. coomvix. PHOPKIF.TOR. j AV. IX. Lockainy, FA YETTE VILLE N.C. Practical Tix .Smith Iron. Tin and Slate rooting dne with nwN ness and dejpatc!i. GU'lTEUINO AaA ROOFING a sri.dty. Re,i matcril. lowest prices. Satisfaction ruarntcd.: Give him a trial. All ordi rg left at C. M," AVattous tere will have pompt attention