: .-- i - tr EQUAL KIGIITS TO ALL; SPECIAL PRIVILGES TO NONE. Vol.2. O., MAY " OFFICIAL OKGAN OF NORTH CAROLINA KNIGHTS OF LABOR. " 1 . . . 1 " WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT. Cedae Creek, N. C. ) Mat 19tb. 1888. ) Mr. Editor: A word of encourage ment to my brother farmers may not be out of place at this time. It is plain to me toeee the spirit of discon tentment springing op among them. This feeling of uncertainty and unrest is not altogether without a just cause, and yet, much of it is purely imagina tion Or ch..rlj attrU nt v to &.?-e3 v -i.-.cn icy at o;?r own iU mi . which iiiav be easily remove. i by change of management or altering oar methods. I hope that ii giving expressions to h faw plain, practical though fa, my mo tives may not be misconstrued or mis understood. I can booe to benefit but little ifany the old chronic croakers. rn i 1 - . TIM. 1:1... ... . i ni-j.iiit their i:v- -nu, t-lu . t;r.se ;guuorat voice crv urd fcitue:; L.a'd J i ties !!! born mo u- iiS'.l i.d inf i! 11 nirbt vvhi!e ihr in- r. re so i'.te ati;r amide, ? ruund. For tlie l.'t quarter of ce., tury onr government U .h b ien rapid y dniting towaid entruiizatiun. The steps to this end have been wi ll planu el and deeply laid, and like s me sl.iw but deadly poison have gnawed away at the vitals of the country's weal un der the gpnrioos plea of defending the pejple. Our trusted Statesmen bevo inaugurated a sys:em of taxation, 'which like th fibed vampire, sooth a to repose while it pucks thf lile-blo -d from the body politic. Thus far they have met with a measure of success in blinding the eyes of the people. To tbt agricultural classes they have look ed maink for th.irdup s, whom th y hope to mislead in support of their nu arlous schemes. Tuey redy upon this clatS not only because they aro mure numerous, but they regard them us inore iguorant, and therefore, the easiest luted into traps set for thein. It is from the pockets of this class that otr national . treasury gathers its richesi harvest of all national prosperity. If any clat-s of our fellow citizens should be treated more leniently than anothr it should be this. The rapacious pol iticians think, and right y too, if this large an 1 influential class can be rap tured and held in bondage by their sophistry, their d. signs catf be accom plished with certainty. But some one has said, "We should have no fear of error wuile truth is left to battle it." I therefore have au abiding confidence 'in the ' sober second thought in th peo pie." Already a gh-am o:' approach ing day begins to iliuiuin the horiziu. The danger is already visible, the rook abound c at c'elry indicates the ruin ahead unless our go d od ciaft bus at her helm a piiof. wiiu f r-adv n rvis and competent. alility. Tim b a -on'o steady light flashes :icro:s the rented billows and our nb e ship of State is moving gran ily on to her moorings A few miore days of patient t ii, t eameet en leaver, and all rf our t-bac- les will bo broken, and then all of nf people will be as.onished that de.-igi i g .jmagoguea were permitted to h-i'i.i them in bondag- so long. The haud "writing is clearly seen upon the wall, and needs no Daniel to unfuld its hid den meiuing. It speaks in an ambig nous phrase. It sas the insdiocs and depleting tariff must be remodeled to as to yield sutHcit ut only to supply the actual Wants ot the irorernment eiono Xlivlly admiuitvrcd. All class legis lation kind and character must be abolished; the markets of the world must be opeo ed to our commerce, without let or hindrance, gold and silver or gold and silver certificates of convenient denom inations to be issued by the treasury upon actual deposits of gold and silver coin or bullion must be recognized as the only standard of value in all com mercial transa jtion and the constitution ot the Unit d Suis, ad the boi:d of in;on oetwe? Sf-.;(-;, mast be er-.iiv g'ier?ed r-ri at buiA iriv of our keed .in. Ail of th:g the people will ultimately demaad and secure and and then be astonished that they ever per mitted unscrupulous and" desuruinjr demagogues to hold them in bondage so long. Now while much of our troub les may be justly, attribntrbe. ?c the idu on oi'tLe vro -i-.-- 1 cfc2J jo: The Chioaeo Herald makes the stntA. ment that in 1860 there was not a fac tory child in America. In 1870 pro tection had dragged 114,000 children oat of the schools and for uo crime but poverty sentenced them to such lives of undeipay and ov erwork as the ignorant must lend among the edocated. In 18S0 1S2,000 were sacrificed to the modern Moloch. At the same ratio, 1890 will ho.c an armv '-.-v. ajj.wre.u. is Mt. potmlatii p .f fcw 'tf . vor.ovi chiidion in t'le ii:o.t. brr.titied by b-.-sses, demoralized by in- essfnt iabor and contaminated by as sociation without restraint. I For Spring 1888, THE NEW CHEAP STOflE HOf M. Fold & I3noJ Is loaded to the muzzle with seasonabla tgoods Clotliiug, Hats, Shoes, Trnobs, VALISES t a p-s c if-.):' I: ; ;-.; I t.; rr-mo''-ode iiiiv,' ! re of '.' e and we fa,tain are. ' Ol :. rt;e occupatio n ti :ujk icr snlsi-nc" win. 'iyo . a -tails and i.ie l:,umerabie itejus to be attended to ct the. proper lime than agriculture. No other bus iness demandH more vigilauce or a higher order of perceptive faculties. 'Take cari o. the cents and the dollars will takH care ot tkemselvps " sKnnbf be inscribed on the doorpost of every! fartnertiirniifrliniiktbol .n l M'u f S " " " '.u-t. O. 4JU Jr- m?rs to day nrliviug in the -sbado'J ana poriais oi aeatu arul uill stay -at that point until the "reaper comes to nap his harvest. " It is the aim oi every man to reach the coveted goal and whvbhould man hold his friend back and drive him to starvation. D. C. D. LET UJS VOTE TOGETHER Chalk, P. O. N. C. ) May J 9th, 1SSS. ) Editor Messenger: Not bavin z seen anything from this vicinity in our most valuble paper, I have con cluded to nrite a few i to ms. llavmg noticed a communication a few weeks ago from Winnie, treating on the subject of running the Knights of Labor with the Farmers Alliauco in our next election, I am with him there. Tbe platform of the Farmers' Alli ance is nearer with tha. of the Knights of Labor than anything we have so n 1 think it is time for the l iboruigc bis of people to loino to the front' thev have been trampled down by monopoly long enough, an I just as Ions a- we iend sle k-tonued lawyers and rapitabsts to CoureFs it will be jut ilie situe, and now let us ail coin.- to gether uud vOtw ti-.gtier and pu. the iab iring in n iir.dlic and then we will Ome to the front. lours lot Gowning monopoly. Tjsuk Vm; kick. tr Tije platft-rm ad n'ed by the labor party at Little K k May 1st cMid-irses tbe National p'atfonu efFebr-arv, 18b7 on laud, transport tlion, money income tax and Chinese labor; faors ief.rru de nauded by agricultural wh. el, far mers Ka'io'.al Aliiwuco ami tbe Knigtus ot Labor; favors iax:ug all lat.ds l-el i for speculative purpo$es at full value; favors the cons didation of sta e and i ation il 5 e -tions: favors nationHl aid to education; legislation for subjection of tiusts, miiroads an I other corpora tions of state eon rol and the establish ing of a laber aod rgricu tuial tuietu That the farmers and wage wotkers are fast joiuing bands in self defe. ee is one of the most encouraging signs of the times Th great order of the iOiiirh?,, . f T,-, i -r emphatically tb astr:tne.M i:::c lod tn weld ti e it,dutriii ti: world in one a lid ii rcsiFt . v.hl.'b will bave thp noner tuv .c: .! a d politici-.i .striK-.t-.J :;a.:::8 :.ri ti e brc.j? Of j;ist , il ji-ht. New Era. SATORELb- NECK WEAR IlpcilERr NOTION S ewelrY-&c.s Newest anHoblifst Scarf is M. Folb k Bni ! DAISY. ri Vvirs W...is a,; lo- anyone. c!"- -.V.; - ta.-iiovas poi;;ib:.. and c s lafg. q.tntities. Oall andso o jrt iutd prices before b.i iri -L 1jL 6c llliO. 44 Stuin r;i-C7n St The noauuotion of bankers, lawva s, and the to s of monop-dv tor loidativ c positions should not be tolemtcd this fall. The people especially the loilin portion of -hens1 should be rpe8rne I by those of their own class vbo c-tn full V svinp-ithiae with thetu 'd wlm devote tl:emelves to their interrttd , Is now located in one of Frank Thornton's new Stores, which is one of the handsomest in the city, having a glass and irou'front not surpassed anywhere for a soft, strong light, that is so essential in selecting goods. . Is in keeping with the handsome building -he occupies, and is the larg est, most complete, and withal the most attractive both as to quality and prices he has ever oi'i red his numerous patrons. Of mm goods' ovcrv description, of the newpst and rettiest designs, and at prices sure to ;ease voti. h I n m k And everything else in the Pry Goods lino may be found at K. LEWftLQ'S 'Mew- JOHN G. SHAW? Attorcrv aad Ceun.lor at hw. E-Colletsons a specialtv. PromBi renuttaiue?. f FAYETTEVILL7 RflANUf'ACTUKEO OF HRICfr tllANUFACTUItEK. OF QRIci nms bcst m Altomey id Ceansellor at LaV,N Lillinqton, Harnett County, N, c SENERAL PBASTICEPBQMPT ATTEKTIOI.X P. P. JONES. " Attorney-at-Law, DUNN, Hahxltt Co., N. C. PracUees iu any putt of the State, and many iW .n tbe state. PromptSS. tentnn given loptofessional basinesi IIAIFORDBROST HAVE BEEN SO IIUSY SELLING GROCERIES Candy and Sausage! lleir1 ad BOt Ume to GIVE THEM A CALL AT McIXTYIJE BUILDING- BUILDERS, CONTRACTORS, And ottto-s about to BUILD HOUSES, FENCES, Aa, Shouid t?ill on or write to the undershnx -d for pncs ot building material, auclfi Mouldings, Oi Urifj, YEATHERBOARDINS, FLOORING Pttiaw, pjsrs. UTncs,tc; ekeep a Iarg; Rtock constantlv on hand, or can nukv nnv tx sic JlT d.-lav wiuiou Add ress WALTFK WATSON, Fayettevdle, N 0 i. - . 4