I TT, U. Dr.AK r; rroprlctor." r. x. c. nuiin; 'editor, y ? : AtfERSVILLh FE3CAUY . $3 CO 1.00 ; ;.c'.u on Inxvrtloa. .V $1 - ffirU i?ija-nt insertion ; 0 Special tor.tBcIs" irkh('i, on rrAwnable f ,r,n for ttr.I c i1r rooatb' - It i lo beYopcl that 19 actloaf f Man barSit idiocatci'a.k welI7a"op-i .: tfnlto oh pDiil;cai parWcy ani -Tit a pfopitioua omen that the Uad !I;t.cUfj7n .boti brarrctfasXf ' onjra ru& ?r-ct meawfc, 'T?e ttrri U certKift, tlJ Frcsldeitial 'p.-tirn"fvin bcVettled wUKont n t s 'rt tof force ; 4-bo war lisan witLrbe -.lairrd . tale ack scat , and t-.c 'j-.si Tiunarcg ihomand men, who were !rdvr knor'n snd then be satined ! iti Icl who will be t!.e L'residnt. Tt.ft prosperity, of the nation da rin li peac tbc pcoplo detnand p-:ace. rji . -tboy dnt inteud to be lul!-dr,red into .a chil or sec'-ionnl -ar Icxp-fttify any tet o'oflicc hob'ers c rCkeicVkrr.i. Tlie 'South irarts XT- ilAr. botr mr and neitiier Dcraov uta Trouians ar'rf going , to . '!'.ctlje-'initiatory -step "in that di . isii?a jryrcdy because, some oue is, rJsnot Preaident for tho next four years. At th present time tberc l rot the least pretext for ar or tbe :rablanco of war; tncra can harlly 3 conceived a'difLr.'nt oo'iniou on-nr ay constitutional question that can not lo settled bf Congress without an appeal to "The last 'resort of ln.,, .. ' ' : Let who trill be declared President. i'.t me 4tn oi March next, w, is me duty of every good cit'zen to neqoi- -rcs In the dtcb on .and anyone tbo ocntels a forcible opposition . should l-edfctorrd puilty of trcafcn sr.d Iralt itb accoidinjjly W A S III KGTON COUKESrON DKNCR. TukWuitz Horse TTAsiruroTo.v, D. C, Jan, 20, 1877. A felirtg of disappointment is cf. en experienced upon seinj; tho Whito House for thp, first time, ilnnv and many n more elegant and pretention dwelling U seen in this i:id all other larjje citiei. External !y it Is a lonlor, rambling old man p'.on house decidedly oidfashioned --hullt of santltone, painted wljite. t t ia but two aioric bijjh and cov2M large an area of ground that at. -irs , iww ironj ir.e sircev. it na? ine a lftthi " ' J . -r in aiiointirz . Jt coa-1 the area. of Aor:b Carolina. " -II . birij ftbeut jv, pcCC ful,.6olutiojv I into Sutte Creaury, 0Trri.?X " ifapiiA ..f !? di3lMtty tUat bas thr4st.jaboatoj.e-tb?cn;b p&rr.opbc.cx t.tar8?f!,',v1 - VHf , J4" : -nr-i tL eovct cnt. -.Tlrc proposed I p'epscs of tif btaleVivefT.iRcct. Tbc OK.rxiIX'l.i:ys:K,ill-0MUa ,iini tiWaj!iiitgton'totseotfreIf roan! Such a state of tbiu-s ought bo Ion -,.S.wlff p.r XwtGn .tie .jas ,Cult 'vmfod in cn siav at home, and ai- cer to be permitted by any section t urt aii.?i'?cl' -7!!,rf " e,rw V 1 to tir pra atd afTur3. ( . r jtoexi-t, if it be po33iulc to present joiunWV in Ami ricaai.U hIUav purcha ii ijoWVcuiains for each and erfy it. Bat eseiially is tbc Eastern rr to Mieke ilieir owu 'citw. J&ii '.a tn xit nntd the result is "nost ! nortion of thp Stat that has so Icm.o ! faciion ifareiiteo . Ad-Iici) , , , . - , 7 II . . ' B v. "" l.toiibt about the dut or the Legisl i- roof serving to-cntante the :dea.ilirtr lu re-artl toihe fOiniIeion of the Ihe grounds, comprising alout eighty I NVcjjtcrn .rlh Larolina R iilroad. cri, arc laid out tastefully i. alkj Ralkioii 'OnsriirKc -Irivcs, mounds, trees and fountains. ' v .i. 1 Hon. Hen Hiil h i been elected to constitute the entrance, and are ornecled by a scmi-circu'ar drive rM -patli lading directly paM r.cdKr. Tho President's private jtouuds are on ti.e South sidc. ilivi d frt! m tLc public by an tnclosnrc. . Or pc site tho Sutli jrtii O J a buiul. stand which is. used hj the Miriue i bi.bet tbe public op--nalr concerts iteaevtry Sat unlay aftenioonr ex- . jt during tbc coldest' weather, ttie :ut spsrtn.ci.l reached from the North entrance. is a spacious vestibule Inline; into a wide pasange from wl.ich open all tbe rooms on the por.nd floor. Thco are te great l.t Rwui here nblic icceptjunsj r.d bJL arc Lel.l. tlrishcd nclnr and nirnubed tutcptuoii)Iy though rj' ao rrrars extravsjjaully ; tbc Green Uti'nf. with i:recn cjriot and firni- t re ; the Bine Room, finished iu blue ! and g Id and with furnishings ofdeli i . trecn tho State Diuii-rob n the CciuetifatorWs on ttc-Wcst. 1 he j Loircrvttories ccotaia a varhty oil i i . . i ; i ? i i. ot uazunsKw-TSMicn u?ei i' l..i 1,.1 t-:h 1.1 :t e iTfsn.cr.t rit bis wife as a rccei-i i. rt. . k, r - - , . ujfytM w..-', iuv?' ... '" 11 (iivfuiiuv, I nnk'l j- 11 CAatrtaiauall ttVrUr taw. H cr. rot m : ti e Red Room, which. i t. qit ,Kr ...t.... ' JTl;:. t! C fi milv psrfcr. i:d lhSt&!a-ti.nl . . . .. ' . : the rtt ajc iiueas; i 1 j i. 1 ai in-ui ieutn, tus coinaju . 1 : p-" - i " -.OCUl. lueniiliant rOCm IS l0- ntlv baa. JtKltfrj I r-'j nt. oil UtfkUrllliMlnUrIAUMuia. St0 potted plants, sorae Terr rare others ixcje BiropJe, 'a-d common, tho lesis9etv,; There are many, vs. rletles of fern'au dozens .of pots of Call a Lilies. several banking basket of Wandering Jew and a rteat many fozcvzn and tiopieal plants. The g jYqrjflggjsp fcf Bryftnd?rii the sleeping apartments -or 03 the rccood floor, i J ' M. M. TiT . Tba niact8n cpcntles comppIn foe, Western iConrcstoaal distibt,' - . r-K. .. , .... - Jf'bro1 Vi r ' rid 'oii'e. the. area, of or:b Carolina. Auditor's report an.t the census. re tarns, show tke truth of this tate- . rcent le)ouu. a.i,(IoJut.. - or tjic..ixr.rn's, ot taxat;g 0.10 nibf wilfcny. ()ur We ".tern friends tret; .tcrii 'friends tret Ii proiiction. and tP.eirfulI eHafo of the protcc ottjer benein coufc-red bv tt;cf iov ernment. bat tliey by no mean- con- !ornc the burden of taxation mier csted to lift that load frvni itself. There i no doubt about the' re souices of the West. In minerals land metal, iu; grain and cattle.- in i iobacco. m lumber ; in fact for everv. thing uat U required for necessity. for comfort or fwr luxury. Us.' capacity j f " production is simply un- J limited. And vet values there are so j low that an equal rate of taxation. will prorbice but ,tMe more: than half - wrb-it it will nirn tuff! eKeliPr. m.cl the reason is. that for all these pro ductions there! are no fucilitic- for transportation to the markets of the we rid. An 1 tftis i fie reason that the East has been so lon j obliged to pay more than its fuil share of taxa tion. It productions can reash mar ket without deattoying their yafu ly cost of transportation. The ca e U dilToient in the Vet. . If,h ensfornj the East desires tbft hencefortli the yfal slitll boar its full s?iareortbo buidens of the Govern ment, all it baa to do is to I urn is I) facilities for transportation. When tUis is done values will at ona rise and the revenues of the State straightway increase without any in crease, in the1 rate of taxation ; in.'eed with proper economy Just m proportion as the value of taxable property in tho vVe t increase the rate of taxation in tho wbo.e State may bo decrease!. ! Tiic completion, then. . ef the Western" North Carolina U:ilro.vl "-is a matter of State neceinity and we urj.e ita completion as s :ch. It is no S2.!ti .iil o.' VViitrn nterpris3.v n. one.in which ti e Eastern people are cquatlv and primarilv interested. for the question! of taxation is one lhat hf t, Vvery pn-pertv r'rrherin the S'-ite ' There evil be no mo uuiteti Mires senate, iroru uccr-i 4is to suce'eet! Mr. Mor.TooT. nr cn ibey u;i'tertook to remodel tbci ' . . . 1 Countv Goprnmrt.t!. l.ic l(a!e2h Sentinel snts that'.' Er-Attumey ..General Hargrove 4 ! lying quite ill at bis Lome in Oxford ' Doabts : r j cntcrta-inad ct bis fvcovery " In .May next ;R.iliigi -ill NOI0 "License" or "Sy Liceuse.- The OuinI Teroplirs arc at work in the Citv c Oaks. .1 Xrlb'iie or llrircC TO W. AVttBT. j ! . I Whereas ia the cx'ercisctif hisdc- t has plea5ei ibe Supreme Grud Master of'lhc Uniircr.u.- ?u r j mr from our raid Nts cur -much be that bis family -Jure mei wlth n ? ifJlittion rldcli onV time -can boil. : Thai this lo.l-e bojluM oao of it tribute their full share of expense, lar's ort!n nVtvi. . ' "" 1- 1 ' I ' w v- wv S 4 4 fc . t f 4t I'M. taijg:H5rnea-Mdiit: cJ .bjr u3i mn anil ttea. !- ' -" ITT ': T . - i, i ; '. 2. That ia this ihur Iee; aXic tioVVMdow n l orphan : Iov Xfjr whom weask the tender- mercies of hlnrh-rbas Fent , th3 affliction! hare ouft sincere!, sympathies; ! Sr-Tbnfinjrfirothcritn ! Sistw-tn ttiair grerfc syifr est srcTow an1 rrtparablef niretuir brptberlr love. Tbat tL members 0 tb'f do Ige wev.Jbe. TasusI ba lge.f njonrnin for thirty davs- , -f 4 Tbat, a copy of t1;ec resolotjorg be Apnt to tbc fsml y. cf our dct ea -ed brobit and le. pul'Labed int tbe 1 'llue "l6 Wadef ana. aNo spread or Hti!table-r Binf!af?J Flow rift's' Jrr i Fivep'Ujudid T:u1iif t-ac kind Ubf I ' . - ? 19 For tMi owt a 'lf aI'Ji:fonal oric MahlflciMPmiifumto to iteW doll THE rLGEE & r OYARI) CO, -' ". U i-t Orv Chester Co. Pa. jsx&AD one ANNouNcsaxiutiX I. ; cr th . . ' Murray Hill PublishingCo. CHRI IV llt!tiilr Ciiati'lairertol all DOOfcl miS llOXB 'lAi-K AHt Ai EPICAL Cnx)5 8t:iCfcE,vrhicticonUiirii. ncriy l.tx Vpapvn of Oi ivhinl matter. a re tcrt:iiDire(K:i aticr 1 $?StK:;e ?nouith to tcp di... It t.uid tte ndr r&int ttvj iwi.Lolo ii lim mtnirr. and oiut i!:e wav vt tlfljx tr.nnro lo Ihtte bo ar , already ent'tsiph rf. By nil .cei.. Cnd cut ail aiiout it. . It U rr u. H a tain;r. 1 r. . H. rcrrx. of 120 Lexikcto Mtrir, Knr Yohk. m ccn-u tcJ bj inr.litl.i et l tb e erd Abro wl. ta t.rsou and by litcr. f til ha tr d tfca ezixriciiot' of uvurlv a quxrtcr cln century tnthctnn iiuntof long n;a.l'i! rutt d fl rrhoJa eaei of crr ctamcur; Ltucc li tLHity to write praotk-af ni'.tbs for tto jiivaKd tcctier R!e cnauliatiun are n:ia t j the ick jv I tie : bcii'vliMlmini n4 .c rrr tit! iic tiitli tl.eekk all ovw rjic .jrltl .You. header, tx at lib- ftrtt to : Mitr..r the 1L- furhwr of I'kln I?om Tain and Kir-htal Corjinun K n. W riu to Lhn Bad ra will tx? Ptf:ti;! wlik lila omivcn f-fna. hsuevrr Mi'.if ill rccHvc litht 1 povtaet! ui)Lk. unU jirxto ir. r. tih t tnt-n ton 'ii lotii the covtor aixl fcia tm r.ioruil bvoi. Tbe i olt I lf. w Mvb fr Mrtfartwa' f. all w ho ivwl it. cun be I d ef neu:i, or of tlui pHblil'rra 'r. ct. J iiii(- rr.ca. tm niitdiiv.:. .'ZS, ui thr Frlirk cr (i. rnran Ujvu.tjre. l.ibmry b miinp, hi Fryiiab oiiry, fl..5. Sent by uiaJ, ptntKe jirppakl. on roortf-t rf tbe pri. A.hHy r!li tfce autbor: I linvc nfuTj fe!t that you r-ere f.Y j-by 1rtor of tbe wvrl from tbe fHt i-f yor wond'orfisl mc ai.d oiirfKU trinit." On resrtrr ay l . a k I . . . I. . k. . - .. .1 ... work -f t&r !. Ar.oUierrtra "1 Would npt renrh tbj KJilteC cvr d.ty. Coiit-i.t table frte. . STOnr: tlo by !. Fihtb. t:bD fdi !L. ti-.u. ' ft v.l. in 1, neatly bount-.. &J: iu air: vol, at SiVciId tl.VL acrdiiijj lo liiid4UK- Sci.t by Mail on rcctltt , ff jfH-r. J.t U-c (bint; for yiMi)Cpe4il& Con--til-' l-tlc frco. fif1 rublltatlom. V.'ecanfnr- SM T.tti a.l of I) ?vth a.l of ljr. Foot ycty.xut 4 ink- li:bi!urt!on iu Immi.u nad . Jiii- li:lit:urt!on iu ImmLu i iiiiu- I'ltbilcr ."Oi.IJ RVJ khidn-d ttTir. "MM.IJRlf5 MAtiiS iSKW,' U-li iiotv I.. r.-i5i'Oisi;M iu.lt l e m.tiarM. wtrtxrni b? !d'-f fUKtw r'lrd:c:n. Half a Qtll WB I.HW bl liltd Alm-.dr t -( okrt imi fi;r r..H uv IanTrn l,v J a valt rble moi!cr.ib f''T ikii- bo srv rfl?i JHJ vHb Jnp trv r 11. n.ia. "F.H nt. uif al I:troirTKT or lli-Asn t." relat k U;c it.J.i 1 l ir pHp bom rik'ht. -FinM'LxcrAi. :ArrjAB" piv.v. Uo l.i!t r ari'l o t.j air:r.!; tie Ir.wa rtt rrtii; j uDjHTaiiicntal rr?i4atUu. A stsp liAt K "u:rf reivwlotf 5nc.-i:dcta:c bri-j!tti' coiici-rwiaz the lrevcuiloa . f Cuji(.-p!i'.i. ' KnjfA7or.hKiK" or fim htmt U kii! wUU e bir J ita r:rfc.b:i;ty. "'i.ji.-r. i mnrch. vv-!. i..n m:l cifri.,' rtval-ewbb- io eiy iootT hi futrtte rj.j ff final! rli .ut u ( V kit." r;i-v. prcTfinioo uii ciire. 7.nr mie of Ibe ria.iniff Uim I bJctio.-r.i ix-oi uy m::. itace pre PHI INiMlrjitlon.: Mcwji! wp. ''y "lr.. i M'T'. H e J'uMirav .athe to t.t - tiu-.M c, i- srjmtmt -a. hi 1 it i t ' a i4irnl.ir HI T rTv;fJ ptu 1 ' " AGENTS 5, COf) g' AjPfifa ai jii.uMtAiiWi'y- ,j xi r tne fori.ylii' mW;f,ioi. :'ml alo eerTl oilia nobbtl'-d bv urt. il I".- Sf- v--. ai.i i.l forrwrtKrifcra. AfM'c-, for ie-.Bi.uif.!. r- rT 'v-'T-'"rr-J J '- I Carried i r f iwrle. F I ES 'riantUcfberdaub srf II J trs These Hand-A, - k U V ) Books arc not A&r 'toKZl AXCii:- vous . euii fruu r i tt VSv dcepfy Ucrriv.Z t be f nd all : Mc r.erwitM ur.mt. i: rOTIi 1 wVor ElTUElt 4 tii fr- coirc XaHAND-liUJES ftnt ri to j sUmp.N. V.PCo.;i:o;fud.iIa :- ) rTTTV f TaTiTirTf aTT.ir 'Trf A TnEUKESNEYLRKrCWJlBErorL-Hs ,ro Xrt m.ua m-rk.m S4 im4., irtairaA 1 MP IK will tbirk tui for- ! I inore genial and generous In ail its mother object FJCD. i uu"caml mlbiences, and - -more to plathv'tt in thcL j lcome visitoi tlian ever beiore in private tuttt.Hr-1' 1 l,u,,rl1 : , : : " ' ' " ? S i Lt lrt.t c rvtrtieular y and wfcicb contains tbe open ;r.ir chap- 1 fei $nJ'& clt:ii.'-ir.ents ; read witli eagr curiosity and Inter- f -.i.r 7 ri.it'ir i .aii4 miiti I ia send . a-checic Zttlttt:l&mTti ... "r v 4 ITT: "' : ' I ;? 5 A V UNRl VAf .V. D ILLUSTRATED J i HAGAZI.VE. 1 f , r T T T T f 12 f F t aiiaiumUier uoiiuav huhjuw w a'Trierdly tri:ic'8aid;of it vWe ati not lore lot tlatScribner has tonched tigiiwater mark. We do not see what worlds are Iett to it: to cenqoer." T But the publishers do not consider that they hare reached the ultima 'thole of excellenee--th;y - be lieve "there are other worlds to "con ijaer.andtbey popo3 to i conqaer .them- - ' - ' fiThe prospectus for the . new ? 61 nme gi-e tbetitlee of more than fifty papers (mostly illustratsd) i by: wri. tera of tj:efi Wgbeat- merit, uUndet - At FOREfGN TRAVEL,T; we bae A Wniter ton the Nile." by- Gen! McCIel lan ; Saunterin;jrs About CoiistJtnlinbple, Vy Cbpfles Pudl Waruer ; Out of My Windmr4 at Moscow, 'b I; u'-iene , ScluiV ler V An American in Turktatan.'etc. iThree serial stories are announced ; V l' ICIICLAS M I NTURN,' - By.Dr. Holland, the; Editor ; whose story of Svenoaks gave Ihe Injibeat satisfaction to j the readers . of the Monthly. '-The sceni of this -latest novel is laid on the banks of the Hudson. The hero is a h'ouus man . who hab been always tied to womau s aprori st rings, but who, by the death of b;s mother, is left alone in ' the world,--to' drift on the current of life.--with a fortune, but without a purpose. Another serial. His Inheri:ance; by !iss Trdfton, will begin on tbe completion of Tbat Lass o Lowrie's by Mrs. IIot2son Burnett. Mrs Bur nett's story, begun in August, has a pathos and; dramatic, power . wnich' have been a surprise to the public. There is tb .be a series of original and exq iisilely illustrattd papers of Popular Science by Mrs. ;Herrick, each pdpeV complete in itself, There - are to be.from Yiriouspens,; papers ou 1 jv HOME lFE AND TRAVEL." Also, pract ical '. suggestions as to town audcopnlry life, "villlage im provements, etc. by well-known spe cialists. . :Mr. Barnard's aiticles on various industries of Great liritian include the tiistorv of b'omo Experiments in Co-operation. A Scottish Loaf-Factory in the November number, and Toad Lane.--Rochdale, in December. Other papers are, The British Woikinginani Homo, A Natfon of Shopkeepers, Ha'penny a Week for. the Jhild, etc. . A richlj" illustrated series will be give?! on American Sports by Flood j and Field, by various writers, and i each on a dijfferent theme. The sub-' HOUSEHOLD ANI HOME bEf 6 RAT ION" will have a prominent place, whilst the latest productions of American humorists wdl appear from month, to month: The-list of shorter'.-stories, biographical and other sketches, etc., is a long one. , 1 T- , The oditoriai department will con- tinue to employ the ablest pens : i both at l.oJie and abroad. Tiicie will be a series of letters on literary mat Uers, from i London, by 34 r- Wei ford.' Tbe pnges ot the magiziiie will be open, a-s '.eretofore.'6o far as limjted space will: permit,' to . tbe. " discussion of all ti.ent-'affecting the social an( t t m Jm . . J lit . . , - - - , t lirut'an tlimL-crw anil Ci-I.rkl ra rw hi : .... v . . . mt - ii . . . . . ju. w count r. ' We mean to make the magazine f mcs of rfdincuio.it and cidti . TIFI'EEX 'MO."TIIt for $4. c.i. ... n . ctdture. .i kivirri ii 'i ea in i mm r mi imv 1 Perhaps no more readable num- ber of this magazine has et hpen ; a v in.. .i.. v . . num. iuuiuree namocrs oi r cni) itr for AngoAt, September Aod (to- ler' Cont,linln5 opening chapters j o: l,al Ms o'Lowue'a, will be eiv ! en to every new subscriber (who re- ,:t:et itA, antl wbo - .i. lt begins with the present volume. 1. e.. 'ilh - ovemtr camber. , Subscriptioi; price, $ yycarS5 .; cnt a nnmber. A5Tpt-cia1 terms on !.; 1 t ... ' . V. .. ,. . .. LKJUHU VOIUIUe. UOfcCnOC WUU tUC or V. O. monrt onfer to Scribner A, iCo 7 IS Broadway. N. Y; J w . . ........... i sweeter and nnrer - hbber nnd nobler it. j - - 1 ! " : t . ' i p - A i . . r.i i f ! t ? '-Fresh jTom ftwaaflw y 1 Kotloas, ! : : Hat Ttootf, r ir f- ri V-' fHt-nOii - ,t. HEW TO THE LIS Lsri'niE Ktridtly Repu')licaf wo dollars a in connerstioa vi mr - a fc!i t'ai o fl pr spared to furnish: EVERY Legal blanks 4r a'l tle; ri()ti3n. Letter L&We will dnplicste any job C T. C. I THE NEW Mi mm THE LIGHTEST -RUHNIMG v,"(th oar titt..il.. I ' The cooctrm -6ci of jtM raLh t4 is Ta n hit n ri rn t n h L'r . ( ii ar. e I rr .. .- r i rfJaT I ar . a a M'-m - - , -sr. i m . i ic m, :' - C -C t 'YT i ?J?l ' ,- 'til fc 5x.--J t- , A ? r i.At,. '..;Tnt v t .. 7 ' 'i OwlrtkZ) aacnUtmy aniKl tiA, Vav-4'ap.M;y ' .;" FASHION H" tifc tCen? 3 be bV Caea: fa 3 Mtftre. teiea al ajveae sad r-rd. w re tw -J- 'i rrru !-r ' ' . ' Ti avert dfWMnakif, 0r axe Mmti . Us. adU. " h ' DOMESTIC SEVING MACIiinfi CO. tlic fir aU .1 .T Market I ! KAJ ' 1 ' . . .iii"? I j ...... p .... . . 1 JOV x t e'w Hard wart, 2T --. V - - QtieensTrsre, -1 c2 , 1 !. 1 ? ciitps ;Lij wax rE nisr ur t i i iji SA f,URD; i 1 .. f - ; ' . 'i - J ,!j L ' . : I ! ! " . NT, N. CV . rKRMh :. 'nar in id vance 'u a 11 -si :l.ii!i job pro j, a:i I rt ar Ilea Is, Bill 'IIs o3ters, . Circulars. VinitinC.ir.lsj' Business f ar- is. j unices bunxs. fc -s.i oquo in t ho; State. DKAK Ediior. i ? f . ; I' A DoubV Thread jr. J . r Lock-Slihh riACii:;: ... ii . . -; ; rtli i :r It - t'"5 fr V! '''' .1 f .. a e - ; s 131-. ;.? - u'-r .s-.tv.c.'L'tsir:. 1 f f t 'Ww 4 I W r f . .. v A - r 4-wts a ' :4 ---r I IVciv York Wncl Ol:!4 iio. '?: i . . i t 1