V 1 ' Volume i. LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. HELVIN OASDMEE-City ; Editor., Mrs. Frank Thornton, accom panied bj her neice,'Miss Panline left on the Shortcut yesterday morn-1 ing for an extensive trip jin the -eastern part of the State, j Messrs. George Overbaugh, Alex. Fairley, E L Peniberton, W C Mc Duffie, Jr.. J W Morris, W H Pern berton and Jack Prior, left yester day morning to attend the "Exposi tion at Richmond, i The Democratic flag was raised in Red Bone last night before a .large and enthusiastic assembly. Ve go to press to early to-night to i give the particulars, but will do so in our next issue.. The days are becoming much 'Shorter and soon rude winter's stormy blast will be upon us. Brush .r-. r. . mi-----! , y,n rnnJ snnnlr nf Pain Killer antt a p -rr-.. . mo- asses ior cne meviiauie uo.a "j- Manv of the ased excursi spent yesterday; and last n v. olfir Wp have se ttiU Isi-VJ . excursions in our j i . one more - "-and homelike. rVUTT "fnnlr . th t with com- Mr. Wm. Killett, express messen ger on the Short Cut, and Miss Lula Brown, were united in the holy bonds of wedlock last nights The ceremony was very quiet after which the groom and bride took apartments at the Hotel LiFayette Badly Burned. Three little bovs. two of Mr. i , Martin, Rouse's and one of Mr. N. Ingram, were very badly burned yesterday evening while j playing blindfold arround a shaving fire in front of Capt. Green's residence on Person Strert. They were Very badly burned about the j face and eyes but not seriously. ! Yellow Fever. :- ' !.'. - Jacksonville, Fla., Oct. 17.-Dr. Neal Mitchell, President of the Board of Health, issued the follow ing official bulleton for the twenty four hours ending at C p. m., to day: ' New cases, 59; deaths, 2. Total cases to date. 3,G27; total deaths, 318. Deaths -Ed ward Bell colored; Theresa, daughter, of Capt. W. C. Cooper, of Springfield, a su burb. , ; Decatur Ala., Oct. 17. Theie were three cases of yellow fever to clay, all colored. No deaths. Montgomery, Ala., Oct. 17. Montgomery has removed her quarantine regulations against all j points in Alabama, except! Decatur; j and against Jackson, Miss. I If Hrht in W Tt in! h f&TL many but never m. hi i x. 1 I I I i .y i EV ERY M O RN I NG FAYETTEVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY CONTRIBUTED.' . Mr. Editor: Heretofore " the custom has been to give after each ball a full and complete description of the costumes of the attendant young ladies, and in every instance the young men were shamefully ignored. While we uphold and admire describing the fair ones, we believe in devoting an occasional paragraph to the benefit of the sterner sex, and think that the fol lowing unique and tasteful costumes at the rooms of the Belmont Ger man Club last Tuesday evening deserve special mention: ; Maj. James Railroad Williams Elegant dress coat of pink cretonne trimmed with freight receipts, and condensed schedules, skin tight pants of turkey red chintz, coral jewelry. Very graceful in the polka. Andrew Cotton Broadfoot Tasteful cutaway of pine-stiaw bagging, artistically trimmed with Frank LctJger MyroverBeauti- ful cujway of bill heads trimmed "ritTT monthly statements. Very piquante and vivacious. Samuel Millstone Strange Ele gantly apparelled in tailor made sack suit of meal bags, hair and mustache powdered with Merchant Mills best bolted. Quite a bell. j j Kirkland Dress Goods Huske Artistically arrayed in English Fob of turkish bath towels' trimmed with picot edged ribbons, "Special Bargains'1 embroidered in back. Absolutely charming. John Necktie Strange fantas tically decorated in seymore coat of goblin terra cotta, silk i warp Hen rietta, trimmed with - braid sets, chrocheted slippers. A sweet youth. . Leigh ton Potted Ham Huske Well made dress suit of ham covers trimmed with empty sardine boxes and oyster cans, a .subtile purfume of bologna sausage. Modest and shy. , ' , . i James Auditor Moore Tasteful suit of tobacco stamps, festooned with fine cut. Graceful on a bench. Elijah Bank Moore Grotesquely gotten up in dress suit of $5 bills trimmed .with silver certificates and N. Y. Exchanges. Buttons of 20 gold pieces. Very, very swell. James Weigher Moore Jute bag ging fatigue suit, jewelry, badges. Charming and much sought after1. Joseph Margurite Starr Gut away suit of sheet music, ice trim-J raings. Very languid and aesthetic. Beauregard Crockery Tilliiighasl Superb dress suit of brown paper trimmed with glassware and pocket cutlery. Gas pipe trousers. Harry Postalcard Smith Elegant ly encased in home made Princ Albert of postal notes, mail bag trousers. Enchanting. . t j 7 f 1 - V-v , . .... mm ii. ii ii ii ii vUyAy .V' John Pegsetter "yjlliairs Drses suit of tept cloth, embroidered with bench marks; -Triers of profile paper a la transit rod. Mock 'ad mired. A - John Stump Thompson Stun ningly arrayed in -faring Overcoat of coffee sacking, embroidered with old gold banana peel and raw oys ter?. Recherche and popular, Dan Plowpoint Huske Sack suit of sole leather, inlftid with horse shoe nails. . Lr . Corporal Government Myrover Dress coat of returned love letters embroidered with lottery tickets. Pants cut a la cArfuet wickets. Graceful undulating carriage Samuel Knickerbocker MacRae ; Dress coat of mapping paper, tnnt-med- with, typhoid m fever perscrip tions. Collaret and pants to match. Leggins and cheap jewhlry. Yours Trp? , Ax Ex'fl Witness. Personal Mention. jur. Xj. r. rovers. letc vesteraa for Maxon. J fii Mr. J. W. Read ? of Baltimore Md. is the city. f Mr. W. H. Gilbert of Wilming ton is in the city. Mr. F. J. Redgeby, of Baltimore Md. is in the city. i Mrs. Williams left yesterday even ing for Red Springs. Mrs. J. J. Peoples left yesterday evening for Cheraw S. C. Rev. R. T. Gray and wife left yesterday morning for Manchester. Mr. R. M. Pearsal, of Dunn was registered at the Overbaugh House, yesterday. 1 . Mr. J.' J. Whaley leaves this morning for Raleigh to .atteird the State Fair. Mr. J. P. Thames, of the firm of Thames Bros., in Dunn was in the city yesterday., .Mr. W H Hall, of Shannon, was in the city yesterday and paid his respects to the Journal. Mrs. A . Livingston arived from Florida yesterday morning and reg istered at the Hotel LaFayette.' Mr. G. W. Lawrence, Secretarv cf Cumberland County j Agricultural I Society, left yesterday morniiig for Raleigh. . 1 ' Hon. Knox Livingston, wife and children, of Benneltsvil!e arrived in the city yesterday rooming and registered at the Hotel LaFayette. Protracted. meeting commenced a the Methodist church Sunday night Very much interest v being mani fested although nc conversions have been made as ye . - . . . - i r i i 'I CEPT MONDAY. OCTOBER 18, , 1888. FAY ETTE V1LLE MARKET. ' corrected by A. E. RANKIN & CO. N.C. 1IAC0X Flint, Good, . 10-1 Damaged, -l0 Dry Salt, 9 Green, " 41-2 Irox : . American, Swedes, 6-1 Lard ' . N. Carolina 10 Western, 19 Lxathkr Upper, 55- Sole, 25-4 Molasses 25-33 Nails - lOds, 2-5n Salt 1 xn . SCO AltS , Coffee, 7X-8 Granulated, 74-lo Shketixgs 1 Shucks - 50 COKN WlIISKT, 3 53 RYKWniSKY, 2 55 APPLE ltUAXDT. a 25 1'KACn ItRANnT. S 75 Hob Round, 10-10V4 Hams, 13' Sides. 10 ! W. Bulk Mkam . : Shoulders, 9Ji Bides, 81 Haras. 15-1754 i Bagoino 12 UOFFKE I Java, 25 RIO. 17 1-CO20 Cotton Yaxln 85 Cotton Ties 1 25, Fixcn . . I N.C. Fam. 5 00-0 00 West. Fam. 400-6 oo KODUKlt SO Gkaix i I Corn, , bo Oats, ' M 'Rye, I 00 Hay : . " : i N.CarollnA .0 . Northern. . ' . 5 HlDKS - FR U IT ARRIVALS AT THE ONIY FRUIT STORE "IN TH& CITY, Apples, 25ctstrg'tsj,r pk. Onions, 30 30 vJ.vper pk., !P3S2ctst to 15 cts. per he;id Bananas, 30 cts, to 40 cts, per doz We Always Fit The Price To Suit The Public. , Thanking the public for past favors and asking a coniinuance" of the same, We remain respectfully. No. 55 Hay Street. Fayctteville. N.a Oct. 13th. 1PS8 f lm New Books! New Booksl! !i 1 Jat- " Pemberton's Book Store. QUICK or THE DEAD, and HEROD and MARIA MNE, (her latest,) Ky.AMKLIE BlVES. THE HON. MI13. VEREKA, I By The buciiEss. TOUND YET LOST. 13y EJ P. Roe. CRUCIFY HER, ! A Splended New Novel, Cy Ramsey! Morris. At A,M. PEMBERTON CO.S Bep-19 tf ; New JJook Store. . m Will 8. iSheetz, Merchandise Brok er!and Com mission Merchant. . , Consignments of Country Produce promptly and carefully attended to. Koom. No. 7P Thornton Block, sep20tf ! Fayctteville, N. C i i NO. 96 LARGE' SHIPMENT ' OF i DRY GOODS. . JUST "RECEIVED. very small advance for And wiu be put ori our counters at a We take great pleasure in calling the attention of our friends and i patrons to our Pall aadWinter.-Stock;- all over the Store In Every Deyattraent. J . - "J - DRESS GOODS, Our stack of Dress Goods is complete antf we have some decided barr,5"q OODS, wo imported direct from the French Manufao- turers ourselves. Will j have a line of samp'es I especially for your inspection just . - . cill and look i them 4 . ' , j over. I VELVETS In Plain, Stripe, Cut and Fancy, foi Trimmings, from Julius Samsons Stock, from 35 cts , to 75 cts. FEATHERS, We will oiler some long Plumes' for S1.50, the regular price of which was $6.00. I J ust see for yourselves. LADIES GENTS AND f CHILDREN'S . WINTER UNDER WEAE. We can show some very surprising Bargains In this Department. Bought away in the summer season as part of i the sanisou Stock. Blankets" and Com j lor tables Wo made all our purchases awav in the Summer and are prepared to get away with any quotations you have hoard. Make no mistake about that. Wo al ways do just as we say. NAINSOOK CHECKS. t Abig assortment just received, aK ways desirable. CLOAKS, DLSTEES, HEWHARKETS I AND JACKETS. "WeHvould just state in regard to this department, that early ic the Season we made our reguhir purchases. Next a very decided bargain came up the price for cash so low, that we were in fact forced to buy them also, which gave us more than twice the usnal size sock to start, out. The Samson" Stock next contained a Large Lot which really : makes our stock over three times its usual size. You can rely we bought two of the stocks at a big sac rifice and we shall most certainly give our patrons the benefit of such pur chases. e have the goode -that we adver tise, call and see for yourself. BBOT7H d BQDDIGIi, 27 Hay - Street. Oct, n, is3s lvk, BSOWI RODDICK CASH J w JMJk-K A. AJ X. T A. 4 V A.